T ME MII GAN D.AILY TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1937 UNDER THE CLOCK with DISRAELI Yes! Yes! A THOUSAND TIMES YES! We sit in the library And stare Thoughtfully At each other. But we are both too dignified Or bashful To smile And that ends that. --Left. * * * * ' WITH THIS AS A START we ask all of you who read religiously and know damn well that it really should be you who has this job, because you get around and Disraeli writes pretty stinko poetry anyway except, of course, when he really wants to, of course, we want all of you to join us in our daily chore. Only a few con- tributions have hit us so far and some of those we've had to wrangle because people seem to have felt that Gargoyle needs it worse than we do. Our's is a dream of someday a happy gath- ering of, say, a hundred happy contributors, gathered about a festive board, reading each other their choice bits of verse and exchanging beers for an attentive ear-though the mind doth wander-to some ripping repartee. We are eager-yea anxious-to have a little flock of our own with whom sometime to have up to the rooms in Baker Street for cocoa and arrowroot biscuits at four-thirty on some rainy afternoon. We'll send away somewhere for one of those fog machines they use in Hollywood and everyone will wear his brogues and someone will porrow Arty Cross's umbrella. Of course, everyone brings his own Oxonian accents. * * * * IT SEEMS REP'RESENTED FOR NATIONAL. ADVR.irvI ,8 NationalAdvertisingService,inc. College Publishers Representat:es 420 MADISON AVE. NEW YORK. N. Y. CHICAGO - BOSTON - LOS ANGELES . SAN FRANCISCO Board of Editors avANAGING EDITOR .............JOSEPH S. MATTE EDITORIAL DIRECTOR ..........TUURE TENANDER CITY EDITOR .................IRVING SILVERMAN William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor Helen Douglas NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R. Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag- dol, Albert Mayo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman and Roy Sizemore. BPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch, Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein. WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman, Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B. Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner, Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy, Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor- hees. Business Department BUSINESS MANAGER ..............ERNEST A. JONES CREDIT MANAGER....................DON WILSHER ADVERTISING MANAGER ....NORMAN B. STEINBERG WOMEN'S BUSINESS MANAGER ........BETTY DAVY WOMEN'S SERVICE MANAGER ..MARGARET FERRIES Departmental Managers Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman, Local Advertising Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar- shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis- ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising and Circulation Manager. NIGHT EDITOR: JACK DAVIS Fraternity Rushing. .* R USHING, as It Is today at the University of Michigan, dates back to when Joe's and the Orient were in full swing and freshmen were grabbed off the train and pledged as, soon as they arrived in town. The present system, although set up to prevent such practices, has degenerated to the point where it is nothing but a glorified system of "train grabbing." If it worked the way it should, neither fraternity nor freshmen would know how they came out during the strenuous two week period until the day of pledging. But as it is, freshmen are "hot boxed" the first few days of rushing, and sometimes "sewed up" to a certain house before the first week is over. This is both unfair to the boy and the fraternity, for neither one gets an adequate chance to look over the other. Another point upon which the presentsystem can be condemned is that it is entirely too short and concentrated. Actives lose their patience, freshmen are in a flutter, and everyone is pretty well upset by the time pledging arrives This system leads to maladjustments between freshmen and fraternities. Many boys rush into the thing too. quickly and accept the first house that bids them for fear of not getting another. Or, they are so undecided between houses that they do not make a wise choice because of their confusion. The result is that the boy is unhappy in his fraternity for four years, and the fraternity realizes the mistake that it has made, but can do nothing to rectify it without creating a great deal of trouble. The present system is far too expensive for many houses, and because of the debts incurred during the two weeks time, they have to skimp on house supplies for several weeks. To eliminate the many inconsistencies under the University's present rushing set up, a system of deferred rushing is suggested. In the proposed system, there would be no definite rushing the first semester, except one smoker to be held day each house at different times during the semester. At these smokers, all persons whose names the fraternities have could be invited over. Following this gathering, all those