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November 06, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-06

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SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 1937

SATURDAY, NOV.. 6, 1937

has had a change of heart in eight days. For
the sake of the country and labor we earnestly
hope so.

The Right To Work
Is No Longer Vital .

. .

Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Gan, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore,rS.R. Kielman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayo, "Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertisig Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulaton Manager.
Add Three Pounds
To That Turkey.. ..
A bunch of us are going to petition
the University to extend the Thanksgiving vaca-
tion over Friday and Saturday.rAs we only get
Thursday mnost of the students from Michigan
and nearby states won't be able to get home.
Some of the faculty object to the cutting of
classes before and after vacations, but I think
the students will be fair and intelligent and
won't leave on Wednesday and return on Tues-
Furthermore, it takes a couple of days to get
over Thanksgiving dinner, so most of us don't
do much work on Friday and Saturday anyhow.
As the ec professor would say, the marginal
satisfaction accruing to the University and to
us from the two extra days, isn't sufficient to
outweigh the disadvantages I've mentioned.
So keep your eyes open for a turkey that weighs
three pounds more than you originally figured
on, because I hope to be with the family for
the big feed.
Regards to everyone,
P.S.: Say, the boys at Michigan State are get-
ting Friday and Saturday off. The faculty helped
them with the petitions. So things are looking
up as far as our vacation goes.
They're Trying
It Again .. .
peace negotiations between the
American Federation of Labor and the Commit-
tee for Industrial Organization have been re-
sumed in Washington with the understanding
that the committees will soon reach the heart
of the controversy by discussing which indus-
tries should have craft unions and which indus-
Observers still consider it unlikely that the
parleys will succeed in restoring unity to-organ-
ized labor. The conferences last week were
filled with the recriminatory statements and
accusations which have been characteristic of
the entire dispute. The extent of the breach
between the two factions was more forcibly
Yet it is of utmost importance, as we stated
editorially when the conferences first started,
that unity be achieved. Neither the public at
large nor labor itself can afford to maintain
the contradition of dual unionism at a time
when industrial peace is so necessary for eco-
nomic recovery. Furthermore, together the two
groups could exert unparalleled influence in the
fight to better the working-man's position in in-
If the rival factions actually intend rationally
to attack the problem of craft unionism vs. indus-
trial something may yet come out of the con-
ferences. The proposal of the CIO last week
was that the AFL recognize the industrial-

union' basis in the mass-production field, and

lehem, Pa., echo last spring's steel
strike. One of them, ironically reflecting the
"right to work" slogan used by Mayor Shields
of Bethlehem in breaking the strike,'makes
known a curtailment of hours and wages and
forecasts widespread layoffs as a result of the
recent decrease in production.
The other tells of a gigantic increase in divi-
dends for stockholders, amounting to 600 per
cent more than last year's figure.
Thus at a time when the steel workers are
suffering from an arbitrary cut in wages, Beth-
lehem's investors are being paid off in millions
of dollars of profits.
The officers and directors of the compan
who voted the working time and wage reduction,
are the largest investoirs.
Of course the steel workers may find it a little
hard to support their families this winter, but
the stockholders will not have to forego annual
sojourns to Miami and Havana.
At a late hour yesterday things in the Ec
building were at a pretty pass. The place was
full of gasps. Everyone was gasping so that
,asps were a dime a dozen. But when the B and
G boys had finally gotten the place cleaned
out again, a blue book was found lying on the
floor. Beside it was an Ec 51 instructor-four of
them in fact. The wind blew gently and the
cover flipped open disclosing to horrified B and
G's that some one had gotten a perfect score,
one hundred percentum. We don't vouch for
all the above facts-in fact we made most of
them up. But someone really did get 100 and
that fo the second time ,this year in eco-
nomics, so that's the way it should have been.
And it was Julia Upson, '39, who will get her
famous book back this morning at eleven.
We notice that our own favorite little Girl
Scout, Mrs. Roosevelt, finds it impossible to be
present if and when the Duke and Duchess of
Windsor visit her husband sometime this month
-her husband is, as some of you might know, the
famous Mr. Roosevelt. Mrs. Roosevelt will be
too busy lecturing throughout the country and
urging happy, happy little Campfire girls to grow
up into typical American womanhood-God save
them, poor souls. And what is more, she refuses
absolutely to come back in time to set the table
and be sweet about it all. That leaves poor Mr.
Roosevelt all alone to make those awful, awful
callers comfy in the White House. We suggest
Mr. Roosevelt run over to New York and get him-
self one of those hostesses from some night club
to sort of pinch hit the day the Duke and Duchess
stop in. Along with some champagne and a good
swing band, it would make the Duke more at
home and Mr. Roosevelt might feel a little less
like a bridge widower.
The New York World-Telegram carried on
Nov. 1 this headline:
Visit Marks One Phase Of Cen-
tral European Hook-Up
The story began: "The Alert Transportation Co.,
146th St. and Gerard Ave., the Bronx, which had
the first taxicab sitdown a week ago, was direct-
ed to reinstate two discharged members ..."
Another headline read:
Stale Mediation Board Issues
Order In Bronx
This was followed by: "LONDON, Nov. 1-The
struggle for central European realignments tem-
porarily obscured by German agitation for col-
onies ..."
Looks like the Bronx and Nazi Germany are

