The Weather generally fair and somewhat coder. L Sir&igan ~~Iait Editorials A Chance For Student Cooperation ... . Elijah Parish Peabody, 100 Years Ago.. VOL. XLVIII. No. 38 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, TUESDAY, NOV. 9, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Pact Of Fascists Feared Aimed, At Expansion OfTerritories Italian - German - Japanese Agreement 'Have Nots' Thrust For More Land China And Brazil May Be Drawn In LONDON, Nov. 8.-{I)-Growing fear was aroused in many parts of the world tonight that the Italo- German-Japanese pact against in- ternatfonal communisnr was aimed chiefly at territorial expansion.. Open skepticism was voiced in sev- eral countries at the signatories' as- surances that the agreement signed at Rome Saturday was directed ex- clusively against Bolshevism and constituted a safeguard against war. Recent Italian support of German colonial demands heightened suspi- cion of Itajy's purpose in adhering to the pact at a time when the Jap- anese army is occupying large sections of China.' Some British quarters expected Japan to grant Italy and Germany special economic advantages in oc- cupied portions of China, excluding the United States and Great Britain. A source close to the German Chancellery .in Berlin disclosed that Germany would attempt to end the Chinese-Japanese war by bringing China into the anti-communism front as the price of peace with Ja- pan. This would mean renunciation of China's close friendship with So- viet Russia. Italian and German insistence that their intervention in the Spanish civil war is a fight against commun- ism was cited in some quarters as an example of how the new alliance might operate in other parts of the, world, including South America. The possibility the fascist powers might seek to bring Brazil into the pact was held in some quarters to be a potential threat to the United States. Fascist intervention in South American politics after the pattern in Spain might involve the United States, which stands as guardianI Lighting Improvements Delayed Fascist Spain - By Limited Funds, Pardon Says MayFallLash JpaneseSezehalghal Programn To Install New reveals that the cost estimate for im-[*A - PFixtures Was Given Up 2i a projects is $280,000, while TelisLiberals After Sw eeping Offensive Fitrsonly $168,000 is available to the de-s ~rn During Business Slump partment. Of this figure, $115,000_ comes under the head of "must" ac- R Although lighting is recognized as an important problem, limitation of funds prevents the buildings andl grounds department from carrying} out an extensive improvement of ex- isting facilities, Edward C. Pardon, superintendent, told the Daily yester- day. Since enough money to fill all re- quirements is not available, those projects that are concerned with keeping the buildings usable are given first consideration. "For example, it is much more feasible to spend eight or nine thousand dollars for repairing roofs or keeping up the heating plant,j than it is to spend the same amount for adding to the lighting system," Mr. Pardon said. A large program to remedy the lighting problem in University build- ings was inaugurated and a sizable reserve built up before the depression, but the slump forced abandonment of the plans. "An estimate made several years ago pl4.ced the cost of the most im- portant additions to lighting at ap- proximately $8,000," Mr. Pardon said. "The amount needed now is con- siderably above that figure. For the library alone, the installations ex- pense would total $1,750. However, the problem is given quite a bit of at- tention, as some improvements are made each year in spite of the re- duced budget." "Lighting is not the only problem that merits attention in our pro- gram. Acoustics are so bad in some' rooms that it is doubtful that the students can hear their professors. This certainly is a situation that might well be remedied." An examination of the budget of the building and grounds department Nation's Policy On Spending Becomes Issue' Doubt If Business Slump Necessitates More Or Less Federal Expenditures Loyalist Army Will Topple Franco If More Italians lHe Wields The Baton Are Not Sent, He Claims! Spain In Flames' ARTUR RODZINSKI * y* * Rodzinski Leads Symphony Here At 8:30_Tonight Cleveland Group To Give Second In Choral Union Concert Program Here Artur Rodzinski, conductor of the Cleveland Orchestra, will bring his organization to Ann Arbor for a con- cert at 8:30 p.m. today in