THE MICHIGAN ) AILY STI NPDAY, -OCT.. Christ Church To Hear Student' SpeakOn India ePrograms Include Musical Discussions, Forums And Group Meetings (Continued from Page 11 Lutheran Student Club this evening consisting of a question box with the, Reverend Brauer serving as disucs- sion leader. The Lutheran Student Club of the Zion Parish will meet at the Parish Hlall at 5:30 .m. Miss Alma Boarts of the Gleenwood Lutheran Church of Toledo, will be speaker. Tryouts for the Lutheran Student Choir will be held from 3 to 4 p.m.' The student symposium of Hillel Foundation will be held at 8 p.m. today. Leaders will give short talks on "'The Jew Looks at His Future." A business and social meeting of the Hillel Independents will be held at 3 p.m. An election of officers will be followed by dancing. The Pales- tine Club will meet at 4:30 p.m. at the Foundation. There will be a meeting of the Episcopal Student Guild at 7 p.m. atI Harris Hall. Two discussion groups will be followed by refreshments. The Rev. Henry Lewis will geve the sermon at St. Andrew's Episcopal Church at 11 a.m. Services of wor- ship are Holy Communion, 8 a.m., Church School, 9:30 a.m., and morn- ing prayer and sermon, 11:00 a.m. Services at the Trinity Lutheran Church will be held at 10:30 a.m. "Seeing and Yet Not Believing" will be the' sermon topic. Mr. Sayles will speak on "Some Hindrances to Christian Living" at the First Baptist Church at 104:5 a.m.; Goering Builds A New Toy-For Nazi Boys At Spanish "Games"? EVENING RADIO PROGRAMSI WJR 6:30-Hour of Dreams 1.7:00-Dinner Concert. P.M. 1 7 :30-Ozzie Nelson. 6:00-Joe Penner. 8:00-Orchestra, Soloists. 6:30-Romantic. 9:00-Hollywood Playhouse. 7:30-Open House. 9:30-Walter Winchell. 7:30-Phil Baker. 9:45-Irene Rich. 8:00-Columbia Workshop. 10:00-Foundation. 8 :30-Birthday Party. 11030-Cheerio.Bnch 9:00-Sunday Evening Hour. 1:00-udyand Bunch. 10:00-Jack Randolph. l11:00-Jerry Blaine Orch. 10:15-Comedy Stars. 11:30-Eddie Varzos. 10:30-Hermit's Cave. 12:00-Freddie Rivard. 11:00-Jay Freeman Orch. 11:30-Cab Calloway. CKLW 12:00-Henry King. _ x WJ P.M. 6:00-Catholic Hour. 6:30-Smoothies. 6:45--Sports. 7:00-Jack Benny. 7:30-Fireside Recital. 7 :45-Interesting Neighbors. 8:00--Charley McCarthy. 9:00-Manhattan Merry-Go-Round. 9:30-FamiliartMusic. 10:00-Rising Stars. 11:00-Dance Music, 11:30-News, Music. WXYZ P.M. 6:00-George Jessel. The latest effort in Germany's because of the ease-with which it1 program to create a great airforce is the new all-metal bombing plane pictured above. turns and flies, this mighty fighting plane is the pride of No. 2 Nazi, Col. Goering. "dragonfly" - - 2 Hands Are $72 Better Than Three, Local Driver Finds NEWS IN BRIEF They stopped for a red traffic light. He asked her if she'd like to shift (2hicago gears when they started up. He I stepped on the clutch, she shifted NEW EVIDENCE, an anonymous the gears, he stepped on the gas and letter, led federal agents to a clue in the car rushed backwards into an- the kidnaping of Charles S. Ross, as other car causing damage set at $57. they continued to trace ransom bills Garfield McKillen, 827 Arch St., in circulation. who was doing most of the driving, The letter purported to give the ad- pleaded guilty to a reckless driving dress of an apartment m Chicago at charge before Justice Jay H. Payne which the manufacturer had been - held until Saturday. It claimed that Progressive Club Gr "Ross was there alive up to last Sun- day and the cops searched in the To Discuss Cooperatives' wrong flat." G~men are investigating Report on the establishment of the report. new campus cooperatives will be made Kentucky at a meeting of the Security Commit- A FORMAL STATEMENT point- tee of the Progressive Club to be held ing to the dismissal of charges against at 8 p.m. tomorrow in the Union. the brother of Roy Garr, acquitted Friday in the murder of Brig. Gen. Henry H. Denhardt, was made by the County district attorney. Dr. Carr, the