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October 19, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-19

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The Weather
Cloudy and slightly cooler to-
day; tomorrow partly cloudy.

-- I


, t tg






Hopes For Air
Crash Victims
Fade As Storm
Delays Search
Scattered Wreckage Seen
Strewn Over Mountaini
B Searching Aviator
Hint Disaster Worst
In Aviation History
SALT LAKE CITY, Utah, Oct. 18.
-(IP)-Nineteen persons probably
crashed, to their deaths when the
United Airliners' palatial "Mainliner"
shot into a peak high in the Uinta
Mountains, air searchers said to-
"I don't see how anyone could be
alive there," said Wesley Meyers,
western Wyoming rancher, after a
flight over the wreckage of the craft
which carried 15 men and four wom-
"We flew as close above the wreck-
age as we dared and could see not a
sing of the 19 people it carried," said
Carl Reynolds, Salt Lake City photo-
grapher. "The front of the plane is
all smashed in and the wings are
sheared off."
Missing 14 Hours
The ship was located from the air
today in the high Uinta Mountains on
the Utah-Wyoming border after be-
ing missing more than 14 hours on
its westbound flight. Cloudbursts
struck the region yesterday, and a
heavy snowfall last night in the upper
areas was expected to hinder rescue
If all were killed the crash would
be the worst in American airplane
history. Largest previous plane-
crash toll was that at Goodwin, Ark.,
Jan. 14, 1936, when 17 died.
Hurriedly organized ground crews
from nearby 'settlements fought
through dense wilderness to reach
the wreckage a task which might re-
quire 24 hours.
Crashes On Mountain
The plane $rashed, United Air
Lines officials said, on Chalk Moun-
tain about 26 miles south of Knight,
Wyo., at an altitude of 10,000 feet.
Searchers followed a rough wagon
trail for miles and then started an
ascent through mud and snow.
Four women and 15 men were on
board the huge "Mainliner," one of
the new and powerful Douglas planes
of the United Air Lines, when it left
Cheyenne, Wyo., last night at 6:25
p.m., Mountain Standard Time.
(8:25 P. EST).
Book Society
To Hold First
Meeting Today
Present Religion In Russia
Will Be General Theme
At 4 P.M. InLeague
Something new in the way of in-
tellectual stimulation will be inaugu-
rated today on the Michigan campus
when The Association Book Group
comes together for its first meeting
at 4 p.m. in the League.
The general theme of the first
meeting will be "Religion in Russia
"Religion and Communism" by
Julius F. Hecker will be reviewed by
Clarence Kresin, '38, chairman of

the Student Council of Religion.
Bernard Weissman, '39L, will dis-
cuss essays on religion in Russia to-
day written by Nicholas Berdyaev,
Ivan Levitsky, A. L. Norton, Rein-
hold Niebuhr, John Lewis and John
"The Book group was organized in
the endeavor to acqaaint students
with outstanding books on contem-
porary social, economic and religious
problems," Kenneth W. Morgan, di-
rector of the Student Religious As-
sociation, said yesterday.
Four Die As Truck
Crashes Into Auto
JACKSON, Oct. 18.-( P)--A head-
on collision between an automobile
and a truck near Parma on US 12
took four lives early today.
The victims: Miss Viola Potter, 32
years old, of Jackson; John Quincy
Adams, 67 years old, of RFD No. 1,

