OAY,0CT.2 ,18"7 TIlE MICHIGAN DAILY PAEFE First Undergraduate Tea To Be Held Friday In League Ballroom Social Function Will Be Open: To All Women Charlie Zwick Will Play For Dancinig; Hostesses Announced For Affair The first in the series of under- graduate teas will be given for all campus woman, both sorority and in- dependent, from 4 to 6 p.m. Friday in the League Ballroom, it was an- nounced yesterday by Betty Gatward, '38, social chairman of the League. Tables will be placed in the ball- room, Miss Gatward said, and Charlie Zwick and his orchestra will furnish dance music. Dancing and seating guests will be under the direction of thfe social committee. Hostesses Are Announced Those who have been asked to pour include Mrs. C. E. Griffin, Mrs. W. E. Brown, Mrs. Hazel Roberson, Mrs. George Codd and Mrs. Phyllis Rey- nolds. Officials of the League who have been asked to pour are Har- riet Shackleton, '38, president of Pan- hellenic Association, Helen Jesperson, '38, president of Assembly; and Hope Hartwig, '38, president of the League. Miss Gatward stressed the fact that all women are invited to the tea. This is an opportunity for all freshmen women to meet upperclass- men, she said, and to enjoy one of the social functions of the League. Charlotte Poock, '39, will be in charge of the door committee which will show guests to their tables. Vir- ginia Eaglesfield, '38, secretary of the social committee will be at the door to check in sorority members. League points are received by the sorority for each member present. Honor Guests Named I The list of hostesses who will en- tertain guests at the tables includes Dorothy Barrett, '39A, Marian Bax- ter, '39, Betty Shaffer, '39, Jane Hol- den, '39, Elizabeth Allington, '40, Martha Dynes, '39, Mary Rall, '39, Elizabeth Powers, '38, and Betty Spangler, '39.. Following the undergraduate tea, the initial Ruthven tea will be held Nov. 4, it was announced by Ste- phanie Parfet, '39, who is the chair- man for these teas. Hostesses for the affair will be announced later, she said. Foreign Grou p To Attend Tea At Dean's Home, Students Meet At 3 P.M.; International C o u n c i l Plan Transportation Foreign students of the literary college will be entertained by Dean and Mrs. Edward H. Kraus at their home from 3 to 5 p.m. Sunday, it was announced today. All students from countries other than the United States in the literary college, and all students holding Bar- bour scholarships are cordially in- vited. The number of foreign stu- dents in the literary college is sur- prisingly small compared. to their en- rollment in the University as a whole. The reason for this is that 90 per cent of them are in graduate or pro- fessional schools. Dean and Mrs. Kraus will be as- sisted at the tea by several of the faculty members and their wives who will be announced later. Prof. and Mrs. J. Raleigh Nelson will also as- sist. Dean Kraus is a member of the Barbour Scholarship Board and is extending his invitation to holders of the scholarships. Dean and. Mrs. Kraus live at 155 Arlington Blvd., which is outside the city limits. To accommodate students who wish to attend the tea, the International Council has agreed to provide trans- portation. Students will assemble at the in- ternational headquarters, Room 116 at the Union, and the automobiles will leave promptly at 3 p.m. CABARET INTERVIEWS END Today will be the last day for Sophomore Cabaret interviewing for chairmanships according to Angelene Maliszewski, '38, chair- man of Judiciary Council. Inter- views will be held from 4 to 6 p.m. in the Undergraduate Office of the League. Comfortable Jlousecoats Gain Favor Union Formal Intermission Show Planned World Noted Xylophonist, Novelty Jugglers, Dancerc WiW l Entertain Friday Plans for the floor show for thet f j Union Formal Friday have been com- pleted with three acts by well known professional entertainers scheduled.1 William El Cota. reputedly the world's greatest xylophonist, will come to the dance direct from a tour of the leading theatres of the coun- try.t Miss Mollie Martin, dancer from leading Chicago night clubs, will en- lertamwith various dances.4 Jugglers To Perform1 Jack Gregory and Co., interna- .,'jftional novelty jugglers, will present a program of novel juggling. The dance will start at 9 p.m., with he floor showing coming at 10:30{ y.m. Supper of chicken salad, sand- wiches, ice cream, cake and coffee1 will be served at 11:30 p.m. Tickets for the Formal are now on sale at the main desk of the Union, and by members of the Union Ex- Secutive Council. The sale is limited [o 275 couples. Bob Steinle and his Melody Men will play for the affair, being held for the second time. Last year more h than 250 couples attended the dance. Tables May Be Reserved I Independents attending the formal may have tables reserved for certain, groups by having one person of their, group leave the names of the people that want to sit together at the main desk of the Union. Only the guests of the junior