THE MICHIGAN DAILY E MICHIGAN DAILY f>1 mow t fascism as the defender of civilization against the Red menace. According to the report of the British art mission, sent to Spain to ascertain the truth concerning the various rumors emanating from Burgos, the Government has done every- thing possible to conserve the nation's art treas- ures, and only a small fraction of these has been lost. As for the myth of Communist responsibility for the acts of the Valencia Government and its adherents, it is only necessary to point to theI figures of representation in the government in order ; to dispel it. There are 14 Communists seated in the Cortes, which number more than 450. When the rebellion broke out, the Com- munists held no posts in the government, and have since held only two portfolios. They are of considerably less importance in the Span- ish than in the French Popular Front, which no one is sufficiently fatuous to call Communist. But in war time, any sort of credulity may be ex- pected from the public, and is certain to be imposed upon. BraziIGives Up THE WORLD is now witnessing the bank- Edited and managed by students of the University of chigan under the authority of the Board in Control of uderit Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the ive~rsity year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the e for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All hts of republication or all other matter herein also erved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as ond class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, 00; by mail, $4.50. ember, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTE'D FOR NATIONAt. ADV.,,.: ".aw ational Adverising Service, Inc. College Puhilislw's Representative 420 MAo SON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - sAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors ANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES )ITORIAL. DIRECTOR...........TUURE TENANDER TY EDITOR ...................IRVING SILVERMAN 1111am Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas GHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. ORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baidauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. 'OMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department JSINESS MANAGER .............ERNEST A. JONES REDIT MANAGER...................DON WILSHER DVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG OMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY OMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers d Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertisig Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. ' NIGHT EDITOR: SAUL R. KLEIMAN ooperative ducation . . 1# A COOPERATIVE is generally regard- ed as a means of getting cheaper rent, board or books. Whereas reduction of ex- penses is undoubtedly responsible for the success of cooperatives on this and other campuses, the >ooperative movement involves much more than mere price slashing. To acquaint those interested in the movement with this deeper significance, the Rochdale House and the Girls' Cooperative are sponsoring a series of educational programs to discuss the principles of cooperatives, their successes and failures, and their relation to religious, labor, economic and other current problems. The basis of cooperative living is democracy -one member, one vote. In the interest of expediency, members of cooperatives have often entrusted policy determination to those who 'know about the movement." It is the purpose >f the educational programs to offer to all co- operative members the opportunity to learn about he theory and practice of cooperatives. This should insure an intelligent vote on matters of policy determination and enable cooperatives on he Michigan campus to embody the principles of democratic control. ruptcy of one more scheme of agricul- tural planning. Brazil has announced that it will abandon its price control program for coffee, reduce the present export tax on coffee by 75 per cent and adopt a program of open competi- tion. Brazil's efforts to control the supply and price of coffee go as far back as 1870. In that year the governmnt bought up a large quantity to use in paying foreign balances, but the experi- ment ended in a heavy loss. In 1906 the govern- ment once more attempted to provide relief for the growers by taking the crop off their hands at a price above the market, and this plan was financially successful. In 1918 a third valoriza- tion scheme was tried. In 1921 the government began printing paper money and floating foreign loans to help it to buy up more and more coffee. In 1931 it was forced to suspend payment on its