THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1037 MMMEM Board of Editors, WJANAGNG EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ..................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS :Harold Gan, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Keman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthbert, Ruth Frank Jane B. Hoden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER....BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER . .MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Maca, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson. Publications and Classified Advertis- Ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY A Tale Of Two Cities. Detroit TUESDAYS municipal election in De- troit provided a substantial, though Mr. O'Brien, the Labor candidate, insists only a temporary, check to the political aspirations of the CIO to "seize the reins of government." By a rather sizeable majority Mr. Richard W. Reading, formerly City Clerk and "conservative" candi- date, has been elected Mayor for the next two years and the CIO slate of five Common Council candidates has failed to place any of its members among the top nine who will form the body for the coming biennium. It might be well, in reviewing the results of this first labor effort at political control of the motor metropolis, to consider some of the fac- tors leading to the CIO failure. First, we must recognize the work of the Detroit metropolitan press in its unanimous anti-CIO campaign. Many of the statements of the ' Times, the Free .Press, and the News, the last supposedly somewhat more liberal than its two colleagues, rivaled in hysteria the Chicago Tribune in the height of its anti-Roosevelt campaign of last year. The prospect of Detroit, until only last year the very epitome of the open-shop town, coming under liberal rule so frightened the press that, collectively and individually, it stood screaming in the market-place. Admittedly the people were more receptive to the press campaign this year than last fall, when the tremendous Roosevelt vote was a stinging rebuke to the ambitions of newspaperdom to control public opinion inAmerica, but much of this receptivity was built up by the editorial and news policies of the newspapers towards the whole program of the CIO. Second, we must remember the lack of class- consciousness among the Detroit working class. Whether or not the existence of a class feeling is desirable is a matter of opinion, but the fact of its non-existence in Detroit is a matter of fact. The motor city has grown in population by leaps and bounds and probably the great majority of its people are first generation Detroiters, many of them coming from the farms and small towns of the South, without a definite labor and urban psychology. Then too the UAW is a re- cent phenomenon in Michigan and its hold on its members is not as great as that of the older unions, for example the Amalgamated Clothing Workers in the Eastern metropolitan areas. This lack of class- and union-consciousness contributed significantly to the failure of the CIO to poll the tremendous majorities in the work- ing-class precincts necessary to overcome the middle and upper class support for Mr. Reading, which, despite its professed inter'est in maintain- ing "non-partisan municipal government," was largely based on keeping out a labor-liberal mu- nicipal administration which might have under- taken activities hurting its pocket-book. The appointment of a pro-labor police chief. the clearing of slums and the improvement of by Mr. O'Brien's defeat for Mayor. It takes time to fight the influence of the pess of a large city, it takes time to educate workers to polit- ical action, it takes time to build a political ma- chine. The Farmer-Labor party of Minnesota went through seven biennial state elections be- fore it managed to win a single state office. twelve years of desperate conflict with just the problems of the Labor group in Detroit before there came even the smallest measure of victory. The CIO may console itself with the knowledge that one of every three electors in Detroit ap- proves its program, that under any decent system of proportional representation it would have three CIO leaders on the Common Council, and that for its first political activity it has made a very creditable showing against over-whelming odds. New York T HE HIGHEST total mayoralty vote in the city's history will give New York another four years of Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuar- dia and another four years of clean govern- ment. With La Guardia came the demise of a falter- ing Tammany and the rise of an efficient, cen- tralized labor party which bids to be an im- portant factor in the state and in 1938 congres- sional elections. With him, also came a complete Fusion ticket pledged to and capable of good government. The American Labor Party supplied more than 400.000 votes as a result of its efficiently planned .campaign that must have set the pinochle-play- ing Republican and