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November 09, 1937 - Image 3

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-09

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Mark Light Varsity Grid Practice


Kinsey Earns
Spot On First
SquadIn Drill
Ritchie And Purucker Get
Backfield Berths; Stress



-. . I

Maroons Put In A Lot Of Work For Only A Two-Yard Gain

Frolic Prophesies Tank Power
Despite the fact that they were Benham, and Adolph Fernstenfeld,




Put On Fundamentals Let 'em Have Light...
Michigan's poor showing against If you're an incontrovertible ag-
Chicago Saturday prompted Coach nostic you probably don't believe in
signs. But astrological bugs, or di-
Harry G. Kipke again to shift his vinity students, must surely have seen
Monday afternoon lineup. in the bright shafts of sunlight which
Notwithstanding the typically Ann swung across the Michigan bencl
Arbor rainy, windy and cold weather late Saturday afternoon deified
benevolence. Before Stark Ritchie and
the Wolverines went through their Danny Smick conspired to beat Chi-
first practice this week outdoors but cago, an imaginative soul could hear!
took it easy, running through plays Kipke tearing his contract into little
and dummy scrimmages against a bits and picture Wally Weber shorn
team composed of second stringers, of a slogan. Only a sudden smirk
Takes Stanton's Place of the Gods could pull that one out
The biggest change in the Michi- of the fire. But it happened! *
gan team was the placing of John The cruel, dispassionate tall man-
Kinsey, sophomore wingback, into the with no feeling for high drama and
first team backfield in place of Tex magnificent comebacks - was too
Stanton. Kinsey, althouigh he took ready with his popgun. "Michigan's
no part in Saturday's game, has con- comeback! You mean Chicago's col-
sistently shown up well in practice' lapse! Why, I had binoculars trained
during the week and his running and on Ritchie's long touchdown run, and
especially his punting have received Chicago men who tried to overtake
considerable comment. him grimaced as they ran, so bushed
At the tailback position in place of were they.- It was like hitting a guy
Freddie Trosko was Stark Ritchie in the solar plexus when he's about
who was moved up to that post by ready to drop."
virtue of his showing in the Chicago Whatever the final verdict, viewed
game. Norm Purucker took over at from an objective standpoint, Mich-
the other wingback throughout prac- igan's performance was punk. Chi-
tice and Doug Farmer rounded out cago played with only thirteen men,
the backfield at quarterback. after a 250-mile train ride in the
Lineup Not Set, However morning. Those hapless "13" met
The line saw the same ends, Dan about 25 big, powerful, speedy and
Th~ lne sw thesameends intelligent men representing Mich-
Smick and John Nicholson. Fred itlgn e ep.etn iha
Janke and Dennis Kuhn, however, igan, and the boys who go to school
hri h k owv chiefly for an education came so close#
were covering the tackle posts with to winning you could hear the final'
Dutch Vandewater and Ernie Peder- sigh in Ypsning yd n.
sodros cnteringuards and Archie Those last tense, tantalizing mo-
K Sepa wrtewh ements covered a multitude of short-
Several plays were tried with the comings. Which gives rise to the re-
second team offering Pennsylvania mark that football and the men who
defense formations. Attack and de- live by it are about as predictable as
fense will come more into their own the bounce of a punt.
later in the week with a freshman' * * *
team offering Quaker plays for the DOTS AND DASHES-Now
Varsity to work upon. I that Ritchie and Norm Purucker
Bad tackling performances Satur- have been "discovered" wonder
day may cause the squad to under- what will become of Fred Trosko?
go considerable workouts in that . .. If anything ... There's been
branch of the game also this week. I ma n rsingr...Thnre'ien
Coach Kipke stated that the lire- u climax runners for a long time,
up he used yesterday afternoon may quarterback'in Louis Levine, who
be considerably changed during the called the touchdown against -
rest of the week and offered no clue linois, then repeated against Chi-
to any possible lineup for the forth- cago. . . It's "Touchdown Louie
coming game with Pennsylvania. Bo McMillin, who had toabroad-
cast for more grid candidates this
fall in order to get enough men
Styled for Comfort! for scrimmaging, has a smart
eleven at Indiana this year . . .
They held Minnesota to six
points, lost to Nebraska by the
same margin, and then bounced
SHIRTS up and smote the Buckeyes ...
KNOWN AS THE BEST - THE BEST KNOWN Give some guys enough encour-
agement and they'll begin to be-
lieve you ....

performing under wraps at Satur-1
day night's "Swim Circus," Michi-
gan's swimming stars gave ample evi-
dence that they are ready to defend
their National and Big Ten Cham-
pionship in the impending season.
Coach Matt Mann has already
called this year's crop of divers 'the
best group which Michigan has ever
had." The wily coach said "there
isn't a Degener among them, but
there are seven first class divers on
the frosh and Varsity squads."
The Varsity divers, Jack Wolin, Hal

were highly impressive with their
graceful plunges, and should be in
the thick of the competition for the
individual championships.
The relay record, though a surprise,
might have been expected. For three
of the four who made up the record-
breaking quartet Saturday night are
co-holdersof. the worlds record for
the 400 yard distance which was
established by Michigan at the A.A.U.
meet at Yale last winter.
Read Daily Classified Ads

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New way of burning tobacco,
-better, cooler, cleaner. Car-
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Caked with honey. At dealers' now.

