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October 27, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-27

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1937

New Telescope
Mirror Brought
To Ann Arbor!


(Continued from Page 4)

lar meeting tngta h egea
The University's new telescope tonight at the League at
mirror, which is the third largest in 7:15 p.m. All members please be
the world, arrived in Ann Arbor yes- present. If you are unable to attend
terday. It will probably be unloaded call the president before 6 p.m. Try-
from its flat car at the Michigan outs for membership will be held after
Central depot this morning, railroad
freight officials said. the regular meeting.

Employes of the Buildings and
Grounds department are building a
shed to house the new mirror, since
it is too large to tit into the present
observatory. It is 971/4 inches in di-
ameter, weighing 10,500 pounds, and
is exceeded in size only by the 100-
inch telescope at Mt. WilsontObserv-
atory and the 200-inch telescope at
Mt. Palomar, Calif.
University authorities had hoped
to have a new observatory built to
house the telescope, but $500,000 is
needed to erectbthe structure. A site
has already been chosen at Base
Lake, northwest of here. The con-
struction of the telescope was fi-
nanced by a bequest.
Rachmaninoff First

~ ., .. ... ..,,. «......., a.


On, Concert


(Continued from Pace 1i

composer of note, he has written
several symphonies, three operas,
much chamber music and a variety
of songs and vocal choruses. As a
conductor he spent long terms with
the Moscow Private Opera and the
Moscow Symphony Orchestra. He
was once offered the conductorship of
the Boston Symphony.
F Pour pianos go along wlien Mr.
Rachmaninoff starts on one of his
lengthy American tours. Not all
four, however, are sent to every city;
they are kept in different sections of
the country in readiness for the vir-
tuoso's long jumps so there is no
possibility of his being caught short
without the right piano at concert
The Cleveland Symphony Orches-
tra will follow Mr. Rachmaninoff on
Nov. 9.
Cooperatives' Rise
Due To Competition
Cooperatives in the United States
now have 2,000,000 members, having
made a 13 per cent increase in the{
past 10 years, Joseph W. Mundus, of
Ann Arbor, past president of the state
association of insurance agents, told
the local Lions Club Monday.
"Unfair competition" was respon-
sible for the growth of cooperatives,1
Mr. Mundus said, pointing out that
they are provided with government
aid and are eligible for certain tax
exemptions. Great Britain and Swed-
en, where cooperatives have made
much more progress' than in this
country, do not grant such exemp-
tions, he added.
Sixty cooperatives operating in the
middle west in 1935 showed a profit
of $727,000, he declared, representing
a net gain of 4.13 per cent.
Dean Griffin To Address
* Foreign Trade Council
Dean Clare E. Griffin of the busi-
ness administration school will de-
liver a paper on "Education for For-
eign Trade" Wednesday, Nov. 3 in
Cleveland before the annual conven-
tion of the National Foreign Trade
Henry F. Grady, vice-chairman of
the U.S. Tariff Commission, will also
address the group. The Council is
an organization of business men
formed to encourage foreign trade.
Prof. Henry E. Riggs of the en-
gineering college spoke yesterday at
the meeting of the Ann Arbor-De-
troit section of the American Society
of Mechanical Engineers in Jackson
on the economic aspects of public
works construction.

