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October 28, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-28

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T he W.eath er
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F"or How Many Years? .
This War Bsies.,.



VtIn. XLVIII. Non .q 94 ~S asA



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9-Power Peace
Parley Bid Is
Turned Down
By Japanese
Hold League Responsible,
Call Meeting Obstacle
To Proper Solution
Hirota Says Japan
Is Defending Self
TOKYO, Oct. 27.- (P) -Japan
formally rejected an invitation today
to attend the Brussels Nine-Power
Conference, declaring the meeting
was inspired by the League of Na-
tions and would "put serious ob-
stacles in the path of a just and
proper solution" of the Far Eastern
The refusal to confer with other
signatories of the 1922 Washington
treaty guaranteeing China's terri-
torial integrity was submitted by
Japanese Foreign Minister Koki.
Hirota to Baron Albert de Bassom-
pierre, Belgian Ambassador.
Hirota, in a lengthy, informal
statement accompanying the re-
fusal, reiterated Japan's contention
that she was fighting in self-defense,
that the Nine-Power Treaty was ob-
solete because of the spread of com-
munism in China and that the League
of Nations should not interfere.
Although the Belgian Govern-
ment's invitation did not refer to the
League of Nations, the statement de-
clared, the meeting was called after
a League resolution suggesting it and
Japan "cannot but conclude that the
convocation of the conference is
linked to the resolution."
Marines Watch Fighting
SHANGHAI, Oct. 28-(P)-Shang-
hai's defenders fought today with
their backs to the Soochow Creek on
the border of the International Set-
Across the stream, at barricades on
the south banks, United States Ma-
rines watched the shifting battle-
front under orders to shoot in self
defense at any airplane attacking
them or noncombatants.
Admiral Harry Yarnell, command-
er of the United States Asiatic fleet,
authorized the protective orders
when the Chinese retreat on the
northernedge of the International
Settlement brought intense fighting
close to the foreign zone.
Further upstream, to the west of
the International Settlement, the
Chinese were entrenched on the south
side of the creek, defending a narrow
strip of the native city between the
stream and the foreign area.
The Chinese dug in on their new
line after withdrawing from historic
Chapei, seared by miles of flame
from fires started yesterday when the
defense collapsed.

Skipper In 'Excursion'

Adams Is Chosen
Honorary Speaker
Dr. Randolph Adams, director of
the William L. Clements Library,
has been selected to deliver the Ros-
enwald lectures at the University of
Pennsylvania in December, it was
announced yesterday.
These lectures, given every year,
were made possible by a gift of 0. S.
Rosenwald, a well known book col-
Page Discloses
Peace Survey
Noted Author To Give Two'
Talks Here On Religious
And Political Troubles
Kirby Page, author, world-traveller
and social evangelist, will give two
lectures today, one at 4:15 p.m. and
one at 8 p.m. in Natural Science Au-
ditorium on "Religious Implications
of National Problems" and "Reli-

Whitlord Kane is pictured above
as Obediah Rich, the male lead in
"Excursion," which opens today
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
First Showing
Of Excursion'
Set For Today

New Campus
Is Proposed
Washtenaw-Coalition Party
Would Have Two-House
Group Head Activities
Junior State Party
Claims New Gains
Stingingly denouncing the present
"impotent, unplanned" form of stu-
dent government, the Sophomore
Washtenaw-Coalition party yester-
day offered a program which would
give the campus a bi-cameral stu-
dent legislature with definite powers.
At the same time party leaders at-
tacked the "machine politics" of past
elections and urged student support
of cooperatives.
May Be Unopposed
As far as could be learned yester-
day, Washtenaw-Coalition candidates
will be unopposed in the literary col-
lege elections Nov. 3. Six State
Street houses said no organizational
meetings or caucuses had been held
this year and no candidates nom-
inated. This was verified by Guy
Howard of Delta Kappa Epsilon,
State Street Caucus chairman.
Washtenaw Coalition leaders said
they had definite pledges of support
from several former State Street
Meaanwhile in the junior class sev-
eral former Washtenaw Party
houses had definitely bolted the
party and allied themselves with
State Street while both parties
claimed the support of other houses.
Announcement was made that John
Thompson, of Delta Upsilon, has
been nominated as the State Street
candidate for class president.
Nominees Listed






Cam pus Peace Sentiment
Have You Cast Your Vote For Peace Yet? Protection For Americans
In China And Defensive
War Favored So Far
Opinions Are Voiced
About Peace Action

