FOUR THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1937 'ely!' THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1931 THE MICHIGAN DAILY I ' I I _ y. iA~ hi1 4 S6'.'"' N 4." .4 VV (fL4 hifl ' u'U~4O N ifltiiflOt FIM # I- Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $4.00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 EPRESENTED POR NATIONAL AOVRTISIM iiO NationalAdvertisingService, Inc. College Pblishers Re resentaKive 420 MAISN AVE. NEw YORK, N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors a.ANAGING EDITOR ............JOSEPH S. MATTES EITORIAL DIRECTOR ..........TUURE TENANDER CITYrEDITOR.......... ....IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol Albert May1o, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. .Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- bees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CR*EDIT MANAGER..................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER.......BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: EARL R. GILMAN Frankly, Mr. Lippmann. . . IjNA RECENT COLUMN on "What the Stock Markets Are Saying," Walter Lippmann thinks he hears the ticker tape moan "business cannot proceed because it is ter- rorized by the New Dealers." This sounds strange to our ears. We find, according to Harland H. Allen writing in The Nation, that last month when the stock market feared for future profits, the policy-making boards of no fewer than 1,311 leading corpora- tions voted the highest dividends since 1929. Certainly Mr. Lippmann must be aware of these facts. But only Mr. Lippmann could de- duce from the declaration of these dividends that business is "terrorized by the New Dealers." Is it new business policy for "terrorized" bus- inessmen to part with liquid assets? Mr. Lippmann clarifies his position when he warns the New Dealers that' they "will have to give business the security under which it can prosper" if they want a prosperous capitalism. Perhaps Mr. Lippmann took advantage of recent events in Wall Street to launch an attack on the "collectivist tendencies of the New Deal." This bears a not too. remote resemblance to Mr. Hoover's theory that if capitalism is only allowed to proceed without governmental interference, there will come a day when the rest of the nation will benefit by the initiative and wise leadership of our business executives. We hopefuls have only to overlook such trivial occurrences as the 1929 crash, the subsequent de- pression, stock exchange frauds and bad bank- ing policy. We shouldn't feel pessimistic about such trivialities. Mr. Lippmann wants us to reserve our pessimism for New Deal interfer- ence with our economic order. Frankly, we would rather not become pessi- mistic because men who believe in stock market and banking regulations, the right of labor to organize independently of employers and the right of consumers to fair prices are guiding the policies of our national economic life. There are all kinds of notions of what security implies. If the New Dealers have failed to accomplish all they set out to, they certainly are aware of the right path. At least they show concern about the social meanings of security and pros- perity. We'll Welcome State Editors A NOTABLE GATHERING of news- paper editors and publishers is held annually under the auspices of the Depart- ment of Journalism. This group, officially known as the University Press Club of Michigan, was organized nineteen years ago for the purpose of bringing the University and -the public press into a close relationship of understanding and mutual helpfulness. It was felt by the founders of the club that a better press would attend on any effort that made the resources of the TĀ£niuckrinv mn1 ranrlil n n 1~i ahf n n-amnn nar of these meetings, all of which are open to the university public. We are pleased to direct attention to this year's convention, which will be held at the Michigan Union on November 4, 5,. and 6. The topics .to be discussed include "Efficient State Government," "Foreign News," and "Free Speech." These interests, discussed from the points of view of the public and the press should prove enlightening to any person inter- ested in the world of affairs. The Daily, there- fore, urges the campus to improve an excellent opportunity to further its acquaintance with the editorial mind of the state. UNDER TIHE CLOCK with DISRAELI That gentle Nimrod Bill Reed went hunting this morning with Fred Janke. Stalking through the veldt about Ann Arbor, Bill got the first glimpse of game