Hill Audi- torium for the second of this season's Choral Union Series. This is the fifth year of Mr. Rod- zinski's leadership of the Cleveland Orchestra, founded 20 years ago. Last year through special arrange- ments, the Cleveland maestro also conducted the New York Philhar- monic Symphony for eight weeks where he appeared in 28 perfor- mances. He has also been engaged for part of the coming season as co- conductor with Toscanini to lead the newly established NBC Radio fITo Be Shown Here. If France does not get more Italian troops, the now well-organized Loy- alist army of 550,000 will soon bring about the collapse of fascist forces in Spain, Joseph Lash, American youth leader recently returned from war-torn Spain, told 250 persons at! the Progressive Club meeting last night in the Union Ballroom. "Spain in Flames," a film of actual scenes of the war taken by Joris Ivens and with narrative by Ernestl Hemingway, will be shown at theI Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Friday and Saturday, Nov. 19 and 20, by the1 Art Cinema League, it was announced1 at the meeting. Lash, Executive Secretary of the American Student Union, describedI how internal strife between the pop- ulations of different provinces and between the various political parties was overcome in order to build a unified and disciplined army and a united civilian front. Groups of soldiers learning to read and write in the trenches were cited by Lash as evidence that the Gov- ernment is realizing its objectives of democratic education. He added that ! theatres and agricultural instructors' travel about Loyalist Spain among the peasants. Referring to "Michigan boys fight- ing in Spain for their convictions," Lash lauded the "heroic" part the In- ternational Brigade has played in "defending Spanish democracy." He said American college men in Spanish' hospitals had told him that they wanted to feel that the American stu- dent movement was their "rear guard.' After recounting incidents in which1 small children had been victims of bombing of Madrid, the speaker, made a plea for financial aid from American students to equip homes for Spanish refugee children and to help purchase ether, ambulances and medical supplies for the Spanish< people. On Last Chinese Positions Fud For Arthritis Research Planes Attack Retreating Soldiers As Troops Try Increased To Million Dollars To WipeOutStragglers - Defenders Lay Fire Disease Is Cause Of Huge Speaks Here Tomorrow entrers In Pat Loss In Time, Money Z)Dstricts In Path Federal Sre Reveals Survey SHANGHAI, Nov. 9.-(Tuesday)- (P)-Shanghai fell today to a wildly Medical research men at the Uni-. excited Japanese army which swept versity were blown out of a traditional <> $ }~ across the once-bitterly defended pessimism last week when the fund Soochow Creek on the western fringes for the study of arthritis prevention,'Sofchhw Cravky-nuardedesternatinal cure and migration was raised from of the heavily-guarded International $10,000 to $1,000,000 at one fell swoop. 'Settlement. Before noon Japanese legions cap- An announcement was made sev- X fured Hungjao airdrome-China's eral months ago of a $10,000 Rack- "Sarajevo" where the spark fell which ham gift for the study of arthritis, started the Chinese-Japanese con- commonly known to the layman as flict in the Shanghai region. rheumatism. The research orgamliza- Retreating Chinese troops, who left tion then tentatively set up, can Low China's great commercial city within be expanded to provide for a corn- the Japanese battlelines, fired nu- prehensive study over a term of years. :merous buildings throughout the The grant provides for die interest Hungjao area as they fell back toward from the endowment to be used an- winter defense lines further to the nually for at least five and no more west. than ten years in a study of this Plapes Take Part painful, crippling, joint disease. Japanese planes, taking to the air Research in cancer, syphilis, or any quickly in the face of the Chinese other major problem may be en- -PROF. NATHAN T-ISAACS withdrawal, heavily bombed the Chi- dowed by the fund following this ;*nese lines while mobile shock troops work, if the executive board of the T raced forward in an attempt to wipe graduate school so desires. After 15 LaW Professor out Chinese stragglers. years the whole sum may be added Vast. clouds of smoke in the vicinity to the endowment fund of the grad- To G ive T re of Nanziang, important railway point uate school. 