The Weather Fair and warmer today; to- morrow partly cloudy, colder. P, ---"Nlmmlmw 01kigant~i~ flatt Editorials Revolution In The Medical Profession . . A Concerted Fascist Action ... VOL .XLVUI. No. 39 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 10, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS _ __ x -__ ___-_ __ _ - ___ .-__- Litvinoff Leaves Brussels Rader Names Today's Junior Physical Education Board As Fascist Sweeping The Unexpected Departure Of Representative From Russia Stuns Conference Meeting Postponed For Japan's Reply' BRUSSELS, Nov. 9.-UP)-Foreign Minister Maxim Litvinoff of Russia created a sensation in the Brussels conference on the Far Eastern war tonight by unexpectedly announcing his immediate departure for Moscow. The abrupt manner of the Russian delegate's leaving was regarded as a protestefrom conference activities, particularly from conference commit- tees. Unofficial reports said Litvinoff had received suggestions from conference delegates that his withdrawal might create an atmosphere more helpful to negotiations with Japan-which has indicated displeasure that Russia wasI invited to the discussions. Await Jap ReplyI As yet there was no indication Ja- pan's reply to a second invitation toR participate in conference proceedings would be received in time for tomor- row's session. Today's meeting was 1 postponed in the hope some sort of Iji Japanese answer might be forthcom-rl ing. o The United States was understood to be prepared to insist upon includ- ing the Netherlands on the concilia- E tion committee if it should be de- cided to name Belgium, England, the United States, France and Italy. Form The American delegates were said to fear that the committee other- Leal wise would look like a revival of the On former Allied grouping of the World War. LONI Litvinoff was reported to resent MacDo what he regarded as a plan to name ranksf Italy on the proposed conciliation came t committee and ignore Russia. Britain, Ambassador Remains a cruisE With Litvinoff gone, Vladimir Po- ica. temkin, Russian ambassador to MacI France, was left to represent the So- MacKi Triangle' Has Election Slates 0 Literary, Engineering And iiepercussions __:: Reperussi~nsl ,Forestry Election Voting Places Are Announced Will Investigate Rumors. Of Athletic Subsidization Dies At Sea German - Italian - Japanese Anti-Communist Pact Reid, Spoden Seek To Engineer J-Hop Ford Madox Ford Frowns On I M~'N ' eD * KAMSAY MAC DONALD * * * zess Is Fatal MacDonald, x-Labor Head ner British Cabinet der Dies Aboard Liner South American Trip DON, Nov. 9-(1)-J. Ramsay rald,. who rose through labor's from Scottish poverty to be- hrice prime minister of Great , died suddenly tonight aboard e ship bound for South Amer- Donald's son-in-law, Dr. A. nnon of Leeds, said the news ceived by radio from the vessel, ina Del Pacifico. as believed from first reports reat Britain's first labor prime r died of a heart attack at sea. etired as prime minister June and was succeeded by Stanley in. vas 71 years old. Donald had been in indifferent in recent years, and just a go tonight he collapsed while ng Lord Mayor's banquet in uildhall, a function that was gain tonight, shortly before f his death was received. former prime minister was ac- nied on the South Americanf by his daughter, Sheila. Raises World Tension Slates and voting places for junior lmerican Authors' Exhibitionism' literary, engineering and forestry Soviet May Break class elections today were announced yesterday by Hugh Rader, '38, presi- English 'Writer And Critic about life, a man must live, he said, With To yo, C~n~e dnt f te Mn's ounil. pointing out that all through history With Tokyo, Rome dent of the Men's Council. Declares Hemingway Ist he great writers were men of action. The literary election will be from1 3 until 5 p.m. in Room 35 Angell Best Of Present-Day Crop "No man should even attempt to LONDON, Nov. 9.