Japanese Boycott Backed,

Curtain Rises On Opening
Of Drama Group Series
At 8:15 P.M. In League
"Excursion," the first presentation'
of the 10th annual Play Production
series, will open at 8:15 p.m. today in
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre.
Whitford Kane, who has just com-
pleted a Broadway appearance in this
play, will have the male lead and will
be supported by a cast of more than
40 students. Mr. Kane has also been
guest director of the play and has
worked in conjunction with Valentine
B. Windt, in charge of Play Produc-
He was in Ann Arbor in 1936 at
which time he played in Galsworthy's
"Pigeon," written especially for him.
Mr. Kane has also played here in
"Juno And The Paycock." His Amer-
ican theatrical career was started on
Broadway in 1912 when he left Eng-
land for the United States.
The plot of the play is concerned
with the comic experience which
takes place on a pleasure boat plying1
its last course to Coney Island. The:
skipper of the boat, Obediah Rich,
played by Mr. Kane, is disheartened
to think that the S.S. Happiness is
making her last voyage, so he decides
to turn the ship off the return course
and take all the passengers to a far-'
off island to live in eternal peace and
"Excursion" has been rated by
Burns Mantle in his book, "The Ten
Best Plays of the Year," as one of
the most outstanding of the season.
Other presentations of the play will
be given tomorrow and both Satur-
day afternoon and night.
English Authori
Flays Fascism
In Speech Here
Fascism and its impending danger,
to the United States was the thesis
of a talk yesterday at the League by
Miss Hilary Newitt, English author, in
a program sponsored jointly by the
Hillel Foundation, the Liberal Stu-!
dents' Union of the Unitarian Church,
the ProgressiveClub, the Faculty
Committee and the Student Religious
Pointing to the rigid regimentation
of civil rights and liberties in con-
temporary Germany and Italy, Miss,
Newitt went on to explain how Amer-I
ica would fare under a fascism that
is inimical to free thought.
She warned that pacifism or indif-
ference to the growing fascist num-
bers in America had alarming possi-!

To Lecture Today

Michigan students and faculty
nembers returned a majority of 776
out of 1,456 ballots for an official
'oycott of Japan by the United States
iesterday in the first day's voting of
the peace poll sponsored by the Stu-
dent Religious Association and the
Protection of American nationals
and business interests in China, sup-
port of a war to defend continental
Voting To Be Continued
At Polling Places Today
Voting will be continued from
9 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. today in the
General Library, the Law Club,
the Union lobby, the West En-
gineering Building and Angell
Hall. Students must show identi-
fication cards in order to vote.
Complete results of both days'
voting will be announced by
Kirby Page at 8 p.m. tonight in
Natural Science Auditorium.

What war means after the band has stopped playing is here dy-
namically illustrated. This picture is one of a group, each more grue-
some than the above, taken by a U.S. Navy radio operator, depicting the
aftermath of the accidental bombing of the International Settlement in
Shanghai during August. This picture is printed through the courtesy
of Robert Willmarth, '40.
University Janitors' Union Drops
AFL Connection In Favor Of CIO

gious Implications of the Interna-
tional Situation," respectively.
Mr. Page, who comes directly from
New England where he has lectured
to several colleges and universities
on peace, social and religious prob-
lems, will announce the complete re-
sults of the peace poll conducted by
the Student Religious Association
and the Daily at the evening lecture.
He is a graduate of Drake Univer-
sity and pursued graduate work at
the University of Chicago, Columbia
University and Union Theological
Seminary. During the war he was
a Y.M.C.A. worker in France and
the British Isles and later traveled


