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October 20, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-20

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Cloudy, rain or snow, colder
in extreme east portion; to-
morrow slightly warmer.

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iflfr 43Z


Labor's Cha
To Unite . .





U.S. To Enter
Conclave With
No Promises,
F.D.R. Claims
America Is Not Committed
On Line Of Policy, Reply
To Sen. Johnson States
President Confers
With Norman Davis
HYDE PARK, N.Y., Oct. 19.--(P)-
President Roosevelt asserted in a
formal statement tonight that Amer-
ica would enter the Nine-Power
Treaty Conference on the Sino-Jap-
anese conflict "without any com-
mitments on the part of this govern-
ment to other governments."
The statement, issued after a long
conference between the President
and Norman H. Davis, head of the
American delegation to the confer-
ence to be held at Brussels Oct. 30,
was generally accepted as a reply to
a statement by Senator Johnson
(Rep., Calif.) hinting that the United
States and Great Britain had agreed
in advance on a program of action.
In a statement in San Francisco,
Johnson, an isolationist, demanded
to know the President's attitude, add-
"We know the attitude of Mr. Hull
and the ambulatory ambassador, Mr.
Norman Davis, and we know perfectly
well that Mr. Davis would not be go-
ing to Brussels unless in advance a
program had been agreed on between
England -and this country."
The President in his statement cited
the language of the invitation to the
conference-to the effect that the
powers would examine the Far East-
ern situation and "study a peaceable
means of hastening an end of the re-
grettable conflict which prevails
He also called attention to his,
radio address of Oct. 12 in which he
said the conference would "seek by
agreement" a solution of the unde-
clared war.
P1puhr Support
Accorded Hitler,

Landon Scores Roosevelt,j
Decries "Too Much Power"

Tall Vs. Short, Topic Stocks Rally
Of Debate Societies'

TOPEKA, Kans., Oct. 19.-()-Alf
M. Landon summoned the nation's
Republicans tonight to shut off "too
much power" for the Roosevelt Ad-
ministration and to insist upon
cworkable legislation' achieved by
constitutional methods.
The 1936 Republican presidential
nominee addressed himself to an un-
usual "radio meeting" of his 17,-
000,000 supporters in the last election.
"We are faced with a situation,"
said Landon, "where he may make a
mistake that would indeed be tragic,
that might lead to war. Close ob-
servers have increasing doubt if he
thought h i s recent declaration
through to its logical conclusion.
Moreover, Congress adopted a Neu-
trality Act at the last session. The
President took it upon himself to re-
peal the principle of the act."
Landon called for "workable" re-
vision of the Wagner Labor and So-
cial Security Acts and in general

charted a Republican viewpoint for
the forthcoming special session of
Congress. He assailed in particular
the administration's governmental
reorganization proposal and said:
"What President Roosevelt really
needs is less power-a position that
will force him to take the advice and
counsel of other men of both parties
-men whose hearts also are in the
right place, but men who have had
more experience and who know more
about the practical application of
government than he does."
He said Roosevelt "wasted prac-
tically the entire session of Congress
of 1937 fighting for more power for
himself" while important legislation
Landon asserted that "the real rea-
son why progress has lagged in Ameri-
ca during the last four and one-half
years is the failure of the President
of the United States to follow our
constitutional method of government,
and his failure as an administrator.",


From Harvard
To TalkToday
Arboretum To Be Subject
Of Dr. Donald Wyman;
Will Use Colored Slides
The Arnold Arboretum of Harvard
University will be the subject of a
University lecture to be given by Dr.
Donald Wyman, horticulturist of the
arboretum, at 4:15 p.m. today in the
Natural Science Auditorium.
Dr. Wyman will show color photo-
slides of the Arnold Arboretum and
will describe its lay-out and work
that is being carried on there. It is
considered to be the greatest in the
world in its collection of woody plants
such as trees, shrubs, and vines.
It is situated south of Boston and
has several thousand different plant
The arboretum is especially well-
known for its work in introducing
foreign 'plants into America. It has
sent expeditions to Asia and other
parts of the world to bring back new'
species of plants and then has ex-,
perimented with their growth and
reaction to this climate. It has been
influential in helping get these new
varieties started in landscape work,
having introduced the common bar-
berry hedge from Asia into the field
of American shrub decoration.
Dr. Wyman is in charge of the'
care and propagation on new ma-
terial at the arboretum and is well
acquainted with this phase of the
work going on there. His slides will
show mainly pictures of some of the
rare or especially beautiful plants in
the arboretum.
Hospital Asks Aid
In Transient Care
A request for financial aid in caring
for transient emergency cases was'
made to the county board of super-
visors by St. Joseph's Mercy Hospital,
A letter from Sister Xavier, super-
intendent of the hospital, informed
the board that "the problem of sick
and injured transients has become
so acute that we feel we cannot con-
tinue to care for these persons with-
out some financial aid." It was ex-
plained that many of the transients
are unable to or failed to pay their
Members of the board expressed the
opinion that aid could not be given to;
one hospital without also extending it
to others in the county.

