k, n I THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCT. 28, 1937 -I THE MICHIGAN DAILY Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University yearvand Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it, or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at, the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mal matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 FEPRESENTEO POR NATIONA& ADVERTISiNG kY NationalAdvertisingService,Inc. College Publishers Retresentative 420 MAOiDION AVE. NEW YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors U,!ANAGING EDITOR............'JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ...................IRVING SILVERMAN William- Spailer RobertWeeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS :Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. LPORTS. DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian. Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER ....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .... NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts anager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertisig eaager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROY SIZEMORE For How Many Years?.. . - dying in war-torn China, and we are filled witI disgust-but only for the brief space of time we see the scene. War to us is not a major, dominat- ing influence in our lives. War to the man who has never seen it is a charitable emotion. For a moment we are filled with reaction against it. But a war gives us an escape. We can turn back at will to our everyday comforts and habits. War is lost in the security of our regular activities. Those who really know the experiences of war are those who have seen it take away all refuge and security, who cannot turn away from it. Who can really cry out against war who has never felt it engulf, and withdraw all security? Who can really fear war who has not had to cringe from it? War is the most ruthless of all dictators. Those who would really shpeak against it are those who are already on its racks and who can only piece out a lost and unheard moan of agony and de- spair. UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI LOT OF PEOPLE are wondering who Dr. Homer Strycher is since his uproarous one- man dialogue between a football player and his girl, with which he won the Varsity Show am- ateur contest. The good doctor, if you remem- ber, appeared in a darkened Hill Auditorium first as a woman in negligee seated in an easy chair, smoking a cigarette, lighted only by a single spot. Then from the side away from the audience a man's arm appeared and a full bass voice asked for a drag on the weed. The effect was startling. But it was furthered when the dialogue between the besuited half and the benegligeed half began. Dr. Strycher obviously had some inside stuff on where a football player might spend his time. One might easily imagine that Dr. Strycher, like Avery Hopwood himself, had the dope on up in Mabel's room. At any rate he had the dope and also apparently the tech- nique. We talked to him yesterday and found him to be a tall man, around six feet, pleasant looking, slightly glaborous, which means he doesn't have too much hair. Yet he doesn't look much over thirty, although he claims forty-two. He is a Michigan man and played baseball here back in '22, '23 and '24 along with Harry Kipke and Jack Blott, which may explain to some ex- tent the athletic angle the other night. He was also in the Mimes orchestra when they produced the Union operas. In '25 he graduated from Med school and since has specialized in bone and joint surgery. It was while he was in the Mimes orchestra he became interested in female impersonations, staring up from the pit watching the terpsichor- ean antics of a Wolverine football team who were the chorus of the show. He picked up the tricks then and afterwards did a few takeoffs-not strip tease-before an American Legion conven- tion in Kalamazoo. Then about a year ago he got this idea and with half of an old suit of his own and half of an old dress of his wife's he dressed himself from head to toe on one side as a man and from head to toe on the other as a woman. His first performance was before a Lions' Club meeting and the second at the All-Med smoker, so Tuesday night was only the third time he has apeared publicly. However, it has been reported to us that the non-public soirees of the good doctor are the ones to cut in on. * * * * LAST WEEK we made the error of trusting our copy reader a little too far and the signature for a contrib was twisted around into the title. It was however an appropriate title, Little Boy Brew, and while at first we expected an irate poet to come hunting for us foaming at the mouth with beer suds for our mistake, we think