THE MICHIGAN DAILY TUESDAY, OCT. 26, 1 Farmers May Demand State Income TaXes Grange Prepared To Fight For Legislative Program At SpecialSession ALPENA, Mich., Oct. 25-UP)- Farmers of the Michigan State' Grange, assembling tonight for their annual convention, served notice that they were prepared to fight for en- actment of their legislative program, and that it probably would include demands for a state income tax. Although the Grange is a non-par- tisan organization, it has wielded powerful influence in the past on political issues affecting. agriculture. The delegates planned, before the convention adjourns Thursday night, to write a legislative program that would include, among other things, the farmers' sentiment on tax legis- lation, labor relations, rural electri- fication, temperance and public school programs. The Grange has battled perennially for a state income tax, and its State master, C. H. Bramble, announced several weeks ago that the organiza- tion was ready to demand that such legislation be submitted to the special session of the legislature, if Governor Murphy call,9 one this winter. Officers' reports will put the con- vention under way tomorrow morning. Bramble is to deliver his annual mes- sage in the afternoon. He said he would speak personally, although he has not recovered from an illness. The Resolutions Committee will start its work Wednesday, and on Thursday the organization will vote its expressions of sentiment on state issues. .It will ask the national or- ganization to take action on issues of national importance. Editors Are Silent, Daisies Won't Talk, Where's Ifirectory "Daisies won't tell," said the ad- vertisement for the Student Directory in the Sunday Daily. Neither will the editors when it comes to giving out a definite statement as to when the Directory will make its appearance on campus. According to the editors, all the directory copy, including names, ad- dresses, telephone numbers and home addresses of each student has been turned over to the printer, and the editors are just 'waiting for the fin- ished product to be delivered and put on sale. The hitch is that no definite length of time can be counted on for the printing of the directory, for the unpredictability of the presses, as well as war, famine and acts of God is out of the hands of the editors, and the sleuthing will have to go on for a while yet. Campus Peace Poll Starts Tomorrow Contin u-u, k 1 p 1 ( ) c. Withdraw all pro- tection. 3. I will support the United States in: - ( ) a. Any war. ( ) b. A war to defend con- tinental U n'i t e d States.1 ( ) c. A war to defend any] democracy a g a i n s t fascist invasion. ( ) d. A war to check Jap- anese aggression in China.1 ( ) e. No war. 4. With regard to student activity in promoting peace, I favor: ) a. Education by lectures, discussions, et cet- era. ( ) b. An annual nation- wide student strike. ) c. Organized pressure on Congress. ( ) d. No activity, because it is futile. t ........... 1ig Cities Here To Stay, Small Ones Declining, Says McKenzie Spanish War "icti Ic iropol tan Commnunity,! N oInd ependent Towns ;'I7 Of Expansion Popular beliefs that the era of big 4ties has passed in America were re- 'uted yesterday by Prof. Roderick D.I McKenzie of the sociology department who claimed that the small city, if any, is the one most apt to decline. Several causes have given rise to beliefs that the big city may be in a process of decline, according to Professor McKenzie. Recent experi- ments in decentralized housing, and "back to the farm" movements during he depression are among the most rmportant. Sudden decrease in the capid political expansion of big cities ind the belief that technological ex- oeriments are enabling industries to 'reak down their plants into separat- ad units, are others. "In the last decade," Professor Mc- Kenzie stated, "big cities have ex- aanded less rapidly in political area. This is due, however, to the fact that n the late '20's they had begun to !neet with increasing resistance from surrounding towns wishing to retain their own status. These sought the benefits of lower taxation and more efficient administration systems while remaining close to the metropolitan center. "Big city economic and social ex- pansionhas resulted in the emergence :f what is now called, the metropolitan community. This represents a con- stellation of communities closely in- tegrated to form a larger whole. Two kinds of suburbs have sprung up around the city. These are the in- dustrial suburb, where large plants dominate policies of the municipality, and the residential suburb. There has not, however, been decentralization into small independent towns." Movements to the farm during the depression were for the most part temporary, P r o f e s s o r McKenzie claimed, being the result of a search for employment and self-sufficiency. Crop control, low farm incomes and increased employment in the cities have reversed this trend. New inventions, such as the cotton picker, may accelerate this move from the agricultural fields back to the city. By expanding the productive capacity of each laborer, they reduce the need for labor and drive men from the fields into the city. Economic and cultural