The Weather Fair and warmer today; to-. morrow cloudiness. YI e Lit41 ~Iaitr Editorials Cooperative Edutcatian. The Spanish Situation . SI -j VOL. XLVIII. No. 37 ANN ARBOR, MICHIGAN, SUNDAY, NOV. 7, 1937 PRICE FIVE CENTS Fascists Threaten Speaks On Delinquency Armed Resistance Against Bolsheviks Powers Seek New Meeting To Stop War Japan Asked To Consider Another Parley With Less Nations Involved In East Neither Countries Nor Si;te I nlftt d Last Minute Varsity Push Sets Chicago Back, 13 -12 For Third Big Ten Victory Agreement Between Italy, Germany, Japan Bind Them To Future Action Officials Say Pact Aims At No Power ROME, Nov. 6. - (A) - Fascists warned the world tonight that the military forces of Italy, Germany and Japan were prepared to back the tri- power anti- Communist pact signed today. They intimated that the brief agreement, which makes Italy a char- ter member of the German-Japanese anti-Bolshevist front, binds the three powers to "collaboration" which goes beyond even the fight on Commu- nism. At the same time, officials empha- I sized that the pact was not directed against any country - not even Russia, "which may have all the Communism she wants as long as she keep it at home." Add Up Military Forces Italian writers interpreted the agreement in terms of the military forces of the three powers. Virginio Gayda, leading commentator, said that 2,000,000 tons of warships and 20,000,000 men were now at the dis- posal of the anti-Communist front., Newspapers glowingly described Ja- pan's naval strength. The agreement contains no mili- tary clauses, but binds the signatories to full exchange of information on the world spread of Communism and the means necessary to combat it. The protocol signed today brought in, Italy as though she had been an original signatory to the German- Japanese agreement of Nov. 25, 1936. Ja.pan, "which is engaged in a hard, Asiatic anti-Communist struggle," was especially lauded by Fascist com- mentators. .Cite U.S. 'Withdrawal' The United Sates' "gradual with- drawal from the western shores of the Pacific" was given in the sum- maries of Japan's naval position as a factor affecting the Empire's strength since the Washington Treaty of 1922. Japan was described as working "for a new form of life more human and at the same time more virile, and for a more just organization of international affairs." Thus, the pjyess stated, Italian-Japanese interests co- incide, opposed to those of the "big, reactionary democracies." Comintern Defies Alliance MOSCOW. Nov. 6.-')-The Com- munist International defied the triple alliance of Germany, Italy and Japan tonight on the eve of the twentieth anniversaryo f the Bolshevist rise to Far East At A Glance; Chinese Rush Sungyin SHANGHAI-The vanguard of a Japanese flying column driving north from Hangchow Bay was re- ported today to be within 25 miles of Shanghai (See Page 1) Chinese forces which were rush- ing to the Sungyin sector to pro- tect vital Shanghai-Nanking com- munication lines from a Japanese thrust were reported making good progress. (see page 3). PEIPING - Japanese fought hrough suburbs of Taiyuanfu, capital of Shansi province; an- nounced fourth provincial capital of North China was in their grasp. TIENTSIN - Japanese troop trans continued passing through Tientsin, supporting reports that Japan is concentrating great force along the borders of Soviet Siberia and Outher Mongolia. War Protestor Talks To Liberal StudentsToday, 'Imprisoned For Refusing To Fight In 1917, Gray Will Give War Solution Harold S. Gray, an objector to war who was sentenced to Leavenworth prison when he refused to fight in 1917 will give "One Man's Answer to War" at the Liberal Student Union meeting at 7:30 p.m. today in the Uni- tarian Church. At the morning ser- vice, the Rev. Harold P. Marley will speak on "Making the World Safe for Dollarmarkracy." At the Wesleyan Gpiid meeting, 6 p.m. at Stalker Hall, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, counselor to foreign stndents, will speak on "When a Feller Needs a Friend." Dr. Charles W. Brashares of the First Methodist Episcopal Church, will speak at 10:40 a.m. today on the subject "You." Prof. Earl V. Moore of the music school who will be at the console, will direct the choir. The