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October 21, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-21

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The Weather
Mostly cloudy today and to-
morrow, rain in north today;
not much temperature change.


Sir g an


Frakly, Mr. Lippmann ...
We'll Welcome
State Editors...



Stocks Rally In
Heavy Buying;
By Roosevelt
Market Prices Advance;
Previous Losses Almost
CompletelyWiped Out
President Demands
A Firm Prosperity
NEW YORK, Oct. 20 -(P)- The
psychology of fear was swept out of
Wall Street today by the biggest
stock market advance since the first
day of trading after the banking hol-
iday in March, 1933.
A buying power which gained new
force overnight, after yesterday's clos-
ing surge upward, carried prices of
leading shares up $1 to $7, with oc-
cassional advances of considerably
more, and virtually wiped out the
losses suffered in the panicky selling
of Monday and early Tuesday.
Not even sporadic spells of profit-
selling deterred the day's rally which
was the most sustained that "the
street" has witnessed for some weeks.
Whereas on Monday and Tuesday,
trading opened with a heavy accum-
ulation of selling orders, the opposite
was true today and the ticker tape
frequently was behind on the upswing
instead of on the down.
F.D.R. Asks Coordination!
WASHINGTON, Oct. 20 -(P)-
Federal officials who wield potent
powers over the stock market heard
from President Roosevelt today that
the Government must perfect and co-
ordinate its mechanisms for building
a firm prosperity, free from violent
swings into booms and depressions.
The President delivered a brief ad-
dress at dedicatory ceremonies for the
new Federal Reserve building. Top-
ranking financial officials, legislators
and private bankers were among the
The Stock Market, which regained
today some of the ground lost in
recent steep plunges, drew no direct
mention from Mr. Roosevelt. Neither
did he refer to assertions by some
business leaders that government pol-
icies were responsible for the market
The nation's monetary and credit
machinery, the President said, "must
be steadily perfected and coordinated
with all other instruments of Govern-
ment to promote the most productive
utilization of our human and material
"Only in that way can our economic
system and our Democratic institu-
tions endure, hand in hand."
At another point, the executive said
banking powers have been concen-
trated in the Federal Reserve Bqard
"so that they can be used promptly
and effectively in accordance with the
changing needs of the country."
48 September
Crashes Here,
Survey Shows
Statistics compiled for the Nation-
al Safety Council by the Ann Arbor
Police department show that during
September there were 48 traffic ac-!
cidents involving 88 cars in Ann Ar-!
The survey shows no fatalities for

the month although there were 13
people injured. This is a decrease of
two in the number of deaths from
traffic accidents in September, 1936.
So far this year there have been two
traffic fatalities, while in a corres-
ponding period in 1936 there were 10
The total number of accidents has
increased from 36 in September, 1936
to 48 for September of this year. Of
the 88 drivers involved in these acci-
dents, 55 were from Ann Arbor, seven
from the metropolitan area, 21 from
elsewhere in the state and four from
outside Michigan.
Only 11 of the 88 persons concerned
in the accident were violating traffic
ordinances at the time, the survey
showed. No drunken drivers were in-
volved in the accidents.
There is more chance for an 'acci-
dent between 3 and 6 p.m. in Ann Ar-
bor than any other time, the report
showed. 40 of the accidents took place
during the day and 8 at night.
The identity of the one driver in-
volved in a hit-run case during the

Illumination In Student Rooms
Branded 'Generally Deplorable'

Pledges Hear Women Once
LitzenbergAsk Got C o l o r s
Higher IdealsFrmGd



Situation Is Largely.,Fault
Of Local Householders,
ProfessorHigbie Says
Lighting arrangements in the ma-
jority of student rooms were brand-
ed as "generally deplorable" by Prof.
H. H. Higbie of the electrical en-
gineering department yesterday.
Although this situation, which in
many cases constitutes 5 serious
abuse to the eyes of student roomers,
is largely the fault of householders,
students, themselves, may alleviate
the situation somewhat by a little in-
telligent experimentation, he con-
Standards for room lighting as set
up by Professor Higbie include:
1. Sufficient illumination to en-
able the eyes to see without eye-strain.
For reading and writing, 30 or 40
foot-candles of illumination should
be adequate, certainly not less than
2. An even distribution of light so
that tle eye is not continually forced
to readjust itself as it is when it
goes from a region of high bright-
ness to one of low brightness.
3. Absence of direct or reflected
glare resulting principally from spots
of exceptionally high brightness.
4. Absence of dark or sharply out-
lined shadows.
Detailed technical studies of
sample rooms by electrical engineer-
ing students reveal that lighting fa-
cilities too often fail to come up to
these standards. Referring to the
first requirement, the reports show
that the amount of light necessary
varies with the particular room. The