4directly west of Shanghai, were be- Arthritis, or rheumatism, although lieved by foreigh military observers its symptoms are often used with a Lectures L ere to indicate that the Chinese probably humorous connotation by actors de- had withdrawn along the entire west- picting old age, according to a fed- ern line which they had defended eral survey, resulted in the -loss of Isaacs To Talk On Jewish valiantly since Japanese captured 7,500,000 weeks of work and a mnane- rine U drLa Chapei Oct. 27. .ary loss osore than $200,000,00to Experiences Under Law No Military Effect tar lssofmor tan$20,00,000The Japns dvac a oml the wage earners of the country in I And Worship Tomorrow itaryefcta n the Fenchhad no il- The seriousness of this disabling the area packed with foreign refugees Prof. Nathan T. Isaacs of the Har- immediately adjoining the region ailn is indicated by a recent study vard Law School, authority on bus- evacuated by the Chinese, but it left in Massachusetts which showed 140, mess law, teacher and well-known all foreign and Chinese sections sur- 000 sufferers, a total of moise than writer, will give three lectures here rounded by Japanese warships and all the cases of tuberculosis, heart tomoirow. troops. disease and cancer combined, in that Professor Isaacs will speak on Foreign observers were of the opin- state. "Jewish Experience Under the Law" 'The lw mortality rate from ar J shE"ion that the Chinese were not de- The rate frgmecr in the Natural Science Auditorium feated south of Soochow Creek, where thritis explains the relative neglect at 4:15 p.m., on "Study as a Mode of they had engaged heavy Japanese of research in the field in terms of Worship" at Hillel Foundation in the concentrations, but were forced to comparison with cancer and tuber- evening, and will address a faculty withdraw to avoid being cut off by a culosis. It is only in the last 10 b luncheon on "Lessons from Jewish Japanese expeditionary force which or 15 years that work in this country Experience" at 12:15 p.m. in the was marching up from the south after has produced significant results. Union, landing at Hangchow Bay. However; little is known about the "Professor Isaacs will present a This expeditionary column was said cause of the disease. Most of the scholarly interpretation of Jewish at- Tiexdtonrclunwsad work done in the past has been in the tiue rdcdudrasse.f to be making a strong attack against (Continued on Page 6) education which may ~be aistobeSungkiang, a key point in China's edcto-hc myb adt communications to the west. It was religious and legalistic," Dr. Edward believed the Chinese would take new W. 'Blakeman counsellor in religion, positions several miles from Shanghai Ne D irector s commented yesterday, in an attempt to bar the Japanese "He is a teacher of varied experi- advance toward Nanking, N m s Create ence, a writer well-known within his1 N am es Crfieldand comes to the campus with l , a preparation "rather unique," Dr. lJudOe Brands News For Dail B lakeman pointed out. - A contributor to the recently com- piled "Encyclopedia of Social Sci- a s over Mon St I For S I W othe tice Cour W miss was seat of t. "atti litiga An his that part of the globe under the WASHINGTON, Nov. 8.-(W) - Orchestra. roe Doctrine. Whether the Government should re- For tonight's performance Mr. Rod- ' 00j( Re u s duce or expand its expenditures to zinski has chosen the following pro- overcome the current business reces- gram especially for Ann Arbor: Pre- iprem e Court ion became a paramount question in ude to "Die Meistersinger," by Wag- Extended Tim e C u t kthe capital tonight. ner;" "Symphony in G Minor," by E te President Roosevelt called in his Mozart and "Symphony No. 1," by F H1alts, Attem pt foremost spender, Harry L. Hopkins' Brahms.' For H olid ay si and three Government economists to Fallowing the appearance of Mr. a dscuss. i generaln t th economic conditions Flo ig te a paa c f M.