., The WeBather air and somewhat warmer ay; light to gentle variable ds. elir Bk6 Aid I 1 a. WH Welcome To '41. Surface Reform .. I 0 eM'd IYT 1t'I 7[! ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 1937 PRICE FIVE VRNTB .VTT tlt_1 lv EA ,di . A __ __ t f 1 ,OOO Freshmen legin Orientation At 8 A. M. Today Class Of '41 Is Largest; Settng All-Time Record University Enrollment Yuthven To Speak At Meeting Tonight Prof. Bursley Supervises Week's Activity; Faculty To HelpInClassifying Two thousand freshmen, forming the largest class in University history, will begin Orientation Week activities at 8 a.m. today with consultations with their advisers. The week's program will be super- vised by Prof. Philip E. Bursley of the Romance Languages department. Assisting him will be Paul Brickley, '39, representative of the Union, Mar- garet Ferries, '38, representing the League, and 125 student committee- men. , Today's activities for the 94 fresh- man groups will culminate at 8 p.m. when President Alexander G. Ruth-1 yen greets all new students in HillJ Auditorium. Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley and Dean of Women Alice C. Lloyd will also speak. Mixers At 8 P.M. Thursday Separate schedules have been drawn up for entering women. stu- dents, engineering and literary col- lege men students, but all will be present at the official welcome 'in Hill Auditorium. Literary college and en- gineering college men students will have separate mixers- at 8 p.m. Thursday in the Union. Faculty members will help the freshmen classify and register whiles student assistants will conduct them in groups through campus buildings. Special demonstrations have been ar- ranged by thietic teams and R.O,- T C. leaders Professor Bursley called the pro- gram the best means to introduce students to the geography of the campus.' One Week Orientation "Previously," he said, "many pro- fpssors complained that classes began1 to settle down only after two weeks1 of the semester had passed. Now, with a- greatly increased enrollment,1 this compulsory program achieves the same result in half the time." Advanced students entering the University for the first time will have similar programs. The complete list of Men's Orien- tation Week Advisers, as announced yesterday by Brickley, follows: To all freshman men except the freshman engineers: John Atkinson, Jr., Arthur P. Bar- tholomew, John Campbell, John Christensen, Charles L. Dolpi, Philip Durfee, Reid Hatfield, William F. Jewell, Charles M. Lovett, John Mc- Callister, John Munn, Leonard New-' man, Newton H. Ketcham., Other Advisersr Oscar Ladd, Frank Lapick, William Mundy, Loren D. Packer, Robert Pope, Karl M. Rague, George F. Roach, Eliot Robinson, Robert Rosa, Bernard Rubiner, Hudson Tourtellot, Myron Wallace, Edward Williams, William B. Wreford, Frank Bussard, Robert Kann, Donald Treadwell, Ted Spangler. Richard Babcock, Emery Cook, Halleck Fry, Colvin Gibson, Philip Gordy, James I. Laird, Morris Miller, Seymour Spelman, Albert Warren, Warrington Willis, Carl E. Guldberg, Henry W. Ruifrok, Keith Hook and Wilbur E. Powers. D. M. Alexander, R. E. Barrett, J. M. Stevens, Granville Conrad, D. E. Basler, R. K. Gauthier, G. H. Hanson, W. G. Wheeler, Allen Andrews, W. H. Buchanan, Henry Walters, Lewis T. Briggs, E. L. Klein, H. R. Stev- ens, James Ireland, Clifford C. Av- ery and Richard M. Adams. To men transfer students: Robert Windsor, Marvin Reider, Seymour Spelman, Ray Downs, John Parker, Don Belden, Fred Luebke,' Cecil Young, George Pierce, Jack MacLeod, Dan Shaw, Phil Westbrook, Charles Bowditch and James Halli- van. Stocks Hit New Low For Past 21 Months Directs Orientation PHILIP E. BURSLEY Rushing Periodj Will Officially OpenSaturday Y Rushees Required To Pay Fee; Handbook Of Rules, To Be GivenBy Council Michigan's 41 fraternities will of- ficially open their rushing period at noon Saturday, and continue rushing until the evening of October '7, ac- cording to Bud Lundahl, '38, presi dent of the Interfraternity Council. Every student who wishes to be rushed by a fraternity must pay a registration fee to the Council. This fee may be paid all through the rush- ing period at a special desk in the lobby of the Union. Upon payment. each rushee will be given a copy of the Council's hand- book which lists all rushing rules, all fraternity members and all fraternity houses on the campus and a receipt1 for the fee. The fee is 50 cents untill Saturday, and one dollar thereafter. From Thursday evening, Oct. 7, until Monday evening, Oct. 11, a sil- ence period