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October 26, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-26

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EV1Lpi?4 1 WXTC D OFS TA1H .N w.,{0.p,.-
Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, -Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National Advertising Service,Inc..
College Publisho-s Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B,
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.

being bickered over, but why this quasi-extra-
curricular activity exists, no one can say.
Campus elections are characterized by all of
the sound and fury of a presidential campaign,
but after the votes have been counted the pretty
girls and the football players that got into office
have nothing to do except try to catch up on
the school work they neglected while campaign-
ing. They have one official duty and that is to
make an appointment with an 'Ensian photog-
rapher around Christmas time. This probably
is the consummation that they so devoutly
wished for, because their picture in the year book
unquestionably establishes them as an impor-
tant person on campus.
In criticizing the present arrangement of class
officers, one is confronted with the duty of
pointing out a better arrangement. But to
make an effort to improve, one presupposes
that class officers are essentially worthwhile and
capable of some good. This is a presupposition
of doubtful validity.
During the furor of last year's proposed reor-
ganization of campus politics, some interesting
problems were suggested as working material
for the otherwise idle officers. Cooperative eat-
ing, bookselling and dry-cleaning establishments
were mentioned as projects that might well be
approached by these representatives. Other
campus organizations have taken up these
causes. Perhaps the best reason why the class
officers couldn't do anything so suggestive of
worthwhile activity is that they were chosen
with a different end in mind.
Campus Tweeds and Farleys chose their can-
didates for their ability to win fraternity and
sorority votes and pose for a picture in the
yearbook. Perhaps these same qualifications
Aiight fit a person for the job of leading a
-cooperative. If they did, it would be merely a co-
incidence, because the institution of campus pol-
itics is founded on sham, superficiality and lack
of purpose and it is meant to maintain these
attributes with as little variation to the good as
1 I



lean UP
he Clean-Up .

. .

T HERE are few places where the
pinch of business rapacity is more
painful than on the question of food. Since
their health is at stake, patrons are entitled,
if not to flavor in their meals, at least to sani-
tation. And yet the detection of contaminated
food by the ordinary person is almost impossible,
unless, of course, plates are still dirty and forks
still smeared with lipstick. It is, however, not
fair to suppose that such conditions exist in all
eating places. There are exceptions.
And we can expect the situation to improve
since both the mayor and the newly-appointed
sanitarian have promised a clean-up. However,
we are a little skeptical. The situation is not
a new one nor is it the first time that it has
been called to the attention of Ann Arbor. True,
more public opinion has been aroused on the
question this time than at any other before.
True, also, that it has been more intelligent
opinion and what is more important, articulate.
But like all the other attempts at reform it must
struggle against the apathy of a large number of
citizens and against the willingness of city offi-
cials to let reform butt itself out against this
stone wall. Certainly the city health officer has
outlasted similar upheavals in his 73 years and
survived to pick up the placid threads of ineffi-
But today we' have the pledges of both the
mayor and sanitation that the situation will be
cleaned up. We wonder whether that means
a real vacuum cleaning or just a casual glance
in the corner and a cigar for the boys.
Since the articles in The Daily touched off
the campaign there have been no grounds for
complaint. The city officials have been prompt
and sincere in their attitude. After all there
can be no political loss in a mild campaign to
clean up the restaurants as long as the res-
tauranteurs association (they like to be called
restauranteurs despite they way they run their
business) is assured that such a campaign will
not be prosecuted until it really pinches. Mean-
while the publicity can do no harm at the
The health department has announced a rigid
scoring system under which the restaurants will
be graded by the sanitary inspector. We are
heartily in agreement with such action. We will
be even more in agreement if this system does
not degenerate into a farce as it has in other
It is inevitable that considerable time elapses
before such a system. can be put into working
operation in orders to be fair to the city's
restaurant owners who are taxpayers and voters.
But the health dep'artment has a duty to the
students, to the patrons of Aran Arbor eating
places. And though we want to put no one out
'of business we believe that in the best interests
of the community those restaurants whose pa-
trons are liable to infection with sore throats
or more .serious ailments, those restaurants
where food is not prepared amidst sanitary con-
ditions, those ,restaurants where wishes are not
washed should be exposed to publicity and com-
munity judgment.