Democratic district clubs back in surprise. This minor revolution can serve as an example to all other corrupt large city governments that in a conscious labor vote lies the key to a drastic cleanup. Apparently the party's sole issue of good government had sufficient appeal to New York's enlightened voters. Even some of the old Republicans are begin- ning to realize the strength of this vote. Brook- lyn's borough president, Raymond V. Ingersoll, who otherwise would have been defeated, bidded for the endorsement of the American Labor Party, and with it, was reelected. Much discussion will arise as to the possibility of La Guardia's election to the Presidency of the United States on a Progressive Republican and Labor Party ticket.dHe has demonstrated throughout the past and especially in this cam- paign that he is one of the most skillful poli- ticians in the country. With a fairly elected city council, instead of the questionable Board of Estimate, to work with, and with New York's World Fair coming up,j when 1939 arrives New York will be able to boast to its visitors that it has an efficient government -and a beautiful exposition. UNDER 91 THE CLOCK with DISRAELI ALL GOD'S CHILLUN ON SUNDAY SUNDAY at three we wandered all over our radio dial looking for something that would be a suitable background for our reading of Hamlet. It was pretty dull stuff until we snuck up on Elder Morton preaching from the Church of Christ in God over on Mack Street in Detroit.' The jolly Elder was leading his congregation in prayer and song assisted by the King Solomon Quartet, the Flying Cloud Singers and the South- ern Harmonizers from Chicago. There weren't any hymns that you hear in ordinary churches and they weren't spirituals either, but good, solid jazz with new words. To the tune of something that was very like 'Tea for Two' the Harmonizers were praying for green pastures and to something like 'Yes Sir, That's My Baby,' they reached outward to walk with the Lamb. Occasionally the whole congregation loosed throaty inter- pretations on their own hook and it turned into a vocal jam session. Most of the time the melody stood out clearly though, the shouts and skee- deewees in the background. Often the congrega- tion stayed on a single line like 'Hallelujah, praise the Lord,' holding a steady monotone that be- came a beat, like that of a drum. Then the Elder started in preaching and you felt him begin slowly, work up, and work up higher bringing the congregation along with him. He asked for testimonials and one woman in shrill, tumbling words shouted into the micro- phone, "I got a new mind to walk upright in Jesus. I got a new mind, I tell you, and I ain't got my old one any more. I'm saved from sin, Elder Morton." The congregation then chimed in with a '"Hallelujah, praise the Lord." The Elder himself preached about the life of Jesus and his text was John 17:14. As he was enlarging on the sermon we caught him in this, " . . .and He live for thirty years (here the congregation leaped in with a chorus of amens . . . and He never cracked a joke (yea man) and He never sang a song (yea man) and God looked down on Him and He said, 'That Is my Son'!" Later he asked to let themselves be saved now and not hereafter, "... . any crook when he's dead'll stop stealing (yea man.) He'll stop drinking (yea man) and he'll stop eating (yea man) and he'll stop sinning (yea man) but Jesus wants you to be good while you is still alive. (yea-ah man). Are you willing to let the Lord save you when you is living? I ask you?" He was greeted with a mighty 'Hallelujah' and many dusky souls must have seen the Golden City that morning. He closed his remarks with an an- I/ feeinr lo Me Heywood B ro un I want to address a few mild remarks to those who say that every worker has a right to a job, and that no outside agency whether that of cap- ital or labor shall ever be allowed to stop him in his God-given privilege. This was pretty much the philosophy of rugged individualism voiced by Tom Girdler before the Senate Post Office Committee. But under ques- tioning by Senator Green, of Rhode Island, Girdler took a good deal of it back. He pro- fessed to be puzzled when the Senator wanted to know whether unemployed men for whom there was no open- ing also possessed a God- given right to a job. Under cross-examination Mr. Gir- dler admitted that he did not think the govern- ment should undertake the responsibility of fur- nishing jobs to the jobless. So there in the phi- losophy of rugged individualism we may note ex- ception number one in the right to work. Henry Ford is another industrialist who is quite articulate in talking about the right of the indi- vidual to have a free choice as to whether to work or not. But part of the system of Ford and other large companies is based upon seasonal layoffs, and even the complete shutting down of a plant when it is not economical to keep it open. And what does the employee do with his right to work when he comes to the plant and finds the gates are locked? Can he put that right in his pipe and smoke it or