Young Communist League Comes
Into Open With Meeting Today

National Education Head
To Speak At First Public
Meeting In Five Years
The first open meeting of the Young
Communist League, which has been
functioning secretly for more than
five years and is affiliated with the
national organization of 13,000 mem-
bers, will be held at 8 p.m. today in
Unity Hall, at State and Huron
streets, according to Rafael Haskell,
'39E, spokesman for the group.
Joseph Clark, graduate of Brooklyn
College of New York and national
education director of the YCL, will
speak at the meeting on "The Com-
munists in the People's Front."
University recognition and estab-
lishment of study groups to analyze
problems from a Marxist-Leninist
point-of-view will be discussed. The
organization hopes to include Ann
Arbor workers in these classes.
Open meetings consisting of lec-
tures and transaction of business,
Haskell said, will be held in the fu-
A lending library and a book store
President's Wile,
Windsor Duchess,
May Hob-nob Soon
NEW YORK, Oct. 18. -(P)-Mrs.
Franklin D. Roosevelt indicated today
that she would be host to the Duchess
of Windsor at the White House the
night of Dec. 11-providing the Duke
accepts his invitation to the news-
papermen's annual gridiron banquet
at Washington.
While the gridiron banquets, where
the President, Supreme Court Jus-
tices, Senators and Congressmen have
fun poked at them by the news men,
are being held it is customary for the
deserted wives to gather at the annual
"Widows' Frolic" at the White House.
There the women have their own
show. Last year's include a skit
on the romance of Wallis Warfield
and the ex-king. They are expected
to arrive in the United States Nov.
Beau Brummel Bandit
Borrows Smokes-Bolts
An unknown burglar is probably
Ann Arbor's greatest authority on
what the well-dressed smoker will
wear today.
At least that was the conclusion
sheriff's officers reached last night
when the theft of 30,000 cigarettes,
five tuxedos, one full dress suit, eight
dozen tins of smoking tobacco, three
pairs of gloves and a blanket was re-
ported to them.
The report, made by Chief Patter-
son of the Ann Arbor Railway office,
stated that the articles were taken
from a freight car. No clues were
available but the officers hoped the
burglar would get good and sick on
the tobacco.
Police Enumerate
Measures To Stop
Fraternity Looting
The same gang of "smart" out-of-
town thieves rob Ann Arbor frater-
nities each year although if a set of
simple regulations were observed
bankrolls of fraternity men could be
completely safeguarded, Patrolman
George Camp of the police depart-
ment stated yesterday.
Regulations which are necessary
to stop the losses are few and should
be impressed upon fraternity men,
Camp said. First and foremost fra-
ternities should lock their doors. The
difficulty with this is the fact that
residents come in at all times but

it is the only sure protective device,
he pointed out.
Other precaut4onary measures
should include watching strangers in
the house, taking money into the,
dormitories and not leaving it in
rooms, locking clothes in the closet,1
reporting suspicious cars outside,
keeping large sums of money in the{
house safe if there is one and im-
pressing on men who have just moved
in the need of protecting their pos-
sessions, Camp said.
Black Legion Member
Gets Prison Sentence
DETROIT, Oct. 18.-{P)-A sen-
tence of from four to ten years in
prison was given Elmer Anderson,
Black Legion member, on a perjury

of Marxist literature are also planned
by the group.
Two other Michigan branches of
the YCL are the Murray Body Branch
and the Joe York Branch of Detroit,
named for a boy who was killed sev-
eral years ago in a fight between
workers and service employes at
Three Big Ten schools, the univer-
sities of Illinois, Wisconsin and Min-
nesota, are among the educational
institutions that have Young Com-
munist League chapters.
Seln Flurry
Drives Market
To 2 -Year 'Low

Larger Deficit
Seen Probable
By Roosevelt
Says Treasury Will Run
$895,240,000 Into Red
By End Of Fiscal Year}
Revenue Forecast
Drastically Reduced
WASHINGTON, Oct. 18.-(A')-
President Roosevelt hiked his esti-
mate of the federal deficit for this
fiscal year by $277,000,000 today, fore-
casting the treasury would run $895,-
245,000 into the red by next June 30.
Revamping the budget issued last
April, the President whittled his esti-
mate of 'revenues by $256,000,000
bringing the figure down to $6,650,-
410,000. He said spending would be
$21,000,000 greater than anticipated
and would total $7,345,655,000 ex-
clusive of $200,000,000 for debt retire-
The estimated gross deficit of $895,-
245,000 included the $200,000,000 to
be spent for paying off debt. Exclu-
sive of this, the net deficit was fore-