finally getting together.
4'** *
Thursday's Daily carried a picture of Hitler
with the caption: "He Wants Colonies."
Yesterday the same photograph of Der Fuehrer
was topped by: "He Wants To Play."
Herr, Herr, what's going on? Make up your
mind what you do want.
If at first you don't succeed
Play, play Chicago.
*' * * *
Three jiggers of Old Drum and a beer.
-Mr. Disraeli.
From a recent issue of the London Times we
cull a few remarks relative to chess. It seems to
the Times that there is a new crisis in the world
situation, and that is the contest between Dr.
Euwe and Dr. Alekhine for the world's chess
championship. The Times moans the loss of the
good old days when poly-syllabics like Capa-
blanca and Boguljubow (or something like that)
dominated the chess world. Never have such
pure Anglicisms as Marshall and Smith had
much luck but to de-romanticize the game down

ffeems to Me
Heywood Broun
The new George Kaufman-Moss Hart show
may save newspapers and magazines the ex-
pense of taking those Presidential polls which
do not always turn out so well. If the first night
crowd was a fair cross section of New York "I'd
Rather Be Right" is going to move its audiences
into some interesting reac-
tions. To be sure, Broadway
first nighters constitute a
highly specialized group, and
at the Alvin the players were
more minked and ermined
against than usual.
Still, a few New Dealers
did sneak in. The sound
range test came up most
palpably when George Co-
han, as Franklin D. Roosevelt, remarked that he
might need another term to accomplish his ob-
jectives. In the gallery there was applause,
sporadic to be sure, and possibly playful. It
fell upon stony ground in the orchestra, and
after a few seconds hissing began. The men
and women who hissed weren't fooling. This was
for real.
Soon somebody laughed, and the applauders,
and more particularly the hissers, remembered
that it wasn't really the President who was talk-
ing but George Cohan, the actor, and that a show
was going on-indeed, a dream play. But the
whole thing was rather startling and indicated,
how thin a veneer is that insulation which we
call our sense of humor.
* ' * *
Easy With The Whip'
And this was peculiarly marked because there
is small emotional content in "I'd Rather Be
Right." Its object is one of mockery, and only in
a few spots do the authors really get satirically
mad about anything. The piece is far more
deft and also far less punishing than the average
Gridiron Show. If Mr. Roosevelt ever attends
he can easily take it in his stride. After all,
Mr. Morgenthau did not go stamping out of the
Indeed, the tone of "I'd Rather Be Right" was a
great surprise to me. The news from out of
town suggested that Kaufman and Hart were
pouring vitriol on Roosevelt, and one commenta-
tor was furious at what he called the pillorying
of the President's mother. But I detected no
bad taste in the two spoofing scenes mentioned,
nor was there anything unkind.
Heeding the rumors, I had carried my coat
to my seat in order to be ready to walk out in
a high dudgeon if the show turned out to be a
Liberty League charade. I remained until the
final curtain. No exit cue was furnished for me.
I didn't like the cracks about the Federal The-
ater, and the skit about the Wagner Act was not
down my alley, but nevertheless if Roosevelt
runs again both Moss Hart and George Kaufman
might vote for him with practically clear con-
In Friendly Fashion
If they had intended to tear the Preside
limb from limb they would hardly have chosen
George M. Cohan to endow the role with infinite
benevolence: and charm. Indeed, the criticism
of Mr. Roosevelt goes little beyond the assertion
that at times he becomes a bit confused, and I
imagine that even Mrs. Roosevelt or Jim Farley
might admit that much.;
However, both New Dealers and Old Dealers
are quite likely to read more into the lines
than they contain upon the surface, and before
the run is over I venture the prediction that
there will be some very spirited bouts between
the booers and the applauders. And that is an
excellent thing for a living theatre. The base is
broadened when dramatists bring the Bronx
cheer down to Broadway.
And President Roosevelt is in a good spot to

grin and bear it, for he can easily afford to let
the orchestra go to Maine and Vermont as long
as he carries the gallery. The gallery gods
always have constituted and always will consti-
tute old Vox Populi.

