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October 30, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-30

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The Weather
Unsettled today, slightly colder;
fresh to stnrng southwest winds

C, r



Human Life
Quoted at $1.75.. .
The Pilot .. .



Japan's Conditions
Rejected By China;
Termed Impossible

Regents Given
Gifts Of More
Than $18.000
Ihdget Of Summer Term
For 1938 Is $269,628;

Sino Source Calls Peace
Talk By Nippon Effort
To Split 'Nine-Powers'
Chinese Battalion
Cut Off In Chapei,

1 6

- Largest Gift Is $8,000
Good Musc$2,000 Presented
Say Men; Gals' By League Fund
m _l r-- _

t aste interior

Michigan students like everything
PARIS, Oct. 29.-(R)-A high from "Pagliacci" to "The Big Apple"
Chinese authority said tonight that -take it from H. J. Dutt, traveling
representative for a tobacco company,
acceptance of peace terms outlined who is giving away cigarettes and
yesterday by a Japanese spokesman playing records nightly during meals
would "be a betrayal of the Chinese at the local fraternities and sororities.
people and the beginning of corn- Dutt, one of five men in town on
pple dmebeenn n of hi" similar tasks, says men go for better
plete dismemberment of China." music than women so far. "Septem-
The Chinese spokesman said both ber In The Rain" is the women's fa-
major proposals-temporary occupa- vorite while male students like "Song
tion of China's five northern prov- of the Vagabond" best. Incidentally
inces by Japan and creation of an in- fraternity men often join and sing
ternational zone about Shanghai- the latter with the recordings, he
were out of the question from the said.
Chinese point of view. t "Polly Wolly Doodle" brings re-
Cites Expansion Program quests for encores, Dutt said, while{
He said the idea of Japan's occu- "That's Why Darkies Were Born"1
pying the northern provinces-Ho- is also tops on campus. Lanny Rossi
peh, Chahar, Shansi, Suiyuan and remains the most consistently pop-
Shantung-had been Japan's dream ular singer, he stated.
for years and constituted a major ob- Classical music sometimes brings
jective in Japan's program of expan- silent appreciation and at other mo-
sion of the Asiatic mainland. ments calls forth shouts of "Take it
The proposal to create a neutral away," according "to Dutt. It has
zone about Shanghai, maintained by been more popular since the news
international police, would be a vio- got out that at one local fraternityt
lation of the administrative integrity one of the boys joined in "When.
of China, the spokesman said. You're Away" on his violin, and a
He asserted the suggestion that the vice-president of the cigarette com-
ambassadors of the principal powers pany, who happened to be present,'
should begin peace negotiations at gave him three cartons as a reward.
Tokyo and Nanking was merely an Michigan is one of the first schools to
attempt to split up the nine-power be visited, he said, but every college
conference at Brussels before it start- in the country will eventually be
ed. (Japan will not attend the Brus- reached by the crew.
sels narley which opens Nov. 3).
Fighting For Treaty Sanctity ;
The Chinese view, according to theiFranco Suffers
spokesman, is that China is fighting
f or sanctitydof treaties as well as for Heavy Losses
"We have been doing our best at a
tremendous cost of life and property," At ~A adaaia ara
he said, "to uphold the nine-power;
treaty which provides respect for our H t i
sovereignty. ' Floods Disrupt Hostilities
T On Aragon Front; Main
Lost Battalion Doomed On a ago n r ; ain
Battlefields Under Water I
SHANGHAI, Oct. 30.-(Saturday)
-(A)-The Japanese Navy today gave HENDAYE, Oct. 29.-(IP)-A gov-I
China's "Lost Battalion" in Chapei ernment communique announced to-
until tomorrow to surrender and day that an Insurgent surprise at-
waned American tndsurren de- ndtack on the Guadalajara Front north-
warned American and Britisih de- east of Madrid had been beaten and
fense units and residents of nearby the Insurgents had suffered heavy
sections in the International Set- I losses.
tlement to take precautions. Generalissimo Francisco Franco's
Unless the Chinese give up their troops were driven back into their
warehouse strongholds just across own trenches, the communique said,
Soochow Creek from the American leaving a great number of dead and
defense positions, the Japanese said wounded on the battle field.
they would blast them out. The sudden shift in the Insurgents
Rear Admiral Tado Honda, Japan- attack was aimed at the government
ese naval attache, officially declared positions along the road leading
Japanese patience was exhausted north from Guadalajara to Soria in
with the "more or less heroic stand" the salient that shoots off at a tan-I
of the "do-or-die" unit of the crack gent from the broad Aragon front
88th Division. where Franco has massed his troops
He warned all residents living in for an attack designed to end theI
the International Settlement near the 15-month old civil war.
sector and the American and British (Dispatches from Zaragoza said,
defense units in close proximity to hostilities had been disrupted along
take precautions to avert possible the Aragon Front because of a week
casualties and damage. of torrential rains. The rivers, Arbo,
Rear Admiral Honda did not dis- Gallego and Aragon flooded wide
close exactly when the Japanese stretches of territory and some of,
planned to take action against the the main battle fields were under I
battalion if it would not surrender several feet of water. Almost the ]
but inferred the deadline would be entire fighting region south of Zara-
after midnight tonight so noncom- goza was one great lake.)

