THE MICHIGAN DAILY THE MICHIGAN DAILY =- : _,'W . °f:7 VI Edited and managed by students of the University of Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of Student Publications. Published every morning except Monday during the University year and Summer Session. Member of the Associated Press The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the use for republication of all news dispatches credited to it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All rights of republication of all other matter herein also reserved. Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as second class mail matter. Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier, $:00; by mail, $4.50. Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38 RPR8EENTD POR NATIONAL ADVERTsIN ey NationalAdvertisingSevice,I c. College Publishers Represeutaive 420 MADISON AVE. _NEw YORK, . Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES - SAN FANCISCO Board of Editors uwANAGING EDITOR ....... ...... JOSEPH S. MATTES EDITORIAL DIRECTOR..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR ................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert May0, Robert Mtchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art. Badauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. 'Golden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER.................. DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER .. .NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmeptal Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegeman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: ROBERT I. FITZHENRY Labor's Chance To Unite. P ROSPECTS for a truce in the long . and destructive civil war of Amer- ican labor have been brightened by the agree- ment of the American Federation of Labor and the Committee for Industrial Organization to hold a conference late this month in an effort to reach a working peace agreement. There is a strong inclination to be skeptical of the outcome of a discussion which must take place under as severe handicaps as this one will, but arbitration has proved so successful in the more orthodox type of labor disputes that labor sym- pathizers see no reason for discounting in advance its chances to end the inter-union schism. The entire question of the success or failure of the meeting hinges upon the sincerity of the leaders of the two groups. The differences existing between them are certainly not impor- tant enough to warrant a continued split in the labor movement whose revitalization during the past two years has otherwise been so promising. The AFL has virtually abandoned its exclusively- craft-union outlook in the face of the tremendous success of the CIO's campaign in the field of previously unorganized labor. Certainly there is not the slightest chance that the steel and auto workers will ever abandon the industrial union idea in favor of the narrow horizontal organiza- tion so patently unsuited to them. At the same time, the CIO must admit, as indeed it always has, that specialized labor, carpenters, painters and other skilled workers, can only be organized on a craft basis. There is no reason for be- lieving, however, that the two forms of organiza- tion cannot continue to, function side by side; in fact, it must be apparent that they have no other choice. Most labor observers agree that there is one fundamental problem which must be solved by the conferees: Are the present controllers of AFL policy ready and willing to permit the granting of "un- restricted" industrial union charters to organ- ized workers in the basic and mass production industries? At San Francisco three years ago this was agreed to by the dominant group of craft unions. The fipst charter to a mass-production union issued during the year-the auto workers union -was awarded, according to the charges made at Atlantic City the following year by John L. Lewis, with the reservation that the craft groups in that industry were to be permitted to have their own unions. Industrial unionists claimed this reservation nullified the promise made at San Francisco and the dispute between the two factions de- veloped into a break from which emerged the Committee for Industrial Organization. At Washington the delegates from the CIO will undoubtedly demand adherence to the reso- lution adopted at San Francisco three years ago. Upon the willingness of the AFL to grant these terms rests the possibility of ending the ludic- rous existence of dual unionism, which has not only made collective bargaining difficult but has also resulted in confusing the public, thus les- sening the prestige and influence of the move- ment. From the beginning, the rift has been marked