foreign debt. The valorization schemes not only had failed to prevent the price of coffee from falling to a ruinously low point but had bank- rupted the government. Tree Planting Prohibited Brazil then began a policy that might now be described as one of balanced abundance. It prohibited the planting of new coffee trees and started to destroy coffee on a huge scale, chiefly by burning it. Since that time it has destroyed enough coffee to .supply every man, woman and child in this country with a cup a day for several years. But though destruction of coffee has mounted, prices have continued downward. Co- lombia and other Central and South American countries, taking advantage of Brazil's restriction and price-raising schemes, have been making serious' inroads into Brazil's share of the world coffee market. Brazil's scheme 'failed, in other words, for pre- cisely the same reason that the British rubber restriction scheme failed. When the British began that program they controlled nearly 70 per cent of the world's surply of raw rubber. The plan raised prices sharply at the beginning. The Dutch East Indies took advantage of this rise to increase their own output. The British lost their domination of the world rubber market and the price collapsed to a point far below that when the control plan was introduced. Brazilian Collapse Dangerous The collapse of the Brazilian control plan is an obvious danger signal to ourselves, particular- ly timely now that a new agricultural control program is being advocated. For just as the Dutch took advantage of the British rubber restriction ,and as Colombia took advantage of Brazil's coffee destruction, so Brazil has taken advantage of our cotton restriction to more than triple her own cotton production, and other coun- tries-Russia, China, India, Egypt-have fol- lowed her example. The result appears in the latest figures of the Bureau of Agricultural Eco- nomics. The world supply of cotton in the 1937- 38 season is expected* to reach 50,800,000 bales, much the largest on record. Our own crop is unusually large, but the chief cause of this record supply, which is depressing cotton prices, is the increase in the foreign crop, which is ex- pected this season to reach 20,100,000 bales. This is 84 per cent greater than the five-year aver- age of 1928-32, just before our own restriction scheme began. "Such a (foreign) crop would exceed by 16 per cent the large 1937-38 United States production," remarks the bureau, "where- as in the five years ended 1932-39 the domestic crop was about one-third larger than that of foreign countries." I/ fecmr zio Me Heywood Broun The trouble with President Roosevelt is his continuing failure to surround himself with a sufficient number of yes-men. He spends far too much time in listening to people who are in opposition to his policies. Now, I am aware that the general opinion holds the precise reverse to be true, and I am not trying to be paradoxical. It will be my endeavor to bring up spe- cific points in support of my contention. But first of all I must answer the argument that any wise executive should keep in close touch with the ideas of his severest critics. This is true in moderation, but too many no-men can spoil a broth or a pro- gram. A team will not function smoothly if the quarterback constantly huddles with players who meet each signal with shouts of protest and sug- gestions of punting or freezing the ball. The moral of the New Deal organization has been badly hurt by the fact that Mr. Roosevelt always sees his enemies and pays practically no attention to his supporters. I was reminded of this situation by seeing a brief news note that Fulton Oursler, editor of Liberty Magazine, had been an overnight guest at Hyde Park. This meeting concerned no major piece of political strategy, I assume, but it is thoroughly within the Roosevelt manner. Mr. Oursler's magazine has been sharply critical to the President for some time, and so the editor is asked to come around to split a herring. The best way for any ambitious young writer to get himself invited to the White House is to make a speech or do a piece bitterly attacking the Pres- ident. I know, because I tried it once. S * * * Be Careful, Oursler However, Mr. Oursler had better be on his guard. If he keeps on attacking Roosevelt he may suddenly find that he has become an Am- bassador to Patagonia. Such was the fate of Dr. Ernest Gruening, at one time editor of the Nation. Dr. Gruening had been one of the administra- tion's severest critics in regard to American colonial policy. Then one day he was summoned to the White House, and when the good doctor left he shook his head in some bewilderment and remembered that he had just agreed to ac- cept the