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October 24, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-24

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The Weather
Unsettled today, possibly
some snow or rain; tomorrow,
partly cloudy and warmer.

C, - r

Sir ian




War Fear Revived
As Italy And Soviet
Hit New Deadlock

Rome's Refusal To Make
More Concessions Held
To Doom Peace Plans
Next Move Depends
On SessionTuesday
LONDON, Oct. 23--(IP--A Fascist
warning that Italy had made her
last concession, coupled with unyield-
ing Russian opposition to the Italian
stand, today swept away Europe's op-
timism for a settlement of the prob-
lem of foreign intervention in the
Spanish civil war.
The 68th session of the non-inter-
vention sub-committee has been
called for Tuesday but it promised
nothing but continued disputes be-
tween representatives of Europe's
great powers.
Italy Still Unyielding
The statement issued at Rome by
the official Stefany News Agency and
believed to have been written by Mus-
solini, himself, said that "to believe
Italy can make further concessions
(on plans to withdraw foreign troops
from Spain) is absurd."-
The statement was accepted in
London diplomatic quarters as a vir-
tual obituary notice for the plan by
which Britain had hoped for the
withdrawal of volunteers and an at-
tendant lessening of the danger of
the civil war becoming a general con-
The efforts of the non-intervention
nations were considered to have been
set back to the point where they
were before Italy made what Foreign
Secretary Anthony Eden called "a
welcome contribution" to the prob-
lem of getting foreign troops ot of
Russia Submits Refusal
Italy's contribution was her ac-
ceptance last Wednesday of the nine-
point plan presented by Britain. She
later qualified this, however, with
the condition that all other powrs
agree in full, but immediately drew
a flat refusal from Russia to accept
political responsibility for the plan.
The main discussion Tuesday is ex-
pected to center on whether the na-
tions would agree to accept the fig-
ures of the two commissions which
the British plan proposed to be sent
to Spain to determine, among other
things, how many volunteers were
fighting for the Insurgents and the
government. These figures would be
the basis for calculating troop with-
drawals from both sides,.
Franco Turns East
HENDAYE, Franco-Spanish Fron-
tier, Oct. 23-(/P)-Insurgent Gen-
eralissimo Francisco Franco today
swung his strengthened army east to 0
the Aragon front, next major theatre
of Spain's civil war, for what his
aides said would be "the decisive of-
fensive of the war."
Behind him Franco left a strong
force of Navarrese troops to police
newly conquered areas of Oviedo
Government dispatches announced
the Madrid-Valencia regime was
prepared to block the Insurgents on
all sectors of the long line from the
French frontier to Teruel--a front
stretching 300 miles south from the
TheValencia government was re-
ported to have started moving to
Barcelona which Government sources
indicated was aimed to end the threat
of anarchist uprisings, in the Cata-
lonian capital by the presence of the
Government's powerful military
guard. Valencia would be left under
military rule as the main base of Ma-
drid's defense.
Red Peril Averted
A s Shirley Smith
Keeps Clock Pure

A Communistic threat hung over
our heads yesterday as Shirley W.'
Smith, vice-president of the Univer-
sity, received a suggestion that thel
tower clock be painted a bright red,
but he promptly vetoed the proposal.
The suggestion was one of several
received by University authoritiesl
and Albert Kahn, architect for the
Burton Memorial tower, who are
seeking a method of making the face'
of the clock more legible without
making the effect inartistic.

Far East At A Glance;
Yangtze Battle Rages
SHANGHAI-Great battle for
po'session of Yangtze delta en-
tered fourth day with no sign
of abatement; heavy losses ad-
initted by both Chinese and Jap-
PE I P I N G- Japanese army
spokesman said Japanese would
begin general offensive in Shansi
province "very soon" with pur-
pose of seizing provincial capital,
BRUSSELS - Belgian foreign
office disclosed government was
considering postponement of nine-
power conference on Chinese-Jap-
anese conflict from October 30 to
November 3; indicated they be-
lieved Japan would participate in
Chinese Deny
Jap Report Of
Shanghai Rout
Claim They Are Advancing
Is Supported By Troops
In International Section

