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October 22, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-22

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The Weather
Unsettled today; tomorrow
partly cloudy and not quite
so cool.

Y1 I

Sir iga


Populaire ...





President Ruthven
Breaks Up'40-'41

As Both Sides
Carry Attack,
Fierce Battle Rages On All
Fronts; Fires Ravaging
Stricken Areas Of City

Poll On Peace!
To Be Taken
By Daily, SRA
CaInpus Survey About U.S.
Foreign Policy Planned
For Next Wednesday




Sophomores Warded Off Theatrical Partners
By Freshmen With Hoses in Doubles Match
Behind Allen-Rumsey F1 Vt
From nVarsity Men
Battle Paves Way
Two varsity tennis players lost a
For Black Friday 22-game doubles tournament yester-
day on the Intramural's indoor court.
The score was:
President Ruthven early this morn- Paul Lucas and Dennis King, 12;
ing broke up the sophomore-fresh- Hank Cohen, '38, and Rubin Frost,
man battle in back of the Allen and '40, 10.
Rumsey dormitories after the fresh- The winners, of stage and screen
men head warded off the sophomores fame, are currently appearing in
for an hour with three streams of "The Doll's House" in Detroit, where
water from hoses. they met a Michigan alumnus who
The President came on the scene brought them to Ann Arbor fr a
alone as the Class of '40 was drag- workout."
ging some of the first-year men "It's marvelous-marvelous playing
through the mud and taking off their on these courts, but those old men
pants. As he proceeded toward the can't stand up to youngsters like us,"
dormitory, the hoses were stopped Lucas, dressed, in sweatshirt and
when someone hollered "The Pres- shorts, proclaimed with a flourish
ident!" The President told several of
those whom he saw in the fracas to and an accent typically Hungarian.
come to Dean Joseph A. Bursley's The singing star of "The Three
office later in the morning. Musketeers" had been beaten three
When the President asked one of sets to one by Mr. Lucas, but he
the proctors whether much damage explained with a bit of England
had been done, the proctor answered lingering in his words, that he had
that none of the rooms were badly :never played on the boards before."
damaged. The President then pro- The foursome has a date for 11
ceeded through the dormitories a.m. today when the actors will face
alone, talking to many of the fresh- the varsity representatives 9.gain.
Before the final battle behind the
dormitories about 30 freshmen had St Cad
been shorn of their pants as the orm aused
Class of '40, more than 100, paraded
from the campus around to Packard Airplane Crash
Street and back to the campus after Aas
the police warned them that they "
had received more than 15 com- Officials Claim
The sophs were out this morning
to get the five heads of the fresh- Mountain Gale Is Believed
man class who were recently elected.
It was the first manifestation of the To Have Disabled Radio;
class rivalry which will be continued Attains High Velocity
tonight in the traditional Black Fbi-
day ceremonies.
Tonight Members of both classes SALT LAKE CITY, Oct. 21.-(P)-
are expected " "6 'rwrni thie campui~s as ' h~Ited Air Lines tonight blamed the
Black Friday, almost as old as Mich- crash of its mighty "Mainliner" that
igan itself, is revived, killed 19 people on a sudden moun-
Then, at 2 p.m. tomorrow, the "ver- tain gale that probably prevented
dant freshmen" and the "gay young use of the radio team.
sophomores" will tangle on South Maj. R. W. Schroeder, the com-
Ferry Field in the class games. pany's manager of operations, said
Three events are planned-a pillow the storm caused the airliner to drift
fight, a cane spree and a flag rush. off its course Sunday night and crash
Opportunity will be given for every- into Chalk Peak, 40 miles east of here.
one from both classes to enter the "A sudden, unexpected squall
flag rush, and certain teams will be which developed north of the course,
chosen for the other events. the occurrence and aloft intensity of
. But tonight is the time when the which would not be predicted from
greatest spirit of the freshman-soph- the ground, is believed to have at-
omore rivalry will be shown, tained the velocity of a gale, esti-
If t night's Black Friday proves to mated at 70 miles per hour, when the
be an thing like those of previous plane reached a point where the
years, the campus will see a display ~ln ece on hr h
of spirit and genuine class feeling storm crossed the course," he said.
unequaled at any time during the Weather conditions were good
year. when the plane left Cheyenne, Wyo.,
Both classes have selected their for Salt Lake City, and the plane
captain for the games tomorrow and flew at 10,000 feet, high enough to
these two men will be the object of clear any mountain along the radio
many searching parties tonight. beam.
But, the activity will not cease with "It is believed the squall created
the search for the class leader,for a condition which probably made
anything can be expected tonight, if the pilot's radio inoperative in which
the past serves as an indication. case he would have been unaware of
At Black Friday two years ago, one the, drift which took him off the
individual was found wandering course," said Major Schroeder.
around sans trousers in the Union "Evidence indicates that the plane
lobby, while couples in evening clothes collided with higher terrain approxi-
were preparing to go upstairs to the mately 17 miles south of the regular
Union Formal. course, while in normal flying posi-
tion, at normal crusing speed, and
heading toward the scheduled destin-
Secure Lawton ation, showing that the plane was
rr @ Tfunctioning properly."