broil it to keep his family from hunger? Machine-One Up On God Some will say that he can go elsewhere and take another job until times improve. But that may be a very long walk, a walk right to the edge of the world and over. The mechanical cotton picker is now only a few steps away from being practical. When it is put into use, more than a quarter of a million men will be thrown out of employment, and all that will remain with them will be the God-given right to work. God un- doubtedly did establish such a principle, but the machine age has snatched it away. If men laid off in factories start to march they may find the men no longer needed in cotton fields meeting them half way. And I suppose that community might set up a trading post and exist by taking in each other's right to work, and it is only fair to note that the rugged individualist in labor often preserves his right only at the expense of his fellows. Very often he sits in the boat with- out pulling an oar, and at the end of the race, when victory is won, he demands his share of the laurels. Minority Reaps Bounty Is that fair? I'll do my own answering and say, "No!" And it is even more unfair when the worker who has not lifted a finger to better the conditions in his shop receives all the gains, while the union men who forced the benefits are thrown out on their ear. I might instance a present case concerning a chain of stores in New York. Some four hundred out of seven hundred employes organized a union and entered into collective bargaining with the employer, the employer agreed to a wage in- crease, a year's contract and two weeks' vacation with pay, but he would not grant the union shop, and so a strike was called. Thereupon the com- pany telegraphed to all its employes that in spite of the strike the wage increase and the two weeks' vacation would be granted to all loyal workers who remained on the job. Accordingly, three hundred men get benefits for which they did not work. Indeed, they worked against them by refusing to be represented in the bargaining. I do not think it can fairly be said that those who are willing to reap where they have not sown are truly rugged and heroic individuals. There must be some more appropriate name--parasites will do for a start. On The Level By WRAG There is little use to pass around the petitions that are being signed on campus today and to- morrow for seeking a longer Thanksgiving vaca- tion. The University has known since 1837 that the students want all the vacations they can get. President Ruthven doesn't have to gander over a long list of names to know that everyone wants to go home for Thanksgiving whether they go home or not. The main point in the petititon is that stu- dents have to go a long way to get home for the holiday and the cuts made on the day after Thanksgiving are more frequent than cuts at a League mixer. But the students going home can't be expected to travel three hund&ed miles, kiss mother, grab a turkey leg, and scram back to Ann Arbor as fast as possible for a lecture on Friday morning. They ought to have at least one day off fer the FORUM Protests Shawn Dance To the Editor: t I When a crowd gathers to watch the specialized movements of football THURSDAY, NOV. 4, 1937 teams in conflict, there is, at the very VOL. XLVIII. No. 34 least, an exciting response. But when School of Music, College of Archi- athletes present themselves as in- tecture: Midsemester reports indicat- terpreters of the modern dance on a ing students enrolled in these units concert stage, the result is appalling. doing unsatisfactory work in any unit One might be content only to disap- donnaifcoywr nayui prove in private did not the Ted of the University are due in the officeI Shawn dancers present themselves in of the School. Report blanks for this such a pretentious decor purporting purpose mayo be secured from the to be the Saga of America in Three office of the school or from Room'4' Acts. One hardly knows what toUobert L. Williams, protest first. The execution and tech- Assistant Registrar nique was no better than that which 'R a rudimentarily trained group with a sense of rhythm might produce. When The Bureau has received notice of Shan-Kar returned to his native In- the following Civil Service examina- dia that he might study the mores tions: and traditions of his country, he took Associate meteorologist, $3,200 a 10 years in the preparation of his first. year; assistant meteorologist, $2,600 recital. Comparison with Shan-Kar, a year; Weather Bureau, Depart- however, is going far afield; four-a ment of Agriculture. day vaudeville hoofers can better Mr. Junior medical officer (rotating Shawn and his Male Dancers. Their interneship), $2,000 a year. movements seemed neither to be pure, Junior medical officer, (psychiatric or pantomime or simply designed, resident), $2,000 a year. but a straggly conglomeration of them St. Elizabeth's Hospital, Depart- all ment of the Interior, Washington, Technique and control are lesser qualities to cavil about, however, and might have been excused, had the