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November 04, 1937 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-04

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The Weath


fair, wit
and c

h rising

C, r

Sir igun


A Tale
Of Two Cities




Nation's Eyes

Playwright Brumm To Present '40 Engineers, ;Gov. Murphy
Drama Puppets' For Press Club
S e n ior L a ws Heads Press

___ _




On LaGuardia
As His Margin,
Hits 400,000i
Lewis Forecasts Important
Position For Labor In
Future Political Events
Heavy Labor Vote
Cast In N.Y. Election
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-(A)-The
full story of Tuesday's election results
serves to center the nation's atten-
tion on Mayor Fiorello H. LaGuardia
of New York City, who was returned
to office by close to a half million
majority. But it also increases con-
fusion as to national portents to be
reAd into the scattered verdicts of
millions of voters.
That LaGuardia may receive con-
sideration for a presidential nomina-
tion, perhaps without any interven-
ing campaign for high state office, is
the conclusion of many Washington
politicians although they differ as to
what sort of ticket he may head.
Interest In Labor's Share
Aside from the New York City out-
come, chief interest centered on or-
ganized labor's share in what hap-

Production To Be Sixth By
Journalism Professor;
Novel Plot Called For
Prof. John L. Brumm, head of the
journalism department and prolific
campus playwright, will present an
original play called "Puppets" at the
Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre tomor-
row night.
Thisentertainment feature was in-
stituted six years ago at the annual
meeting in Ann Arbor of editors and
publishers of the state. Professor
Brumm as chairman of the entertain-
ment committee has turned out five
plays which have been produced by
Play Production, this year under the
direction of Mr. Frederic O. Cran-
For the pleasure of this year's Press
Club, Professor Brumm promises
something different in the way of
theatrical entertainment. "Puppets,"
the professor describes as a three-act,
realistic play with allegorical impli-
cations. A group of characters is as-
sembled for the ordinary transac-I
tion of a plot sequence, but the action
no sooner gets under way than it is
discovered that the characters have
been abandoned by their creator.
Having brought them into being, the
playwright throws them upon their
own resources of creative activity. In
such a plight, the characters, na-
turally enough, undertake to improve;

ture" make the substance of the play.
The question is, "Can they go through
with it on their own, without the dull
pattern of a predetermined course
of action?"
The first of Professor Brumm's£
plays, "Scrambled Ego," was a satire
on people who don't believe in sup-
VntflCC'rino + the*ir VVi I lC Thkit' 100 C'

Elect Officers
David Cushing Heads Slate
Of Winning Fraternity.
Inde nenrlrt Ensinserc

Public Is To Be Admitted
To 19th Annual Session;
. -YDav Pro ram Phane d .

Direct Negotiations
For Sino-Jap Peace

pened at the polls. And labor claims f their original status. The conse-
far greater influence upon the polit- quences of this "freedom of adven-
ical events to come than the mere______ ________
balancing of its successes and fail-
ures on Tuesday would indicate di-
rectly. Independents
That claim was promptly made by
,John L. Lewis, CIO head and chair- See Gam e 'ilm s
man of Labor's Non-Partisan League,
which was a factor in President
Roosevelt's election a year ago. Lewis Will Discuss Plans TOday
said labor had demonstrated its po-"
litical strength, even where it was At Smoker In The Union
defeated, as in Detroit's municipal
race. He warned old party leaders Moving pictures of Saturday's Illi-
that the League would "now devote nois-Michigan football game will be
its attention to the 1938 (congres- shown at the Independent Men's
sional) campaign" and seek the elec- Organization smoker at 7:30 p.m. to-
tion of its own representatives. day in Room 316 of the Union.
Nor can leaders of the two major The smoker will be the group's first
parties disregard that warning. Its general meeting this semester, the or-
significance is reflected in the New ganization having met thus far in
York City figures as well as else- executive council meetings. All in-
where in many municipal contests. dependent men interested in partici-
In New York the registered vote of pating in the organization's activities
the American Labor Party, sponsored were urged to come.
by Non-Partisan League and CIO,co- The picture will be shown through
incided closely with the LaGuardia the courtesy of Coach harry G.
plurality. Lewis said thag.Kipke. Irvin Lisagor, '39, Daily
achievement was "outstanding." Sports Editor, will give descriptions
Labor Vote Doubles I of some of the plays. Cider and
Considering that the more than doughnuts will be served.
400,000 votes credited to the Amer- Plans to zone the campus, to in-
Ican Labor Party in New York City elude all independent men, will be!
represent virtual doubling of the discussed and the future program
strength it showed in last year's pres- of the organization will be outlined.
idential. elections there, a balance of it was explained.
power position for labor in city pol- I
.tics is already indicated. WhetherI
it can be broadened by next year to 1
statewide application in governor- Baloo en Wins
ship contests and also bear impor-
tantly on congressional and sena-
torial races remains to be seen. Deech C ontes