Claim 10,000 Japs 1


Cut Off From Base
SHANGHAI, Oct. 22.-(Friday)-
(IP)-What may be the decisive battleC
for Shanghai was raging today on all
fronts of this area.
Intense fighting was going on toI
the northwest in the vicinity of Ta-,
zang, where the Japanese were t
throwing in their utmost offensivet
power to crack the Chinese lines. The
Chinese abandoned defensive tactics
and poured in reinforcements to en- t
gulf the Japanese in a powerfult
Repeated Chinese a i r r a i d s
throughout last night and early to-1
day kept the Japanese anti-aircraft,
guns in action and subjected the city
to danger from shell fragments andf
Chinese authorities said last night
that 10,000 Japanese troops were in
danger of being cut off from their
base in heavy fighting at Wentsao-3
pang Creek, 12 miles northwest of
Forty thousand Chinese were re-1
ported driving from three sides
against a wedge which the Japanese,
seeking to capture Tazang, had driv-
en into the Chinese front Tuesday
The Chinese said they hoped to com-
plete encirclement of the Japanese
before reinforcements could reach
the latter.
Shanghai was rocked last night by
a two-hour artillery and aviation duel
at the city's very doorstep. Chinese
took the offensive when their air-
planes and gun batteries in Pootung
bombarded Japanese shore positions
and warships along the Whangpoo
river. Japanese warships replied
with heavy gunfire. Huge fires in
Chapei, at the northern edge of the
International Settlement, and Poo-I
tung, across the Whangpoo, further
ravaged those stricken areas.I
Tientsin dispatches reported Ja-
pan's North China command was
making extensive preparations for
further invasion of Shantung prov-
ince, where Chinese reports said
Japanese forces had been retiring
northward recently under pressure by
the forces of General Han Fu-Chu,
the provincial governor.
Chinese airplane squadrons moving'
to attack the Japanese near Shang-
hai took new routes today to avoid
flying over foreign areas. This fol -
lowed a protest to the Nanking gov-
ernment by United States Ambas-
sador Nelson T. Johnson, who pointed
out the danger to foreign lives when,



Questionnaire Will
Be Printed By Daily

A poll to determine the sentiments
of the campus on peace will be held
Wednesday, Oct. 27 under the direc-1
tion of the Student Religious As- t
sociation in conjunction with Thet
The poll will attempt to sound outd
the opinions of the student body on
the foreign policies of the Unitedr
States with respect to the Far East-f
ern and Spanish conflicts. In addi-c
tion, students will have opportunity
to express their views on fighting tov
save democracy.l
Ballots will be given out at several
places on the campus ,and The Daily4
will print the questions to be includedv
on the ballots with the locations oft
the polling places Tuesday and Wed--t
nesday mornings.1
The poll is being conducted in con-~
nection with Kirby Page's lecture tos
be given Thursday, Oct. 28, in the
Natural Science Auditorium.p
Mr. Page, whose works on inter-t
national, social and religious ques-f
tions have been translated into manyi
foreign languages, will speak on "Ther
World Situation - Some Religioust
He is a contributing editor to the
Christian Century and was formerly
editor of The World Tomorrow, a
position later held by Norman
Labor Acts Hurt
Wage-Hour Bill,,
O'Connor StatesF
New York Representative
'Embarrassed' By Stand
Of Organized Labor f
WASHINGTON, Oct. 21.- )-t
Chairman O'Connor of the House
Rules Conmittee charged today that
both the AFL and the CIO are "hurt-
ing the chances" of wage-hour legis-
lation at the coming session of Con-t
gress by statements criticizing thet
pending bill.
Engaged, himself, in an effort to
extricate the measure from his com-
mittee, in which it was pigeon-holed
last summer by a combination of
Republicans and southern Democrats,
the New Yorker added that he had
been "embarrassed" by the attitudes
of the two labor organizations.
O'Connor expressed confidence
that early in the special session called
for November 15, the committee
would reverse itself and report the
measure for action by the House as
a whole.
In addressing the CIO conference
in Atlantic City on Friday, John L.
Lewis, head of the organization re-
ferred to the bill as "that poor, halt-
ing wages and hours bill that finally
emerged from the committee."
In convention in Denver on Wed-
nesday, the AFL approved a com-
mittee report criticizing aspects of
the measure'on the ground, among
others, that it constituted an intru-
sion upon the right of workers to
improve their economic condition by;
collective bargaining through labor
"If such a law were to be enacted
it would establish the principle in
American government that the fixing
of wages was a natural and proper
function of politicians and lawmak-
ers," the report said.
Program Planned
At Meeting Of SWF
An organizing committee was form-
ed and a program for the year
mapped out at a meeting of the Stu-
dent Workers' Federation held last
night at the Michigan Union.
"We plan to enforce the contracts
made last year and to help other stu-
dent workers obtain desirable working

