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September 21, 1937 - Image 25

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-09-21

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7 W eddings,
4 Engagements
Are Announced
Dorothy Shutt, '37, Weds
Robert Trimby, '38M,
In Christ Church
M. R. Hiscock Weds
Marriages of many students and
graduates have been announced in
Ihe late summer months.
Dorothy Eleanor Shutt, '37, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Shutt of
Detroit, married Robert Trimby,
'38M, Sept. 7 in Christ Church, Cran-
brook. The Rev. R. W. Woodroofe,
pastor of the church, officiated at
the ceremony.
Miss Shutt, a member of Alpha
Chi Omega sorority, was dressed in
blush satin fashioned on coronation
lines with a square neckline and a
Stand-up collar. Mrs. Robert Ellis, De-
troit, was matron of honor, and Flor-
ence Schenk, '37, was maid of hon-
or. Dorothy Adams, '33, and Mary
Katherine Adams, '39, both sorority
sisters of the bride, were bridesmaids.
Classmates Assist At Wedding
Donald Lau was best man for Mr.
Trimby, and Frederick Rollins, Carl
Gladfelter, Jack Kerr, '37, all of De-
troit served as ushers. Charles
White, '38L, of Ann Arbor also was
an usher. Mr. Trimby was a mem-
ber of Alpha Kappa Kappa, medical
fraternity. The couple will live at
the St. Andrew's Manor on N. State
Mr. and Mrs. Robert N. Johns have
announced the marriage of their
daughter, Mary Lou Johns, to John
Lucian Shepherd, son of Mr. and Mrs.
Harry M. Shepherd of Birmingham.
The wedding took place Sept. 18.
Miss Johns is a member of Gamma
Phi Beta and graduated from the
University in 1936. The couple will
live in Bloomfield Hills upon the re-
turn from their wedding trip.
1933 Graduates Married
Jean Martha Bentley, daughter of
the late Mr. and Mrs. Frederick C.
Bentley of Detroit, and Alexander
Clark, Jr., son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex-
ander Clark of Lake Linden were
married Sept. 7, the Rev. Charles B.
Allen officiating.
Miss Bentley has taught in the
Mack and Eberbach schools in Ann
Arbor since her graduation from the
University in 1933. She is a mem-
ber of Alpha Xi Delta sorority, and
was chairman of the Panhellenic
Bll in 1933. Clark is affiliated with
Delta Chi fraternity and is working
for General Motors in Detroit. The
couple will live in Detroit.
One of the marriages to come will
take place Sept. 30 when.Mary Eliza-
1 eth Porter will marry Robert Lasle
Bodor of Texarkana. Bodor is the
son of BaronesskEugen von Kassanyi
Bodor von Nagyida of Budapest and
received his master's degree from the
School of Engineering.
Married In Washington
In Washington, D.C., Jane Mapes
became the bride of Robert Littell
Pierce of Washington, Sept. 11. Miss
Mapes is the daughter of Rep. and
Mrs. Carl E. Mapes of Grand Rapids,
and Mr. Pierce is the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Percy Littell Pierce of
Washtenaw Ave. Sarah Pierce, grad-
uate of the University in 1935, Alice
Kinney, David Dow and Mr. and
Mrs. Edward Begle, who were mar-
ried here recently, attended the wed-
ding in Washington.
Mrs. Begle was Elsie Pierce, '37,
before her marriage to Edward Begle,
'36, Aug. 14 in the League Chapel.
The Rev. Frederick W. Leech of St.
Andrew's Episcopal Church per-
ftrmed the ceremony, and a recep-

