THE MICHIGAN DAILY ' S. HE MICHIGAN DAILY A> ~r 71 O ,tSM" '" ct" V$T"N " " "T""" ""-O'-"WA Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. - Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All -ights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. ..Enteredat the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 REPRESENTED FOR NATIONAL A. .. National AdvertisingService, In. College Publish -s Represenati Ye 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. V, CHICAGO -BOSTON " LOS ANGELES - SAN FRANCSCO Board of Editors '.IAAGING EDITOR .... ........JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR............TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ...................IRVING SILVERMAN Wiliam Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garin, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Glman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol Albert Mayio, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore iPOTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lsagor chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonistee, Ellen Cuthvert, RuthFrank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staeber and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department EUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER .................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ... .NORMAN B. STEINBERG 'WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager;Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: RO3ERT D. MITCHELL Front Populaire. . C ONTINUED SUPPORT on the part of the people of France for the Popular Front government was demonstrated once more by the cantonal elections just held throughout the country, in which the parties of the government captured 66 seats in the pro- vincial government units from the opposition, giving them a majority for the first time. Al- though the Radical Socialist party, most con- servative of the parties of the Front, continued to hold a substantial plurality of the total vote, it is significant that the trend of the balloting was toward the left, and that the Radical again lost ground while their Socialist and Communist allies registered important gains. This tendency is especially notable since the elections did not include the region of Paris, the Communist s tronghold. The question which immediately arises in con- nection with elections is whether the voters are registering their views on the foreign or the do-. 'mestid policy of the government. At present this question is of paramount importance. In do- mestic affairs, the country has enjoyed under the Popular Front probably the most enlightened atnd efficient government in the history of the Third Republic, comparable in most ways to the Roosevelt administration in the U.S., and like it, bitterly opposed by the upper classes of so- ciety and warmly endorsed by the lower and middle classes. Its foreign policy, however, has sharply di- vided its adherents, the more militant of whom have urged a stronger stand against the ,ag- gressions of Germany and Italy in Spain. The deep-rooted pacifism of the entire French people, with its peculiar quality of invasion-phobia, seems to be more or less in agreement with the government's cautious if not far-sighted treat- ment of the fascist danger. It is impossible to accurately determine the extent of the opposition to the Chautemps-Del- bos diplomacy, since the Communists, who are the leaders against it, are also the most strictly disciplined adherents of the government, and have shown themselves more willing than either of the other parties to surrender their particu- larist views for the sake of unity. At the same time, the steady growth of the Communist Party of France can be interpreted to a great extent as an indication of the desire of at least a large cross section of the population for a more un- compromising stand in defense of democracy. The Lowly Wastebasket Among all the great, good things that stand and wait to serve unobtrusively, the wastebasket has uses that justify an ode in the pedestrian prose of the editorial. Of all the files, the waste basket is the most useful' and generally the most accurate. The wastebasket is not only a solution of clutter. It is a symbol of the brave crossing of the Rubicon of decision. Filled The Cup The following editorial,taken from North China Daily News, Aug. 30, 1937, was sent to this country by Yifang Wu, president of Ginling College, Nanking, China. Dr. Wu is a graduate of the University, having obtained her M.A. in 1924, and Ph.D. in 1928). PRINCE KONOYE has informed the world that Japan has to "beat China to her knees so that she may no longer have the spirit to fight." If the people of Japan could really know how that mission is being fulfilled, they would be shocked and the more thoughtful among them would have doubts. At Nantao a number of Jap- anese aeroplanes, carefully marshalled and tak- ing deliberate aim, bombed the South Railway Station where any intelligent observer could have told them hundreds of harmless refugees were gathered, patiently waiting to escape to Hangchow from the scenes of Japan's attempts to stabilize the Far East and protect her na- tionals in Shanghai. It is late in the day to expend epithets and underline emotion in commenting on the syste- matic terrorism which the Japanese forces seem determined to employ in the attempt to reach the objectives defined by Prince Konoye. It is sufficient to say that