post of Commissioner-of our insular possessions. And when I saw Gruening several months ago he began the conversation by saying, "It's all very well to criticize, Heywood, but you must remember"-. So far so good. Mr. Roosevelt had liquidated a dissenting editor and gained an excellent public servant. But it doesn't always work as well as that. One of the most able progressive leaders in the House, who has been a tower of strength in support of New Deal measures, told me re- cently that he had neither seen the President nor had any word from him in a year. "And he's always talking to the fellows who fight him," added the Congressman. "He goes on the principle that he doesn't have to bother with his friends. They can take care of themselves. But we're human. We want a pat on the back, and we want some information as to which way the drive is going and when." The Shortest Way Home Even admirers of Roosevelt ought to admit that the President tacks too much in approaching an objective. Instead of following the sound, straight line of the crow he emulates a wounded airplane and circles many times before he-lands. Some say that business has been hurt because the President has been too friendly to labor. He may be friendly to labor, but he rarely sees any of the labor leaders. Indeed, they get not one- twentieth of the time which is devoted to con- ferences with employers. It seems to me that both the CIO and the American Federation of Labor were extremely ill-advised in attacking the National Labor Re- lations Board, and the situation might have been averted if Mr. Roosevelt had kept in closer con- tact with Mr. Lewis and Mr. Grgen. Indeed, the President might even now be effective in bringing these groups together but for his stand- off attitude. It is all very well to know what your opponent is up to, but battles are won by co-operating with men on your own side. Victories do not come through long protracted argumerits with the generals of the opposing armies. The New Deal stands in desperate need of the sort of pep- night which Princeton holds each year before the Yale game. There ought to be a love feast to which Bill Sikes and Iago are not invited. The President should prove to the country, and to himself as well, that he is not the only Roosevelt man. Teachers At Sixty The report of Dr. Emil Altman, chief medical examiner of the New York City school system suggesting that teachers be permitted to retire at the age of sixty or after thirty years of service on full pay, seems to us to contain highly debatable points. We doubt, for example, the generalization that teachers lead such a harrowing and nerve-racking life that few of them are useful in the schools after sixty. The present system, under which retirement is compulsory at seventy and permissible after thirty-five years of service, seems to be working well. It is estimated that 10 per cent of the MUSIC DAILY OFFICI Calendar Publication in the Bulletin is cons wrtverutty, Copy received at the eM By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER uaft 3 o: 12:90 aim. an Saturday. SUNDAY I Radio City MusicAHall Symphony, (Continued from Page 2) Erno Rapee conductor, Viola Philo d n er et g.h.R.rC.. soprano soloist. Overture to "The dinner meeting. Phone Rohert Coop- Secret of Susanne" by Wolf-Ferrari, e { Symphony No. 1 and songs of Jan Phi Eta Sigma: Dinner meeng at Sibelius. 12:30-1:30 NBC Blue.I Philharmonic Symphony-Socieity the Union, Sunday, Nov. 7, 6:30 p~m. Philarmnic ympony-ociltyElection of officers and initiation' of New York, John Barbirolli, conduc- plan tor, Deems Taylor commentator. In- -Mans troduction and Allegro for Strings of Eta KapPa Nu. Supper meeting in Edward Elgar, Symphony No. 4 in D the Union Taproom Sunday, Nov. 7 at+ minor by Schumann, Symphony No. 6 p.m. Meeting will be in room 304 6 in B minor of Tschaikowsky. 3-5, tin Union after supper. CBS. Ford Sunday Evening Hour, Eugene Suomi Club: Meeting in Lane Hall Ormandy, conductor, Jascha Heifetz, library, Sunday, Nov. 7, 7:30 p.m. soloist. Handel Overture in D minor, Gliere's Dance of the Russian Sailors The Graduate Outing Club will from "The Red Poppy," movements meet at Lane Hall on Sunday, Novem- from the Wieniawsky Violin Concerto ber 7 at 2:30 p.m. for a trip to Cav- in D minor, miscellaneous selections, anaugh Lake. Hiking, games and 9-10, CBS. supper. All graduate students are MONDAY cordially invited. Rochester Civic Orchestra, Guy Fraser Harrison, conductor. Over- Hebrew Orthodox Students: All ture "Le roi l'a dit," Delibes; Sere- interested in forming a Bible and nade, Glazounoff; Ballet Suite ar- Tolmud Class are invited to the Beth ranged from Gretry's "Cephale and Israel Congregation, 538 N. Division, Procris" by Felix Mottl; Waltz for 3:00. Strings, Opus 48 No. 2, of Tschaikow- - ~ sky; Symphony No. 5 in B flat of Coming Events Schubert. 