MIDDAY, eCT, 29, 1-1 TI M ICHT ASTDATLY PAGE FIVE - - - - - - . . ....... . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .............. . . ........ Hygiene Talks I Will Be Given Next Semester Exemption Test To Decide, Whether Women Must Attenid ithealth Lectures The women's hygiene lecture series has been revised this, year, Dr. Mar- garet Bell, director of physical edu- cation for women and women's med- ical adviser at the Health Service, announced yesterday. A exemption examination will bel given to all freshmen women and tol transfers and upperclassmen who have not received credit for the lec- tures, Dr. Bell said. This is new, as up to this year everyone was obliged} to attend every lecture in order tol receive credit. Divided Into Groups Another marked change this year is that those who are obliged to take made a part of the series. The rea- son for this change, Dr. Bell ex- plaimed, is to make the course more tangle and worthwhile. It is also hoped that through this, the women will be stimulated to further reading.! The lectures will be given next se- inester. Prior to this year they were; given beginning the first week of school. However it was believed that the women have too many adjust- ments to make during the first semes- ter, Dr. Bell pointed out, and that they would get more out of the lec- tures the second semester. Six Talks in Series There will be six lectures in the series and an examination at the end. Dates of the exemption examination and lectures will be announced later, I Dr. Bell stated., These lectures are part of the phys- ical education requirement for women, and no one can graduate unless she has attended the lectures or passedj the exemption tests.! Formerly, women doctors from the Health Service gave the lectures, and there was no opportunity for discus- sion. Good For Campus Eight Students Far Eastern Crisis . Will Be Discussed Make Weddin gBy Dr. Chaih Mega Announcements Dr. Chih Meng, w io is to give hi lecture on the Far Eastern Crisis a MOIOW - Bel Marria e IS p.m. Sunday in the League Ball . room, claims direct lineal descen Solemnized In Detroit; from Meng Tze-Mencius. Don C. Miller Is Wed Mencius was China's foremost po litical philosopher from 372 to 38 Eight former University students B.C. Following the political field announced their marriages recently.; Doctor Meng has been a lecturer a Marian Irene Bell, daughter of Mrs.' the Institute of International Affair .John Handy McDonald of Alexandria, at the University of Virginia for fou La., and the late Charles H. Bell of years and a delegate to the Institut Detroit, and Earl Ernest Morrow, '37, of Pacific Relations in 1923 and 1936 son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest E. Mor- He is now Director of the Chin row of Birmingham, were married at1 Institute in America. Dr. Meng, wh 8 a.m. Friday in the First Congre- is a native of Peiping, has recentl gational Church of Detroit. Rev. made a 1,200 mile travel study o Warren W. Pickett officiated at the different parts of China. His recen service. book, "China Speaks" has attracte The bride attended the University. a great deal of comment. She is affiliated with Delta Delta tDelta and was a member of the social Dr. Meng's lecture will be given un Deeandas mer of the League. .or- der the auspices of the committee o committee of the League. Mr. Mor- Chns eif anwyognz row is a member of Sigma Chi and Chinese relief, a newly organize Scabbard and Blade. He was floorI committee of American friends o chairmandof Interfraternity Ball in China, who aim to provide authenti 1937 and a member of the Interfra- information regarding the Easter ternity Council. Crisis. Florence Chaiken Wed Florence Chaikin. '36Ed., daughter Fr H of Mr. and Mrs. Morris Chaikin ofR oises 1ol) I Gary. Ind., was married to Irving F. Levitt, '36, son of Mr. and Mrs. e Charres Levitt, Sunday, Oct. 10. Mr. Levitt was president of Kappa Nu. president of Kappa Tau Alpha, a D ances To ah] member of the Daily staff and a bn f iriig T-arley TB wa_ League '(,: Feature!) To YakiiI Flk MAari' Cook Gives 'Sw catei' Sh.