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October 23, 1937 - Image 6

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-23

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Prof. McClusky
Indicts 'Snobs'
In Fraternities



Gov. Murphy's Speech To Open University List
Press Club's Convention Nov. 4 Accredits 618

Social Groups Have Shifted
From Original Objectives
Of Founders, He Claims
(Continued from Page 1)
place in the educational scheme ofj
things, he said.
The tutorial plan used at Harvard,
Oxford and Cambridge with its quick
assimilation of the students into the
whole is a type of thing much needed
here, Professor McClusky stated. Yet.
if the fraternities and sororities
would, they could take over at least
a part of this task in adjustment in
such schools as Michigan, he said.
This could be accomplished, Pro-
fessor McClusky pointed out, if the
fraternities and sororities would "edu-
cate" their members-that is, provide
a stimulating atmosphere and take
advantage of their national charac-
Guidance in scholastic and voca-
tional questions, pre-marital prob-
lems, personality adjustment and the
establishment of a philosophy of life
could all be given by trained repre-
sentatives of the national organiza-
tion who made Such work their busi-
ness, he said. Too, upperclassmen
could be trained to do work of the
same sort, he added.
An obvious way of getting out ofj
their present rut would be the pur-
chase of good prints, recorded sym-
phonies and the establishment and
use of well-chosen libraries so that

Editors and newspaper publishers
from the entire state will meet Nov.1
4, 5 and 6 in the Union for the 19th
annual convention of the University
Press Club of Michigan, Prof. John
L. Brumm of the journalism depart-
ment announced yesterday.
Gov. Frank Murphy will be the
principal speaker Thursday, Nov. 4,1
in the first of the four regular ses-
sions of the convention open to the
"Efficiency in State Government"
will be the subject of the Thursday
session. The Friday morning meet-
ing will discuss "World Peace and
the Press," and the Friday after-
noon meeting will deal with "Free-"
dom of Speech."
Other speakers on the general pro-*
gram will be Prof. George C. S. Ben-
son of the Bureau of Government,
Harold D. Smith, state budget direc-
tor, Prof. Preston W. Slosson of the
history department, Louis Weil, edi-
tor and publisher of the Port Huron
Times Herald, Stuart Perry, editor
of the Adrian Telegram, Prof.
Roy W. Sellars of the philosophy de-i

partment. Prof. John F. Shepard of
the psychology department and the
Rev. Dr. Charles W. Brashares of
the First Methodist Church.
President Ruthven will speak at
Thursday's banquet in the Union.
Bates Elected President
Of Junior Medical Class

Schools Ini State'
The annual report of the Bureau
of Cooperation with Educational In-I
stitutions for the year ending JuneI
30, 1937, showing 511 public and 1071

non-public secondary schools
Michigan on the accredited list of1
University, was recently issued
Prof. George E. Carrothers of


Bay City Girls Mix
Their Homemaking
With 'X's' And 'Y's'
A course in home planning holds+
more appeal for Bay City girls than
do mathematical theories, Prof. Nor-
man H. Anning of the mathematics
department revealed after observing
classes in Bay City Central High
School Thursday.
The girls are taught all the mathe-
matical principles involved in run-
ning a household efficiently, in the
course integrated around the idea of
a planned home. The students, 85 per
cent of whom will never go to college,
display a great deal of natural in-
terest in the course, Professor Anning
Besides their x's and y's, the girls
are taught to read meters and repair
household gadgets. Installment buy-
ing and budget studies take the rest
of their time.
Professor Annnig considered "high-
ly commendable" the spread of such
practical training in progressive high

William H. Bates was elected junior School of Education, director of the
class president of the College of bureau.
Medicine at an election held yester-jA plan adopted by the University
day. in 1837 called for the creation of
Other junior officers chosen were branches of the University through-
Charles B. Hensley, vice-president; out the State. These branches, among
Anthony M. Putra, treasurer; Ruth the few academies and high schools
F. Geissinger, secretary; Maurice C. in Michigan at the time, paved the
- way for the close relationship exist-
Wines, first year honorary man; Ro- ing under the present University sys-
bert Sobel, second year honorary tem of high school inspection and
man: Martin M. Alexander, J-Hop admitta
committee chairman. nce of graduates on diploma.

Archeologist Meets
With Museum Staff
Dr. A. V. Kidder, chairman of the
Division of Historical Research of the
Carnegie Institution in Washington.
arrived in Ann Arbor yesterday for a
conference with the staff members of
the Museum of Zoology and the
University Herbarium.
As director of archeological work
for Phillips Academy at Andover,
Mass., Dr. Kidder studied the ruins of
the pueblo of Pecos near Santa Fe,
New Mexico.
Hillel Foundation To Hold
A Symposium Tomorrow
A symposium on "The Jew Looks
at His Future," will be held at 8 p.m.
tomorrow at the Hillel Foundation
with Irving Golden, '39E, Evelyn Sis-
lin, '41, and Edward Bemuth, '38M,
participating .
Ann Arbor has been seieced as one
of four Michigan cities where new
branch offices of the Michigan Works
Progress administration will be estab-

Arkansas' Voice spoke up against
New Dealer Gov. Carl E. Bailey
and gate the senatorial toga of the
late Joe Robinson tp John E. Mil-
ler in a special election.
Loan Prospect
on Corn Crop
WASHINGTON, Oct. 22.-(P)-
Prospects for a government loan on
this year's corn crop apparently im-
proved today, but the outlook for new
surplus control legislation which
President Roosevelt wants to accom-
pany sucl loans remained uncertain.
Mr. Roosevelt discussed the corn
loan proposal at a conference with
Secretaries Wallace and Morgenthau
and Daniel W. Bell, acting director of
the budget.
A press conference statement by
President Roosevelt, that it had not
been decided whether new taxes
would be necessary, revived specula-
tion that crop loans may be financed
by reenactment of levies on the pro-
cessing or manufacture of farm pro-

Due t-°hational reorganization, Phi
Sigma Sigma has deferred pledging i
until a future date.