Pledge Dinner
Will Draw 500
Annual Affair Welcomes
New Fraternity Men;
LitzenbergWill Speak
More than 500 fraternity pledges
are expected to attend the third an--
nual pledge banquet sponsored by the
Interfraternity Council at 6:15 p.m.
today in the Union.
This banquet, which is held every
year, serves as a general get-together
for all new pledges to campus fra-
Dean of Students Joseph A. Burs-
ley will present the scholarship cup
to Phi Sigma Delta for the highest
grades of the 1936-37 school year, and
Prof. Karl Litzenberg of the English
department will be the principal
speaker of the evening.
Fraternities that pledged men at
the close of rushing Oct. 11 are ex-f
pected to send most, if not all, of their
pledges to'the banquet.
Pledgemasters and presidents of
houses will attend the dinner with
their pledges, Bud Lundahl, '38, pres-
ident of the Interfraternity Council,
said yesterday.
.Study Talks Open'
To Upperclassmen
Upperclassmen as well as freshment
are invited to attend the second in!
the series of "How to Study" lecturesj
to be held at 7:15 p.m today in Room
25 Angell Hall, according to Margaret
Ferries, '38, women's orientation
Prof. Francis D. Curtis of the
School of Education, will speak on
"Techniques In Studying Various
Types of Subjects."
Professor Curtis will answer any
questions after his lecture, and will
give advice on any study problem,
Miss Ferries said. This series of
lectures being sponsored jointly by
the orientation committees of the
League and the Union, will continue'
for about five weeks.
Dr. Louis A. Hopkins, director of
the University Summer Session, will
attend a national meeting of Sum-
mer Session directors Thursday and
Friday at Johns Hopkins University,
in Baltimore.

The long and short of "It" will
come up for discussion tonight when
Athena, women's honorary speech so-
ciety, and Alpha Nu, men's honorary
literary speech society square off for
their annual humorous debate on the
question, "Resolved, that the charm
of a woman varies inversely with her
Fred Thomson, '39, and David
Laing, '39, of Alpha Nu, will uphold
the affirmative side of the debate
which is to be held at 8 o'clock to-
night in the Alpha Nu room on the
fourth floor of Angell Hall.
Mary Evalyn Owen, '39, and Faith
Watkins, '39, of Athena will refute
the aspersions cast upon the taller
members of their sex.
The debate will be open to the
Ground Crews
Busy Removin
Airliner Bodies
Three Investigations Seek
Cause Of Worst Planel
Disaster In U.S. History
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 19.
- (R') - Ground crews toiled overt
treacherous Uinta Mountain trails4
tonight to remove the bodies of 19
persons from the wreckage of a lux-
urious airliner while three separate
investigations sought the cause of
the nation's worst airplane disaster.
Deep snow, steep, slippery canyon,
walls, and the ever-present menace'
of landslides forced caution in the
grim task of 'removing the victims.
United Air Lines officials said it may
be impossible to get all the bodies
of the four women and 15 men back
to civilization before tomorrow night.
Postal inspectors and Bureau of
Air Commerce representatives pre-
pared to visit the scene of the dis-
aster. The United Airlines proceeded
with its study, and the Utah depart-
ment of aeronautics announced it
would make a complete survey.
The weath.er, at least a contribu-
tory cause of the tragedy, had cleared
today, but mud and melting snow
added to the difficulties of workers
who must bear the stretchers by handj
down the steep ridge-slope for more
tharl a mile to pack trains.
The mighty "Mainliner," pride of
the United Air Lines fleet, was en
route from Cheyenne, Wyo., to Salt
Lake City Sunday night when it shat-
tered "on the granite face of snow-
crowned Chalk peak, 80 miles east of
here ,at an altitude of 10,000 feet.