first buffet supper sponsored by the Hillel Independents will follow their meeting at 5 p.m. today in the Hillel Foundation. There will be a pop concert at 2:30 p.m. and a meet- ing of the Palestine Club at 3:45 p.m. Dr. W. P. Lemon of the First Pres- byterian Church, meeting at the Ma- sonic Temple, will preach on "What is the Peace of God Today?" The student choir under the direction of (Continued on Page 3) Ritchie's 40-Yard Run Begins Rally I Ritchie Goe In F+ nrm 1n4" 1t 11 clae tu n rour 1'. kJg E L' As Smack BRUSSELS. Nov. 6. - (A') - The JUDGE* J. M. BRAUDE powers seeking to end the Far Eastern6<, war asked Japan tonight if she wouldroons confer with a smaller group of na- eions on peace with China. Strong The note, sent in English, specified o ea here that such an "exchange of views" By IRVI would be within the framework of (Daiy s n the nine-power treaty under which , Another forgo Deinu quency the Brussels Conference was con- lenly out of thea voked. four minutes yes Neither the site of the possible lethal blows to Braude, Head Of A Unique meeting nor the participating nations Chicago eleven Court For Boys, To Talk 'were designated, so that Japan was dramatic arrival,. left free to express her wishes on vernes stunned At 8 P.M. Before Hillel the matter. combat and vir The new peace bid, expressed regret terment. Judge J. M. Braude, '18, who for at Japan's absence from Brussels and But blond S two years has presided over the Boys' took cognizance of Japanese "misgiv- halfback who ha Court of Chicago, will tell "The Why ings" at the presence of so many ice this season,p of Bad Boys" at 8 p.m. tonight at the powers with varying Far Eastern in- with the invalua Hillel Foundation. The talk is open terests but expressed the belief such Smick, who boot to the public. misgivings could be allayed. The note Ushered into the Judge Braude attracted nation- requested a quick reply, moments, Ritchi wide attention with his plan to curb Delegates to the Brussels Confer-I downs which pu delinquency by having interested ence expressed the belief that Japan Stark Ritchie, who had just entered the game, is shown above start the embattledu business men create jobs for deserv- would find it hard to reject their ing out on his 41-yard end run for the first Wolverine touchdown. Michigan a 13-12 ing youths in an attempt to keep plea if peace with China is really her Chicago V them out of trouble. intention. The message virtually And thus Mic The Boys' Court, the only one of its offered to sacrifice the meeting called SRA To >onsor Two-Punch Barrymore Conference footb kind in the country, has jurisdiction under the agreement to respect Chicago which over cases involving boys between Chinas territorial integrity if peace Fresen KO's Wife's Hecklers spect of 25,0001 the ages of 17 and 21 and has made a is what Japan wants. T lle l dageous exhibitic unique record in handling delinquents The note, in reply to Japans re- Nov. 6.-(IP)-John had great fusal to attend the conference, left HOLLYWOOD, which6.had preat. just above the juvenile court age. the way open, delegates said, for Round Table Discussions Barrymore claimed knockdown vie- For 56 minute Judge Braude, from 1933 to 1935, Japan to choose her own road to tories today over two unidentified enially scorned was Associate Director of Finance for peace. In her answer, delegates de o Begin Sunday, ov. 14 youths who he said had made dis- everyopponent the State of Illinois. He was the ,lared, Japan must either flatly re.- paraging remarks about his actress- margin over th first chairman of the National Con- ject all outside help and imply that Five round-table discussions for wife Elaine Barre. Sherman, a bri ference of State Liquor Administra- the war must take its course, or agree freshmen men and women to be held1 Barrymore said he swung two open put the Maxim tors, establisihed immediately after to one of the proposals made by the every Sunday morning from 9:30 to handed blows, felling both youths enthusiasm and repeal, and served as Assistant At- note. 10:30 beginning Nov. 14 have been who were heckling as the Barry- a bullseye witht torney-General of Illinois, under At- planned by the Student Religious As- mores were leaving a drug store. Ishots in the seco tourney-General Otto Kerner. ; ~ sociation. shtinheec He received his Bachelors degree ColumnD rives North s ei sion sThe Barrymores then drove home. Lew Hamity an H'rcie i ahlrsdge The sessions, to which the SRA adKnalle from the literary Nov. 7.