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October 28, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-28

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THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1137

.. .. ..........

Campus Visitor Shawn, Once Severe Paralytic, Traffic Deaths
Toronto Bound' Leads American Creative Dance' Here 9 Lower

After Stay Here O'Banizo Both 1st Ballet
And 1st All-Male Troop;
Australian Dean Making In The United States
World Tour Of Schoolsi One of the most unusual dance pro-
Praises Michigan Highly grams ever offered in this country
will be featured by Ted Shawn and
After spending two days on the his Men Dancers when the troupef
campus studying the Union, the Al- appears here to lead off the series of
umni Association and the work of programs of the Oratorical Associa-
the Deans of Men and Women, and tio awn has had a most interesting
having nothing but praise to offer career, having turned to dancing as a
Michigan, Dr. William Bryden, war- life vocation after a severe illness
den of the Union of the University during his college days at the Univer-
of Melbourne, Australia. will leave s of Denver had rendered him com-
pletely paralyzed from the hips down
Ann Arbor this morning to go to the for a long period. During his con-
University of Toronto, where he will valescence he became interested in
continue his survey of universities the dance as a means of rebuilding his
of the Unitec States, Canada and health as well as a medium of self-
Europe. A descendant of Edwin Booth on
Dr. Bryden, whose position at Mel- -
Mourne is a combination of Dean of
Students and director of the Union., Student gr
is making an extensive tour this L
year, inspecting most of the large Is Proposed Here
universities of North America and
Europe. (Continued from Page 1)
In describing the Union at the - --
University of Melbourne, he pointed from a listed group of major cam-
out that it is quite similar to Michi- pus activities and a lower elective
gan's except that it has no residen- house made up of representatives
ial section.
"It also contains an art gallery f: om the several schools and colleges.
and a music room where several hun- Authority to be vested in the new
dred records and a victrola are kept," government would be administra-
he explained. tion of student discipline and super-
However, one distinguishing fea- vision of campus activities such as
ture of the Melbourne Union, ac- class elections. A field for future
cording to Dr. Bryden, is that it is expansion of authority would be stu-
the student headquarters for both dent enforcement of the auto ban.
men and women. J Adoption of the plan came after
Located in'the center of the cam- both parties had refused to support
pus, it is the cultural and social cen- a merit system last year. -Phil West-
ter of the University. Many social brook, independent Washtenaw-
events, similar to those held in the Coalition candidate for president, ran
Union here, are held there and it is unsuccessfully for class president last
the common meeting place of all year as an Independent Party can-
students. ididate.
Party Pictures
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AT our camera counter you'll find these and
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Delicious assort-
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his mother's side. Shawn inherited an In 1936
an instinct for the stage. Following
is marriage to the well-knowng Traffic fatalities in Ann Arbor
dancer Ruth St. Denis in 1914. he dropped from 11 to two for the first
established with her, the first recog- six months of 1937 as compared with
nized American school of the dance, a similar period last year. The city's
and the first really American ballet. traffic toll stands at three dead,
the Denishawn Dancers. however, as one fatality occurred
Upon America's entrance into the this month and was not included in
World War, Shawn immediately en- the police report.
listed as a private soldier, but was: An Indiana woman motorist was
later commissioned lieutenant of in- killed Friday in a truck-auto colli-
fantry. Upon his discharge from the sion. This year's other traffic vic-
service he again took up his career tims were a motorist whose car hit a
as a, dancer, and has constantly
worked since to develop histroupeto bridge and a bicyclist who was killed
the high degree of technical and by an automobile.
dramatic skill with which it is ac- The hours between 3 and 6 p.m.j
credited today. remain the most dangerous period
Until four years ago, his companies for accidents, Officer George W.
have been composed of both men and
women dancers, but in the spring of Camp reported, declaring that 134
1933 the nucleus of the present all- of the 462 accidents which have oc-,
male ensemble was formed in Boston. curred so far this year happened
For several years previously Shawn between those hours. The safest
had entertained the idea of a dancing period was between 6 and 7 a.m.
troupe made up entirely of men. when fewer cars were on the streets.

Gjelness, Osborii Glee Club Tf Make .TO REGSTERAUNI
jen1su.nd exCu T a eT EITR L Emory J. Hyde, president, and T.
Join Library Staff Short State Trips Hawley Tapping, general secretary of
frthe Alumni Association, will leave
tomorrow morning for Champaign,
Rudolph H. Gjelness and Andrew In addition to its usual eastern Ill., where they will establish a reg-
D. Osborn have been appointed to tour this year the University Glee istration bureau for University of
the staff of the library science de- Club will make several short trips in ! Michigan alumni attending the game
partment, it was announced recently. the State, Prof. D. E. Mattern, di- there Saturday.
Mr. Gjelness will take over the rector, announced yesterday.R(
chair established by the Carnegie Professor Mattern said the Glee I e aDay Classified t S
Corporation endowment and Mr. Club will appear in Saginaw during
Osborne the instructorship vacated January in collaboration with the
by Harland Carpenter, who resigned Saginaw Symphony Orchestra andI EVERYONE
to become librarian of the New Bed- Iin Hartland in March. E E Y N
ford Library, New Bedford, Mass. The Glee Club will appear with NOTICES
Mr. Gjelness served as Assistant the University Band on Feb. 26, with
Librarian from 1925-1930, and taught its own concert following in May, the appearance ofuyour hair.
in the library science department a j Perhaps you would appear
._ , no- on __4nn 11 neater with a short trim or your


in 1927-1928, and the 1932Summer
Session. For the past five years
he has been librarian of the Univer-
sity of Arizona.1
Read Daily Classified Ads

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