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November 03, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-11-03

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P 'of. Maier Finds Rats To Have

Speaker Claims
Paper Industry
Is On Upgrade'

Mr. A merica

Zoology Luncheons Date
Back To Joe's And Orient


Prof. MaerFi Adsats od ave
anngReasoning Ability In Food Tests '

Industrialist Says Forests
Must Stay Productive To
Insure Resources
C. W. Boyce, secretary of the Amer-
ican Paper and Pulp Association and
a graduate of the School of Forestry
and Conservation in 1914, said yester-
day that the paper industry of Ameri-
ca is a more stable base for the main-
tainance of heavy forests than the
lumber industry.
Mr. Boyce was the guest speaker at
the first forestry assembly of the year,
held at 11 a.m. in Room C, Haven
He stated the fact that the per
capita consumption of paper in this
country is 220 pounds and that 55 per
cent of the world's consumption is
used in the United States. This is
higher than the figure for any other
nation in the world.
The fact that the use of paper for
printing purposes and for varied me-
chanical uses such as insulation are
continually growing was pointed out
by Mr. Boyce as evidence that the
lumber industry is swiftly becoming
stabilized with the greater part of its
production going to the manufacture
of pulp.
Thus the need of maintaining
standing forests of trees for paper-
making will encourage the practice
of reforestation and conservation
measures for the sake of having a
ready supply of raw material. The
old type of "cut-out and get-out"
lumbering which resulted in the de-
foresting of many acres of valuable
land will have no place under that
system, he asserted.
Mr. Boyce claimed that the pro-
duction of southern spruce in great
quantities for the purpose of making
paper has opened a great field to the
modern forester in the southern
He urged the young forester to join
the "bull gang" of the lumber camps
and learn the business from the bot-
tom, waiting a chance to step into
business for himself.
Streicher Slayig
Probe Is Resumed
Investigation by Circuit Judge
George W. Sample's one-man grand
Jury into the unsolved Streicher slay-
ing was resumed today following a
two-weeks' recess to permit the open-
ing of the October term of circuit.
Witnesses yesterday included Mrs.
Frances L. Wiemer, Ann Arbor dress
and beauty shop operator, and a
friend of the slain boy's mother; Dr.
Raymond W. Waggoner, director of
the University Neuropsychiatric in-
(Continued from Page 4)
Igan League, Thursday, Nov. 4, at
8:30 p.m.
Physical Education for Women: In-
dividual Sports test in swimming will
be given on Thursday evening from
8:30 to 9:30 p.m. at the Union pool.
Freshman Girls' Glee Club: There
will be a regular meeting Thursday
at the League at 7:15 p.m. All mem-
bers please be present. Important.
Modern Dance Club: A meeting of
the Modern Dance Club will be held
Thursday evening, Nov. 4, at 7:30 p.m.
in Barbour Gymnasium. All mem-
bers who expect to be in the Christ-
mas program are requested to be
The Independent Men's Organiza-
tion: Smoker at 7:30 p.m. tomorrow at
the Union. The Michigan-Illinois

football pictures will be shown and
the zoning plans of the organization
outlined. Cider and doughnuts. All
independent men are urged to come.


Is Discussed to The zoology department luncheon
tbe held Friday in the Natural Soi-
By Henderson ence Building has a 25-year-old an-
cestry, Prof. George R. La Rue, of
the zoology department, declared yes-
That long, lank, shrewd-faced terday.
Yankee called Uncle Sam, as repre- First luncheons were held at the
sentative of Americans, underwent an Union when it was still in the "Cooley
extensive examination by Dr. W. D. House," back in 1912. Later they were
Henderson, director emeritus of the held at Joe Parker's, then at Foster's
University Extension Service, last cafe, and finally the members of the
night at the Farmers Club banquet in zoology department decided that they

the Union.
Uncle Sam is not the smartest man
in the world, Dr. Henderson said. Upj
to the time of the great depression,I
the average American felt that he
was a little smarter than anyone else,
but the depression gave him a rude
"With more food than we could
eat, more coal than we could burnI
and more clothes than we could
wear, we found ourselves in dire
straits, with 30,000,000 hungry, cold
and ill-clad. With our business struc-
ture toppling and our banks failing,
we presented a sad spectacle for
the world to behold," Dr. Henderson
Nor does Uncle Sam typify "The
Thinker." He is not a very thought-
ful person, and most of the thinking
that he does do is in terms of local
situations and individual gain. He
has the capacity to think but he has
been too busy cutting down forests,
plowing fields, digging mines and
exploiting his resources.
Dr. Henderson refuted the notion
that Americans are the wittiest peo-
ple in the world. "Americans are hu-
morous not witty. The French are
the wittiest and the Scotch next. Wit
is of the intellect while humor in-
volves action. We are the only people
who every.Sunday read eight pages
of Andy Gump and Joe Palooka."
Uncle Sam does possess, however,
certain positive qualities which dis-
tinguish him from the rest of the
world. One of these is the quality
called initiative. He also has an un-
usual capacity for action and is swift
and sure in his motions. Despite his
hard, bitter face he is a most sym-
pathetic person. When questions of
human needs and welfare are to be
considered he is impulsive and gen-
Americans must, however, acquire'
vision and obtain a new kind of edu-
cation-an education which will
teach him to think not only of him-
self and his own prosperity, but the
well-being and prosperity of others as
Dr. Florence S. Hague, associate
professor of the zoology department1
at Sweet Briar College in Virginia,
arrived here yesterday to do physi-
ological research work with Prof.
Alvalyn E. Woodward of the zoology

that in terms of actual accomplish-
ment. these tests show definite rea-
soning power in rats. In answer to'
those who say that a rat can have no
reasoning power, Prof. Maier stressed
that five year, old children., when put
to similar tests do not score as high,


would be better off if they made coffee
in their own building and brought
lunches from home.
German Collee
Not Suppressed,
Berliner Stat es