conditions, Jack Sessions '40, tempor-
ary chairman of the group, stated.
Tom Downs '38. and Neil Ball '38
were appointed to represent the
S.W.F. on the Ann Arbor Trades
Council. The organization expects
to form closer contacts with organized
labor through association with the

[ab Lights Bad
For Draftsman,
Potts Declares
Drafting with the efficiency that is
equired in technical work is exceed-
ingly difficult under lighting condi-
ions existing in engineering drawing
laboratories, Prof. Phillip O. Potts of
the engineering college told the Daily
"Although the facilities which are
provided are probably not injurious
o the student's health, the accuracy
and speed with which they are able
to draw is greatly reduced," he con-
Results of a survey in the drafting'
laboratories revealed that illumina-
tion on the desk tops averaged eight
to ten foot-candles, going as low as
six foot-candles in intensity without
daylight, however. Standards set up
in an article in yesterday's Daily
recommended 30 or 40 foot-candles
for reading or writing, with ten foot-
candles as the very minimum.
All drawing rooms are equipped
with skylights and since artificial
lighting is not what it might be, there
is no work carried on in them after
4 p.m., Professor Potts said.
An inadequate wiring system which
was installed in the West Engineering
building at the time of its construc-
tion in 1904 was blamed for the poor
lighting conditions by Professor
Potts. The conduits are much too
small to accommodate the size of
wires <necessary for proper facilities,
he said. Heavier cables from the
transformers are now being sought
for the entire building to provide an
intensity of 25 foot-candles in all
rooms, which is generally accepted as
the 'optimum intensity for drawing
Until these heavier cables can be
(Continued on Page 2)
Class Election
Dates Are Set
For November
Men's Council To Require
Nominations 48 Hours
Before Any Balloting
Dates for class elections were chos-
en last night as the principal busi-
ness of the first meeting of the Men's
Council in the Union.
Sophomores will elect their of-
ficers Nov. 3, juniors, Nov. 10, sen-
iors, Nov. 17 and freshmen, Nov. 24.
Rules for elections, as set down by
the Council, include that nomina-
tions must be made and eligibility
approved 48 hours before elections,
identification cards must be present-
ed at polling places, a list of candi-
dates must be presented 48 hours be-
fore the election, and there will be
no electioneering inside election
It was also decided that members
of freshmen, sophomore and senior
dance committees will receive cor-
sages and tickets to the dances as
compensation for their work, and J-
Hop committee members will re-
ceive charms.
Chicago Denies
Rumor Of Split
I n Conference
CHICAGO, Oct. 21.-() -The
semi-annual rumor that the Univers-

sity of Chicago will withdraw from
the Western Conference made its
scheduled appearance today, and, as
usual, was promptly slapped down.
The report has circulated regularly
about twice a year since Maroon ath-
letic fortunes, particularly in foot-
ball, have waned. It did not, however,
check in during the time of Jay Ber-
wanger, Chicago's famous "one-man"
football and track team-1933-34-35.
Today's rumor said Chicago would
present its resignation, to become ef-
fective Jan. 1, 1939, at the annual
winter meeting of the Big Ten in De-
cember. Lack of interest in intercol-
legiate sports by the student body,
increasing difficulty in scheduling
home games because of Chicago's
lack of drawing power at the gate
and inability to compete on equa
terms with other conference teams
were given as the reasons.
Athletic Director T. Nelson Metcalf
pointed out that Chicago has its foot-
ball schedule for 1938 and 1939 vir-
tually complete, and that he had
nothing from University officials to
indicate that Chicago contemplated
withdrawal from the conference, o