it serves as an appropriate introduction to some- one we hope to hear from often. Here he is again. Upon the patch of earth that clings Near the very brink of doom. Where the tumbled water flings Downward to a misty gloom. Where the earth in terror quakes, And the waters leap in foam, Plunging frantic from the lakes, Hurrying seaward, hurrying home. Where man's small voice is vain, And his heart chills in his breast At the dreadful shriek of pain Of the waters seeking rest. There I stood and humbly scanned The miracle that sense appals, There I saw the tourists stand Spitting in Niagara Falls. -Little Boy Brew. -Mr. Disraeli. THE PRESSING NEED for more adequate medical attention for the underprivileged section of our population in the form of governmental control working toward socialized medicine was impressed upon us by the observations of one who spent some time recently in the clinic of a large Eastern hospital. We present below some of the incidents described to us. Scene: A poorly ventilated, dark, not-too-clean basement crowded by benches occupied by 30 persons, varying in age from a three-months- old baby to a white-haired man of 65. The benches face a long corridor with five rooms on each side. Time: 9 a.m. Tuesday in mid-summer. Many of the people have been waiting since 0:30. First Underpaid Registrar: Harry Golden! What doctor do you want to see? Golden: I got a piece of glass in my finger two weeks ago and it hasn't healed yet. First Registrar: Do you have fifty cents? Here's your receipt. You're number 7. Go down to the surgical. Room 3. Mother with baby: When will my doctor come? Second Underpaid Registrar: Sit down, lady, and wait until you're name is called. Mother: But I have to get home to the other children., Second Registrar: Lorenzo! Antonio Lorenzo! Lorenzo: My eyes hurt. I can't see at my job. Registrars in Unison: The eye doctor won't be here before Thursday.. First Registrar: Mary O'Connor. Here's your number. Get in line at the social service if you haven't brought fifty cents again. Doctor Brown: To Interne: Perfect example of fracture of the femur on those last pictures we saw. Say, there's Mrs. Holmes. Used to be a private patient of mine. Now she comes to the clinic and I have to take care of her here. You know, she owns a hotel in the Catskills. First Registrar: Doctor Brown, Doctor Hughes just called and said he wouldn't be in today. Has a golf date with another big surgeon. You'll have to handle the clinic alone again. And there are 11 people waiting. Second Registrar: The surgical doctor can't take any more, Mr. Goldberg. Go up to Emer- gency, if your arm hurts. You've been to Emer- gency and they won't admit you. Sorry, we can't do anything for you today. Come back Thursday. Social Service Worker: How much do you make a week? The city allows us just so much and we can't pay everything else. I know your son is sick, but it isn't possible to give him more than one week in the country.f And so on week after week and month after month and year after year. This War Business. AN OLD BUT INTERESTING ques- tion about war was asked the other day: Why does not past experience with war make men seek to cast it out forever? Ifeeiitv o M BEYWOOD BROUN A boy in Bucharest had a birthday party on Monday, and as he blew out sixteen candles the wire service men flashed the news to the papers of all the world. He breathed and lived and that was a story, because the birthday boy happens to be a princeling in the Balkans, and when royalty survives in those regions that is news. I have never seen Mi- chael's name listed among the child prodigies of our time, and yet his progress seems to be phenomenal. His father, King Carol, shouted, "Surprise! Surprise!" and among the simple gifts placed upon the breakfast table was a letter in the King's own hand. Michael found that as he slept authority and maturity had been thrust upon him. The regal message stated that he, Michael, 16 years of age, had been chosen to serve as a lieutenant in the army. If promotion keeps on at such a pace the boy may be Field Marshal by the time he is old enough to vote. It is barely possible that Michael had wanted a fireman's suit rather than a lieutenancy, but if the present was anything other than the gift of which he had dreamt, the boy kept that disap- pointment to himself. King Carol, with the straight face which befits a monarch, made a brief speech in which he ex- tolled the virtues and left the frailties of Ru- manian royalty discreetly alone. He mentioned diligence and courage, and naturally no one marred the domestic scene by bringing up the name of little Zizi or of Magda Lupescu. No Mention Of Paris Exile And surely not a soul cried jokingly, "And what were you doing around Paris in 1925?" That was the year in which the diligent Carol decided that