City Will Put
New Sanitary
Nunrerical Grading Systen
Is Basis For Clean-UpI
Drive In Restaurants
Rumors Of Stalling
Spiked By Sadler(
Ann Arbor's new sanitary code pro-j
viding for numerical grading of the
city's restaurants has been approved
by the Board of Health and enforce-
ment will begin Monday, Mayor Wal-
ter C, Sadler announced yesterday.
Rigid specifications for the various
phases of restaurant sanitation have
been set up by Franklin Fiske, city
sanitary inspector, and eating places
will be marked on a percentage basis.
The first inspection which will
begin Monday is necessarily ed'uca-
tional both to Fiske and to the res-
taurant owners, the Mayor pointed
out, and the results therefore will{
not be made public. After a fifteen-
day preliminary period all health de-
partment records dealing with the
restaurant situation will be open to
the public. "We expect to have cer-
tificates giving the health depart-
ment's grade posted in all the city's
140 eating places within 30 days," he
Declaring he wished to spike ru-
mors that the administration was
deliberately stalling in the present
drive, Mayor Sadler asserted he had
instructed the city sanitary inspector
to speed up his inspections as much
as possible.
"We expect grades to be low at first
but we are convinced that nubliitv

It won't be the fault of the 125
"Men of Michigan" if the entire
campus and town does not know that
they are presenting their second an-
nual Varsity Night Tuesday at Hill
Auditorium. They are seeing to it
Not satisfied with merely donning
their uniforms and going about cam-
>us selling ducats for the affair, little
groups of the band's musicians last
night went about town "tooting theirI
own horns" and serenading the var-
.ous dormitories with music and rau-
cous cries of "Don't Forget Varsity$
This year the program is not going
to be strictly amateurish, although
there will be 12 different acts com-!
peting in two fields for prizes total-
ing $80. First will come the more
adept musicians playing the more
aserious works. Then the show will
,give way to the humorous element.
Interspersed among the acts, the
band will contribute to the general
entertainment by playing the new
"Michigan Locomotive" amidst other
novelties. The audience will also'
take part, rendering several of the
favorite Michigan songs.
Fred Lawton, '11, who along withi
Prof. Earl V. Moore of the Schooll
of Music composed "Varsity" and
"Michigan Locomotive," will act as,
master of ceremonies. '
Wave Of Selling'
Deals Market.
ANew SeUtback ,

rosh Win Class Games

Band erMichigan Trips Iowa, 7-6
IHeralds ShowT*r
TuesdayNight~ T I kV~ H t -


SHANGHAI, Oct. 24.-(Sunday)- will bring about a rapid tightening
pP)--The battle north of Shanghai of health standards."
continued for the fourth day today Public opinion aroused by recent
with a Japanese announcement that articles in the Daily has demonstrat-
ed sufficiently that restaurant pa-
the Chinese forces were retreating ~trons are unwilling to undergo fur-
along the entire front countered by a ther risks to their health.
Chinese assertion they not only were Emphasizing that correction and'
holding their own but advancing. not punishment was the end sought,
A communique issued by the Jap- ( Mayor Sadler declared he was grat-
anese third fleet reported the invad- ified with the number of restaurant
ing forces were advancing toward owners who had promised coopera-
Soochow Creek. tion.
A Japanese spokesman add;ed they-
had not yet occupied Tazang, north-
west of the International Settlement0
and immediate objective in the drive I
on the Chinese settlement of Chapei,
but expected to do so quickly. Lova list Spain
The report drew a crisp report of ""ho
''nonsense' from a Chinese spokes-
man who declared the Chinese were; ByiAt rericansg
holding their own and advancing. B A erc n
"The worst is now over and we are Cash contributions of $266,467.74
confident of holding out indefinitely and food and supplies worth $233,-
in Chapei," the left flank of the Chi- 824.87 were sent to Loyalist Spain by
nese line where it is protected by the four American organizations between
neutrality of the foreign areas of May 1, 1937 and Sept. 30, 1937, ac-
Shanghai. cording to reports made to the State
British and American troops in the Department by these groups as is re-
Inkernational Settlement reported quired by the terms of the Neutrality
they saw no signs of the Chinese Act.
withdrawing from Chapei. The organizations are the North
The Japanese sought to smash the American Committee to Aid Spanish
25-mile front northwest of this city, Democracy headed by Bishop Francis
the contending forces fighting J. McConnell of the Methodist Epis-
through a maze of creeks and canals. copal Church; the Medical Bureau to


