'I" H MICHIGAN DAILY WEDNESDAY, NOV, 10, 1037 .. s a m~m.:ss: anx :w. _THE M TTTTIT. A N fl3-..: .-dLY WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 12$? 1 ___. r THE MICHIGAN DAILY A Concerted Fascist Action.. . 0 +/ f II Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications, Published every morning' except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $400; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL AV " ..,, NationalAdvertisingService, inc. College Publishers Reresentative 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors PdlANAUNG EDITOR...........JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR .. ........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ...................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller - Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Badauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and VirginiaVoor- bees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINES MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Maal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR:. JOSEPH GIES The editorials published in The Michigan Daily are written by members of the Daily staff and, represent the views of the writers only. Revolution In The Medical Profession. . HE HEALTH of the people is a direct T concern of the government" and a "national health policy directed towards all groups of the population should be formulated." With these convictions, more than 400 insurgent doctors made public Saturday that they were sympathetic to socialized medicine. In so doing they expressed their opposition to the House of Delegates of the American Medical Association,, ruling body of America's organized medical pro- fession. Among the principles for which they are stand- ing. besides those quoted above, is "That in the provision of adequate medical care for the pop- ulation four agencies are concerned: voluntary agencies, local, state and federal governments." Many of the signers are internationally-known physicians among them a Nobel Prize winner, Dr. George R. Minot of Harvard. Two members of the medical school faculty are signers, Dr. Fred- erick A. Coller, director of surgery of the Uni- versity Hospital, and Prof. Carl Weller of the pathology department. There are indications that this open defiance among the more promi- nent members of the profession is spreading among many of the rank and file of American physicians. The significance of thIs declaration is that de- spite the categorical refusal of the A.M.A. to con- sider the above mentioned principles in its con- vention last June, American physicians do not feel bound by the policies of that body. The pro- posals that are offered with these principles as their basis are essentially that government funds should be allocated to aid medical research, hos- pitals caring for the medically indigent, medical education, and private institutions to the largest possible extent so long as their service is in con- sonance with the above principles. "The imme- diate problem," according to the proposals, "is provision of medical care for the medically indi- gent, the cost to be met from public funds (local and.'or state and/or federal)." The present insurrection on the part of the signers of the "medical declaration of inde- pendence" is the outgrowth of the report pub- lished last April by the American Foundation, established by Edward Bok, on the state of med- icine in the United States. There is opposition, of course. Staunchest op-j ponent, perhaps because he is the most articulate, is redoubtable Morris Fishbein who edits the Journal of the American Medical Association. Mr. Fishbein criticizes the principles and pro- posals because he feels they will lead to control of medical schools and the standards thereof by the federal government which would "put the government right into the practice of medicine." This has been denied by the numerous signers of the statement who are connected with medical schools and declare that they propose no such " HE FIRST FASCIST International" Irecently consummated by the Ger- man - Japanese - Italian anti-communist pact makes fascism more of a world menace today than ever before. This three-power agreement introduces into fascist politics the weapon of agitation inside other countries. The fascists openly declare that they will consider it their duty to fight com- munism should it appear anywhere in the world. According to fascist philosophy, liberalism and democracy are incipient communism. The state- dominated German press has repeatedly referred to the Popular Front gvernment of France as communistic. It has even flung red herrings at England and the United States. When Herr Boella recently told Germans all over the world to spread Nazi culture and propa- ganda in whatever country they happened to reside, popular opinion in America became so in- dignant that the State Department sent a blunt note to Berlin expressing this country's official protest. The same procedure emanated from Washington last spring when the Communist International reiterated its program of world revolution. The State Department should lodge its official disapproval of this concerted assault on democ- racy by the fascists. Elliot Maraniss. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI EDITORIAL We think that the bananas at Joseph the Grecian's Fruite Stande are lousy. His persim- mons are the worst in East St. Louis and his grapes are far from succulent. Not only that but we wish Joseph the Grecian would wash his hands at least three times a month and scrape some of the drippings from his mustachios. What's more many of Joseph the Grecian's herbaceous plants, notably the apples, are of a decidedly pink color and we think that no 100 per cent East St. Louis, 100 per cent Illinoisian, 100 per cent American should purchase his herbaceous plants at Joseph the Grecian's. We think, also that Joseph the Grecian is just a misdirected squirt from a pomelo. (Signed) Benjamin D'Israeli, Earl of Beaconsfield. * * * * EDITORIAL Or, The Wednesday Morning Waterboy Only yesterday we were thrilled to pieces. We ! saw a thrilling game of jacks. Our team was pretty lousy for four and a half hours and the other team had eighteen passes in a row before they finally threw a little sevensy-wensy. It looked bad for our team but our team finally managed to get the ball really bouncing and in three chukkers of slashing, really bouncy-wouncy jack playing they won, thanks to thirteen Julius the Street Boys, twenty-two Nick Carters, sixty- seven Buffalo Bills (all of low denominations), eighty-nine Hairbreadth Harrys and a hundred and four Scotch-and-sodas. Mr. Franklin D. gloosevelt wouldn't allow the three hundred and forty-nine forgotten men who were sitting on the bench to go into the game, however, as he was saving them for the 1940 wild goose chasing season.t (Signed) T. Frock Merrihell, Sale 49c. EDITORIAL OR, ARCANUM I know what runs the universe, And why a planet spins; I know the purpose of a flea, i And how a rose begins. My eyes have seen the infinite, And comprehended man: His frailties amuse me, for I understand his plan. The knowledge of the mortal realm Is cakes and ale to me; And I am just as intimate With immortality. I know the beetle's mating-call, The love-life of the bats, And yet remains the endless quest: Where do professors buy their hats? (Signed) Kit, A Sports Czar Formulation of a new Intercollegiate Athletic League under one executive comes as a pleasing development in the arena of amateur sport. Al- though complete plans for the project have not been revealed, its principles are most praise- worthy. With the growth of its scope and in- fluence, the league is sure to make its benefits universally felt. Rules of eligibility have long been a sore spot of contention among colleges. To standardize as much as possible the eligibility requirements of member schools will be one of the league's first jobs. Appointment of officials for contests will be another of its duties. Administration of these things will be entrusted to Asa Bushnell, former graduate manager of athletics at Princeton and newly-appointed "czar"- of th athletic set-up. Under his direc- tion, the league should realize its potentialities. -Daily Pennsylvanian. I/ fecins io Me Heywood Brou n Shortly before the Republican convention of 1936 a newspaper associate was assailing Roy Roberts of the Kansas City Star. "Roy," he com- plained, "you're up here booming a man named Landon for Presndent. When I saw you about six months ago the best you could say about him was that you thought he might be good Vice Presi- dential timber." Sure," said Roy, "but I found out later that the only timber we Republicans have is Vice Presidential." That sad estate of the G.O.P. has been materially bettered by the last election. Just how deep the actual voting gains may have been remains a matter of controversy and conjecture, but there is no getting away from the fact that the Republicans picked themselves up quite an armful of timber. Indeed, if anybody will lay me two to one and give me permission to choose three men I'll bet my shirt that I can name the next Republican nominee for President. I will name Fiorello La Guardia, Thomas E. Dewey and Bruce Barton. To be sure, I am getting out on a limb by putting all my eggs into a New York basket, but I believe that the G.O.P. has had its fill of sun- flowers, and will be actuated by a nostalgia for a boy from the big town. Republican success in 1940 must be based on a drive to cut into the Democratic labor support. All Members Of This Club In the matter of actual achievement La Guar- dia, beyond argument, is the strongest candidate the Republicans could pick. Whether he is ac-j tually a Republican or not is somewhat academic.j He has at least used the label, and twice he hasI captured a Democratic stronghold. That goes' into the realm of political miracles. Some of the present leaders of the party would rather lose the election than win with La Guardia. But the present leadership is discredited. Hamilton, Lan- don and Hoover will not be powerful in the next convention. If I hazard the opinion that La Guardia might pull in his progressive horns a little and meet the right wing of his party one-third of the way I may be unjust. Except for his indorsement of Harvey, the Mayor of New York has a consistent record as a liberal. Although he is known as a New Deal supporter he could hardly be accused of ingratitude if he ran against Roosevelt, since