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October 30, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-30

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SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1937

The pilot..

National AdvertisingService,[no.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
Human Life

Quoted At $1.75.

0 0

already exacted a fee of 57 lives
and bids fare to snuff out the breath of count-
less more unfortunates, we begin to wonder
just what type of food and drug administration
laws countenance such a sanguine toll.
That these laws are inadequate we know and
unfortunately accept indifferently. Such infor-
mation is far too common and abstract to interest
us. But here at last is something that is not
abstract; here is something that will blast us
out ,of an habitual torpor. Fifty-seven persons
were tortured to death. Needlessly.
Seven-hundred packages of death were dis-
tributed indiscriminately to widely-separated
sections of the country. Rushed on sale to meet
a voracious demand, they did not receive ade-
quate inspection by medical authorities, and
most appalling of all, they do not have to be
tested now, in spite of their lethal possibilities.
We are all thus called upon to be guinea pigs.
A pleasant prospect and interesting contrivance
for reducing unemployment, no doubt.
When Paul Schlink, Arthur Kallett and Con-
sumers' Research rehearsed their gruesome tale
of the inefficacy of pure food laws we looked
on with mild interest, smiled benignly and
promptly-forgot about the unpleasant business.
Fifty-seven innocent victims of a misrepre-
sented cure ought to be a sufficient number to
make an indelible impression or at least an im-
pression lasting enough to secure definite action
for adequate health protection.
We must have an administration of federal
food and drug laws that has power. Power to
seize misrepresentations and adulterations with-
out reciting some outrageous number of victims.
Power to seize the hemlock without waiting for
interstate commerce to be involved.
Today the administration of drug laws is far-
cical, checked and counter-checked as it is by a
list of restrictions as involved as a Supreme Court
decision. In return for the 57 lives taken by the
elixir, federal authorities, providing they gather
their evidence exhaustively and present it cogent-
ly, can prosecute on the grounds that the stuff
was not an elixir. Maximum fine, $100. Evident
value of human life, $1.75.
Paradoxically, much of the enthusiasm felt for
the sulfanilamide elixir is warranted and the
American Medical Association, we understand,
has tolerated its use in certain well qualified
instances where strict professional surveillance
was at hand. In its pure state sulfanilamide is
fatal to certain germs, notably those of the
cocci family, one of which is the venereal gono-
coccis. To most people it is harmless. Young
Franklin Roosevelt was happily relieved of a
strepticoccic throat last year by swallowing the
mixture in liquid form.
Apparently it was not sulfanilamide itself
that was fatal to the 57 persons, but the solvent
used to make the more palatable liquid form
which proved fatal. Thus by mishandling, a
promising germicide becomes a killer of humans.
Proper regulation and inspection could have
avoided this tragedy. Proper regulation and in-
cnartinv miv nir uch contingencie in the

Schacht as minister of economics
of the Reich may be taken as another indication
of the inflexibility of the trend and purpose of
National Socialist Germany. Schacht's resigna-
tion was foreshadowed 18 months ago by the
appointment of Gen. Goering as supervisor of
raw materials and foreign exchange, and it is
generally felt that it was the disagreement in
policy of these two men which finally led to the
withdrawal from office of the former.
Dr. Schacht has never been an anti-Nazi of
even the lightest hue, and has done perhaps more
than any other man to maintain the position of
Hitler through his spectacular and ingenious
management of the German import and export
trade. As long as he remained in power he staved
off the state bankruptcy so freely predicted as a
result of the incredible armament expenditures
of the Hitler regime. But while never failing,
apparently, to find the means to support them,
Dr. Schacht nonetheless constantly protested
against the tremendous strain which they imposed
on the national budget, operating on a perilous
deficit. At last he seems to have abandoned
hope of bringing about a change in the finan-
cially disastrous governmental policy, dominated
as it was by military and political rather than
economic considerations. An enemy of anti-
Semitism as well as of the crushing arms budget,
Schacht drew farther and farther apart from
the regular leaders of the government, until it
became apparent that it would only be a matter
of time until he would sever himself from the
Third Reich.
The question of Schacht's successor is likely to
be a troublesome one. All that will be required
of the man selected will be the ability to find,
by whatever means are available, funds or credit
to carry on the rearmament program.
How this is to be accomplished is a matter for
the most generous conjecture. Perhaps Gen.
Goering, who seems to qualify as an expert on
practically everything, will find a way.
On The Level
Headline in The Detroit Times, October 28:
for-to dry?
Ad on the marquee of the Wuerth Theatre in
A long-haired man was walking up and
down Washington Boulevard in Detroit, yes-
terday, shouting, "Down wit de bosses! T'hal
wit de bosses! Phooe on de bosses!"
A Sociology major on the scene at the time
was interested in the man and asked him just
why he was condemning Capital in so raucous a
manner. But the gent kept shouting, "Down wit
de bosses! These demmed Greyhound Bosses!
They're always late!"
* * *
Yesterday's Daily humor columns were coun-
terbalanced somewhat by a laugh on the Sports
page. Quote: "Stark Ritchie was placed in the
opposing frosh backfield in order to insure more
accuracy on passes and cause the Varsity sec-
onary to press harder with their aerial defense."
This also should have made pass interception
appear easy to the Varsity.
But even before the Michigan team began
to face teams that it had a chance with, several
had started to call it the "Farcity" instead of
It must be considered, though, that the
Wolverines had one of the toughest assign-
ments of any team in the country in their
first three games, and with the exception of
the Minnesota let-down, the boys at least
had a chance till the last bell.
Now the team is facing Davids of its own size
and doesn't have to save any stones until the
Ohio State Goliath comes along.