ex- ecutive council and senior officers Will be allowed to wear corsages. Names of the patrons for the dance,, as well as of the guests of the com- mittee members, will be announced ueppy, B right ousecots .amain' , in the near future, according to Rich- ard Fox, '39, general chairman, who' ooularity For Studyngng is a member of the Union executive -_ committee. War-Torn China Keeps Colleges Open By Training For Defense By DOROTHEA STAEBLER eager to stay, most parents have China is making it possible, in spite called their children back to this of the war raging there, to continue country. educational facilities by training stu- Increase Reported dents for immediate action against Hua Chung College, Wuchang, re- air or infantry attacks. ports a 50 per cent increase over last From Yenching University comes year's enrollment. This is because the statement from President Stuart, the Chinese government has shifted "Foreigners will be more than ever many students from dangerous areas needed these next few years-and to attend this institution. It is now pathetically wanted. The only pleas- working on a "double shift" to ac- ing feature of these recent weeks has .ommodate all students. West China been the touching proof of this." And Union University, Chengtu, which is from the same university, George G. also far removed from the disturb- Barber, president of the board of ances, has increased its enrollment trustees, writes "The following is a to provide further safety for stu- glimpse of the fortitude with which dents. American and Chinese faculties and Returning staff'members have the students of all our Christian col- found their greatest difficulty in get- leges are passing through this time ing back to their original univer- of suffering and peril. sities. Dangers of travel have made Bulletin Reports Conditions it impossible to open schools with The bulletin of the Associated_---- Boards for Christian Colleges in - - - - - China reports that despite the dis- turbed conditions in China, it is esti- ' mated that from eighty to ninety per eedl cent of the total staff of the whole W lad t group of colleges, omitting those one are gl to assistyou regular furlough, are now on the your Needlework Guild pure campuses of their respective institu- apparel is particularly desi tions, and that a majority of the .turned in by November 2. schoos are now open. CHILDREN'S WASP" DRESSES In the north, Yenching University at Peiping, reports an enrollment one Sizes to 1 4 half as large as normally. Cheeloo BOYS' BLOUSES University, Tsinon, has cabled that Sizes 4 to 141/2.. they will open, but as yet, no in- formation has been received on the FLANELETTE and BIRDSEYE enrollment date. Size 27 x 27 Air attacks on Nanking have pre- vented the opening of Ginlin College, DENTONS and FLA but President Yi-fang Wu has con- Knit Underwear for Chil tinued to hold her complete staffnt d at for Chil in readiness. From the University of at er Nanking comes a China Clipper let- ter which states, "We have prepared,*o . I dugouts and trenches on the campus and will assign each student to a . definite place in time of raids. The students are pressing us to open, and Delivery 126 South it is the opinion of the administra- tive group that we should try to do so. Service Shanghai Opens Concession - Damaged by the fighting around - ---- -- Shanghai, and now occupied by sol- diers, the University of Shanghai has announced, plans to open in the French Concession. Typical of the earnest effort to keep education mov- ing, President Liu has cabled, "No matter what happens, we are deter- mined to carry on. I believe that - the educational front is even more important than the military front." In spite of repeated bombings, Lingnon University, Canton, has opened and sends this brief but re- vealing cable. "Enrollment small but spirited." Of the twenty American students who were attending the uni- versity only a few remain. Although; New Zippered ]lobes Show Tfil ored, Practical Lines In Washable Fabrics By JEANNE FOSTERI That indispensable uniform for. college women's studying, spreads, Sunday morning breakfasts, and what not-the robe and slippers, of course-is still commanding atten- tion from the fashion world. Robes are cut on the fitted house- coat lines, for the most part, whether the material is of flannel, velvet, silk or satin. With a few exceptions, all have a zipper of some contrastingf shade running the full length of theI robe to a short pleat at the bottom.I The color isn't important so long as it is bright and gay. Almost all! of them can be safely laundered, a fact well worth considering. Coats Feature Gay Colors Some of the gayest of housecoats are of printed silk and challis, short sleeved, and in any color combina- tion you desire. Very startling and smart are a black quilted satin robe with bell sleeves, and a black taffeta? with green satin stripe. One paisley satin robe has a snow white ascot at the throat, while a dark house coat, embroidered with bright