pressng ieir m uses. is was
followed by The Mayors Husband. Speaks Here Today Powers Urge SpeedLest
4Then followed "Why Print That?".w r
and "Editors Are Also People," both W. Hendrickson Discussion Subjects, ;;Conference Drift Into
newspaper satires. Last years playl Wins In Law chTalks, A+ Dangerous Dilatoriness
"Button, Button," was written to W n nLaw School. iuis A-nnounced rul h cncecif hs u-'
trouble the conscience of those sus-
ceptible to material efforts. It con- Officers for sophomore engineers Gov. Frank Murphy will open the Japan May Receive
cerned six strangers, five of whom and senior law students were select- 19th annual session of the University An thr'nvtaio
were crooks and a government agent ed yesterday afternoon as the first Press Club today when he speaks on e..
thrown in for good measure. Pro- o
fesownr Brmm' d peresia plywri~of this year's class elections was held. "The Merit System in Government,"
ing has done him well for aside from The Fraternity-Independent ticket at 2 p.m. in the Union Ballroom. This The proposal of the United States
the fun it provides for the Fourth swept the engineering election putting session will be open to the public in that peace in the Orient should be
Estate, three of his plays have been David Cushing in as president; John response to numerous requests, it was sought by direct negotiations between
sold to the French Publishing Co. Rane as vice-president; Kenneth announced last night by Prof. John China and Japan received the backing
Meyer as secretary; Matthew Rea as L. Brumm, head of the journalism de- yesterday of England and France, the
treasurer; Bob Goodyear as repre- partment and secretary-treasurer of I.z" 4other two members of the "Big Three"
sentative to the Engineering Coun- the Club. at the Brussels Nine Power Confer-
'aiiiw Club c 1l; and Jim Brown as representative This year the program will be built ence, The Associated Press reported.
to the Engineering Council. around themes of special interest to ..<. After expressing their agreement
Asks University These men defeated the Independ- the members of the Fourth Estate. rthe powers decided to call a confer-
ently-formed Sophomore Engineers' The relationship of the newspaper to ence of the principal delegations to
slate of Robert Brown for president; democratic government and news I I" consider a second invitation to Japan.
oFurnish Aid John Flickinger for vice-president; policy and freedom will be among Direct negotiation, it was felt in
Lewis Briggs for secretary; and Harry topics discussed. In presenting this 'official circles, may be instrumental in
Howell for the Engineering Council. program, the Club will endeavor to . bringing the two warring nations to
Seek 3 -Man Cm mite
Co ttee Voting machines were used in the give several important viewpoints and terms. Two days ago Japan in an of-
For Extension Service engineering election for the first time, to that end have contacted persons
Fr Etnin Srie=tpersons :::I ". >' s::"::::*":*,:::j fiia statement recommended that
and 116 votes were cas................... .... ::................:...,......:,
and 116 votes were cast. prominent on the campus and in the the Nine Power Conference be ad-
o tate arm roup In the senior law elections, the In- world of affairs. GOVERNOR MURPHY journed in favor of direct parley be-
dependent-Club Coalition party swept Another phase of the program, "The tween her representatives and those
President Ruthven's plan caling the field electing J. Waldo Hendrick- Freedom of the Press," is to be of China
for a three-man committee to super- son president; Wayne E. Babler vice- handled from a viewpoint of revealing Alum ni Council The British and French delegations
vise University extension service to president; A.J. Coffman, secretary; the importance in the modern world after subscribing to the official pro-
farm groups of the State received the and Glenn K. Seidenfeld, treasurer. of maintaining freedom of utterance posal of Norman H. Davis, head of the
hearty endorsement of the delegates Ballot boxes were used and 151 votes for the press, pulpit, and business. I'nt rview United States delegation, joined the
to the 45th annual meeting of the were cast. Each of these discussions will be fol- ' latter in urging quick action lest the
Michigan State Association of Farm Washtenaw-Coalition party candi- lowed by a period of open forum to Soph Officers conference drift into dangerous and
Clubs in their closing session yester- dates for the sophomore literary alo h®uinet atiiae iaoypts
!allow the audience to participate dilatory paths.
day. school offices were declared elected hese meetings, started nearly 20 Italy also agreed to the proposal
Charles W. Warren; of Ovid was Tuesday night after no opposition Thsmetnsardnaly2
chosen president of the Association slate had been presented. pyears ago when Marion Leroy Bur- Officers' Council To Give but, fulfilling pite-conference predi-
ton was president of the University, . tions, expressed opposition to any-
at the meeting, while other past of- New officers for the class of '40 have attracted newspapermen from Instructions In Alunini thing in the nature of sanctions or
ficers were reelected. Burr J. Hoover are Phil Westbrook, president; Ann all parts of Michigan to the annual Relations, Organization even "moral quantities."
of Howell was chosen vice-president, Vicary, vice-president; Charles Pink, conventions. The Club membership' Russia's Foreign Minister, Maxim
and Mr Ralh Walker o Howell secretary; and Stan Conrad, treasur- is composed of the editors and pub- ! A series of interviews with the Litvinoff, in one of his famous "plain
