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October 29, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-29

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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University yearvand Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
8econd class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
NationalAdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Reresentativ e
Board of Editors
Wlliam Spaler Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Oilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, JaneB.
Boiden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager: Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
lug Manager; Richard H. Know, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
The New York
Election. .
OjNE OF THE most intriguing as-
pects of next Tuesday's series of
city and state elections will be the inauguration
of Proportional Representation in the election
of members of the New York City Council. Be-
cagse mayors of such cities as Detroit and New
York are to be elected and because several states
are electing state tickets on November second
this new feature of New York's election system
has been generally overlooked.
Although "P.R." has been used for municipal
elections in Cleveland, Cincinnati, and certain
other cities in this country, it has never been
subjected to the thorough test it will get in Tues-
day's election. The system to be used in New
York, a modification of the Hare plan, will pro-
vide for councilmen to be elected at-large from
the five boroughs into which New York City is
divided. Under the new scheme, each borough
will be entitled to one member of the City Coun-
cil for each 75,000 votes cast at the city election, -
thus getting away from many of the difficulties
of electing individual members from single-
member districts. Gerrymandering and under-
representation of newer, heavily populated out-
lying districts will be done away with in favor
of a repesentative system guaranteeing mem-
bership in the City Council in proportion to the
total votes cast in each borough.
In addition to fairly representing the boroughs,
this new plan of election will fairly represent the
various political opinions expressed within each
borough. Political groups will have seats on the
council in proportion to the votes they cast at the
election. It will be impossible for a situation
which is very common today, namely, the under-
representation of the minority, to exist, for each
political grouping will be represented in propor-
tion to its political strength among the voters.
The voter when he goes to the polls will be
handed a paper ballot with a list of the candi-
dates for Council, in the particular borough of
which the voter is a resident. Once in the voting
booth the elector will mark, instead of a cross
after the candidate he wishes to see elected,
the figure 1 after his first choice, the figure 2

after his second choice, and so on down the
list, expressing as many choices as he sees fit.
In the counting of the ballots, all first choices
are grouped together and any candidate having,
the quota of 75,000 votes when this first count
is completed is automatically elected. If there are
still places to be filled (for example, if 275,000
votes were cast in Queens Borough, then there
would be five seats on the City Council from
Queens) all candidates having less than two
thousand votes is declared defeated and his
ballots are transferred to tloe second choice in-
dicated thereon. Then the lowest candidate is
declared defeated and his ballots are transferred
to their next choices. This process continues
until the necessary number of candidates have
received, through these transfers, the 75,000 votes
necessary for election.
While this system of voting seems over-com-
plicated, it has proven to be the best plan of pro-
portional representation used as yet. By giving
the voter an opportunity to vote for individual

vious. Not only is the majority assured a clear
mandate of the people, but the minority is given
its proper role in government and is represented
in direct proportion to its numbers. The rights
of the majority to rule are not in any way di-
minished, but the power of the minority is not
obliterated, as so often happens in this country
under our present election system.
Unfortunately the Board of Elections in New
York, dominated by old-party elements, has
not seen fit to try to work the system, and has
in many ways sought to sabotage it. The Tam-.
many and old-guard Republican politicians see
the danger to themselves in permitting the voter
to make a series of free choices, beyond the con-
trol of the district leaders, of independent-mind-
ed men for the City Council, and are attempting
to end that danger by making the system appear
complex, time-wasting, and generally useless.
Given any sort of decent opportunity, P.R. will
demonstrate on Tuesday that it is deserving of
serious consideration by all who seek improve-
ment in our system of government.
M k* k
EDITOR'S NOTE: The explanation of
proportional representation in this editorial ,
is necessarily simplified. Anyone having
particular questions about this system is
invited to address the Editorial Depart-
ment of the Daily for further information.
IF RACHMANINOFF had draped a sheet over
the keys of his grand and played the Prelude
in C Sharp Minor with his stocking feet we
wouldn't have been troubled at all. When an
artist has played a work a certain number of
times there must be a point when he no longer
thinks it necessary to ponder technique or further
interpretation while playing and instead begins
thinking about catching that midnight train. And
if he is pressed to play beyond that point, he
probably goes even further and wonders if there
will be a good bartender bn the club car. With-
out going too far into this. or knowing too much
about it, we imagine that the first point is some-
where around the five hundredth performance
and the second not too far past that. That
Rachmaninoff has played his Prelude something
over a thousand times, might give an idea to the
audience the other night-which probably knew
it by heart, like "Sweet Adeline"-how he might
have felt. It's just our guess, but for a minute
there, when he came out for his fourth bow and
met that steady beat of hands clapping in unison,
it seemed as though he started to swing an arm,
almost spit into one hand and wind up for the
pitch. It was only after we whistled to an usher
and found ourselves telling him to bring us an-
other bag of peanuts that it dawned that we were
not at a baseball game, but at one of the Choral
Union's bargain basement sales.
No Armenian rug peddler, no uncle on Mich-
igan Avenue, no Vermont horse dealer, not even
Jim Farley himself, a rascally fellow indeed,
is a better hand at the subtle art of bargaining
than an audience in Hill Auditorium. The finesse
is that of the Ann Arbor police force and the
spontaneity of a dress shirt the third night out.
Some day someone in the audience will actually
be so carried away and instead of swinging his
heels and pounding their palms, then leaving
because they were able to get only six encores
at intermission and seven at the end, he will
stand and shout "Bravo" or something Latin
like that. Such action is not recommended
however, the artistic temperament being what
it is.
A concert anytime is not quite like a series
of request numbers at a dance where you do
your trucking and shag and forget it. Some
even remember it in more than moments of free
association. Some might even want to think
about it. And if anyone wants to think about
the Flight of the Bumble Bee after what Jack
Benny has done to it, not to say anything about
all the marimba players in the world, let him. It's
guys like that who 'turn pianists into piano
players. We'll save our gasps of delight for
that seventeenth time we see Shirley Temple in