he didn't want to reign any more but preferred Morganatic Magda and the left bank before Bu- charest and the throne of Rumania, and when he put the crown aside he left it for his infant son. just now grown to a lieutenant's size. It is true that Carol later recanted his renunciation, and seven years ago he dropped out of the clouds above the capital of his homeland and, stepping out of his airplane, announced that he was King all over again, and little Michael could go back to being the Crown Prince, and so today Carol, the diligent, is not precisely the Rumanian mon- arch but only King "de jure," which when freely translated, means that he is going to hold the job until somebody takes it away from him. Some Birthday, All In All Still, all in all, the quick twists and turns of regal politics in Rumania must have made an in- teresting background for the birthday break- fast, and perhaps it is no more than fair when a golden crown has been snatched from a young man that restitution should be made in the silver bars of a lieutenant. And after the guns of the palace had fired a salute with blanks Lieutenant Mike came back to open the rest of his birthday packages. And, to and behold, there was a Rolls-Royce from the Duke and Duchess of Kent. I trust the English relatives were also thoughtful enough to have it filfed with gas and equipped with a road map showing all the short cuts to the frontier-just in case. It must have been quite a birthday. On The Level By WRAG Yesterday's mail included the following state- ments: "There are quite a few who feel that "Disraeli" doesn't use near enough space for writing about himself." "And there are others who feel that he should stop looking for his "Muse" and start looking for a convenient waste-paper basket." It is unfortunate to have to print these, be- cause the whole affair may start another of those trite Winchell-Bernie feuds and finally give "Diz" something to write about. ; * ' * * However, since this column has stuck its neck out, it might as well go whole hog and predict that the Michigan football team will tie Illinois, defeat Chicago, nose out Penn, and lose to Ohio State. If the team doesn't do at least this well, ru- mors have it that a movement will start up to try to change the titles of the various school songs. * * * * Then it will go on to the obvious ones and sing "The Victims" for "The Victors," and even be- come so sacrilegious as to sing "The Black and Blue" instead of "The Maize and Blue." Another less radical group is intending to take the vibrant marching song that was written by Leonard Moretta and played publicly for the first time by the Band at Varsity Show, Tuesday night. * * *, * This second group is planning to write the lyrics for this unnamed tune, and make the words into a song that the stands can sing in defeat. A thoroughly delightful evening of ivory-wrought poetry was served up by Sergei Rachmaninoff in the open- ing concert of the current Choral Union Series, in Hill Auditorium last night. The well-balanced musical menu comprised the Italian Concerto of Bach, the Suite Bergamasque of Debussy, and a Chopin group of four (Impromptu, Nocturne, Mazurka, Scherzo. Of Liszt there was the Pre- lude after J. S. Bach and two the etudesentitled Voices of the Woods and Dance of the Gnomes, and of Rachmaninoff himself the E flat Minor Etude. Mr. Rachmaninoff is usually held to be austere in appearance, and his playing of the C sharp Minor Prelude as one of his final encores was a model of tonal restraint which most pianists could observe to advantage. But there was no austerity in any of the artist's interpretations through- out the program. The outside movements of the Bach Concerto were rendered with an apt gayety and lightness, if with an oc- casional apparent cloudiness in phras- ing and lack of conventional metro- nomic regularity of rhythm. The middle movement, therAndante with its placid melody rambling among the sublimer spheres, was made an epitome of loveliness by the beauty of tone and poetic insight with which it was wrought. The upper tones of the piano, bearing the melody, ap- proached almost the sustaining power as well as theclear, ethereal color of a flute. Again and again this full, singing power of the pianist's right hand shone forth-numerous times in the Chopin pieces, in the Rachmaninoff Etude, and especially in the Clair de1 Lune of the Debussy Suite. The Cho- pin numbers, of course, gave free reign to the artist's romantic tend- encies, and were played with an en- dearing quality which at times seemed a little too sweet for our puritanical constitution. The De- bussy Suite, a lovely morsel, all of it, was given an elegance distinctive and charming. That he is a master of technique as well as a poet, in spite of an occa- sional unobtrusively misplaced