advantages increase the attractions of the big city and draw persons there rather than to the smaller districts, Professor Mc- Kenzie said. Institutions such as hospitals, schools, theatres, and newspapers are included in the cultural advantages. They are institutions that can only be maintained where there is a large enough group to support them and may appear only in inferior form in the rural or small town district. They contribute an important element in population shifts to metropolitan areas. Most of the movement to the large city is coming from the small town, Professor McKenzie said, and there is not a steady and proportionate move- ment to them in return. For this rea- son, if any of the modern population areas should disappear under the present economic system, it is most apt to be the small town, with its relatively Iminor economic and cul- tural advantages. Amateurs Get Chance Tonight At Band Show (Continued from Page 1) 'alay"; Ruth Katz, piano, "Italian Concerto"; James McCullough, '41, cornet, "Carnival of Venice"; David Runden, marimba solo, "Caprice' and "Flight of Bumble Bee"; bari- tone trio, "Triplets of the Finest"; and William Rhoads, clarinet, "Fan- tasie from Rigoletto." Judges for this division are Prof. David Mattern, of the School of Music; Graham Overguard, of Wayne University; and Dale Harris, of Pon- tiac. In the second section of more hu- morous acts, the following are to be presented: David Gibson and his puppet show; Casey Carter as the "Singing Cowboy"; Dr. Homer Stry- er, of the University Hospital, who will tell about a football-playing Michigan man and his co-ed girl friend; Edward Grace, '39, who will lead a group of men singers; Paul Ross, who will give imitations; 'Charles Forbes, '40E, a magician; Everett Doran '40 novelties; and of course the "Six Sophisticated: Soph- omores," who refuse to divulge their act. Audience applause will decide the winner in this section. First prizes of $25 and scecond prizes of $15 will be awarded in each division. Members of the audience will be asked to join in on the choruses of Michigan songs under the direction of Lawton. The new song, written by Lawton and Prof. Earl V. Moore, of the School of Music, "Michigan Loco- motive" will be featured. The show will be over by 10:15 p.m., Prof. William D. Revelli, direc- tor of the band, pointed out so that women will be able to be home under the 10:30 p.m. deadline. FISHOW'S WATCH and JEWELRY REPAIR 347 Maynard Cor. William I lAI.. z-.. OLIVET, Mich., Oct. 25- (P) - Thomas Trainor has put goggles oa his hens so they won't fight. Trainor who has a large poultryI farm said he considered fighting in the hen-yard reduces chickens' egg! production. He contrived goggles ,that rest on a hen's beak with a pro- truding section that intereferes when they try to fight. When the hen lowers its head to eat, the goggles move up out of the way. He said his chickens were "a little upset" at first, but have become used to the contraption. MANY HOMEOWNERS HERE Eighty-five per cent of Ann Arbor's people are the owners of their homes., Hen Goggles Invented To End Poultry Fights Suit Is Filed OpposingTexas Gas For City LANSING, Oct. 25-(/P)-The Inde- pendent Natural Gas Producers' As- sociation of Michigan, through its attorney, Ferris H. Fitch, of Detroit, filed a brief with the Michigan Public Utilities, Commssion today opposing the Washtenaw Gas Company's ap- plication for permission to pipe natur- al gas from the Texas panhandle into Ann Arbor and neighboring commun- ities. The brief asserted that Michigan natural gas supplies are adequate to serve all southern peninsula com- munities now using manufactured gas, STUDENTS! OGET"As with ease... own a' , Reports from American volun- teers in Spain listed Joseph Dallett, Jr., (above), 30, of Youngstown, O., as "killed in action." While com- manding a battalion of the Abra- ham Lincoln brigade. Dallet, suc- cessively a Dartmouth student, steel worker and steel union or- ganizer, was twice defeated as a candidate for public office in Ohio. I . Islamic Astronomy Is Topic Of Lecture Prof. W. Carl Rufus of the Univer.. sity astronomy department will de- liver a lecture on the "Influence of Islamic Astronomy in Europe and the Far East" at 4:15 p.m., tomorrow, in Alumni Memorial Hall. The lecture is the first of a series on Near-Eastern Art and Culture sponsored by the Reasearch Seminary in Islamic Art of, the University In- stitute of Fine Arts. It will deal with one of the many phases of the in- fluence which Near-Eastern culture had upon Western and other civil- izations. ROYAL PORTABL E L. -vii I NEWS IN BRIEF FREE! Handsome triple- purpose carrying case. No extra cost. Also Instant Typing Chart which shows you, at a glance, how to type properly. RIDER'S 302 S. State St. Come in and Try them all - "BUY BY COMPARISON" Dealer: Royal, Smith-Corona, Underwood and Remington Porta- bles. Standard and Noiseless. Rentals - Repair Service - Trades. Washington THE COTTON CROP GOAL for next year was reduced with a 2,000,- 000 acre cut by the AAA. Approving the 1938 agricultural conservation program, Secretary Wallace fixed its cotton "goal" at 27.