--(A )-The under- H ,.h .nieinngoomle nellrritemamwrite a novel until he is 40 years old. lying significance of the new "world Hall, 'the engineering election, from Amn ushaexprncd a- ting ginst ommuh s eight- 1 until 5 p.m. in Room 348, West En- By ELLIOTT MARANISS A man must have experienced dan- triangle" against Communism height- ger, despair, anxiety, hunger and ened national rivalries today all gineering and the forestry ballotting, The pessimism and autobiograph bankruptcy first." oned natnal dvaridde o ldl from 3 until 5 p.m. in Room 2045, ical writing which is so manifest in around an alreay war-riden worl. Natural Science Building. the novels of American authors is Mr. Ford's greatest novel, "The The week-end conclusion of the su- Candidates for president in the lit- merely the result of the characteristic Good Soldier" was published when he perficially simple accord whereby erary college are John Thompson, exhibitionism of youth, declared Ford was 41 years old. Most widely-read Fascist Italy joined her Nazi dipld- o i te oesae"h it matic ally, Germany, and militarist who is running on the State Street Madox Ford, English novelist, critic ofhsohrnvlsae"h;it Japa for joinycton d ne ary hpartysslate, and Clifford Wells, who and essayist in an interview here yes- Queen," and "Some Do Not." In Japan for jom t action on necessary is the Washtenaw-Independent party terday. collaboration with Joseph Conrad he defense measures" against interna- dda has published "The Inheritors" and tional communism, brought an om- cand e Mr. Ford was in Ann Arbor last "Romance " Among themonographs inous series of repercussions. Those running for vice-president are night to hear the concert of the he has produced are works on Hol- Perhaps chief among. these was Margaret Cram on the State Street Cleveland Symphony Orchestra. He bein, Rosetti; Henry James and the the possibility the Soviet Union would ticket and Zivia Seltzer on the Wash- is engaged at present by Olivet Col- Pre-Raphaelite school. A compre- breach diplomatic relations with both tenaw Independent slate; Elmer Ged- lege where he is delivering a course in hensive history o" literature is the Tokyo and Rome. eon and Helen Owston are candidates comparative literature. In this coun- next work he intends to produce. Toyo adtRonsmer for secretary on the State and Wash-T try originally to attend the Writer's netwokheitedtroue The e acti-oner word wide dtenaw tickets, respectively; and Wal- Conference, he was persuaded by the new anti-Comintern front quicklyi lace Bash and Fred Thomson for hi red rsdn Bee f lvt6 "" h n s became an important factor in the acBsh nd rdThmnfr his friend President Brewer of Olivet 6 Ol0 Ch n s begn importantlfss n the reasurer, to take the position. 'lU foreign policies of countless nations.d Name J-Hop Committees Of the present crop of American I . In Brussels diplomats of the United For members of the J-Hop Com- writers, Mr. Ford has the most en- S tilIl Resisting States, Britain and France were ex- mittee, State Street has nominated thusiasm for Ernest Hemingway. He pected to take advantage of today'si Waldo Abbott, Arthur Colman, Bar- believes that Hemingway alone has "l resumption of the Far Eastern peacebar Heath, Marie McElroy and Betty been able to break h ar Inside Shan hai coe-etoiscuss "mplicgti.s haffer; while Washtenaw has nom- of writing which is more than au- -_ the Rome-Berlin-Tokyo "triangle." imated Marietta Killian, Joe Osburn,toigahcl France apparently was planning to Jack Wilcox, Marvin Rieder and Jean Tographial. e with your writ- Trapped By Surrounding answer the new front by striving to Bleecker. "Th thoe nwhouwrit-T bring her two closest allies, Russia er- ers. They only know how to write Japanese Bayonets, They and ritan, nto lose hamonyand In the engineering college, Dan Per- about their own back-yards. If you AR d T D- and Britain, into closer harmony and cival and Ken Evanson are the presi- aoutewrteirnownobiac-yard. fnouel Are Resolved To Die to strengthen her ties with the Little i al and e sorti once write an autobiographical novel, Entente (Yugoslavia, Czechoslovakia dential candidates; Robert May and you'll never be able to write anything SHANGHAI, Nov. 10-(Wednes and Rumania) and Poland to combat Dick Roemer seek the vice-presi- else. Historical romances are the day)-(RP)-The last remnants of Italian-German activity in that dency; William Buchanan and Phil best training for writers. They are Chinese forces in Shanghai, now al- sphere. Whittemore are iunning for seere- sort of artificial, and 1 benieve a writ- most entirely in Japanese possession British Foreign Secretary Anthony ary andAdate and r rer er must be artificial-that is his job." resolved today to resist until death Eden, flying back to Brussels this aie candidates for treasurer. To be able to write accurately in their isolated sector. morning, was expected to have long The two candidates for the chair- The Chinese estimated at abou discussions in the next three days manship of the J-Hop are Harold 6000 men in teNant at d- with Norman H. Davis, the United Spoden and