Other nominations released were d kd
Dorothy Baxter, Delta Gamma, vice- Efforts To Regain Interest from the. Buildings and Grounds de-
DoohpaxeDltaamrie tment. M v Since then, attendance at
president; Elmer Gedeon, Phi Gain- In Move Is Basis For meetings has gradually been dropping
ma Delta, secretary; and Wally Bash,
Sigma Chi, treasurer. J-Hop com- Action, Spokesmen ayThe CIO is active, young and mili-
mitteemen nominated were Betty tant," Canter said in explaining the1
Shaffer, Kappa Alpha Theta; Mar- A definite split between the Uni- I move. "The AFL boasts that it ist
garet Cram, Kappa Kappa Gamma; versity janitors' union and the AFL friendly with the higher-ups. We
Waldo Abbott, Chi Psi,and Art Col- in favor of possible CIO affiliation don't like the higher-ups. Our rla-
man, Sigma Alpha Mu. No inde- was announced yesterday by Will tional union didn't give us any sup-
pendents were nominated to offices Canter, spokesman for the group. port. Why? Because it was AFL." 1
and no platform announced. The union had a peak membership
The reform of student govern- of approximately 100 which has since
ment, as planned by the Washtenaw declined because the American Fed-
Coalition sophomores after confer- eration of State, City and Municipal I O-AFL Seen
ences with student leaders, would Employes national has been inactive.
establish two governing houses: a The CIO union with which the group I
senate made up of representatives will be connected is The State, CityReadyTo D op
(Continued ont Page 6) and Municipal Employes of America.
With Don Reynolds, '41, working Peace Proposal
his way through school as a janitor,
Student Loses as president, the union will meet at
8 p.m. Friday in Unity Hall to ratify Conference Is Adjourned
2 W T1 atl the new affiliation.
2 B tNever recognized by the University, For Week As Leaders
the union was organized last year. Seek Compromise Plan
To Pne uniotia Shortly after it became active, jan-
itors received a voluntary pay raise ( WASHINGTON, Oct. 27.-(A)-
EdwrdBlomGiaddid t heThe peace conference of the Ameri-
Edward Bloom, Grad, died at the can Federation of Labor and the
Health Service yesterday after a two ChinaF voreCommittee for Industrial Organiza-
weeks battle with pneumonia. tion appeared near collapse tonight.
Enclosed in an oxygen tank since \ Only extensive concessions from
Saturday when his condition became I L. both sides, which neither seemed
critical, Bloom was apparently im- A willing to make, could, it was gen-
proving up to 5 p.m. yesterday but ; C aA sse rtsI erally believed, keep the meetings
suffered a relapse at that time and alive much longer.
died at 7:30 p.m.
A 22 year old Brooklyn, N.Y. resi- Despite preponderant Japanese Finding their respective peace pro-
dent, Bloom received his degree from strength in the Far East, western posals devoid of any common ground
the literry college last June. He bankers have bet $250,000,000 on that could be made a basis for com-
was the first student to die of pneu- China's ability to weather Tokyo ag- promise, the conferes adjourned to-
monia here since 1933. gression, Dr. Y. Z. Chang declared day until Thursday, Nov. 4. Many
Bloom was the second death of the yesterday before 300 students in the, wondered if even that scheduled
semester. The first was a freshman School of Dentistry auditorium. meeting would take place.
who died near Sturgis when the plane European military experts concur In fact, the Federation issued a
he was piloting crashed. in the opinion that if the Nanking statement late in the day asserting it

in the Orient.
ler and has

He is a world-travel-
been an outstanding


U.S., Britain Asked To Act
NANKING, Oct. 28.-(Thursday)-
P)-Generalissimo Chiang Kai-Shek,
China's supreme military and civilj
authority, declared today it was the
"responsibility" of the United States
and Great Britain to-uphold the Nine-
Power Pact.
The Generalissimo told the Asso-
ciated Press "Japan must be stopped
in her mad aggression and imperial-
ism before it is too late."
"It is also the' duty of the United
States and England to protect the
freedom of the seas, not permitting
a Japanese blockade of the China
coast which is detrimental to the
trade of those countries," he said.
reserve Board
Changes Stock
Margin Limits

worker for peace, according to Ken-
neth W. Morgan, director of the Stu-
dent Religious Association.
He was editor of the "World To-
morrow" from 1926-1935 and is al
contributing editor of the Chris-'
tian Century. His book "Living
Creatively" was ranked first out of
436 volumes listed by religious work-
ers with students in a national sur-
vey by the Hazen Foundation, and
his "Individualism and Socialism"
was recommended by the Book-of-
the-Month Club.
1938 License Tags
Go On Sale Today

Inited States and the promotion of
?eace by students through education
by lectures, discussions and the like
were also backed by a majority of
those that voted.
Ballots totaling 551 asked a boy-
.ott of Insurgent Spain, while 650
ballots indicated a desire for no boy-
.ott of any nation.
About one-seventh, or 211, votes
were cast for a boycott of Loyalist
Spain. and 167 asked for a similar
ban on China.
Six hundred persons voted to pro-
ect American nationals and busi-
iess interests in China, 451 were for
withdrawals of all protection and 190
stood for protection of American na-
tionals by military force if necessary.
An overwhelming majority of 1,-
024 indicated they would fight for
democracy, but it was a United States
democracy on United States soil
which they would so defend. Two
hundred ninety-four flatly denounced
wvar and checked the "I will support
the United States in no war" blank.
On the other hand 169 said, in effect,
that they would give their all to the
government in any war.
Fighting for any democracy against
[ascist invasion was supported by
136 voters, and only 39 expressed the
view that they would fight to check
Japanese aggression in China.
Votes numbering 924 were cast for
student activity in promoting peace
by education, while 568 took a stand
for organized pressure on Congress.
An annual nation-wide student
strike was favored by 311 and 85
figuratively threw up their hands
and said they favored no activity,
because it was futile.
In the spaces that had been left
blank for other ideas as to the pro-
motion of peace, everything from the
advertising campaign of Rupert
Brooks to birth control was suggest-
ed. A miniature battle over the
R.O.T.C. was waged in the answers
supplied by the voters to the peace
problem. Some voted for the aboli-
tion of that organization some
against, but the prize was "Join the
R.O.T.C.-You'll want peace."
Propaganda, the fostering of al-
liance with the working classes and
religious education were the most
popular of the suggestions offered by
the voters themselves for the cause
of peace.
Sandwich Peddler
Faces Court Trial
In another outbreak of the annual
skirmishes between police enforcing
the city peddling ordinanceeand stu-
dents who go the rounds of the fra-
ternities with sandwiches each night,
Donald G. Bronson, '38E, will go on
trial this morning.
Bronson, arrested while driving
around his route, is charged with vio-
lating the peddling ordinance. His
stock in trade was candy, sandwiches,
cigarettes and milk. nolice said.