Another thing to recall is the fact that Goliath
was a hired soldier and little David was only an
amateur who volunteered, back in the olden
That fact has been the main trouble with
Michigan football of late. The home team is
still playing for the glory of the game, and
there aren't many teams left who are in the
same league in this day of State legislatures.
Magnificent Movie
One of the most delightful movies to appear in
St. Louis for a long time is the French film,
"La Kermesse Heroique," or "Carnival in Flan-
ders," on view this. week at the Shady Oak
Cinema, in Clayton. If this theatre, which has
recently embarked on a new policy of showing
outstanding foreign films, can approximate the
high standard of "La Kermesse Heroique," it will
make converts of many who are fed up on the
ordinary Hollywood product.
"La Kermesse Heroique" is done in French, but
sub-titles make the action perfectly clear. The
scene is a small town in sixteenth century Flan-
ders. and Lazare Meerson, who created the set-
tings, is said to have drawn his inspiration from
paintings of the great Flemish masters. At any
rate, throughout the film, the photography is
rarely beautiful. An ingenious plot, typical of
- - .. - i - -of ^Vf - -~

Iifeem i~o Ale
The New York City election is of national
significance because the chief issue raised by
Jeremiah Mahoney against LaGuardia is one
which will be echoed again and again in ,other
cities and states in the Congressional elections
of 1938 and possibly in the
Presidential election of 1940.
To put it very simply,
Judge Mahoney is arguing
that since the Communists
are supporting La Guardia,
every voter who opposes
Communism must vote
against the Mayor. To be
sure, Mahoney is a little off
in his facts. In a recent
speech he said, "Never in the -history of the
Communist party has it ever before failed to have
a candidate of its own. Never before has it
endorsed a candidate of any other party."
Mahoney Is In formed
Judge Mahoney is misinformed. It has hap-
pened on numerous occasions. Notably in the
last municipal election in Milwaukee the Com-
munists indorsed Dan Hoan for re-election. The
judge may say, "But, after all, Hoan's a So-
cialist." But Democrats and Republicans have
been supported, and anybody who is familiar
with Wisconsin Socialism knows that it is con-
sidered a somewhat less radical brand of political
thought than the Progressivism of the La Fol-
At any rate. Dan' wasn't pleased. He gave out
a violent statement in which he said that he
wouldn't accept Communist support and that
the whole thing was a plot between the "reac-
tionaries" and the "reds" to lick him.
That was pretty silly, because when a can-
didate announces that he will not accept sup-
port from this group or that just what does he
actually mean to do about it? Obviously it is not
within his power to have a representative sta-
tioned outside each polling booth to say to every
voter, "If you're a Communist I forbid you to
vote for me." That would hardly be feasible.
And Judge Mahoney falls into a very grave error
of logic in his suggestion that all anti-Com-
munists vote against La Guardia and the Fusion
ticket. He is, by his own statement, eager to
be the scourge of Communism and he wants to
destroy whatever political strength the radical
groups may have. But if his formula were
to be followed throughout the nation the Com-
munist party would hold the balance of power
and have a present effectiveness on Election Day
far beyond its wildest dreams.
Judge Follows Bad Model
Nobody disputes the fact that the Communists
constitute a small minority of the American vot-
ers, but if the Mahoney formula were univer-
sally followed the group could do by indirection
what would be quite impossible for it to ac-
complish by any direct drive.
In other words, Earl Browder would become a
Warwick by the simple process of being able to
lick any candidate by coming out in his favor.
With the kiss of death he could mow down the
more reactionary candidate in each election.
Mahoney is following a very bad model. In the
Democratic primaries it was old Doc Copeland
who did the "red" baiting. He. took a terrible
licking. It passes my comprehension why the
Judge should immediately seize as a staff of life
the same broken reed to which the Doctor was
clinging when he went under for the third time.
Since then there has been no trace of Copeland
but a few bubbles rising to the surface.
Knows What's Good For 'Em
Jeremiah certainly is ill advised to put these
in his pipe. Anybody who has followed New York