-tff Ha ra it i wto ljloweeni Dinner11 i A Sweater Shuffle will be held from s 9 p.m. to midnight tomorrow in the t League Ballroom. according to Flor- - ence McConkey. '38, vice-president of; t the League in charge of the dances. Charlie Zwick and the members of - his orchestra will be dressed in sports 9 clothes for this Halloween dance and I those attending the dance are to do ilikewise, Miss McConkey said. The; t women should wear sweaters and skirts and the men are to wear sports; r clothes. 6. HALLOWE'EN Cand) ly GIFT BOXES- at 9 PARTY CANDIES dl * CHOCOLATES d PECAN BARK * ALMOND TOFFEE n* PEANUT BRITTLE d e MacDiarmid' rn Dean C. S. Yoakum will be the prin- cipal speaker at the opening meet-! ing of the Graduate Education Club, to be held at 4:15 p.m. Tuesday, Nov.1 2, in the University ElementaryI School. His subject will be 'The New Graduate Building and Graduate Ed- ucation." All graduate students in education; are invited to attend. The club plans for the year will be discusseda following the talk. Refreshments will be served. Nakiba Totuz, '39, won the prize for the prettiest costume at a Hal- lowe'en dinner. held yesterday at Martha Cook Building. Ruth Hart- man. '39, wore the funniest costume. Mary Jane Kehoe, Hendrika Var, Doorn, Alice Jo Sandford, Virginia Palmer. Virginia Caldwell, Leone Moore, Carol Jean O'Rourkc and Vir- ginia Hart won the prize for the clev- erest costumes. They were Flint pick- 1t fl%'L' V J i /1 yYr '? + t° P ' 7- '° , i - _- ' ,.'', v LS(. t t,...L 0 s Candies 719 North University tL memner of Spring parley. He was also treasurer of the freshman class. The Hallowe'en week-end starts off Mr. and Mrs. George Gold an- tonight with two fraternity dances nounce the marriage of their daugh- and one sorority, and one dormitory ter, Audrey, to Burt Sanders, son of party. Mrs. Lillian Sanders on Oct. 10. Mr. Adelia Cheever House is giving its The typical campus outfit con- Sanders, who attended the University, party amidst corn stalks and pump- sists of natural colored polo coat, is affiliated with Kappa Nu. kins. Guests will play Hallowe'en bright wool skirt with matching Carolyn Morse, daughter of Mr. and a.m., according to Ruth Holmen, '38 sweater and skull cap. Sport shoes Mrs. Frederick H. Morse of Detroit, social chairman complete the costume which, in and Don Clark Miller, '36, son of Mr. sa chairman. An informal radio dance will be spite of its simplicity, is always and Mrs. W. W. Barnes of Marion, held by Alpha Gamma Delta, chap- smart. Ind., were married Saturday, Oct. 16, eroned by Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Mills, S p Curch in Mr. and Mrs. Srnest Johnson, and Detroit. Mrs. Sarah B. Tennant. CHAPTER HOUSE Editor Of Gargoyle Chaperoning Lambda Chi Alpha's Mr. Miller was editor of the Gar- Charide and radio dance will be Mr. ACT IVITY NOTES goyle in 1936. He is a member of and Mrs. Russell Price, Mr. and Mrs. Phi Kappa Psi and Sphinx, junior A. J. Eardley, Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred n's honor society. Miss Dorothy Smith, and Mr. and Mrs. William Alpha Delta Pi B Bcke cdaughte oA. Coltand Mrs Steere of Ann Arbor, according to Alpha Delta Pi announces the Lawrence McKay, '38. pledging of Marian Conde, '41, of 35. son of Mr. and Mrs. Alex k The Phi Delta Thetas are holding