Franco Supporters
Open G1jon Gates
To Fascist Armies1
Hurry Move For ILoyalist Opposition Ended
In Asturias As Seaport
Troop Withdrawal Falls To Insurgents
As ijon Is Taken fll

LONDON, Oct. 21.-(')-The fall
of Gijon to Spanish Insurgents to-
night thrust Europe's nonintervention
machinery into a race to withdraw
foreign "volunteers" from Spain be-
fore Insurgent Generalissimo Franc-
isco Franco's legions threaten a com-
plete conquest.
British foreign office experts la-
bored to perfect details of the with-
drawal scheme based on yesterday's
Italo-German compromise in time for
tomorrow's meeting of the Nine-Pow-
er Noniitervention sub-committee.
It is proposed that a commission
go to Spain to determine the manner
of removing volunteers from the
Spanish civil war-in which Italy has
semi-officially admitted at least 40,-
000 Blackshirt troops are fighting
with Franco.
Informed French quarters assert-
ed that Franco, with rested-up Ital-
ian troops which he has been mass-
ing at Zaragoza for three weeks,
might be able to clinch an Italian-
engineered victory before the com-
mission procedure of withdrawal
could become effective.
Defend Foreign Policy
Prime Minister Neville Chamber-
lain denounced talk of economic sanc-
tions against Japan and commended
Italy for her move to withdraw vol-
unteers from Spain as he defended
Great Britain's foreign policy in the
House of Commons.
Concluding a bitter eight-hour de-
bate on the opening day of Parlia-
ment's reassembly, in which Laborites
accused the government of encourag-
ing the Chinese-Japanese conflict by
failure to stand by the League of
Nations, the Prime Minister de-
"Pending rejuvenation of the
League . . we havegot to find prac-
tical means for restoring peace in the
Earlier in the debate, Sir Archi-
bald Sinclair, leader of the opposition
liberals,' condemned the government
for failing to cooperate with the
United States.
"Let us not fail to seize this op-
portunity with both hands which
President Roosevelt's speech has giv-
en us-this glorious opportunity of
lining up with the United States to
defend those ideals of peace and jus-
tice which are common to our two
countries, France and all great demo-
cratic countries," Sir Archibald said.
Art Cinema Shows
Russian Film Today
The Russian film, "Beethoven Con-
certo," and two shorts, a Soviet Sports
Pageant and a Mickey Mouse, will be
shown at 8:15 today and tomorrow at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre under
the auspices of the Art Cinema
"Beethoven Concerto" is the story
of Yanka and Valadik, Soviet musical
prodigies, and their experiences with
Professor Malevich in preparing for
a national music contest.
Vladimir Gardin, People's Artist of
the Republic, plays the professor in
this movie with English subtitles, re-
leased by Amkino Corporation.
Farley Lashes
Fear Campaign
By FDR's Fares
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 21.-(A)--
James A. Farley, chairman of th
Democratic National Committee
charged tonight that enemies of the
Roosevelt administration are con
ducting a campaign of fear in an ef
fort to "scare the country" into re
, turning them to power.
SC"Sometimes," he told an audienc
of California Democrats, "the stra

tegists of panic speak in the sepul
chral tones of your own fellow cit
izen, ex-President Hoover, who know
what happened but apparently doe
not know why it happened.
"Sometimes their mouthpiece is
disgruntled Democrat out of step witJ
I his party and fancying that it is th
f party that is out of step with him.