digit, Mr. Rachmaninoff reminded us fre- quently during the evening-in the seldom heard but interesting enough Liszt etudes, the smoothly-played C sharp Minor, and especially in the1 Chopin Waltz which encored the first half of the program, and which was executed with crystal clearness. And, of course, our old friend The Flight of the Bumblebee which ended the evening isn't exactly easy, whether played on piano, piccolo, or bazooka. I RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Bits: College must be the .best place to start a band. Many a name maestro is the product of leading campi-Hal Kemp and Kay Kyser hail from the U. of North Carolina. Fred Waring calls Penn State his alma mater, and Johnny Green is a Hawvawd man. Rudy Vallee start- ed his music career at Yale and Glen Gray hit the books at Illinois Wesleyan . . . Vincent Lopez will have his arrangers make some script from the sound recordings of native African music collected by Mrs. Mar- tin Johnson-to be aired over the Mutual from the Drake in Chi- cago ... Tonight at 10 finds Crosby run- ning the Kraft Music Hall via WWJ. Robbin Burns will tell of home as usual and it's the music of Johnny Trotter . . . Cab Calloway takes to the air at 11 over a WABC-CBS net- work ... Benny Goodman is a Mu- tual feature at midnight by CKLW George Jessel, Cantor's great- est pal, will be m.c. at the air-party for Eddie at 12:30. Jack Benny, Irvin S. Cobb, Louis Mayer, and Gov. Frank Merriam will all pay tribute to the Cantor man from Los Angeles over a CBS line. The occasion is the 25th anniversary in show business for the leetle comic- a fine tribute. Air Lines: The Bergen - Ameche show ranks first in the pop surveys at present. Major Bowes and the Lux Theatre rest in second, Burns and Allen have the third position, and the Kraft Music Hall has to be content with the fourth notch . . Lily Pons, Kirsten Flagsted, Rose, Bampton, and Jascha Heifetz are scheduled to appear on the Kos- telanetz classic show in the neart future . . . After every broadcast, Deanna Durbin gets the "darling-- daughter-line" from Eddie Cantor plus a box of posies . . . It is said that Lombardo simplifies and accentuates the melody-true, but he "accentu- ates" in a Joe Miller manner. CABBIES GO IN FOR SCHOOLING "It's three o'clock in the morning" has a new lilt for New York taxicab drivers. From that witching hour un- til dawn, three mornings a week, they will learn how to improve their diction, how to prepare a speech and to conduct a meeting: The course is being sponsored by the Transport Workers Union. No more will it be (Continued from Page 2) music By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER Rachmaninoff Concert DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication An the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members at the tversity. Copy received at the eveu eo the Asmta"+ to the Presidan E 2:20:11:60 axm. e Baturdw. ricular activities. Please make an appointment in Room 221. Approved Organizations: The fol- lowing is a list of organizations which have now formally registered in the office of the Dean of Stu- dents as being active during the year 1937-38. Acolytes Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Gamma Sigma Alpha Kappa Delta Alpha Phi Alpha Alpha Kappa Delta Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers Am. Institute of Electrical Engineers Am. Society of Civil Engineers Am. Society of Mechanical Engineers Architectural Society Armenian Students Association Architectural Society Art Cinema League Asheville School Club Athena Literary Society Beta Kappa Rho Beta Sigma Rho Cercre Francais Chi Gamma Phi Chinese Society of Chemical Industry Chinese Students Club Christian Science Organization Club Puerto Rico Congregational Student Fellowship Contemporary Delta Epsilon Pi Delta Sigma Rho Deutscher Verein Eastern Society Engineering Council Engineering Honor Committee English Journal Club Eta Kappa Nu Forestry Club Freshman Glee Club Freshman Luncheon Club Galens Gamma Alpha Girls' Cooperative House Graduate Education Club Graduate Outing Club Graduate Students' Council Hiawatha Club, Hillel Foundation Hillel Independents Hillel Metropolitan Club Hillel Players Independent Men's Organization Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences International Council Interfraternity Council Iota Alpha Junior Mathematical Club Kappa Beta Pi Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Phi La Sociedad Hispanica Lawyers Club Lawyers Liberal Club Les Voyageurs Lutheran Student Club Men's Council Men's Physical Education Club Michigan Dames Club Michigan Transportation Club Michigamua Michigan Union Mortarboard Mu Phi Epsilon National Science Society of China Nippon Club Omega Psi Phi Omega Upsilon Outdoor Club Peace Council Phi Delta Delta Phi .Epsilon