____ To O ustBlaikh latot"h bdetan Rodzinski and the Cleveland Orches- With more than 3,500 signatures buge adtra, other concerts to be heard in collected, petitioning for a vacation While they were canvassing the sit- Ann Arbor as part of the Choral Series Friday and Saturday after Thanks- rmier Alabama Senator uation, Secreta'ry Morgenthau of the include Richard Crooks, Nov. 19; giving will continue today. Treasury disclosed that be would pre_ Fritz Kreisler, Nov. 29; Boston Sym- Petitions will be placed in the lobby, tands With Liberals Ingent his views on additional "pump phony Orchestra, Dec. 8; RuthI of Angell Hall, the lobbies of the lb First Bench Decision 'riming" outlays in a speech on Slenczynski, Jan. 10; Finnish Chorus, Union and the League, the engineer- "spending" before the League for Pa- Jan. 18; Gina Cigna, Jan. 28; Roth ing college and on the diagonal. ASHINGTON, Nov. 8-P)-An- litical Sciences in New York Wednes- String Quartet, Feb. 17; Georges Sponsored by the Men's Council,' x effort to remove Associate Jus- day night. Eesco, March 1. these petitions request that these two Since the recent stock market de- A limited number of season tickets days vacation'be given not only this Hugo L. Black from the Supreme line, several schools of thought have and tickets for individual concerts year but in future years. ithout comment, the court dis- developed regarding next year's work are still available and will be disposed I Those who have not yet signed the 'd at comet nt thendingtBlackrelief outlays. Some have argued j of in order of application to the petitions were asked to do so immed- ed a petition contending Black that further curtailment of WPA ex- School of Music, according to Charles iately by the Men's Council, so that constitutionally ineligible for his penditures would contribute toward A. Sink. president. an attempt may be made to obtainI and that he had, as a member the balanced budget predicted by the yacation this year.I he Senate, shown himself to be the President for the next fiscal pe- Fraternities and sororities having I tudinized" regarding a point mriod, and thus increase business con- RObber Sentened petitions that are filled were asked to ation. fidence. Others have contended that ut h ehand them in at the Union or the, hour earlier, Black handed down cuts in relief outlays this year re- By Federal Court League as soon as possible. first opinion. Speaking in a low duced the public's purchasing power i, E + { I i I, I i i i a It E tone, he hurriedly telescoped a 2,000 word argument into a brief oral an- nouncement, leaving details to a peru- sal of his printed text. The decision upholding a Federal Trade Commission contention that two firms practiced unfair competi- tion in the sale of encyclopedias, de- nounced "deception" in business. In addition, in two cases upon which the court was divided, he aligned himself with its traditionally liberal members, and in three tax controversies, he voted against the government and in favor of the tax- payer. The new attempt to oust Black, who took his seat amid charges of constitutional ineligibility and a fur- ore over his admitted former mem- bership in the Ku Klux Klan, was in- stituted by three Florida oil com- panies. It was the third, unsuccessful effort to remove him. Student Publications Board Member Quits The resignation of Walter Graham, before business was ready to take up the slack, and that spending should GRAND RAPIDS, Nov. 8.-(')- Gray Addresses be continued at present levels if not A second grim warning within less increased. I than two weeks to ward bank robbers Stephen T. Early, a presidential ;taway from Michigan developed in a L b r n(l L secretary, told reporters that Mr. I jury room of Federal Court tonight. __ Roosevelt from now on would be giv- Twelve days after a bank robber-1 ing prime attention to the business killer heard his doom ordered by a Conscience A Better Guide and financial situation and its af- federal juiy in Bay City, a similar Than State, He Says I feet on employment, the budget and body of citizens here convicted 39- { relief. I year-old Raymond C. Stevensons of That a man's conscience, not the helping to raid a bank in Grand state, should dictate his life, was! Rapids. brought out by Harold Gray, a con-,I rganic emisry Quickly there followed sentences scientous objector in the World War, Listed As Students' from Federal Judge Fred M. Ray- at a meeting of the Liberal Student 'mond to keep Stevenson, found guilty Union Sunday at the Unitarian Chief Public Enem 1 as a participant in a $33,000 holdup, Church. Cb cEnemy behind Leavenworth penitentiary's Mr. Gray was sentenced to 25 years 'forbidding walls for 40 years. in Leavenworth prison for his refusal, The old argument over what the I to fight, but was pardoned a year af- toughest course in college seems to ter the war along with other objec- be ended at last. A study made by Hoffman Calls For Fight tors. He worked with the Y.M.C.A. the Bureau of Educational Surveys On Murphy Labor Views in England during the first years of of New York City has just revealedys the war, but feeling that even this organic chemistry as curricular Pub- BATTLE CREEK, Nov. 8.