the bombing of Nantao is as wanton a crime against humanity as can Well be conceived. It is futile to claim that the Japanese authorities gave notice of their belief that Chinese soldiery were passing through Nantao. Even if that were so-and it will be noted that the Chinese Command declares that no soldiers or military positions were in the City-there can be no possible excuse for bomb- ing a terror-stricken mass of women and chil- dren. It would seem as if the Japanese soldiers were being commanded to fill to overflowing the cup of bitterness with which their exploits will be associated in the eyes of the world. Here in Shanghai as the streams of refugees, patient, bewildered, bravely enduring and ap- prehensive, are perceived in the streets, on the pavements, in alleyways, and among them hosts of mothers desperately protecting their offspring and gallantly endeavoring to conceal their fears, the thought irresistibly arises that the Jap- anese mother, happily enjoying the serenity of her own beautiful land, would be horrified if she could see what was being done to Chi- nese mothers and their children in the, name of her people * * * Terrorism Will Not Succeed If the heartfelt sympathy for China in her travail be accentuated by this grim tale of destruction there is also sympathy and fear for Japan. Prince Konoye surely cannot delude himself into thinking that a great country can be beaten to her knees by these methods of terrorism. History and psychology both tell that, such is the unconquerable spirit of man, be he Chinese or Patagonian, the galvanizing of the nation's will to resistance is stimulated rather than cowed by inexorable assertions of the irresponsibility of brute force. What chance is there of creating a Sino-Japanese friendship, which is essential to Japan no less than to China, when recklessness and ruthlessness hand- in-hand betoken an apparent inability to respect a single convention of human relationships? On the difficulty of controlling modern wea- pons of destruction much has been said and rightly said. When, however, it is plain that control is not defective but is rather exercised to expand the area of civilian slaughter from the accidental to the deliberate, the argument becomes outworn. Japan has pledged herself to ensure the quick and comprehensive solution of the military problem in China. She is com- plicating her task by these outrages, for their chief result is the stiffening of the will of the Chinese people. Solidarity Is Evident In Nanking, itself now inured to the dangers of aerial warfare, there is to be discerned a solidarity which would have been held unattain- able a few weeks back. Japanese themselves have been impelled to bear witness to the courage of Chinese troops for all the disparity of wea- pons and equipment. Foreigners who have come into contact with them in the Western District are emphatic in testimony to the discipline, determination and soldierly qualities which they display. It is no light thing to give such men an addi- tional cause for passionate vindication of na- tional rights. What in effect does this indis- criminate slaughter of civilians imply? Nothing but a confident belief that the ultimate end will be the enslavement of the people so that retribu- tion can be safely put out of mind, would in- spire so "unthinkable" a program * * * Recognizing the fundamental cause of the present conflict to lie in Japan's unhappy com- mittal of her national conscience to the forces of military aggression, foreign opinion in China has coincided with that of the world outside in condemning her present adventures. At the same time there has been, in varying degrees of strength, a greater disposition here to make allowances for what Mr. Anthony Eden lately described as Japan's economic difficulties, al- though this journal cannot for the life of it see why economics should cover the blatant seizure of another man's property by force. Courts or- dinarily take another view in ordinary civilized communities. Such, slight ground for mitigating the general criticism of Japan must be irrepar- ably destroyed by actions of which the Nantao bombing is the latest and most poignant ex- ample. Can Japan afford to thus intensify the feeling of antagonism in her regard? That ques- tion is asked with all sincerity. Public Is Awakening Sympathy there is and has been with China in the cruel dilemma forced upon her people and government. 'That sympathy has been immeas- urably enhanced by the vivid spectacle of her people's anguish and their uncomplaining suf- fering. The general public is beginning at last to realize how deadly is the campaign of ficti- I/ feems i~oAle DEYWOOD BIOUN There must be days and days and even years and years during which David Windsor never sees or hears of this column. But his tough luck is my good fortune. A little while ago a friendly word was said here concerning the ap- proaching visit of the Duke and Duchess to this country. No specific date was set for him to spend a week-end in Stamford, but there was a sort of "now that you know the way" air about the little missive. Today I want to take it all back. Indeed, Tycoon,, our puppy spaniel has been instructed to nip any former regal leg which he sees coming up the driveway. I trust that this doesn't result in confusion, because it may be that to a dog of Tycoon's age, kings and com- moners are very much alike. Still, Ty is quick to take a hint, and he learned to bark at eco- nomic royalists even before he