Hello people again.
II ~Again hello people.°
Hello again, people.
FOR THE FIRST TIME since the Columbia
game in 1935, -the Michigan football team
rode home from a trip in something that at least
smacked of glory. As early as midnight Satur-
day, alumni were regaining the oldtime Mich-
igan arrogance. For example, Fred Mathai,
who follows the team wherever they go and in
whatever year, was found grumbling to two
friends on the Pullman, "It's a fine thing when
the only place three Michigan men can find
to sit and talk is in the women's washroom." On
the way to Iowa City, he had sat in a day coach
next to Tod Rockwell and hadn't even 'whim-
On the diner coming home it was obvious that
but fourteen men had played in the game-
they were battered and bruised, even the usually
smooth epidermis of Doug Farmer bore a straw-
berry under the eye. But the other twenty-two
on the squad seemed to be in higher spirits than
the players who had brought the victory. Plans
were being made for the inevitable sequel of all
games, the Monday afternoon scrimmage. Asst.
Coach Valpey announced that everyone was
eligible, that any time anyone wanted to come
into the game they were welcome, that staying
on the bench longer than ten minutes was con-
demned as illegal use of the seat of the pants.
Someone was worried about the end situation.
There was a rumor that there would be only
two ends and they would have to scrimmage
the whole two hours. "O-oh no," Norm Nickerson
shouted, "there's a rumor there aren't any ends
-the ends heard the rumor."
Monday's scrimmage was finally christened
Dad's Day in conjunction with the Iowa Dad's
Day on Saturday and also accepted as the Home-.
coming-from-Iowa game, the bench being re-
painted in celebration. And eleven men were
designated who were to let the bench sit on
them for just one day.
The spirit, despite what cynical tone the
prejudiced reader might read into the above, was
high. There is a feeling that although there was
but one point difference in the score and while
the statistics for the game show Iowa and
Michigan to be pretty equally matched, never-
theless there was evidence of a definite super-
iority on the Michigan side. The whole thing
is encouraging, particularly the flash of bril-
liance that Bill Smith displayed in blocking the
Iowa kick for point after touchdown. And the
team had better take something from this
victory that they didn't take from the so-called
moral victory in the Northwestern game, because
Illinois will be very, very tough and they have
had an open date since their encounter with
Notre Dame.
* * * *
Twenty grey professors gathered in a room,
Twenty beards together like straws upon a broom,
Nineteen weighty cerebrums, nodding to just one,
Forty aged knocking knees, all in unison;
Twenty pairs of drawn outeyes, each in con-1
All upon the Yo-Yo, the problem of our nation.
-Bay Window.
TONIGHT there is the Varsity Show and rather
belatedly we come in full favor of it. We
remember the Penn game last year when the only
thing that kept the Eastern Alumni from melt-
ing down their Union buttons and selling them to
the government, was the Fighting Hundred.
Franklin Fild emntied that dav with the crw

