SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 1937 THE MICHIGAN IDA.IL PAGE=- THE MICHIGAN DAILY _____________________________________________________________________________________________ I PAGE Independents To Hear Talk On Citizenship C. G. Brandt Will Speak; Year's Assembly Plans To Be Described "University Citizenship" is the sub- ject upon which Prof. Carl G. Brandt of the speech department will speak at the Assembly Banquet, which is to be held at 6 p.m. Monday in" the League Ballroom. Dean Alice C. Lloyd will talk about "Membership and Scholarship," which is the theme of the banquet. She will present, in conjunction with her speech, an award to the dormi- tory or league house which attained the highest scholastic average last year. Perfect For Tonight Record Created This Week-End By 31 Tea Dances And Formals International Group Secret Football Practice Scares Changes Pr For Three rogram Weeks Timid Sob SisterSeeking Scoop I Assembly President To Speak ( The president of Assembly, Helen Jesperson, '38, is to speak about the activities of Assembly and the plans' for the rest of this year. Mr. Ira M. Smith, registrar of the Univer- sity, will give statistics on the scho- lastic standings of dormitories and league houses during the past year. Barbara McIntyre, '38, general chairman of the dormitories and the3 league house mothers are to sit with their groups for the banquet. Ticket Sellout Predicted A ticket sell-out is predicted byE 'Fr Betty Jane Mansfield, '39, chairman of the ticket committee. She said Feature F that tickets may be purchased froml dormitory and league house repre- sentatives and at the League until; , noon today. After that time they will be available only at the League. More than 360 tickets have already Pledge formals, pled been sold, and Miss Mansfield urged pledge formals. But, that all non-affiliated women who merrier, 'tis said whe are planning to go to the banquet display of gowns in br buy their tickets as soon as possible. which she maywearn Grace Wilson, '39SM, is to lead tions. the singing, assisted by Martha Bai- Apparently ingenu ley, '38SM, and Lois Mayer, '38SM. knowing is the spirit o Miss Mayer will also be the pianist. of these dresses. Ski] Michigan songs and rounds are to eral inches off the fi be sung,- Miss Wilson said. just touch, or sweep Barbara Lovell, '38, chairman of back. They hangf publicity for the banquet, announced -waistline, or they cling that Rowena LaCoste, '38, is a new and decolletes are lo member of her committee, wide range of material velvets, net and silk ff inent. "Born to Dance" ist might have inspired y of -nettopbe nmade ii t skirttopped with a and LL X waist of lace. The we to a small high point E a mstiny shoulder sleeves square effect of the You can take "your Two weddings of University gradu- your party in this wit ates will take place today. to whether or not th Mary Virginia Hitchcock, '32 "hot." It's our guess 1 daughter of Mrs. Nina M. Hitchcock tie. y of Ann Arbor, and Walter J. Risdon, If you think you m son of Mr. and Mrs. Walter T. Risdon, party in which truckin will be married at 4pm.tdynth of the evening, you mi llgbe maried at4vp.m. today in the romantic black velvet League chapel. Rev. Fredrick Leech provocative coral taf will officiate at the service. swishing out from ben Betty Madeline Rich, '36, daughter And a gown in which, of Mr. and Mrs. Bryan H. Rich of De- tainly be moved to yor troit will marry Richard G. Ellerby, slim black sheath w son of Mr. and Mrs. Harold T. Ellerby bodice of pearls and of Birmingham, at 8:30 p.m. today in Very "swish," indee the Wesley . Chapel of the Metro- of gold-embroidered 1 politan Methodist Church in Detroit. taffeta, or a formal w Miss Ricci was president of Alpha sequins forming the b Chi Omega and chairman of the 1936 and separate tuxedo Panhellenic Banquet. She was a mem- swirling ballerina skir ber of Wyvern, junior women's honor if you're sure of yo society. Mr. Ellerby is affiliated with might turn out at th Phi Kappa Psi. Panhellenic Ball in "sleek as a mould" The wedding of Elizabeth Daane, shirred long-waisted '35, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert full-flared skirt-ify L. Daane of Grand Rapids, and How- your figure. s i t f 7 t 3 S } 1 i 1 to ~suchi func-I ie, yet truly~ of a, good many1 rts remain sev- or in front and to a train in full from theI a like a sheath; . Among the 1, satins, crepe, aille are prom- the song whichI ards and yards nto a swirling fitted basque aist buttons up ted collar, and carry out the shoulder line. best beau" to hout a care asj 1e orchestra is he'll never no- nay discover a ' isn't the orderI ight consider a formal with a ffeta petticoat ieath the hem. you would cer- ur wittiest is a ith a low-cut sequins. d, is a model black net over vith irridescent rassiere bodice bolero over a rt. Then, too, ur figure you l te approaching one of those gowns with a bodice over a you're sure of chaperon. will assist the Alumnae Council this Dr. and Mrs. W. Karl Rufus and, year in carrying out a program of en- Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Clague will chap- Itertainment for scholarship women eron Kappa Delta's pledge formal. who have received awards from alum-; Kappa Delta Rho is holding its ni clubs or alumnae groups. fall homecoming tonight, chaper- Invitations to the first tea, whichE oned by Professor and Mrs. Walter will be given from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. E. Lay and Mr. anid Mrs. Ben De Sunday at the home of Miss Mildred Gran.; Hinsdale, have been sent out by the GnRadio Dance To Be Given scholarship committee of the Alumnae An informal radio dance will be group.