THE MICHIGAN DAILY THURSDAY, OCT. 21, 19"97 I Ip ll /M ll I Ir l S X111 OIL . Michi an phony Association was signed yester- day, Lawrence Tibbett, opera singer SWEETHEARTS GET WARNING. and head of the American Guild of, A warning was issued yesterday to Musical Artists announced. bashful sweethearts by Deputy Attor- One of the provisions of the agree- ney John H. Brennan, to the effect ment is that all artists engaged by that if they wish to avoid the pre- the association must be paid in cash auptial examination that will be re- and not in tickets or other media. SPECIAL OIL CROQUIGNOLE 9 Permanents $2.50 SHAMPOO, FINGER WAVE a n d R I N S E . . . . , 5 0c BEAUTY SHOP S1033 East Ujniversity 8767 Open Evenings by Appointment Read It In he Daily "Nil SNITE REACHES FLORIDA I MIAMI BEACH, Oct. 20. -(P)- Fred B. Snite, Jr., 27-year-old infan- tile paralysis victim, was brought here from Chicago today by train, trucked 10 miles to his father's home. Thousands Of Satisfied Customers Wiill Substazntiazte These Fact.! DAILY AT 2:00 - 4:00 -- 7:00 - 9:00 P.M. NOW PLAYING! TODAY and FRIDAY ! ; Extra O U R GANG WORLD NEWS F7R THE LAST FEW WEEKS, we, have advertised facts concerning the savings that can be made by send- ing your wash to the laundry instead of shipping it home. As a result, thou- sands have taken this advice. Compli- merts have poured in from all our new --- Coming Saturday- LEOPOLD STOKOWSKI "100 MEN AND A GIRL" [ eustomers and of course, this is better 1 advertising than we could ever do in any other way. Why not join in with this happy group and stop paying for delivery charges alone when you can have your laundry washed and deliv eed fo'r only a few cents more! f 4 3 4' {y I A Price per lb. . . . ..lOc Minimum Bundle 50c Shirts Extra 12c 0 .- 0 (Full Dress Shirts are not included in this Special Price) E V 1 i Sox Extra, per pair. Handkerchiefs, Extra FIVE POUNDS OF LAUNDRY (not in- cluding the weight of the laundry box) shipped to your home, costs Seventy-six ..I 4c . . .i 2c Cents for Express Charges alone! On the other hand, the laundries listed below offer you on their new Rough Dry Students' Bundle free delivery and charge you only Ten Cents per pound with excess charges WARNER OLAND IN accordingly. This gives you finished serv- 2 3 6 3 2 S A M P L E B U RID. L E Suits of Underwear Shirts Handkerchiefs Pairs of Socks Bath Towels COST9c "Charlie Chan on Broadway" Also NEWS and NOVELTIES ice on Shirts, Handkerchiefs and Socks. Underwear and Pajamas are washed and folded, ready for wear. Why not enjoy NIGHT - 7-9:15 Admission 40c STAGE SHOWS 7:10 and 9:30 the convenience of this new service and at the same time, pay only for the washing of your clothes and not for just their trans- portation. Continuous 1:30 to 11:30 3 BIG DAYS FRIDAY and SATURDAY STARTING FRIDAY 20c to 5-25c After 5 p.m. wwwftw lq 7d~iii TRC)IAW IAII14flRY VARSITY LAUJNDRY