-(Sunday)- hopes to attract 300 freshmen, will denied Michigan studied lawatsChicago and North- (A)-The vanguard of a Japanese fly-.consisoa e mingthh A Unisartng western Universities,inclund orhfmH g a faculty member will speak. The !AS~U .xec,#utive in startlriing nrhfo ag sosbe frsGi chow Bay was reported today to be smaller groups, where discussion will Tellku1which peryaded Cl i E within 25 miles of Shanghai, be led by upperclassmen. rW illere the minutes tick ll PI C S Refugees streaming from Sungki- The first meeting next Sunday will stanza. ang, 22 miles southwest of Shanghai, be a discussion of "Personality" led O am sWrExod J2 e ttri a c n Paenrinformed Red Cross ambulance driv- by Prof. Howard M. McCluskey of the O Spai , In fact, the dis Jun10r l e ers the column had split into several education school. Prof. Wesley Mau- assemblage had units, with an advance body reaching rer of the journalism department will from the Stadiu a rice ferry on the Whangpoo River, head the round-table on "Things Progressives To Sponsor Harry Kipke con Bud Wells, Independent, three miles from Sunkiang, at dawn. Worth Living For" the next week. His Speech Tomorrow; would have con To Run For Presidency Chinese reports trickling infrom "Right Versus Wrong," a discussion Topic Is Spain's Schools asture. Butha I____ the countryside asserted 100 villagers led by Prof. DeWitt Parker of the , oiisSan' col a willing, the Washtenaw - Coalition candidates I and peasants eithere were killed or philosophy department will be held cumbed to the for junior literary school offices were I wounded as 40 Japanese planes blast- the following week. The last two Joseph P. Lash, executive secretary tion. announced last night by the party ed a path through Chekiang Province programs have not yet been an- of the American Student Union., who It was the kin :,I for the armv's swift drive inland from nounced. recently returned from three months which movie aud es Over Twice linutes Of Play Scores Point Provide Opposition N LISAGOR ports Fditor) tten man rose sud- ashes of obscurity for terday and dealt two a valiant, vindictive , which, until his had Michigan's Wol- , rendered hors de tually ready for in- Mark Ritchie, senior s seen but little serv- postponed the burial, ble aid of lanky Dan ed the deciding point. t fray in the closing e tallied two touch- inctured the hopes of underdogg and gave 2 victory. Wins Respect chigan won its third ball game. But it was won the profound re- persons by its cour- on against a team er numbers and man- s these Maroons, per- and maltreated by retained a 12-point e Wolverines. Sollie lliant halfback, had silencer on Michigan confidence by hitting two surprising aerial nd and third periods. d Morton Goodstein erson and their mates 's alleged superiority ion. They were re- Le air of resignation Varsity supporters as ed away in the final us Begins smayed, disappoinited begun an exodus um, and even Coach nfessed afterwards he ceded defeat at that although their spirit Maroons' flesh suc- tyranny of exhaus- d of story-book finish diences would jeer as power in Russia. The Comintern, International Com- munist organization centering in indsor r u Moscow, warned the three powers D that their workers, inspired by 20 years of socialism in Russia, would W orl Su vey use the next war for a revolution against capitalism. A defiant Comintern manifesto was Study Of Labor Conditions issued as an estimated 1,000,000 Rus- Balked By AFL Critics sians made ready to parade through Red Square tomorrow before Joseph PARIS, Nov. 6.-OIP)-The Duke of Stalin to commemorate the 1917 rev- Windsor decided tonight to drop his olutionary anniversary, survey of world working conditions Spanish War Cited until the storm raised by American Spanish workers, "inspired by the [ labor criticism of his trip to the Unit- victories of toilers in the Union of So- s " n , ed States subsided. chairman, Jack Thompson.. "1 Bud Wells, Wolverine Independent, Hangchow Bay. was nominated for the office of presi- dent and Zivia Seltzer of Mosher- Asi Jordan and Helen Ostwan of Gamma UAW Diseontit es Phi Beta were designated to run for UP vice-president and secretary respec- tively. Fred Thompson of Trigon was - named to try for the position of DETROIT, Nov. 6.