Crop and Saddle Ride. Wednesday
at 5 p.m. All those wishing to go will
please call 7418 and meet at Barbour
Gymnasium. Those who are riding
for the first time this year with the
club are reminded that they must
present a card showing that they
have had a medical examination this
Coming Events
Druids: Meeting changed from
Wednesday to Thursday night at
10:15 p.m. in the Druids Room.
All Independent Women Living in
Private Homes: Important meeting
Friday, Oct. 29 at 4:30 p.m. Hostess
room, League. Plans and policies dis-
cussed in connection with Assembly
German Journal Club: There will
be a meeting tomorrow at 4 p.m. at
the Union.
The Observatory Journal Club will
meet at 4:15 p.m. Thursday after-
noon, Oct. 28 in the Observatory lec-
ture room. Dr. Heber D. Curtis will
speak on "Navigation near the Pole."
Tea will be served at 4 p.m.
International Relations Supper,
A.A.U.W., Union, 6 p.m., Sunday, Oct.
31. Symposium on the background
of the Far Eastern conflict: Prof.
Robert Hall, "Geographic Back-
ground"; Dr. John W. Stanton, "his-
toric Background"; Prof. Charles
Remer, "Economic Background."
Public and students invited. Make
ASME To Hear Talk
On Reduction Of Noise
Ann Arbor's chapter of the Ameri-
can Society of Mechanical Engineers
will hear E. J. Abbot, consulting ex-
pert in physical research, speak on
"Machinery Noise Reducation," at
7:30 p.m. today in the Union. The
paper, accompanied by slides, was or-
iginally delivered before the New York
senior society.
Prof. A. D. Moore of the electrical
engineering department will discuss
the "Art of Inventing" at a meeting
of the U. of M. Radio Club at 7:30
p.m. today in Room 325 of the Union.
T&lo a
Specialized Business Knowledge
and Skill mean success and
power for you.
Special Courses for busy uni-
versity students, at convenient
hours. Ask for infopmation.
Day and evening sessions.
Nickels Arcade Phone 3330
H. M. CLARK, Director

reservations at Union by Saturday
To All Graduate Students in En-
gineering: Iota Alpha is an engineer-
ing honorary and research society
with chapters at Michigan and New
York UnivAsities. The Michigan
;hapter holds monthly meetings for
liscussion of engineering research of
;eneral interest, and for social con-
,act. The first meeting of this year
will be held on Thursday evening,
Oct. 28, at 7:30 p.m. in the Seminar
Room, 3201-3205, on the third floor,
north wing of the East Engineering
The speaker of the evening will be
Mr. Wm. H. Kemnitz whose subject
will deal with cooperative buying. As
this is a very timely subject it prom-
ises to be very interesting.
This is an open meeting to which
all graduate students in engineering
are cordially invited and it is hoped
you will be among those present.
Men's Physical Education Club:
The next meeting will be held on
Thursday, Oct. 28 at 9 p.m. in Room
305 in the Men's Union. By-laws of
the organization will be presented to
the membership for approval at this
time. Physical Education students.
both majors and minors, undergrad-
uate and graduate students in the de-
partment are urged to attend this
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-

ences: The Student Branch of the terested in international groups is of pense involved. It has been poss
Institute of the Aeronautical Sciences especial interest this week, since it to make a very low rate at $1.25
will meet Thursday evening, Oct. 28, will visit the Toledo Art Museum this trip. Reservations must be mE
in Room 1042 East Engineering Bldg., under the special direction of Dr. Mc- by Friday noon. A limited number
at 7:30 p.m. Features of the met- Lean, Curator of Oriental Art. This places are reserved for American a
ing will be the election of a vice- is an unusual opportunity to see one I Canadian students who are intere
president and a treasurer. Mr. George of the great art museums in this part ed in joining the tour.
Haldeman, of the Department of of the country which is not so fre-
Commerce will speak on his flight over quently visited as the Detroit Museum
because of the distance and the ex- Read It In The Daily
the Atlantic Ocean. Refreshments _ ___
will be served. Students wishing to
join the Institute are cordially in-
Delta Epsilon Pi: Important meet-
ing Friday, 8 p.m. at the Union. All
men students of Greek descent are
cordially invited. Plans for the year;f
will be discussed.
Tour for Foreign Students to the
Toledo Art Museum: The tour
planned by the International Council
for foreign students and others in-


a n n d e e a


M-0, M,


- .



See us before you
buy your Royal
Por table. Get gen- ~.
erous cash allow-
a"nce on your used
typewriter -any k>..o' h
make or model. 302S _
State St.


r of

FHA Man Will Speak
On Housing Next Week
Raymond Fohley, of Detroit, re-
gional director of the Federal Hous-
ing Administration, will speak on
"Housing-A Challenge to Industry"
at 4:15 p.m. Nov. 1, in the auditorium
of the Architecture building, it was
announced yesterday.






hey're New!
THE UNION has just installed seven
absolutely new and modern bowling
alleys. One could not ask for any better
facilities to enjoy the pleasant relaxa-
tion of bowling.

WHY NOT JOIN one of the new
bowling leagues? All you have to do
is to turn in your name to the attend-
ant. A good opportunity for a lot




t :n,

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