Brumm's 'Puppets'
Professor John L. Brumm, playing
host to the Press Club of the State
of Michigan, offered them as the
piece de resistance of their three-
day stay, his own play, "Puppets."
Curtain was called for at 8:15.
Promptly at.9:30, curtain went up,
the delay caused by an extended
Press Club meeting. The delay fur-
ther caused this reviewer to leavethe
play at the end of the second act.
In a prefatorynote in the pro-
gram, Professor Brumm makes com-
plete apologies for his play. He con-
fesses that "Puppets" "streamed from
his consciousness-or what he mis-
takes for his consciousness-without
troubling him seriously as to its suit-
ability for the dramatic form. That
worry he generously leaves to the pro-
ducer and the actors." Being a con-
scientious playwright, Mr. Brumm
has made certain to include this tid-
bit, throwing aside a good deal of the
faults of the pfhy that lie squarely
on his shoulders.
Basically patterned after a com-
bination of Pirandello's "Six Char-
acters in Search of an Author," and
Barrie's "Dear Brutus," "Puppets"
has, in its play within the play, an
author in search of several charac-
ters and a substitution of Barrie's
"Darkness and Light" for "Darkness
and Death." The great originality of
Pirandello's very original play lies
in the discovery that the laborious ef-
fort of artistic creation is itself a
dramatic theme. And beyond the
drama lies the poetry, a poetry of
mysterious symbolism made up of
terror and pity, and human kind-
liness. Mr. Brumm's play has few of
these elements. Further, in "Dear
Brutus," Barrie, too, gives his char-
acters what they were all longing
for:' a second chance in life. And
he resolves them down to a fin end.'
Mr. Brumm gets rid of them finally
and completely by poison gas. '
Pleasantly experimental, the story
consists of a poet who has visualized1
a number of characters up' to a
point, whereupon, becoming boredt
with the common clay he has molded,
deserts them to seek their own ends.i
With the close of this ingratiating
first act, the play degenerates into
a welter of incomprehensibilities. The
intricacies of the plot thereafter are
unconvincing and flat.
Be that as it may, Frederic O. Cran-
dall, in his directing, did what het
could with script and cast. The lat-
ter were, in the main, neophytes.
Even as such, they did remarkably
well with the compounded philosophyt
in the stilted lines of the play. Of
deserving mention were William
Aigler and Peter Markham. Particu-
larly appealing was Hattie Bell Ross-.
in the role of the Governess. Samuel
E. Grant was a heavy-footed banker
and Dean Nichols a light-paced lover.
And as the cause of the play's di-
lemna, Gladys Swarthout was youth-~
fully sincere.,

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notico to all members ofthe
WIlversity. Copy received at the e of et th A ssitaut to tho Pr midea
m - :30; 11-:00 ama Saturday.