was house broken. And in the old days, before the possibility of 'peace came up like thunder, he would roll over and play dead if anybody mentioned William Green. FORUM She Wants To Know To the Editor: As a woman student in the Univer- sity I would like to ask a question. When is it possible to see members of the League Undergraduate Staff? I ask this because in my three years on campus I have never found any- one in, or anyone who knew when1 one of the staff would be in. When the girls announce their office hours, I presume that is supposed to mean that they will be in during those hours. Yet, in my three years here{ I have never found them in then. If their hoursrwere, say, 2-4 and I camet in at 3:15, there was no one in. Often I waited as long as one hour, during which time many students came in looking for the same person as I. Some waited as I did, others we(t away. Many girls were waiting for interviews, which had been an- nounced for that particular day. Yet, there was no one there to do the in- terviewing. A few days later, it was announced that thedpositions had been filled. When and how? Also during petitioning days blanks are rarely available. The petition box is generally so full that it is im- possible to put in any more blanks. This was true all last week and still is so far this week. I have come across downright in- solence on the part of some of the League Undergraduate Staff when, in desperation, I have telephoned them at their homes during what were supposed to be their office hours at the League. Their attitude has been one of "how dare you disturb me in my sanctum sanctorum!" It would seem to me, as to many other women students who join me in requesting this information, that some organization might be possible. When I have asked information of the Undergraduate officers of the League, my experience has always been "you'll have to ask the Dean of Women." Why, then, do we have an Undergraduate Council? Let some experienced professional take over the duties. She, at least, as a business woman, could be counted upon to keep her office hours. --A Senior. I RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Student Organizations': Officers of student organizations are reminded that only such organizations as are approved by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs may insert notices in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until Oct. 25 last year's list of approved organizations will be used, but after 'hat date only such groups as have qualified for approval this year, by FRIDAY, OCT. 22, 1937 VOL. XLVIII. No. 23 DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of te wdversity. Copy received at the en.. at the Asslstaat to the PFridsn mt 2:30; 110 a.m. Saturday. 4 4 4 Ordered To Cheer Their Heads Off The friendly gesture from Hunting Ridge was made before the Duke of Windsor went in so heavily in his brother act with Adolf Hitler. A former king could be excused for buying a return trip ticket to Berlin with the privilege of a one- day stopover, but Windsor could hardly be ig- norant of the political consequences of the love feast to which he committed himself. Obviously, the Nazis were ordered to cheer their heads off for the young man. Whether the trip was taken with the sanction or even at the suggestion of the British Cabinet is a matter of conjecture. The fact remains that it plays along with the desire of BiIish conserv- ative leaders to put the oil on Hitler and the heat on Mussolini. And this might seem smart strategy on the surface if it were not for the fact that it works against those European nations which are ac- tually committed to peace. * * * Russia Huge Barrier Against War Russia stands today as the greatest barrier against war. Indeed, I think a general conflict would now be under way but for the alliance be- tween France and the Soviets. No good purpose can be served by taking the attitude that Hitler isn't so bad after all. He is. Concessions will merely increase his arrogance and his deter- mination to win the world to Fascism by military conquest. David Windsor was once known as a salesman for the British Empire, but it would seem now that he issabout to take on a side-line. Seemingly he was equipping his sample case during his German jaunt. Surely we want no more Nazi propaganda in this country, even if it is dished out to us by indirection. Liberals ought to give Windsor a cool reception when he comes here. Nobody should be allowed to earn a reputatin as a friend of labor by the very simple process of patting a coal miner on the back. And so next month if a youngish man, pos- sibly accompanied by a youngish lady, rings your door bell, and brings a sales talk on the Nazi line which he is introducing, I think the proper an- swer will be, "We don't want any today. We don't want any tomorrow, and, in fact, we're ii never going to want any." On The Level By WRAG Black Friday back, eh. Some freshman evi- dently has been loafing downstairs in the Union and reading the old signs. * * *t * Lowell Thomas, NBC news mentator; and Ed Thorgerson, com- crack sports announcer for the news reels; take to the air waves at 6:45-a fine combination, and it's a WJZ outlet . WLW carries the NBC sketch,' Grand Central Station at 8 . . . The corniest program this side of the south 40 is a CBS feature at 8 thru WJR. CBS goes from the bottom to the top inside of a half hour and brings one of radios finest shows to the air at 8:30 in the person of Hal Kemp; his band; Alice