The Board of Regents accepted gifts
of more than $18,000 and directed
Prof. Louis A. Hopkins, director of the
Summer Session, to prepare a budget
of $269,628 for the Session of 1938 at
their monthly meeting yesterday.
The largest gift of the $18,250 re-
ceived was an anonymous donation
of $8,000 for the study of infantile
paralysis. Laurence W. Buhl of De-
troit gave $1,200 for the Laurence
W. Buhl classical scholarships.
Two donations of $1,000 were re-
ceived. One was given by the Amer-
ican Council of Learned Societies to
be given to Joseph K. Yamagiwa for
study in Japanese, and the other was
presented by the Michigan State
Medical Society to go into the funds
of the Joint Committee on Public
Health Education.
One thousand and fifty dollars was
given by the Community Fund of De-
troit for three scholarships in socio-
logical work in the Institute of Public
and Social Administration.
The League Undergraduate Fund
presented $2,000. Of this amount,
$1,000 is to be added to the endow-
ment of the Alice Crocker Lloyd Fel-
lowship Fund, and $1,000 is to be
added to the endowment of the Ethel
McCormick Scholarship Fund.
Mrs. Gus W. Alexander of Cedar-
ville, Mich., gave $1,000 for the Dr.
H. S. Cheever Memorial Loan Fund.
Eight hundred dollars was given
to the Kellogg Co. of Battle Creek
to pay the salary of an assistant to
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky in his
Branch Co. Youth Project, and $600
was presented by the Federation of
Paint and Varnish Producers Club
of Long Island City, N. Y. for its fel-
lowship for 1937-38.
William P. Harris, Jr., of Detroit
presented $425 for research in the
Museum of Zoology, the American
Association of University Women
gave $260 to be added to their scho-
larship fund, the Presser Foundation
of Philadelphia donated $250 for a
scholarship in the School of Music,
and the Michigan Daughters of the
American Revolution gave $200 for
the Clements Library special fund.
Mrs. Harry B. Earhart of Ann Ar-
(Continued on Fae 2)
Railroads Seek
Hate Increases
Of 15 Per Cent
CHICAGO, Oct. 29,-(A)-The ina-
tion's major railroads today voted to
;2ek increases in freight and pas-
senger rates calculated to ooost their
annual income by $508,000,000.
The Association of American Rail-
roads decided to ask the interstate
commerce commissun to authorize a
15 per cent hike in all freigt charges
except Liose on "coal, coke, lumber,
fruits, vegetables and sugar, for
which certain maximums will be
asked in each instance.s
The organization of all class one
carriers also elected to petition the
CIO immediately for permission to
advance coach fares in the easternu
district from thercurrent two cent
t mile rate to 2 1, cents and coach
fare in the southern district from
the present 1%/ cents basis to 2 cents
a mile.
Western lines joined in a move to
obtain a $5 increase in transcontin-
ental fares between Chicago and the
Pacific Coast with corresponding ad-
justments between intermediate
points and increases in the round
trip, 30 day coach fares and round
trip, intermediate tourist car fares.
Carillonneur Announces
Program For Tomorrow
Prof. Wilmot F. Pratt, University
carillonneur, will play the following

program from 7:30 to 8:30 p.m. to-
morrow on the Baird Carillon in the
Burton Memorial Tower.
"Cou-Cou Preludium," by Van den
Gheyn; "Rubensmarsch," by Be-
nois; "Jesu. Joy of Man's Desiring,"
by Bach; "Carillon of Cythere," by
Couperin; "Ave Maria," by Schubert-
Denyn; "Minuet and Trio," by Mo-
zart-Lefevre; "In a Monastery Gar-