SATURDAY, NOV. 6, 1937
To Candidates for Teacher's Certifi-
cate: As a clarification on the limita-
tion of elections in education, it has
been necessary to specify that stu-
dents who enroll for a Teacher's Cer-
tificate may apply only 17 hours
toward the requirements for gradua-
tion from the Literary College and the
Teacher's Certificate. Stuents who
wish to elect more than 17 hours in
the School of Education must elect
these courses in excess of the hours
required for graduation and the cer-
Office of Dean
College of L.S. & A.
Registration for Employment: A
meeting will be held in Natural Sci-
ence Auditorium at 4:15 p.m. on Mon-
day, Nov. 8, by Dr. Purdom, girector of
the Bureau, for all senior and grad-
uate students who will be seeking
positions in February, June, or August.
This applies to students who intend
to register in either the Teaching
Division or the General Division
(which is for students from all
schools). The meeting at this time
is for new registrants only, and does
not apply to people who have pre-
viously enrolled with the Bureau.
University Bureau of Appointments
and Occupational Information.
Women Students attending the
Pennsylvania-Michigan F o o t b a l I
Game: Women students wishing to
attend the Pennsylvania-Michigan
football game are required to register
in the office of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received -in this office not
later than Thursday, Nov. 11. If a
student wishes to go otherwise than
by train, special permission for such
mode of travel must be included in
the parent's letter.
Graduate women are invited to reg-
ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women.
Academic Noticies
Geology 11. There will be no field
trip this morning, Nov. 6.
Sociology 51: Mid-semester exam-
inations will be held during each lec-
ture period on Tuesday and Wednes-
day, Nov. 9 and 10. Students whose
seat numbers are 1-135 will go to he
regular lecture rooms; all others go to
Room B, Haven Hall.
Exhibition, Architectural Building:
In collaboration with the School of
Business Administration, a collection
of European posters loaned by the
McCandlish Lithograph Corporation
and including some of their posters
done in modern style, also a large 24-
sheet poster lithographed by them for
the Ford Motor Co. and winner of the
Kerwin H. Fulton Award for the best
poster design of the year. Ground
floor exhibition cases and third floor
exhibition room, Architectural Bldg.
Open daily; 9 to 5 except Sunday, un-
til further notice. The public is in-
Events Today
University Broadcast 3-3:30 p.m.
"Prevention of Irregularities of the
Teeth," Dr. George R. Moore, profes-
sor of orthodontics.
Radio Dance at the Hillel Founda-
tion tonight.
German Table for Faculty Mem-
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m. in
the Founders' Room of the Union.
All faculty members interested in
speaking German are cordially in-

Physics Colloquium: Mr. I. Z. Slaw-
sky and Prof. D. M. Dennison will
speak on "The Potential Function of
Methyl Halide Molecules" at the
Physics Colloquium, Monday, Nov. 8
at 4:15 p.m. in Room 1041 E. Physics
Building. -
Michigan Dames: The Art Group
will meet at the League Monday eve-
ning at 8 o'clock. The room will be
posted on the bulletin board.
Alpha Gamma Sigma will hold a
compulsory meeting Monday evening,
Nov. 8, at 7:30 p.m. in the League.
Beta Kappa Rho extends an invita-
tion to self-supporting, independent

to 5:30 p.m. in the rehearsal room of
the League.
Women's Swimming Club: Tryouts
Monday at the Union 4 to 6 p.m. Bring
medical recheck.
{ Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., Morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H. L.
Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., "Armistice Sunday Pro-
gram." The first part of the program.
will be a continuation of the discus-
sion of last Sunday on "A Peace
Pdlicy for a Time of Crisis."
The discussion will be followed by
an appropriate worship service.
First Church of Christ, Scientist,
409 S. Division St. Sunday morning
service at 10:30 a.m., subject, "Adam
and Fallen Man." Golden Text John
Sunday school at 11:45 a.m. after
the morning service.
First Congregational Church, cor-
ner State and William.
10:45 a.m., service of worship. "The
Man Who Dug a Well" will be the
subject for Dr. Parr's sermon.
6 p.m., "Doshisha University in
Kyoto" is the topic on which Mr.
Kato, himself a member of the famed
Japanese institution, will speak to
the Student Fellowship at 6 p.m. this
evening. Students are cordially in-
vited to come to the supper and to
listen to Mr. Kato.
First Methodist Church: Morning
worship at 10:40 o'clock. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "You."
Stalker Hall: Student class 9:45
a.m. Dr. E. W. Blakeman will lead
the discussion on "The Present-Day
Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6 p.m.
Prof. J. Raleigh Nelson will speak on
"When A Feller Needs a Friend."
Supper and fellowship hour following
the meeting.
First Presbyterian Church, meeting
at the Masonic Temple, 327 S. Fourth
10:45 a.m., "What is the Peace of
God Today?" is the subject of Dr.
W. P. Lemon's sermon at the morning
worship service. Music by the stu-
dent choir under the direction of Dr.
E. W. Doty. The musical numbers
will be as follows: Organ Prelude,
"Grant Us Thy Peace" by Karg-Elert;
Anthem ,"Now the Powers of eaven"
by Arkhangelsky; Solo, "The Heart
Worships" by Holst.
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu-
dent group, supper and fellowship
hour. At the meeting which follows
at 6:30 p.m. Prof. Bennett Weaver
will speak on the topic "The Holiness
of Beauty." A cordial invitation is
extended to all students of Presby-
terian affiliation and their friends.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8 a.m.
Holy Communion, 10 a.m. Dedication
of The Children's Chapel, 11 a.m.
Kindergarten, 11 a.m. Holy Commun-
ion and sermon by the Right Rev.
Herman Page.
Harris Hall: The Right Rev. Her-
man Page, Bishop of the Diocese of
Michigan will speak to the Episcopal
Student Fellowship in Harris Hall at
7 p.m. on Sunday. Please notice that
there is no change in the hour as
was announced last Sunday night, be-
cause the Interguild meeting has been
cancelled. The Bishop will speak
on "Religion and the Healing Arts."
Refreshments will be served. All stu-
dents and their friends are cordially
St. Paul's Lutheran: Liberty at