name rate Deiats
City Of Santander
SAN SEBASTIAN, Oct. 21.-()--
Gijon, last government seaport on the
northern coast of Spain, surrendered
today to the Insurgent armies after
an internal rebellion. An Insurgent
brigade marched in during the after-
Almost at once the last opposition
to the Insurgent forces in the north
crumbled over all the province of
After a night of great excitement
but little bloodshed in the city, the
Gijon radio suddenly announced that
Insurgent sympathizers had taken
over the city and were awaiting ar-
rival of the Insurgent forces then
ploughing down the coast about foilr
miles away.
Enter In Few Hours
Only a few hours later-3:30 p.m.
-the 'first units of Generalissimo
Francisco Franco's Fourth Brigade
of Navarrese troops came down the
coastal road from the east and en-
tered the tranquil city amidst tre-
mendous excitement, according' to
this brigade's radio reports to the
high command.
As the Insurgents gave themselves
over to rejoicing their military lead-
ers counted today's victorf as the
greatest scored by Franco's troops in
the 15 months of war.
Not only will a complete cleanup
of secondary phases of the northern
campaign be but a matter of a few
days, releasing about 75,000 troops
for. an offensive elsewhere, but the
days of the savage Asturian dynamit-
ers in this war are now definitely end-
Many Asturians surrendered in Gi-
jon as they did in Santander-also
captured after an internal rebellion
-although some battalions flew to
the hills for a last ditch resistance.
Approaching winter and hunger were
expected to bring them back soon.
Surrender Spreads
As soon as news of Gijon's fall
reached the Asturians In the Oviedo
sector, where more than a year of
savage fighting has prevailed with
first one and then the other side
holding part of the Asturian capital,
entire battalions surrendered.
The Gijon radio reported 12 ships,
some loaded with Government lead-
ers, had been captured by the Insur-
gents. Belarmino Tomas, the An-
archist governor of Gijon, left by an
earlier boat. (Insurgent dispatches
to Irun said Tomas had been cap-
tured and imprisoned at Santander).
Russia Names
Nominees For
New Elections
MOSCOW, Oct. 2l.-()P)-Soviet
Russia's political leader, premier and
president were nominated today as
the first candidates for electionto
the Supreme Soviet under the new
Workers in a button factory and
power plant in the Stalin section of
--Moscow unanimously adopted a res-
olution putting forward the name of
Joseph Stalin, Secretary of the Cen-
tral Committee of the Communist
Party, as "leader of the people."
Vyascheslaff Molotoff, premier, or
President of the Union Council of
People's Commissars, was nominated
by factory workers in the district
e named for him; Michael Kalinin,
President of the All-Russia Central
e Executive Committee, was nominated
- by workers in the Leningrad factory
- district where he formerly worked.
The nominations have not yet been
formally filed although Stalin, Molo-
e toff and Kalinin were expected to

- grant the requested permission for
- the nominations.
- Sixty-two executions and death
s sentences for terrorism and sabotage
against the Soviet Union have been
a Dispatches from Siberia said 45
h persons were executed at Irkutsk for
e Trotskyist and Rightist terrorism, sa-


bomb-laden planes flew over the
heart of Shanghai.!
Furniture Strikers
To Offer Peace Plan
GRAND RAPIDS, Oct. 21.-(P)-
A plan to return workers to four
strike-closed furniture factories here
by Monday will be presented to man-
ufacturers this weekend.
Committees of the Furniture Work-
ers Local, United Automobile Work-1
ers, will ask the employers for a
temporary agreement under which
the employes would return to workj
without discrimination and with sen-
iority rights.

To Head Varsity
Night Program

Visiting Nazi Feder Sidesteps

Controversial Questions Here

Fred Lawton, '11, who with Prof.
Earl V. Moore of the School of Music
wrote "Varsity" 26 years ago, will act
as master of ceremonies at the Uni-
versity Band's second annual Varsity;
Night to be held Tuesday, Oct. 26 in
Hill Auditorium, Prof. William D.1
Revelli of the School of Music, direc-
tor of the band, announced last night.;
At Varsity Night, the band will play
for the first time the new song which
Mr. Lawton and Prof. Moore com-
posed last year to celebrate the 25th
anniversary of "Varsity." The new
piece, "Michigan Locomotive," is to!
be followed by a Michigan locomotive
The program for Varsity Night is
being divided up into two main sec-
tions this year, according to Profes-
sor Revelli. The first part will be
confined to performances by accom-

Three Daily reporters yesterday af-
ternoon left Herr Nazi-Professor
Gottfried Feder, author of the famous
"25 points" of National Socialism,
paused to compared notes and found
themselves in possession of a snappy
interview consisting chiefly of eva-
sions and refusals to comment on any
subject more controversial than the
size of University buildings. He said
they were very big.
Herr Professor Feder and his 24
travelling companions, who are mak-
ing a tour of the eastern section of
the United States, appeared to be
enjoying the coffee, the cake and the
small talk quite a bit at the recep-
tion given for them in the League.
But they didn't want to "talk poli-
tics," as they put it.
Herr Feder did remark, in connec-I

maybe a concentration camp on Long
Herr Feder modestly owned up to
being the originator of the National
Socialist Party's program, formulated
in the early days of the Hitler or-!
ganization, but declined to make a
definite statement on how much of
the plan for rehabilitating the Ger-
man nation has actually been put
into effect.
He did say, however, that the
points dealing with economics had
received the least attention so far,
but that they would have to be fully
carried out sooner or later. Herr
Feder, on the whole, seemed to have
rather a good opinion of the efficacy
of his plan.
Asked what he thought of Amer-
ican newspapers, the Herr Professor
pointed out that his short stay in

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