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October 27, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-27

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1937


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Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service, Inc.
41CAoege Pubhlishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaler Robert Wees Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Oilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kieman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May1, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonsteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertisii1g Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
A Cheer
For Fortune *..*.
HE DAILY has, on occasion, crit-
icized Fortune magazine for its
not wholly unbiased stands on social and eco-
nomic problems and for its glorification of Big
Business on Ziegfeldian lines. There comes a
time in every man's life, however, and to Mr.
=tuce befalls the honor of having his October
Fortune present an excellent survey of unem-
We should like to quote the New Republic's
comment on the study as an intelligent ap-
praisal of Fortune's work.
"No single investigation has cost the magazine
Fortune more money than the $12,000 study
Dn unemployment just completed. Its conclu-
sions, published in the October issue, are that
workers on relief are not bums, that they have
had little education, that they were not fired
because they were unable to do their jobs, that
they do not ask for too much help and that pri-
vate industry has put about half of them back
to work since 1935. The survey shows, in addi-
tion, that while there is now a shortage of skilled
labor, there is an abundance of unskilled workers
no employed by the WPA (which, Fortune at-
tests, is performing efficiently). Finally, the in-
vestigation has shown that local communities are
not doing so good a job in giving direct relief
to the unemployables among the unemployed as
the federal government did two years ago. For-
tune has contributed a valuable service. The
method used was to "sample" representative
communities throughout the country by sending
a field crew into each to observe, question and
gather statistics-the same method it has em-
ployed in gathering data for its accurate Quai-
terly Surveys. The New Republic is pleased to
have Fortune concur in the views about the un-
employed that we have been printing (on un-
coated stock) for a good many years."
Coeur de Lion. . .
THE PECULIAR purpose of the
non-intervention committee in the

Spanish war seems more and more to consist of
protecting the intervention of foreign powers on
the side of the Franco rebels. The latest demon-
stration of this has been the unique conduct of
the committee now sitting in London in connec-
tion with the withdrawal of foreign'troops from
both sides.
At first Mussolini was willing to make the truly
fascist concession of withdrawing as many Ital-
ians from the insurgent side as other nations
would withdraw of their nationals fighting for
the Loyalist government. This would amount to
perhaps 5,000 or 10,000 of the 200,000 or more
regular Italian troops at present actively engaged
in Spain, to say nothing of the fact that the
volunteers of the Government's International
Brigades are in no way comparable under inter-
national law with the Italian mercenaries, sent

IN A WEEK OR SO the doings of Trixie Tridelt
and Philbert Phipsi as they dip along the Diag-
onal are going to become national news via a big
broadcasting station in Detroit. And a couple
of bright young Michigan men who possess a
voice with that certain something will be on
the transmitting end from the studio in Morris
Hall. A large cigarette company is working a
tieup with the Daily to present nightly broad-
casts of campus news flashes by two students
chosen by competition. Plans are not yet com-
plete, but the whole set-up will probably be
similar to Yale's where the winners of the
campus-wide contest alternate with the blurbs
each night. Everyone was eligible to compete
and the two chosen as contest judges were John
B. Kennedy and Edwin C. Hill. Contracts are
offered for a year. At Yale the hookup is purely
local on a low-power station, but as WJR is the
only possible outlet for Morris Hall the caperings
of the Ann Arbor campus will be gossip in many
of the surrounding states. Don't say we didn't
warn you.
The judges will probably be the same when
the competition is announced with the possible
inclusion of Ty Tyson-this is just a rumor
understand-but you guess why-and scripts will
be strictly local written by Daily men. What
the demands of the judges will be we don't know,
but -if anyone has some good Speech 31 notes
could we please borrow them?
* * .;
WE HAVE STAYED away from any mention
of Ty Tyson and his broadcast last Saturday
for the particular reason that we didn't hear
him. But underneath we have a soft spot in
our hearts for Ty, no matter what effect the
combined elements of fire, water and wind may
have upon him. It goes back to when we were
a sophomdre with the football team up on
Morningside Heights in New York for the Co-
lumbia game. It was a big Michigan day, the
Wolverines running up the biggest score since
1933. All day we played ou usual steady and
consistent game, a well oiled cog in a wheel of
twenty or so others. At the beginning of the see-
ond half Mel Kramer was bumped on the head.
He was down. But soon he was up again. An-
other play and Mel had another bump on his
head. The coach looked at us. We were up.
So was Mel. We were down. A little later Mel
got bopped completely. The coach said to us,
"Warm up." This time two or three players
picked Mel up, so we were down again. Three
minutes later the coach looked at us. We warmed
up. We warmed up so much that afternoon,
people outside the Stadium thought it was a
three-alarm fire. After a while, people gave up
watching the game and a busload of bookies
from downtown pulled up offering odds on our
going in. But someone was always getting Mel
into position and that, was the way the game
ended. But when we arrived in Ann Arbor the
next afternoon there was a contingent of ad-
miring friends eager to shake our hand and
clap us on the back. "Nice game, kid! Nice
game!" It made us kind of sore, but in a min-
ute we saw that they meant it so we kept still.
But a little afterwards we talked around and
found that Ty Tyson had gotten awfully tired of
seeing us warming up on the sidelines and in
a burst of generosity at the beginning of the
fourth quarter, had sent us into the game, adding
for good measure the credit for a goodly number
of tackles.
** *~ *
('with due regard to Francois Villon)
(He addresses his soul)
No columnist can write alone;
God knows with feeble hands I've tried
To strike the chord, to sound the tone-
Yet hear the music, cracked and dried.
O send contributors to guide
These hands that Poesy forsook,