After Heavy
Selling Scare;
Prices Are Cut As Much
As $10 A Share, But
Climb At Day's Close
Chrysler And G.M.
Fluctuate Widely
NEW YORK, Oct. 19.-(IP)-Amid
coifusion and bewilderment reminis-
cent of '29, the stock market came
back strongly late today after the
heaviest selling storm experienced
in Wall Street since the Federal Gov-
ernment began "policing" the ex-
changes in 1934.
Under a downpour of selling at the
opening, prices of leading issues fell
as much as $10 a share or more, as
they dlid on Monday.
A sense of equilibrium came after
the noon hour. In the last hour be-
tween 2 and 3 o'clock, with prominent+
shares displaying in some instances a
striking come-back, there was a gen-
eral rally in which many stocks wiped~
out all initial losses and closed higher
for the day.
The bond market was off sharply,
particularly lower-priced issues.
Price averages showed the sharpest
losses in more than three years. Fed-
eral loans also turned sharply lower
for the first time since the Govern-
ment several weeks ago announced
modifications of its gold-sterilization
President Roosevelt, official sources
said, has no intention of exercising
his authority to close the. stock ex-
change. At his press conference, he
would not discuss the decline.
The SEC was keeping a close watch
on the market.
More than 7,287,000 shares of stock
changed hands at the stock exchange
-the largest turnover since the 9,-
000,000 shares in the wide break on
July 21, 1933.
Reminiscent of Oct. 29, eight years
ago, and the subsequent days of
1929, were scenes around the stock
exchange. Crowds of brokers were
thick 'around all of the trading posts,
on the floor. The visitors gallery
was packed. The shouting on the
floor of the exchange could be heard
outside as far as Trinity Church a
block up Wall Street.
To Hold Survey
For Campaign

Sophomores Cross Isolation Talk
Rubicon And Seek
To Push Frosh In Hits New Snag;
Sophomores yesterday accepted the
challenge of freshmen to meet themsect
in the class games at 2 p.m. Satur-
day, and called a meeting for 5 p.m.
today in the Union.jI
At that time organization for the
games will be discussed, and plans
will be made for Black Friday. Three Hour Meeting Ends
A spokesman for the group last
night said, "The sophomores will no In Deadlock As Rome
longer tolerate the supefiority of the Seeks Change Of Basis
freshmen, and intend to put them in
their proper places-the bottom."
The "class struggle" this year will GerIlany,Portuga
mark the renewal of hostilities which
lapsed for a year because of insuffi- Back Fascist Stand
cient enthusiasm on the part of both
combatants. LONDON, Oct. 19.-G-P)-European
efforts to isolate the Spanish war re-
mained deadlocked tonight and An-
Ask For Papal thony Eden, British foreign secretary,
warned the Italo-German front that
t e the situation was "very grave."
Intervention The Nine-Power Non-intervention
Committee failed in a bitter, three-
Coughlin an hour meeting to solve the problem of
the withdrawal of foreign volunteers
I from the Spanish conflict.
Sources Near Vatican Say The stalemate was heightened by a
surprise Italian demand for the re-
Pope Will Not Override turn of the whole non-intervention
A r ch bishop Mooney negotiations to the basis of a British
plan of last July, thus rejecting dis-
cussion of the new Anglo-French
TOLEDO, O., Oct. 19.-UP)-A five-point plan for removing the vol.-
movement was announced today sup- unteers.
porting Father Charles E. Coughlin's (The Anglo-French program pro-
"right to speak freely." poses immediate withdrawal of vol-
Walter Baertschi, organizer for unteers, granting of belligerent rights
Father Coughlin's National Union for after an international commission
,Social Justice, said permission was had reported foreign soldiers had
sought through Pope Pius XI. for the been and were being withdrawn and
Royal Oak, Mich., priest to speak establishment of a system of control
without ecclesiastical censorship. for supervising nonintervention in
"This action is being taken on my The Italian move, supported by
own initiative," Baertschi declared. Germany and Portugal, threw the
"If it is a mistake, it's my own mis- whole question back to the argument
take." that the granting of belligerent rights
An informed Vatican prelate said to both sides warring in Spain pre-
the Vatican would not interfere in cedes volunteer withdrawals. -
the censorship question. Eden, presiding over the subcom-
'The Vatican doesn't censor Father mittee session, tried vainly to smooth
Coughlin," the prelate said. "Further- out the difficulties and finally asked
more, it cannot interfere to prevent the Italian, German and Portuguese
Father Coughlin's bishop from order- representatives to reconsider their
ing Father Coughlin to show him his position overnight.
radio speeches before they are de- He called another meeting for to-
livered. Such an order to a priest is morrow afternoon and declared if an
within any bishop's rights." agreement still was not sighted, the
Father Coughlin cancelled a sched- British will have to consider their
dled radio series after Archbishop own course of action.
Edward Mooney of Detroit reproved
him for stating in an interview that
President Roosevelt showed "per- s da i Sdr
,onal stupidity"' in appointing Sen. 2
Hugo L. Black to the Supreme Court.
Archbishop Mooney also said Fath- H ears Report
er Coughlin used an analogy which
might give the "impression that there By Professors
is ~a basic opposition in principle be-
tween the Catholic church and the
CIO." The priest said he presented A.
to the Archbishop a reply but "ap- Adjustments Of Students
proval was withheld." Tr yVaried CJ1 -o. e Li f