"Little Miss Marker."
We noticed Mr. Wrag's little contribution yes-
terday, don't think we didn't. Frankly, we're
at a loss. A Winchell-Bernie feud would certainly
be fine stuff, Wrag, old man-get you a few
readers, probably. But do you really think it
would be fair play. After all, Disraeli is only
one against College Humor, Ballyhoo, six-year-
old issues of Gargoyle, Fred Allen and your Poli.
Sci. prof.
On The Le--vel;
Some of the campus honor societies, like the
Triangles, have started on their Fall initiations,
but others, like Druids are waiting until the
snow falls so their ceremonies will be harder
to go through,
For those who don't know, an honor society
is composed of a group of men or women
who have done everything in college except
study, and who take a terrific beating, make
fools of themselves in public, and pay a
good-sized fee for the privilege of having
each others' company.
After they have been duly initiated, these
various groups have regular meetings in which

ft feeiiur / Me
When Woodrow Wilson was President he was
under constant attack by the editorial page of
the New York Tribune, and one morning the
World commented, "Our neighbor appears to
know all about running the government, but it
can't seem to manage to keep
its own clock going,"
I got somewhat the same
feeling in listening to Her-
bert Hoover over the air
Tuesday night. Mr. -Hoover
was voluble, though vague,
in discussing the proper or-
ganization on national af-
fairs, but he was wholly inept
in the handling of his own
radio address. A full half hour had been allotted
to him, andl yet he finished lamely in the middle
of a sentence with his piece hardly more than
On the whole, the better way in speaking is
to get going with .the narrative right off rather
than offering a lengthy preface. Herbert Hoover
spent so much time in drawing up a blueprint
of what he intended to discuss that his invisible
audience never had a chance to hear him
hammering brass tacks. In fact, as far as a
radio listener could tell, the one statement

which wowed his audience was
"Let me :repeat once again that
any public office." At, this point