To tan my shirking Muse's hide
In some secluded inglenook.
O send contributors to loan
A narrow wit or humor wide,
Contributors to bare the bone,
And show the heart that beats inside;
Who'd write until the angels cried
And hell's infernal portals shook,
To gently scold and softly chide
In some secluded inglenook.
With tea and talk again enthrone
The gods whose hands too long are tied;
Dismount our old decrepit roan
And saddle Pegasus to ride:
Have wine with Keats and tea with Brooke,
And Shelley by the fireside
In some secluded inglenook.

feentc o Me
When the stock market was at its very worst
I announced it was my intention to support it.
But as things have turned out the only help from
me has been moral support, which doesn't count
for very much in Wall Street. Naturally an ex-
planation should be given to
the investing public. Many
factors served to keep me
on the bench and out of the
actual goal line stand.
In the first place, just as
I was ready to rush in with
aid and die for Dear Old
Dividends, the market began
to help itself. The coach
called me back and told me
to put on my sweater again. It begins to look
as if I may never earn my market letter. I must
admit that I fumbled the blue book from the
savings bank. I never really got my hands on
it, and the play went as an incomplete pass.
In the beginning Connie seemed to agree en-
thusiastically with the notion that we should
support the market. But when it got down to
dollars and cents I was disappointed to find that
she had no intention of making it the kind of
support to which Wall Street has been accus-
tomed. Connie gets confused on Fridays if there
are more than two kinds of fish on the menu,
and when an entire stock market is set in front
of her, indecision is raised to the nth power.
* * * *
Hundreds Of Key Issues
Hundreds of key issues had begun to bounce
up from the bottom, and there was I reaching
for the blue book and ready to shoot the works.
But Connie wanted something which you could
get with a money-back guarantee. Indeed, I
found that she wasn't really ready to put our
hard-earned savings on the nose of any issue.
She wanted a stock which you could play for
I suggested a flyer in one of the companies in-
volved in the manufacture of potable alcohol.
Connie misconstrued my intentions. We dis-
cussed at great length the technical position of
the various motion picture companies, and the
potentialities of rayon in the event of a world
boycott of Japanese silk. That involved us in
a rather acrimonious debate about Mussolini,
and before I had won it, stocks had advanced
on a wide front from one to thirteen points.
I suggested that we must take time by the
forelock and get ourselves a railroad, but Connie
thought it would be better for me to consult first
with Joe and Herbert and the waiter at Empire
City who gives such good tips on the races. One
of the difficulties of becoming an investor is that
you have to get up so early, nordo I think that
the machinery of Wall Street is anything like as
efficient as that of other games of chance.
* ,. '$*
Easier To Bet On Races
It is easier to get down a bet on the sixth
at Rockingham than to buy ten shares of U.S.
Steel. Nevertheless, I rose with the dawn for
three successive mornings and went into consul-
tation with various customers' men. I ap-
proached the whole market problem from a
broad point of view. I talked about diversifica-
tion and my desire not to lay all my eggs in one
basket. Everybody was very cordial.
Indeed, one broker asked me what interests I
represented. Finally a stock was selected. "Give
me that blue book," I said. Connie clutched it,
and instead, handed me a small wad of bills all
in the lower denominations. "Go and buy two
shares," she said.
I haven't the heart. It would hurt my pride
too much. I don't want to give any of those
friendly brokers such an order. I want them to
go on believing I'm an investment trust."

