PAGE TWO THE MICHIGAN DAILY SATURDAY, OCT. 23. 1931 NI i I New Marriage Law Becomes Effective Today United States Crusaders In The Cause Of World Peace \ Radio Students Air Their Play On WJR Today EVENING RADIO PROGRAMS Pre-Marital Examination By Physicians Required Under Michigan Statute LANSING, Oct. 22.- (P) -The State's new premarital examination law becomes operative tomorrow, al- though it does not go on the statute books until Oct. 29. Dr. C. C. Slemons, Michigan health commissioner, has declared the en- actment "one of the most concise and effective" of acts now effective in 20 states. The law requires prospective brides and bridegrooms to submit health certificates, signed in the pres- ence of the physicians who examined them, in applying for marriage li- censes. The law goes into force before its effective date because of a ruling by the Attorney General that certificates are necessary for the issuance of mar- riage licenses on or after Oct. 29, an existing law requires a five-day wait between the application for a license and its issuance. The Attorney General ruled first that the deadline for applications without examination would be to- morrow. A re-check, however, dis- closed that the required wait of five "full" days would make today the deadline. 1ev. Lewis Opposes Communion Change The Rev. Henry Lewis of St. An- drews Episcopal Church was chiefly instrumental in defeating a proposal made Tuesday at the national con- vention of the Episcopal Church be- ing held at Cincinnatti which would have altered the form of communion from the present mode. Rev. Lewis ended the discussion by introducing a motion tabling the resolution under consideration, it was disclosed. The pastoral letter officially adopt- ed by the convention, embodying its views on various subjects, included a protest against "the view that na- tional necessity justifies conquest and exploitation." Although stating that it was highly important that nations renounce war, the letter said "there must first be abandonment of that group selfishness which is .satisfied at the expense of the weak and ig- norant." Classified NOTICES MODERN Beauty Shop-Shampoo finger wave 50c. End permanent, $1.00. Oil Croquignole, $1.50. Phone 8100, 117 S. Maine. BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES-Job open at $15 to $20 for four hours work per day for three days selling and canvassing. Fifty men and 25 women will be hired. Men apply at Mich. Union 4:00-4:30 today; wom- en apply at League 5:00-5:30 today. 125 ---- ...... ---- -- WANTED TYPING-Carfully and promptly done L. M. Heywood, 803 E. King- sley St. Phone 8344. 106 TYPING, neatly and accurately done. Mrs. Howard, 613 Hill St. Phone 5244. 3x STUDENTS to work in fraternities and sororities. Call 2-1777. Ask for Ed or Norm, 736 S. State St. 118 CLOTHING WANTED TO BUY: Any old and new suits, overcoats, at $3, $8, $25. Ladies fur coats, typewrit- ers, old gold and musical instru- ments. Ready cash waiting for you. Phone Sam. 6304. 2x LAUNDRY Crusaders in the cause of peace will confer with nine others in Be Moffat; standing, Charles E. Bohlen NEWS ir Michigan Two gallons of elixir sulfanilamide -elixir of death-were seized yester- day in Pontiac by Dr. John M. Mon- roe, Oakland County Health officer. The compound, which the AmericanC Medical Association stated yesterday was the cause of more than 30 deaths and possibly 37 in Mississippi, In- diana, Illinois, Kansas and Okla- homa, was still in its original con- tainers and had not yet reached the public when Dr. Monroe and Vin-; cent La Piana, Federal Food and Drug inspector, traced it to doctors'l offices and drug establishments.' Chicago Latest theory on the Ross