clearly they are the domestic business of the two organizations themselves. As long as each is satisfied with its own particular leaders, there is little reason for the other to attempt to inter- fere. In the meantime, the possibility of aligning the two great units in a common front against the common enemy, the unfair and unscrupulous employer, should certainly outweigh all consid- erations of personal feeling and jealousy. To- gether the AFL and CIO can unite more than 7,000,000 American workers, with greatly en- hanced prospects for continuing success in the organization of the unemployed in both the craft and industrial fields. There is every reason for sympathizers with the entire labor movement to hope for an2honest effort on the part of the October 25th conference to settle differences and bury the hatchet which has done, and will otherwise continue to do, so much harm to the common interests of all American workers. Denies Stealth To the Editor: Grave suspicions might be aroused by the article in Tuesday's Daily titled: "Young Com- munist League Comes Into Open With Meeting Today." For the article goes on to say that the League "has been functioning secretly for more than five years." As a member of that organization, may I say that at no time have prospective members been forced to display either false beard, stage bomb, dirty neck, foreign accent, or bank deposits of Stalin's gold. Strangeli enough also, the Young Communist League has not met around a bon- fire out in the Arboretum in the early hours of the morning, nor has it met in some dank, cobwebby cellar. Parenthetically I might add, for the benefit of those who might be worried, that we have no intention of blowing up the Carillon (whatever the benefits of such an action might be for the student body). As a matter of fact, the League has met quite openly for a number of years, in various halls and homes around campus. Its purposes have been mainly educational. A short time ago, its members decided to bring the League actively before the student body, partly for the purpose of showing them the benefits of affiliation with an organization which has, as members, hun- dreds of thousands of intelligent and forward looking young people in every country in the world. The Youg Communist League will be educa- tional, as before, but in the future it will have a much broader scope. Its meetings will be con- cerned with topics of vital importance to every college student and to every young man and woman. Everyone who is interested in the prob- lem of war, fascism, relevant economics, and the attainment of socialism, is sincerely invited to attend all future meetings and take part in the discussion. -A Communist Student music Music In The Air By WILLIAM J. LICHTENWANGER One of the oldest pieces of bona fide organ music in existence will be the first number played this afternoon by Prof. Palmer Christian, in the third of the weekly Twilight Organ Recitals. This ancient work, a choral prelude on the choral melody "Rejoice, Beloved Christians," was writ- ten by Tucis, an Italian church composer of the early sixteenth century. Prof. Christian's second number is a Concerto in D major of Antonio Vivaldi, the Venetian vio- linist of great fame whose works, mostly con- certos, were studied carefully for their mastery of form by J. S. Bach. This Concerto is one of the four which Bach transcribed for organ from the composer's original settings for violin solo with string orchestra accompaniment. Another eighteenth century Italian, commonly known as Padre Martini, was the composer of the next selection. This is a Gavotte written in the form of a canon, in which one voice leads the way and a second voice follows it literally at a certain interval. Padre Martini was one of the best-known. scientific musicians of his time, and was particularly adept at the sort of musical parlor game known as the "puzzle canon." A transcription for organ of a concerto writ- ten originally for the eighteenth-century or- chestra again finds a place on the program, in the Largo movement from George Frederick Handel's Twelfth Concerto Grosso. The pro- gram's concluding work is the five-movement Symphony for Organ No. 6 of the late Charles Marie Widor, organist at St. Sulpice in Paris. **i * * When the score is 40 to 0 and there are two minutes left in the final quarter, the losing team usually "takes to the air" (all except Mich- igan; we kick). From a look at current broad- casting schedules, one could get the idea that the country's symphony orchestras are on the short end of some such score. Not counting the concerts of the NBC Sym- phony, which will get under way Saturday, No- vember 13 (the time has again been changed, this time from 