and potshot at it. But buck fever got him and he didn't do a clean job. Chasing down the wounded quarry he leaped upon it, pinning it down. Janke thundered up behind, shouting. He looked at Bill. "Hey, Reed, what the hell are you doing with my hat." Last night the Delta Gam phone rang-not too unusual a thing when you come to think of it. It was for Betty Young. A hearty greeting greeted her. How about a date with me? With whom? Oh, a friend of a good friend of a boy friend. Well, gosh, I'm sorry but it doesn't quite seem ... you know. Oh, come on. Gosh, I'm sorry, but I think I'm going to be busy that night. And that closed the conversation and the phone was allowed to ring again in the Delta Gam .house. And a little while later it did ring again. It was Tom Kleene asking for Betty Young. He wanted to know if she had been asked for a blind date on the phone a little while ago by someone who had obviously disguised his voice. She modestly said yes. Well, said Tom, you have just refused a blind date with my uncle who is, as you know, Joe Bursley. *' * * - Happy, happy we! Happy, sappy soul! Two people now read us and today one of them breaks into print himself. LITTLE BOY BREW I met an Elf man in the woods; The wee-est little elf' Sitting under a mushroom tall-- 'Twas taller than himself. "How do you do little elf," I said, "And what do you do all day?" "I dance and fwolic about," said he, 'N scuttle about and play." "I s'prise the butterflies, 'n when A katydid I see, Katy didn't I say, an' he Says, Katy did, to me." "'N then I play with the baby chicks. I call them, Chick, Chick, Chick. 'N what-do-ya think of that?" says he, I said, "It makes me sick!" "It gives me sharp and shooting pains To listen to such drool." So I lifted up my foot and squashed The goddam little fool! Our letter box overfloweth. The Right Honorable Lord Beaconsfield: Care of The Michigan Daily. We should like to call your attention to an incident that took place yesterday in one of Angell Hall's classrooms. The professor was dis- coursing, as is his wont, and in order to make some point clearer to his hearers he embarked on an exceedingly involved example. This pro- fessor realized the humor of his remarks and joined with the rest of the class in a hearty laugh. At that point a bored and husky member of our University's eleven, impatient with the pro- ceedings and anxious to terminate the session, turned to the man next to him, who was laughing unrestrainedly, and said: "Don't laugh. You only encourage him." -Veritas. * * * * Dear Diz: Frankly, what do you think of the SDOP? You probably read in the New York Times that a group of ministers daughters, who feel they are not getting the breaks in print and. on the stage, have organized the Society of the Daughters of Preachers to protect their rights. Viewing the whole affair objectively, our opin- ion is that such a group has a place in our society. Taking a hint from the left, who will look out for this class if not themselves. You certainly can't expect the STCOP (Society of Third Cousins of Preachers) to fight for the interests of the SDOP. I have no axe to grind. I just want to bring the question into the sunlight and have it thrashed out. -R.F.D. Nuts To You Among the innumerable things which day by day assist few or many persons in doing their customary amount of viewing with alarm, it would be unwise to overlook the growing tend- ency of those who live in cities to turn their backs upon such delicious indigenous drupaceous familiars as the black walnut, the butternut and the shellbark hickory nut. Those reliable wood- land neighbors, well worthy to be cherished by the squirrels, chipmunks and human beings, are Ifeewtio Ae America now has an opportunity to observe the first Fascist putsch in this country. The circumstances are so bizarre and farcical that the incident in question will furnish food for para- graphers rather than substance for any serious viewing with alarm. But at base it really isn't funny, although the immediate incident con- cerns "a state of insurrec- tion" at a race track. After all, Hitler's first drive began in a beer garden. Adding to the humor or tragedy of the situation is the fact that the complete usurpation of executive power has occurred in Rhode Island, famous as the ear- liest cradle of liberty among the American colonies. The events leading up to Governor Quinn's battle cry of "Heil! Heil! My storm troop gang's all here," are complicated and will have to be telescoped. Mostly they af- fect local politics, although just a