who were courtesy dates or were considered undesirable could be eliminated and the remaining boys con- sidered. Those that were left for consideration would be invited over to dinner a few times dur- ing the semester in the company of maybe one or two other freshmen. Then, at the end of the first semester, there would be an intensive period of three or four days of rushing followed by pledging at the end of the week. Only those boys who made a cer- tain scholastic average during the first semester would be eligible to pledge. No initiation would be held during the second semester, but instead it would come early in the sophomore year, with only those boys that main- tained a certain scholastic average for the entire year being initiated. This proposed system would be a great deal better for Michigan fraternities and Michigan VEN while we were writing the; came to us that is at once a challlenge. We give it to you: Dr. Benjamin Disraeli Under the Clock The Michigan Daily Ann Arbor, Michigan. above a letter protest and a Dear Mr. Disraeli: You, sir, stand indicted of a pro-labor bias which I felt certain would creep out Under the Clock before long. You are also guilty of casting aspersions on fine, American womanhood as represented by the fair sorority sisters of our University. For this unAmerican, unchivalrous bias of foreignisms you owe your readers an apology. Under the Clock on Thursday, Oct 14, there was a would-be whimsical selection purporting to pay tribute to the freshman women who had made the mistake of affiliating themselves with the campus sororities. Then the following is ap- pended: "It all goes to show that the freshman women are just wasting their time here. On to Atlantic City! That's where you belong, you little nifties." With the convention of that awful Committee for Industrial Organization now meeting in At- lantic City, how else is this to be interpreted than as a suggestion that pure, American womanhood participate in the movement to unionize Amer- ican workers on a vertical scale-American work- ers who yet, Thank God, are free of the influence of that Joe Lewis. I repeat sir, requesting the fair sorority sisters of Our University to join the CIO is both un- patriotic and unchivalrous. It constitutes a definite prejudice against the Bill of Rights and* Habeas Corpus. Goodness Gracious Mercy, you could have at least suggested that they go to Kansas City. I am certain that nice Mr. Green would have given them protection. He, sir, is an American! I am a son of the American Revolution, and I'll have you know you can't attempt to inculcate alien philosophies on American youth while I read the Daily. -Gladstone. THESCR~EEN] By ROBERT PERLMAN Villain-hissing, hero-applauding and overture- to-William-Tell music provided the background for the three "Westerns" at the Lydia Mendels- sohn Sunday night as the audience alternated between critical study of the films and just good, plain belly-laughing at the cinematic produc- tions of a quarter of a century ago. The Museum of Modern Art may release these films as historical exhibits, but who can maintain an objective approach when William S. Hart's utterly expressionless face appears on the screen or when the saccharine heroine'says via a subtitle, "If I've misjudged Banion, I'll crawl on my hands and knees to beg his forgive- ness" or when the villainess slinks in and out like a moth-eaten Rasputin? "The Great Train Robbery" produced in 1903 and "The Last Card" released in 1914 were made when the actors seemed to be pulled by strings around the set and time-sequence was unknown to producers. "The Covered Wagon," however, shows the im- provement in technique attained by 1923. The characters more nearly approximate human be- ings; the filming, especially of long shots, is smoother and the acting of Tully Marshall and Ernest Torrence isn't excelled often these days. Some time ago there appeared in this column a review of a French film in which, it is alleged, disparaging and slurring remarks were made TOME- By Heywood Broun I think that the hairs on the novelist's chest should be numbered. And. that virility is as virility does. In other words, I have no passion for Ernest Hemingway's new book which is called, "To Have and Have Not." If only this were a first novel or a second, it would be possible to grow enthusiastic about its great promise. There are passages here in which the author not only makes your scalp rise but then seizes you by the slack and whirls you around your library table. But there is no need for further proof that Hemingway can write like Lucifer on one of that angel's best days." However, "To Have and Have Not" was partly composed while Hemingway was falling very rapidly from the heights of "A Farewell to Arms" into the limbo of mere brimstone phrases. It so happens that I read both the new book and the earlier masterpiece within a month and there has been a definite decline in capacity. It seems to me that Hemingway begins to grow careless about organization. A novel ought to be built as well as written. As far as I can see "To Have and Have Not" is almost wholly