Hallowve'en Pranks
Have City Police
Try and convince the Ann Arbor
police department that Hallowe'en
isn't here!
At headquarters last night officers
said that local juveniles had been
Hallowe'ening for two weeks already.
What is in store for front porches
and doorbells in the next few days
they didn't dare to forecast, but the
evening found them being barraged
with calls from the citizenry.
Witches riding on brooms high in
the sky may make a good story,hbut
they've got to be convinced that it
isn't the city's youngsters (no matter
what their age) who are responsible,
police said.
Russia Balks
At Recognition
Of Belligerents
Deadlock Over Unanimity
Delays British Program
For SpanishAgreement
LONDON, Oct. 29.-(A')-The sub-
committee on nonintervention ended1
another bitter five-hour session to-
night with a deadlock between Com-
munist Russia and the Nazi-Fascist
Front of Germany, Italy and Por-
tugal booking agreement on Great
Britain's plan to withdraw foreign
volunteers from Spain.
The plan was accepted in its en-
tirety by Britain, France, Belgium,
Czechoslovakia and Sweden at to-
day's session. Russia accepted it with
reservations on the granting of bel-
ligerent rights to the Spanish war-
ring parties. Germany, Italy and
Portugal accepted without reserva-
tions, but on condition of unanimity.
The deadlock was on the question
of unanimity. -
The plan envisages, besides the
withdrawal of foreign soldiers from
the Spanish armies, the granting of
belligerent rights and restoration of
land and sea supervision to insure
Ivan M. Maisky, Soviet ambas-
sador, abstained from voting on the
belligerency issue in what Lord Ply-
mouth, chairman of the subcommit-
tee, and France's Ambassador Charles
Corbin said was a desire "not to hin-
der the work of the committee."
This, however, did not break the
German Ambassador Joachim von
Ribbentrop led the Nazi-Fascist front
in an unexpected about face from its
stand at the last meeting and insist-
ed that abstention from voting was.
tantamount to a refusal to accept
the plan and that acceptance must be
unanimous or the plan would break

Power Planned
By Roosevelt
President Plans To Raise
Purchasing Power Of
Low Income Groups
NYA Employment
Survey Is Initiated
HYDE PARK, N. Y., Oct. 29.-(P)
-President Roosevelt, starting a
series of conferences on budget bal-
ancing today, placed great emphasis
on his hopes for increasing the in-
come and purchasing power of a
third of the population he, said were
living sub-standard.
He said at a press conference that
the wages and hours and surplus
crop control measures, principal
items of business of the special ses-
sion of Congress meeting November)
15, were steps planned to lift pur-
chasing power.
At another point, he said that
newspaper stories speculating on pos-
sible revision of the capital gains
and undistributed surpluses taxes had
omitted reference to that portion of
the population with little to live on.
Particularly, the President added,
the speculation omitted mention of*
increasing the purchasing power of
thirty to forty million persons who
lack a decent standard of living now.
The President talked to newsmen
a short time before beginning an eve-
ning conference with Secretary Mor-
genthau and Under-Secretary Ma-
gill of the Treasury on the budget.
They studied ways and means of
making the Treasury's books balance
in the quite of the President's family
home and Mr. Roosevelt, answering a,
question, said beforehand that taxes
would be among 50 subjects that
probably would be discussed.
Daniel W. Bell, the Budget Direc-
tor, will come here Monday for an-
other of the budget conferences.
Before his meeting with the Treas-
ury officials, the President called on
Audrey Williams, the Youth Admin-
istrator for a nationwide survey on
what trades and professions are over-
UAW Sues Ford
For Assaults In
RougeBat tle
DETROIT, Oct. 29. - (IP) - The
Ford Motor Co. and Harry H. Ben-
nett, Ford personnel director, were


Edge Over

Michigan Confident


Varsity Left Flanker


batants might move out of the dan-
ger zone.
3 British Soldiers Killedj
Three British soldiers were killed
and three seriously wounded last
night as Japanese bombardments
west of Shanghai brought deadly
peril to Americans and other foreign-
British military headquarters said
the men, members of the Royal Ulster
Rifles, were hit during a two-hour
shelling by Japanese artillery of the
Hungjao area west of Shanghai to
which Chinese forces had retreated
from the old front north of the city.
Highly indignant British authori-
ties protested vigorously.
Today's Performances
Finish 'Excursion's' Run
The last two performances of "Ex-
Ex-n -.-r c nri Q .qn