will be in effect during Lundahl yesterday urged all those wishing to be rushed to register immediately at the desk maintained in the Union lobby. There will be members of the Council there every day during Orientation Week from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. which no rushee and fraternity man{ may speak to each other. It is dur- ing this time that the pledging pro- cess described below takes place. On Friday, Oct. 8, every rushee shall take his receipt for the rushing fee to the office of the Dean of Stu- dents, and receive for it a blank upon which he will put, in order of pref- erence, the fraternities that he would pledge if asked. The same day, each fraternity shall file with the same office a list of men it would pledge, in order of prefer- ence, stating the number of pledges it would take. Then, during the period from Fri- day until Monday, the Dean's office (Continued on Page 6) NYA Funds Of University Nearly Halved Age Restrictions Going In Effect This Year Will Cut Many Graduates Off Roll Maximum Monthly Wage'_Is Now $12 Funds for student part-time em- ployment under the National Youth Administration have been reduced to $11,250 per month, as compared with. $19,845 per month for last year, Har- old S. Anderson, cost accountant in charge of NYA expenditure, has an- nounced. Student relief employment will be conducted on a greatly re- duced basis as a result. According to a departmental bul- letin announcing the reduction, sent out by Prof. Lewis M. Gram, of the engineering college, chairman of the Committee on Student Relief Em- ployment, the funds will be used to pay students for doing "socially de- sirable work, including the sort cus- tomarily done by students who are working their way through college, such as clerical, library and research work." Students may be assigned to extension, adult education and other activities of a socially useful nature. Students eligible for NYA work must be between the ages of 16 and 25, American citizens, and full-time students, carrying at least three- fourths of the normal program of se- mester hour requirements. Their fi- nancial status, attested in signed ap- plication blanks, should be such as to render attendance at college "under proper living conditions" impossible without assistance. All students will be enterviewed by Professor Anderson before work is assigned. Many graduate students will be re- moved from the rolls by the applica- tion of the age limit rule which sets the maximum age at 25. The rule had previouslyabeen relaxed. NYA jobs are limited to 30 hours work a month, at the standard rate of 40 cents an hour, or a maximum of $12 per month. Students are ad- vised to use NYA money "to supple- ment aid from other sources in taking care of current obligations." Active membership in a fraternity or sorority will be considered evidence that the student is not in need of em- ployment relief. The number of hours each student will be allowed to work will be determined by his finan- cial need. Kirar Hurt; Out For Indefinite Period Ed Kirar, '38, captain of the Mich- igan swimming team, suffered serious burns in a motorboat explosion Aug. 6 which may keep him out of compe- tition this semester when, and if, he returns to school. According to reports received here, he expects to return, but his condi- tion makes it uncertain that he will compete. Kirar's probable absence from Matt Mann's tank squad will diminish its chances of retaining the Conference championship, as he was an outstanding sprint man and con- sistent point gatherer. Kirar was seated in his boat with his parents in Lake Beulah, Wis., when the accident occurred. He had leaned over to open the hatch and the ensuing blast catapulted him from the boat. His parents jumped safely into the water. When he emerged his entire body, with the ex- ception of his feet was burned. CHINESE METROPOLIS BOMBED HONGKONG, Sept. 21.-(Tues- day) - (P) -- Twenty-one Japanese airplanes showered bombs on Can- ton, China's southern metropolis, in an air raid early today. U.S. To Meet With League OnChinaWar Eden Warns Fascist States Britain Will Rearm If MilitaryRace Persists American Consul To Leave Nanking WASHINGTON, Sept. 20.