without structure. Heaven knows I don't want to go in for that type of criticism in which the reviewer says, "This isn't a novel at all. This is only a series of unre- lated sketches." Surely there should be many mansions in the paradise of perfect fiction. And there ought to be room for architecture of every conceivable kind. Nevertheless, each house ought to hang together, and certain funda- mentals should be observed, such as digging the cellar before putting on the roof. , ,s * , Not Set Upon The Rocks Hemingway has chosen Key West as the scene of his story and it has some of the aspects of the Florida development villas. It looks brilliant in the strong sunlight, but it is hardly sufficient to stand the gaff when the winds begin to blow. Indeed, the author subjects his little nest to quite a strain. The book is gusty. There is too much strong language for so slight a theme. Back in the. days of "A Farewell to Arms," Hemingway rocked the House of Scribners with words which those chaste publishers had never seen before. At least not during business hours. That was back in the period when Ernest wrote as he please and old Dr. Bridges put in the blanks. Sonetimes it seemed to me that the dash car- ried greater shock impact than the missing word had it been printed out in full. I have a slight suspicion that at times Hemingway in- dulged himself in four-letter forays, largely for the fun of abashing his publishers. Now that he has them eating out of his hand he plays somewhat the same game with the reading public. * * * * A Hint Here And There Of course, I'm not suggesting that Ernest Hemingway is merely a chalk artist. Much should be said for the newer liberties in American literature. It is impossible to introduce a drunken vet into a novel and bring him to life wholly through some mild approximation of his conversation. It is still true that much can be done by sug- gestion, and a few strong words properly placed can do the work of many. But my present quarrel with Hemingway goes beyond a mere objection to an excessive use of alley talk. I doubt the validity of his fundamental thesis. Seemingly the world of his vision is divided sharply into two camps. There is the field of tiger lilies on the left and pansies on the right. After all, there could be such a thing as a middling good hollihock. Increasingly Hemingway indicates his sym- pathy for revolution. But there is still confusion. Seemingly he is under the impression that no one can follow Marx without first joining the legion of Byron, Don Juan and Casanova. It isn't really true that those who would ascend the barricades must also man the bedrooms. On The Level By WRAG By now nearly everyone has stopped talking about the Minnesota game except those who bet on Minnesota. They are having trouble col- lecting bets because the boys wagering Mich- igan claim they put their dough on a misrepre- sented article. But Michigan looked good in the first quarter. They started off like a house afire, the only trouble was that they burned down too darn soon. * * * * - However, the Michigan players have nothing to be ashamed of. They played for all they were worth. No cracks, please. * * * ,' And "Old Diz" played a stellar game at both end and guard. Sitting on the end of the bench guarding the water-bucket. During the game, Minnesota got 15 yards for "clipping." Barbers usually ,opt 50 cents for it. ART The Artists' Exhibition Water colors, mainly of landscape scenes, dominate the Ann Arbor Ar- tists' 15th annual exhibition now be- ing held in Alumni Memorial Hall. Generally speaking the show is very pleasant-some of the paintings are inspired and others are technically interesting. The most outstanding works which combine both technical skill and inspiration are those by John Clarkson. "On the Shores," typical of his vigorous style, is painted in deli- cate colors with a minimum of de- tail. This artist's admiration for Main is evident but he has developed a style of his own which is remark- ably unique. The versatile painting of Margaret Bradfield is best seen in her water color entitled "View of Manchester." It is a delightful composition painted in lively colors. PaulSlusser's unquestionably fine technical ability is displayed in the pleasing "Pont Neuf" but more inter- esting is his oil "Dark Day" which not only reveals his mastery of the medium but catches a mood of gloom- iness which permeats the entire can- vas. WATER COLORS STANDOUT The two appealing water colors by L. L. Woodworth, "After Labor Day" and "Yellow House," sparkle with spontaniety and, although the artist is not a complete master of all the technical tricks, his ingenious com- position and fine colors are remark- ably good. Two other water colors demand special consideration because of their individual style and excel- lent execution. These are "Road to Town" and "Guiney's Station" by Dr. Coller. Both of these paintings are carefully planned with a keen sense of form and color. George Adams Dietrich, a newcomer to Ann Arbor, deserves congratulations on his three fine water colors. 