German Instructor Reports
State Of Nazi Regime
Before Deutscher Verein
To the traveller in Germany, the
majority of people seem wholeheart-
edly in favor of Hitler, Werner F.
Striedieck of the German department
said last night at a meeting of Deut-
scher Verein in the League.
Mr. Striedieck, who conducted a
group of 25 students and teachers on
a tour through England, Holland.
Germany, Switzerland and Austria
last summer, told Deutscher Verein
of his impressions while travelling
through Germany.
The casual traveller receives a very
favorable impression of the country,
he said, and there is little or no un-
employment noticeable.
Wherever one goes in Germany one
sees marching columns of soldiers,
the speaker said, but the sight ap-
parently has no depressing effect up-
on the people who on the contrary
seem to derive a feeling of security
from the military demonstrations.
Although most of the Germans ap-
pear to favor Hitler, there are a good
many under-cover Communists even
in the ranks of the Storm Troopers,
he said, but press censorship is severe
and facts like these are never pub-
The feeling toward Russia and
Spain is completely one-sided, he
continued, but strange as it may seem
there is less talk of war than in the
United States.
According to Mr. Striedieck, the
Germans go out of their way to treat
foreigners well and the traveller de-
tects no shortage of food especially in
the large cities and hotels.
Hillel To Present
Series Of 3 Plays
Plans of the Hillel Players for the
coming year will be discussed at the
first meeting of the season to be held
at 8 p.m. today at the Hillel Foun-
The group expects to present three
one-act plays in about three weeks,
according to Louise Samek, '38, presi-
dent of the Players.


A survey of all independent men on
eied New La cW campus will be made by the Inde-
pendent Men's Organization, in what
O n Restaurants, is believed to be the first attempt to
contact non-affiliated men at the
r. G aes H lds University, it was' announced last

People's Front
Expounded At
Y CLMeeting
The People's Front, proposed at the
World Congress of the Communist

Health Officer Is Helpless
In Efforts To Enforce
Q "1 lU f;"n nfl"'"A Tbfl a 0 £..

night by the president.
The survey will be conducted along
the system of zones with the purpose
of interesting the men in participat-
ing in the organization's activities.;

zaniLa1nP1 "ec l res -'International two years ago, is an al-
Future organization of the campus is liance of the working class, farmers,
Until the City Council puts teeth expected to follow the lines of the middle class, professionals and stu-
in laws governing restaurant inspec- zones now being planned. dents to defend democracy against
tion in Ann Arbor, the board of health The Executive Council voted yester- the threat of fascism and war, Jo-
cannot satisfactorily enforce health seph Clark, member of the executive
standards, Dr. Lloyd E. Gates, deputy day to call for tryouts from 4 to 5:30 committee of the Young Communist
health officer and sanitarian to the p.m. tomorrow in the Union. All who League, told 50 persons at the local
University health service declared desire to participate in the activities YCL's first publicized meeting last
yesterday. were urged to attend the meeting, night in Unity Hall.
Powers of the health officer are de- William Jewell, '38, was selected "The Communist Party believes,"
fined at present only in the city char- activities chairman and Robert May, the speaker said, that by "meeting'
ter and in terms so vague and mean- '40E, was appointed social chairman the needs of today the ultimate goal
ingless that they render the depart- by Irving Silverman, '38, president of of a socialist society is best served."
ment helpless in a court fight, he con- the organization. Other officers are Communists, he continued, will not
tinued. "The city charter says the Phil Westbrook, '40, secretary and attempt 'to impose their views on the
health officer shall have the power Marvin Reider, '39, treasurer. majority by force.
to abate nuisance and provide forj
the health of the city. The courts *
have refused to uphold such unlimited;er And Better Stars In Sight
grants of power so that only to the
extent that inspectors can bluff res-; For The Astronomy Denartment
taurant owners can they enforce re-A