men as close to the President as Farley and Wag- ner worked against him in the last campaign. And Governor Lehman used to be close to the President. Fiorello La Guardia could, in all consistency, fight Roosevelt on the court issue, on Black and on the basis of bringing a "business adminis- tration" to Washington. The Conservatives' Candidate I imagine that most Republicans would much prefer Dewey as the national standard bearer, but he must first cross one more hurdle. He will have to get himself elected Governor of New York in order to be prominent in the 1940 na- tional picture. Thomas E. Dewey is a mystery man as far as national politics go. He is a Re- publican, but that tag can cover a multitude of sins or virtues. Naturally he did not mention nation-wide problems when he was running for District Attorney. Is he in the larger political field a progressive, a middle of the roader or a conservative? Nobody knows. Bruce Barton, of course, would be welcome to the Landonites, the Hooverites and the Coolidg- ites. He would be definitely a highly conserva- tive candidate. And he, too, will have to go at least one more round to qualify. But he would not have to move out of his district. He could keep himelf in play if he is able to get re-elected to Congress again from the Seventeenth in 1938. But the next time the Democrats and the Amer-1 ican Labor party ought to be shrewd enough to fuse against him. MUSIC DAILY OFFIC By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Publication in the Bulletin is co wversity. Copy reoeived at the o4 Cleveland Symphony w ,." :so; !lou am. on Saturday. THE CLEVELAND SYMPHONY,! perhaps the most promising of WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1937 the younger American orchestras, VOL. XLVII . No. 39 presented the second Choral Union' epreente t e secon ho 1 d Student Teas: President and Mrs. concert of the season in Hill Audi-! uetTa:PeietadMs torium last night, with Dr.Artur Rod- Ruthven will be at home to students zinski conducting. today from 4 to 6 p.m. The evening opened vigorously with Faculty, College of Engineering: a lusty performance of the Prelude to Wagner's Die Meistersinger. While There will be a meeting of the fac- adjusting itself to the sometimes mis- ulty on Thursday, Nov. 11 at 4:15 leading acoustics of the great hall, p.m., in Room 348 West Engineering the Orchestra played with great Building. -Changes in curricula for power, precision, and variety of ex- Municipal engineering, Transporta- pression in bringing out the con- tion, Civil Engineering, and Mathe- trasting elements in the dramatic matics will be considered. Prelude.E The Mozart Symphony in G minol.j ho TTniiTn -aif:. 72 ... .. . ..F A....,. .t which followed was presented with a L uiversity ureau of Appoint-! which foloe wsh prsend wih a- ments and Occupational Information' warmth of style which paid full at- will be open to registration Tuesday tention to the Symphony's unmis- through Friday of this week, Nov. 9- takable leanings toward the ro- 12 inclusive. Bianks may be obtained mantic. A somewhat faster tempo at the office, 201 Mason Hall, hours: might have given the first movement 9-12 and 2-4. Both seniors and more vitality, but the finale was graduate students, as well as staff played with a redeeming spiritedness members, are eligible for the services which prevented the work from be- of the Bureau, and may registerin coming lengthy. The slow move-ft ment, with its radiant harmonies and 'the Teaching Division or in the Gen- delicious instrumental contrasts, was eral Division, which includes regis- treated with deep, even fond, expres-ration for all positions other than siveness. Again balance was provid4 teachng. February, June and Aug- ed, in the energetic Menuetto-which ust graduates are urged to register is triply unlike the general run of! now, as this is the only general reg- minuets, by virtue of its three-mea- istration to be held during the year sure phrases, minor mode, and robust and positions are already coming in vigor, for next year. The mighty and concluding Brahms There is no charge for this service, First Symphony, in C minor, was but after this week all students tak-, likewise executed with a surpassing ing out blanks are subject to pay- technique, genuine depth of expres- ment of $1. sion, and the true and hearty Brahms spirit. But here also, perhaps less To The Householders: Effective than in the preceding selections, was Monday, Nov. 15, the rate of pay- noticed the chief lack of the Or- ment for all odd jobs, such as house- chestra's playing during the evening cleaning, yard and garden work, will -an indefinable element of "fire" or be 40 cents an hour. vitality which has nothing to do with J. A. Bursley, technique nor even with ordinary "ex- Dean of Students. pressive" playing, but which makes all the difference between an excel- R.O.T.C. Uniforms will be issued be- lent performance and a great one. tween the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 The C Minor was played excellently p.m. today. and very movingly, particularly in the exultant Finale, where the torrential A cademic Ntices power of the music carries all beforeii it. But it did not seem to have been History 47: Midsemester, Nov. 11, spontaneously re-created. 