Backwash Brings
Of $10 In Some
But Plants Keep



NEW YORK, Oct. 23.-(jP)-A brisk
backwash of selling in the stock mar-
ket today swept away much of the re-
covery from the low levels reached in
Tuesday's huge wave of liquidation.
Shares of steel companies and rail-
roads, particularly, were pressed for
sale and taken only at sharply lower
prices. As the closing gong sounded
declines of $1 to $10 were numerous.j
This brought to a close the most
strenuous and disturbing week which i
Wall Street had experienced since the
spectacular uprush of prices in the
first few months of the New Deal end-
ed with a precipitant slump in July,
1933. Price averages were again back
in the area in which they fluctuated a
from the summer 01 1933 until well
along into 1935.
Today's setback did not take Wall
Street altogether by surprise, as er-
ratic fluctuations would be in keep-
ing with past experience after such a
selling wave as that which came to a
climax with the 7,000,000-share turn-
over on Tuesday.
Yet the week's business reports
were scanned anxiously for evidence
as to whether the stock market wasi
foreshadowing an important inter-
ruption to the course of recovery, or
giving way to some internal weak-!
ness, or possibly a combination ofi
Most encouraging aspects of the
outlok were reports of brisk retail
trade over the country the past week,
in most areas substantially above a
year ago.
Also, while such manufacturing
lines as steel and textiles, and build-
ing operations, were well under last
year at this time, it was noted that
the motor makers went forward with
large-scale production of 1938 models,
Detroit estimates showing 91,905 cars
and trucks made the past week, com-
pared with only 64, 310 in the same
week of 1936.
Head Coach Harry Kipke will ad-
dregs the Exchange Club dinner
meeting tomorrow at the Union. He
has not yet announced his subject.

Outnumbering Sophs 5
To 1, Yearlings Sweep
Flag And Cane Rushes
Second-Year Men
Annex Pillow Fight
Scores of freshmen surged down
on a forlorn little band of sophomores
yesterday and emerged victorious in
the flag rush as the annual class
games were resumed before many
protographers and few spectators at
South Ferry Field.
Continuing the Black Friday vic-
tory of last night, 150 freshmen
crashe dthrough the 30 defending
sophomores and sent Bob Forsythe
of Ann Arbor to the top of the
greased pole in less than seven min-
utes to nab the flag.
Cane Rush First Event
In the other two events, the cane
rush and the pillow fight, the class
of '40 averted an all-around defeat
by sweeping the pillow fight four to
one. The '41 men captured the cane
rush seven to one.
The cane rush started the games
at 2 p.m. with eight picked freshmen
facing eight picked sophomores, each
couple gripping a cane. But only
one sophomore was able to hang on
to his cane long enough to present it
as a token of victory to Hugh Rader,
'38, president of the Men's Council
who directed the games.
Victors March Up State
In the pillow fight, five men from
each class mounted wooden horses
armed only with sawdust-filled pil-
low cases. After two minutes of pum-
meling four sophomores and one
freshman remained on their perches.
Well-smeared with green paint, the
victors marched up State St. shout-
ing "We beat '40." They stormed
through the Union, loudly proclaim-
ing their conquest of the sophomores.
Not satisfied with boasting their
might to the few radio-listeners in
the Union, they mounted the steps
to the tower and shouted their de-
rision at weary sophomores far below.
Student To Give
Speech On India
In Christ Church
Programs Include Musical
Discussions, Forums And
Many GroupMeetings
Miss Sarah Chakko, formerly a
teacher at Isabella Thoburn College
of Lucknow, India, will speak on
"India Looks at the West," at 6:30
p.m. today at the Church of Christ
Guild House. Miss Chakko left
India last year to attend the graduate
school of the University of Chicago
and is now taking graduate courses
at the University.
A program of music and songs will
be given at 6 p.m. at the Roger Wil-
liams Guild House, Robert Marsh,
'40, presiding. During the hour Ruth
Enss, Grad.SM, will sing and also
give a brief talk on the place of
music in worship.
Guild To Meet At 5:30
The Westiinster Guild's Supper
and Fellowship will be held at 5:30
p.m. At the meeting which follows
at 6:30 p.m. there will be a student
symposium on the subject "The Faith
of Four Hundred Million."
Prof. Carl Rufus will lead a dis-
cussion on "Science and Religion"
at 9:45 a.m. at Stalker Hall. Prof.
Howard Y. McClusky will speak on
"The Christian Way of Life," before
the Wesleyan Guild meeting at 6
p.m. A fellowship hour and supper
will follow the meeting.
"The 24 Hour Day" is the subject
of Dr. W. P. Lemon's morning sermon
for the First Presbyterian Church at
10:45 a.m. Prof. E. W. Doty of the
music school, will lead the student