Rats show definite reasoning power end of the tables, which is the fourth ;'
as the average rat.
equal to that of five-year-old chil- experience surhets,
drenwhe pu tothetes ofcom- !Thus the set-up for the test is.
dren when put to the test of corre- TAPPING SPEAKS IN WEST
lating previous experiences into spon- Prof. Maier repeated two tables, placed APPINGctr A nSIN EST
An electrical transcription of a
taneous action, Prof. Norman Maier parallel to each other several feet speech by TI Hawley Tapping, gen-
of the psychology department, who apart. At each end the tables are eral secretary of the Alumni Asso-
has been doing research in this field, connected by bridges. Food is put ciation, will be heard at the meeting
stated yesterday. in one corner of Table A with a screen of the University of Michigan Club
Food is the objective of the rat, placed around it in such a manner of Oklahoma City, Nov. 9. Moving
and his reasoning may be determined that the rat cannot reach it without
by how he goes about securing this going all the way around Table A, pictures of Michigan games will also
acros te , ownTabl Bandbe shown on the program.
food, Prof. Maier said. Food. experi- across the bridge, down Table B, and
ments are differentiated from the across the other bridge, which leads T
well-known maze tests in that the directly to the food. ROTARY TO HEAR BAKER
road to the food is constructed in a The rat now must think back on Recent developments in eero-
forward direction, whereas in the his separate experiences in each* plating will be discussed by Prof. Ed-
maze, the route is constructed grad- phase and try to correlate the fourwI
"ally in the backward direction, of them so that he may get to the neering department at the luncheon
In testing the rat, he is given four food, meeting of the Rotary Club today at
separate experiences. He is first put Prof. Maier pointed out that dif- the Union.
on a table (Table A) and is allowed ferent rats use their own techniques
to make himself familiar with the in getting to the food, and that older
various passageways and hazards.1 rats make less errors than young; --- GENTLEMEN ---
After he has learned these, he is put ones. Changes are made in the set- IYou'll find them at
on Table B, where he becomes ac- up of the apparatus from day to day,
customed in the same way. such as the bridge being changed
Then he learns to run across a from one corner to another. TheI Sta eb & D4Y
bridge and passage that gaps the adaptability ,'of the rat to these
two ,tables at one end, Prof. Maier changes indicates his ability to solve
explained. He is not allowed, how- such problems.
ever, to run from the table onto the The time that it takes the rat to4I
bridge, but is put at the end of the get to the food varies from three
bridge, cut off from the table. When minutes to cases where he goes to
he becomes familiar with this, he is sleep in the middle of the first table,
put on a similar bridge at the other Prof. Maier declared, pointing outThose

Dean Clare E. Griffin of the bus-
iness administration school will de-
liver a paper on "Education for For-
eign Trade" today at the National
Foreign Trade Council's annual meet-
ing in Cleveland. The Council, an
organization of business men formed
to encourage foreign trade, will also
hear Henry F. Grady, the vice-chair-
man of the U.S. Tariff Commission.
67c~r42t 'I c J

The Gerban government does not
interfere with the academic freedom
of the universities Hans-Walter Berg,!
Grad., exchange student from the
University of Berlin, said last night:
at a meeting of the Deutscher Verein
in the League.
The first two years of American
college education are like the last two
years of German high school, Berg
stated. Examinations are only given
after six semesters, and then for
the Master's and Ph.D. degrees.
In German universities there are
no recitations, he said. All classes
are carried on in the form of lectures.
The student is not required to go to
thes eas he is in Aemirca.
In place of the fraternity, the Ger-
mans have the Kameradschaft he
continued. These organizations are
conducted similarly to their American
counterpart, but the names of these
organizations are taken from famous
Germans in history.


Future I.M.O.C


Speech Contest Finalists
Will Vie This Afternoon
The finals of the first intra-section
speech contest of the year for Speech
31 students will be held at 4:15 p.m.
today in Room 1025 Angell Hall, it
was announced yesterday.
The contestants in their speaking
order are: Harold Goldman, '40, Utica,
N.Y., topic unannounced; Robert
Bailey, '38, East Lansing, "The CIO
and Labor"; Jack Sessions. '40, Ply-
mouth, "A New York Tenement
House"; Jack Gelder, '40, Grand Rap-
ids, "Can- Michigan Remain the
Champions of the West"; Robert Gil-
lis, '39, Detroit, "Youth and Peace";
and Ted Balgooyen, '40, Grand.Haven,
"The Advisory System."

HAVE YOU ever felt just a bit
like a high school senior on an all-
important date? When the or-
chestra swings into a new tune,
don't you sometimes feel that here
is something calling for a new
For checking up on little errors
in dancing technique and for get-
ting a new slant on old steps and
an introduction to new ones, we
suggest either class or private in-
Classes Wednesday at 7 P.M.
Private instruction by appointment
Rates upon request

(S\ .



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