-UP)- The United States agreed today to send a representative to the League of Nations advisory committee con- vening tomorrow night to consider the Sino-Japanese conflict At the same time, the United States informed the League that it could not say to what extent it would be able to cooperate with the commit- tee until informed about the func- tions it will be expected to perform. A State Department announcement said that these facts were communi- cated to the Secretary General of the League by Leland Harrison, American minister to Switzerland. Harrison was designated to attend as this Government's representative. It was specified that the American minister would attend the session "in the same capacity and for the same purposes" as those fulfilled by Hugh Wilson. former minister to Switzer- land, when he represented the Unit- ed States on the committee in 1933. Spain's Legal Status Same At that time, the advisory body was created to consider the Manchurian crisis. The United States agreed to be represented only in a consulta- tive capacity. Wilson attended its sessions on that basis, which did not give him the right to vote. Earlier, 52 states gave the Madrid- Valencia Government only 23 of a necessary 32 votes to declare her re- eligible for a seat in the council. Spain's defeat does not affect her stand as plaintiff before the League against Germany and Italy on her charges that they are intervening in the Spanish civil war. Her legal status as a member of the League was not impaired. Council Ousts Spain GENEVA, Sept. 20.-(/P)-British Foreign Minister Anthony Eden, tem- pering his severity with a note of conciliation, warned the Fascist pow- ers tonight that Britain is committed irrevocably to a policy of rearma- ment, unless other nations cease com- peting for military supremacy. Speaking before a hushed League of Nations Assembly which had voted Government Spain out of its council for the next three years, at least, Eden struck a note of mingled hope and pessimism. Despite the dark An interview with Prof. Law- rence Preuss of the political sci- ence department on the Nyon piracy agreement appears on page 6 of this issue. picture he painted and his implied rebukes at Germany and Italy, he emphasized Britain's determination still to strive for peace. Significantly, his listeners believed, the British foreign secretary empha- sized British hopes for peace when he touched on Spain. "One pledge I can give to this as- sembly," he said, "is that the Govern- ment I represent will spare no en- deavor to prevent war from engulf- ing Europe." Eden, mindful of "many good rea- sons to be satisfied with the economic history of the past year," envisaged trade as a road to international har- mony. U.S. Diplo Fats Flee NANKING, Sept. 21. (Tuesday)- ')-Unted States Ambassador Nelsor T. Johnson and his staff evacuated the embassy to take refuge from Ja- panese air bombs early today aboar< an American patrol boat in the Yang- tze River. Johnson reluctantly transferred the embassy to temporary quarter, aboard the patrol boat Luzon afte: Japan's navy had warned that Japar intends to devastate the Chinese cap- ital. All other foreign embassies re- mained, at least temporarily. Evacuation of the United State. embassy staff began after the thir Japanese air raid in two days on thi (Continued on Page 2) AlumniStart Dorm Drive Housing Officials Predict Enough Rooms For All Mixer Planned For Freshmen; Thorn ToSpeak Union Holds Open House Friday; Dance Planned; Students To See Building Two freshman mixers and an open house for freshmen and transfer stu- dents are planned for Orientation Week, Paul Brickley, '39, of the Union Executive Council, announced yester- day. The two mixers, both set for 8 p.m. Thursday, will be held in the Union, one for freshmen engineering stu- dents in the Main Dining Room, and the other, which is for all other fresh- men men, in the Main Ballroom on the second floor. The mixer for all those except en- gineers will feature motion pictures, group singing and addresses on topics of interest to freshmen, and is in charge of Brickley. John. Thom, '38, president of the Union, will open the program with an address of welcome to entering students. The University Glee Club will then present several selections followed by Michigan cheers led by the University's cheerleaders. To Show Campus Movies Next on the program are motion pictures of campus scenes and per- sonalities taken last year on the campus. Dean of Students Joseph A. Bursley will then address new stu- dents on "Fraternities." Group singing of Michigan songs will follow the talk by Dean Bursley, and refreshments will conclude the evening's program. The engineer's mixer, to be held at the same time, will also feature the Glee Club, according to Prof. A. D. Moore of the engineering school, who is in charge of arrangements. Also on the program will be talks by a member