ftfeeinr io Ae
"Give me that little blue book from the savings
bank," I said to Connie, "I'm going into town
She attempted to wave me aside and answered,
"You've lost too much at the horse races al-
ready. The book stays here."
My expression was that of one who has been
terribly hurt by a monstrous misapprehension.
"This," I explained severely,
"is not gambling, but its
fifth cousin. I purpose to
Sinvest our meagre savings.
The time has come to sup-
port the market."
"You told me you didn't
believe in capitalism," she
objected," and, besides, do
you know a friendly stock?"
Although it was hardly
possible to deny some mudge from the profit
motive, my attempt was to put the case upon
the highest patriotic motives. As to individual
issues, no secret information was in my posses-
sion. Indeed, I remembered a slogan by some
wise man whose name escapes me. He said,
"When a bull market makes the front page for
five days running that's the time to sell. When
things crash through a week, shouldering all
other news aside, then go ahead and buy."
** * *
A Carnival Of Cassandras
Many explanations have been offered for the
stock market crisis, and not one of them seems
to be adequate. The factors which make for such
a sharp recession are probably numerous and
complicated. Mr. Hoover was unsuccessful in
maintaining that any considerable drift could be
attributed wholly to psychology. Nevertheless,
it is one of the elements which must be con-
The European situation is probably the main
source of Wall Street jitters, and yet it is not
unfair to say that to some extent, however slight,
the traders have put in their own two cents worth
to bring about the present situation. They have
done their best to talk America into a slump.
In fact, the present decline has brought about
some of the most curious mixed emotions I have
ever seen. Few persons, if any, according to my
experience, like to lose money, but political peev-
ishness has tempered the wind to some of the
shorn lambs whose bleats are heard today. Only
yesterday I ran into a Wall Street friend whose
face was actually wreathed in smiles.
* * *1 *
A Saving Bit Of Consolation
I said to him in some surprise, "I expected
to find your chin down on your chest. Haven't
these last few weeks been murderous to you? Is
it possible that you've been making money on the
short side?"
"Don't be more idiotic than usual," he answered
briskly. "This crash has practically wiped me
out. I'm only a jump ahead of the breadline
and it's gaining on me rapidly."
Then he paused and the beatific expression
came back on his face. "But at least," he added,
"I will have one satisfaction when they take my
town house away from me and the country
house and the shooting lodge. I told you and I
told everybody that Mr. Roosevelt (splutter
splutter!) was going to bring this country to
ruination. Now, am I right, or am I right?"
Although my friend was up to his neck in
adversity, I saw for the first time a completely
happy man. He felt that his case had been
proved, even though he had to put his own head
into the broiler to make it good.
Nevertheless, I am going to get hold of that
bank book as soon as I can. Many a person is
quite ready to cut off his nose to spite his face,
but after a little bit he generally decides to stick

it on again.
After being kicked around all year and listen-
ing to everyone on campus kick about the Mich-
igan footballers, it was the apex of irony to have
the team win its first game of the year on
a kick.
* * * *
Before the game, both Iowa and Michigan
were bristling at being called "The doormats
of the Big Ten." Now the Wolverines dre
no longer the "doormats." They have risen at
least to "thresholds."
But no one was surprised when Michigan beat
the "Hawkeyes." The biggest surprise came
when the Sunday newspapers showed that Ty
Tyson wasn't wrong again in saying that Mich-
igan won 7-6.
* * * *
Those who listened to Tyson's radio destruction
of the game had a rough idea of what was going
on. They knew that one of the teams had the
ball, that some player had just carried or passed
the ball for a gain or loss of one to ten yards,
and that it was Dad's Day in Iowa.
* * * *
It was somewhat disconcerting to those
who stayed awake during Tyson's broad-
cast to hear that Michigan had made a