Insurgent headquarters at Sala-
manca reported a government attack
on the clinical hospital in the north-
ern suburbs of Madrid had been halt-
ed. The Insurgents declared the
Madrid militiamen attempted to at-
tack after exploding a series of mines;
but the assaults failed.
A government communique said
the Insurgent fortifications in Uni-
versity City had been destroyed and
the west wing of the clinical hos-
pital wrecked.3
Concert To Be Led
By Thor Johnson
Thor Johnson of the School of
Music faculty will conduct the Uni-
versity Symphony orchestra of 80
musicians at a concert to be given
at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow in Hill Audi-
torium. No admission will be charged.E
Soloist with the orchestra will be
Hardin A. Van Deursen. baritone, who

gown. sued by nine officials and members
of the United Automobile Workers of
.ew.sAmerica for a total of $1,000,000
Lewis Invites damages for assault and battery and
conspiracy to assault.
AFT. FurnitureDamages amounting to $100,000
each were asked by Walter Reuther,
T Cpresidentof the West Side Local
Ien into CI ~ here; Richard T. Frankensteen, as-
sistant international president of the
Union, and Robert Kanter, Harold
WASHINGTON, Oct. 30.-("P)-- Jouday, Alvin Stickle, Robert Sent-
John L. Lewis announced another man and Stella Michalek. Damages
CIO raid upon the membership of of $150,000 each were asked by Tony
the AFL today, when peace negotia- Marinovich and William Meriwea-
tions between the rival labor organ- ther.
izations already were near collapse. All allege personal injuries were
In a formal statement addressed. inflicted on them by agents or em-
to ALF members and others, the ployes of the Ford Company when
Chairman of the Committee for In- they were distributing union litera-
dustrial Organization called a "Na- ture. Marinovich said his skull was
tional Unity Conference" of all fractured and Meriweather said his
unions in the furniture, bedding and back was broken.
allied trades "for the purpose of unit-
ing all furniture workers into a single
industrial union affiliated with the
CIO." Union Interference
William Green, president of the Bars Ford Opening
American Federation of Labor, im-
mediately commented:
'This move can only be interpret- DETROIT, Oct. 29.-(RP)-The Ford
ed by us as another war-like gesture Motor Company announced tonight
by the CIO. It is bound to have a that it would, reopen its assembly
disturbing effect upon the pending plant at Kansas City "as soon as it
peace negotiations. It seems to us receives assurances from officials that
indicative of the insincerity of the men who want to work can do so
CIO position." without interference."
Lewis's statement was issued during The statement was issued at the
a particularly tense phase of the conclusion of a lengthy conference
peace negotiations. A peace con- between Henry Ford, founder and
ference was in recess after both sides head of the Company; Harry Ben-
had rejected proposals of the other. nett, Ford personnel chief, and H. F.
Many wondered if the negotiations McElroy, city manager of Kansas
could possibly survive after Lewis's City. McElroy came to Detroit yes-
announcement. terday with the avowed intention of
Nevertheless, it was noted that getting the plant, which employs 3,-
Green made no mention of breaking 000 workers, reopened."
off the discussions. Just prior to The plant has been closed two
Lewis's statement, both CIO and Fed- weeks. Ford officials announced re-
eration officials had said emphatical- cently that they were closing the
ly that their delegations would be plant permanently because of labor
present when the conference resumea disturbances. They charged that ex-
n av 'r ,_rcia Ps .(' i CW,, i,,,inrmicin h