On The Level
Midsemester exams must nearly be here be-
cause the pre-views at all the theatres show
that some good pictures are coming into town,
and none of the cinemarkets ever have superior
shows until everybody is too busy to see them.
The theatre managers seem to plan their
shows diabolically, because the movies that
everyone wants to see come to town either
during the mids., finals, or Christmas vaca-
* * * *
At other times, the majority of movies that
are shown here seem to have left Hollywood
only because the producers prayed that Barnum
was still correct.
Local theatre managements apparently believe
that students pay 35 cents so they can hold
hands in a dark room and not to be entertained
by what is on the screen.
Once in a while a stage show comes to
Ann Arbor, and they're all so rotten that
they park their bus behind the theatre with
the motor running so they can make a quick
* * '$ *

Rachmaninoff Program
Liszt, Bach, Rachmaninoff, Chopin.
and Debussy are the composers chos-
en by Sergei Rachmaninoff to furnish
him with program material for his
piano recital in Hill Auditorium to-
The program will commence with
the Liszt Prelude after J. S. Bach,
"Weeping, Plaints.Sorrows, Fears,"
and will close with two lightly pro-
grammatic etudes by the same com-
poser, "Voices of the Woods" and
"Dance of the Gnomes." Chopin will
be represented by an Impromptu,
Nocturne, Mazurka, and Scherzo, and
Rachmaninoff himself by the Etude
in E flat Minor.
After the Liszt Prelude will be heard
the so-called "Italian" Concerto of J.
S. Bach, which was published in 1726,
along with the B minor Partita, as the
second part of the Clavieruebung, a
collection of suites, partitas, and other
harpsichord works. The Concerto
was described by Bach in his title as
being "in the Italian style," and was
evidently inspired by the same de-
voted study of the Italian masters
which led the German to transcribe
for organ and clavier a number of
Vivaldi's orchestral concerti.
The form of the Concerto is dis-
tinctly Italian, consisting of two rath-
er gay and bustling fast movements
separated by a slower one. This slow
movement, however, is less Italianate
than the other two, and has the same
sort of flowing, rhapsodic melody,
accompanied by a recurring figure in
the bass, which makes the typical
Bach slow movement as distinct in its
way as the Beethoven.
The most unusual thing about the
Italian Concerto, however, is the fact
that it constituted an experiment-
unrepeated-by Bach in the transfer-
ance of an orchestral form to a now
obsolete solo instrument, the harpsi-
chord with two keyboards. The pos-
session of two manuals made it pos-
sible for the harpsichord to duplicate,
to some extent, the color and group
contrasts afforded by the regular al-
ternation of solo and tutti in the
typical concerti of the day-as in
Bach's own Brandenburg concerti, for
instance. The two-manual instru-
ment did not survive, however, and
today the dual keyboards are merely
represented by the right and left
hands of the pianist.
Debussy's S u i t e Bergamasque,
which begins the second half of Mr.
Rachmaninoff's program, is one of
the composer's earlier works for pi-
ano, although it was not written until
1890, Debussy's 29th year. The Suite
comprises four movements: a Pre-
lude, a Minuet, the familiar Clair du
Lune,and a Passepied (an old French
dance in triple time, but livelier than
the minuet).
In that it utilizes early classical
dance forms, the Suite was one of the
forerunners in that movement, par-
ticipated in by the later Debussy, by
Stravinsky, and by numerous other
20th century composers, which went
back to the music of the 17th and
18th centuries for its models in re-
gard to form and other superficial
In harmonic coloring and the use of
the piano, however, the Suite Berga-
masque is throughly modern and or-
iginal. The Clair du Lune, especially,
is an early but excellent example of
Debussy's genius for an atmospheric