-(P)-Homer treasurer. Martin, president of the United Au- The only candidates for J-Hop tomobile Workers of America, noti- committee positions are Marietta fied locals of the union in a letter Killian of Collegiate Sororsis, Marvin tonight that the international execu- W. Reider of the Men's Independent tive board has ordered them to dis- Organization and Joe Osborn of Psi continue publishing separate papers. Upsilon. Instead, he said, they may ar- Planks in the platform of the party range for special sections in the in- whose caucus will meet at 4 p.m. today ternational's periodical, the United in the League include a "reform in Automobile Worker. Mal-tin said all campus politics in an effort to es- publications will be under direct su- tablish a more representative and pervision of the international union. efficient form of student government." I "It is not the desire or intention . of the international board," Martin The second provision in the plat- said, "to throttle or repress freedom form gives encouragement to coopera- of expression of the membership. The tive book stores and cleaning and only desire of the general executive pressing establishments. board is to see that policies of the Other planks provided for a con- J organization are carried out and cer- certed effort to promote construction tain limits as to policy are not over- of men's dormitories stepped." Gray I ae New President By Press Clit _r u of fgtn n tdigi Spain, wil ncedible. It was the kind of climax fighting and studying in pturned disgust among Michigan describe education in Republican i Spain at 8 p.m. tomorrow. Union partisans(into near-hysteria and Ballroom under the auspices of the on Page 6) Progressive Club. After a month in the ranks of the McKenzie-Papeneau Battalion, Lash iworked with the Ministry of Educa- tion and Spanish youth groups. On P a s U s' _ a '' I I .t 1 i z ; _ _I cialist Soviet Repubflics," the mans- ? festo said, were already fighting for "a new type of democratic republic" 1 with the proletariat as "the driving force." It added that "the example of the I great socialist revolution is reinforc-I ing the national consciousness of the Chinese people," while "even in Ger- many, Italy and Japan, forces of the anti-Fascist struggle are growing in- I cessantly." Cooperatives Hold r Education Meetingt Prof. Robert C. Angell of the so- ciology department and Wayne Eric- son, Grad., of the Michigan Socialist House will outline the principles of, cooperatives at 5 p.m. tonight in the j first of a series of cooperative educa-1 tional meetings. The meeting, which is open to mem- bers of cooperatives, will be held at the Rochdale Cooperative House at ] 640 Oxford Road. The series is under1 After a day of indecision during which Windsor considered an immed- iate trip to Soviet Russia to balance his tour of Nazi Germany and prove to the world he plays no politics, per- sons close to him said he and his Duchess would remain in Paris a week before leaving for a rest. Friends said the Duke hoped to pave the way for his postponed study of American labor conditions with pos- sible trips to Russia, Scandinavia and Europe's "neutral countries" after the "misconceptions" over his motives had+ been cleared. Burlesque Reaches Campus; Museum . Goes In For Legs! The nine-feet long hind leg of a Jensen, Utah dinosaur landed with a dull thump here yesterday to com- pete in the University Museum's lat- est leg show, I, his return to the United States, he ! Ann Arbor News' Editor said, "more schools have been opened during the course of the war than Demand For Farm Law Elected Vice-President; had existed during the entire period 1938 Dates Are Decided of the de Rivera dictatorship." Faces Special Session The Government is using the army The University Press Club of Mich- as a focus in its campaign to abolish WASHINGTON, Nov. 6.