To The Editor:
I don't doubt that you have re-
ceived letters before on this subject.
Some of them may have been pub-
lished. I decided tonight to at least
express my feelings regardless of
whether anyone else has done so al-
ready or not.
Scene-The Majestic Theatre, Ann
Arbor, Mich.
Time-During the showing of any
musical production. For instance-
"One Hundred Men and a Girl" or
"New Faces of 1937."
A musical number is being present-
ed. A close-up of a lovely young lady,
accompanied by a good orchestra. She
sings and the audience is stirred.
Stirred by the lousy quality of the
Lousy is the only word I know to
describe such 'unnecessary distortion.
Unnecessary is correctly used here al-
so. Does music sound that way in
any other theatre or even over your
own little $20 radio? No! Well then,
how come?
I believe I am correct in stating
there could only be two possible de-
fects in the sound reproduction. Eith-
er the acoustics are very poor or the
sound equipment is improperly
But how can poor acoustics cause
the hash that comes out of those
backstage speakers? Even if they
could, present day knowledge of such
matters has a solution for any and
every acoustic problem in the form of
infinite baffles or curtains. And all
very inexpensive too.
This leaves us the other possible
cause-improperly matched equip-
ment. I don't know the type or the
age of the equipment at the Majestic,
but I do know that Hollywood used
the best of equipment to record those
sound tricks, so the trouble isn't in
the film. See any of these pictures
in another theatre (preferably out-
side A.A.) and you will agree some-
thing is wrong.
All this is nothing new. I noticed
the same trouble a year ago. It only
takes the butchering that sound sys-
tem gives Deanna Durbin or Harriet
Hilliard to show it a little more clear-
ly than "The Last Train From Ma-
drid" or some other speaking epic
has in the past.
I've often wished to own a theatre
in Ann Arbor. I worked for three
years as projectionist (operator) and
assistant manager in a theatre before
coming to college. I know the cost
of film rentals and the cost of ad-
vertising and presentation. Butter-
field (Inc. or Co.) isn't losing any
moneyin Ann Arbor, believe you me.
I've seen the acoustics problem of
worse theatres thanthe Madge solved
cheaply and effectively. Also the
ventilating problem. (Any com-
ments?) Let me assure you that the
cost of good equipment is no excuse
when the theatre is patronized as is
the Majestic.
Something is wrong and what I
want to know is-Does anyone else
feel as I do and why don't Ann Arbor's
theatres give a little better return
for such a profitable monopoly as is
-J.A.M., '39E.
Air Lines: Lowell Thomas is an
adopted brave of the Mohawks-the
English translation of his tribe name
is "Hot Coal" . . . the leather-throw-
ing of 16 title fights will be handled by
NBC. .. The Bing Crosby Kraft Music
Hall will have no more dress rehears-
als. Each spot is rehearsed separate-
ly and then fitted into the rest of the
show. This no-rehearsal angle
means the continuation of the fine
informality that has been a charac-

teristic of the Hall since the begin-
ning . . .
The highlight of tonights' airings
is the Camel Hour at 9 via WJR. Jack
Oakie deans the Oakie College from
9:30 until 10. Stu Erwin, Helen
Lynd, and Patsy Flick are instructors
of Comics 101. Georgie Stoll leads
the college band. At 10 comes now
Dean Benny Goodman teaching the
art of jive. The trio and quartette
take the spot as usual and Harry
James will instruct in the trumpet
department-a great school to at-
tend, and a very distinguishedfaculty.
Bits: Ty Tyson did his usual rank;
job of football broadcasting Satur-1
day last at Iowa. You don't have to
get up very early to get the jump on
that man-but, nothing can be done
about it as he 'is a shot in the WWJ
ranks . . . Horace Heidt says: "The1
only way to please people is to give
them what they want, so we've
learned to do everything. That's how
this band was built." . . . A narrow-
minded definition: Swing-is anyl
jazz no matter how well played NOT
played by Benny Goodman .. . Jose
Iturbi says of Eddy Duchin: "I've
heard better pianists, but never bettert
popular interpretation." ... The Glee'
Club of Fred Waring got the Bronx
cheer in the fashionable Silver Forest
of the Drake in Chicago recently-
strictly a class joint!! . . . The Mu-
tual System will carry the Michigan-e