Averted As Fascists

University's rooming contract speci-
fication, which has been raised to
100 watts per student, can provide
good illumination if the arrange-
ments are proper, Professor Higbiej
said. However, the cheap flexiblel
goose-neck type of desk lamp most
commonly used in the rooms may
give an excessively high illumina-
tion over a small part of the desk
but a very inadequate illumination
over the larger portion of the desk.
In connection with the second
requirement, one student report said,
"At the working position . . . the in-
tensity of the illumination varies 27i
foot candles in the short space of one
foot!" Investigation by another stu-
dent shows that there was a varia-
tion of from 41 foot-candles on one
edge of a book lying flat to 7 foot
candles on the adjacent page.
The same reports reveal that glare
is almost always present with the
lighting facilities furnished in the
rooms. A fairly efficient remedy for
this problem is the installation of
any of the illuminating engineering
society study lamps, Professor Higbie
Big Farm Loans
Warned Agamst
By President
Roosevelt Says Draining
Of Federal Revenues
Might Be Too Great

Fraternity Men MIUst Live
Up To Their Standards,
Vows, Professor Says
Phi Sigma Delta Is
Awarded Trophy
Fraternity men should pay more
attention to the standards they have
set for themselves, and live up to the
things they swear to when taken into
a fraternity instead of speaking them
and forgetting them, Prof. Karl Lit-!
zenberg, of the English department,
said last night, speaking before the
third annual fraternity pledge ban-
quet in the Union.
Discussing four points: the origin
of fraternities, the relation of the
fraternity to the University, the re-
lation of the individual to the fra-
ternity and the status of the fra-
ternity in the changing world, Pro-
fessor Litzenberg pointed out that the
relationof the University to the fra-
ternity is that of father to son.
Quoting from President Ruthven's
attitude on fraternities expressed two
years ago, he declared that frater-
nities must think of raising their
scholastic average above that of all
men students, of maintaining good
social conditions and behavior and
of keeping their houses in good fi-
nancial condition.
"The fraternity idea is different
from the dormitory or boarding
house idea," Professor Litzenberg
went on to sav."ti ifPrn nth

NEW YORK, Oct. 20.-(AP)-A dis-
tinguished scientist said tonight that
chemists were trying generations ago,
even as now, to get women to look .
for their beauty aids in the fruits of
orchard and garden rather than in
the drug store.
And, he added, it appeared it was
a job as thankless then as now.
Speaking in the centennial celebra-
tion of the birth of Charles Frederick
Chandler, New York's first public
health chemist, Dr. Haven Emerson,
director of public health of the Col-
lege of Physicians and Surgeons,
wondered aloud whether it was all
worth while-so far as the women and
their cosmetics were concerned.
It happened, said Dr. Emerson,
that Dr. Chandler often in the course!
of his duties disclosed "fraud and!
damage to health, as in his analysis
of cosmetics, especially poisonous hair
tonics, washes and skin restoratives,
lotions, enamels and skin powders."
"How modern!" he added. "How
"How revealing of the perpetual
gullibility, the shallow emulation of
those females of the species who con-
tinue to act as if beauty comes from
the drug store instead of the garden
or the orchard, or from without in-
stead of within the human economy.
"As one looks about at the cada-
veric finger tips, the enamelled toe-
nails, the deformed eyebrows, the
filled facial creases that try to re-
veal character but are cheated out of
it, the hectic cheek reminiscent of
the fever ward of a tuberculosis hos-
pital, the ill-assorted daubs of ani-
line upon the lips, one wonders if it
is worth the while of the Congress

Meet Bri~t
Recalls Volunteers
Hunt For Ross
AbductoIs .