the statement,
I do not want
there was true

Off/ In His Timing
Obviously Mr. Hoover has no natural gift for
the radio, but he has worked hard in an effort
to better himself. Unfortunately, he has mani-
fested his old failing of choosing bad advisers.
The keynote of his delivery ought to be rugged
individualism and simplicity. Whoever told him
that he should emulate Bergen's manner with
Charlie McCarthy certainly did the great en-
gineer no good service.
Herbert Hoover unveiled his new style at the
Cleveland convention in 1936, and on the whole
the criticism was unfavorable. As far as I can
remember, that was the first time he had ever
used jokes or the rhetorical question. Some of
Mr. Hoover's wisecracks look well enough in
print, but he reads them all wrong. It is a
question of timing. Herbert Hoover ought to
set at the feet of other California entertainers
and learn shading. I do not suggest a complete
imitation, but I think there ought to be just a
dash of Butterworth.
To be specific, let us take just one line from
the Boston address. Speaking of the potential
cultural wealth of America, the ex-President said:
-"There are newspapers, colleges, libraries, or-
chestras, bands, radios and other noises." Charlie
could have done something with that-not a
great deal, of course, but still something. Herbert
didn't. He failed to make that necessary split
second pause before he introduced the cracker.
But the major part of Hoover's failure lay in
his indifferent use of the Bergen technique of
question and answer. To be sure, the former
President was using the audience as the dummy,
but he never had it quite sitting on his knee.
Q. And A. Stuff Misses
"Let me ask you a few questions," said the or-
ator of the evening, and then inquired, "Can your
government broadcast half truths and expect the
citizens to tell the whole truth?" Obviously there
was need of a studio rehearsal, for the pause was
too long before the audience shouted, "No!"
During the next six or seven inquiries the audi-
ence played ball and even got the "No" in occa-
sionally before the question was finished. But
then Mr. Hoover made his fatal error. "What
happens to the morals of a people when the
federal government connives at lawlessness?" He
waited and waited for his response, forgetting
that he had framed his query incorrectly.
At length three listeners took him out of his
misery. Two shouted, "Yes!" and one said, "No!"
After all, there are national problems which are
not to be solved simply by "Aye" or "Nay."
Perhaps the trouble with football is that they
are all good. Anyhow, they can't keep Harold
Upset off the All-American.
-St. Louis Post-Dispatch.
One little Dionne wielding a hammer while
four stand by and hand her nails is a picture
with all the earmarks of a project.
-Chicago Daily News.
Students who boast that they never open a
textbook for an entire semester certainly were
put to shame the other day when someone dis-
covered a book in the Library that hadn't been
taken out for 39 years.
-Indiana Daily Student.
Dora wants to know if a machine in gear is
anything like a submarine incog.
-Chicago Daily News.
a gent named Farbstick, 15E, who once
guzzled a jug of hard cider while standing on
his head. Farbstick claimed it was easy after
a while because his head kept getting bigger
and bigger.
The women's societies. such as Mortarboard

Road To War
Senator Johnson of California now
warns that America's delegation en
route to the Nine-Power conference
may be on "the road to war." Many
other Americans, noticing that their
envoys are dispatched "without com-
mitments" despite the already re-
corded State Department denuncia-
tion of Japan as a treaty-breaker,t
are more afraid that Norman Davis
and his aides have taken the road
to another orgy of note-writing.
Certainly they are unlikely to en-
counter war before they reach Brus-
sels-unless it be some offshoot of
the piratical guerrilla struggle in
Spain. And unless procedure att
Brussels gets down to something
more definite than the vital but still
imponderable defense of law and
order urged by the President's speechj
at Chicago, there should be little
cause for Mr. Johnson to take down
his fowling piece.
Whether the conference reachesf
any useful destination depends on
the road adopted at Brussels. Called
under the Nine-Power Treaty, the
delegates already have certain terms
of reference. The most widely known
sections of that treaty deal with
pledges to respect the "sovereignty,
the independence, and the territorial
and administrative integrity of
China," and to provide the "fullestj
opportunity to China to develop and
maintain for herself an effective and
stable . government."
These provisions almost appear to
have foreseen what Japan would bez
tempted to do. And they seem tol
have no purpose but an unselfish ef-
fort to protect China. Yet the his-
tory of the powers' treatment of
China hardly supports the view. Their
actions, as contrasted with their
words, would lead an unbiased ob-
server to conclude that none haver
shown much respect for China's ter-
ritorial or administrative integrity in1
the scramble for influence and trade.
And in the Nine-Power Treaty they
were much less concerned with China
than with insuring that no one na-
tion would gain such exclusive pow-
er there as to shut the Open Door
on the others. The Nine-Power
Treaty was much less an altruistic7
instrument for helping a weak China
than it was a business agreement to
divide China's trade. Other sections
of the treaty make that clear. They
are pledges to maintain "equal op-1
portunity for the commerce and in-
dustry of all nations," and to refrain
from "taking advantage of condi-
tions in China in order to seek spe- 1
cial rights or privileges."
This is not to say that the treaty
should have been violated without1
attempt to modify it by consultation.
It is not to say that the nations had1
no unselfish interest in its purpose.
And surely they have an interest in
general observance of treaties, in(
the maintenance of what interna-
tional law has been agreed upon. At
Brussels they may be able to find
ways to check the violation of this(
treaty and so strengthen the gen-(
eral case for law and order. But
the most feasible procedure will be
to talk less about it as a safeguard of
China or as a great humanitarian,
peace-making instrume't and pro-
ceed to apply it as a business agree-
ment which has been broken.
If the nations wish to form a dip-
lomatic front for a general. drive;
against war it would be better to take
the Pact of Paris and its require-
ments for seeking adjustments only
by peaceful means. But with that
treaty-weapon not only Japan but
the other warmakers would have to
be brought to book. The simpler
method is to take the tangible, plain

