THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1937 THE M ICHIGAN DAILY Date For First Informal Frolic Is Announced W,. A. Building Is To Be Scence Of Darce; N.Y.A. Swing Kings Will Play A Physical Education Frolic will be given for the first time from 7:30 to, 10 p.m. Thursday, Nov. 11 in the Women's Athletic Building for the; men and women of the physical edu- cation classes. J. Edgard Caswell, instructor in Campus Carry-Allj By Meandering Minnie League Dinner Held in Honor Of Ethel Perrin Last week "Knight and Date" had an offspring. This week the offspring1 is twins. To you, a double colump. Prominent Health Expert This week is Independent Week-for the first time in the history of Was Formerly Director this remarkable institution. In the League Grill yesterday afternoon, we saw a group of gals talking about Assembly and things. It seems that Of Barbour Gymnasium the smaller league llouses were invited to meet in the grill with various Ethel Perrin, nationally known B.W.O.C.'s so that they might find out just what the League is all about. hel Pn ationally wn physical and health educator, was en- Wyvern tapped Monday night. Soma fun and excitement. Barb (Flash) Lovell came tearing out of the League trying to give forth to the tan oyesial e world the grand information that one of her pals was League by the staff of physical edu- going to be taken in. She slipped on the loose gravelcation for women, Dr. Margaret Bell, r e staff director, announced. °, ad fll lat Nohin dante. se lv Doneon he E 1 theory of play classes, is one of the mgg afte L False Miss Perrin, who was acting direc- chie spnsor ofthe anc andis emet, screaming. 'Wyvern's going aftei Lizzie!" False tor of Barbour Gymnasium in 1911, che pnoso h ac n sname, of course, of course! tor of Barbour Gymnasium in 1911,1 being aided by various members of the ne, of course, of course!.has spent many years in trying to get physical education school. It was not Table D spAmazes . , ,;people to recognize the value of health stated whether or not this would be D s leducation, Dr. Bell explained. She an annual dance. Our friend Miss Hartwig has some brand new saddle started out teaching gymnastics in General Chairman Chosen shoes. In fact, she is so tickled about the whole affair. the Boston Normal School, which has Edward J. Slezak, '38Ed., has been that at League Council meeting last Monday she hopped since become the Wellesly physical chosen general chairman for the upon the table to display them for the benefit of the education department. dance. Chaperons for the dance will amazed and muttering mob. Miss Perrin then directed physical include Mr. and Mrs. Randolph Web- Pan-Hel meeting was Tuesday afternoon. Some of education in the Detroit public ster. Miss Laurie Campbell, Mr. and the ladies were running around with immense yellow schools, where she remained until Mrs. Caswell and Mr. and Mrs. Earl hair ribbons in their wool. In fact, we saw them all 192:3. She organized the department Riskey. over campus. Notice it? Well, they were the afore- so well that it is now recognized as Members of the refreshment com- mentioned new Wyvern members. one of the best in the country, Dr. mittee are John Fabello, '38Ed.; Jo- Theta Sigma Phi, journaiistic fraternity for women Bell pointed out. seph Cole, '39Ed., Dave Strong, '39Ed., The AmerijnrChiidrHeaiyhoAsmn- June Richter, '39Ed. and Mary Da- gave a tea yesterday afternoon, to sort of give the newspaper women the ciation was the next conquest of Miss vidson, '38. Those on the program f once-over. I Perrin and she stopped being direc- committee are Dan Smick, '39Ed., Vir- Volleyball games were played all during the week, as usual. tor of this organization only when its ginia Zaiser, '39Ed., Leo Beebe, '39Ed., The W.A.A. Board met last night. Betty Spangler hauled them all out purpose, that of teaching the import- and David Holmes, '39Ed. in the cold to get their pretty pictures taken for the 'Ensian. anet of health education, was ac- Program Planned ;complished, according to Dr. Bell. The publicity committee includesven Pled es Puzzle Since then Miss Perrin has been John C. Brennan, '39Ed.; Edith But- Three Wyvern pledges were there-trying to figure out how they can active in affairs of the National Edu- ler, '39Ed.; Ruth Heltenen, '39Ed.; preside at two booths at the League Fair. They are Betty Lyon, Buffy cation Association. Dr. Bell hopes Lillian Politzer, '38, and Shinsil Kim', ht ndMrhITlmn that she will address the physical edu-a Grad. White and Martha