Flint. ~~~~were married Saturday, Oct. 16, in fimlfo ~.tl Flint. Kappa Del Christ Church Chapel, Grosse Pointe. their pledge formal from 9pmti Kappa DeltaM.PrisaflaewihiSga 1 a.m. today, according to Bob Mix,! Kappa Delta announces the pledg- Kr Park is affiliated with Phi Sigma '40, social chairman. Chaperones will ing of Helen Nutting, '41, of Detroit, Mr. and M's.John A. Miller of be Mrs. Garry Mott, Dr. William!M Martha Bill, '40, of Detroit, and Wil- Ani Arbo- Mrsentlyhannunce th Brace. and Mr. and Mrs. Francis Wis- ma Stevens, '41, of Saulte Ste. Marie. marriage of their daughter, Natalie, teit. Kappa Sigma to John N. Griffith. '38, son of Mr. . William Smith, '38, has been chosen and Mrs. John A. Griffith of Jackson social chairman of Kappa Sigma. Miss. Gale Long, '38, of Detroit, has beenI -- OSIERY SHOPPE pledged. H SER jO. Phi Sigma Sigma 1AelltraIl ("0111in .ttLC('Michigan Theatei Bldg #, #. t <;>-. ''. ff. 'I Your HT Now becomes one of your most important accessories at dinner the smartest, most unusual development of the evening season. $3.95 up Mostly Black - - Some Colors Sixes 22 - 23 IT'S THE DOBBS C Introducing the new higher crown roller. . a leader for the younger set. The sea- son's. new colors. Dobbs accurate headsizes. $750 I . DANA RICHARDSON. 309 South State Stret - At the Dillon Shop out tte teet u o N ! FRIDwm AY ...October INDEPENDENT WOMEN j The first meeting of the Ann Ar- bor Independent Women will be held At 4:30 p.m. today in the Hostess Room of the League, according to Jean McConkey, '38, president. Plans for Assembly Week and Banquet will be discussed and new officers will be elected. All independent women living in Ann Arbor, either with their families or with friends, are invited to become members of the group, Miss McCon- key stated. MONTh - END - SALE GOODYEAR'S Once-a-Month Clearance of all odd lots, broken size ranges and slightly soiled merchandise at decisive price reductions for a quick disposal. Includ- ed is women's and children's wearing apparel, also many things for the home. No Exchanges No Approvals No Telephone Calls i j:. ti r,.r" BEAUTY FIRST Let one of our ope- rators show you how flattering a Person- alized Coiffure can be. Due to national reorganization Phi Sigma Sigma has deferred pledging to a future date. Thisrdate will be announced later. Alpha Xi Delta Alpha Xi Delta announces the ; pledging of Jean Peterson, '41, of Muskegon. BOWLING TO BEGIN SOON I The W.A.A. bowling alleys will of- ficially open Monday, announced Dr. Margaret Bell, director of physical education for women. MissRuth Helsel, instructor ofr physical education for women will be in charge of the bowling.t For Cabaret Mees Plans for the 1937 Sophomore Cab- aret got under way yesterday at a meeting of ,the central committee under the leadership of Jean Smith, general chairman. The names of those women who petitioned for committee positions will be presented at the next meeting on Monday. They will be assigned C to committees according to their pref- erences as stated in the petitions. A1 mass meeting of sophomore women will be called in the near future for try-outs. Month-End Distinctive Hairdressing is our Specialty! RAGGEDY ANN SHOP 1114 S. University Ph. 7561 Specials in Hosiery Lingerie Sweaters House Coats Sport Blouses All Exceptional Values DAYTIME DRESSES ... $9.98 to $19.98 42 tailored and afternoon dresses .. . long and short sleeved -.- silks and wools . . . black and costume colors . . . sizes 12 to 20. Formerly priced from $16.95 to $35.00. FORMALS and DINNE: GOWNS $12.98 to $19.98 21 of them reduced from $19.75 to $35.00. Nets . . . taffetas . and satins, many with jackets . . . sizes 12 to 20. 