WEDNESDAY, OCT. 27, 1937 t
Senate Reception: The members of
the faculties and their wives are cor-
dially invited to be present at a re-
ception by the President and theI
Senate of the University in honor of
the new members of the faculties to
be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 28,
from 8:30 p.m. until 12 o'clock in the
ballroom of the Michigan Union. The
reception will take place between 8:30
and 10:00, after which there will be
an opportunity for dancing. No in-
dividual invitations will be sent out.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due October
30, Room 4, University Hall.
E. A. Walter,
Chairman, Academic Counselors.
IDelinquency Prevention: A ques-
tionnaire on Delinquency Prevention
from an up-state county has been
returned to this office by mistake.
The agency which is conducting this
survey may obtain the questionnaire
by calling at 115 Haven Hall.
Bronson-Thomas Prize in German
Value $35)-Open to all undergrad-
uate students in German of distinctly
American training. Will be awarded
on the results of a three-hour essay
competition to be held under depart-
mental supervision about April 1,
1938 (exact date to be announced
two weeks in advance).
Contestants must satisfy the de-
partment that they have done the.
necessary reading in German. The
essay may be written in English or
German. Each contestant will be free
to choose his own subject from a list
of at least 10 offered. The list will
cover five chapters in the develop-
ment of German literature from 1750
to 1900, each of which will be rep-
resented by at least two subjects. Stu-;
dents who wish to compete should
register and obtain directions and a
reading list as soon as possible at the
office of the German department, 204
University Hall.
The George Davis Bivin Foundation
Prizes in the Mental Hygiene of Child-
hood: The University of Michigan an-
nounces, through a gift of the George
Davis Bivin Foundation, Inc., the
availability for the year 1937-38 of
several prizes for graduate and un-
dergraduate students for the en-
couragement of research and study on
problems concerned with the mental
hygiene of childhood. Similar awards
were made for the year 1936-37.
Awards of $35.00, $20.00 and $10.00
are offered to graduate students for
a Master's thesis or special studies.
Awards of $20.00, $10.00 and $5.00
are offered for papers submitted by
advanced undergraduate students.
The following conditions govern the
1. Papers may be submitted by stu-
dents in any division of the Univer-
2. Doctoral dissertations are ex-
cluded from consideration for the
3. In order to be considered for an
award for the current year, papers
must reach the chairman of the com-
mittee, 2509 University Elmentary
School, not later than four o'clock,
June 3, 1938.
4. Copies of all prize winning papers
are to be sent to the Secretary of the
Foundation. The Foundation reserves
the right to publish such papers if it
so desires.
5. Awards may be withheld if, in the
judgement of the committee, no pa-
pers of sufficient merit are contribut-
ed. The committee also reserves the
right to adjust the amounts when
papers of equal merits are submitted
or if such division will better serve
the purposes of the grant.
6. The following committee has
been designated by the Graduate

School to administer the award: Pro-'
fessor Martha Guernsey Colby, Pro-
fessor Howard Yale McClusky, and
Professor Willard C. Olson (chair-
C. S. Yoakum.
Choral Union Members: Members

Af Barristers will be held in Room
19 of the Union at 7:30 p.m., Wed-
esday, Oct. 27. Election of officers,
Mechanical Engineers: Mr. George
. Beach, Jr., of the E. I. DuPont
.o., will be here on Friday, Oct. 29,
o interview any men interested in
heir company. He is, however, in-
erested only in those men with a B
average or considerable extra-cur-
ricular activities. Please make an
appointment in Room 221.
Organ Recital Omitted. The or-
an recital announced for Wednes-
lay afternoon, Oct. 27, will be omit-
ed on account of the Rachmaninoff
recital in the evening. The next or-
gan recital will be that on Nov. 3,
it which time Palmer Christian will
e heard.
Choral Union Concert: Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Russian pianist, will
inaugurate the 59th Annual Choral
Union Concert Series, Wednesday,
Oct. 27, at 8:30 p.m.
The public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time, as the doors will be
losed during numbers. Holders of
eason tickets are requested to de-
tach before leaving home, coupon
No. 1, and present for admission, in-
tead of bringing the entire season
Automobile parking restrictions
will be under the control of the Ann
Arbor Police Department and the
Buildings and Grounds Division of
the University.
The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex-
hibition, held in the West and South
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall,
Is open daily, including Sundays, from
2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues
through Oct. 27. Admission is free to
University Lecture: Dr. Albert T.
Olmstead, Professor of Oriental His-
tory at the University of Chicago,
will give an illustrated lecture on
"Ancient History Warmed Over" in
Natural Science Auditorium on Nov.
15 at 4:15 p.m. The public is cor-
dially invited.
Public Lecture: "Influence of
Islamic Astronomy in Europe and the
Far East" by Prof. W. Carl Rufus.
Sponsored by the Research Seminary
in Islamic Art. Wednesday, Oct. 27,
4:15 p.m. in Room D, Alumni Mem-
orial Hall. Illustrated with slides.
Admission free.
Events Today'
University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m.
Class in Diction and Pronunciation by
Prof. G. E. Densmore.
An Assembly of the students of the
School of Dentistry will be held at
4:15 p.m. in the Dental School Amphi-
theatre. The address will be given by
Dr. Yuen Z. Chang on the subject,
"China and Peace on the Pacific."
Chemical and Metallurgical En-
gineering Seminar. Dr. T. R. Running
will address the Seminar for Grad-
uate Students today at 4 p.m. in Room
3201 E. Eng. Bldg. on "The Gradua-
tion of Data in Two Variables."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry:
Room 122 Chemistry Bldg, Wednes-
day, Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m. Address: Dr.
R. W. Gillette "The wave mechanical
theory of the covalent bond with spe-
cial reference to the resonance energy.
Part II"
Mechanical Engineers: Open meet-
ing of A.S.M.E. Wednesday, Oct. 27,