affairs knows that the Communists do not
exactly love La Guardia and that he is less than
passionate in his regard for the radical groups.*
But here in America it may be a long time
between revolutions, and Communists, like other
citizens of New York, naturally want the best
city administration which is feasible. Their kids
go to school. New Yorkers are not being called
upon to vote as to whether they believe or dis-
believe in Marxian economics. Karl isn't run-
ning. We are choosing a mayor, and here, as
elsewhere, candidates for office should be com-
pelled to stand on their own feet and not be
permitted to climb into office merely by stepping
on the toes of the radicals. You see, on occasion
the man on the left may be right.
A Fast Debate
People who listened to Mr. Landon on the
radio Tuesday night must have been impressed
by the extraordinary speed of General Hugh
Johnson's mental processes. Hardly had the
echoes of the Landon speech died away before
General Johnson was in action on the same
radio station tearing into Mr. Landon and byI
no means ineffectively. Mr. Landon was meat
to the General.
Now General Johnson is a good man who can
think fast on his feet, but he is not as good
and as fast as all that. He had, of course,
seen the Landon speech in advance. We believe
the radio people insist on a manuscript copy of
all remarks two hours before a broadcast. In
the case of Mr. Landon there were the much
.- .. . " - - 1- v n.~tio o " T i e

'Atta Going, Boy!
To the Editor:
Student reaction to the Choral
Union concerts often becomes ex-
ceedingly deplorakile. Wednesday
night's exhibition when wave after
wave of applause would interrupt
Rachmaninoff, as ne paused mom-
entarily between movements, typical-
ly exemplified the actions of au-
diences I have observed in the past
three years. The listeners guilty of
this break in the performance must
apparently sit in unconscious reverie
during the playing of a number, and
galvanized into action by the sudden
cessation of the music think that
they must immediately show their
approbation of the artist's endeavours
by applauding vociferously. It is
certainly excruciating bad taste, and
mars the concert both for the re-
mainder of the audience, and for the
artist, disturbed in the middle of his
Perhaps there should be someone
stationed on the stage to give the
signals for applause, similar in prac-
tice to the technic of radio broad-
casting studios. At least if a person
is not positive that the piece is end-
ed, due to unfamiliarity with the
music, or failure to pay attention, he
might wait and take his cue from
someone else, or look for a definite
movement of the artist indicating his
Little less annoying is the thun-
derous applause that greets the con-
clusion of the program, and soon
devolves into a game to see how
many encores can be obtained. Need-
less to say I hardly intend to con-
demn the custom of applause en-
tirely. Properly timed and of suit-
able intensity it makes the artist
feel that his performance has been
enjoyed, but such scenes as Hill Au-
ditorium echoes to can but create an
unfavorable impression, especially to
a musician who has played before
audiences in other cities, that can
more truly be classed as being com-
posed of music lovers. The mere
purchase of a concert ticket will not
endow the buyer with the intangible
term, culture, and enable him to
judge and properly appreciate the
concert, but at' least, I think, there
might be more intelligent demon-
strations at proceeding Choral Union
- T.B.F.
Class Elections
To the Editor:
I have just finished reading in the
Daily that State Street has now put
forward their very strong slate for
the class of '39. I am wondering if
Washtenaw is going to bury its head
in the. sand and allow State Street
to again walk off with class honors.
Washtenaw canont afford to under-
estimate the strength of this slate-
as a matter of fact, they cannot hope
to beat it, unless they realize a geo-
graphical fact that State St. has
evidently not been aware of. There
are more than three streets in Ann
Arbor, namely State, Hill and Wash-
tenaw. On these streets are a num-
ber of juniors who call themselves
Independents. On the State slate it
is obvious that Washtenaw, with the
exception of the K.A.T.'s, will not
have any representation. It is doubly
evident that the Independents are
not believed worthy of consideration.
What I should like to see is a
strong Washtenaw-Independent Co-
alition. It can be strong because it
will derive Independent support.
However, it will only gain this neces-
sary support if it gives adequate rep-
resentation rather than simply one
position as "bait"-we won't even
nibble. If Washtenaw is willing to
recognize the numerical facts, there
is nothing that can prevent the State

Street oligarchy from being com-
pletely over-thrown. Together we

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all member. o The
Wveraity. Copy received at the o a fathi Aa s at t the Preads
w%02:30; 11 :00axz. en Saturday.