- held by Kappa Nu tonight. Mr. and Members of the scholarship com- Mrs. Sam Bothman and Mr. and Mrs. mittee, who will be hostesses for the ---.-.-_...-- occasion, are Mrs. Frank Van Tuyl, Miss Hinsdale, Miss Edna Parry, Dr. Cabaret Tryouts To Be Hazel Losh of the astronomy depart- Monday And Tuesday ment, Mrs. Arthur Moehlman and Mrs. Carl Guthe. Mrs. Beryl F. Bach- Try-outs for the cast of the 'floor er and Mrs. Irene Johnson, president show of the Sophomore Cabaret will of the club, will pour. be held from 4 to 5:30 p.m. Monday Five alumnae organizations are and Tuesday in the rehearsal room represented this year by women who of the League. have received special scholarships. Members of the entertainment These women, who are also invited, committee, including the music and are from Flint. Battle Creek, Phila- dancing divisions, will meet at 5 p.m delphia, Pa., Buffalo, N.Y., and Cleve- that go into our coats are certainly beautiful. They're the season's first catch, perfectly graded and matched, skillfully dressed, and fashioned into garments of exquisite richness and beauty. Women of great wealth and modest income wear Zwerdling's Furs, because they have learned that here they find the finest possible values in every price class. With 31 fraternity and sorority Harold Friedman will chaperon. By JEAN McKAY ,in the hallowed spot to look much dif- parties scheduled for today, in ad- RpThe International Council has an- dition to 11 last night, the week-end us foKappa Kppad ammha's nounced that the next three Sunday It was with considerable trepida- ferent, but it was still just ordinary creates the season's record, surpass- pledge formal. Chaperons will be night programs have been changed tion that I found myself approaching green grass-maybe a little muddier ing even homecoming. Mr. and Mrs. Fielding H. Yost, Jr., from those announced in the pro- South Ferry Field late one afternoon than usual. To the right, two fresh- Alpha Kappa Lambda heads the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Van Duren, mfor the year in search of the secret football prac- men teams wearing gaily hued blue list with its radio dance which will be Jr. and Mrs. David W. Smith. It was originally intended that the tice I had been sent to "cover," as we and red jerkins were pushing each caerand bM .ansM Gge n Pledges of Phi Alpha Kappa willforeign students would havee of the press so coyly say. Armed with other around. And, to the left, the < >AdradM.anIr.Jh oa. Sunday night supper this week with, Patterson Lake is the spot which members and alumni will be presenti another group in the city, but the a press 'pass in one pocket and a Varsity practiced with the Junior Var- Alphat Lambda has chosen for their Mr. and Mrs n Tage Jacobson of popularity of these discussion groups tightly clutched pencil and notebook, sity who, I later learned, were dem- camping week-end. Approximatelyn Mr. and Mrs. gead Mo has made the alteration of the plans in which I planned to jot any "scoops" onstrating the known trick plays of 60 are going, some leaving at1 p.m. will chaperon Kappa Sigma's radio advisable, Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson, (another newspaper term). I finally Michigan's opponent of that week- and some at 5 p.m. dance. counselor to foreign students an- managed to bolster up my courage, a n s m a p m d n e o n c e d . g' e n d . Teas To Be Given Phi Beta Pi is having a radio dance.! nd grit my teeth and walk inside the e ''desattIheld After the game, Alpha Phi and also. Dr. and Mrs. W. Gordon and The students will be divided into gate. Thringsie sea a Alpha Xi Delta are holding teas. Ap- Dr. and Mrs. Vernon Dick will attend three small groups to make freer dis- Knees Shake, Teeth Chatter point brought a considerable thrill. parently it seems a good idea to as chaperons. cission possible. The discussion to- With "that old feeling" of shaking ings through the opaque substanceof members of the Austin Residence Phi Epsilon Pi To Entertain morrow will concern education and knees, chattering teeth and that old the stout gentleman who invariably too, for they are holding their's in Still another radio dance will be international affairs. Isinking sensation in the pit of my settles down in front of me 86 rows up the Lea~ue- Iheld at Phi Epsilon Pi, where Dr. andI Professor Nelson spoke with en stomach, I started out, hoping that from the five-yard line on the wong Mr. and Mrs. Leslie A. Wikel and: Mrs. Julian Tobias and Dr. and Mrs. tusiasm of the