tion was held in the League Garden
Mrs. Begle, daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Percy Littell Pierce of Ann Ar-
bpr, is affiliated with Delta Gamma,
sorority, was a member of Wyvern,
Mortarboard, Alpha Lambda Delta
and Phi Beta Kappa. She was man-
aging editor of The Daily last year.
Mr. Begle is a member of Phi Delta
Theta fraternity, Sigma Xi and Phi
Beta Kappa.
Wedding In Gesu Church
Married Sept. 10 were Alice
Elizabeth Monaghan and Louis Co-
lombo, '35L. Miss Monaghan is the
(laughter of Mrs. George 'F. Monag-
han of Arden Park, Detroit. The
Rev. Fr. Joseph S. Lannon con-
ducted the ceremony at Gesu Church
in Detroit.
In the Rogers Williams Guild1
house, Catherine Stitt, '36, daughter
of Mrs. Albert Stitt, married Gordon
Stow, '35A, son of Mr. and Mrs. Clyde
S. Stow of Chicago early in Septem-
ber. Dr. Howard R. Chapman, stu-
(ent pastor of the First Baptist
Church performed the ceremony.
Attended By Classmate
Mrs. Stow, attended by Dorothy
Armstrong, '36, received her A.B. de-
gree in 1936 and returned to get her
degree in Library Science in 1937.
She was also a member of Alpha
Gamma Sigma. Mr. Stow received
his master's degree in architecture
in 1936 and was a member of Alpha
Kappa Lambda and Iota Alpha fra-
Margaret Rose.Hiscock, '36, became
tha heride of .Tnhn Alanson Perkins.

Mrs. E.G. Begle, Former Managing Ed itor Of The Daily, And Her Attendants

shot or wthat have you!? It Ji n' at
Teas Require all necessary that you dress exactly
like your roommate or that girl down
Sm art Dress, the hall. In fact, a little idividu l-
ity is appreciated for there are lots of
Matching Hat freshman and do your best to stand
cut. Naturally this can be carried
too far and so be conservative.
Costume Suits, Velveteens Then, be natural!! In 'your
thoughts, in your speech and in your
Good For Saturday Tea; dress! Of course, you think every-
Choose Silk For Sunday thing is wonderful and you're a little
awed by it all but don't try to sub-
(Continued from Page i9) due your natural reactions undera
freshman boredom which will im-
slinky and sophisticated or definite-; mediately mark you as a member of
ly "s.s. and g." depending on your the class of '41.

heart's desire. But do be careful and
don't have your gown too decollete but
choose a dinner dress or a formal with
a smart jacket. Black velvet dinner
dresses shine as ever but are varied]
this year with touches of gold, bright
flowers and the usual lace. A swishyj
taffeta dress with a full skirt and fit-!
ted jacket like the basques of our'
grandmothers will ring bells at any
sorority house.
Shades of Juliet coming back to
haunt us are seen in a mauve satin
gown with tiny cap sleeves of mink,
made much like the gowns you im-
agine those fascinating women way
back in history wore.
Let your imagination run riot when
it comes to decoration for your hair.
Flowers of all sorts and kinds are
found perched in curls and feathers
are still good due, perhaps, to that
coronation influence. Your evening
wrap can be black velvet, white fur or
something new in damask or bro-
cade. Gold brocade with a collar
edged in mink made into a fitted coat
with a slight flare at the hem is one
of those extra smart things. How-
ever, if your doting parents feel your
last year's black velvet ought to still
be good, don't be too chagrined be-
cause there are a lot of families who

Gold trimming is featured this sea-
son in countless ways. Found on
sequins on the new formals it is also
shown in tailored wools as accents
in trimming collars and cuffs. Gold
jewelry is being revived and worn on
sweaters. Old lockets from your