--()-"If I work was inconsistent with his ideals, lic Enemy number one for the nation's you don't take off your coats and1 he returned to this country where he university students. make a fight against the CIO and the was in a camp forobjectors in Kan- Following organic chemistry, sta- labor policies of Governor Murphy sas until the men there were drafted. P tistics has the best right to the worst and President Roosevelt, there is go- He feels that the war is inconsis- reputation, the Bureau found. Other ing to be civil war," Rep. Clare Hoff- tent with the Christian ideal and leading anti-social studies listed in 1 man (Rep., Mich.), of Allegan told has never been successful in stop- the Bureau's report are physics, gen- the Battle Creek Rotary Club today. ping further war. "'Names make news" is an old jour- ences," Professor Isaacs has written nalistic adage that the Student Di- on such themes as "Study as a Mode DjIeitiruen v rectory, which appeared, after much of Worship" and "Elements of Jewish typographical procrastination, yester- Education," lectured upon "Ways of 1 day, fully substantiates. Peace" and "Social Attitudes" andC c oor e Alcoholically speaking, there are acted as assistant editor of the In- ago oy 4ourt Head two Benders for one Beer and two ternational Standard Bible and En- Describes New Attitude Bocks with three Frieds, but only two cyclopedia. Soboroffs. A brief period of questions and dis- ~ r rm l Ot The one Royal in the Directory cussion will probably follow the after- should feel right at home for there noon lecture in Natural Science Audi-- Indleness and unemployment, and are 17 Kings, two MacQueens, four toriumI unsupervised boys' organizations, are Kaisers and one Peer. For two Heads ---- h- -iyo hen, J. M.fBr m emog there are two Combs, one Brilliantine and a Derby. H o ve W4arns the Boys' Court in Chicago, told a The Directory reverses the Biblicalr meeting of more than 100 people Sun- situation by having eight Daniels to day at the Hillel Foundation. five Lyons, while there is a Horn On Propaganda To provide employment for boys apiece for two Gabriels. Also in a'r brought up for trial in his court, religious vein, there are three ' Judge Braude persuaded some of the Churches with an Alter for two Mc- Asks More Free Speech big Chicago industries to give them Brides and a Groomes. Reminiscent jobs. Of 108 receiving employment of the Reformation are three Luthers, As Means To Liberty in this way, 106 made good in their three Knoxes and four Popes. j positions. The antonym comes in for its full WATERVILLE, Me., Nov. 8.-UP- The Boys' Court, the only one of its share in the Directory with two Highs Herbert Hoover today termed free kind in the country, deals with boys for three Los, one New for four Olds, speech and free press the "bulwarkj between the ages of 17 and 21. Ac- two Lotts for two Lyttles, and a Mac- of human liberty" and warned the cording to law, age is treated on a Lean for a MacFate. ' country to guard against the inroads purely chronological basis; the Boys' Politically, there are three Read- of propaganda. Court in judging cases regards phys- ings, to seven O'Briens, and 12 Greens In somber cap and gown, the iological and mental age as well. to one John Lewis. former president, at Colby College ex- Punishment in his court, the judge There are 77 Smiths and 43 Browns ercises described propaganda as a said, is meted out according to the in- in the University, but when all is saidI "poison" nurtured by war and ap- dividual, not the crime. A psychiatric and done, there is still only one Con- plied with refinements to politics. clinic and a sociological bureau con- nell. The antidote, he said, was "more nected with the court, aid in the free speech" to expose "intellectual analysis of the individual. Engieersdishonesty and the purpose that lies! The effectiveness of the treatment Junior Engineers behind it." afforded by the Boys' Court, is shown Hoover spoke at exercises coM-, by the fact that 72 per cent of the To Vote Tomorrow memorating a Colby graduate, Elijah I boys tried by the court, did not re- Parish Lovejoy, who died 100 years pea t crimes. Of the 28 per cent who Junior engineers will select the ago at the hands of a pro-slavery d 3 repeat, many commit minor of- Jg tmob in Alton, Ill., as he defended {f