Rebels Said Near
To Burning Gijon,
BIARRITZ, France, Oct. 20.-(A')--I
A group of Spanish Governmentl
fliers who fled from Gijon today said
the city was in flames and further
defense against Generalissimo Fran-
cisco Franco's advancing army ap-
peared impossible.
Anarchy was spreading, they said,
with Basques and Asturians fighting
each other in the streets. Food sup-
plies were nearly exhausted, and only
a few militiamen still were ready to
hold out against the Insurgents, they
Reports from Hendaye said Fran-
co's forces were crushing all resist-
ance after having occupied the cities
of Villaviciosa and Infiesto, less than
12 miles from Gijon, objective of the
Insurgents in the Asturian campaign.
Outbreak Of Sniping Hits
Holy Land; None Killed
JERUSALEM, Oct. 20.-(AP)-Elu-
sive snipers kept alive the wave of
terrorism in the Holy Land today by a
series of attacks in hallowed Biblical
The new attacks were a continua-
tion of the outbreaks which have re-
sulted in 39 deaths-six Jews and 33
Arabs-since Great Britain, as man-
datory power, proposed the partition
of Palestine July 7.
Sniperstpeppered bullets about a
police station near the Church of the
Nativity at Bethlehem. Police re-
turned the fire, but no casualties were
A bomb was thrown at a group of
Jewish constables as they were en-
tering the police station at Safed, a
small town north of the Biblical city
of Capernum. The bomb exploded
harmlessly nearby.
The Independent Men's Organiza-
tion will hold a tryout meeting from
4 to 5:30 p.m. today in Room 302 of
the Union for all independent men
interested in working on the various
committees of the organization, it
was announced yesterday.