9-10:30 to 10-11:30), there is a small flock of weekly programs of legitimate symphonic stature. On this coming Saturday, at 9:30 to 10:30 p.m., (NBC Red), will be heard the second in a short series of broadcasts by the Cleveland Sym- phony, led by Artur Rodzinski and playing Si- belius' tone poem "Pohjola's Daughter" and Tschaikowsky's Fourth Symphony. Then on Sunday afternoon will commence Itfeeinr to e BEYWOOD BROUN It is a little difficult for me to take Jeremiah T. Mahoney very seriously. I know that he used to be a judge and that he is running in the May- oralty campaign in New York. It has even been said that the issue is far greater than a local one, and that the fate of the nation for weal or woe rests upon his reception at the hands of the electorate. Jim Farley has indorsed him, and some will point to his success or failure as a fore- shadowing of the progress of the New Deal in the next two or three years or even longer. And even so, Jeremiah Ti- tus Mahoney fails to loom as another Jefferson or an Andrew Jackson. You see I happen to know him only as Uncle Jerry. He is not, I hasten to add in all fairness to his candidacy, related to me in any way whatsoever, but he is kin of some of my best friends. They do not speak disparagingly of him, al- though there seemed to be a sort of general family surprise when the papers said that he was running for something. Once upon a time, man -years ago, he was famous as a track ath- lete, but his specialty was leaping. For a time he held the high jump record. But the assump- tion among the members of his clan seemed to be that all that kind of activity had been laid away in lavendar, along with the silver mugs upon the mantelpiece of his study. Why, Uncle Jerry! His kinsfolk were somewhat startled when he came out of the chimney corner and announced himself as an entry for the hop, skip and a jump. Not that he will lack loyal suppeirt among the Mahoneys and the Reynoldses. Quentin Rey- nolds, his favorite nephew, is quick to come to the defense of his famous kinsman when any- body in the bar puts him on the pan. Smacking the table with a vigorous fist he says, "Uncle Jerry is a good old skate," and that ends the argument. To be sure, Mr. Reynolds, cannot pretend to be wholly neutral in a discussion of the burning is- sues of the local Armageddon. It seems that he expects to get a low license plate if the Judge comes home in triumph. He has even promised to procure for me a nickel-plated badge which will pass me through the fire lines in the event of a Mahoney victory. I won't sell out. Though my stand may create internal ructions and impair an old friendship, I refuse to accept Uncle Jerry as a knight in shining armor. I think he is a stuffed shirt. The Hand Has Lost Its Cunning It was Father William, was it not, who was rebuked for trying to balance eels on the end of his nose at his age? I feel the same way when Uncle Jerry comes out of retirement and proceeds to juggle red herrings. I wouldn't care much about the trick even it it were good, but Jeremiah Titus Mahoney is dropping the salt fish all over the stage. I think he ought to go back to his high jumping. Possibly one should not be too severe in the judgment of politicians. A drowning man will clutch at a straw, and in his extremity Uncle Jerry may eventually be forgiven for- grabbing with both hands at an extremely dead flounder. The only danger is that somebody might take him seriously. Does Jeremiah Titus Mahoney really intend to suggest that he would send the police out to club the hed off every worker who dared to raise a peep"against unjust conditions? Don't be silly, Uncle Jerry. Be your age and be your- self and quit playing with matches. On The Level By WRAG Tonight the Interfraternity Council Pledge Banquet will be held at the Union, and food, drink and the glories of fraternity life will be doled out in huge portions to all the new pledges. If the affair went off as it did last year, it will accomplish at least one thing. The pledges will be glad to eat at their respective fraternity houses for the rest of the year. ,- 'k * * Last year's after dinner speaker talked on the evolution of man from the fish stage on through till the time man was sucker enough to think of fraternities. * * * * The only trouble was the fact that he didn't quite get around to talking about fraternities. But he touched everything else except his watch to see what time it was. * * * By the time he had finished talking, all the libraries were closed and there was only time to order one beer at the P-Bell. * * * * Another feature of this banquet is when Dean Bursley awards the Interfraternity Scholarship cup to the house whose members dated only on the week-ends. * * * * * This