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October 21, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-21

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THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1937

. .

Five Thousand Neglected Colds Apt To Cause
Shrubs Planted Pneumonia, Health Service Says

Will Speak Tomorrow

New Telescopej
Too Big To Fit
In Observatory

Physical Education '
Club IsOrganized
A Physical Education club has been
organized under the direction of Mr.
Randolph W. Webster of the Physical

As Experiment Staff Urges That Students

More than 5,000 experimental
hrubs and plants, on trial to seeI
vhether they will stay in the United
States, are the object of work now
it the Arnold Arboretum of Harvard
jniversity, Dr. Donald Wyman, hor-
iculturalist of that arborteum, ex-
plained yesterday.
The object of the experiments is
o find new plants that can be intro-
luced into the United States for use:
n landscape and botanical work. The
rboretum, which is located south of
3oston, sends expeditions to collect
oreign specimens that are thought
, be of importance.' Other plants
ire shipped to the arboretum by
?eople who are interested in the work.
The plants are always collected
rom the northernmost part of the
egion where they grow, Dr. Wyman
aid, in order to get the hardiest j
pecimens possible. They are tested
n the arboretum for five years and
f they show themselves to be hardy
nough for the northern climate,
lans are made for putting them into
ommercial use.
Most of the plants in experimenta-
ion at the arboretum are woody
>lants that can be used in landscape
lesigning, Dr. Wyman said.

With Slightest Symptoms
Undergo Examination
The relatively large number of
pneumonia cases now being treated
at the Health Service point to the
complications which may arise from
taking too lightly an inflamation of
the respiratory tract, commonly re-
Book Group Hears
Talk OnReligion
The introduction of the Greek Or-
thodox religion in a pagan Russia of
the tenth century, the alliance be-
tween the aristocracy and the church
and the conflict between the philos-
ophies of the church and commu-
nism were discussed yesterday by
Bernard Weissman, '39L, and Clar-
ence Kresin, '38, at the first meeting
of the Association Book Group in the
Kresin reviewed Julius Hecker's
"Religion and Communism" and
Weissman analyzed several essays by
modern writers on religion in Russia
under the present government.




Poet s



Here's good news abta glance --
The Union's having a Formal Dance.
From nine till two you'll find it fun,
And not just that, it's a big bar-gun.




ferred to as a "cold," which cases
are rapidly increasing as is usual
in the month of October, according to
Dr. Maurice R. McGarvey of the
Health Service staff.
"The Health Service staff urges all
students to come in at once, no mat-
ter how slight the symptoms are," he
said. "for if proper care is taken the
more serious complications resulting
from a cold may be avoided."
Inclement weather, such as we
have had these past few days, is con-
ducive to infection of the respiratory
tracts, Dr. McGarvey pointed out.
There is a very simple precaution
that we may take, he said, which will
go a long way toward preventing a
serious infection.
d ''Take care of yourself and the
cold will take care of itself." That
is, Dr. McGarvey pointed out, if, when
you have a cold, you will make every
effort to conserve your bodily energy
to fight the poison by getting as much
rest as possible, you will have little
difficulty with this prevalent disease.
Stay away from crowds as much
as possible, so that you do not get fur-
ther infections and do not subject£
others to the danger of getting yours,
he stated, and if possible stay in your
room, or at least in an atmosphere1
with the same temperature, for 24
hours. In this way you will prevent
serious complications from the ex-
tension of the germs to the bronchial
tubes and perhaps even the lungs,
either of which may result in pneu-
Faculty Members
In Education Meet
(Continued from Page 1)'
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis of the School
of Education will be leader of a dis-
cussion on "How May Conflicts Be
Also meeting Thursday and Friday,
Oct. 28 and 29 will be region four at
Grand Rapids where Prof. Orlando
Stephenson, of the School of Edu-
cation, will deliver the address "The
Metamorphosis of Mike"; Dr. Clifford
Woody of the education school, will
speak on "The Contribution of Math-c
ematics to the Development of Per-
sonality" and Dr. Warren G. For-1
sythe, director of the health service,
on "Health Education and Personal-
Pledges Hear Talk
By Prof. Litzenberg
(Continued from Page 1)
they should seriously consider init'iat-
ing a policy of second semester rush-
ing," he stated.
At the banquet, Phi Sigma Delta
was awarded the scholarship cup for
having the highest scholastic average
for the school year 1936-37 by Dean
of Men Joseph A. Bursley.
In presenting it, Dean Bursley
urged that fraternities make the best
use of the potential power that they
All house managers and presidents
were asked to meet at 7:30 p.m. today
with the Council in the main ball-
room of the Union.
(Continued from Page 4)
at the corners of Oakland ahd E.
Club Hockey, Women Students:
Practice at 4:15 for all who wish to
play against Toledo University on
Oct. 23.
Faculty Women's Club: , Opening
reception from 3 to 5:30 p.m., Oct.
27, in the ballroom of the Michigan