Senior Society was entertained at
dinner Thursday by Dean Alice Lloyd
in her home. They discussed plans
for the coming year.



living in the fraternity or sorority
atmosphere would be a delight, Pro-
fessor McClusky stated. The organ-
ization's interest in parties, clothes
and girls could be continued if par-
tially subdued, he pointed out, but a
magnificent advance would be made
over the present superficial advan-
tages of mere group living.
"There has been a change in the
way of things in recent years and'
with that change a new attitude to-
ward fraternities and sororities has
arisen. The old 'Joe College' style
of leisure living is no longer tolerated
and neither is excessive display of
wealth. Too, there is a new ap-
proach to education as represented in
such schools as Stevens and Antioch.
"Unless fraternities and sororities
rouse themselves from their present
lethargy to meet these new condi-
tions the question of their continued
existence is problematical," Professor
McClusky concluded.;

led by the


Puppetry Is Subject
Of T[lk Tomorrow


rapes Litter Highway
As Truck Is Overturned
k r lnA of rr ooua crm" I

A ruc oad ox grapes was strewn
over the highway when a truck over-
turned Thursday night on US-12 five
miles west of Ann Arbor. The truck-
driver escaped injury.
Three other persons also escaped
injury when their car sideswiped the
overturned truck after swinging out
to pass a second truck parked at the
side of the road.

A talk on puppets and demonstra-
tion of their making and uses will be
given by Elena Mitcoff, Grad., at 7:30
p.m. tomorrow before the Liberal Stu-
dent's Union of the Unitarian Church.
Miss Mitcoff, who was born in Rus-
sia, learned the art of pupperty in
Italy and worked for three months
with Nina Efimova, authority on pup-
pets, in the U.S.S.R. Miss Mitcoff
Writes her own plays and makes her
own puppets and scenery. She has
taught in the Merrill Palmer school
in Detroit and given a number of
demonstrations there before coming
to Ann Arbor.



Publication An the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the
VWers:tt. COp receved at the ur . the Amat to the Pra
AGM3::11. &0.an. -Saturday.


(Continued from Page 4)
o'clock. " Morning worship. Dr. C
W. Brashares will preach on "Home."
Stalker Hall. 9:45 a.m. Student
Class. Prof. Carl Rufus will lead the
discussion on "Science and Religion."
6 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Prof. Howard Y. McClusky will speak
on "The Christian Way of Life." Fel-
lowship hour and supper following
the meeting. All Methodist students
and their friends are cordially invited
to attend.
First Presbyterian Church meeting
at the Masonic Temple, 327 South
Fourth Ave.
10:45 a.m., "The 24 Hour Day." is
the subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's
sermon at the Morning Worship Serv-
ice. Music by the student choir underr
the direction of Dr. E. W. Doty. The
musical numbers will be as follows:
Organ Prelude, "Liebster Jesu, Wir
sind hier" by Karg-Elert; Anthem,
"0 Taste and See" by Nikolsky; solo,
"The Lord is My Light" by Alitsen.
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu-
dent group, supper and fellowship
hour. At the meeting which follows
at 6:30 p.m. there will be a student
symposium on the subject "The Faith
of Four Hundred Million." Those
taking part will be Elbridge Phelps,
'37L, Mary Redden, '38Ed, and Bob
Walker, '38L.
Saint Andrew's Episcopal Church:
Services of worship Sunday are: 8
a.m. Holy Communion, 9:30 a.m.
Church School, 11 a.m. Kindergarten,
11 a.m. Morning prayer and sermon
by The Rev. Henry Lewis.
Harris Hall: There will be a meet-a
ing of the Episcopal Student Guild at

Quest For Rest" will be the minister's
sermon theme in the morning service
which begins at 10:45. The church
and student group meet at Third
and West Liberty streets. You are
cordially invited to attend both.
St. Paul's Lutheran Student Club:
The program for this Sunday evening
will be a Question Box with Pastor
Brauer serving as discussion leader.
The program follows the supper
which will be served by the ladies at
6 o'clock.
Trinity Lutheran Church, corner
of Fifth Ave. and Williams St. Serv-
ices are at 10:30 a.m. Sermon: "See-
ing and Yet Not Believing."
Unitarian Church, State and Huron
Streets. Sunday: 11 a.m., Mr. Marley
will speak on "A Little Journey with-
in the Self."
7:30 p.m. Liberal Students' Union.
Miss Elena Mitcoff, Grad., will speak
and give a demonstration on Pup-
80 acres, beautful high wooded
shore bordering lake, $3200.
120 acres, high hill overlooking
lake, hunting, fishing, $4500.
120 acres, long wooded shore
line, deep spring fed lake, fine
fishing stream, partially re-
modeled house, barn. Bargain
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point, excellent duck shoot-
ing, attractive old homestead,






As Your Congenial "Drum Major"

Be A Band Booster!


Tuesday, October


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