dash of New Deal controversy enters in. * * *4 * Local Citizenry WaS Content I spent a. couple of days along the Pawtucket front recently, but this is no trench warfare, and there have been shifts in the forces since. The Narragansett Race Track, so-called, because it is situated in Pawtucket, is controlled by a fabu- lous man called Walter E. O'Hara. He built his track in a month or so, and before the year was out it became the most successful in America. Some Rhode Islanders were enthusiastic about racing because the state's share of the mutuel take helped to reduce local taxation. Others said that the betting kept everybody broke. Still, most of the betters were aliens from Connecticut or Massachusetts or even far off New York, so on the whole, the local citizenry was content. Having launched a race track Walter E. O'Hara spread himself and bought a newspaper in Providence. He was a New Deal Democrat and Governor Quinn a Gerry man. O'Hara's side lost in the primaries and presently there was trouble at the track. A series of accusations was brought by the governor in an effort to oust O'Hara and close the track. Among the charges was the assertion that the place was disorderly, since some of the race horse trainers swore loudly in public. Led To A Lively Editorial The controversy led to one of the liveliest edi- torials known in American journalism. O'Hara called Governor Quinn a double blank liar and got himself sued for criminal libel. The blanks are mine. Editor O'Hara filled them in. Eventually the commotion came before the Supreme Court of Rhode Island and the court decided that no cause had been shown why O'Hara should be ousted' or the license of the track revoked. Thereupon preparations were made for the open- ing of the fall meeting, but the Governor declared that the race track was in a state of insurrection and ordered the National Guard to occupy the horse park and an area of more than a mile around it. This included many private homes. Imprisoned within the track are one hundred rebel horses, a few stable boys and Walter O'Hara who lives in a penthouse on the roof of his grandstand. And at the moment of writing the militia men stand with drawn bayonets to pro- tect the Commonwealth of Rhode Island against any threatened uprising of the colts and fillies. "Let 'em eat oats," says Fhehrer Quinn. The whole thing is cockeyed, but I insist it isn't funny. On The Level By WRAG As Austin O'Malley once said, "A politician is like quicksilver: if you try to put your finger on him, you find nothing under it." However, in campus politics it is the job you win, and not the oolitiican, that offers nothing. * , But already some of the boys and girls are fighting tooth and nail day and night for either a free ticket to a class dance or a chance to have their names misspelled in The vEnsian. * * * * And anyone can be a successful politician if he doesn't mind flunking all his mid- semesters. Because winning a class election takes more time than a five-hour course. If you don't be- lieve it, try convincing just one sorority house that your party is sure to win the coming election. * * * * Then, if you do happen to stuff more ballots and win, your job has only begun. The real work comes in trying to outtalk eight of the nine houses that were promised tha chairman- ship of the class dance before the election. FORUM Thanks To You To the Editor: If your letter box has room for trivia and two-cents-worths, I'd like to contribute a pat on the back for The Daily for its pat on the back for the Association Book Group. I have often felt in the past that the Daily is editorially too engrossed with the macrocosm to bother with many of the worthwhile activities that the campus spawns. Of course, such ac- tivities frequently are conceived, flick- er, and pass away without acquiring any more claim to student interest than as a vehicle for the career of some ambitious collegian. But more frequently they supply a segment of background without which the pat- tern of any broadly educational in- stitution is incomplete. It should be the active concern of The Daily to make discriminating appraisals of all campus activities and to lend its pre- cious support to those which can have a worthwhile function in the educa- tional process. I have mentioned the Association Book Group specifically because I think it is an excellent example of a worthy activity. Its first meeting was distinctly successful, and its second, a week from next Tuesday, has all the makings of a very profitable af- ternoon. More power to the