TUESDAY, OCT. 26, 1937
First Mortgage Loans: The Univer-
sity has a limited amount of funds
to loan on modern well-located Ann
Arbor residential property. Interest
at current rates.1Apply Investment
Office, Room 100, South Wing,
University Hall.
Faculty of the College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: The five-week
freshman reports will be due October
30, Room 4, University Hall.
E. A. Water,
Chairman, Academic Counselors.
Women Students attending the
Illinois-Michigan f o o t b a 11 game:
Women students wishing to attend
the Illinois-Michigan football game
are required to register in the Office
of the Dean of Women.
A letter of permission from parents
must be received in this office not
later than Thursday, Oct. 28. If a
student wishes to go otherwise than
by train, special permission for such
mode of travel must be included in the
parent's letter.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
Assistant Dean of Women.
Sorority Presidents please call at
the office of the Dean of Women at
your convenience.
Members of the faculty having
rooms available for the housing of
members of the University Press Club
and their wives on Thursday and Fri-
day evenings, Nov. 4 and 5, are asked
to list them by postcard, giving ad-
dress and telephone number, with the
Department of Journalism, Room 213
Haven Hall.
Senate Reception: The members of
the faculties and their wives are cor-
dially invited to be present at a re-
ception by the President and the
Senate of the University in honor of
the new members of the faculties to
be held on Thursday evening, Oct. 28,
from 8:30 p.m. until 12 o'clock in the
ballroom of the Michigan Union. The
reception will take place between 8:30
and 10:00, after which there will be
an opportunity for dancing. No in-
dividual invitations will be sent out.
Tickets for Excursion, Play Produc-
tion presentation with Whitford Kane
in original leading role, are now avail-
able at Lydia Mendelssohn box office,
for Thursday, Friday and Saturday
night performances. Also Saturday
matinee at 2:30 p.m. Prices: 75, 50
and 35 cents. Phone 6300.
Mechanical Engineers: Any seniors
and graduate students expecting to
receive a degree in February, June,
or August are requested to fill out a
personnel record card and bring in a
picture immediately.
Students specializing in chemistry,
who expect to receive degrees this
coming February or June and will de-
sire positions, call at the Chemistry
Office, Roomn212 Chemistry Bldg.,
and fill out an employment card.
Choral Union Members: Members
of the Choral Uniondwho are in good
standing are reminded that pass tick-
ets for the Rachmaninoff concert will
be given out to those calling in per-
son at the School of Music offices,
Room 108, on Wednesday, Oct. 27,
between the hours of 9 and 12, and 1
and 4. After 4 p.m. under no condi-
tions will tickets be given out.
Organ Recital Omitted. The or-
gan recital announced for Wednes-
day afternoon, Oct. 27, will be omit-
ted on account of the Rachmaninoff
recital in the evening. The next or-
gan recital will be that on Nov. 3,
at which time Palmer Christian will
be heard.

Choral Union Concert: Sergei
Rachmaninoff, Russian pianist, will
inaugurate the 59th Annual Choral
Union Concert Series, Wednesday,
Oct. 27, at 8:30 p.m.
The public is respectfully requested
to come sufficiently early as to be
seated on time, as the doors will be
closed during numbers. Holders of
season tickets are requested to de-
tach before leaving home, coupon
No. 1, and present for admission, in-
stead of bringing the entire season
Automobile parking restrictions
will be under the control of the Ann
Arbor Police Department and the
Buildings and Grounds Division of
the University.
The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex-
hibition, held in the West and South
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall,
is open daily, including Sundays, from
2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues
through Oct. 27. Admission is free to
Events Today
Graduate Students: Informal re-
ception and dance, 8 to 11 p.m.