Tillman. cation majors at an assembly today. The N.Y.A. awing Kings will fur- Be sure to come to the Swim Circus Saturday. because-it is being given nish the music for the informal dance to help the W.A.A. get that swimming pool for the women. And, for - which will be given for physical edu- those that are going to formals after the meet-if six couples from each cation students only. The program house want to come in formal attire they really don't have to mingle with sre committee has planned a recreational the hoi-polloi. If there are six couples from each house, they can haveWe program other than the dancing reserved seats. Class distinction, I calls it. which will include bowling and ping- President and Mrs. Ruthven were hosts to 370 students at tea yesterday. pong. There will be no charge. and, as you see, just everybody was there-B.M.O.C.'s, their feminine T 5 counterparts and even lesser lights. Pledge classes of some of the fraternities and sororities were present P "in toto." Take for instance, the Delta Tau Delta house. Bill Baxter, Merrill - The modern way to soft Hold Prominence I Johnson, Bill Beatty. and George Cornell were there. But actives were lustrous permanent waves represented, too, for Gordon Conn was circulating around with a plate and Looks and acts like naturally InAutumnStyles curly hair. The ultimate per- manent. With the approach of cold weather, MA SONJIC EAu nmSAT., NOV 6 ". .M. $LiO- 5 hats will become a more prominent 'DEROIT sUBJECT: I GROOM-WELL feature of wardrobes.r s Outstanding "A Glance BEAUTY SHOPPES Favorites this fall are the small, Lecture Event K G . at Things~ 1 atLbry Roe37 perky types with wispy veils, bright- of the Decade TovontT e"1 SUt Liberity Phone 377 colored ribbons, or jewelled orna- SEATS NOW ON SALE AT GRINN LL'S AND (.AS THEATRE - MAIL ORERS 2I Univerity Phone 4818 ______________________________________________________ teots foeA yr . Fr aftrimin-i-asoBo-Ofic Oen9--.__ 6p i I i a very good andaddas that expensive touch if not used too elaborately. Fea- thers, too, are being used this season. One novel treatment is a quill made of felt. One shop shows a toque of velour with a tassel of fringe which is very attractive. Another features a high, draped off-the-face beret with a jewelled pin, which is exceptionally smart with fur coats. This same shop also shows a dressy version of the calot. It is made of felt and is trimmed in Persian Lamb. The difficulty of the whole hat- buying situation lies in the question of just how gay a hat should be. One good way to know if a hat is in good taste is to get the masculine view- point of it. If men's private opinions of hats were expressed at all timpes, some of the creations which are shown as being the latest things would never be worn. And one most important thing to remember is to wear dressy hats for dressy occasions, but not to classes. Nothing is more distracting than to sit in class and look at the latest "Paris Creation" worn with a skirt and sweater and saddle shoes. Graduate Luncheon Series Inaugurated The first of a series of Graduate IF. ------ - ------- ------ _ r,,r --. . . .a r {, c z, , , _ a _ f i ' ...-- '' t : ,,_ i ' ;' - = --s - f ; _ l _ , i. ,2 J ' l' * ,1 1 r . " , f a , ; z:> .,;- k r '/r }- .;.. '- _/ . f to make your gown 5C S - \F 1 Luncheons was given yesterday in the Russian Tea Room of the League. with Dean C. S. Yoakum of the Grad- uate School as guest speaker. More than 40 students heard Dean Yoakum trace the growth of the Graduate School, from the time 500 students enrolled under Dean Alfred Lloyd, to the present enrollment of over 5,000 students. He also de- scribed the interior of the new Rack- ham Building and told of Mr. Rack- ham's interest in this structure. The Graduate Luncheons will be held at the League each WedneseIay. All graduate students are invited to' at tend. Soft, Smooth Hands that Men Love! We're featuring an out- standing group of these wraps in the windows of our downtown store. It will be worth a trip down to see thei - VELVET . . ,soot block -- or gleaming j mwcl tone wvith -Jrricitic slceve3-_ tiny waistlines and long swishing skirts that reach to thef eels of your daricin'g slippers. Very beautiful wraps that you'll wear luxuriously over bouffant or sheathing evening gowns. I FIREWORKS or gleaming gold sequins - ornate passementerie snowy fox-ermine-lapin trims both capes and coats . . . matching the opulcnce Pacquin's Hand Cream does wonders for coarse, unsightly and glamour of the formal season. II i It lA