Industrial Stocks
Mount To Ten
A Share Before


NEW YORK, Oct. 18.-(A')-Weak-
ened by a steady retreat since mid-
August, the stock market went down
before a selling whirlwind today into
the worst crash in more than four
Losses in some leading industrial
issues mounted to $10 a share and
more before the closing gong inter-
rupted the destruction of quoted
values. Prices were beaten down to
the lowest since July 6, 1935, meas-
ured by the Associated Press average
price of 60 stocks.
The average of 60 dropped $3.80
to $45.10 in the sharpest decline since
July 20, 1933, when the first big
upswing in speculative markets under
New Deal price-raising moves cul-
minated in a thumping fall.
Bewildered by the intensity of the
selling impact, Wall Street experts
failed to lay finger immediately on
any single sore spot in the finan-
cial body which might have caused
the renewed fainting spells.
It was noted, however, the down-
ward push began in real earnest
about the time the American Iron &
Steel Institute announced, after mid-
day, that national operations in the
industry had dropped to 55.8 per
cent of capacity from 63.6 per cent
a week ago and 74.2 a year ago. Also
mentioned were damaged margin ac-
counts being liquidated following the
long-decline in share prices from
mid-August and the world tension
over European and Far Eastern
Ross Abductors
Ignore Threat
To Call -Men
Fear For Aged Chicagoan'sI
Death As Ultimatum By
Wife Is Spurned
CHICAG, Oct. 18.-(l)-The kid-
napers of Charles S. Ross today
spurned an ultimatum to free their
aged victim.
Twenty-four hours after his worry-
worn wife publicly stated the retired
manufacturer must be released or
federal and state officers would swing
into a relentless manhunt, the
snatchers made no move to comply.
Mrs. Ross set the deadline at 8 a.m.
tomorrow. If he has not been re-
turned by that time, she warned, law
enforcement agencies will end their
tacit truce and turn on the full force
of their crime-cracking power.
Hour after hour the gray-haired
wife, ill and under a physician's care,
was the center of a drama of sus-
pense being enacted in their comfort-
able north side apartment. Ross has
been missing 23 days. His absence
approached a time record in modern
kidnaping. Still, as the climactic
hour fixed by Mrs. Ross herself grew
near, there was little activity to break
the tense quiet of her vigil.
At length a triend removed the
clock from the living room fireplace
to alleviate the enervating strain.
Harvard Horticulturist
To Lecture Here Today
Dr. Donald Wyman, horticulturist
of the Arnold Arboretum, Harvard
University, will speak on "The Ar-
nold Arboretum-America's Great-
est Garden" in a University lecture at
4:15 p.m. tomorrow in the Natural
Spience auditorium.
The Arnold Arboretum posesses one
of the outstanding collections
woody nlants in the world with from



Least Since 1 931
The gross deficit of $895,277,000
which President Roosevelt forecast
today for the current fiscal year
would be the smallest since the
budget went out of balance in 1931.
Prior to 1931, the government
had eleven years of surpluses. The
greatest deficit ever recorded-
$13,370,637,000-occurred in the
war-time year, 1918-1.
cast at $695,245,000, compared with
a forecast of $418,000,000 last April
and a net deficit of $2,707,347,000 in
the fiscal year ended June 30.
Mr. Roosevelt gave no reason for his
sharp reduction in the revenue esti-
mate for this .year, but authorities
assumed it was predicted on the se-
vere stock market decline and recent
down-swings in various business in-
On the spending side, the chief
executive said numerous factors had
arisen since last April to increase
spending, including expanded out-
lays for the railroad retirement pro-
gram, legislation authorizing unem-
ployment tax refunds under the Social
Security Act and extension of the
Public Works Administration for two
He served notice that he was draw-
ing the purse strings on outlays by
both the public Works Administration
and the big Reconstruction Finance
Corporation, pioneer emergency lend-
ing agency which has pumped out bil-
lions of dollars into channels of fi-
nance, business and industry.
In the future, Mr. Roosevelt said,
(Continued on age L)
Miller Defeats
Roosevelt Ally
In Senate Race
LITTLE ROCK, Ark., Oct. 18.-(P)
-Congressman John E. Miller, Dem-
ocrat running as an independent, won
election to the unexpired term of
the late Senate Majority Leader Joe
T. Robinson in today's special gen-
eral election, defeating Gov. Carl E.
Bailey, state democratic committee
nominee and ardent New Dealer, by
a handy majority.
Bailey conceded the election on
the basis of returns tabulated by the
Associated Press. Bailey issued this
"To the people of Arkansas:
"I concede the election of Con-
gressman Miller to succeed Senatoi
Robinson. I shall continue to serve
you as governor to the best of my
ability," Carl E. Bailey.
Dr. Curtis To Give
Orientation Lecture
Prof. Francis D. Curtis, of the
School of Education, will explain
"Techniques in Studying Various
Types of Subjects" in the second How
To Study Lecture to be held at 7:15
p.m. tomorrow in Room 25 Angell
Hall, according to Margaret Ferries,
'38, women's Orientation chairman.
After the lecture, Professor Curtis
will answer questions on study prob-
lems and will give individual consnl