'Road- side Shadows" is a particularly in- teresting arrangement painted in dark colors. Another member of the architec- tural school faculty is Donald Gooch. Although his water color "Sunset" is disappointing, he assures us of his ability and artistic sincerity in "Daily Paper," a nicely designed oil. In addition to her fine water color "Rockport," Mina Winslow also ex- hibits a decorative piece with nar- cissus which forms an interesting comparison with Julia Wood's treat- ment of the same subject. Dr. Edmunds again shows scenes of Monhegan shore. Although conserva- tive his paintings are direct and definitely portray the spirit of the Maine coast. Among other water colorists of dis- tinction are Mary Dell, Alice Mann, Barbara Door, E. Frederic James and Cora Koch. Ruby Churchill's progress is re- markable. Her paintings are influ- enced too much by European train- ing but her technique is noteworthy and undoubtedly she will continue to develop an individual style. PLASTIC DESIGN WORK GOOD Suzanne Trible stands out as a master of plastic design. Her thor- ough knowledge of pattern combined with splendid color textures make her "Gladioli" and "Mrs. Lyle of Glou- cester" two of the most noteworthy paintings in the exhibition. A. Mas- tro-Valerio, in addition to his usual contribution of prints, exhibits three water colors Whch are unusually fine in the treatment of light. Frank A. Livingston excells in his crayon drawings. His striking effect is obtained with a few sketchy lines. The exquisite drawings of Dr. Lom- bard are perfetions of accuracy com- bined with an exceptionally nice ar- tistic arrangement. Mr. Shaw's prints are, as usual, well executed and in his drawings is found a freedom of expression which is not seen in his prints. Douglas Hall, known as a master of wood blocks, exhibits three very successful ones. The amusing donkey head is a marvelous piece of design. The sculpture display is rather small but contains some nicely mod- elled works by Carleton Angell, the Negro by Dietrich and a very clever horse by Dorothy Cowan. -I.H. I RADIO By JAMES MUDGE Comes now at 8 Edward G. Robin-] son and Claire Trevor of the movies] to the CBS mikes with drama thru' WJR . . . CBS airs the Al Jolson-j Martha Raye affair at 8:30 by the same network of stations . . . Near- ing the end of his radio career, Ben Bernie leads the lads for the sake of the sponsor at 9 by WJZ . . . A Vox Pop that sounds kinda professional for once is given NBC air at-9 with Wallace Butterworth and Parks John- son doing the questioning . . . A 9:30 class tonight for all the studes. Professor Oakie, with the able assistance of faculty men Erwin, Hat- ton & Austin, calls the roll and gets the kids going. The music of Georgie Stoll. WJR is the college out-let ... I-The band goes strictly out-of-the- TUESDAY, OCT. 19, 1937 VOL. XLVIH. No. 20 Student Organizations: Officers of student organizations are reminded that only such organizations as are approved by the Senate Committee on Student Affairs may insert notices in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until Oct. 25 last year's list of approved organizations will be used, but after 'hat date only such groups as have qualified for approval this year, by submitting lists of officers to the Dean of Students, 2 University Hall, and otherwise complying with the Committee's rules, will be allowed to exercise this privilege. First Mortgage Loans: The Univer- sity has a limited amount of funds to loan on modern well-located Ann lArbor residential property. Interest at current rates. Apply Investment Office, Room 100, South Wing, University Hall. Women Students Attending the Iowa-Michigan football game: Wom- en students wishing to attend the Iowa-Michigan football game are re- quired to register in the office of the Dean of Women. A letter of permission from parents must be received in this office not later than Thursday, Oct. 21. If a stu-I dent wishes to go otherwise than by train, special permission for such mode of travel must be included in the parent's letter. Graduate women are invited to reg- ister in the office. Byrl Fox Bacher, Assit. Dean of Women. Candidates for the Rhodes Scholar- ships should call at the office of the History Department, 119 Haven Hall, by the twenty-first of October to se- cure appointments with the Univer- sity Committee on Rhodes Scholar- ships. If possible the candidates should have most of their available material at this time. Choral Union Concert Tickets: A limited number of season tickets, (10 concerts) also individual concert tick- ets, will remain on sale so long as they last, "oversthe counter" at the busi- ness offices of the School of Music on Maynard St. Choral Union Ushers: The following will please report at the box office of Hill Auditorium on Wednesday, Oct. 20 between 4:30 and 5:30 to re- ceive main floor assignments: Name: Anderson, Gilbert Austin, Warren R. Bailey, Irwin T. Bandes, Herbert Basler, Donnan Boll, O.R. Bosma, James F. Brown, David B. Campbell, Robert S. Carrothers, G. Howard Danforth, Ralph Dolph, Charles L. Fisher, Willis A. Freehling, Robert Haskell, Rafael Hays, John W. Hook, Keith