2 TAN POLO COATS .......... reduced to $14.98 each 1 TAN CASUAL COAT .......... reduced to .. $19.98 13 LUSTRATONE TOPCOATS .. reduced to $19.98 each THIRD FLOOR I ACCESSOR IES 6 Large Chiffon Kerchiefs . gold and silver trimmed. . $1.49 29 Chiffon and Crepe Scarfs... ...... 49c each 150 Pure Linen Handkerchiefs 5 for $1.00 50 Pieces Costume Jewelry.... 39c each 25 Pastel Leather Belts . .. 39c ea, 20 pes. Neckwear . . . Flowers Etc................29c each 12 Antelope and Velvet Hats... Black and Colors ...... 98c each 20 Bucilla Models . . . ideal for Gifts....... 69c and $1.49 each. 24 Kleinert Coat Shields for men - ..grey, brown, black. . 29c pr. FIRST FLOOR HOSIERY 40 Pairs Sheer Chiffon Stock- ings ................ 98c pair 83 Pair Socks and Anklets. ..19c pair 40 Pair Golf Socks ......29c pair 45 Pairs Beige Lisle Stockings ......19c pair 35 Pair Silk Stockings, small Sizes ................ 59c pair FIRST FLOOR 1, -,I 11 FAVORITES ...On or Off the II Campus! MONTH-END SALE of GNllllE SPORTS SHOP 25 Wool Plaids and Silk Blouses .$1.98 each 25 Pastel and Dark Color Slip- over Sweaters, 32 to 40. 81.98 ea. 13 Sports Dresses, high grade and black wools, 12 to 18 . $7.98 14 Wool and Velveteen Sports Dresses, 12 to 18.. $12.98 each 12 Tailored Short Coat Shetland Tweed Suits, -11 16. $14.98 ea. 3 Super Lustratone Suits, 2 pc. 12, 14, 18........ $19.98 each 4 Shetland Wool Topcoats . . . to match suits, 12 to 18 $16.98 ea. THIRD FLOOR FALL MILLINERY $1.98 and $3.98 formerly $5.95 to $10.00 This is a group of very wearable costume hats in felts and velvets. Many of the high style trends of the season are represented .r.ts wide brimmed off-face bonnets, veiled toques and pill boxes . tall berets, and several others. Brown . . . black . . . green . wines . . . rust. THIRD FLOOR Suer Values Ending Saturday DRESSES $5.00 - $10.00 - $15.00 KNITS - - WOOLS - - A LPAC/WAS CREPES - - VEL VETS. Sizes 11 - 46 . .. 1612 - 2612 UTILITY COATS Every coat is superbly tailored of fine fabrics - beautifully lined. UNTRIMMED $19.75 and $25.00 SECOND FLOOR 26 Printed Batiste Gowns . . . 69c each 40 two-pc. Balbriggan Pajamas .69c each 30 Tailorcd and Lace Trimmed Silk Slips .......1.69 each 24 Short Tuck Stitch 1-pc. Pajamas ...... 98c each 4 Silk Lounging Pajamas $3.98 and 55.98 3 Printed Negligees $3.98 and 85.98 each 3 Maids Uniforms.'... $1.69 each 23 Cotton Smocks, long and 3 4 length ........$1.69 each 18 Cotton Dresses... S1.69 each 35 Girdles and Corselettes ... including summer garments .$1.98 each 52 Girdles and Corselettes... 69c and 98c each FOOTWEAR REDUCED 175 pairs of suedes, kid and calf shoes in black, brown. blue, green. and grey . . . all heel heights . . . broken sizes . . formerly $5.00 to $8.50 pair......................... 119 Pairs Black and Brown Kid and Patent Shoes Broken Sizes . . . $1.98 pair. SHOE SALON -- SECOND FLOOR TOILETRIES Goodyears Hand Water Soap 49c box Weodbury's Face Powder .... 50c sizes ................ 39c Pink 'nid Blue Packaged Dust- ing Powder ........ 89c each Compacts . . . Lipsticks . . . Colognes .......... 39c each Pocket Combs.........9c each FIRST FLOOR .-i GIFT SHOP 40 Boxes White and Wyckoff Stationery.. .. 29c and 69c box 7 Makeup Boxes .......98c each 4 Fostoria Gold Tint "Baroque" Console Sets .........$4.49s et 5 Italian Pottery Sandwich Plates ..98c each 11 Cut Glass Ash Tray Sets. 98c set 2 Wooden Trays........ 98c each 3 Vases: Sculptured Glass . .. Copper Metal .......$1.49 each BALCONY I FUR COLLARED It's of smooth, sturdy RE- VERSE CALF, perforated just enough... the built-up leather ---L_ i q 95 YARN SHOP 83 Balls Angel Crepe . . . desir- able shades .......... 39c ball KOTEX at ';.%4~fl VI cc cat' 'il I1 I1 'I1 EI ;;;