John Nicholson, flanker on the
Varsity eleven, will start against
the Illini today at left end. He has
figured in every game this season
and is one of Coach Kipke's most
reliable linemen. Due to an in-
jury suffered in the Iowa game, he
missed participation in the first two
practice sessions this week but he
is completely recovered and is ex-
pected to be a dominant factor in
the hoped-for victory today.
Railroads Put
Ten Day Limit
On Low Rates'
Refunds On Deposits Will
Be Paid Today, Monday
At Union, Samuels Says
Hundreds of students who had ex-
pected to benefit by reduced rail-
road rate tickets to their homes for
the Christmas vacation were notified
last night in announcement to the
Daily that their plans will have to
ie altered because of a reduction in
the time limit on return trips.
Approximately 600 persons who
had payed one dollar deposits on
their fares to the Michigan Railroad
ind Excursion Co. will be able to re-
ceive refunds today in the Union from
9 to 12 a.m. and 1 to 5 p.m., ac-
cording to Richard Samuels, '39, head
of the organization.
Refunds will also be made from
1 to 5 p.m. Monday at the Union
ticket office, Samuels announced.
The same lower rates that were
announced will prevail although
there will be only 10 days in which to
complete return trips. Last year the
period in which special excursion
tickets for students were valid ex-
tended from Dec. 11 to Jan. 10.
Because this year the Christmas
vacation for students will last more
than 10 days, students face the choice
of returning to Ann Arbor earlier
than usual or finding other cheap
means of transportation.
The special excursion period of 10
days is the rule and more than that
amount, the exception, according to
Mr. B. W. Holden, an employe of
the Michigan Central Railroad, who
was notified of the changed time
limit yesterday by the Trunk Line
Associati6n and Central Passenger
Association, representing railroads
between New York and Chicago.
Safety Test Draws
Auto Show Throng
NEW YORK, Oct. 29.-(IP)-Safety
was today's theme at the National
Automobile Show, and hundreds of
visitors passed through the safe-driv-
ing clinic to see how well their re-
flexes are working.
Public interest in the mechanical
driving testers led Burton W. Marsh,
director of safety and traffic engi-
neering for the American Automo-

Varsity Holds Light Drill
At Chicago; Kipke Still
Undecided On Center
Celebration Held
To Honor Zuppke
(Daily Sports Editor)
CHAMPAIGN, Ill., Oct. 29.-By
every convenient vehicle in vogue,
loyal Illinoisans pqured into this
town tonight bent upon personally
celebrating Bob Zuppke's 25th an-
niversary as head coach of the Illini
gridders. Meanwhile, 33 Wolverines,
lodged in a Chicago inn overnight,
planned to put the quietus on the
happy riot when they arrive tomor-
row to do battle with the local ath-
letes in Memorial Stadium before an
anticipated crowd of 25,000.
It's Homecoming at Illinois, and
'both campus and city reek with the
color of pageantry. Bands, banners
and baby dolls adorn familiar haunts
here in a triple-threat effort to in-
duce gaiety among old grads who
need little inducement. Illinois' 180-
piece band and the Football Court of
Honor, 10 comely young women rep-
resenting members of the Big Ten
Conference, add tumultous and dec-
orative effect to the occasion.
To Honor Zuppke
Between halves of tomorrow's
game, a serio-sentimental note will
be injected into the proceedings when
great and near-great gather on the
field to pay homage to the wily, witty
Dutchman who is overlord of the
Illini grid demesnes, Robert C.
Zuppke. Gov. Henry Horner of Il-
linois, Michigan Athletic Director
Fielding H. Yost, Harold "Red"'
Grange and many others will partici-
pate in the speechmaking.
But tonight in the respective
camps of both elevens, the game's the
thing. Michigan strutted through Is
brief workout on Stagg Field in Chi-
cago this afternoon as though it
"ruled the West" again, instead of
groping as a second-division con-
tender. And that confident atti-
tude, Coach Harry G. Kipke believes,
will carry the Wolverines through to
their second Conference win of the
Varsity Given Edge
By "expert" calculations, the Wol-
verines rate a touchdown better than
their foe, but such figuring totals
naught when dealing with Zuppke,
the magician. Possessed of a flair
for doing the unexpected, the Illini
coach has been known to teach his
men a trick only a few hours before
game time to dislodge the props from
under teams rated superior by sev-
eral touchdowns.
Moreover, Illinois has had two
weeks in which to prepare for Michi-
gan. Annually, .Zuppke points for
the Wolverines, taking a fiendish de-
(Continued on Page 3
Acre Control,
Granary Plan
Seen Probable
WASHINGTON, Oct. 29.-(/P)-
Strong sentiment developed in the
House agriculture committee today
for controlling the acreage a farmer
plants, but leaving him free to raise
and market as much as he can on
this limited acreage.
Chairman Jones (Dem., Tex.) re-
ported the committee "generally un-
derstood" benefit payments to farm-
ers under new legislation asked by
President Roosevelt would be made
on a basis of tilled acreage.
Other features of which he said
there was a general accord included

continuation of the present soil con-
servation program, under which ben-
efits are paid producers complying
with prescribed planting practices,
and establishment of the "ever-nor-
mal" granary for those crops to
which it is most adaptable. The
granary is a system of storing crop
surpluses or use in years of lean
The scheme to place added empha-
sis on controlling acreage in culti-
vation was advanced by some com-
mittee members as an effective
means of avoiding controversial pro-


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