7:30 at Michigan Union. Speaker:
Mr. E. J. Abbot, consulting expert
in physics research, "Machinery Noise
Reduction," accompanied by actual
demonstrations and slides. A mem-
ber of the A.S.M.E., he presented this
paper before the New York Senior
Address: Miss Hilary Newitt, British
authoress, "How You Will Fare Under
Fascism," League, 4:15 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Oct. 27. Lecture is sponsored
by the Hillel Foundatiln .
Faculty Women's Club: Opening
reception from 3 to 5:30 p.m., Oct. 27,
in the ballroom of the Michigan
Sphinx: Meet at noon today in the
Union. Speech: Frank Morgan "My
Experience in Wrestling with- Angle
Worms." Alumni invited and all
actives requested to be present to
discuss important business.
Polonian Literary Circle will hold
a meeting at the League Wednesday
night, Oct. 27, at 7:30 pm. Election
of dfficers will be held at that time,
U. of M. Radio Club meeting and

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members ot the
eversty. Copy received at the 005 of th sAssttt to the Pesw a
vowM; 1:9 J n nsatstr ty


of nature.

in music of an aspectj

Bits: Fred Waring minus the Lane
Sisters, and Johnny Davis is not up to
par-many new men in the band and
it sounds a bit ragged. In a couple
months the Waring crew will be just
as fine as ever. Waring has that in-
formal way of m.c.'ing that is pleas-
ant to listen to and watch . . . Win-
ners of the Met Opera Auditions of
the air will collect a cold $1,000 from
Mr. Program-boss . . -

Disraeli! Cast not hope aside,
Nor yet assume the mournful look;
Perhaps your Muse lurks wild-eyed
In some secluded inglenook.

Deanna Durbin will sing the "Bluej
Danube" on the Cantor airing to-'
night at 8:30 via WJR. Pinky Tom-
lin, Jimmy Wallington, and the music
of Renard fill out the supporting cast
. . . Andre Kostelanetz directs the
Chesterfield program at 9 on a CBS
hook-up. Albert Spalding will be
the guest, and the orchestra offers se-
lections from "Porgy and Bess," and,
the second "Hungarian Rhapsody"
. .. Jimmy Dorsey takes a bit of WLW
air at 11:30 and brother Tommy Dor-
sey gets CBS ether at midnigh, by
WJR . . . WJZ carries the Father
Hines aggregation at 12:30 . . . Lest
we forget . . . today is Navy Day and
the impressive ceremonies from An-
napolis will be broadcast throughout
the United States and to the ships of
the Navy in all the corners of the
sphere thru the facilities of a WABC-
CBS network at 3:45 . . .
Angles: Skinny Ennis is the only
man in Hal Kemp's band who hasn't
been down that long middle aisles for
keen .he. who seems to "sreni"

of the Choral Union who are in good
standing are reminded that pass tick-
ets for the Rachmaninoff concert will
be given out to those calling in per-
son at the School of Music offices,
Room 108, on Wednesday, Oct. 27,
between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1
and 4. After 4 p.m. under no condi-
tions will tickets be given out.



We ask you to notice particularly the title
of this contrib, The Complaint of the Fair Col-
umnist. Kit must have seen our picture in the
Gargoyle. Mr. Disraeli.
The compact entered into by some states
through their governors for reciprocal supervision
of paroled convicts marks an advance in the
system. Under it, convicts who move about can
be followed, especially convicts who were citizens
_'_i __A -- ,ns~lnr2in nntcr R m .r-

Ted Shawn Program: Single ad-
mission tickets are now on sale at
the Hill. auditorium box office from
10 to 12 a.m. and 2 to 4 p.m. daily.
This program will be given on Nov.
2 and is the opening number of the
1937-38 Oratorical Association lecture
course. There are still some desir-
able season tickets available.
Tickets for Excursion: Play Pro-
duction presentation with Whitford
Kane in original leading role, are
now available at Lydia Mendelssohn
box office, for Thursday, Friday and
Saturday night performances. Also
Saturday matinee at 2:30 p.m. Prices:


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