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October 19, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-19

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TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1937

I Wmimmm"Mm

MSC 'Farmers' Breed Faster,
Live Longer, Than Local Grads

Survey Reveals University
Urbanites More Likely
To Contract Diseases
That a Michigan State graduate
may reasonably expect to live longer,
breed more children, drink less liquor
and spend less time in jail than his
contemporary from the University of
Michigan was the conclusion reached
yesterday by Prof. George C. Benson;
of the bureau of government.
Prof. Benson based his statement
on a survey conducted by the Ur-
banism Committee, a federal re-
search organization.
Assuming that most University
graduates will eventually take up
residence in cities, and that Michigan
State men will live in the country,
there are some interesting contrasts
in store for them, according to Pro-
fessor Benson. "The Michigan man
in the city will face a greater danger
of death from suicide, venereal dis-
ease, tuberculosis, epidemics, alco-
holism, drug addiction, paralysis, in-
sanity, heart disease and cancer," he
"On the other hand, the Michigan
State graduate living, as we suppose,
in the country, will face greater dan-
ger from influenza, small pox, ma-
laria and dysentery." On the whole,
the city life would appear the more
deadly of the two, and Professor'
Benson showed that further statistics
of the Urbanism Committee prove
other disadvantages as well accrue1
to the city dweller. He is three times
as likely as his rural counterpart to
become an inmate of a state or fed-
eral penal institution, chiefly be-
cause of his greater propensity to
commit theft and burglary. He isj
also more likely to be arrested for
drunkennness and disorderly conduct
(probably because of a greater pro-j
pensity for imbibing alcohol).
The urbanite, however, is not so
likely to commit rape, or be involved
in a lynching. He can expect a1
higher income than the farm dweller,
and will spend more of it for cloth-
ing and recreation. As a final bless-
ing, he will have fewer children than
his rustic contemporary.
The last item of the committee's
findings is a rather significant one,'

Professor Benson remarked, for al-
though the birth rate is higher in the
country than in the city, the urban
population has increased from seven
per cent of the nation's total in 1830
to 56 per cent a century later. As a
counterbalance to thisymarked emi-
gration from the country, the Urban-
ism Committee has recommended,
and the National Resources Commit-
tee has approved, a plan for equal-
ization between city and country of
all possible cultural and material
Loans to local governments, more
attention in general to municipal
problems, and legislation to permit
interstate compacts for the purpose
of dealing with problems of munici-
palities extending over state borders
were among other recommendations
of the Urbanism Committee to the
Federal Gvernment.
New Marriage
Law Requires
Medical Exam
Prospective brides and grooms must
present medical certificates showing
that they are free of venereal disease
when they apply for marriage licenses
on or after Oct. 29 here or elsewhere
in Michigan, County Clerk Emmett
M. Gibb announced today.
The medical certificate is required
under Michigan's antenuptial physi-
cal examination law passed by the
last state legislature. Provisions of
the law were outlined by Mr. Gibb as
The medical examination must be
made within 15 days of application
for a marriage license, and must be
made by a registered physician, sur-
geon or osteopath.
All laboratory tests required under
the act are to be made by the Michi-
gan department of health or by a lab-
oratory registered by the department.
The information contained on the
certificate and any matter pertaining
to the examinations are closed records
and cannot be disclosed by anyone
except as may be required by law.
Yearbook Picture
CouponsOn Sale
Michiganensian salesmen will be
on campus Monday through Friday to
sell coupons to seniors for 'Ensian
sittings, according to Irving Mat-
thews, '38, business manager.
These sittings, which must be had
before Dec. 4, if the pictures are to
be in this year's 'Ensian, will cost
three dollars, and can be at had at
Dey's, Spedding's and Rentschler's
If seniors desire additional copies
of their pictures, the studio will allow
two dollars on them, but the sitting
itself is only for the 'Ensian, Mat-
thews pointed out. Appointments
with the studios should be arranged
as soon as possible, he said, in order
to avoid last minute rush and pos-
sible disappointment.
Oct. 20, 8:00 p.m., 2116 Natural
Science Bldg. Talk: Dr. Kenneth L.
Jones, "Bacterial Variation." Visitors
Hillel Players: Regular meeting
Wednesday, Oct. 20, 7:30 p.m. at the
Michigan League Publicity Commit-
tee: Meeting at 5 p.m. Wednesday in
the Undergraduate Office of the
Freshmen Girls' Glee Club: Tryouts
tomorrow at the League from 4 to 5
p.m. First meeting Thursday, Oct.
21, at the League at 7:15 p.m. If

unable to attend tryouts, come to the
meeting to be tried out.
Crop and Saddle Ride: Wednesday,
5 p.m. Meet at Barbour Gymnasium.
All riders must have had a medical
recheck this semester.
Inter-Guild Morning Worship Serv-
ice: Michigan League Chapel, 7:30
a.m. Wednesday. All students wel-
St. Mary's Student Chapel: Dancing
party from 8 to 10 p.m. Wednesday
night in the Chapel Auditorium on
Williams and Thompson Streets. All
Catholic students and friends are in-
Insisting he was not drunk but
merely fell asleep, Lewis Page, 36-
year-old Whitmore Lake motorist ar-
rested by police on a drunken driving
charge Saturday night, pleaded not
guilty before Justice Jay H. Payne
yesterday and was released on $100
bond for trial Oct. 26.