kidnap-k ing case was that gamblers harrassed! by a long police campaign might have turned to sn aching when their rev- enue was cut off by a series of raids. A ransom bill was traced by G-Men to a Chicago insurance collector who had cashed a check for a roomer who had given it to a landlady who had turned it over to the G-Men. Romance Of High School Sweethearts Is Plot Of Student-Written Serial "The Michigan University of the, Air" will present the first episode of a serial story entitled "Joan and Jack at Michigan," at 9 a.m. today. The story was written by Esther Benson, '39, Marcia Connell, '39, Jack Stiles, '39 and Phillip Buchen, '39, of Prof. . Waldo Abbot's class in broadcasting. The story concerns a small-town boy and girl who enters the Univer- sity as freshmen. The trials that be- set these high school sweethearts here make up the plot. In the play are Nancy Schaefer, 39, Robert Corrigan, '38, in the roles1 of Joan and Jack, Edward Grace, '39,. Arthur Harwood. '38, and Buhen > . .:. :. Stiles. Programs originally scheduled for D, this U.S. delegation headed by Ambassador-at-large Norman Davis 4:45 p.m. Saturday have been moved lgium. Left to right, seated, Dr. S. K. Hornbeck, Davis, Pierrepont to 5:45 p.m. until after the football ,Robert T. Pell. season. Dr. Kenneth A. Easlick, assistant Asetprofessor of operative dentistry, will Freshmnen Assert 'peak at 5:45 p.m. today on the care of Bi children's teeth. BRIEF ~Black Friday Win i- (Continued from Page 1) Bell and snake-danced among the OufferOsstance Whew! Police declined to disclose if tables to the accompanying flash of they had traced the bill to one of photographers' bulbs. LANSING, Oct. 22.-(UP)-The Gas the collector's 70 customers.- With no more sophomores in sight, Corp. of Michigan, which has com- they returned to the campus and plained to the State Public Utilities NmihCommission that it lacked sufficient y marched quietly past the Health natural gas to supply its Mt. Pleasant Margaret Drennan, 20-year-old' Service to Mosher-Jordan, where and Clare customers this winter, re- secretarial student, on trial for the they serenaded the girls with "Down ceived an offer of assistance today slaying of Paul Reeves, 25, father of By The Old Mill Stream." from the Consumers Power Co. her unborn child was freed yester- After a chorus of "Keep Up The Representatives of the Consumers day while a courtroom crowd cheered. Good Work Tomorrow" when the Power suggested that fuel could be Miss Drennan, who testified that she class feud will be resumed at South piped from its gas field near Bloom- had killed Reeves in his Dark Iselin Ferry Field in the traditional class field, a distance of 13 miles, and bungalow the night of Sept. 7 to games, they broke up into small turned into the pipes of the Gas Corp. ward off a second attack was whisked groups and returned to their homes, of Michigan. by jail officers to the Sheriff's office without pants but definitely victor- The commissioi; ordered the cor- immediately after the jury had re- ious. poration to draw up petitions for turned its verdict, three hours and permission to establish a subsidiary tu d mintes veritre s ad sAlthough therewere no serious in- pipe line company to tap the Con- 23 minutes after retiring. juries, the Health Service treated sumers Power resources, and for per- several participants for minor bruises'mission to lay the pipe line. No New York and cuts, date was set for the hearing. Friday night's battle, contrary to - A live tiger was wheeled into the! yesterday morning's fight in front of TO SPEAK FOR UNITARIANS a New York political campaign last Allen-Rumsey, required no interven- The Rev. H. P. Marley, minister of night to show the voters what the ion by University authorities, as the the Unitarian Church will leave to- legendary mascot of Tammany HallI general proceedings throughout the, day for the Unitarian General Con- looks like caged. evening were marked by an air of ference at Niagara Falls at which he ART CINEMA LE-- - ~ - "don't do any damage." will speak. ART CINEMA LEAGUE' WWj P.M. 6 :00-Ty Tyson. 