B. Htuchins, Robert B. Jensen, Thomas A. Kissin, Gerald H. Lebergott, Stanley Lentini, Nicholas Livingston, Jay Jr. Luther, George Manley, Robert Mantele, Kenneth A. Matson, F.R. May, Robert Carroll Miller, William E. Morse, Lawrence Nichols, Rudolph Olmstead, Clarence W. Orr, Julian H. Pomeroy, Richard W. Rodzianko, B. Schultz, Victor Sharfstein, Edward Sheldon, John L. Slawsky, Milton Slawwky, Zaka, Sobin, Sidney Sprogell, Frank Stein, Millard Stewart, David W. Stone, Edward A. Tabachnick, Seymour I. Turitzin, Nicholas Winters, Howard E. Yocum, A.F. Zander, Kurt H. Zewadski, W. K., Jr. Academic Notices Correction: Sociology 51: Make-up final examination will be given Satur- day afternoon, Oct. 23, at 2 p.m., Room C. Haven Hall, instead of as previously announced. A make-up examination in Geogr- raphy 2 will be held in Room 18 Angell Hall on Wednesday, Oct. 20 at 3 p.m. Geography 33: Makeup examina- tion for second semester and Sum- mer Session will be held Friday af- ternoon, Oct. 22, 2 p.m., Room 18, A.H. DAILY OFFICIAL BUILLETIN Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice. to all member. of O. TErrity. Copy recmtved at the ofteAmmt to th Preoddw the hours and places that have been assigned. Make-up examination in Psychol- ogy 31 will be held oI} Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126 Natural Science Building. Make-up examination in Psychol- ogy 34 will be held on Tuesday, Oct. 19, at 2 p.m. in Room 2116 Natural Science Building. Reading Examinations in French: Candidates for the degree of Ph.D. in the departments listed below who wish to satisfy the requirement of a reading knowledge during the current academic year, 1937-38, are informed that examinations will be offered in Room 108, Romance Languages Bldg. from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoons, Oct. 30, Jan. 22, May 21, and Aug. 13. It will be necessary to register at the office of the Department of Romance Languages (112R.L.) at least one week in advance. Lists of books recom- mended by the various departments are obtainable at this office. It is desirable that candidates for the doctorate prepare to satisfy this requirenent at the earliest possible date. A brief statement of the nature of the requirement which will be found helpful, may be obtained at the office of the Department, and fur- ther inquiries may be addressed to Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at 10 and by appointment). Concerts Organ Recital: Palmer Christian, University organist, will appear in re- cital on the Frieze Memorial Organ, Wednesday afternoon, Oct. 20, at 4:15 p.m., in Hill Auditorium. The general public, with the exception of small children, is invited to listen to a program of interesting numbers. There is no admission charge. Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt, University Carillonneur, will give a recital on the Charles Baird Carillon in the Burton Memorial Tower, Thursday evening, Oct. 21, from 7:30 to 8:30 o'clock. Lectures Dr. Donald Wyman, Horticultural- ist of the Arnold Arboretum of Har- vard University at Boston, Mass., will lecture on "The Arnold Arboretum, America's Greatest Garden" in the Natural Science Auditorium at 4:15 on Wednesday, Oct. 20. Illustrated by natural color photoslides. The public is cordially invited. Events Today The Annual Ann Arbor Artists Ex- hibition held in the West and South Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall, is open daily, including Sundays, from 2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition conti.ues through Oct. 27. Admission is free to students. Deutscher Verein: Meeting Tuesday evening, Oct. 19 at 8 p.m. in the Michigan League. Mr. W. F. Striedieck will give a short talk on: "Reiseein- drucke von Deutschland. Refresh- ments will be served. Everybody in- terested, especially old members, are invited to attend. Geology Journal Club: Room 3065 Natural Science, Tuesday, October 19. Speaker, Mr. L. B. Kellum, "The 17th International Geological Congress in the U.S.S.R." Phi Lambda Upsilon: Tuesday, Oct. 19, 7:30 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry Bldg. Important business meeting. Refreshments. Tau Beta Pi: Regular dinner meet- ing tonight at the Union, 6:15 p.m. Prof. C. D. LaRue will speak on "Bo- tanical Studies in the Amazon Re- gion." Adelphi: 7:30, Adelphi Room, An- gell Hall. Speaker: Prof. J. L. Brumrnm, "Student Attitudes." Open to all men wishing to become acquainted with the work of Adelphi. Association Book Group: 4 p.m., Michigan League. Discussion of books dealing with religion in Russia. All students welcome. Sigma Rho Tau: 7:30 p.m., Michi- gan Union. Organization night. Speakers: Colonel Miller and Dean Dana. All members should attend. League Dance Committee: 7 p.m., League Ballroom. Meeting of all who have petitioned positions. Wives of Students and Interns: Meeting of Michigan Dames at 8:15 p.m. Grand Rapids Room, League. Independent Men's Organization: Executive Council meeting, 7:30 psm. at the Union. Room to be posted, University Women Desiring Lessons in Ballroom dancing: 7 p.m. at the League. No charge. , 0 1 I