Parr To Speak At 10:45 A.M.
"Capturing Liieus Great Mom-
ents," was the subject chosen by Dr.
Leonard A. Parr, of the First Con-
gregational Church for his sermon
at 10:45 a.m.
The Rev. Harold Marley of the
Unitarian Church will speak at 11
a.m. on "A Little Journey Within the
Self." At 7:30 p.m. the Liberal Stu-
dents' Union will hold a meeting at

iiu 5pai'in Democracy withJDr.
Walter B. Cannon of Harvard Med-
ical School as chairman; the Friends

flaarer Reitpralps

X1 --- -- of the Abraham Lincoln Battalion
vocac.y Of Gop and the Emergency Ambulance Com-
l" 0mittee which has Ernest Hemingway,
Mi-Wa '* enoted novelist, as chairman.
'Mjd-WayMe' --
' CCt 5 Of the $500,292.61 collected in cash
and supplies, $62,350.59 or approxi-
GREENWICH, Conn., Oct. 23.-(A') mately 10.3 per cent was spent in
---Former President Herbert Hoover publicity and administrative ex-
stressed again tonight his advocacy penses.
of a mid-season Republican conven-
tion as a means of formulating a! It Is An Ideal Roomer
definite policy on which to base the That's 'Clean And Hof
party's fight against the Roosevelt
administration. The bulletin board of the Wolver-
The immediate objective of such a jeo srdh


650 Wolverine Members
To FMeet-Next Tuesday
For Incorporation Vote
Six-hundred and fifty members of
the Wolverine eating co-op are urged
in an official notice to take final ac-
tion next Tuesday on incorporation of
the organization als a preliminary step
to signing a land contract for their
new building at 209 S. State. The
meeting will be at 7 p.m. Oct. 26 in
Natural Science Auditorium.
The members will be asked to ap-
prove a motion dissolving the old
Michigan Wolverine Cooperative
Boarding House and transferring its
assets and liabilities to a new Michi-
gan Wolverine Students Cooperative,I
Inc. Since the Wolverine's option on
the present premises expires Nov. 1,
all members are urged to attend the
meeting in order to facilitate signing
of the contract by the corporation.
A motion affecting the five-dollar
membership fee will be brought up,
with these provisions; "Credit will be
given each member for two dollars
annual dues, and the corporation will
issue its note to each member for
three dollars; payable June 10, 1938,
with interest at four per cent."
The plan provides that if "profits"
warrant it, a proportionate reduction
in the price of board will be made
for the last few weeks of next semes-
ter, instead of dividends and refund-
ing of membership fees in cash.
In view of the "increased financial
(Continued on PaRre :.:
Matinees Give
650 Access To
Cinema Series
Sunday afternoon showings of the
four remaining programs in the Mu-
seum of Modern Art series will be held
at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,
according to Mitchell Raskin, Grad.,
manager of the Art Cinema League.
Membership cards will go ol sale
at the Union, the League and Wahr's.
The sale of 650 additional member-
ships for the 3:15 p.m. matinees was
necessitated by the demand of many
who were unable to secure member-
ship for the evening performances.
Two hundred persons were turned
away from the first showing last Sun-
Matinee memberships will not be
good for admission to evening show-
The next program, Nov. 14, will pre-
sent "Comedies" in the history of the
American cinema.