- UP)--A igan today elected JS Gray, of the illiteracy among the Spanish people, 'laggard farm bill and a demand for Monroe Evening News to its presi- Lash said, referring to classes con- changes in the tax laws are upsetting dency for the coming year at the con- ducted in the trenches by teachers the original program for the special elusion of its three-day meeting here. from Spain's student-movement for session of Congress and have set Arthur W. Stace, editor of The Ann workers and peasants, leaders to work to change the plans. Arbor News was chosen first vice- Lash was under shell-fire for a Before the old Congress went away, president, Scarth Inglis of the Gales- month in Madrid. He spent some both House and Senate made a sol- burg Argus was named second vice- time in Valenvia, Barcelona and Al- emn legislative promise to take up a president and Webb McCall of the bacete, headquarters of the Interna- farm bill ahead of everything else Isabella County Times, Mt. Pleasant, tional Brigade. when they got back. But, though was installed as third vice-president. A leader in the American student the House Agriculture Committee is Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the peace movement, Lash participated working steadily on a draft of a new University's journalism department, in 1932 in the expedition of students farm bill, the Senate Committee is was reelected secretary-treasurer, a to Harlan, Kentucky, where a sur- making slow progress. It now seems post he has held since the inception vey of civil liberties was conducted. highly improbable that the bill will be of the organization 19 years ago. He is vice-chairman of the United ready in the Senate until after the George Averill, editor of the Bir- Student Peace Committee, vice-pres- House has acted. mingham Eccentric, is the out-going ident of the American Youth Con- That would leave the Senate en- president. gress and was one of the delegates gaged in idle debate, or adjourning Next year's convention dates were to the last World Youth Congress. from day to day through the period set for Nov. 10, 11 and 12 which will I that the House was threshing out the bring the pressmen here for the week- bundles of controversy garnered by end of the Northwestern game. iWJR Will Present the farm program. Mr. Gray, whose unique first name consists of two capitals was first Radio Hymn Class vice-president of the Club during the H mUnion .Strike Threatens Inland Daily Press Association. He The regular hymn singing class will Jackson's Water Supply is a graduate of Adrian College be presented over WJR at 9 a.m. to- JACKSON, Nov. 6.-(-The Inter- was managing editor of the Adrian' beCpresentedvove WJR at 9 aInteto Daily Telegram. day by the University Broadcasting national Union of Firemen and Oil- The official session of the Press, Service, Prof. Waldo Abbot, director,, ers tonight called a strike, effective Club ended last night. The business announced. Monday, of members employed at the meeting and the football game were The program is intended for Sun- municipal pumping station and in the the only events on today's program. boiler room of Foote Hospital. day schools, cch and home grou Mayor Russell Bengel assured citi- -- as well asfor inrdiiciilasIf 9. sufi-* ;- 4 Detroit's Large Vote Attributed By Editors To Press Campaign Strenuous campaigning by Detroit newspapers in the recent municipal elections caused a large total vote, but had little effect on the direction of that vote, in theopinion of two Mich- igan editors and a member of the State Legislature, here for the Uni- versity Press Club Convention. They expressed the belief that the main effect of the press campaign against the CIO slate was the clar- ification of what they termed the only real issue of the campaign- whether or not to preserve non-par- tisan and non-factional government Both Mr. Averill and Mr. Brown believe that to differing degrees thel Detroit newspapers threw objectivity to the winds in their news columns. Editorial opinion was not* reserved for the space labeled "editorial" but spread through "news" reports of the l campaign. This practice was criticized by Mr.' Brown, while Mr. Averill condoned it in cases where a paper feels a loom- ing danger threatens society-as in the Detroit elections. Both, however, emphasized the difficulties involved in presenting an objective description of