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September 21, 1937 - Image 28

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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HopwoQd Contests Remarkable
Opportunity For Student Writer
Establishes Awards Four Fields, Essay, Poetry,
Prose Fiction, Drama,
Are Open To Students

Plans for the one-year physical
education course, compulsory for alls
entering freshmen have been an-
nounced by Dr. George A. May, di-
rector of Waterman Gymnasium.
During the first three weeks of
school, work in the course will be de-
voted to six hygiene lectures by Dr.
Warren E. Forsythe, director of the
H 6eth Service.
"the lectures, which have been an'
important feature of the physical ed-
ucation program for many years, will
be given at 3, 4, and 5 p.m. on Mon-
Oay; Tuesday, Thursda-v and Friday AVERY HOPWOOD
of each week in Room 25, Angell Hall.
Each lecture will be given six times.
All freshmen are required to at-
tend the lectures, but students on HealthServic
athletic squads will be permitted to
choose the hour at which they will Give C
attend. All others must go to the i T
lectures at the time assigned to their
gymnasium section. iieuicalI 4
At the final lecture a comprehen-
sive examination will be given, in-
cluding all the material covered. At- Inexpensive And Ext
tendance at the lectures and passingĀ°
the examination will be necessary for AiI Is Offered Stu
completion of the course. Enrolled In Univei
After the series h5 been com- - _
pleted the program will consist of in-
sructional activities in five athletics:
track and field, games, gymnastics, expensive medical services of
boxing and wrestling. The classes American universities is pros
will be divided into five sections and the University of Michigan
yIll alternately be instructed in each Service, which cares for any
activity, with an examination at the illness that should arise du]
~end of each three-week period.
Any student whose name appears semester of the student's resi
on the regular squad list of the coach the University and takes pr
In charge of a particular sport may measures in regard to studen
specialize in that sport until its in living and recreational ce
Mlasses are disbanded, or until the Illness contracted by the
student is suspended for non-atten- during the semester in whic
dance. At that time he will be im- enrolled is taken care of in th
tnediately transferred to one of the Service building and the U
regular gymnasium groups. Hospital. Each studentr
Gymnasium sections will meet at 3, without charge, office medi
4 and 5 p.m. Monday, Tuesday, from his physician adviser a
Thursday and Friday. Each student the Health Service staff of sp
must attend two one-our periods The student is also entitled tc
each week. free bed care for 30 days an
After Spring Vacation all activities gency operations without cha
will be reclassified to include out- Nurses Available
door sports. Passing the require- Nurses are stationed in eac
nents in physical education will be women's dormitories and me
eased on efficiency in sports and lec- in dormitories and rooming
:ture attendance. have room-call service availa
All unexcused activities in physical Of the medical services ren
education must be made up, and all the University for which the
excuses for absence must be given to is charged are the followin
the director of Waterman Gymna- nursing, some Universityf
sium for approval. If the excuse is service, dental X-rays, p
for sickness it must come from the room calls, non-emergency
physician in charge. tions, health appliances an
and purchase of eye glasse
charge for these services is
n defray expenses to the U
Att'1 AU111 * Iet nly
Attend Alumn Meet Examinations Provide
The health examination w
Emory J. Hyde, president of the given to entering students is
University Alumni Association and istered by the Health Service,
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the University cares for any se
Alumnni Association, attended the an- ness that is found in the e
nual conference of the first district tion. They also advise stu
of the University of Michigan Alumni the care of minor ailments.
Club at Rochester, N.Y., Sept. 18. examinations are providedk
The board of directors of the al- required annually.
umni council will hold its first meet- The Health Service hasi
ing Friday, Oct. 15, to make plans for equipped pharmacy, where p
the year, Mrs. Lucille B. Conger, ex- tions are filled by order of a
ecutive alumnae secretary, an- Service physician, a physic
nAunced. Oct. 16 there will be a department, optical and X-
general meeting of the council and partments and other facilitie
representatives of various organized enables the Health Service
groups throughout the United States the student complete medica
will attend. tion.


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made to
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and the
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One of the most outstanding fea-
tures of the University of Michigan's
extra-curricular program has been
for several years the Avery and Jule
Hopwood Awards for creative writ-
ing, for which competition is held
every spring and in which prizes to-
talling as high as $10.000 are given.
The contests are divided into two
general classifications, major and
minor, the former oven to senior
and graduate students, and the latter
to undergraduates. Each group is
composed of four fields of writing:
prose fiction, essay, poetry and
drama. Major awards of as much as
$2,500 are made, while minor awards
are limited to $250. Discretion is given
the contest judges in determining the
exact amounts.
Established By Will
Established by the will of the late
Avery Hopwood, successful writer of
light stage comedy, the Hopwood
fund has received many additions, in-
cluding one of more than $50,000 last
year upon the death of a relative of
Mr. Hopwood. The fund was set up,
according to the terms of the endow-
ment, for the purpose of fostering
student creative writing, and encour-
aging ir particular "the new and the
Seven competitions have been held
since the contests were inaugurated
in 1931. In 1932 a part of the fund
was set aside for the inauguration of
a contest for freshmen, ineligible
under contest rules to enter the reg-
ular competition. Freshman Hop-
wood awards are made in the fields
of poetry, fiction and essay, with
prizes of $50, $30 and $20 usually
made in each.
Three Hopwood major fiction win-
ners have already been published,
while a fourth and fifth will be pub-
lished this fall. Mildred Walker's
"Fireweed," victor in the 1933 con-
test, was the first, followed by Hu-
bert Skidmorp's "I Will Lift Up Mine
Eyes," winner of an award in 1935
and a contender for the Pulitzer
Prize this spring and Ruth Lininger
Dobson's "Straw In The Wind," win-
ner of the chief major award in 1936.
Judges Are Authorities
Baxter T. Hathaway's "The Stub-
born Way," also a major award win-
ner in the 1936 contest, will appear at
an early date, as will the winner of
the 1937 major fiction award, a novel
written by Emmanuel P. Menatsag-
anian, an Armenian student enrolled
last year in the Graduate School who
learned to speak English while work-
ina in an automobile fact d

111111U11au~ai~i1Clucory ani
who filed for naturalization as an
American citizen only two weeks be-
fore the contest announcements.
Hopwood competition is restricted
to students enrolled in English
courses in the .literary or engineering
college. with minimum schedule and
grade requirements for both graduate
and undergraduate students.
Contest judges are selected from
the nation's leading men of letters.
Among last year's judges were Joseph
Auslander, Clifton Fadiman, Dorothy
Thompson, Robert Hillyer, Mary El-
len Chase and Bruce Bliven. Manu-
scrips are first examined by the con-
test committee before being sent to
the judges. Material considered in-
ferior in quality is weeded out.
A part of the endowment is also
used to bring an outstanding speaker
to Ann Arbor to deliver the Hopwood
lecture, given at the meeting at which
the awards are made, generally held
in the Union during the last week
of school. Last year's lecturer was
Christopher Morley, the noted essay-
ist and speaker.



_ _ _ _

-- I

Snappy Days Are
Here Again.. .
mis is the time of year when foot-
ball spectators must be prepared
for anything in the way of weather.
The late afternoon sun can no longer
be depended upon to contribute very
much warmth, so that it's well to go
prepared if you want to enjoy the
game. A topcoat that won't bear
down too heavily on your shoulders
is the much-favored polo model cam-
el's hair that features a half-belted
back, not shown here, but regarding
which you can take our word.


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