f -

Mrs. Begle, who was Elsie Pierce, '37, before her n arriage to Edward G. Begle, '36, is pictured above with nv e hae i se t *., parting
her bridesmaids. From left to right they are: Jewel Wuerfel, '37, women's editor of The Daily, Mrs. Begle, Now for that last word,
Sarah Pierce, maid of honor, Cornelia Begle, sister of the bridegroom. The wedding took place Aug. 14 in ---=oc Io=on o con oo o= oc o co c< C
the League Chapel, the Rev. Frederick Leech officiating. Mr. and Mrs. Begle will make their home in
Princeton, N. J. -Courtesy Ann Arbor Daily News. UIT S for the Gam e
public school faculty recently. Mr. St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital school of Kappa Alpha Theta while in the Uni- Headquarters for the Festive Football Seasoneli
Perkins will return to the University, nursing. versity, Mr. Moore attended Mich- Is Again the Chelsea Flower Shop
this fall. He is field representative Weds At Kalamazoo igan State College and the University. -'
for one of the northern camps, and Mr. and Mrs. Ivan S. Clark of Kal- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph J. Schermack
worked as secretary to Sen. Arthur amazoo announced the wedding of of Clarkston announced the engage-
Baneta. r ThetaPifaern lie ity, toeiraugLenrd awl fDtot rMlonJrm ugro eri Flowers for All 0ccas ions
Vandenburg. He was affiliated with their daughter, Catherine Fuhrman, ment of their daughter, Margaret, to
Beta. Tet aPifernity, ds tAuIra8,Leonard Csellt Ch Detroit IDr.Milon Jeome Ruege of Detot, CHELSEA FLOWER SHOP vThe La tWrd
Hillsdale Graduate Weds Aug. 28, in the Methodist Church at son of Mrs. Charlotte Rueger of Ann .. H LE L~ E H Pf~ T eL s ~ r
At Bad Axe Euphemia Cooper Her- Kalamazoo. Mr. Caswell is the son Arbor. (j East Liberty St. Delivery Service Phone in
rington became the bride of Dr. Dur- of Mr. and Mrs. Leigh C. Caswell of Elizabeth Greve Engaged V
win Hall Brownell Aug. 28. Miss Cysa rFall radtis employed in the0The engagement Of Elizabeth Greve ;<Corol Brassieres
Herrington, daughter o Mrs. Jere- rsl g r oratio. Mhe Caserl to John H. Kauffman of Mansfield,
miah Herrington of Bad Axe, is a s graduatedroU.y The clever co rded inser s
graduate of Hillsdale College where school of nursing. The couple will Miss Greve, 36, daughter of Mrs mould the breasts so gently
she was affiliated with Kapp apalive in Detroit. MisslGrevee'36,adaugter ofnMrs
ppa Kappa ry E. Dietrich, daughter of Mrs. Robert G. Greve, was a member of and so beautifully that they
Gamma sorority. Dr. Brownell is an John Dietrich, became the bride of Phi Kappa Tau, and was president OUR REGULAR PATRONS know the give an entirely new meaning
suctor at the University meca Floyd L. Haight, Aug. 10, at the First aofSenior Society herelast lyear. aShe value of the expert attendants and to the word "control". There
Methdis Chrchin Darbrn.Theare no stays under the breasts
Omega Alpha, medical fraternity, and Reodon hirip ied at t participated in J.G.P. She also wrote quick, courteous service at The An tspun r eor rensfr .
Phi Beta Kappa. Rev. Gordon Phillips officiaed a te for Contemporary, student magazine. And the support, coming from
P B K ceremgiony. Mrs. Haight attended r ma dt m e Vogue Beauty Salon in enchanting underneathrelieves all strain
Emily Campbell, daughter of Prof.'WsenSaeTacesClee u Mr. Kauffman graduated from the VgeBatySln iecatn
sr WeternStaeTecedrsCol tCollege of Engineering last February. and preserving beauty . . ; and we P on the shoulder straps.
and Mrs. Oscar J. Campbell of New both of them received their masters M.sntMs.Ehapsur.fRah
York, married George Wilbur Meyer, degree from the University where Mr. and Mrs. Ethan Lauer of Rath- know that you, too, will come here -
wayre N.m hJ.nivehavewhrannounceldJ399 theSylen-o al
Jr., recently in St. Andrew's Episcopal Mrs. Haight was a member of Kappa waymNtJ38have99aunced theenagin and again if you try our per--1 f
Church in Ann Arbor. The Rev. Delta sorority. They are now on the gagement of their daughter, Eliza- hwaov fiue,$to35
Frederick W. Leech officiated at the faculty of the Dearborn High School. beth Tillman, to Joseph Jackson, son fet service.
of Mrs. Joseph Jackson of Simcoe,
ceremony. Miss Campbell, who grad- At the St. James Episcopal Church Ont. Miss Lauer attended the Univer-
uated from the School of Music, was in Sault St. Marie, Helen Dunstan sity and was affiliated with Theta ROSE M. JOSSELYN
a member of Collegiate Sorosis and Osborn, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sigma Phi national honorary jour- V (TC "TT1 E1 1T SRL07O NatneTognHlSae sad eog uutsObr fSutS.nlstcsrrtadamme flJjKl
attnede Donga all gtStatenrsland Geog ,AugstusOsbornof Sault S.nalistic sorority, andhoa memberofr V "%G'3UE2 BE~r UTY S311LY2N Kellogg Corset Shop
and Sarah Lawrence College. Mr. Marie, married Dr. Robert Jess Pat- The Daily stff. Mr. Jackson attend-
Meyer, of Edwardsville, Ill., was a ton of Ann Arbor, son of Mr. and Mrs. ed the University of Toronto where 307 South State Street Phone 8384 110 East Liberty Dial 3110
member of Psi Upsilon and Phi Beta Charles Lamphier Patton of Spring- he was affiliated with Alha Delta
Kappa. field, Ill. Mrs. Patton was a graduate Phi
Engagement Announced of Leland Stanford University, Calif.
The engagement of Gladys Sheffer, and was affiliated with Pi Beta Phi
rl!.ht fG Mrr Willinf,.A R I A 4hr fitu Mr Pattrn is a jinior in-1 I .