6:15-Dinner Music, 6 :30-PressRadio News. 6:45-Art of i.ving. 7 :00-Top-Htters. 7:15-Studio Feature. 7:30-Piano Duo. 7:45-Jimmy Kempner. 8:00-Believe It Or Not, 8:30-Jack Haley. 8:45-Concert Hour. 9:00-Special Delivery. 9:30-NBC Feature. 10:00-NBC Jamboree. 11 :00-Newscast. 11:15-Webster Hail Orch. 11:30-Dance Music. 12:00-Dance Music. WXYZ P.M. 6:00-To Be Announced. 6:15-Keyboard Kapers. 6:30-Day in Review. 7:00-Message of Israel. 7:30-Town Taik. 7:45-San iotters. 8:00-Governor Murphy. 8:30-Fray and Braggiotti. 8:45-Victor Arden. 9:00-Nationai Barn Dance. 10 :00-Gunsmoke Law. 10:00-LightOpera Gems. 11:00-Tomorrow's Headlines. 11:30-Sandy Williams Orch. 12 :00-Graystone. 12:30--Rudy Vallee Orch. i 1 1 I CKLW P.M. 6:00-Turf Reporter. 6:15-News and Sports. 6:30-Washington.State-U.C L.A 7:00-Palmer House Ensemble. 7:15-Dick Stabile Orch. 7:45-Charioteers. 8:00-Hi. There, Audience. 8:30-Sleepy Hollow Gang. 9:00--Dance Rhythm. 9:30-Wait Schuann Orch. 9 :45-"Hoilywood Whispers." 10:00-Sylvia Froos. 10 :30--George Olsen Orch. 11:00-Canadian Club Reporter. 11:15--Horace Heidt Orch 11:30-Billy Swanson Orch. 12:00-Leo Reisman Orch. 12:30 - W ne King Orch. WJR P.M. 6:00--stevenson Sports. 6:15-Musical. 6 :30-Spor ts Review. 7:00-News Comes to Life. 7:30-Carborundum Band. 8:00-Your Unseen Friend. 8 :30-Phllip Morris. 9:00-Professor Quiz. 9:30--Saturday Night Serenade. 10:00-Your Hit Parade. 11:15-Benny Goodman Orch. 11 15-~snu~Sports, 11 :1Master Orch 12:00-Emery D-utsch Orch. 12:30-1Bb Crosby Orch. U a-. Do You Prefer a GO D MEAL? That is prepared from the best ingredients by an ex- cellent chef . . . that is served by efficient waiters,.. that is sufficient to satisfy a hungry man at a very reasonable price. If you do-Try a Lunch or Dinner at FR ED W. OTTO'S BRIGHT SPT 802 PACKARD STREET prsets ; LAST TIMEST Directry LOST-Brown suede men's jacket in Economics Bldg., room 103, Wed- nesday morning. Call 4738. 126 IN PERSON LOST-Girl's wrist watch Thursday on North University. Reward. 2-1754. FOR SALE FOR SALE: English bicycle, newO- light, special gears, pneumatic tires double brake. Phone 4807. 120 FOR RENT - also Soviet Sport Pageant FOR MEN-Suite for 3 or 4. Private Mickey Mouse Cartoon bath and shower. Steam heat. LYDIA MENDELSSOHN Phone 8544, 422 E. Washington. 128J THEATRE COZY FURNISHED five rooms, bath- Friday and Saturday 8:15 p.m. room, fireplace and garage. Rent OCTOBER 22-23 , $40. Inquire Mrs. Lennon, phone All Seats Reserved Tickets 35c 7794. 127 I ..v:. i[.4 "' ' Id TODAY - 2:00 - 4:00 - 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. STARTING TODAY! The Year's BIG Picture Seeing It --- s an entrancef 1W0 0 -As: tW ~ A i A II I7A world sees its owntt 1 U U 111 ! -3 "SMART..GAIL 10 0 RR CHR L 100 '00HV!' aan The New Universal presents DE ANNA D URBI N inQ N U. x a i Y 4 Continuous 1:30-11:30 P.M. O.. j WEEK DAYS 20c to 5 P.M. Sunday 25c All NOW! Day TODAY AND SUNDAY! SHE'S OUT FOR FUN! ini I M.H HM IN P ARnS Mr witougas Robet our -_ _ EXTRA- MUSICAL COMEDY I COLOR CARTOON "SOME TIME SOON" I "BOSCO AND THE PIRATES" EXPERIENCED laundress doing dent laundry. Will call for deliver. 4863. LAUNDRY. 2-1044. Sox darned. Careful work at low prices. stu- and lx Re- 124 LOST AND FOUND LOST: Diamond wrist watch. ward. Phone 7717. l II lll -- I_.