Technic Begins
Of Publication
State Highway Official's
Article Features October
Number Of Magazine
Beginning its 56th consecutive year
of publication, the October issue of
the Michigan Technic engineering
college publication. will be on sale to-
day and tomorrow.
Michigan's State Highway Commis-
sioner, Murray D. Van Wagoner, con-
tributes the feature aticle on the fu-
ture of highway engineering. "En-
gineering as a Career," by Fred P.
Peters, assistant editor of "Metals
and Alloys," an old subject from a
new standpoint is a second highlight
of this month's magazine.l
Heading the list of student con-
tributions is "Light Control-the
Wonder Glass," by Max C. Schoetz,
'39E. A. D. Moore's regular "Com-
mentaries" and other articles by stu-
dent authors round out this issue of!
the Technic. Departing from the
standard cover of last year, this
month a streamlined cover, symbol-
izing modernity, is presented.
Publication this year will be under
the direction of Sydney Steinborn,
'38E, editor-in-chief; David Lansdale,
'38E, business manager and Goff
Smith, '38E, managing editor.
Riegel Lectures On Wage
Fixing To Chicago Group
Prof. John W. Riegel, director of
the Bureau of Industrial Relations,
delivered a lecture on salary and wage
determination before the Industrial
Relations Bureau of Chicago yester-
A conference on wage determina-
tion last year and one Friday and
Saturday, at which 20 representatives
of leading manufacturing companies
were present, furnished Professor
Riegel with material for this talk.
He will return Wednesday.

'38 Cars Are Places On Varsity
W Show Are Still Opens
Applications are still being re-
Year s Styles ceived for Varsity Night competition!
Jin both the more accomplished and
Prospective automobile buyers will in the humorous skit sections, ac-}
find very little technical or stylistic cording to Prof. William D. Revelli, of3
difference between the 1937 and 1938 the School of Music, director of the
Vast adwih ssosrn h

Jail 85.Ai

WPA Head Visits


Ann Arbor is out $85,000 in WPA
funds, if a regional public works di-
rector carries out his threat to re-
duce the city's appropriations by $1.-
000 a minute for the 85 minutes he

models Prof. Walter E. Lay of the au-
tomotive engineering department, re-
vealed in an interview yesterday. 1
Doubled labor costs have forced1
the companies to make technical im-
provements and widespread econ-
omies in production costs to main-
tain approximately last year's price+
level, Professor Lay said. Safety fac-
tors have not been subordinated to
higher cost, however, he believes.,
Most radical of technical changes
is the optional automatic gear shift in
many medium and high priced cars.
This will make for easier shifting and
may result in higher efficiency from
more accurate timing of gear shift-
ing, according to Professor Lay.
"It would surprise the average driv-
er if he realized how much gasoline
he wasted by late shifting. The au-
tomatic shift should result in a de-
crease of fuel consumption."
In an effort to eliminate the floor
hump near the driver's seat, engin-
eers have mounted a gear shift lever
horizontally on the steering wheel
and have moved the emergency brake
under the dashboard. Shifting is
done through a flexible shafts.
"Automobile engines and body de-
signs have been approaching a con-
ventional form during the past few
years," Professor Lay commented. "I
can see no radical changes until the
motor is mounted in its generally ad-
mitted correct position at the rear."
At a meeting of the Architectural
Society yesterday, the following stu-
dents were elected to the executive
board: Richard V. Chadwick, '39,
chairman; John MacDonald, '38;
Dorothy Barrett, '38; Jean Steere, '38.
Each class has, as yet, to meet sep-
arately to elect one representative to
the board.

Varsity Band which is sponsoring the
Prizes totaling $80 will be offered
to the winning contestants. There areI
two fields: the first part of the pro-
gram will be confined to performances
by more accomplished musicians ren-
dering the more serious works; the
second part of the program will be
devoted to the lighter type of enter-
tainment such as musical comedy,
monologues, skits and diversifiedtal-


spent in jail here on a reckless driv-
ing charge.
The declaration that his confine-
ment in the county jail was "Costing

the city $1,000 a minute" was made
by Floyd S. Benjamin. 50-year-old
regional WPA director from Kalama-
zoo, following his arrest by state po-
licemen, following a minor automo-
bile accident after Saturday's Michi-
gan-Minnesota football game.

_ I

Poet s Corner
Fellows pick your favorite girl,
Get into the social whirl.
Trip the light fantastic toe -
To the Union Formal go.

$2.75 per Couple

9 till 1

. ..........


TO .
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W othKir goionto the library of the Kaiser rafterwards,
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actually adho ie d even GHQ
set their plans, A®try that haetea tisweeki
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Prncetrd higrhes' pay
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game thing. Has sormeer 4wo or in h
millionaire gives Heruevy o tils s
M. Poirot turns it down. 4hr'a
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IROT MYSTERY vo :::.:;><::.;:
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,* FXMTIY 32
--and every night I dream the s
hypnotized me? " An eccentricn
Poirot a strange case, so strange
Then a week later things happen

The Dr

by A G A T H A CAI E SE ' IS U

Captain Cormier and Convict No.
1181 fight it out. Read The Highest
Stakes by Georges Surdez.
That's what Edgar ran into that week
in the bayou. A new brand of comedy
and a new author in Edgar and the
Dank Morass by George Sessions

thing in the world but her boy. By
Margaret Weymouth Johnson.
dramatic chapter in her life story, by
Eve Curie.
PLUS new chapters in Alice Duer
Miller's dramatic novel, AND ONE
WAS BEAUTIFUL. And the James War-



Fur Coats





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