daugn er of mr.wiam A. e reri,
to John R. Langenbach, son of Mr.
and Mrs. A. G. Langenbach, was an-
nounced recently. The weddings will
take place Dec. 28 at the Holy Angel's
Church, West Bend, Ind. Miss Sheffer
attended klichigan State Normal Col-
lege at Ypsilanti and is now employed
as an office manager. Mr. Langen-
bach is a graduate of the forestry
school from which he received his
master's degree in 1936. He is now
working for the United States Bio-
logical Survey, at Storrs, Conn.
August 4 in St. Andrew's Cathedral
in Grand Rapids, Elizabeth Helen
Doran, daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
James Doran of Grand Rapids, be-
came the bride of Dr. Harold W. Held,
'37D, of Ann Arbor, son of Mrs. Car-
rie Held of Fremont, O. Dr. Held has
been employed as an assistant in den-
tal surgery and received his degree
from the University in June. He is
a member of Delta Sigma Delta fra-
ternity. Mrs. Doran is a graduate of

IsoZrry. 1r1. VL 11 jU1V
structor in surgery in the University
Hospital. He graduated from both
the literary and medical schools of
the University and was a member
of Phi Kappa Psi and Nu Sigma Nu,
medical fraternity.
Wedding in August
Early in August at the First Meth-
odist Church, Alice M. Hiscock,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Dana E.
Hiscock married Harry E. Botsford.
Dr. Charles W. Brashares, pastor of
the church, performed the ceremony.
Mrs. Botsford attended the Univer-
sity and was affiliated with Alpha
Gamma Delta sorority. Mr. Botsford
works for a tile company in Ann Ar-
bor where the couple are residing.
August 7 at the First Congrega-
tional Church at Port Huron, Mar-
garet Elizabeth Kendrick and Jack
Moore were married. - Mrs. Moore,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Melville
Kendrick of Gratiot Beach, was a
member of Lambda Rho Tau and



mage k


"W- lqmlw AV lw

A Speial Sowin

A Special Showing

' " y-



Head for fall in a little hat . . . saucily perched atop
your head! They'll give you just the right amount
of "snap" you want. Skyscrapers, pillboxes, turbans
of _is.ap you want. k.yscaperspiL-oxes, turbans

U lBeverly Whitgreave wearing -

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