dancers attempted to present some sincerely studied interpretation of American life. We are all eager for creative analysis of the confused modern scene by competent and sen- sitive artists ,especially those of us in the universities who are dealing with the problem in our several ways. The Shawn presentation was an insult to mind and imagination. I have rarely seen, in any of the arts, any- thing so banal and insipid.nThe mind of a child, at least, has more fancy. This was the consummate attempt of a thoroughly undistinguished mind. I can recall only one other perform- ance with which it compares; a dance presented at the Detroit Institute of Arts last spring of pioneer women clutching their babes to their bosoms as they fled tomahawking Indians- all to the tune of Beethoven's Fifth! In the face of new and important work being done by Graham, Weid- man, Sokolow, Humphreys, Tamiris, and Lincoln Kirstein's American Ballet, how can Mr. Shawn and his Dancers have the presumption to pose as serious interpreters of the Ameri- :an scene? The only group of dances even mildly pleasing was the Olympiad; and that, it seem, was the only choreo- graphy not by Mr. Shawn.. -Kimon Friar, Grad. A News Story EDITOR'S NOTE: This portion of news story, describing the setting for the Detroit election, was clipped from the Chicago Daily News for Nov. 3 Mr. Lahey is a staff correspondent for that newspaper. By EDWIN F. LAHEY DETROIT, Nov. 2.-Most of the 625,000 qualified voters of this city, all but suffocated by the bilge and libel of a political campaign, today marched, flocked, limped and stag- gered to their 918 polling places to elect a mayor and a city council. Hundreds of profound newspaper columns and hundreds of thousands of frenzied words to the contrary, the issue at stake is not whether this na- tion shall continue half slave and half free, but whether a mediocrity esposed by the CIO or another me- diocrity sponsored by the employer classes shall be elected mayor of De- troit. Until the very moment that the polls opened, the mayoral candidates, Patrick H. OBrien, former attorney general of Mhichigan, who has the cynical backing of the CIO, and Rich- ard W. Reading, city clerk with a long and respectable pay roll service, con- tended with and for each other that mediocrity shall not perish from the earth. O'Brien Backers Expect To Lose Even before the ballots started fluttering, people close to the United Automobiles Workers, the CIO union that has paid all of Mr. O'Brien's freight (amounting now to something in the neighborhood of $60,000) pri- vately conceded that Mr. Reading would beat him, but fervently ex- pressed the hope that a 'ground swell" of labor votes would prove their own estimates wrong. The auto workers are sincerely ex- pecting that two of their five candi- dates for councilmen will score. These are Richard T. Frankensteen, Pythias to the Damon of Homer Martin, pres- ident of the U.A.W., and Maurice Su- gar, attorney and song writer for the auto workers. Ford Riot Hearingj To Be Held Nov. 13 DETROIT, Nov. 3.-uP)-Circuit Judge Ira W. Jayne today set Nov. 13 for arguments on a motion to dis- miss assault charges lodged against the Ford Motor Co. and seven em- ployes in connection with fighting at the Ford plant May 26. .C' For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. UniversitydBureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Notice Art Cinema League Patrons: The entire five programs of the "Memorable Film Series" will be shown to members holding cards for afternoon showings. An encore show- ing of the first program (Western Films) will take place Nov. 21 at 3:15 lp.m. A cademic Noticies Aeronautical Engineering Students: All students who plan to elect Aero. 6, I experimental aerodynamics, or any advanced work in the wind tunnel laboratory during the second semes- ter, should leave their names im- mediately with Prof. M. J. Thompson, Room B-47 East Engineering Bldg. History 11, Lecture Group 1, Mid- semester examination, 10 a.m., Thurs- day, Nov. 4, Professor Scott's and Professor Slosson's sections in 103 Ro- mance Languages Bldg., Mr. Alden's, Mr. Ewing's and Dr. Stanton's sec- tions in Natural Science auditorium. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur will give a re- cital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday evening, Nov. 4, from 7:30 to4 8:30 p.m. Exhibitions Exhibition, Architectural Building: In collaboration with the School of Business Administration, a collection' cf European posters loanedcby the' McCandlish Lithograph Corporation and including some of their posters done in modern style, also a large 24- sheet poster lithographed by them for the Ford Motor Co. and winner of the Kerwin H. Fulton Award for the best1 poster design of the year. Ground floor exhibition cases and third floor exhibition room, Architectural Bldg. Open daily, 9 to 5 except Sunday, un- til further notice. The public is in- vited. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Albert T. Olmstead, Professor of Oriental His- tory at the University of Chicago, will give an illustrated lecture on "Ancient History Warmed Over" in Natural Science Auditorium on Nov. 5 at 4:15 p.m. The public is cordially invited. Lecture, Architectural Building: In collaboration with the School of Busi- ness Administration ,an illustrated lecture by Mr. H. A. Speckman of the I RA DIO By JAMES MUDGE Air Lines: Dick Jurgens, the man who will lead the band at the Engine Ball, had Pat O'Malley doing some of the "front" work on the Chicago engagement a while back. O'Malley was introduced to America by Eg- land's great maestro, Jack Hylton. Hylton went back to England after a successful time in the United States but O'Malley stayed here to make a little mazooma on his own hook . An Atlanta girl saw the sights of Hollywood for suggesting the name "Saymore Saymore" for the phone girl on the Cantor show-a present from Heddie . . . Joe Sanders, who will play for the Panhell affair, says that he likes to play a college prom. The average collegian is a severe critic of dance bands but gives credit where it is due. McCandlish Lithograph Corporation on "The Making of a 24-sheet Pos- ter" will be given on Thursday after- noon, Nov. 4, at 4:15 p.m. in the ground floor lecture room, Architec- tural Bldg. This is given in connec- tion with the poster exhibit being shown in the building. The public is invited. University Broadcast: Demonstra- tion of a one act play. The Psychological Journal Club will meet tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Bldg. Dr. Norman R. F. Maiser will dis- cuss "Further Analysis of Reasoning in Rats," reviewing recent experi- ments in that field. Newcomers' Section of the Faculty Women's Club will meet at a tea and reception in the Mary B. Henderson Room of the League today from 3 to 5 p.m. Faculty Women's Club: The Art Study Group will meet at the home of Mrs. A. H. Marckwardt, 2720 Heather Way, today at 2 p.m. Michigan Dames: The Charm Group of the Michigan Dames meets at 8 p.m. tonight at the Michigan League. The room will be an- nounced on the bulletin board. Miss Helen Myers of the Vogue Beauty Sa- lon will talk on a "Woman's Crown- ing Glory." The wives of students and internes are invited. Zoology Seminar: Mr. W. Frank Blair will report on "Ecological dis- tribution of the mammals of the Bird Creek Region, northeastern Ok- lahoma," tonight at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2116 N.S. All Graduate students in zoology and professional zoologists at the University are considered mem- bers of the seminar A.L'Ch.E. ,The November meeting will be abanquet:at the Union this evening at 6:30 p.m. Mem- bers of the faculty will be present, and several will give short talks. Tickets will sell at 65 cents, and may be purchased from any of the officers. A large attendance is desired. A.I.E.E.: Meeting tonight at Morris Hall, 7:15 p.m. Jerry Wiesner will speak on "Radio Broadcasting." Graduate students in the depart- ment of Romance Languages are re- minded that the reception and the first meeting of the Romance Lan- guages Journal Club will be held in the Grand Rapids room of the Mich- igan League tonight at 8:30 p.m. International Relations Club will meet tonight at 7:15 p.m. at the Michigan League, the topic for dis- cussion being "War in Spain." Stu- dents interested are invited to at- tend. Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Meeting tonight at the League at 7:15 p.m. All members please be present. Im- portant. Omega Upsilon will hold a meeting today at 5 o'clock in the Rehearsal Room of the League. All members are requested to be present. Transportation C 1 u b: Meeting tonight at the Union, 8 p.m. Illustrat- ed talk by Dean Loyell. All invited. Independent Men's Organization: Smoker at 7:30 p.m. today at the Union, Room 316. Michigan-Illinois football pictures, descriptions by Ir- vin Lisagor. The zoning plans of the organization will be explained at the smoker. Cider and doughnuts. All independent men are urged to come. Discussion classes at the Hillel Foundation: 7:30 p.m. Dr. Heller "Dramatic Moments in Jewish His- tory." 8:30 p.m., Dr. Hootkins, "Jew- ish Ethics." Physical Education for Women: In- dividual Sports test in swimming will be give this evening from from 8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Union pool. Modern Dance Club: A meeting of the Modern Dance Club will be held this evening at 7:30 p.m. in Barbour Gymnasium. All members who expect to be in the Christmas program are requested to be present. All Sophomore Women: There will be a mass meeting for Sophomore Cabaret petitions and try-outs this afternoon at 4:30 p.m. in the ball- room of the League. All women are strongly urged to attend. Coming Events School of Music Seniors: The mem- bers of the senior class of the School of Music will meet for the purpose of electing officers Friday, Nov. 5, at 4 o'clock in the School of Music Audi- A , DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members o t e Welversity. Copy received at the om! wat the Assixtaat to the Pr-Ms wwU 3:30; 11 :0 a.m. as Saturday. q 4 I 1 I A 4