110 a.m., Sections I, II, III, in Room C, Such sublimely inspired perform- Haven Hall. Sections IV, V, VI, in ances, however, are not for every or- Room 103 Romance Languages. chestra or for every performance, and! the Cleveland Orchestra gave a su- Political Science 107, 10 o'clock sec-R perior rendition of a great program tion, will meet in Room G Haven --a program which, nevertheless, in Hall for the examination today. spite of its intrinsic excellence, was Howard B. Calderwood. disappointing to those many who feel[ ha istigorhetasshudecg that vis in orchestras shouldh reog- nize Ann Arbor's relatively highde- Concerts gree of musical sophistication by! Organ Recital. Dr. William Doty, playingyat least some of the less-, organist, will give a recital on the hackneyed works which we are given Frieze Memorial Organ in Hill Audi- few opportunities to hear, and who torium this afternoon at 4:15 p.m., to would like to have heard Dr. Rod- which the general public, with the ex-f zinski do some of the modern, per- haps Russian, compositions which are ception of small children, is invited. his especial forte.I IAL BULLETIN nstructive notice to all members o the Me" o the AAtaat to the prsde McCandlish Lithograph. Corporation and including some of their posters done in modern style, also a large 24- sheet poster lithographed by them for the Ford Motor Co. and winner of the Kerwin H. Fulton Award for the best { poster design of the year. Ground floor exhibition cases and third floor exhibition room, Architectural Bldg. Open daily, 9 to 5 except Sunday, un- til further notice. The public is in- vited. Exhibition, College of Architecture: Competition drawings for the Ryer- son Scholarship offered by the Lake Forest Foundation for Architecture and Landscape Architecture. Partici- pating schools: Universities of Il- linois, Ohio State, Cincinnati, Michi- gan, Armour Institute, Iowa State College. Open daily except Sunday, 9 to 5, through Nov. 14, third floor exhibition room, Architectural Bldg. The public is invited. Lectures Public Lecture: ."Islamic Art in Spain" illustrated lecture by Prof. ga-Og.Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Monday, Nov. 15, Alumni Memorial Hall, Room D, 4:15 p.m. The lecture on "Modern Egypt" by Mr. Enoch Peterson sched- uled for this date will be announced later. Events Today University Broadcast 3-3:30 p.m.. Instruction in Diction and Pronun- ciation by Prof. G. E. Densmore. Seminar in Physical Chemistry will meet in Room 122, Chemistry Bldg., today at 4:15 p.m. Miss Gretchen Mueller will talk on "Relations be- tween latent image, phosphorescence and photoconductivity." Chemical and Metallurgical En- gineering Seminar: Mr. F. D. Parker will be the speaker at the Seminar for graduate students in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering today at 4 o'clock in Room 3201 E. Eng. Bldg. His subject will be "Computa- tions for the Number of Plates in Gas and Gasoline Fractionating Col- umns." Junior A.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting. Professor Jean Paul Slusser of the College of Architecture will speak on "The Design Approach to Modern Crafts" at the monthly dinner meet- ing today at 6:15 p.m. in the League. Luncheon for Graduate Students today at 12 noon in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Build- ing. Cafeteria service. Bring tray across the hall. Dr. John W. Stanton of the history department will speak informally on "The Present Situation in the Far East." Young Men Exhibitions Exhibition, Architectural Building: In collaboration with the School of Business Administration, a collection t Mr. Maurice J. Tobin, Mayor-elect of European posters loaned by the The Garden Sectiont of Boston at the age of 36, has had his Women's Club will me picture in most of the newspapers as p.m. at the home of Mrs something of an infant prodigy. But RA D IO 2101 Belmont, corner o: he is a year older than Thomas E. School of Dentistry A Dewey, already a national figure be- pmhodayinthDentisryA fore the election and today much p.m .today in the Dent more of one. At 55 Mayor LaGuardia By JAMES MUDGE phitheatre. Address: (like President Roosevelt) is usually Air Lines: Benny Goodman, his Stanton "Where is Rus thought of as rather on the youngish clarinet and his band are given a spot Athena: All women side for high public office; but the in the Warner Bros.' Hollywood Hotel belonging to this honor two ms pawerful and mot rep o -flicker. Drummer Krupa gets plenty ganization report to Po sible offices, atrhson ntegv ernment of New York will now be of the spot incidentally . . . Rose- floor, Angell Hall ton filled by a Comptroller who is 36 and mary Lane will soon marry the press- prepared to give a a President of the Council who is 35. agent of Fred Waring's bane. The speech on any subject. By comparison, A. A. Berle, jr., now bright Waring also still holds a con- La Sociedad Hispani 42, is an elder statesman-and in- tract over the pretty heads of the! League. All interested cidentally, still one of the ablest minds sh in the administration. Lane sisters-but they are not ap- sip invited to be pres TOBIN FOLLOWS pearing with the band on its present Sphinx: Noon today, HER ABTLDGJ.stage tour. Commercial Horace Heidt SpixNontdy