infringements of the trade 'carteld
called the Nine-Power Treaty and
seek to get some kind of peaceable
adjustment under it. Taking that
road at Brussels need not involve
anyone in war.
-Christian Science Monitor.
Thank You
To the Editor:
I wish to compliment you on your
handling of the restaurant situation.
You rendered a genuine service to
Ann Arbor citizens as well as to the
student body.
Your recent editorial was especial-
ly good.
Theron S. Langford.
Page Accepts Neutrality
Rather Than Warfare'
(Continued from Page 1)
those materials upon which they de-
pend to survive, gift, purchase and
The first has been tried little, the
second is impossible of working for
the haves build high tariffs to keep
the have-nots out and the only way
by which the handicapped nations
can purchase the goods it needs are"
to sell the goods it produces.

FRIDAY, OCT, 29, 1937
Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of -%e
li'versity. Copy received at the QeM at the AsItaat t the P1es~i
uutE 2:30; 11:00 a.m. n Saturday.


FRIDAY, OCT. 29, 1937
Pay Day: In view of the fact that
the regular pay day for October, Oct.
31, is Sunday and Saturday, the 30th,
is a half-day, October salary checks
will be ready for distribution on Fri-
day, Oct. 29. Shirley W. Smith.
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates. Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due October
30, Room 4, University Hall.
E. A. Walter,
Chairman, Academic Counselors.
To The Members of the Faculty of
the College of Literature, Science and
the Arts:
The second regular meeting of the
faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts for the academic
session of 1937-38 will be held in
Room 1025 Angell Hall, Nov. 1, 1937,
at 4:10 p.m.
Edward H. Kraus.
1. Adoption of the minutes of the
meeting of Oct. 4. 1937, which have
been distributed by campus mail
(pages 363-376).
2. Reports.
a. Executive Committee, by Prof.
Arthur S. Aiton.
1. Consideration of recommended
change in wording relative to fresh-
man elections. See enclosure.
b. University Council, by Prof. W. F.
c. Executive Board of the Graduate
School, by Prof. N. H. Williams.
d. Advisory Committee on Univer-
sity Affairs, by Prof. Preston Slosson.
e. Deans' Conference, by Dean E.
H. Kraus.
3. The Honors Degree Program in
Liberal Arts is a special order of busi-
ness for this meeting.
4. Report on Karpinski resolution.
Members of the faculty who have
not received the October minutes
through campus mail may secure
them at 1204 Angell Hall. Extra
copies of the Honos Degree Program
in Liberal Arts are also available
Phi Beta Kappa: The Michigan
Chapter will be" glad to receive the
addresses of members of ther Chap-
ters who have recently come to Ann
Arbor. Please send to the office of
the Secretary, 3233 Angell Hall and
give the name of the College from
which you received election not that
of the Chapter.
Orma F. Butler, Secretary.
Society of Sigma Xi: All members
of the society who have recently be-
come affiliated with the University
should notify the secretary of their
membership, so that a transfer to the
local chapter may be arranged.
J. S. Gault,
Room 273, W. Engineering.
Civil Engineers: All Civil Engineers
who expect to receive degrees either
from the College of Engineering or
Graduate School in February, June
or August this year should report as

