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November 07, 1937 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-07

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DAY, NOV. 7, 197

China-Fighting Under Two Flags

ence Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on Mon- Wahr's State Street store. There are torium, Wednesday afternoon, No-
day, Nov. 8, by Dr. Purdom, director of a few desirable season tickets left at vember 10, at 4:15 o'clock, to which
DAILY OFFICIAL the Bureau, for all senior and grad- reduced prices. the general public, with the exception
of small children, is invited.
BT Nuate students who will be seeking Choral Union Members. Pass tick-
BULLETIN positions in February, June, or August. ets for the Cleveland Orchestra Con- Exhibitions
This applies to students who intendct will be
SUNDAY, NOV. 7, 1937 given out to all members Exhibition, Architectural Building:
SUNDA, NOV 7, 137 to register in either the Teaching'I
VOL. XLVIII No. 37 thof the Choral Union who are in good In collaboration with the School of
Division or the General Division
Women Students attending the (which is for students from all tanding, and who call in person on Business Administration, a collection
Pennsylvania-Michigan F o o t b a II schools). The meeting at this time Tuesday, November 9, between the of European posters loaned by the
Game: Women students wishing to is for new registrants only, and does1 hours of 9 and 12, and i and 4, at McCandlish Lithograph Corporation
attend the Pennsylvania-Michigan not apply to people who have pre- the School of Music office on Maynard and including some of their posters
football game are required to register viously enrolled with the Bureau. Street. After 4 o'clock no tickets will done in modern style, also a large 24-
Is University Bureau of Appointments be given out. sheet poster lithographed by them for
n the office of the Dean of Women. and Occupational Information. the Ford Motor Co. and winner of the
A letter of permission from parents -- Sociology 51: Mid-semester exam- Kerwin H. Fulton Award for the best
must be received in this office not School of Music, College of Archi- inations will be held during each lec- poster design of the year. Ground
later than Thursday, Nov. 11. If ; tecture: Midsemester reports indicat- ture period on Tuesday and Wednes- floor exhibition cases and third floor
ing students enrolled in these units day, Nov. 9 and 10. Students whose exhibition room, Architectural Bldg.
student wishes to go otherwise than doing unsatisfactory work in any unit seat numbers are 1-135 will go to tlfe Open daily, 9 to 5 except Sunday, un-
by train, special permission for such of the University are due in the office regular lecture rooms; all others go to til further notice. The public is in-
mode 'of travel must be included in of the school, Nov. 20. Report blanks Room B. Haven Hall. vited.

the parent's letter. for this purpose may be secured from
Graduate women are invited to reg- the office of the school or from Room
4raUH n eome re 11c


ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher, Robert Williams Carillon Recital. Wilmot F. Pratt,
Assistant Dean of Women. Assistant Registrar University Carillonneur, will give a
To Candidates for Teacher's Certifi- Orororical Association Lecture concert on the Charles Baird Carilon
TTAscate: As a clarification on the limita- Corse: The second number of the in the Burton Memorial Tower, Sun-
tion of elections in education, it has Lecture Series will be presented in day evening, November 7, from 7:30
been neesary to specify that stu- HilAdtru'nNvme 8we to 8:30 o'clock.
These Chinese Communits fight under both the blood red banner of oora ee -Hill Auditorium on November 1when
the Soviets with its star and hammer and sickle and China's nationalist toward the requirements for gradua- H. V. Kaltenborn, noted news com- Organ Recital. Dr. William Doty,
colors using German-made machine guns against Japanese. Only a few tion from the Literary College and the mentator. speaks on "News of the organist, will give a recital on the
months ago these same Reds were fighting against the government. Teacher's Certificate. Students who Day." Tickets are now available at i Frieze MemorialOrgan in Hill Audi-
wish to elect more than 17 hours in - - -- - - -- -
the School of Education must elect
Spanish War History Is Recounted these courses in excess of the hours
required for graduation and the cer-

The Fascist siege of Madrid is one >een food shortages, and at night
year old today (Sunday). and the the city is blackened, lest stray light
Spanish civil war still drags on with guide an attacking plane.
its thousands of dead and its dangers But Franco still has not made good
to Europe's peace. his drive to wrest the city from its
In the rain and darkness before government defenders.
dawn of Nov. 7, 1936, the armies of Thiee days before the siege be-
Insurgent General Francisco Franco gan last year, Franco's force predict-
entrenched at the edge of the city. ed the fall of Madrid that week-end.
Madrid awakened to the rattle of 1 On Nov. 15, they forced their way
machine guns. into the suburbs but have been un-
The cabinet fled-transferring the able to go further.
capital to Valencia on the Mediter-3
ranean,. and then to Barcelona. BRAND CHOSEN BAR HEAD
The seige had begun and almost Commissioners of the State Bar of
daily since there have been the spurt Michigan yesterday elected George E.
of machine guns, the roar of artillery Brand, nationally-known Detroit at-
and the bursting of aerial bombs. torney, to succeed Roscoe 0. Bonis-
Hundreds have died, streets are teel, of Ann Arbor, as president of1
dented and torn by shells; there have the organization.

Office of Dean
College of L.S. & A.
Student Teas: President and Mrs.
Ruthven will be at home to students
on Wednesday. Nov, 10, from 4 to
6 p.m.
Registration for Employment: A
meeting will be held in Natural Sci-
Concrete Home Building
Will Be Subject Of Talk
T. H. Merriam, housing engineer
for Michigan of the Portland Cement
association will give an illustrated
lecture on "Modern Home Construc-
tion with Concrete" at the next regu-
tar meeting of Extension Course,
"Building Two," which will be held
),t 7:30 p.m. tomorrow in 231 Angell
H all,
The modern fireproof house is spe-
cially of interest to those in the Ar-
chitectural department and those
studying concrete, the announcement




LOST: Kodak (Recomar 16) in tan MELODY
leather case somewhere on cam- finches,
pus Thursday. Liberal reward. Tom Seeds,c
Lavery. 2-2285.1 Heights.
159 _
LOST: Black purse containing val- MODERN
uable receipt, identification card, Special i
Sheaffer pen. Betsy Baxter, 4624. finger w
Reward. 158 End per
LOST: Friday, Oct. 29: Gold wrist ---

'nrrTI C

it l l.: said.
BIRD SHOP. Canaries,
parrakeets, love-birds.
cages. 1420 Washington
Call 3838. 160'
Beauty Shoppe -- Week
fitch or drene shampoo and
tave with lemon ring. $50-
manent $1.00 up.

347 Maynard Cor. William
Watch Crystals 35c



ou may not love these people...you may


u~w~l . aaauw , .
watch in journalism news room. FOR RENT
Engraved Stuart Low. Call 6735. SUITE with private bath and shower
for men. Steam heat, quiet house.
FOR SALE __ Phone 8544. 422 E. Washington.
NEW RETINA kodak, filters, tripod, 166
etc. by discount-need cash. Call E m
2-1536. Toyoka Nagashina. 170 DESIRABLE single room for girl in
2 - Toyk N g hn 17league house. Ideal location. 222
A BED davenport and oak dining S. Ingalls. Phone 8142. 168
room suite and several rugs-quite
reasonable. Call 3909. 167 Read It In The Daily
SMITH Corona, silent portable type-
writer, nearly new. Sacrifice for
cash. 1619 S. University. Phone
2-1536. 169 I

NOW! in

not even pity them ... it you'il never
forget this picture as long as you live I

Ann Arbor, Michigan

and after 5 p.m. Week Days
20c until 5 P.M. Week Days







DRINA ..the girl
who wouldn't
sell her soul!

DAVE .,..who
wanted to rip down
the tenements


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