year Phi Sigma Delta will be given the cup for maintaining something like a "B" average throughout the past year. Jeal- I. (Continued from Page 2) p.m. today for first balcony assign- ments. Arkison, Henry D. Baer, Morlye Bailer, Harold Baraty, Edward Bond, Howard Brice, Houston Bulthuis, Alfred K. Copilowish, Irving M. Eckhouse, James G. Green, A.L. Gross, Solomon Gruber, Kermit Hatchman, Norman Ipsen, Peter G. Isaacs, Irving Jay, Baird D. Juliar, Joseph F. Kiell, Norman Luther, Merrill J. Madden, Stephen J. Mintz, Sam A. Mulder, Gerret Nelson, C.L. Olk, Joseph C. Paalman, Russell J. Porsche, Edgar C. Reynolds, Don P. Schlemenson, Melvin Slagh, Milton E. Sperberg, Lester W. Spicer, Chas. P. Teal, Edwin E. Veneklasen, John E. Walker, Robert G. Weiner, Eli Wesley, Charles E. Zeitlin, David I. Choral Union Ushers: The follow- ing will please report at Hill Audi- torium box office between 4:30 and 5:30 p.m. today for ticket taker as- signments. Baxley, Robert V. Bennett, J. Douglas Berlau, Irving Carlver, James Canning, Bob Drogin, Jess Dunks, Hudson Grace, James W. Hatfield, Reid Klein, Harry Lilibridge, Robert Lomneth, Bob Malleck, Hugh Phillips, Edwin Schlesinger, A.L, Shuler, Jack H. Smith, W. Harwood Stiles, John R. Wallace, Henry Wm. Wolworth, Wilber Young, John'G. Young, Robert S. Presidents of Student Organiza- tions should report the names, titles and classes of all officers to the Dean of Students, Room 2, University Hall not later than Oct. 25. The following is a list of student organizations as now approved in the office of the Dean of Students. Any organization which does not furnish the required information in writing by Oct. 25 will be considered no longer in existence. Those which have already furnished such information are starred in the following list. Any active organiza- tion not listed should apply for of- ficial recognition at once. J. A. Bnfley, Dean of Students. Acolytes Adelphi Alpha Alpha Gamma Alpha Epsilon Mu Alpha Gamma Sigma *Alpha Kappa Alpha Alpha Kappa Delta Alpha Lambda Delta Alpha Nu Alpha Omega Alpha Alpha Phi Alpha *-Am. Institute of Chemical Engineers Am. Institute of Electrical Engineers Am. Society of Civil Engineers I ADIO By JAMES MUDGE Boake Carter, Philco radio com- mentator, tells of world affairs at 7:45 over a CBS network including WJR ... NBC presents the music ofi Eddy Duchin and the vocalizing of! Patricia Norman and Stanley Worth at 8 on a WJZ wire . .. Wayne King plays his usual corn at 8:30 via WWJ 9 o'clock finds Walter O'Keefe trying to live up to the work of Fred Allen on the Town Hall program over WWJ . . . Peter Van Steeden's orchestra plays the staff circus band music . . . Leo Reisman is the Hit Parade maestro tonight at 10, and Freddie Gibson sings-WEAF is the station. The Heidt of dance music and the depth too-Horace Heidt has Mutual air also at 10 thru CKLW . .. Benny the Goodman does it at 11:15-Lional Hampton, Teddy Wilson, and Krupa the shining stars of the Goodman galaxy as usual .. . Tommy Dorsey's great band at 12 on a CBS hook-up and at the same time Mr. Lombardo is a CKLW attraction. Dorsey gets the nod! *Am. Society of Mechanical Engineers Arab Students Union *Art Cinema League Assembly- *Athena Barristers Beta Gamma Sigma Beta Kappa Rho * Cercle Francais Architectural Society Chi Gamma Phi Chinese Students Club Chinese Society of Chemical Industry Christian Science Organization Contemporary Delta Epsilon Pi Delta Omega Delta Sigma Rho Deutscher Verein Druids Eastern Society Engineering Council *Engineering Honor Committee Eta Kappa Nu Farmer-Labor Club *Forestry Club Freshman Luncheon Club Galens *Gamma Alpha Genesee Club of Michigan Graduate Outing Club Hiawatha Club *Hillel Foundation, Hillel Independents *Hillel Players Inst. of Aeronautical Sciences *Interfraternity Council Iota Alpha Iota Sigma Pi Kappa Beta Pi *Kappa Kappa Psi Kappa Phi Kappa Tau Alpha La Sociedad de Hispanica Lawyers Club Lawyers Liberal Club Les Voyageurs Lutheran Student Club Mathematics Club Men's Council Michigamua Michigan Independents Michigan League *Michigan Union Michigan Wolverine *Mortarboard *Mu Phi Epsilon New Jersey Club Nippon Club Omega Psi Phi *Peace Council Phi Delta Delta *Phi Epsilon Kappa *Phi Eta Sigma Phi Kappa Phi Phi Lambda Kappa Phi Lambda Upsilon Philippine Michigan Club Phi Mu Alpha Phi Sigma Phi Tau Alpha *Pi Lambda Theta 1 Pi Tau Pi Sigma *Polnia Circle Progressive Club *Quarterdeck Research Club (Faculty) Rho Chi R.O.T.C. Rochdale House Scabbard and Blade *Scalp and Blade Scandinavian Student Club Scientia *Scimitar Senior Society Sigma Alpha Iota *Sigma Delta Chi *Sigma Gamma Epsilon *Sigma Rho Tau Sigma Xi *Sphinx Stanley Chorus Student Alliance *Student Religious Association Student