South Lyon and H. L. Tincknell of lishers of newspapers in the state and newly chosen officers of the soph- talks," said international conferences
Romeo were rechosen for the board members of the Associated Press and y have a way of falling into petty diver-
of directors with A. C. Stein of Ann F DtI rflf'v the Michigan Press Association. To- omore class will be the first step gences that string out negotiations
Arbor. ce day's presiding officer will be Mr. of the Class Officers Council in its! and eventually make the conferees
Prof. George B. Hall of the geog- George Averill, president of the Club task of preparing the class of '40 for glad to accept any solution, even one
raphy y epartmentaddressedthefand publisher of the Birmingham its alumni connection with the Uni- favoring an aggressor. Observers in
group yesterday morning on "The Ex- t Eccentric. versity, Robert O. Morgan, secretary the galleries regarded his remarks as
pansion of the Japanese Empire."ymn o Registration will take place at 9 td a slap at the Spanish Non-interven-
pansion of thedsJapaneseaEmpire."l taSheplace at 9of the Council, said yesterday.tinCm te.
The only great insular empire of the1 a.m. today, and will occupy the entire tion CommThe purpose of these interviews, Dr. V. K. Weington Koo, head of
Iworld is now becoming a continental Imorning. At 2 p.m. a general assem- Teproeo hs neves r .K elntnKo edo
empire ,Professor Hall said, with ex- ~~-bly will be held in the Union Ball- which are an innovation into the the Chinese delegation, outlined Jap-
pansion partially spurred by fear of A Michigan State College poll room, at which the 'presidential ad- Council system of preparing under- ! anese activities in China which he de-
Russia. John B. Strange, state com- showing that only one student in ten dress will be delivered by George graduates for their aiumn life, is to scribed as "the most utterly ruthless"
missioner of agriculture, outlined the would voluntarily enlist for service Averill, editor of the Birmingham make the class realize that to have warfare the world has ever seen.
organization of his department. in time of war abroad is a good argu- Eccentric. Following this, a sympo- successful alumni organization it Dr. Koo predicted that unless Japan
Dictatorship and vorld peace are ment against compulsory military sium will be held in "Efficiency in must begin now to plan for it, Mor- is checked she "will overrun the boun-
incompatible in the next ten years, training, Prof. John F. Shepard of the State Government." Governor Mur- gan said. daries of China and throw the world
and one will disappear, Prof. Preston isyninergy etment nd phy will speak on "The Merit Sys- Class officers will be instructed in into a general war."
W. Slosson of the history department in an interview yesterday.tem in Government"; Prof. George C. the functions of the Council. "They
told the afternoon session. Many of those who voted against (Continued on Page 2) will act as liaison officers between the
conscription must have been antag- 00 People Go
Wounded national pride is repre- onized by the compulsory feature of student body and the Council as the
' :nted in the dictator, Professor Slos- military training at the college and Prize-Winning Play senior officers do between the alumni
son said. This nationalist feeling would make poor soldiers. Thus," he tbodn the unsaifedg.da-T en H o s
cannot be disappointed with impun- argued, "the system as a method of Goes On Air Toda in," he said.
ity. developing good officers works against It is necessary for a class to have
A series of- diplomatic victories by itself." funds available with which to carry A
itself. n s aA one-act play entitled "The Goy," on class organization during their Juggling And Swimming
one nation must lead either to com-! On the other hand, he maintained, Iwinner
(Continued on Pa e 'students who are militaristically in-;wner of a Hopwood award and writ- alumni life," he continued, pointing Exhibitions Are Given
clined become more fanatically so ten by Bernice Isaacson, will be dra- out that the only connection a stu-
after taking R.O.T.C. as they are re- matized at 3 p.m. today by the stu- I dent has with the rest of his class More than 2,500 students and fac-
Senator Borah Opposes quired to do at Michigan State. dents in radio broadcasting courses. after graduation is through the Class ulty members attended the annual
1937 GOP Convention "It would be interesting," Professor Written in blank verse, the story Officers' Council, and that every fall Union Open House from 7:30
Shepard suggested, "to conduct sim- deals with a Jewish family which (Continued on Page 6) until 10:30 p.m. yesterday.
WASHINGTON, Nov. 3.-(A)-Sen- ilar polls at Michigan State College objects to its son's marriage to a Gen- Under the supervision of Ray
ator Borah (Rep., Ida.) opposed the and on this campus to compare stu- tile girl.. G i ' .f f' O tDowns, '39, and Don Belden, '39E,
idea of an off-year Republican Na-! dent feeling." The characters in today's presen- ;fi11ti nes both of the Union Executive Council
tional Convention tonight, asserting The figures obtained in the Mich- tation are Morlye Baer, '37, Sam exhibits, free shows and free danc-
it would be like a performance of igan State poll coincide closely with Grant, '40, Eva Goldman, '38, Ellen ro rai were featured
Hamlet "with Hamlet left out." those of the peace poll conducted Rothblatt, '39, Mrs. Otto Graf, and From 8 until 8:15 Elmer Townsley
"The voters would have no repre- last week on this campus, in which Harold Gast, '39. and his jugglers presented an ex-