book group, to the many more sincere and valuable activities that thrive on the campus, and to an alert and sympa- thetic Daily! -Interested Observer. Suckers In Line To the Editor: I should like to make a few belated comments upon the battle of Oct. 1. I notice that the police, as usual, covered themselves with glory. The situation this time, however, was a bit different in that they suffered one casualty, which, I understand, is causing some resentment in the ranks. One cannot blame them for this. After all, it does make some difference whose groin is kicked. One is nauseated by those maudlin, panty- waists who object to the free use of toy pistols loaded with blindness. It was fine that the officers could get some practice against some real crisis -such as another pin-boy strike. The students made their first and biggest mistake by expecting a free show. They should know better than to expect anything free-or even rea- sonably priced-in this town. Air, alone, is still free but there is a rum- or circulating that certain merchants are losing sleep because of the fact that students still breathe without charge. The report seems a bit ex- aggerated, however, that these busi- ness men are contemplating means of impounding the atmosphere and is- suing it out through meters at so much a lungful. If, however, this should prove to be true the students would soon become accustomed to it and think no more about it than they do of paying rent for a full sized house while using only one room, or of paying caviar prices for streptococci. I know how they have become inured, because we en- counter great surprise when we offer to launder a shirt for less than the price of a new one. (This is not a paid ad so ignoreit.) But I digress.' We were talking about that shameful theatre riot. I understand much damage was done. That is bad. The contention that the management can make it back in a few days by their charge over and above prices charged in other towns is beside the point. Prices must not be compared with those of other towns. What is the advantage of be- ing in Ann Arbor if one cannot hook the suckers? It is to be sincerely hoped that there will be no repetition of this shameful affair-but if there is we{ will surely call out the reserves andI put the students in their place. Keep in place, boys! The line forms to the right. Get out your pocket-books. -Will Canter. RADIO By JAMES MUDGE IR LINES: Ben Bernie may forsake A the baton to join the ranks of comedians. Finishing up his contract this week, Bernie is waiting around for another billing but not as an orch leader. If nothing great hap- pens soon, he of the "Yow-suh" will take a hike to Europe with his frau. Tonight brings Kate Smith with Henny Youngman, comedian Jim Crowley, Jack Miller's band; and guests. Eight is the hour and it's WJR . . . Kay Kyser waves the baton and the band plays commercial over CKLW at 9 . . . B-b-b Bing Crosby takes the Kraft Music Hall in hand at 10. Burns will be the funny man and there will be guests. Johnny Trotter is the maestro . . . Cab Cal- loway jives along the groove at 11, using CBS air thru WABC ... NBC has the band of Busse at 12 via WJZ. Ole Hot-Lips Hank has a worthy crew at present. Tommy Dorsey opened at the Hotel .r~ - - --',n -,-. n b nn nfc DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of te Wmvwaty. Copy received at the Oaeg at the Andtsat to the PrMS vwt5 3:30; 11:00 a.m. en Saturday. Student Organizations: Officers of student organizations are reminded that only such organizations as are approved by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs may insert notices in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until Oct. 25 last year's list of approved organizations will be used, but after that date only such groups as have qualified for approval this year, by submitting lists of officers to the Dean of .Students, 2 University Hall, and otherwise complying with the Committee's rules, will be allowed to exercise this privilege. There appeared in the Michigan Daily Wednesday morning, Oct. 20, a statement attributed to me regard- ing the Verienigung Carl Schurz tours. I have seen no representative of the Daily nor authorized any state- ment. Portions of the account are erroneous 'and misleading. C. S. Yoakum. Choral Union Concert Tickets: A limited number of season tickets, (10 concerts) also individual concert tick- ets, will remain on sale so long as they last, "over the counter" at the busi- ness offices of the School of Music on Maynard St. Choral Union Ushers: The