Third, 'Faith vs. Unbelief" will be
Pastor Brauer's sermon topic for the
morning service- at 10:45 a.m. Bible
class and a service in the German
Language begins at 9:30 a.m.
This Sunday a special evening serv-
ice will be held in which the holy
sacrament will be administered.
Preparatory servicebat 7:30 p.m., holy
communion service with sermon at
7:45 p.m. Sermon by the pastor on
"The Christian aid His Work."
St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club
meets at the church, Liberty at Third,
for an hour of fellowship and supper
at 6 p.m. A discussion on the topic:
"Can Science Displace Religion" will
follow the supper. The program will
close in time for the communion serv-
ice at 7:30 p.m.

On4 The Level
Today Michigan will meet Chicago at the
Stadium in a football game that will be the
equivalent to a potato bag race between Troop 1
and Troop 4.
* * * *
It'll be a lot of fun to watch, but it doesn't
mean anything.
The only ones who will be interested in
the game are the record-book statisticians,
the Michigan coaches, a few in the stands,
and the umbrella manufacturers.
* * *
Chicago, as Grantland Rice has so aptly put
it, just doesn't give a damn.
The University of Chicago' is primarily an
educational school and the coaches have a hard
time getting a man to let go of a text book
long enough to stick his arm through the sleeve
of a football sweater.


Air Lines: Tommy Dorsey played
anonymously with the band of Fred-
die Rich recently. The man of trom-
bone fame was due to make a guest
appearance on the show and couldn't
wait until his turn came about. With
trombone in hand, Mr. T. slipped in
the brass section of the Rich' band
and played a few tunes on the show
routine ... Jacques Renard, "Texaco
Town" maestro opens at Los Angeles'
new night spot, "Vogues" this week
A movie director has named a
hoss after Alice Faye of the Kemp
show . . . Ken Niles, CBS announcer,
will be a movie father when his sons
don the grease paint for a new War-
ner Brothers' flicker . . . Harry Salt-
er, conductor of one of the "Hit Pa-
rade" bands, was musical director of
WABC before it became a part of the
Columbia Broadcasting System . .
Notre Dame vs. Pittsburgh-a fine
ball game on any man's field, will be
aired by NBC at 2:45 via WMAQ .. .
The Iowa-Minnesota game is aired at
2:4'5 thru the Minneapolis local out-
let, WCCO .. . Eddie Dooley gives the
scores of all game at' 6:30 by CBS
and WJR.. .
Band Bits: Joe Sanders, who bears
the cognomen of the "~Ole Lefthand-
er." directs his band without the use
of a baton. He does all the- work
from the piano-one of the few jazz
band leaders who really work. Joe
was a ball-player on a Kiansas City
team in his earlier years and gained
his nickhandle because he threw from
the south side, and he threw fine
enough to send 27 men back to the
dugout in one game. His first venture
into the dance band field was as a co-
partner with Carlton Coon and the
Coon-Sanders Nighthawks. This was
one of the first bands to have air work
from Chicago. At the top of the heap
and everything going strictly on the
down beat, Coon died. Sanders left
the game after that to get back on a,
solid groove-the two were the best of
buddies. With a reorganized band
Joe stepped back into the Black-
hawk spot in Chi and has gone on to

women to attend the Sunday Night
Supper to be held at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Trinity Lutheran Church. Church
Nov. 7, inthe Russian Tea Room of!: worship services will be held at 10:30
the League. Sunday in Trinity Lutheran Church.
Sermon for the day will be delivered
Eta Kappa Nu. Supper meeting in by the pastor, Rev. Henry 0. Yoder.
the Union Taproom Sunday, Nov. 7 at Lutheran Student Club will meet
6 p.m. Meeting will be in room 304 Sunday evening at 5:30 p.m. in Zion
in Union after supper. Lutheran Parish Hall. Supper hour
at 6 p.m. with a Student Discussion
Th T rids k will leve from the 1r____.-. -- . - .,

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