Members of the faculty having
rooms available for the housing of
members of the University Press Club
and their wives on Thursday and Fri-
day evenings, Nov. 4 and 5, are askedC
to list them by postcard, giving ad- b
dress and telephone number, withv
the Department of Journalism, Room"
213 Haven Hall.I
German Table for Faculty Mem-d
bers: The regular luncheon meeting
will be held Monday at 12:10 p.m.
in the Founders' Room of the Michi-
gan Union. All faculty members in-
terested in speaking German are cor-
dially invited.
Students from South Bend, Ind.:
A letter is being held in Room 1210h
Angell Hall for a student who has1
been engaged in the rubber stamph
business at South Bend, using thes
Evatype method.
Sophomore Class Elections: Sopho-f
mores interested in class elections
are reminded that their list of can-
didates, with eligibility approved by
the Dean's office, must be in the
hands of Hugh Rader, 548 S. State,L
on or before Monday, Nov. 1. 2
Excursion: Matinee and eveningI
performances today. A few goodn
seats are still available for this Playc
Production presentation with Whit-
ford Kane in original leading role.
Lydia Mendelssohn box office openb
all day. Phone 6300 for reservations
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science andC
the Arts:
The second regular meeting of theC
faculty of the College of Literature,t
Science and the Arts for the academic
session of 1937-38 will be held in
Room 1025 Angell Hall, Nov. 1, 1937,
at 4:10 p.m.t
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of thee
meeting of Oct. 4, 1937, which have
been distributed by campus mails
(pages 363-376).
2. Reports.
a. Executive Committee, by Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton.i
1. Consideration of recommendedI
change in wording relative to fresh-t
man elections. See enclosure.
b. University Council, by Prof. W. F.
Hunt. ~
c. Executive Board of the Graduatea
School, by Prof. N. H. Williams. t
d. Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs, by Prof. Preston Slosson.
e. Deans' Conference, 'by Dean E.
H. Kraus.a
3. The Honors Degree Program inC
Liberal Arts is a special order of busi-
ness for this meeting.
4. Report on Karpinski resolution.t
Members of the faculty who have1
not received the October minutesI
through campus mail may securer
them at 1204 Angell Hall. Extra
copies of the Honors Degree Program
in Liberal Arts are also available
The George Davis Bivin Foundation;
Prizes in the Mental Hygiene of Child-t
hood: The University of Michigan an-
nounces, through a gift of the George
Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., the
availability for the year 1937-38 of
several prizes for graduate and un-
dergraduate students for the en-
couragement of research and study ont
problems concerned with the mental
hygiene of childhood. Similar awards
were made for the year 1936-37.
Awards of $35.00, $20.00 and $10.00
are offered to graduate students for
a Master's thesis or special studies.
Awards of $20.00, $10.00 and $5.00
are offered for papers submitted by
advanced undergraduate students.
The following conditions gvern the
1. Papers may be submitted by stu-
dents in any division of the Univer-

2. Doctoral dissertations are ex-
cluded from consideration for the
3. In order to be considered for an
award for the current year, papers
must reach the chairman of the com-
mittee, 2509 University Elementary
School, not later than four o'clock,
June 3, 1938.
4. Copies of all prize winning papers
are to be sent to the Secretary of the
Foundation. The Foundation reserves
the right to publish such papers if it
so desires.
f A,5A rd mvah ewithheld if in the

SATURDAY, OCT. 30, 1937
Student Loans: There will be a
meeting of the Committee on Student
Loans in Room 2, University Hall on
Nov. 1 at 2 p.m. Those students who
have filed applications for new loans
within the past 10 days should make
appointments to see the committee at
that time.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due today,
Room 4, University Hall.
E. A. Walter,
Chairman, Academic Counselors.