LANSING. Oct. 27.-OI)--Secre-
tary of State Leon D. Case announced
tonight that automobile license plates
would go on sale tomorrow in branch
offices throughout Michigan.
Case had announced only yester-
day that the sale would begin No-


atlas Attributed
To Elixir Total 57



The Federal Reserve Board an-
nounced tonight a drastic revisioi in1
its stock market margin requirements.
The move was expected by manyI
Washington authorities to bolster
sagging security prices.
The board, after extended confer-
ences regarding the stock market
downtrend, announced it would make,
a two-way change in the margin re-
quirements effective Nov. 1.
The existing requirement that pur-

vember 1. He explained that he had
advanced the date because represen-
tatives of automobile manufacturers
Incorporation who are eager to push their new
models insistently complained that
1 nc tdelay "already has killed two days of
sales." The plates will be black on
ForW olverineBegreen.u
Girl Can Be Heard, But
Wolverine members voted 336 to 10 Not Seen, Band Decides
yesterday to accept a series of resolu-) en an eie
tions authorizing incorporation of the
organization and approving action Last year, when a poll was taken
taken this summer by board members of University Band members in re-
who secured an option on the building gard to' the feasibility of having a
at 209 S. State, which the group now woman in their organization, as the
occupies. University of Maryland band did, the
Signing a land contract with the answer was definitely "no." "The
Federal Deposit Insurance Corpora- band is strictly masculine," the fel-
tion for purchase of the building will lows said.

CHICAGO, Oct. 27.-(P)-Deaths
attributed by the American Medical'
Association to an elixir of sulfanila-
mide reached 57 tonight.
The total was an increase of six for;
the day. Dr. P. M. Leech, secretary
of the pharmacy and chemistry for1
the Association, said the latest veri-
fied elixir deaths occurred at Collinsj
and Magee, Miss.; Swainsboro and
Dahlonega, Ga.; Wichita Falls, Tex.,
and Arab, Ala.
Dr. Leech said that probably onlyl
five or six more deathstwould be yer-
fied as resulting from the elixir, con-

government can maintain its army had received no help from the CIO
intact, China will emerge victorious. delegates "in composing existing dif-
Both her economic system and army ferences." It accused the CIO men
are geared to meet reverses. But at of proceudre which "seriously jeopar-
all costs she must avoid a disastrous dizes" the possibility of success. t
defeat to her veteran troops even at "Unless there is a change in their
the price of continued retreat and attitude," it said, "and complete
territorial losses. willingness to approach the consid-
European nations are faced -with eration of the problems at issue in a
the necessity of intervention in the constructive spirit, it is doubtful if
conflict because the very tactics which any progress can be made toward
are calculated to obtain a Chinese peace."
victory tend to build up Japan's war While yesterday, the CIO demand-I
By her territorial expansion she ed that it be admitted to the AFL
will obtain the raw materials and on terms under which it probably
labor permitting rapid expansion of would dominate the latter, the AFL
her existing military equipment at a demanded today that the CIO "shall
fraction of the price other nations be immediately dissolved."
will have to pay to keep abreast.

taining a drug commonly used in in- W indsor Disclaims
dustry but not recommended for in-
ternal use. 'Political Desigr
Eleven Junior Engineers PARIS, Oct. 27.-(p)-The Duke
Windsor declared today that hea
Are Taken By Triangleshis American-born wife were gc

e of'

Peace Pact Asked
By Grange Masteri
ALPENA, Oct. 27 -(Y)-L. J. Taber
of Columbus, O., master of the Na-'
tional Grange, called tonight for a
quadrangular peace pact among cap-
ital, labor, agriculture and the con-
rmim r +tat p a irl -,ii r - a i

. i to the United States without political
Eleven nersons were taken ino -


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