WASHINGTON, Oct. 20.-( /P ullu- "" i~u 6uy. lu 1 'u u1 bileto try to enact protective legislation, 1.3.. I
selection of members, in the fact that
President Roosevelt, informed per- it has certain creeds, but, above all, or health officers and their labora-
sons said tonight, has cautioned farm in that it instills in its members a tories to attempt enforcement of Government Agents Comb
leaders against pushing crop loans inrta it insisin it brsalocal ordinances, to save a beauty- G
to a point where the drain on Fed- ertan oge therore closelythat binds mad generation from those qualities Country As G-Man Head
eral revenues becomes too great.da "But," he pointed out, "the fra- of cosmetics that threaten to replace
3Certain leaders called on him todaytenisargadlylonght the bloom of health with one more Takes Over Case
to ask 60-cents-a-bushel loans on 'je ne sais quoi.' To be successful in appropriate to a dish of wax fruit.
corn to improve prices. While there the future, they must revive that, and CHICAGO, Oct. 20.-(P)-Govern-
was no word as to whether their plea prove that they are more than con- ment agents combing the country for
would be granted, Mr. Roosevelt was venient boarding houses." G overnor A Cts the kidnapers of Charles S. Ross
understood to have raised the ques- He urged that fraternity men jus- stepped up their pace today as J.i
tion whether the budget would per- tify their existence as fraternity men To E d Strike Edgar Hoover, head of the Federal
mit wide extension of loans at this by showing ,that they mean the vowsthe iere Investigation, assumed per-
time, they take when initiated. "There is Bureau ofI
However, Secretary of Agriculture a decline in interest in fraternities Ikn klahom a sonal charge of the widespread
Wallace subsequently told a press today because the fraternities are not search.
conference a Government loan on living up to their own vows," he said.I The chief G-Man, ill for several
this year's large corn crop "should In conclusion, Professor Litzenberg ARDMORE, Okla., Oct. 20.-(iP)- days, returned to his Washington
be exceedingly desirable." He de- >ffered four constructive suggestions Oklahoma National Guardsmen pa- headquarters to direct the strategy
lined to say what loan rate he fa- for fraternities. trolled 10 strike-bound oil leases to- of his far-flung force.
vored but conceded that a corn loan "They should do their best to qual- night as Gov. E. W. Marland came They apparently placed their main
of about 46 cents a bushel would be ify in their financial, scholastic and here to take personal command of the reliance upon a nationwide net
comparable to the government's 9- social standards, they should pay situation. formed by the circulation of lists of
cent a pound loan on this year's cot- more attention to the standards they Tension eased in one area where the serial numbers of the $50,000 in
ton crop. have set forthemselves, they should strikers closed down 60 stripper wells currency turned over to the abduc-
made by Edward A. O'Neal, president reve as far as sse he slep of the Jones Oil Co., Sunday to pro- tors in a vain attempt to obtain the
of the American Farm Bureau Fed- conti ed on Pt r) a test the dismissal of a dozen union release of the 72-year-old manufac-
eration, who was accompanied -to (onue age employes. turer.
the who ws ac ed to Eighty state troopers stood guard Federal officers investigated the de-
at the conference were Earl Smith, on the highways tonight and 200 CIO tention of a motorist at Mt. Olive, Ill.,
vice president of the federation, and Facult y akes union pickets went home to bed after in connection with their attempts to
Clifford H. Gregory, editor of Wal- a night-long vigil, trace the ransom money. He was held
lace's Farm Journal. PMOn the 16 leases of former U. S. after a Springfield filling station at-
They told the President, Smith Sen. W. B. Pine, an independent oil tendant notified them the stranger
said, that there was a n immediate operator in the Seminole area, work- offered a."$5 bill in payment for gaso-
necessity" for a corn program in view O i i ators ers claimed pickets refused to permit line but substituted a smaller bill
of prevailing low prices for futures them on a lease to pull casing, grab- after he saw the attendant had a list
contracts and the impending har- bed the keys to a company truck and of the ransom money.
vest of 2,561,936,000 bushels, a yield Annual Regional Meetings fled when two Pine workmen attempt- Three other reports also were
more than one billion bushels in ex- e ed to haul pipe away from the prop- scrutinized by the government op-
cess of last year's crop, Of Michigan Eduication erty. eratives.
O'Neal said he proposed a loan Association Being Held The Pine strike entered its seventh One was the finding of the charred
program that would insure a farm! _day. Pine employes called the walk- body of a man in a burned automobile
price of 60 cents a bushel, or ap- mUout after two union workers were dis- near Edina, Mo. Coroner Keith Hud-
proximately 75 per cent of the"prI Several members of the University charged. son said distinguishing features were
ity" price for corn. Parity, he s id, faculty are among the speakers at Governor Marland met with Jones undiscernible but he asertained there
now is 84 cents. ! the regional meeting of the Michigan Oil Company and union officials on were three teeth in the lower jaw
(The price of corn reaches "parity" Education Association being held the possibility of withdrawing the and none in the upper. Earl J: Con-
when the amount of money received throughout the State this month. troops, called out before dawn after nelley of the Federal force said Ross
per bushel for it will buy, when paid Region six, which includes Wash- sheriff's officers asked help. had a full set of teeth.
out for non-farm products, the same tenaw County, will hold its annual
quantity it bought in the pre-war1 meeting in Detroit Oct. 21 and 22. The second was the snaring of three
period). All county schools will be dismissed!. FRESHMEN TO MEET TODAY men in a police trap in Seattle. Two
It was feared, O'Neal said, that for these days so that all teachers The second of the series of four were wounded. Early investigation
the 1937 crop of corn would have to may attend. I Freshmen Forums will be held at 4:30 established no link with the Ross case.
sell at 30 or 35 cents a bushel unless Prof. David Mattern of the School p.m. today in the Union, with Hugh The third was the story of a wom-
the market could, in effect, be;of Music will speak on "Curriculum Rader, '38, president of the Men's an who reported she had seen four
"pegged" by a government loan pro- Revision as Applied to Music"; Council, and Irving Silverman, '38, men in a car in suburban River Forest
gram. Charles E. Koella of the French de- president of the independent men, as on the night Ross was kidnaped-
-_partment on "Why and How to Teach principal speakers, it was announced. Sept. 25.
the Pronounciation of Foreign Lan-
bes Sham bles *, guages": and Robert E. Carson of
University High School on"The Cor- Athens Lures Judge From Stump
e D tict relation of History, Geography and
Music." A d ~ r' ~
Chapei Distrctus
At the same time, region eight Olympus AndWorsts Alpha Nu
will meet in Battle Creek. Among
with recurrent air bombs from the the speakers are Prof. Avard Fair- -
Japanese planes, made progress ad- banks of the department of fine By MILTON PETERMAN word picture of a tall girl conducting
ditionally hazardous. But the great- arts who will give "A Demonstration The old adage that good things herself in a typical Arboretum scene
est danger of all were the land mines Lecture in Sculpture" and Hazel come in small packages was punched much to the confusion of Athena.
in the middle of the streets, the Smith of the botany department full of holes last night when Athena, Athena quickly rallied and Faith
slightest touch on which would have who will speak on "Supplementary women s honorary speech society, Watkins, '39, applied the clinching
ignited their dynamite. Material that the Student May Pro- worsted Alpha Nu, men's honorary
The commander of the 88th Chinese vide.literary speech society, in a humorous point by asking of her opponents,
division, occupying Chapei, informed The following week. region one, debate on the topic, "Resolved: That "Do I offend you? Am I awkward? I
me Chinese casualties were relatively metropolitan Detroit, will hold its the Charm of a Woman Varies In- Hete ch al.
light considering the fierce Japanese meeting there. Speakers are to be versely With Her Size." Her opponents were too chivalrous
onslaughts from land, sea and ai Dr. John Sundwall, of the School of David Laing, '39, opened the attack o answer directly but stated thattthe
Overlooking the scenes of desola- Education on "Nutrition in the for the affirmative by defining charm quei Kmarsed the greatl
tion were groups of steel-helmeted Modern Public Health Movement"; as "that which causes males to act Mr. Cecil Kitchen, of the political
Lio wee goup ofstel-hlmeedProf. John Brumm, chairman of the in such a way when he sees such a! science department, who awarded
United States marines at sand-bagged . Js the debate to the affirmative, claimed
outposts atop jhigh factory building ournalism department, on "Living woman.t
fricr -cr har~nr~t;,nt C~fla IUp to Our Intelligence"; Prof. JohnI He then built upon this foundation that-he*hadnot-bee3_1fluenced_ b