fessor Howard Yale McClusky, and
Professor Willard C. Olson (chair-
C. S. Yoakum.
Orchestra Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
conductor; Hardin A. Van Deursen,
baritone, soloist; will give a -concert
Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 4:15
p.m., in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited
without admission charge. The au-
ience is requested to be seated on
ime as the doors will be closed dur-
ing numbers.
University Lecture: Dr. Albert T.
Olmstead, Professor of Oriental His-
tory at the University of Chicago,
will give an illustrated lecture on
Ancient History Warmed Over" in
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.
15 at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 5-45-6 p.m.
"The Chemistry and the Synthesis of
Drugs," Dr. F. F. Blicke.
Michigan Dames: Informal Hal-
lowe'en Dance Saturday night, 9 to
12, at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing. You may bring guests. Admis-
sion is 50 cents a couple.
Hillel Foundation: Tonight, in-
formal radio dance.
Coming Events
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall on Sunday, Oct. 31, at
2:30 p.m. instead of on Saturday
night, for a trip to Camp Newkirk.
Informal entertainment. Refresh-
ments. All graduate students are
cordially invited.
Junior Research Club. The Novem-
ber meeting will be held Tuesday,
Nov. 2, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 2083
Natural Science Building.
Program: "The Influence of Ship-
wrecks on Ship Design," by Prof. H.
C. Adams, Marine Engineering.
"Recent Contributions to th
Chemistry of Free Radicals," by Mil-
ton Kloetzel, Chemistry.
- Election of members.
Women's Research Club: Impor-
tant meeting, Monday, Noy. 1, in the
Museums Building.
Constitutional changes will be vot-
ed upon, and new members elected,
Mrs. Elinor M. Husselman will
speak on "A Problem in Divination."
Michigan Dames: General meet-
ing, Monday evening, Nov. 1, 8:15,
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
League. Dues for the semester or
the year may be paid at that time.
Monday Evening Drama Section of
the Faculty Women's Club will meet
at 7:30 p.m. at the Michigan Union,
Nov. 1.
Drama Meeting: Junior Group
A.A.U.W. 8 o'clock Monday, Nov. 1,
at the home of Hannah Lennon, 716
Granger Ave.
Zeta Phi Eta: Try outs for mem-
bership, Nov. at the League at 7:30
p.m. Room will be posted on the
bulletin board. Mrs. G. E. Dens-
more will be present at the tryouts
Lutheran Student Choir will meet
Sunday afternoon at 4 p.m. Every
member must be present. There are
still vacancies to be filled. Any per-
son wishing to try out may do so
Sunday afternoon.

Bethlehem Evangelical Church,
South. Fourth Ave.
9:00, German Service followed by
Communion service.
9:30, Sunday School.
10:30, English worship service. Ser-
mon topic: "Faith of Our Fathers"
Rev. T. R. Schmale.
7:00, Young Peoples League.
Church of Christ (Disciples):
10:45 a.m., morning worship, Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12:00 noon, Students' Bible Class,
H. L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Program, Mr. Pickerill,
Raymond Weitemier and Hoyt Servis
will discuss in brief statements three
aspects of the subject "A Peace Pol-
icy for a Time of Crisis." A forum
will follow these statements. This
program aims to continue the dis-
cussion of the most important issues
raised by Kirby Page in his two lec-
tures on Thursday.
First Baptist Church, Sunday,
10:45 a.m. Rev. R. Edward Sayles,
minister, will speak on "Habits of
Jesus." Church School at 9:30, Dr.
Logan, superintendent.,

should conquer-divided we
both be helpless.
Bob Gates,




King Football takes to the
lanes today from East to West.


Mutual has the Michigan-Illinois
game at 2:45 . . . WJR is the outlet
for the Notre Dame and Gopher tilt
at the same hour . . . WTMJ, Mil-;
waukee, brings the Northwestern-4
Wisconsin game at 3 . . . The Colum-
bia System has Eddie Dooley reciting
scores from all over the landrat 6:30
thru WJR ---
Swing fans will have a field day
tonight at 7 when the CBS Swing
Club comes thru from Hollywood.
One of the greatest arrays of jive ar-
tists ever collected will do a one-time-
only broadcast from the cinema city.
Bing Crosby's little brother Bob will
bring his whole crew to the CBS
Vine Street Air Theatre for a ses-
sion of real Dixieland grooving, and
Ray Bauduc will tap plenty of gate
drum backing up Kay Weber's vocals.
Louie Armstrong and trumpet will
take a spot when Lud Gluskin puts
the Crosby band thru its paces with
Connie Boswell singing. The Ray-
mond Scott Quintette, at present
making pictures. will kick off some

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