Robert Reid. Those run- ' ~ titbreigteFec ocs States' chief delegate to the Brussels ning for the Engineering Honor Coin- rd Educaton trict bordering the French Conc- conference, and with French Foreign mittee are Peter Ibsen and Chuck sion, virtually were trapped inside a Minister Yvon Delbos. I Evans, and Robert Hartwell, John M eeting Opens bayonet-pointe crescent o Japan- Europe's democracies showed a IEisner, Erwin Rhode and Wes Warren ese. mounting uneasinessover the ignare seeking the two positions on the It appeared certain they must be ment of Japan, Italy and Germany. Engineering Council. H ereThursday annihilated if they made a last stand, Markets in both London and Paris Engineers Pick Candidates E/ There was no avenue of escape ex- were depressed Monday following Candidates for J-hop Committee- cept across the Whangpoo River or Italy's adherence Saturday to the men from the engineering college are Combined Meet Directed into the French area, . where they year-old accord between Berlin and Fredrick Osberg, Ralph DuBois, Fred- B Ex Division would be disarmed and interned. I I By E~~xtensionDison Tokyo. Brick Space, Charles Kettler, Edward The Chinese soldiers, helped by Lebeis, Don Belden, James Easterly Speakers, Topics Listed coolies, worked feverishly by lamp- and Jack Collins. From this group: Ilight digging trenches and raising Sam Stoller Is Cast four will be chosen. aH"Community Schools-An Objec- sandbag barriers. French officers Samuel Bickford and Lesley Hill- tive in Democracy" will be the theme however, said they were surely In Hollywood Film berg are presidential candidates in I of the third annual Progressive Edu- doomed if they defied the Japanese the forestry school George Staebler is cation Association meeting in Ann overwhelming strength. seeking the vice-presidency and Dave Arbor, Nov. 11, 12 and 13. The con- The withdrawal of Shanghai's de- records in track, is a member ofprit Penny, Jack Rothacher, Leslie Sper- vention this year is being held jointly fenders under cover of darkness last rcodst in tih'ais a eberg " sthe berg and Herm Hernelink seek the with the eighth annual Parent Edu- night towardth eir winter lin cast of "She's Got Everything," star- position of secretary-treasurer. cation Instituted, and is being spon- protecting Nanking, China's capital mond. Candidates for the one position onsored by the University of Michigan was not a vital blow to the nation's The former Michigan track star is the J-Hop committee are Roy Size- Extension Service in cooperation with I defences, Generalissimo Chiang Kai- marking time until he can become a more, John Burwell and Don Zimmer- the Michigan Congress of Parents Shek declared. professional radio singer. As a protege man. . and Teachers. He said it would shift the war scene of Joe E. Brown, he has been given Junior nurses will vote for literary The committee for the conference to the great delta lands of the lak several parts in recent pictures. candidates from 7 to 7:30 p.m. in has attempted to prepare a balanced 1 region west of Shanghai where China Stoller was on the United States Couzens Hall. outline in which theory and practice has several strong lines reaching team at the last Olympics. He shares ( will be closely related, and speakers about 50 miles to Changshu, Kashing records of the 100-meter dash and recognized as authorities in the study and Soochow. 60-yard dash, and the 100-yard dash YCL Meeting Will Hear of communities and individuals are Japanese communiques from North with Jesse Owens, Negro sprinter. Party Official S eak participating. China reported the fall of anothe '' cit Prvne Theuaf cuiqe staid Jhaps t 3 i i t i . ,, I s i r r Rumors Are Said To Affect Certain Freshmen Whose Status Is Not Yet Known Aigler Will Not Tell Sources Of Rumors Viet. Prior to Litvinoff's action, Dr. V. K. Wellington Koo, China's representa- tive here, said China would preserve her friendship with Soviet Russia and would not renounce it to join any group of powers dominated by a par- ticular philosophy. His statement was interpreted as China's reply to reports from Berlin that a more satisfactory peace be- tween China and Japan might be achieved if China were to adhere to the Italo-German-Japanese anti-i Comintern pact. Isaacs To Talk Today On Jews Harvard Law School Head To Give Three Lectures Prof. Nathan T. Isaacs, member: of the Harvard Law faculty, authority on business law, teacher and well- known writer, will deliver three lec-t tures here today. At 4:15 p.m. in