of the Michigan Tech- nic staff and some faculty member, and a reception of students by mem- bers of the College of Engineering's faculty. From noon until 11 p.m. Friday, the Union will hold an open house for all freshmen and transfer stu- dents. Freshman advisers will conduct tours through the entire Union build- ing, including the new addition, and all entering students will have an op- portunity to swim, play billiards and ping pong without charge. Will Hold Friday Dance The first of the regular Friday night Union dances will be held then, and Bob Steinle's orchestra will fea- ture numbers to help introduce fresh- men to Michigan. Thom yesterday called attention to the temporary student directory that the Union is making to aid in locat- ing students until the regular student directory comes out sometime after the start of school. This directory will be kept in the Student Offices of the Union on the first floor. An information bureau for fresh- men and transfers will be main- tained in the lobby of the Union throughout Orientation Week. NEW LABOR PAPER TO APPEAR FLINT, Mich., Sept. 20.-UP)-- Henry Kraus, labor paper editor who has been at odds with international officers of the United Automobile Workers Union, announced today the first issue of the "Independent Flint Auto Worker" will appear tomorrow Warns Fascists- Chicago Graduates Begin Campaign For $75,000 Of $200,000 Fund Union Freshman Dorm Is Sold Out Singles At Premium, Says Investigator; Landladies Blame Rise In Taxes A new note of optimism was sound- ed for the first time in many years in the recurring rooming problem yesterday when both men's and wom- en's housing authorities expressed confidence in their ability to find liv- ing quarters for all students. Simultaneous with these an- nouncements, T. Hawley Tapping, general secretary of tne Alumni As- sociation, revealed plans for the construction of additional men's dor- mitories. The first large scale move toward the proposed $200,000 dormitory fund, Mr. Tapping said, was taken by the Chicago alumni, who on Sept. 15 initiated a one month campaign for $75,000. ANTHONY EDEN Grid Tune-Ups Show Team Has Replacements Despite Raggedness, Line Appears Better Than Last Year's, Although rain and a slippery turf somewhat marred their efforts, the 1937 Wolverines made several im- portant facts evident in their first formal grid rehearsal last Saturday. First, they showed beyond excep- tion that material is ample, with at least two and, in many places, three men being available at each position. Second, despite early-season rag- gedness, especially in the blocking department, the line was distinctly improved over last season's at a sim- ilar stage. Symptoms of harder and surer tackling were noticeable. Of- fensively, the linemen lacked preci- sion and timing which will come with more work. Big Don Siegel, who developed fast last season, indicated he intends to continue his bruising tactics at tackle. He charged and struck with jarring force. Ralph Heikkinen and Fred Olds, guards, also piled them up in commendable fashion, and pleased the coaches with their offen- sive play.' Archie Kodros, sophomore center, further demonstrated he needs but passing practice and a little experi- ence to make a serious threat to Capt. Joe Rinaldi's job. Ends Joe Rogers, who snagged a pair of touchdown tosses, and John Nicholson, a good blocker, were im- pressive at times. With Dan Smick, Art Valpey, Elmer Gedeon, Harold Floersch, Vincent Valek and Sol Sob- sey present, the flanks appeared well fortified. Third, Stark Ritchie at the tail- back, served notice he plans to steal I some of Fred Trosko's thunder. While; Trosko participated for only a short time, favoring a shoulder bump, Rit- chie consistently ripped off sizeable t. (Continued on Page 6) Freshmen Fill Dorms Allen House and Rumsey House, .newcomers to the growing number of University buildings, were almost completely filled last night by their 118 freshman tenants and their 24 upperclassman proctors, whose room reservations were made during the summer. The occupants of the two build- ings, which were named after the co-founders of Ann Arb~or, Mr. Tap- ping explained, were chos e y the Dean of Students on the basis of geographic distribution. Operated by the Union, the dormitories will have a house director and a dietician. Meals will be served in two dining rooms which were especially built for the houses which adjoin the Union. Few Singles Left As hundreds poured into the city yesterday, the rooming house investi- gator for the