Michigan's biggest problem Saturday, Sollie Sherman, fleet University of Chicago halfback and ace pass-
tosser is seen here gaining two yards for the Windy City team during the , first quarter of the Michigan-
Chicago game. Doug Farmer, No. 70, Wolverine quarterback is making the tackle while Peterson, No. 41,
Maroon tackle, is attempting interference.


Annis Offered Trial Nine Veterans B
With Tiger Farm
For ComingBC
In Ohio State Loop
With the first two weeks of basket-j
Michigan may soon have another ball practice for the 1937-38 season
pitching representative in profes-
sional baseball, following in the foot- completed, Coach 1Franklin Capponl
steps of Pete Appleton, "Whitey" has been trying to smooth the rough
Wistert, and more recently Berger edges off the squad he has workingf
Larson and Johnny Gee. out every night in the IntramuralI
However, the new aspirant to hur- Building.
ling honors has never led Michigan Regular evening session, will con- ;
to any Big Ten championships, as tinue at the I-M courts for an-
have his predecessors. In fact he has other few days or until the hard-1
never appeared in a Varsity uniform. wood floorwhich is being put into
Bob Annis, a 19-year old right- place in the Yost Field House is
hander, who has been recently offeredr
a contract by Wish Egan, head scout ready.
of the Detroit Tigers, got his sole Although football is claiming sev-
experience here as a member of eral of his leading candidates for Var-
Bennie Oosterbaan's freshman nine sity berths at present, Coach Cappon
last spring. has approximately 15 men drilling
Annis is now pondering over whe- each evening.
ther to join the Tigers' Tiffin farm Townsend Is Still Axis
in the Ohio State league, or to con- Capt. Jake Townsend continues to1
tinue his education. The main ques- be the axis around which the team!
tion in his mind is which alterna- ,revolves, even this early in the year, 1
tive will lead him further to his one and Herm Fishman is forecasting,
ambition and goal - major league some of his mid-season spirit.
baseball. From last year's Varsity, Leo Beebe,
Annis was approached by Egan on Dick Long, Ed Thomas, Manny Slav-
his performance for a strong Flint in and Bill Lane have appeared con-
sandlot nine last summer, which he sistently for practice and are grad-
joined upon completion of the col- ually moving into some semblance of
legiate season. At Michigan he shap. e
turned in several fine games for the ap
freshman nine, including a four-hit Sessions have largely been devoted
victory over the Varsity in an exhibi- to fundamentals with setting-up ex-
tion game. ercises, short passing, some dribbling
and several scrimmages summing up
PSI U's DEFEAT ACACIA an evening's work.
In the pouring rain yesterday af- Football Still Holds Several
ternoon on South Ferry Field, Psi Besides the group of veterans he
Upsilon easily defeated Acacia, 18 to has back, Cappon is counting on sev-
0 in an I-M speedball game. eral sophomores and juniors to add

righten Hopes:
asketball Season
strength to the team. One of the
brightest spots on the floor since
practice began has been Jimmy Rae,
six-two soph forward, who has been
fitting nicely in the Townsend-Fish-
man-Thomas type of play.
Cappon does not expect a full'
squad to appear until after the close
of the football season and until the
basketball floor has been erected.
At present on the football team
are Bill Barclay, a regular starter
last year and, Danny Smick, who also
saw a great deal of action and who
will undoubtedly see plenty more this
year. Freddie Trosko, frosh cage
star last year, will appear as soon as
the Ohio State game is over.
Other sophomores and juniors who
have been working out with the squad
are Russ Dobson, Charles Pink, Ed
Christianson, Lynn Riess, Max War-
shaw, Ben Weaver, Dave Woods and
Bob Palmer.
-_ _-- -------








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MINNEAPOLIS, Nov. 8. -(A)-The
University of Minnesota regulars and
first string reserves who swamped j
Iowa under a 35-10 score last weekj
were given a rest today.I

For years men have wanted a
shirt like this. The new Man-
hattanized fused collar is ab-
solutely starchless - Yet no
starched collar ever set with
more precision, and when you
think of its marvelous comfort,
it's no wonder that all America
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MADISON, Wis., Nov. 8.-( P)-r
Shooting for a victory over Purdue
to keep their mathematical chance
for a share in the Big Ten football
championship, Wisconsin's Badgers E
got down to work again today after a.
week of light workouts.
EVANSTON, Ill., Nov. 8.--()-
Gloom descended on Northwestern's t
football camp today when the Wild-
cats learned they will be without!
three regular linemen for the Min-
nesota battle Saturday.
CHICAGO, Nov. 8.-(,P)-Chicago's
Maroons were given a vacation to-
day before starting preparation for
the final two games of the season.
BLOOMINGTON, Ind., Nov. 8.-(P)
g Line ....:
favored fellows are
skillfull dancers. We
either orivate or class

-Coach A. N. McMillin made today
a holiday for Indiana University grid-
men who participated in the Hoo-
siers' 10-0 victory over Ohio State.
LAFAYETTE, Ind., Nov. 8.-(P)--
Purdue's football squad, back home
after a disappointing showing against
Fordham at New York, went through
a light drill here today with regulars
excused early.
COLUMBUS, O., Nov. 8.- (P) -
Ohio State's battered Buckeyes
viewed motion pictures of their 10 to
0 grid defeat Saturday at the hands l
of Indiana and went through a light
practice session under cover as rain
pelted down today.

And as we have what you
want in the HARDWARE
line, you will be pleased.
KER'S for that radio, shot-
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