Faye;-WJR does the honors . . . From below the Mason- Dixon comes now the Varsity Show and the University of Virginia is the guest tonight. NBC carries this thru WJZ at 9 . . . Gather 'round at 9:30 and tune in on WJZ-it'll be the music of Tommy Dorsey- and the vocals of Edythe Wright . . . The music of many fine bands fills the air from 11 on-any style, any station, any tune ... Bits: 'Tis rumored that Glen Gray, Pee Wee Hunt, and Kenny Sargent will join with Sonny Dunham and reorganize the corporation under Dunham's name. Thus will mark the end of the Casa Loma band. It is very apparent that the Casa Loma crew has been on that long down- hill slide, but with the material Dun- ham has now plus Hunt, Gray, and Sergent the new corp. should ride the crest for quite some time . . . Bing Crosby's leetle golf chum, John Mon- tague, is in the big court room now facing a robbery charge. Mr. M's bail is said to have been handled by the Kraft Music Hall prexy German 'Peace' Signing of a non-aggression agree- ment between Germany and Belgium enables the latter country* to heave a sigh of relief. Western Europe, too, can view the development as a favorable one, so far as its immediate interests are concerned. But as to Europe as a whole, there is nothing to rejoice over. German spokesmen contend that the new treaty demonstrates that their country is animated only by peaceful intentions; that Mr. Roose- velt's denunciation of "International lawlessness" cannot apply to the Reich. There would be far greater assurance of this if Germany entered a general pact for collective security, to safegihrd the peace on every front, and not in the West alone. On the contrary, Nazi policy is de- voted solely to -forming agreements with the Western nations and isolat- ing Germany's other neighbors. The oft-urged four-Power pact, among Italy, Germany, France and England, is intended for this very purpose, Hitler's book, "Mein Kampf," is brut- ally frank about it. After emphasiz- ing Germany's need for more adja- PE A CE t t This article, taken from The Dart- mouth, was written by Prof. Lewis D. Stillwell of Dartmouth College. y Certain Americans have eerie ways of starting war by seeking peace. Just y now so-called internationalists - are $ pushing the rest of us straight to-S wards slaughter. With the best ofw intentions, these fellow-citizens of ours are preparing our minds for an- other war to end war-another war fI to make the world safe for democracy. E We are beingtold that modern wars inevitably spread, and that no nation is safe from their contagion, yet wea have seen four wars in the last six years which did not spread. And cer- tainly a war on the other side of the earth, in China, need not contaminatea the United States unless we ask to be contaminated. We are being told that the future of democracy is threatened by the rise of dictatorships. Yet it should be evi- dent that there is just one way oft persuading the Germans or the Rus-t sians or the Japanese to abandona their autocratic follies. That way ist to stage an entirely convincing dem- onstration of democratic competence and happiness in the United States.' No amount of argument or pressuret on the part of foreigners will persuadeX any people to alter their basic institu- tions. The defense of democracy never was or could be an excuse for international intervention. INTERNATIONAL s COOPERATION We are emphatically informed that the only solution for any modern1 problem is international cooperation. Yet when the internationalists per- suade us to cooperate, we find our- selves committed to a program which claims to represent the entire world, but is actually a scheme devised tot serve the interests of the British and1 the French. Internationalism, int practice, is little more than a device whereby Whitehall and the Quai- d'Orsay get what they want, and1 America pays the bill. This is an old game. John Hay fell for it; WoodrowI Wilson fell for it; Secretary Stimson1 fell for it. Now our present presi- dent is leading us with noble gestures into the same familiar trap.I The formula for international co- operation runs something like this.' A conference is held. The conference' tries to decide which is the "guilty"' nation in a given conflict. The "guilty" nation happens to be the na- tion which is threatening the trade or empire of the British or the French. The conference requests the "guilty" nation to desist. The request com- pletely fails, as it is bound to do. The conference then becomes righteously indignant. It proposes sanctions or boycotts or an anti-piracy patrol or some other forms of non-interven- tionist intervention. When these forms of "peaceful" pressure fail, as they are bound to do, indignation knows no bounds. Action is called for. Action simply means that the boys from Iowa will again be asked to die in order that Lafayette may be re- membered and that Britannia may "waive the rules." PEACE BEGINS AT HOME Real peace begins at home. If Americans want peace, they will glue their eyes on their own government. They will insist that their own State Department and war departments do nothing which terrorizes other peoples or invades other peoples' rights. They will demand that Amer- ican marines and gunboats cease their permanent invasion of China, that the American battle fleet give up its pastime of threatening Japan in the Pacific and come back home to Brooklyn Navy Yard, and that the President of the United 'States obey the laws of the United States by en- forcing the Neutrality Act. Otherwise, there is a real and pres- ent danger that our government will start cooperating in the name of peace and of democracy. Such co- operation leads by sure and easy steps to slaughter. The one factor that may hinder such bloody consummantion is time. It takes time for the internationalists to progress from conferences to pres- sures and from pressures to the use of guns. During that time it is just possible that the war in China may be ended. If the Japanese reach the Yellow River and the Chinese accept a truce, the internationalists will shift the focus of their meddling and we ubmitting lists of officers to the )ean of Students, 2 University Hall, ,nd otherwise complying with the ommittee's rules, will be allowed to xercise this privilege. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- ity has a limited amount of funds o loan on modern well-located Ann rbr residential property. Interest t current rates. Apply Investment )ffice, Room 100, South Wing, Jniversity Hall. The Bureau has received notice of he following Civil Service Examina- ions : Junior refuge manager, $2,000 a ear; Bureau' of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture. Associate refuge manager, $3,200 a ear, and assistant refuge manager, 2,600 a year; Bureau of Biological Survey, Department of Agriculture. (The above positions are concerned with migratory waterfowl or wildlife efuges). Assistant in home economics in- formation, $2,600 a year; Bureau of Home Economics, Department of Ag- riculture. Chief accountant, $2,700 to $3,600 a year; Department of Finance, Sag- naw Personnel Advisory Board, Sag- naw, Mich. For further information, please call at the office, 201 Mason Hall. University Bureau of Appoint- ments and Occupational In- formation. Public Health Nursing Certificate: Students expecting to receive the Cer- tificate in Public Health Nursing in February 1938 must make application at the office of the School of Educa- tion, 1437 U.E.S. Field Hockey, Women Students: All those interested in travelling by bus to Kingswood with the field hockey players to watch the game against Toledo University should sign at the Women's Athletic Building. Academic Notices Anthropology 32: The make-up final examination will be given Mon- day, Oct. 25, at 1 o'clock, in 306 Mason Hall. Make-up examination in English Government and Politics in my office (2035 A.H.) Monday at 1:30 p.m. Geography 33: Make-up examina- tion for second semester and Sum- mer Session will be held Friday af ternoon, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Room 18, A.H. Correction: Sociology 51: Make-up final examination will be given Satur- day afternoon, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m., Room C, Haven Hall, instead of as previously announced. Sociology 141 (Criminology) -Field trip to Southern Prison of Michigan, at Jackson, scheduled for this Satur- day, has been postponed one week. Quiz setions will meet Saturday as usual Prof. A. E. Wood Exhibitions The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex- hibition, held in the West and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial' Hall, is open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues through Oct. 27. Admission is free to students. Lectures "What Can You And I Do To Pre- vent War?" by Miss Mary K. Neff, international lecturer, at the Michi- gan League Chapel, Friday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Student Theosophical Club. The public is cor- dially invited. Public Lecture: "Influence of Islamic Astronomy in Europe and the Far East" by Prof. W. Carl Rufus. Sponsored by the Research Semmnary in Islamic Art. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated with slides. Ad- mission free. EVENTS TODAY University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. The Baird Carillon-Wilmot F. Pratt, Carillonneur. Lutheran Student Club: Scavanger Hunt at 8 p.m. at Zion Parish Hall. Come and get acquainted. Hillel Evening Services: 8 p.m. at Hillel Foundation. Cantor: Bernard S. Rubiner. Address: Prof. Lawrence Preuss "International Law and the Present Crisis." Social hour and re- freshments. COMING EVENTS' Graduate Outing Club: Annual overnight and Hallowe'en party, Pat- terson Lake, Oct. 23 and 24. Meet at Lane Hall, Saturday at 3 p.m. An interesting program is planned. Bring costumes. Make reservations with Vivian McCarthy or Dorothy Shap- land by calling 4598 between 12 and 1 p.m. or after 5 p.m. All graduate students and friends are cordially in- vited. I The general idea seems to freshmen think some pantless at the Union Formal would add sion. be that the sophomores to the occa- Black Friday will be the last chance the freshmen get to lambast the sophs before haz- ing starts. Then they'll start" bending over, holding firmly to the ankles and saying "Thank you, sir" to the hickory-wielder. * * * * You can always explain to your out-of- town date that wearing pants is passe- "Esquire" and God both say so. * * * * The usual fight during of 50 freshmen slugging only sophomore is quietly Black Friday consists each other while the disappearing. A couple of years ago one frosh explained to his English instructor that Tolstoi was that sophomore they just threw in the river. * * * * At least the sophs who have good dates Friday can explain the lipstick by saying it's their class color and they're just being loyal. The reason the freshmen didn't want Black Friday last year was because Don Siegel was a sophomore.