3-4, NBC Blue, Philaelphi S-4,mpBCoBny, SiPhysics Colloquium: Mr. I. Z. Slaw- Philadelphia Symphony, Sir Ernest sky and Prof. D. M. Dennison will MacMillan guest conductor, assisted speak on "The Potential Function of by University of Pennsylvania Choral Methyl Halide Molecules" at the Society, Harl McDonald, director. Physics Colloquium, Monday, Nov. 8 Beethoven's "Coriolanus" Overture, ath4:15 plm.qinmRood41ENPh. Enesco's First Roumanian Rhapsody, ldi p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics Adagio from Schumann's Second Symphony, C. P. E. Bach's "Mag- German Table for Faculty Mem- nificat," Haydn's Serenade for bers: The regular luncheon meeting Strings. 9-10, NBC Blue. will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in Chicago Opera Company, Verdi's the Founders' Room of the Union. "La Traviata." 11-12, NBC Blue. All faculty members interested in TUESDAY speaking German are cordially in- E y 3 S r 1 1 _ Cincinnati Symphony Orchestra, Eugene Goosens, conductor. All-Wag-1 ner program. 3:30-4:30, CBS. 4 Choral Union concert by the Cleve- land Symphony Orchestra, Artur Rodzinski, conductor. Prelude to "Die Meistersinger," Wagner; Symphony in. G minor, Mozart; Symphony No. 1 in C minor, Brahms. 8:30 p.m., Hill Auditorium. WEDNESDAY San Francisco Opera Company, Pietro Cimini, conductor; Vina Bovy, Rene Maison, Richard Bonelli soloists. Acts II. and III. of Massenet's "Man-I on." 11:30 p.m. - 12:45 a.m, NBC Blue. I the morning service. First Congregational Church, cor- ner State and William. 10:45 a.m., service of worship. "The Man Who Dug a Well" will be the subject for Dr. Parr's sermon. 6 p.m., "Doshisha University in Kyoto" is the topic on which Mr. Kato, himself a member of the famed Japanese institution, will speak to the Student Fellowship at 6 p.m. this evening. Students are cordially in- vited to come to the supper and to listen to Mr. Kato. First Methodist Church: Morning worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W. Brashares will preach on "You." AL BULLETIN structive notice to all members of% he lee at tbo A+Mb*-* at to Uhe PrwrliaMn gram." The first part of the program will be a continuation of the discus- sion of last Sunday on "A Peace Policy for a Time of Crisis." The discussion will be followed by an appropriate worship service. First Church of Christ, Scientist, 409 S. Division St. Sunday morning service at 10:30 a.m., subject, "Adam and Fallen Man." Golden Text John 6:63. Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. after Ehe Spanish Ituation. . o F ALL THE REPORTS which have been circulated throughout the world for 15 months in justification of the rebellion of Gen. Franco, the most constantly reiterated has been the attempt to fasten the "church-burning" stigma on the Government. This type of war story is- one of the best suited for propaganda purposes; for in war time, when death and destruction have become commonplace and no longer move public consideration, it becomes necessary to endow them with especial and dis- tinctive qualities in order to attract attention, and the popular sympathy with the church makes the latter the ideal vehicle for creating prejudice. Several months ago a statement given out by the Vatican declared that 11 bishops and 17,500 priests and nuns had been executed by the Gov- ernment. Another accusation of the same na- ture was contained in the now-famous "pastoral letter" of the rebel bishops at the end of August, but in this document the number was quoted at only 6,000 priests and nuns, although from the news releases of the rebel and pro-rebel press during the summer one would have expected a large increase rather than a decline in the figure. Significantly also, no mention was made in the letter of the 17 bishops supposed to have been slaughtered in their dioceses. The fact is, fantastic figures aside, that a number of priests have doubtless been killed in Spain. Very many of these fell while actively engaged in the rebel military operations, accord- ing to Dr. Juan Orts Gonzales, of the Spanish Evangelist Church of New York, present in Spain during the early part of the war. As for the priests and nuns slain by mobs, their deaths are highly regrettable, but easily under- tonri in the ligrht of the epnloitation of the f SATURDAY1 NBC Symphony Orchestra, Pierre4 Monteux, conductor. Bach-Respighi "Passacaglia"; Symphony in D of Mozart; Symphonic Poem, "Psyche and Ero," by Cesar Franck; "Iberia" of Debussy; Strauss' "Till Eulenspieg- el' I RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: Some people lie awake nights figuring schemes to baffle the men of Farley's postal service. 