Social Workers Club Student Theosophical Club Suomi Club Tau Beta Pi *Tau Epsilon Rho Tau Sigma Delta Theosophical Club Theta Sigma Phi Toastmasters Triangles University of Michigan Band University of Michigan Glider Club University of Michigan Outdoor Club University ofbMichigan Public Health Club *Varsity Glee Club *Vulcans *Women's Athletic Ass'n Westminster Guild Wyvern Zeta Phi Eta Aceademic.Not ices A make-up examination in Geogr- raphy 2 will be held in Room 18 Angell Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. Geography 33: Makeup examina- tion for second semester and Sum- mer Session will be held Friday af- ternoon, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Room 18, A.H. Geography 34: Makeup examina- tion will be held Thursday afternoon, Oct. 21, 2:15 p.m., Room 6, A.H. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a mended by the various departments are obtainable at this office, It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirement at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature of the requirement which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and fur- ther inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at 10 and by appointment). Make-up Final Examination in Physics 36 will be given in Room 202 West Physics Monday afternoon, Oct. 25, beginning at 2 o'clock. Zoology 56, Embryology: Make-up examination for those who failed to take the test in June, on Thursday, Oct. 21, 1 p.m., Room 4101 Natural Science Building. (ConcertIs Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will appear in re- cital on the Frieze Memorial Organ, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to listen to a program of interesting numbers. There is no admission charge. Carillon Reltal: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday evening, Oct. 21, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Exhibitions The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex- hibition, held in the West and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, is open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition continues through Oct. 27. Admission is free to students. Lectures Dr. Donald Wyman, Horticultural- ist of the Arnold Arboretum of Har- vard University at Boston, Mass., will lecture on "The Arnold Arboretum, America's Greatest Garden" in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 on Wednesday, Oct. -20. Illustrated by natural color photoslides. The public is cordially invited. "What Can You And I Do To Pre- vent War?" by Miss May K. Neff, international lecturer, at the Michi- gan League Chapel, Friday, Oct. 22 at 8 p.m. Sponsored by the Student Theosophical Club. The public is cor- dially invited. Public Lecture: "Influence of Islamic Astronomy in Europe and the Far East" by Prof. W. Carl Rufus. Sponsored by the Research Seminary in Islamic Art. Wednesday, Oct. 27, 4:15 in Room D, Alumni Memorial Hall. Illustrated with slides. Ad- mission free. EVENTS TODAY Research Club: Room 2528 E. Medi- cal Bldg. Wednesday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m. Speaker: Prof. Bradley M. Patten "Micromoving Pictures Applied to the Study of Living Embryo." Annual election of officers. Council meeting at 7:30 p.m. Seminar in Physical Chemistry: Talk: Dr. R. W. Gillette, "The Wave Mechanical Theory of the Covalent Bond with Special Reference to the Resonance Energy. Part I," Wednes- day, Oct. 20. 4:15 p.m., Room 122, Chemistry Bldg. Seminar in Chemical and Metallur- gical Engineering: Talk: Dr. Richard Schneidewind "Electric Furnace Con- trol." Room 3201 E. Engineering Bldg., 4 p.m. All graduate students in chemical and metallurgical engineer- ing are asked to be present. University Broadcast: 3-3:30 p.m Prof. G. E. Densmore's class in dic- tion and pronunciation. Michigan League Publicity Commit- tee: Meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday in the Undergraduate Office of the League. W.A.A. Managers Meeting: 4:30 p.m., Women's Athletic Bldg. Sophomores: Class meeting Rooms 319, 321, 323, 325 Union at 3 p.m., to plan class games. Important that every sophomore be present. University Girls' Glee Club: Regu- lar meeting 7:15 p.m. at the League. Those wishing to become members may have tryouts tonight. Freshmen Girls' Glee Cub: Tryouts at the League from 4 to 5 p.m. Try- outs also at the League Thursday night, 7:15 p.m. Athena: Mock debate between Athena and Alpha Nu: Resolved, that woman's charm varies inversely with her size. All interested are invited. I.k DAILY OFFICIAL BULLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of the University. Copy received at the office of the Assistant to the President until 3:30; 11:00 a.m. on Saturday. I I