soon as possible to Room 301, West
Engineering Bldg., to fill out a per-
sonnel record card. Each student
must supply for this purpose a photo-
graph, size 2'2x234 inches.
Mechanical Engineers: Mr. George
R. Beach, Jr., of the E. I. DuPont
Co., will be here on Friday, Oct. 29,
to interview any men interested in
their company. He is, however, in-
terested only in those men with a B
average or considerable extra-cur-
ricular activities. Please make an
appointment in Room 221.
Tickets For Excursion, Play Produc-
tion presentation, with Whitford
Kane in original leading role, are still
available for tonight's opening, Fri-
day and Saturday, at 8:30. Lydia
Mendelssohn box office open all day.
Phone 6300 for reservations.
Sophomore Class Elections: Sopho-
mores interested in class elections
are reminded that their list of can-
didates, with eligibility approved by
the Dean's office, must be in the
hands of Hugh Rader, 548 S. State,
on or before ,Monday, Nov. 1.
Orchestra Concert: The University
Symphony Orchestra, Thor Johnson,
conductor; HardinrA. Van Deursen,
baritone, soloist; will give a concert
Sunday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 4:15
p.m., in Hill Auditorium, to which
the general public, with the excep-
tion of small children, is invited
without admission charge. The au-
dience is requested to be seated on
time as the doors will be closed dur-
ing numbers.
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
Olmstead, Professor of Oriental His-
tory at the University of Chicago,
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Ancient History Warmed Over" in
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.
15 at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Events Today
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
"Medicinal Agents from Plant
Sources," Prof. J. L. Powers.
"Medicinal Agents from Animal
Sources," Prof. C. H. Stocking.
Junior Mathematical Club: 4:15
p.m., Room 3201 Angell Hall. Speak-
er: Mr. Capilowish, "Paradoxes." All
students interested are invited.
Delta Epsilon Pi: Important meet-
ing, 8 p.m. at the Union. All men
students of Greek descent are cor-
dially invited. Plans for the year
will be discussed.

Air-lines: Seymore Simons, new
CBS conductor of "Romantic Rhy-
thm" has written 2,000'tunes. Debut
in Capitol Theatre, Detroit. Saw
air service during the war. Fond of
crowds and hates dreamy musicians.
He's fatalistic-returned to radio af-
ter quite an absence. Comaoin93A3
to New York every week from De-
troit for a 30 minute broadcast . .
Harry von Zell, CBS ace announcer
leaves for the Coast soon to take
over a full-hour show . . . Doris
Fischer, warbler of the CBS net, gets
a Warner Brothers screen test be-
fore winter . . .
Hal Kemp's great band hits the air
lanes at 8:30 tonight via WJR. Love-
,ly Alice Faye will sing and Skinny
Ennis will tear hearts out too . .
From the campus of Temple Univer-
sity comes the Varsity Show at 9
over the NBC-WJZ lines. . . Tommy
Dorsey, his trombone, his band, and
Edythe Wright are a 9:30 presenta-
tion of WJZ, New York.
Bits: Rockwell-O'Keefe have fin-
ally given Sonny Dunham the busi-
ness-and the Dunham band has tak-
en a powder for the present at least.
The knows say that Mr. Dunham will
either go back with the Casa Loma
crew or join the ranks of Benny
Goodman. Glen Gray & Co. can use
the trumpet of Dunham and Good-
man has enough material-it re-
mains to be seen . .. Bob Crosby and
band are on the Coast in the film
city . . . Clark Gable and Madeleine
Carroll are on deck for some fu-

Transportation Club: All Transpor-
tation Club members and friends in-
terested in going to Greenfield Vil-
lage Friday, Oct. 29, meet in front of
the Union at 1:15 o'clock.
Hillel Foundation: Services at 8
p.m. Cantor: Al Finkelstein. Speak-
er: Dr. Heller, "A Plan for Palestine."
Hostess: Mrs. Goudsmit.
Stalker Hall: 7:30 p.m. Dr. Bra-
shares' class "Through the Old
Testament." 8:30 p.m., a Hallowe'en
party for Methodist students and
Disciples Guild: Hallowe'en party
at the church, 8:30 p.m. All are wel-
come. Small admission fee.
Tour to Toledo Art Museum: Res-
ervations for the tour to the Toledo
Art Museum must be in Room 9,
University Hall, by noon today. This
tour, planned especially for foreign
students, is open also to a limited
number of American students. A
special bus will leave Angell Hall at
one o'clock Saturday, returning
about 6:30. Fare, $1.25 round trip.
Michigan Dames: Informal Hal-
lowe'en Dance Saturday night, 9 to
12, at the Women's Athletic Build-
ing. You may bring guests. Admis-
sion is 50 cents a couple.
Graduate Outing Club will meet at
Lane Hall on Sunday, Oct. 31, at
2:30 p.m. instead of on Saturday
night, for a trip to Camp Newkirk.
Informal entertainment. Refresh-
ments. All graduate students are
cordially invited.
Congregational Students Guild:'
Hallowe'en party, Saturday, Oct. 30,
beginning with Michigan - Illinois
game over the radio, hike, dancing
and supper. Call 21679 for supper
reservations before Saturday noon.
Regular party admission. All are
welcome. -
Westminster Guild: "Hallowe'en
Hop." Saturday, Oct. 30 at Lane
Hall. Costumes optional. 35 cents
per person.
(Inmu Vote Turn Down

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