New Panorama

The winner of the
Speech 31 contest held
i ternoon in 1025 Angell

yesterday af-
Hall was Ted

Appears Today Balgooyen, '40, Grand Haven, who
spoke on "Academic Traffic Signals."I
Balgooyen spoke on Michigan's ad-
Psychography' Of Janitor visory system for students. He an-
To Be Week's Feature alyzed its failings and pointed out
two alternate plans for improving the
A technical improvement in the advisory facilities.
printing of Panorama, campus pic- At present too much is asked of,
tune magazine, which makes its third the professor who must work in an
appearance on the campus today, 4avisory capacity in addition to his;
haspmerhn reproduction of pho to- regular teaching. He is not able to,
has made theireduch clearer give sufficient time to the considera-
graps i ths isuemuc clare ILion of student problems adcne
than in past isuesaccording to Jan anndst nconsmse-=
thanin astisses acoringto oanquently his job is often poorly done.
V. Hanson. 40, editor. Balgooyen offered two solutions
th Uesiyhogaphyof Willean-tothrpebe. First, the presenti
te, University jator, is the featu advisors could be asisted by upper-
this week, Miss Hanson said. classmen who are capable and fitted
Panorama is sponsoring a contest for counsellor work. Secondly he
in which student photographers may suggested that the academic advisers
submit work suitable for publication be full-time, paid members of a spe-
in the magazine until Nov. 24, in cial staff, and men who have train-
competition for a five dollar prize. ing in psychology and guidance work.
Any other photographs used will be -
given recognition, Miss Hanson said.
An increase of 300 copies over the Progressive Club
2,200 of last issue will be made, it was I Isoato
said. OpposesIsolation;



sentation in that convention, simply 202 stun ents out of 1,831 declared that
the leaders," he said in a prepared they veuld support the U. S. in any
statement. war.