ish Plans
British Proposals Accepted
By Grandi To Remove
Volunteers From War
Showdown Avoided
On Spanish Crisis
LONDON, Oct. 20-(P)-Europe's
Fascist-Nazi front broke a dangerous
deadlock tonight over the presence
of foreign soldiers in Spain and
agreed to a scheme through the
Non - Intervention Committee for
getting them home.
Count Dino Grandi, Italian am-
bassador, faced with what his an-
tagonists described as a "stiffening
attitude" by Great Britain and
France, accepted British proposals
for evacuating the foreign volun-
teers rather than precipitate a crisis.
The action, supported by German
agreement, took place in the session
of the Nine-Power subcommittee of
the 27-nation 'hands-off Spain" body.
It delayed indefinitely both com-
plete withdrawal of the volunteers
and the granting of belligerent rights
to the warring parties in Spain.
It also facilitated adoption of a
formula which will enable Great
Britain and France, as well as Italy
and Germany, to stave off any show-
down on the Spanish problem which,
informed suorces said, none wanted
to face now.
The proposals for withdrawing the
volunteers originally were advanced
y the British last July and a split
occurred soon after whether evacua-
tions or the question of belligerent
rights should be discussed first.
With their acceptance now by
Italy and Germany, informed sources
envisaged the procedure as follows:
1. Withdrawals to begin-probably
in equal numbers from among for-
eigners fighting with the Insurgents
and the Government in Spain. The
subcommittee will meet tomorrow
afternoon to establish this point defi-
2. A .commission will go to Spain
to report on the numbers of vol-
unteers and a system for their evac-
3. Complete evacuation to be un-
4. An independent authority, prob-
ably the Non-Intervention Commit-
tee, to decide the moment when bel-
ligerent rights should be granted.
British officials said the entire
scheme fitted into the framework of
the British proposals advanced July
Second Issue
Of Panorama
Out Tomorrow
Panorama is coming out tomorrow
-on time, according to the editors.
No broken presses or forgotten dead-
lines have retarded this issue's pro-
gress. The Editors say it is better
than ever.
George Johnson, Union doorman,
has revealed what he does in his spare
time away from the front door of the
Union. Homecoming week-end, before
and after the game, is also featured.
There is a series of pictures on how to
earn money compared with how to
spend it.
An "In Memoriam" page, dedicated
to Stevens Mason, Jr., is included.
Some of the restaurants figuring in
the campaign being carried on by
The Daily against restaurant condi-
tions here have been photographed

for this issue of Panorama, which is
coming out tomorrow-on time, it is



Reporter Descril
Of Chinese
SHANGHAI, Oct. 20.-(P-I made
the first survey of the now historic
Chapei sector on the northern edge
of the International Settlement to-
night during a 15-hour Japanese air
"this was the 69th bombardment
that Chapei has endured without
yielding an inch to the might and
fury of Japan's great war machine.
I found the Chinese forces as strongly
entrenched as ever and as high-spirit-
"Only an earthquake or a tidal
wave will drive us out," their com-


Varsity Night To Be
Goldeno p portunit y
For Hidden Talents
If there are many musicians or ac-
tors on campus or in Ann Arbor, here
is their golden chance to compete
before a Hill Auditorium audience
and to win a prize. The University
Band's Varsity Night committee is
looking for entrants in its contest

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