Mrs. A. H. White, .608 Onondaga.
Prof. White will speak on "Research
on Silks and Rayons." All planning to
attend meet at south door of the
League at 8:00, with or without
Botanical Journal Club: Meets to-
day at 7:30 p.m., Room 1139 Natural
Science Bldg. Chairman, Prof. E. B.
Mains. Reports: Kathryn Yaw, "Re-
cent Information Obtained Concern-
ing Powdery Mildews," D. B. O. Sa-
vile, "Recent Work on Diploidization
in the Rusts," W. E. Manis, "Recent
Work on Resistance in Some of the
Rusts," R. Bennett, "The Effect of
Rusts on Yield of Wheat and Barley."
Christian Science Organization:
8:15 p.m., League Chapel. Students,
alumni and faculty invited to attend
the services.
Men Students: Night registration
at Union Student Offices from 7 to 9
p.m. tonight and Thursday.
Graduate Students: Organizational
meeting of the Hillel Graduate Clb
at the Foundation at 8 p.m. All grad-
uate students cordially invited.
Progressives Club: Social Commit-
tee meets at 4 p.m., Room 320, Union.
Everyone invited.
Sigma Rho Tau: Training night,
Rooms 319-25, Union. Time is earlier
because of the Band Program. Meet-
ing starts at 7:10 p.m. and adjourns
by 8:15 p.m.
Coming Events
Druids: Meeting changed from
Wednesday to Thursday night at
10:15 p.m. irl the Druids Room.
Graduate Students: Graduate Qut-
ing Club's Hallowe'en party at Camp
Newkirk, Saturday, Oct. 30. Cars will
leave Lane Hall at 7:30 p.m. All
graduate students cordially invited.
Romance Languages Journal Club
The first meeting and the reception
for graduate students of the Depart-
ment of Romance Languages, which
was to be held on October 26, has
been changed to November 4 at 8:30,
in the Grand Rapids Room of the
Michigan League.
Mechanical Engineers: Open meet-
ing of A.S.M.E. Wednesday, Oct. 27,
7:30 at Michigan Union. Speaker:
Mr. E. J. Abbot, consulting expert
in physics research, "Machinery Noise
Reduction," accompanied by actual
demonstrations'and slides. A mem-
ber of the A.S.M.E., he presented this
paper before the New York Senior
Seminar in Physical Chemistry:
Room 122 Chemistry Bldg, Wednes-
day, Oct. 27, 4:15 p.m. Address: Dr.
R. W. Gillette "The wave mechanical
theory of the covalent bond with spe-
cial reference to the resonance energy.
Part I11"
Address: Miss Hilary Newitt, British
authoress, "How You Will Fare Under
Fascism," League, 4:15 p.m., Wed-
nesday, Oct. 27. Lcture is sponsored
by the Hillel Foundation
Address: Mr. Kirby Page on the re-
ligious implications of our present
national problems at the Natural
Science Auditorium Thursday, Oct.
28, 4 p.m., and at 8 p.m. the interna-
tional situation.
Polonian Literary Circle will hold
a meeting at the League Wednesday
night, Oct. 27, at 7:30 p.m. Election
of officers will be held at that time.
U. of M. Radio Club meeting and
election of officers Wednesday, 7:30
p.m. in Room 325 Union. Prof. A. D.
Moore of Electrical Engineering will
talk on "The Art of Inventing."

Crop and Saddle Ride. Wednesday
at 5 p.m. All those wishing to go will
please call 7418 and meet at Barbour
Gymnasium. Those who are riding
for the first time this year with the
club are reminded that they must
present a card showing that they
have had a medical examination this
The Inter-Guild Morning Watch
Service will be held at tree League
Chapel, 7:30 a.m., Wednesday morn-
The Westminster Guild of the Pres-
byterian church wil lhold a "Hallowe'-
en Hop" at Lane Hall, Saturday, Oct.
30 from 8 to 12 p.m. Costumes are op-
tional but preferred. Admission 35
cents per person.
The Swing Session will begin
promptly at 7 p.m. rather than 7:30
Wednesday so that those who wish
may attend the concert.
All Independent Women Living in
Private Homes: Important meeting
Friday, Oct. 29 at 4:30 p.m. Hostess
room, League. Plans and policies dis-
cussed in connection with Assembly

Stokowski Growls

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notic* to all members of thtsi
I :1ver 0aty. Copy received at the eured o the A-i-y t. the Pr..
umtS 3:3; ii 00 a.m. mn Saturday.

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