the Natural Science Auditorium, Professor Isaacs willj speak on "Jewish Experience Under' the Law." A brief period of questions and discussion will probably follow was rec the Re: It wE that Gi ministe He r 7, 1935, Baldwin He w Mac health year ag attendi the Gu held a news o The compar cruise1 By IRVIN LISAGOR (Daily Sports Editor) Rumors to the effect that "certain students" of the University of Michi- gan were receiving athletic subsidies from Cleveland and Chicago alumni groups will be investigated by the Board in Control of Physical Educa- tion, according to a signed statement issued yesterday by Prof. Ralph W. Aigler, the board chairman. The statement clearly confined the rumors to men who are not now eli- gible for intercollegiate athletics. It involves freshmen on the campus last year, who were forced to leave school because of scholastic deficiencies, and certain first-year students present here now whose eligibility, as is cus- tomary, will not be determined until the first semester of their sophomore year. Source Not Divulged Prof. Aigler would not divulge the source of the rumors last night, other than to say, "They came to my at- tention during the past two weeks." Neither would he divulge the nature of the investigation. His only com- ment was, "The statement speaks for - 1 .1 tr eY e 's g ,7 h r si e i- is 4 -n r ; i i ' i t Seek Ruling On. CollegeBoards itself." The statement follows: The members of the Board in Con- trol of Physical Education have be- come acquainted with the rumors that certain students who have been or are in the University as probable candidates for intercollegiate ath- letic teams were or are subsidized con- trary to Conference Rules and Regu- lations. It should be stated empha- tically, however, that these rumors affect no one whose eligibility has been declared by the Board, or who has presented himself to the Board as a candidate for any team. Only Freshmen Affected Certain men against whom these rumors and charges apply, freshmen on the campus last year, have been dropped from the University, never having become academically eligible for consideration as a member of 4ny athletic team. The other men affected by these rumors are now freshmen, whose eligibility of course would not be considered until they have. been in residence one full year and have completed satisfactorily one full year of college work and have then pre- sented themselves as candidates for a team. Ordinarily a candidate for an ath- letic team is not declared ineligible, at least so far as improper subsidi- zation is concerned, unless reasonably definite proof is at hand to support the charge. The Board, however, in case of strong suspicion based upon evidence indicative of the probability of such improper subsidization may reverse the usual order and upon pre- sntation declare a candidate ineli- gible subject to his furnishing satis- factory evidence that his support is of the character permitted by the Conference rules. Will Not Permit Violations The Board takes this occasion to announce that it will not hesitate to employ this machinery. One thing the Board will not permit is the vio- lation of the standards declared by the group to which Michigan belongs, which standards Michigan's repre- sentatives helped to formulate. The Board will, moreover, exert every ef- fort to determine whether the rumors referred to at the beginning are sub- stantiated, and if so, to fix the re- sponsibility. Ralph W. Aigler. 17 Trotskyists Shot - For Terror Activities MOSCOW, Nov. 9.-(/P)-Seventeen men were reported executed today, including 10 confessed terrorists con- victed of plotting an attempt to as- sassinate Joseph Stalin, general see- retary of the Communist nartv. I Civil Service Commission Philip Raymond of the State Exe- DUCE'S EX BARRED cutive Committee of the Communist iTakes Request ;NEW YORK, Nov. 9.-(IP)-Barred Party will discuss the organization of from this country on grounds of the Young Communist League at 8 LANSING, Nov. 9.-O')-The Mich- "moral turpitude," Magda De Fon-; p.m. today in Unity Hall, corner of igan Civil Service Commission re- tanges appealed from Ellis Island to- State and Huron streets, at the local quested an attorney general's ruling night for an opportunity to tell Wash-! YCL meeting. today upon the question of whether ington authorities all about the ro- The membership will discuss plans -hp itri cari ro IQW7nmhrlplansho ie g n grig1 oI 1ursaay s ses- I,, iay dt , cpl d IO~I sion will be an address by Camille Province. The communiques said Jap Kelley, Judge of the Juvenile Court anese troops occupied the city, th in Nashville, Tenn., on the subject, fourth North China provincial capi- "Value vs. Cost," at a banquet in the tal to be occupied in the four month; Union ballroom. Friday's meeting of the northern campaign, after 24 will feature general sessions, section hours of bitter street fighting from meetings and study groups while Sat- which not one Chinese soldier es urday will present more study groups caped alive. 