brother, did not ap- pear with Roy because he was too mentally ill." On The Seas MUTINY, THE FIRST CASE in the United States since 1920, was suggest- ed when 18 seamen on the Argentina- bound freighter Algic, beset with deaths, desertions and labor disputes were charged with violating certain sections of mutiny laws.' These complaints, filed in Baltimore on the Algic's return, claimed the men conspired to deprive their cap- tain of his authority in a foreign, port. North Dakota SIR HUBERT WILKINS, still pressing his search ofor the missing Soviet fliers, landed at Fargo yester- day, announcing his intention of leaving for Alaska today. Michigan Taps OutsideFirms Tha..t Sell Here (Continued from Page 1) using, storing or consuming tangible personal property within the state. The consumer who buys goods in other states and uses them in this state is theoretically subject to the tax and is supposed to declare his purchases. This provision has helped make enforcement of the tax dicicult in California and other states tlhat have adopted the tax. The income from the Michigan tax, it is estimated, will be about $1,500,- 000 aniually, Professor Ford said. Relatively speaking this is not much, but if enough states were to adopt the use tax and provide full exchange of information among the tax com- missioners of the states, this amount might be increased. The constitutionality of the act has already been challenged by a Chicago firm, he continued, but inasmuch as this kind of tax has been upheld in the courts of several other states, it is likely that it will be held valid in Michigan also. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING TODAY } Sunday thru Wednesday NOTICESt MODERN Beauty Shop-Shampoo finger' wave 50c. End permanent, $1s0. Oil Croquignole, $1.50. Phone 8100, 117 S. Maine. CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and newFsuits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold, and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. 2x BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Job' open at $15 to $20 for four hours work per day for three days selling and canvassing. Fifty men and 25 women will be hired. Men apply at. Mich. 'Union 4:00-4:30 today; wom- en apply at League 5:00-5:30 today. 125 WANTED LAUNDRY LOST: Diamond wrist watch. Re- ward. Phone 7717. 124 LOST-Brown suede men's jacket in Economics Bldg., room 103, Wed- nesday morning. Call 4738. 126 FOR SALE FOR SALE: English bicycle, new light, special gears, pneumatic tires double brake. Phone 4807. 120 FOR RENT FOR MEN-Suite for 3 or 4. Private bath and shower. Steam heat. Phone 8544, 422 E. Washington. 128 LUNCHEON 11:15 to 1:30 DINNER 5:15 to 7:30 - - - ------- - 1 - _ _, _ ...- . a_. _ _. __. _._. _ .._ _._ . _..__,. _ _ _- __ . - _.._. _ , I EXPERIENCED laundress doing stu- dent laundry. Will call for and deliver. 4863. 1x LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. LOST AND FOUND LOST-Sheaffer fountain pen, vari- U'N I VERSTGRL MAIN DINING ROOM, SECOND FLOOR 615 EAST WILLIAM STREET SUNDAY DINNER 12:30 to 2:30 REAL HOME COOKING I .. - _ --- - - - -- - - -- TYPING, neatly and accurately done. colored, between ,Elm-Wimot cor Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone! ner and Angell Hall. Reward. Wel- 5244. 3x ler, 7242. 130 STUDENTS to work in fraternities LOST-Chi Omega pin on Friday af- and sororities. Call 2-1777. Ask for ternoon. Reward. Phone 2-3159. Ed or Norm, 736 S. State St. 118 131 . .ea x .+. i. .,v .. .:.w,....c. ,+++. ry., .. .w.v ...r........ .. _.. - .... y y- . .: i r e I I' Daisies Do the wherabouts, the incidental ac- tivities and the general movements of certain members of this great univer- sity ever give you pause? -- There is one way of having these valuable bits of information at hand without going to a clairvoyant. Spe'nd Fifty Cents for a Student Directory 4 I Q t 4--Ik ve--L ArL .U- -t Q Il".. -t L I FOUiir t I I Also . Guest Feature . .