- 000,000 to 29,000,000 acres. The goal previously had been placed at 29,- 000,000 to 31,000,000 acres. The goal is to be divided by areas and individual farms, and growers will be required to limit their plant- ings to their share of it in order to qualify for government benefit pay- ments. New York crease was due to a rise in the rail- way operating expenses, total railway operating revenues this year being about $30,000 higher than last. Detroit RAYMOND LESLIE BUELL, presi- dent of the Foreign Policy Associa- tions, New York City, described the present neutrality act as "fundamen- tally unjust" in an address before the Economic Club and urged its amendment. "Should that act be applied today to the Far Eastern crisis its effect would be to drive China into the arms of Soviet Russia and toward Commun- ism, bringing nearer the danger of a new world war," Buell said. UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSA- TION fund contributions by Michi- gan employers for the first nine months of 1937 are expected to reach the $20,000,000 mark, according to the State Job Insurance Commission. f watvucn ryrsts : NET RAILWAY INCOME from op- eration of the New York Central' Railroad and its leased lines for Sep-. ;ember decreased $1,190,437 below the income of the corresponding pe- riod last year after deductions for de- rPoin4ion and retirements. The de- La Rue Attends Meeting Of Junior College Group Prof. George La Rue, of the Zoology department represented Michigan in the Biology section last Friday, at theI Junior College Association Conven- tion held in Muskegon. The Section's discussion cen- tered around the problem of the over- burdening of Junior College instruc- tors. Because of the small future for properly qualified assistants in the Junior College field, N.Y.A. workers with little experience fill these po- sitions. This causes most of the work to fall on the shoulders of the instruc- tors, it was said. & GOP Leader Sees Party Harmonious BOSTON, Oct. 25.--UP)-A Massa- chusetts Republican leader tonight reported "complete harmony" in party ranks on the eve of former President Herbert Hoover's first visit to this state in seven years. Hoover will address the semi-an- ! nual dinner of the Republican Club of Massachusetts tomorrow night on "Forward Motion By The Republican Party." The speech will be broadcast over a nation-wide hookup (9-9:30 E.S.T., Blue Network of NBC). make the Aest EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS Ie '' A 9 WWJ P.M. 6:00-Tyson's Sports. 6:15-Dinner Music. 6 :30-Bradcast. 7:00-Amos 'n' Andy. 7:15--Souvenirs. 7:45--Concert Violinist. 8:00--Phillip Morris. . ti FOR YOUR - a Classified Ads CALL THE MICHIGAN DAILY I' Reaches 13,000 Readers Every Morning. Extremely low rates - insuring 8:30-Lady Esther Serenade. 9 :00-Vox Pop. 9:30-Hollywood Mardi Gras. 10 :30-Jimmy Fidler. 11:00-Newscast. 11:15-Webster.Hall Music. 11:30-Dance Music. 12 :00-Northwood Inn. WJR P.M. 6:00-Stevenson Sports. 6:15-Comedy Stars. 6:30-Glen Gray Orch. 6:45-Whispering Jack Smith. 7:00-Poetic Melodies. 7:15-Modern Miracles. 7:30-Helen Mencken. 8:00-Edward G Robinson. 8:30-Al Jolson-Martha Raye. 9:00-Al Pearce. 9:30-Jack Oakie College. 10 :30-News Comes to Life. 11:00-Headline News. 11:15-Reminiscing. 11 :45-Meditation. 12:00-Bob Crosby Orch. 12:30-Ted Fio Rito Orch. P.M. 6:00-Day in Review. 6:15-News and Sports. 6:30-Exciting Moments. 6:45-The Johnson Family. 7:00-Vincent York Orch. 7:15-Luigi Romanelli Orch. 7:45-Crime Clinic. 8:00-Jazz Nocturne. 8:30-Happy Hal 9:00-Fred Waring Orch. 9:30-Let's Visit. 10 :00-Symphonic Strings. 10:30-Aloha Islanders. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15-Ted Weems Orch. 11:30-Isham Jones Orch. 12:00-Horace Heidt Orch. WXYZ P.M. 6:00-Harry Heilmann. 6 :15-Factfinder. Where do artists find those t, gorgeous models whose Pic- s you see in magazines and advertisements? Listen to a man who makes adbusinessofl - findingand 5upph Y explain how he'icks successes. Illustrated withegtcof I D ABBING a bit of moisture from his eyes at his unknown team of five years ago "that didn't look strong enough to kick its way out of a paper bag," Coach Jimmy Conzelman, of Washington University in St. Louis, tells you how his team now comes to play such noteables as Southern Methodist and Army. How he did it, with the aid of a percus- sive banjo, wow speechmaking, de luxe character building and what not, is probably the most hilarious football gossip you ever read. You'll wear out your copy of the Post this week showing it to friends. THAT'S FOOTBALL FOR YOU By that Great Tragedian and Washington University Coach JIMMY CONZELMAN SEE THE 1938 CARS Pages of colorful, exciting advertisements,preyiewing thena o i n"e new automobiles and accesso- ries. A show in itself ! The big gest issue of the Saturday Evening Post in six years ! The Merchant of Venus by ALER THORNTON S SHANGHAI, an eye-witness ac- ESCAPE FROM f Nanking Road, by -rs count of the bombing o Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. of them TRAPPING THE BIGGEST RACKETEER of hem all, a dramatic chapter from Thomas E. Derrst Story of Sr ashing the Rackets, by Davis. SHORT STORIES y oothTarkingtonGouverneur Norris, George S. Brooks, Marjory Stoneman Douglas, Jean C. Becket. .Charles