success, thus far of the other spectators would attribute side of the stadium, I could watch Prof. and Mrs. Walter J. Emmonds'eome Konn will be chaperons. the International Council's progras. n the aforementined characteristics to from the side-lines just like a regular illhaperon the Alpha Tau OmegaF Phi Kappa Psi's dance is a closed rom 35 to 50 students have been at- the cold, as it was practically freezing newspaperman or cameraman, or wa- Sil apeo h lh a mg h ap s' dance aisfoaowclosedet i jtending the suppers and the educa- down there. trby tea dance and followng buffet sup- one. Music will be furnished by an tional tours have all been carried out tea l t ter boy. per. Ann Arbor orchestra, and chaperonsas planned he said Slinking stealthily by the sign of She Scrutinizes Players The tea dance idea is being taken will be Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Dumm. Mr. Secret Practice, which in large de- By careful scrutiny (and the help of up by Chi Omega, where Elizabeth and Mrs. Reed Bachman and Mr. and termined letters advised spectators several Daily reporters there), I final- Mullin, '39, is in charge. I Mrs. John Shepard. J.G.P. INTERVIEWS to "keep out," I walked up on the by managed to. pick out most of the Charlie Zwick will furnish the mu- 'The Phi Sigma Delta pledge formal' Interviewing of women who peti- field as nonchalantly as I could. I players of the Varsity and to observe sic for Chi Phi's buffet supper from will be chaperoned by Dr. and Mrs. tioned for the ushers committee of mildly startled the two football man- the particular technique of each. 5:15 to 8:15 p.m. Chaperons will be Jerome Hauser and Mr. and Mrs. the 1938 Junior Girls Play will be' agers who came over and demanded Then, and this was another big thrill, Prof. Julio del Toro and Mr. and Howard Miller of Toledo. held from 4 to 6 p.m. Monday, ac- to see my pass, by promptly producing I got my first real closeup of coaches Mrs. Robert Owen. Mr. and Mrs. C. O. Creal and Mr. cording to Rebecca Bursley, '39, it.I Hunk Anderson and Harry Kipke and Padge Formal To Be Held and Mrs. P. IH. Henning will be the chairman of the ushers committee. I looked around, expecting the grass i heard them drilling the team. The Delta Gamma pledge formal chaperons at Phi Sigma Kappa's also is being held tonight. Attend- continuea on Page 6) ing as chaperons will be Dr. and Mrs ---- - George Hammond and Mr. and Mrs. C ~An informal radio dance will be + rpeso c leheld at Delta Sigma Delta at which I ° 1 . eaut Dr. and Mrs. H. Bloom and Dr. and ge formals, and Mrs. A. Kerbin will act as chaperons.! the more the Delta Upsilon is following up last;.i. INlFUR. T whichS 1__e__+ IN FURS T OO. n she sees the night's dance with a tea dance which 'and new Mrandnd Mrs. A. E. Warner of Chi- BEAUTIFUL SKINS eb tfufurs and the style cago and Prof. Eugene J. Ash will Interviewing of women who peti- skins To see them is to want them. eagerly, joyfully. Do come! You'll buy them I WEIMLING Z TASUSHED 1904 217 E. PM$r ' St FUR I l G at the same place. land, Ohio. 9 ';; i i t E I , r >~X 4~am So-4e44 I'll be over ard Davidson Jr., 37, son of Mr. and Mrs. Howard Davidson also of Grand Rapids will take place Nov. 25. Miss Daane is affiliated with Gamma Phi Beta. Mr. Davidson is a member of Sphinx, junior men's honor society, and Sigma Phi. He was on the varsity track team. Winifred Gridley, daughter of Mrs. William D. Gridley of Detroit, and William H. Keller II, son of Mrs' Harry Keller of Bellefonte, Pa., were married in a ceremony which took place Wednesday, Nov. 3 in Detriot. The bride- attended this University. She is affiliated with Gamma Phi 'R4A 1. Betty Notley Heads Independent Group 6 - BETTY P 5 Red 6:45 7:20. Betty Notley, '39, was elected pres- ident of the Ann Arbor Independent Women yesterday. The other officers elected were Vir- ginia Brigham, '40, vice-president; Mary Frances Reek, '40. secretary- treasurer; Bernice Cohen, '39, sports l manager; Elizabeth Wurster, 40, 1 merit system chairman and Ellen I Cuthbert, '39, publicity. The Bonny Plaid Skirt With dozens of pleats all the way round, either stitched : ^x , ; . i; ;; 5f' >, ..' } S .Y ,y ,,,, , . r t5 ' ;i ' I i t k,: f ,> ' ; -r .; r ? ,, t Y ', about 9:30, down or flared.. . soft woolens tailored of . brightly scotch plaided. $6.50 to $10. X) U I El A i SUEDE TOPPER Either an off-face or snap brim, or a pert little calot of suede, which takes all kinds of weather. High shades . . . navy, brown, black. $1.00 and $1.95 x 9 M I C H G A N J E W E L R --_.e- RINGS - - - BRACELETSI PINS - - - COMPACTS CIGARETTE CASES * 'I I t I I I There is nothing extraordinary a bout that ending to a telephone conversation, is there? Still, how seldom these words would be spoken were it not for the Ii The I Pull-over and Cardigan Angora . . . genuine cashmere . . . genuine Valcuna .T.soft nov- elty wools, The pull- overs are classically simple . . . the cardi- gans can be buttoned down front or back. to $o 0" each I STU DENT DIRECTORY CROSSES - - I.OCKFTS I I *I WARM WOOLY ANKLE SOCKS ' 11 i II WAR WOOL ANKLESOCKSit a