University told The Daily that single rooms "were at a premium." Dean Alice C. Lloyd de- clared that there were few single rooms available for women. Both, however, were confident that sufficient double rooms and suites would be vacant to house those who have yet to arrive. Minimum prices for men's rooms, according to the rooming house in- vestigator, are $4 for single rooms, $3.75 per person in suites, and $3.50 per person in double rooms. Doubles and suites for women, Dean Lloyd said, were renting at ap- proximately the same rates as dormi- tory rooms. i l w i r Taxes Increase Rates The increased rates, to the dismay of the student who has in the past paid what he considered a "reason- able or low rent," are blamed by land- ladies on increasing taxes and costs. Original activity on the part of stu- dents to avoid high rents, on the other hand, is evidenced by student cooperative houses which, however, accommodate a small number of the student body. A radio fee, in the past only col- lected at the will of the individual landlady, sometimes not collected, will this year become a regular charge by landladies and dormitories, room- ing house authorities revealed. The exact amount of the charge in room- ing houses will be left to the discre- tion of the landlady. In Rumsey and Allen Houses the radio fee, the room- ing house inspector stated, will be $4 per semester. Varied Speech Program Proves Eloquence Rules The Day Here "Silence is golden" the poet warned, but his admonition is accorded scant attention at Michigan where for- ensic activities have flourished from time immemorial. There are at present, in addition to the extensive program sponsored by the Department of Speech and Lin-I guistics, five extracurricular organi- zations devoted to forensic activities: Alpha Nu and Adelphi, both for the men of the literary school; Sigma Rho Tau for the engineering school; and Athena and Zeta Phi Eta, the two women's societies. Alpha Nu claims the honor of being the oldest of the quintet, hay- head of the engineering college Eng- lish department. Adelphi conducts its meetings in a unique manner, the procedure being modeled exactly from that of the United States House of Representa- tives. Each member is assigned a state for which he answers in roll call and which he represents in de- bate. Sigma Rho Tau is the largest of any of the societies, its membership usually about 90. The engineers have taken for their purpose the establish- ment of a closer bond between the members of the technical professions and the public. Part of the annual induction cere- Newly-Formed Independent Men' Plan To Welcome, Aid Freshmen Greeting the class of '41 will be a Marvin Reider, '39, treasurer. During newly-organized Independent Men's the coming semester, a representative Organization, which will endeavor to of the class of '41, will be picked to organize the independent men and take his place among the executives, offer them some of the fraternal ad- the officers pointed out. Class repre- vantages which independents have sentation, it was further stated, will' not in the past enjoyed. also be attempted on the Executive Organized during the latter part of Council of the Independents. William the last semester, the Independents Barndt, '37, president last semester, will attempt to institute this year a will not be in school this year. system of zoning of independent men, The Assembly, the women indepen- which was found to be the most dents' association, is expected to work feasible program, the officers ex- in harmony upon projects with the plained. The final plans have not men's organization, The Daily was yet been announced, but it is ex- told. Mixers and other social activ- pected that the organization will ities may be jointly sponsored, it was begin its activities this week. explained, in the concerted efforts Ruthven Warns StudentsI Against Specialization President Ruthven yesterday urged every student to take full opportu- nities offered by the University for mental development and not simply to devote all of his time to special- ization. He called attention of the students to the desirability of taking advan- tagL of opportunities to promote their education outside of the classroom. "This school year will be crowded with lectures by distinguished men, exhibits of art by artists of note and s . Prof. To Bugher Resigns 1 Study Yellow Feverl NEW YORK, Sept. 20.-(1)-Stock I market leaders dropped to new low levels for the past 21 months or The resignation of Prof. John C. Bugher of the School of Medicine to