colors, is further distinguished by the Dirndl effect at the waist. Some of the loveliest of robes are made of chenille in turquoise, white, rose, and the other pastel shades. Many have vari-colored flowers of self-material attached to the collars, or appliqued on. Most of these come with robe closing. The same com-{ pany makes bed jackets to match. Probably the most elegant robe of all comes in velvet with a train and a monk's collar. This, too, is decorated with many petaled flowers. One of the newest bathrobes is made of soft fleecy blanket material, in pastel tones with the collar and, wide belt edged in satin. This robe, is big and roomy with a wide lap-, New Members Chosen For Crop And Saddle The Crop and Saddle Club an-} nounces the following new members chosen after recent tryouts: Sally Lou Weidlein, '41; Ida May Davis, '39; Ellen St. John, '41; Stella Trimgham, '38; Mary Jane Phelps, '40;. and Helen Rose, '40. A meeting and supper ride of the club will be held at 5 p.m. today start- ing from Barbour gymnasium. over, and seems to be designed for Sartorial Elegance winter comfort. Practical Foot Gear As to foot gear, it seems to end toward the practical side with os- trich plumes and fussiness taking al back seat-at least for college women. Leather and brocaded d'orseys are very suitable for this time of year, out the shops are laying in a big1 supply of wool and fur lined Russian4 bootees against the imminent cold weather. Sandals in all colors are still pop-! ular among college women. An especially attractive pair of mules comes in dark colors, open toe and! heel, with vivid satin trimming en- casing the ankles. Catholic Student fiance To Be Held The first student dance of the year for Catholic Students who attend St. Mary's Student Chapel will be! held at 8 p.m. today in the Chapelj Auditorium according to the dance committee. A local orchestra has been obtained to provide music for the occasion'; and dancing will be held from 8 to 10 p.m. A cordial invitation has beent extended by the committee to all Catholic students and their friends,f and they are urged to take advantage f of this opportunity to become ac- quainted with other students.,j RESERVATIONS FOR FORMAL Independent men who wish to siti with friends at the. Union Formal Friday, and have not as yet made reservations may do so now by having one of their party come to the Union desk to make arrangements, Don Bel- den, '39, of the Union Executive Coun- cil announced yesterday. h- A rnazes Spect taors A t Fraternity Game If any fashion experts had been present at the speedball match held between Alpha Sigma Phi and Phi Kappa Sigma yesterday afternoon onI South Ferry Field, they would have learned a great -deal about the cor- rect attire for the Michigan man to wear during a wet speedball match. Perhaps the most outstanding out-, fit belonged to the man who optimis- 1I tically sported a sun helmet. Under- neath was a heavy dark sports jacket contrasted with a pair of light shorts. I Tomorrow Is Deadline In keeping with the rest of the out- fit, he wore a pair of bright hued' eor Tennis Tournament garters, to keep up his socks and All women competing in the tennis baseball cleats completed his cos- tournament must play off their first tume. rounds by Thursday night, announced There seemed to be a great dif ; Margaret Waterston, '38. ference of opinion on the proper Miss Waterston also announced a pants to wear for the occasion. They meigo h ensCu t41 varied from white striped flannels meeting of the Tennis Club at 4:15 optimistically rolled above the knee p.m. Wednesday, on the Palmer Field to dirty blue cords taking a definite Courts. beating and several shivered in; ; shorts. FOR WELL-GROOMED SThe greatest variety was in the _ HANDS, HAVE Ao line of shoes. Metal toed oxfords, I HAEVLNSMAVECUA sporty black and (formerly) white REVELON MANICURE sport oxfords, greyish hued white By Our Expert Manicurist shoes, rubbers, sneakers, basketball SHAMPOO and WAVE sneakers, football shoes and even Monday, Wednesday, Friday high boots competed for attention. 5 Sweaters of all kinds and coats of 50C many different types started out looking very unusual and different RAGGEDY ANN but .by the end of the watery game, BEAUTY SHOP all had become a soggy greyish coloroU because of the number of falls which Suth niversity occurred subsequently. 1114 hone 7561 . r i i a I! III ' .. tr. imp- II IL Ii AG on IDemana frCompdent SHORTHAND TYPING Special Courses for University Students Convenient Hours Day and Evening Classes Come in and talk it over, and A Corona portable type. writer means faster school progress and better grades. Corona is the only portable with floating shift and .stouch' selector. Take one hone for only $1.00 a week. rrying case and instruc- ion .book free. 1938 PACEMAKER SPEED MODEL CORONA I1" _ .:_. ,Announcing the opening of the MARGARET STROUSE BALLROOM ST UDIO Learn to Dance Quickly 11; o. D. MORRILL 314 South State Street Ill, O lir 11 I lid 14ii 1 0