Kappa Phi Eta Sigma Phi Kappa Phi Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Lambda Upsilon Philippine Michigan Club Phi Sigma Society Pi Lambda Theta Polonia Literary Circle Progressive Club Quarterdeck Radio Club Rho Chi Society Rochdale Student Cooperative House Scalp and Blade Scandinavian Student Club Scientia Scimitar Senior Society Sigma Alpha Iota Sigma Delta Chi Sigma Gamma Epsilon Sigma Rho Tau Sigma Xi Sphinx Student Religious Association Suomi Club Tau Beta Pi Tau Epsilon Rho Theta Sigma Phi Toastmasters Triangles University Girls' Glee Club (Stanley Chorus) Varsity Glee Club *Vulcans Westminster Guild Women's Athletic Association. Wyvern Zeta Phi Eta Society of Sigma Xi: All members of the society who have recently be- come affiliated with the University should notify the secretary of their membership, so that a transfer to the local chapter may be arranged. J. S. Gault, the following Civil Service Examina- tions : Chief engineering draftsman, $2,- 600 a year. Principal engineering draftsman, $2,- 300 a year. Senior engineering draftsman, $2,- 000 a year. Engineering draftsman, $1,800 a year. Assistant engineering draftsman, $1,620 a year. All of the above are for work on ships.) Purchasing officer, $3,200 a year: assistant purchasing officer, $2,600 a year; junior purchasing officer, $2- 000 a year; procurement division, Treasury Department. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Academic Noticies Geology (11): Students in the 10 Wednesday class which did not meet yesterday are advised to attend some section before the Friday bluebook. I have classes at 9:00 (Room 4054) and at 11:00 (Room 3056) on Thursday; tliere are other classes at 8:00, 10:00 and 2:00 on Thursday and one at 8:00 on Friday. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a concert on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial, Tower Thursday evening, Oct. 28, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Lectures University Lecture: Dr. Albert T. Olmstead, Professor of Oriental His- tory at the University of Chicago, will give an illustrated lecture on "Ancient History Warmed Over" in Natural Science Auditorium on Nov. 15 at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor- dially invited. ir. Kirby Page will speak at the Natural Science Auditorium this af- ternoon at 4:15 p.n. on The Re- ligious Implications of Our Nation- al Problems and at 8 p.m. on The In- ternational Situation. The results of the Peace Poll will be announced at the evening meeting. Events Today University Broadcasts --3:30 p.m. The One-Act Play-The History and Its Future. Prof. K. T. Rowe. Freshman Girls' Glee Club: Regular meeting at the League at 7:15 p.m. Tryouts will be held after the meet- ing. Iota Alpha: First meeting at 7:30 p.m., Seminar Room, 3201-3205 East Engineering Bldg. Speaker: Mr. Wm. H. Kemnnitzwill discuss cooperatve buying. Open meeting to all engin- eering graduate students. Hil lel DiscussionGroup: 7:30 pm. Dr. Heler will speak on "Dramatic Moments in Jewish History." 8:30 p.m. Dr. Hootkins will speak on "Jew- ish Ethics." Coming Events Observatory Journal Club: 4:15 p.m., Observatory Lecture Room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis will speak on "Navi- gation near the Pole." Tea at 4 p.m. Junior Mathematical Club: Friday, 4:15 p.m., Room 3201 Angell Hall. Speaker: Mr. Capilowish, "Para- doxes." All students interested are invited. International Relations Supper, A.A.U.W., Union, 6 p.m., Sunday, Oct. 31. Symposium on the background of the Far Eastern conflict: Prof. Robert Hall, "Geographic Back- ground"; Dr. John W. Stanton, "His- toric Background"; Prof. Charles Remer, "Economic Background." Public and students invited. Make reservations at Union by Saturday morning. All Independent Women Living in Private Homes: Important meeting Friday, Oct. 29 at 4:30 p.m. Hostess Room, League, Plans and policies dis- cussed in connection with Assembly activities. Men's Physical Education Club: Meeting at 9 p.m. Room 305, Union. By-laws to be presented for approval All physical education students in- vited. Delta Epsilon Pi: Important meet- ing Friday, 8 p.m. at the Union. All men students of Greek descent are cordially invited. Plans for the year will be discussed. Roger William Guild: Hayride Fri- day, 8:30 p.m., admission 35 cents. Notify Dr. Chapman before Thursday THE FORUM I He Keeps In Line To the Editor: Now that Michigan Communists have, as The Daily puts it, "Come out in the open," the follow- ing bit of acute Marxist analysis should be of more than passing interest. Last Friday, Oct. 22, 1937, the morning before that big game, the Daily Worker's sports editor came to this dialectical conclusion: "Michigan to stop Iowa (which has been stand- ing still anyway)." Carfvl studof tis a nalss a ni close ce_-