HENRY CABOT LODGE. JR. has found a new scheme to make er: Wally Hook "Why Mr. Tobin's achievement in defeat- more people buy Alemite-by listen- Rapids High is Such ing Massachusetts' celebrated elder ing to his band. Each week he will School." in thibad Eahweheil of the Faculty et today at 3 . F. B. Fralick, f Melrose Ave. Assembly: 4:15 al School Am- Dr. John W. sia Going." interested in ary speech or- rtia room, 4th night at 7:30 three-minute ca: 7:30 p.m., d in member- ent. Union. Speak- y East Grand a Good High Up to now I have been speaking in terms, of speculation and not of emotion. I think the 1940 race will be between LaGuardia and Roose- velt. But aside from a mercenary desire to win bets on this long range prediction I expect that my own impulses will carry me along with Frank- lin i'ather than Fiorello. Run: 4 THE FORUM S I I A Clarification S3 To the Editor: Your reporter who talked with me about the janitor's union not long ago failed to quite understand one of my statements. He quoted me as saying "We don't like the higher ups." What I meant to say and thought I said was "We don't like a union which makes friends with the higher-ups." ' present an unknown and the response merely repeated that of Henry Cabot of the air audience will be the deter- Hillel Foundation: 8 p.m. Prof. Na- Lodge, jr., who beat Mr. Curley last fact to the pf than T. Isaacs of Harvard "Study As year to become, at 34, a United States future of each performer. A Mode of Worship." This will sub- Senator and one of the most capable Thetstitute for Thursday's classes which on the Republican side. The rather Twntryouts willw held before the will not meet until next week. sad case of Senator Rush Holt does sw anky supper-show crowds in the ~ad aseof Snatr Rsh Hlt oesBiltmore . . Tony Wons, in his scrap- suggest that men may reach high book seiies on CBS defnes the University Girls' Glee Club: 7:15 office too soon; but one may offset it "kicker." "Terre are three kinds of tonight, League. Members please be by the example of the younger Sena- kickers: mules, shotguns and men. present and stay for 'party' after- tor La Follette, elected at 30, and his Tkcermulesk oecus a en.'wards. brother, who became Governor of The mules kick because they are born Wisconsin at 34. 'And these are that way; the shotguns because it Radio Club meets today in Room onywas built that way; and men because! adoCbmettdyinRm among the younger of the "young" lts auight grand mtn bycthe 302 of the Union at 7:30 p.m. Several men who, coming to national prom- Coti t granted to them by the amateur radio stations will be visited. inence and responsibility in the last Radio n few years of change and turmoil, re- Radio and Hollywood are getting Crop and Saddle Ride: Members mind us that the founding fathers to be more ynonomougaevery day will meet at 5 p.m. this afternoon at probably meant it when they held aI When the air lanes began to cut a Barbour Gymnasium. All those wishi- man old enough to be President at 35,swath in movie ranks, the film moguls ing to go will please call 7418. Those Senator at 30 and Representative became a bit restless in their chairs riding for the first time this year are within four years of attaining his and were a little stumped as to what i reminded that they must have had a majority. methods to use to fight the air. Radio medical recheck this semester. PRESENCE OF YOUTH talent scouts were "finding" great P R E S N C E O F Y U T Ht al n t a d t k i n g it r o m u n d e r th e A HELPFUL SIGN tand takig it from League Dancing Classes: Beginners The emergence of young" men to- noses of the flicker czars. Headliners and Intermediate classes will not be The merenc of"yong"mento-of the air were getting huge pay held this evening due to the concert. day is a good thing. If it is a sign checks and the work was more on the a break-up in old, comfortable rou- down beat than was movie labor. The . tines, it is also a commentary upon machinery of the Coast went into high Comin g Events the tendency of the times to swaddle gear and soon the movie big guns men in long years of theoretical edu- ga n ontemvebggn Faculty Women's Club: Song re- metin, inlgyearsniog therel eu- wsvere booming. Instead of radio hir- cital by Hardin Van Duersen in the cation, finally turning them out as ing movie stars, Hollywood hired its Michigan League Ballroom, Wednes- fledglings upon the world at an age own stars for radio. day, Nov. 17 at 3:15 p.m. when their forefathers were likely to D~leto rmtcso n have had their life's work well on its DeMille took a dramatic show and put it on the peak of success, hit A.S.M.ES. Meeting: Thursday, Nov. way to the doing. All vital times pro- I uPCfnmrn n nninfnn arsi11 a q -A n+aT~nTX a I want to make this correction for thf reason that there are many who are higher in the uni- versity ranks than myself whom I like very much. But there are others-well when one hears, for instance, that the superintendent of his depart- ment of semi-paupers receives a greater salary than the governor of the state, such information is certainly not conducive to love and fellowship. And when that same dignitary tells one, with a i -,-----,- ----4 -. tnes.L'J. ~.1i iL1lla ioauuL'JLonWere].1. ii, acI .;o pL.mI. Uin tie UI :ull. m~r.