1 1 theadrs. the ddres. uie ivii.~erwe i~w iiiu'act ile imantic interlude she said she had for continuation of their Marxist Iand luncheon meetings. Professor Isaacs will talk to, a fac- aeuniversity ofMihgn asIdk-afchig Michigan with Premier Benito Mussolini. study classes. i Other speakers scheduled to ap- ulty luncheon group on "Lessons State College and agencies similarly pear on the program are Prof. 0. Gar- Anderson T alks From Jewish Experience" at 12:15 governed by boards which derive field Jones of the University of Tol- p.m. in the Union. In the evening he their authorityudirectly from the s Ro dz msids edo; Dr. Howard Y. MClusky of the Stae ontittin.MaestroRoznk Lends His eo r oadY clsyo h On Free S.peech will discuss "Study as a Mode of Wor- -s. . education school; Dr. Rudolph Lind- ship" at the Hillel Foundation. Early drafts of the civil service bill ouist of the Ohio State University A contributor to the recently com- UniverstyandtheStateColegefroM usical Voice To Orchestra Laboratory School; Dr. William Ha- Gives Opinion At Meeting piled "Encyclopedia of Social Sci-Ut ber of the economics department; Mr. ences" and assistant editor of the its provisions. The clause was de- Lee White of the Detroit News; Dr. Of Sigma Rho Tan "International Standard Bible and' leted, however, before final passage, By JOHN FLOWERS than in Europe. We requested him James D. Bruce of the department of H Encyclopedia," Professor Isaacsis also and the law as enacted mentions Artur Rodinski leads the famous to name some of the outstanding Postgraduate Medicine; Dr. Howard Dean H. C. Anderson of the engi- Encylopdia Proessr Iaacsis lsog i ostradate ediine Dr.Howrd eering college, speaking' before 100 a well-known lecturer. neither institution. Cleveland' Symphony Orchestra not American musicians, he shrugged his Wilson of Harvard University; Prof. meers oflSgm au hnor- aWilliam Brownrigg, civil service di- only with his nimble fingers and shoulders and smiled again. "I Wells I. Bennett of the architecture members theagmhiRhctTre,'honor- rector, said that universities seldom magnetic eyes but also with a voice wouldn't even try. There are so school; Dr. Lloyd Warner of the ary engineering speech society, de- Rapha Ndave required members of their fac- which calls up the beauties of a mu- many and I might leave one out and University of Chicago and William fined free speech as the ability to ulty to submit to fixed examinations, sical instrument. then there would be hard feelings." H. Kilpatrick of Columbia Univer- stand before a crowd of friends and although certificates are required of We managed to be first in line out- We hurried on to ask about his sity's Teachers College. enemies and express one's thoughts To tate Board teachers in public primary and sec- side the door of Mr. Rodzinski's plans and the usual questions about- in an entertaining and convincing ondary schools. dressing room last night as the maes- impressions of Ann Arbor, but by manner. "The mere fact that it has never tro was taking his last bows after a this time friends and the hosts of ad- Rye Bread Is Rodzinskis' "A speaker should not make base- P h' Ep t G n been done is not reason in itself that well applauded rendition of Brahm's mirers who always greet him were . less statements before a crowd," he sychiatry Xper iven competitive examinations could not first symphony. beginning to pour in. Gift From Polonia Club declared. "The successful speaker Hospital Appointment be prepared for even our most learned Mr. Rodzinski seemed very tired He greeted them all with the knows about what he speaks, bases professors, however," Brownrigg said. but most willing to answer our ques- friendliness and enthusiasm that Artur Rodzinski, who last night di- his speech on truth and has the abil- Dr. Theonhile Raphael, professor He exlained that the commission tions. Asked about the modern trends made him seem so very American. rected a concert of the Cleveland ity to stand on his feet and sav what.