Kinnick Scores
For Michigan, it was the halfway
mark in a season that started dis-
mally and Wolverine partisans hoped
that it marked the long-awaited
turning point in their football for-
The only real spark of enthusiasm
the Hawkeyes provided the crowd
came in the third quarter when Kin-
nick, triple-threat sophomore, took
a Michigan punt and sprinted
through the entire Wolverine team
on a 74-yard touchdown dash.
Iowa, however, was denied a tie
when Bill Smith, Michigan tackle,
smashed through the Iowa line to
block Jack Eicherly's conversion at-
tempt from placement.
Hawkeyes Await Victory
The Hawkeyes never had another
chance. The big Wolverine line con-
stantly smashed through to ground
Iowa's running and passing atta,
and Iowa fans filed out of the sta-
dium still waiting for the Hawkeyes'
first home conference victory since
Michigan started its touchdown
drive late in the first quarter. Fred
Trosko ,the little dynamo in the
Wolverine backfield, returned a punt
10 yards to the Michigan 45 and then
swept nine yards around end as the
quarter ended.
Tex Stanton, fullback, anl Trosko
hammered to the Iowa 28. Then
(Continued on Page 6
Farm Program
Costs SeenMet
By New Taxes
Roosevelt Stresses Budget
Economy, Permanence
In Letter To Leaders
WASHINGTON, Oct. 23.-R)-
President Roosevelt wrote congres-
sional leaders today that any new
costs caused by the new farm program
should be covered "100 per cent by
additional receipts from new taxes."
That fact, plus studies being made
by agriculture department experts
for House and Senate committees,
pointed strongly to early efforts to-
ward reviving some of the processing
taxe's which went out with the old
Stresses Continuous Program
Mr. Roosevelt stressed that he
wanted a farm program that would
be continuous and permanent and
"It is especially important that any
new legislation should not unbalance
the expected balancing of the budget
In other words, no additional federal
expenditures from the general fund
of the treasury should be made over
and above existing planned expendi-
tures. The only exception to this
would be the incurring of additional
obligations on the part of the treas-
ury, backed 100 per cent by additional
receipts from new taxes.'
Outlines Plan
Briefly, the farm plan outlined by
Mr. Roosevelt would:
Safeguard farm incomes and soil
Provide for storage of food supplies
in_ an ever normal granary.
Give surplus control but preserve
Sn r. - m-irb .-


convention, Hoover said at a privatej
meeting of Connecticut Republican
leaders, would be to increase the Re-
publican representation in Congress.
"The crisis at the present time is
too great to sit by without affirma-
tive action on the part of the Amer-
ican people," the former chief ex-
ecutive was reported to say by lead-
ers attending the session.
"The national crusade to save the
American people from the New Deal,"
the leaders said Hoover told them,
"must be fought on national ratherj
than local issues."
U. To Participate
In Ohio Celebration
George Starr Lasher, '11, profes-
sor of English at Ohio University, will
read a statement from the Univer-
sity prepared for the 150th anniver-

IL It, vu- r' a "E- -t '**'-' *J'S t J t - .e , -
"Wanted: Roommate:
Campus. 609 Hill."
After all, that's too much to expect,
from any roommate. i

Michigan To Tax Local Sales
Made By Out -Of -State Firms

Michigan is trying to plug loopholes
in the sales tax by the new "use" tax
effective Oct. 29. It is an ingenious
taxing device, Prof. Robert S. Ford,
of the economics department, ex-
plained yesterday, as it is probably a
legal method for reaching those sales
which can not be touched now by the
retail sales tax.
The tax represents an effort to
place Michigan retailers on a parity
with out-of-state competitors, he said,
anli a im a rirnfl o. lc nrn

by the merchants themselves and en-
forcement depends on agreement by)
local retail merchants to abide by
All retailers who make sales, ex-
empt from the sales tax, to Michigan
consumers, are required to register
with the State Board of Tax Admin-
istration under the new "use tox"
Out-of-state retailers who maintain
agencies in Michigan and sell to
Michigan customers must eollect the

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