following will please report at Hill Auditorium box office between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. today for second balcony as- signments. Allen, B.E. Allen, Robert S. Anderson, D.K. Baker, John H. Basler, Franklin Bigelow, John W. Brandt, Roland Cook, Allen Chapman, .t. Kenton Dickinson, -Philip Drogseth, H.H. Freiermuth, Richard Goloff, Alexander A. Green, John B. Green, Louis Green, Morris N. Geiner, Fred H. Grimes, Wellington Hertzberg, Seymour H. Holtzman, Nathaniel Homes, Henry Jurist, Edward Kratzman, E. Arthur Lahti, Theodore Luttermoser, Oscar F. Lyman, Irving R. Manning, George Massa, Michael Mathews, Kenneth Mayer, Richard Most, Woodrow L. Nabatoff, Robert Phelps, Elbridge D. Rauchle, Arthur Rawley, James A. Reading, Stuart A. Rogers, Robert D. Schmiege, Lester Seely, Francis Sklar, Ben H. Spees, A.H. Tesmenitsky Walter, Wi. B. Wafnpler, Ben Waterman, Richard T. Weinstein, Howard H. Willis, Warrington R. Wilson, Wm. B. Wood, Wm. B. Yorks, William Zurhorst, Ted Academic Notices Anthropology 32: The make-up final examination will be given Mon- day, Oct. 25, at 1 o'clock, in 306 Mason Hall. English I, Section 9. Assignment for Friday, Oct. 22: Study carefully and make a brief sentence outline of pp. 473-483 of "What Shall We Educte For?" C. C. Walcutt. Geography 33: Make-up examina- tion for second semester and Sum- mer Session will be held Friday af- ternoon, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Room 18, A.H. Geography 34: Makeup examina- THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 1937 VOL. XLVIII. No. 22 tion will be held Thursday afternoon, Oct. 21, 2:15 p.m., Room 6, A.H. Make-up examinations for German 1, 2 and 31 will be held in Room 306 University Hall on Saturday, Oct. 23 at 9 a.m. Correction: Sociology 51: Make-up final examination will be given Satur- day afternoon, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m., Room C, Haven Hall, instead of as previously announced. Sociology 147, Social Psychology, will have a blue book on Monday at 10 a.m., covering lectures and first four chapters of the text. Zoology 56, Embryology: Make-up examination for those who failed to take the test in June, on Thursday, Oct. 21, 1 p.m., Room 4101 Natural Science Building. Concerts Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday evening, Oct. 21, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Exhibitions The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex- hibition, held in the West and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hail, is open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues through Oct. 27. Admission is free to students. Lectures "What Can You And I Do To, Pre- vent War?" by Miss Mary K. Neff, international lecturer, at the Michi- gan League Chapel, Friday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Student Theosophical Club. The public is cor- dially invited. Public Lecture: "Influence of Islamic Astronomy in Europe and the Far East" by Prof. W. Carl Rufus. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated with slides. Ad- mission free. EVENTS TODAY All independent men interested in working on one of the committees of the Independent Men's Organization are urged to report from 4 to 5:30 p.m. today in Room 302 of the Mich- igan Union for interviews. Freshmen and sophomores who are interested in aiding in the organization activities of the Independent Men are specially urged to come. Faculty Women's Club: Art Study Group will meet at home of Mrs. J. M. Plumer, 1505 Golden St., at 2 p.m. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m. "Writing A Play," conducted by Prof. Kenneth T. Rowe. Freshmen Girls Glee Club: League at 7:15. All members please be pres- ent. Tryouts for those who wish. Varsity Glee Club: Rehearsal to- night for all men interested. Meeting: All girls working on the League candy booths must be present at meeting at the League today. Room number to be posted. Phi Epsilon Kappa: Meeting at 8:15 p.m., Room 325 Union. 'Members and pledges expected to attend. Progressive Club: Peace Committee meeting 8:00 at the Union. Discussion of future plans, special attention given to Chinese situation. Everyone is invited., Hillel Classes: 7:30 Dr. Bernard Heller's discussion "Dramatic Mom- Mon ets in Jewish History." 8:30 Dr. Aga Oglu, "Islamic Attitudes and the Pictorial Art of Islam," illustrated with colored slides. Foundation is (Continued on Page 6) MUSICIANS 'ACTORS TRYOUTS Are Being Held For Contestants In NI HT Witt n. Prize in the U. of M. Band