1 .P V r l1G1V"1uF UX
Described By Members
A special meeting was held last
night by the committee on Coopera-
tion with Secondary Schools for the
purpose of hearing brief reports of
representatives from some of the un-
dergradpate counseling agencies of
the University. The committee, which
is the high school accrediting body
of the school, heard the following
Prof. George E. Carrothers of the
School of Education began the meet-
ing with an overview of the work of
the Committee on Cooperation with
Secondary Schools. Dr. Warren G.
Forsythe, director of the Health Serv-
ice spoke on "Student Health," Miss
Alice C. Lloyd, dean of women, spoke
on "The Coed's Social Adjustment,"
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
in Religious Education reviewed
"Counseling in Religion," and Dean
Clarence S. Yoakum, of the Graduate
School, discussed "The Bureau of Ed-
ucational Investigation."
Various phases of academic coun-
seling were touched upon during the
meeting by Prof. Arthur D. Moore of
the engineering college who explained
"Mentors for Freshmen Engineers."
Professors Dwight C. Long of the his-
tory department and Arthur Van
Duren, of the German department
explained "Counseling in the College
of Literature, Science and the Arts,"
and Mentor L. Williams of the English
department told of the "Articulation
of High School and College English."
Summaries of the program were
offered by Dean Alfred H. Lovell, o,f
the College of Engineering, and Dean
Edward H. Kraus, of the literary
Letters Of Seward
Are Received Here
Twenty-seven letters of William H.
Seward, Secretary of State under
President Lincoln and twice governor

Radio's Scope Officially Extended
To Include Ultra Short Waves



Scientific investigations in radio
took an official step forward Monday,
Prof. L. N. Holland of the electrical
engineering department declared yes-
terday, when the Federal Communi-
cations Commission issued a set of
orders which decreed that the radio
waves between 30,000,000 and 300,-
000,000 cycles per second are from
now on a "useful" portion of the fre-
quency spectrum.
The new set of bands,twhich in
wave length range from ten meters
down to one meter, are the ultra*
short waves which have been here-1
tofore used only for experimental'
purposes. However, with the in-1
creased use of radio as a means of
communication, the broadcast band
ha harim mna -r mn- n - -Trn

XJQ, the Ann Arbor police, have=
operated within this range for aj
number of years. Television research1
has been carried on using these fre-
quencies in the past and will probably
be confined to them in the future,
Professor Holland said.
Although the extension of "useful"
wave lengths represents a band ap-
proximately 270 times as large as
the present standard broadcast fre-
quencies, it is actually only a minor
part of the entire frequency which
is useful to man, Professor Holland'
pointed out. This frequency spec-
trum ranges from 60, or the electric
light frequency to the wave lengths
associated with cosmic rays, he ex-

The State Supreme Court favors
delegating authority to city agencies.
by specific legislation, he said. To
successfully enforce sanitary stand- '
ards the City Council must empower .
the health department to issue li-
censes and to revoke them for viola-,
tion of regulations. At present they:
do not have even this power.
Prof. Brackett Announces1
Plans For Sigma Rho Tau
Sigma Rho Tau, honorary engin-
eering speech society, held its organ-
ization meeting last night.
Prof. Robert D. Brackett, of the
English department of the Engineer-
IIin r nlaj n nl, -f li-v i

%*1L L4

Somewhere between Corning, N.Y.
and Ann Arbor is a five-ton parab-
oloid of glass, which is to constitute
Michigan's latest bid to astronomical
fame. With the 97% inch mirror,
expected here in a week or less, will
be constructed the world's third larg-
est telescope-when the necessary
finances appear, according to Prof.
Heber D. Curtis, head of the as-
tronomy department.
About a half million dollars is
needed to mount and house the big
disc in a new observatory which
would be erected atBase Lake, 14
miles northwest of Ann Arbor. Ex-
ceeded in size only by the 100-inch
mirror at Mt. Wilson and the 200-
inch mirror at Mt. Palomar in Cali-

is situated another of Michigan's ob-
servatories, the realization of a life-
long dream of Professor Hussey, one-,
time head of the astronomy depart-
nment. Its building in 1927 was fi-
nanced by the Hon. Robert Lamont,
and its maintenance since aided by
various gifts of alumni. Difficulties
due to a scarcity of these donations
since the depression have now been
relieved by an offer of the South
African government to assume the
burden of financing. This generous
act was prompted especially by the
fine work done there by Dr. Rossiter,
who in his research work has dis-
covered some 200 new double-star
Probably the most famous of the
branch observatories, Professor Cur-
tis said, is the McMath-Hulbert Ob-

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