THE MICHIGAN DAILY PAGL Name Panhellenic Ball Chairman' asi (Team_ League Opens Rental Library Of Best Sellers ,: Sorority Dance Date Is To Be November 26, Stephanie Parfet To Head Affair; Central Officers To Be Chosen Later Stephanie Parfet, '39, was elected chairman of Panhellenic Ball, which will be held Nov. 26 in the League Ballrom, yesterday at a special meet- ing of the delegates, according to Harriet Shackelton, '38, president of the Panhellenic Association. Miss Parfet, affiliated with Alpha Phi sorority, is on the social com- mittee of the League and is in charge of Ruthven teas. She was on the business staff of the Daily and on the program committee of Soph- omore Cabaret. All sorority women were urged to attend Varsity Night and to give their full support to the annual Var- sity Swimming Meet which will be held November 6. Dean Alice C.Lloyd will talk to the delegates at the next meeting, Miss Shackleton announced. She also reminded the members that changes in the rushing rules for next year would be considered. Betty Gatward, '38, women's ed- itor of the Michiganensian spoke to the members, suggesting that every sorority have composite pictures in, the 'Ensian instead of the usual group pictures. This suggestion will beI voted upon at the next meeting. The rest of the central committee will be announced soon, Miss Shackleton said. Last year Betty King, ,'3'7, was chairman of the an- nual dance. Four hundred couples attended the dance at which Anson Weeks and his orchestra played. The Panhellenic Ball is an annual affair usually held the day after Thanksgiving. It is the one occasion when all sorority women can ask men to a formal, all-campus dance. / Women's Hockey Team Pra icin Archery Club Will Hold We fekly Meeting Today The archery club will hold its weekly meeting at 4 p.m. today at the, Women's Athletic Building. an- nounced Ruth Carr. 38, airchery manager. Miss Carr urges all those who are, interested in archery to attend the meeting. Plans are being made to hold a tournament soon and all who arc interested may sign up for the event. Last week a picnic took the place of the regular meeting. Time Is Announced Fo)r SwingSessioni The Swing Session will be held from 7 to 8:30 p.m. tonight in the League Ballroom, instead of from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m., according to Flor- ence McConkey, '38, vice president of the League in charge of the ses- sions. This change has been effected due to the Rachmaniinoff concert, which will be held at 8:30 p.m. I S a : The League is opening a new rental library this week which has all thei current best sellers. Among the books to be offered are:1 " ieWomenMtheDooClr"nby War- Profits O f M eet :Wiho Mthe byClrenceDay, wick Deeping, "The Faithful Wife,", by Sigrid Undset, "And So-Victoria" Swimmiing Contest To Be by Vaughan Wilkins, "Return To Re- Nov. 6; Seven Features ligion" by Henry Link, "The Nile" by Will e IncudedEmil Ludwig, "The Famine" by Liam Will Be Included O'Flaherty "Northwest Passage" by Kenneth Roberts. 'The Women's Athletic Association On the humorous side is the book will receive most of the proceeds which is strangely entitled "How To from a varsity swimming meet. which Lose Friends and Alienate People" by will be held from 7:30 to 9 p.m. Sat-iIrving Tressler. Noel Coward's auto- urday Nov. 6, om use fo t9 om at- biography, "Present Indicative," will urday, Nov. 6, to use for their wom-1also be found on the shelves along l en's swimming pool fund, announced with A. J. Cronin'. "The Citadel" Mary Johnson, '38, W.A.A. president and Max Eastman's "Enjoyment of and general chairman of the affair. Laughter." College Women Prefer SCarters New "Debulette" * * * * Team Members Of Women's Hockey Season Are Announced Clou Tournament Planned and Sally Lou Wideline, '41, are also For This Fall; Outside members of Miss Wolf's team. Miss 1 j(Connery is the assistant captain.C Games Are Scheduled These two teams compose the{ hockey club which meets at 4:15 p.m.- Members of two hockey teams have every Tuesday and Thursday at theE been selected from the women whc. Women's Athletic Building. During turned out for the open hockey sea- the remainder of the first outdoor, son, announced Mary Richardson, tseason, which will continue untilI '40Ed, hockey manager. Thanksgiving, the two teams will! Miss Richardson captains one have a club tournament. team which is composed of Mary Outside games will also be played,, McCredy, '41, Virginia Storts, '40, Miss Richardson said. It is expectedi Doris Cranmore, '40, Joan Bevington, that a match will be held with Battle '40, Jane Carr, '41, Jane Grove, '41, Creek and with a high school team.. and Nola Borgemeister, '41. Last year a game was played with the Florence Dyer, '40, Jane Reticher, Lawyers..- '41, Elizabeth Brown, '41, Marjorie Kern, '41, and Marjorie High, '40, arel also members. Miss McCredy is the assistant captain of this team. Helen Wolf, '40, is .the captain ofd the team which includes Sally Con- Cast nery, '40Ed, Mary Newcomb, '41, Dor- othy Cowan, '40, June Roberts, '41, O f Frances Goar, '41, Barbara Eppstein,fXCn so s '39, and Dorothea Ortmeyer, '41. Edith Butler, '39, Shirley Herrick, Whitford Kane Is To Take ~41, Jean Millard, '41, Frances Bru- menthal, '41, Hilda Van Tyle, '41, Lead And Will Be Guest ,=;>0 c o o c