The play is a demonstration of the
work in playwriting taught at the

Hitler May Formally Raise Question

A challenge to schools of commierce,
that they assume leadership in com-
mercial thought, was made yesterday
by Dean Claire E. Griffin of the bus-;
iness administration school at an an-
nual meeting of the National Foreign
Trade Council in Cleveland.
'Irh Ti~v iV , 1 1, Lie uc nr ca , i


Of Colonies Soon, Ehr

Germans Believe African
Holdings Were Unfairly j
Seized ByAllied Powers
Hitler's demand for restoration of:
Germany's African colonies, taken4
from her by the Treaty of Versailles,

He Wants Colonies

Th1 e university,- he declared, "if
Believesit is to be worthy of its great tradi-
ann Believes ions must, as it turns to commerce,
be a leader of thought in this field
- as it has been in science, in law and
Little Stress Is Placed On in medicine."
He advocated a new emphasis on
Colonies As Population economic fundamentals which would-
Outlet In Nazi Program lead students to economic philos-
ophies of their own. "The world does
nanas, lemons and tobacco as well as move," he said, "and there are new!
mineral resources. The colonies problems to be considered in each
would also serve as new markets for generation.
German products. Little stress, he . T.
found, is laid on colonies as an out- LaGuardia To Visit
let for population or a source of man-T
power for military purposes.syl
If, as agreed, the colonies are of no
value, the Germans ask "why fuss HYDE PARK, N. Y., Nov. 3.-(,'P)--
about their return?" The lack of pro- President Roosevelt will be visited by
gress in developing these mandated Mayor Fiorello H. La Guardia at the
areas does not prove that the terri- Chief Executive's town house in New
tories are worthless, they say, but York City tomorrow.
that the powers possessing them have White House aides announced that

hibition in the ballroom, followed by
the University Glee Club, which sang
until 8:30 p.m. Bob Steinle and his
Orchestra played for free dancing
from 8:30 until 10:30 p.m.
The varsity and freshmen swim-
ming teams gave exhibitions of swim-
ming and diving from 8 until 8:30
p.m. in the pool.
Reduced prices prevailed in the tap
room throughout the evening.
Witness In Murder
Trial Here Jailed
Authorities tried without satisfac-
tory results yesterday to question
William Youngs, 60 years old, 48 N.
Huron St., Ypsilanti, witness in the
Streicher case, and Circuit Judge
George W. Sample ordered him held
in the county jail for contempt of
Youngs, it was reported, had
trouble remembering certain dates
and events under investigation. He
faces a possible charge of perjury for
his testimony, it was understood.
Dr. Raymond W. Waggoner, direc-
tor of the University neuropsychiatric
12t smiita1 l .C~ tPtiflIMA t c~ -T

5 Naval Fliers Die
As Planes Collide'
SEATTLE, Nov. 3.- (P)-Five navalf
fliers were killed and two others were
injured today in a collision of two
fighting planes 3,000 feet above Boe-

may soon become more than "mere
Two hundred ballots were filled talk and propaganda," in the opinion
out in the Progressive Club poll yes- of Prof. Howard M. Ehrmann of the
terday expressing overwhelming op- history department, who believes that
Position to United States diplomatic Germany is preparing to raise this v";.
isolation and the present "strictness" question formally.:
of women's hours on campus. Evidence that the Reich.backed by:
o c Italy will intensify its drive for sources
Final count on these questions re- of rawmtiiy n aktPoe
ve ld tht 59w eeeaga on ~of aw materials and markets, Profes-
i ,vealed that 159 were agai not vole sor Ehrmann said in an interview yes-:
tion, 38 for it and three did not vt A.,

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