Graduate Outing Club: Annual
overnight and Hallowe'en party, Pat-
terson Lake. Oct. 23 and 24. Meet at
Lane Hall, Saturday at 3 p.m. An
interesting program is planned. Bring
costumes. Make reservations with
Vivian McCarthy or Dorothy Shap-
land by calling 4598 between 12 and
1 p.m. or after 5 p.m. All graduate
students and friends are cordially in-
Stalker Hall: Dr. Brashares' class
"Through the Old Testament," 7:30
p.m. At 8:30 the group will leave for
a hay ride. For reservations phone
6881 by Thursday afternoon, 50 cents
charge. Methodist students and
friends are invited.

Need $500,000

* *. *
Pacifist Will Tell
Individual's Means
Of Prevent ing W ar

Housing For World's All men students in the depart-
Third Largest Mirror ment are eligible for membership.
Leo C. Beebe, '39Ed, Edward J.
The University's new 97%-inch tel- Slezak. '38Ed and William H. Druker,
escope mirror, poured by the Corning '39Ed, make up the organizational
Glass Works at Corning, N.Y., has committee whose purpose is to draw
been pronounced ready for ship- up a tentative plan for presentation
ment and will be sent here soon, but ------ -
the observatory in which the Univer-
sity hopes to place it has not been School of Social
built yet. Dancin
The new disc, to be packed in a 9
Crate nearly 10 feet square and Taught daily, 10 to 10.
crat nealy 0 fet sqareand ~ i1 Terrace Garden Studio
weighing 10,500 pounds, will be the 2dFoor, Wuertn The-
third largest mirror in the world. It ater Bldg. Phone 9695.
is exceeded only by the 100-inch tele- -
scope at Mt. Wilson and the 200-inch -
mirror at Mt. Palomar in California.
The mirror is too large to take into
the present observatory, so it will be
stored somewhere outside the build-
ing. The University has been hoping

Miss Mary K. Neff, noted pacifist, tobidanwosraoyfrmn
will speak on the subject "What Can years. and a site at Base Lake, north-
You And I Do To Prevent War?" at west of here, has already been chosen,
8 p.m., tomorrow, in the League but approximately $500,000 is needed
Chapel. to erect it.
Her appearance here is sponsored
by the Student Theosophical Society,
headed by W illis A. Fisher, teachingMfenm tm ,
fellow in the chemistry department. I Ti 1 %
and by the Ann Arbor Theosophical
Society headed by Dr. Buenaventura Alim ii To M eet
Jimenez of the Health Service. '
Miss Neff will consider the topic:
from the standpoint of theosophical For Gam e Rally
ideals. The three objects of the so-
ciety are: to form a nucleus of the
universal brotherhood of humanity, University of Michigan alumni in
without distinction of race, creed, sex, Iowa and neighboring states will rally
caste or color; to encourage the study tomorrow and Saturday for meetings
in connection with the appearance
of comparative religion, philosophy of the football team. Saturday at
and sciences; to investigate the un- Iowa City.
explained laws of nature and the "Tri-City" alumni-living in Dav-
powers latent in man. I enport, Iowa, and Moline and Rock
Long an active member of the In- Island, Ill.-plan a dinner for tomor-
ternational Headquarters of the ,ow night at which Head Coach Harry
Theosophical Society at Adyar, Ma- G. Kipke, Emory J. Hyde, president
dras in India, Miss Neff has written of the alumni association. and T.
several books on theosophy and has Hawley Tapping, general alumni sec-
lectured all over the world. ; ±y, willPJ gu'uofui IIUHOI.,vyr

At present, the Theosophical So-
ciety, founded in 1875 by Col. Henry:
Steele Olcott and Madame H. P.
Blavatsky, comprises 44 national so-I
cieties. The president of the Ameri-
can Society, with which the Ann Ar-
bor lodge is affiliated, is Mr. Sidney
A. Cook.
Jack MacLeod, '38, has been elect-
ed president of Lambda Chi Alpha,{
the position left vacant by Wallace
Truce, '38, who did not return to
school this year.

retry wnbe guest of honor Mayor
Merle Wells of Davenport is secre-
tary of the Michigan alumni club.
A sixth district meeting, drawing
alumni from Iowa, Minnesota, the
Dakotas. Nebraska and Wyoming will
be held at Iowa City Saturday morn-
"Master" Typewriter Service
611 East William Phone 2-1611

+ I

To Er Education department, it was an-
nounced yesterdav

at the next organizational meeting at
1 p.m. today, in Room 4009 of the
University High School.
I Corwsages
Phone 2-1615 316 South Main


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