'The people send in letters to many radio stars asking for pictures and autographs, and they address the epistles in some wild ways. Letters to Major Bowes have been addressed to "All right, all right," "Good Even- ing Friends," and "The Wheel of Fortune Man." The Major-man gets his name misspelled many times too -Boze, Boas, Bose, Boles and Bows frequent the envelopes to the gng- guy. Eddie House, CBS organist, has just launched a 50 foot yacht in the Chicago River. The pipe player is planning a cruise through the Great Lakes, the Atlantic Ocean, and a bit of sailing in southern water come this winter . . . Sons of the Auld Sod are some of radios' stars. Hal Kemp, Tommy Dorsay, Lowell Thomas, Frank Black and Lanny Ross all own farms and in their spare time they turn a row or two in their respective 40's . . . Deanna Durbin can relax for 43 more weeks. The girl singer will continue with Heddie Cantor for that time and then will forget radio for a spell. . . Cole Porter went and fell off a hoss and now the song-writ- er-man is on the bench with both legs cracked -. . "Doctor Christian," a CBS drama affair, premiers at 2:30 today via WJR. Jean Hersholt holds down the leading role. The play has the life of a small-town doctor, his friends, and his patients as the nucleusnr. Grace Moore highlights the General 'Motors Concert at 8 over an NBC net . . . Jack Benny and his cast of funnics do their turn at 7. Mary Livingston, Andy Devine and Phil Harri's band help Benny keep the Ishow movin'. Bits: A while back in the books, a trumpet man left the Casa Loma band to shift for himself. Said valve-bugle player organized a very fine organi- zation and put it under the wing of Rockwell-O'Keefe, name bookers in New York. All well and good ex- cept, the same bookers also handle the Glen Gray crew. Now when the trumpet man left the Casa Loma band they went strictly on a down-hill- slant. Rock-O'Keefe had made a lot, of money on Mr. Gray's boys and did not want to lose the pot of gold, and so put the finger on one cornet man named Sonny Dunham. Try arln+ +ha nm f nh han roh a- 1 vited.4 Junior A.A.U.W. Dinner Meeting. Professor Jean Paul Slusser of the College of Architecture will speak on "The Design Approach to Modern Crafts" at the monthly dinner meet- ing Wednesday, Nov. 10, at 6:15 p.m. in the Michigan League. Reserva- tions may be made at the League (Dial 23251) before Tuesday night. The program for Sunday at the Hillel Foundation: 2:30 p.m.-.Symphony Recording Concert 3:30 p.m.-Reception for Judge J. M. Braude and Mr. Fred Bern- stein 3:45 p.m.-Palestine Club 5:00 p.m.-Independent Club Bouf- fet Supper 8:00 p.m.-Forum Speaker-Judge J. M. Braude Topic-The Why Of Bad Boys Varsity Glee Club. Important re- hearsal at 4:30 p.m. All men with absences must clear their records at this Sunday's rehearsal. International Council: Sunday evening supper, Room 116 Union, 6 p. m. Next three Sundays to be de- voted to discussion groups. American students, especially those in profes- sional schools, are invited to partici- pate. --New York Times. Medicinal Death Death, destruction, and fraud in present-day patent medicines demand revision of an out- moded pure food and drug act, B. S. Hopkins, .head of the division of inorganic chemistry, told the American Business club the other night in words well worth heeding. Certificates of death for "cured" persons months before their testimonial appeared, obesity cures that are worth 30 cents but cost $20, and hair removers that are poisonous offer terrible and irrefutable proof that Mr. Hopkins, one of the world's foremost chemists, is right. Says Mr. Hopkins: "The food and drug law names many specific compounds which are not to be placed in patent medicines without proper labeling, but most of the compounds named are out of date. "Many new compounds which are dangerous can be placed in these medicines because they are not listed in the law. Recently 50 people died in one community because of such a practice."' When Mr. Hopkins demands revision of our "almost obsolete" pure food and drug act, you may be sure he speaks with conviction and au- thority. His stand deserves the support of every r it.tinknanrc The Garden Section of the Faculty Women's Club will met Wednesday, November 10, at three o'clock at the home of Mrs. F. B. Fralick, 2101 Bel- mont, corner of Melrose Avenue. Michigan Dames: The Art Group will meet at the League Monday eve- ning at 8 o'clock. The room will be posted on the bulletin board. Luncheon for Graduate Students on Wednesday, November 10, at twelve o'clock, in the Russian Tea Room of the Michigan League Build- ing. Cafeteria service. Bring tray across the hall. Dr. John W. Stanton of the history department will speakI informally on "The Present Situation in the Far East." Faculty Women's Club: The Book Shelf and Stage Section will meet with Mrs. Emory W. Sink, 1546 Pack-I ard St., Tuesday, Nov. 9 at 2:45 p.m. Mrs. Thomas Mitchell is assisting hostess. Botanical Journal Club: Tuesday,' 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 Natural Science Bldg. .. Josephine Burkette: Recent studies in photoperiodism. Lowell F. Bailey: Recent studies concerning mycorrhizae of coniferous seedlings. Marjorie Darken: The rate of photosynthesis of a young apple tree. Dr. S. Granick: Recent papers on streaming of protoplasm. Chairman: Professor F. G. Gus- tafson. Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a compulsory meeting Monday evening, Nov. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the League. Progressives Club: Joseph P. Lash will speak on "How the Loyalists are Reorganizing Spain's Educational System" at a meeting of the Progres- sives to be held Monday evening at 8 p.m. in the Ballroom of the Michi- ;an Union. The public is invited. Women's Swimming Club: Tryouts' Monday at the Union 4 to 6 p.m. Bring medical recheck. L ~ti-s "f !1 - l: Stalker Hall: Student class 9:45 a.m. Dr. E. .W. Blakeman will lead the discussion on "The Present-Day Pacifist." Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m. Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson will speak on "When A Feller Needs a Friend." Supper and fellowship hour following the meeting. First Presbyterian Church, meeting at the Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth Ave. 10:45 a.m., "What is the Peace of God Today?" is the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon at the morning worship service. Music by the stu- dent choir under the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. The musical numbers will be as follows: Organ Prelude; "Grant Us Thy Peace" by Karg-Elert: Anthem, "Now the Powers of Heaven" by Arkhangelsky; Solo, "The Heart Worships" by Holst. 5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu- dent group, supper and. fellowship hour. At the meeting which follows at 6:30 p.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver willspeak on the topic "The Holiness of Beauty." A cordial invitation is extended to all students of Presby- terian affiliation and their friends. St. Paul's Lutheran: Liberty at Third, 'Faith vs. Unbelief" will be Pastor Brauer's sermon topic for the morning service at 10:45 a.m. Bible class and a service in the German Language begins at 9:30 a.m. This Sunday a special evening serv- ice will be hed in which the holy sacrament will be administered. Preparatory service at 7:30 p.m., holy communion service with sermon at 7:45 p.m. Sermon by the pastor on "The Christian and His Work." St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club meets at the church, Liberty at Third, for an hour of fellowship and supper at 6 p.m. A discussion on the topic: "Can Science Displace Religion" will follow the supper. The program will close in time for the communion serv- ice at 7:30 p.m. Trinity Lutheran Church. Church worship services will be held at 10:30 Sunday in Trinity Lutheran Church. Sermon for the day will be delivered by the pastor, Rev. Henry O. Yoder. Lutheran Student Club will meet Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in Zion Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper hour at 6 p.m. with a Student Discussion following at 6:45 p.m. The Discus- sion will be "How can we develop in the Christian Life?" Four students will lead the discussion group. First Baptist Church, 10:45 a.m. morning worship. Mr. Sayles will preach using the topic, "I Believe in Life." Church school at 9:30 a.m. Senior high meeting at 6.p.m. Roger Williams Guild, Sunday, noon. Mr. Chapman will meet the student class group at the Guild House. 6 p.m. Guild members meet for eve- ning program. Prof. Thomas Knott of the University English department, will give an address on "God in a Dynamic World." Harris Hall: The Right Reverend Herman Page, Bishop. of the Diocese of Michigan will speak to the Episco- pal Student Fellowship in Harris Hall at 7 o'clock tonight. Please notice that there is no change in the hour as was announced last Sunday night, because the Interguild meeting has been cancelled. The Bishop will speak on "Religion and the Healing Arts." Refreshments will be served. All stu- dents and their friends are cordially invited. Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church: Services of worship today are: 8:00 A.M. Holy Communion, 10:00 A.M. Dedication of The Children's Chapel, 11:00 A.M. Kindergarten, 11:00 A.M. Holy Communion and Sermon by The Right Reverend1Herman Pa2 I