Draft Spanish
War Measures
Eden, Chamberlain Confer
With Ambassador Corbin
On Intervention Policies
1 Crucial Conference
Will Begin Today
LONDON. Oct. 18.-W-)-Great
Britain and France drafted a plan
of joint action today for tomorrow's
crucial non-intervention meeting
over which Foreign Secretary An-
thony Eden himself will preside in an'
effort to drive through an agree-
ment to withdraw foreign volunteers
from Spain's civil war.
Eden conferred at length with
Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain
and French Ambassador Charles Cor-
bin on Franco-British policy for the
international committee meeting.
Surprise was caused in London dip-
lomatic circles by the departure of
Joachim von Ribbentrop, the Ger-
man ambassador, who flew to Ger-
many to see Adolf Hitler.
A semi-official assertion from Rome
that only 40,000 Italian troops were
fighting with the Spanish Insurgent
armies projected a new element of
strife into the negotiations by which
France and Britain are trying to
keep the war confined to Spain.
British ' and French authorities
have expressed belief that there are
at least 100,000 Italians serving under
Insurgent Generalissimo Francisco
Franco and have urged a "token"
withdrawal on that basis as a guar-
antee of good faith.
The publication of the Italian fig-
ures in an organ of the official Ste-
fani News Agency was believed to
show the basis on which Premier
Mussolini wants to bargain in tomor-
row's discussion of the actual number
of withdrawals.
Informed quarters declared there
was "no optimism" in regard to the
success of the conference but felt the
fact Rome took the trouble to an-
nounce there were only 40,000 Ital-
ians with the Insurgents held out
hope Il Duce would agree to with-
draw some of them.
Bennett Denies
Ford Reopening
In Kansas City
DETROIT, Oct. 18.- (P)-A state-
ment by Richard T. Frankensteen,
assistant president of the United Au-
tomobile Workers Union, that the
closed Kansas City plant of the Ford
Motor Co. would reopen soon brought
a fiat denial from the Ford Company
Frankensteen said that he and oth-
er UAW representatives had been as-
sured by a "Ford Company spokes-
man" that the closed plant will re-
open soon "with all men rehired,
union or non-union," as soon as its
other plants reopen to begin produc-
tion on 1938 models.
Harry Bennett, personnel director
of the Ford Company, said "there is
no spokesman for the Ford Company
who could have told them that," and
added that "whoever said it knew
nothing about the Ford Company and
its plans"
UAW Head Guilty

On Labor Charge
LANSING, Oct. 18.-(1P)-A jury of
five women and seven men today
found Lester Washburn, regional di-
rector of the United Auto Workers
and president of the Lansing Local,
guilty with interfering with an em-
ploye of the Capitol City Wrecking
Company during a strike at the com-
pany last summer. The case was
tried in circuit court and was an
appeal from a justice court decision
which found the union official guilty
of illegal picketing.
His attorney, Seymour H. Person,
said he would appeal the circuit
court decision to the State Supreme
Husband Files Petition
To Gain Earhart Estate
LOS ANGELES, Oct. 18. - (A') -
George Palmer Putnam filed a peti-
tion in Supreior Court today asking
that he be named trustee of the
estate of his wife- Amelia. ai4-,+ .*

Polite Thugs
Bind Victim,
Promise Aid
Three "gentlemen" bandits forced
the manager of Packer's Outlet to
hand over $400 of the grocery's re-
ceipts Saturday night, refused to take
$50 which he had in his pockets, and
then left him bound and gagged,
promising to inform his wife of his
Police believe the same gang robbed
the Packer's Outlet store in Monroe of
$4,500 two months ago.
The company installed time clocks
on all its'safes after the Monroe rob-
bery, and the bandits were thus pre-
vented from obtaining an additional
$2,000 from the safe.
Robert Desnoyer, 24 years old, 728
McKinley Ave., manager of the store,
was held up as he started to drive
away in his car after closing the store
about 9:45 p.m. He was then ap-
proached by the gunmen who forced
him to return to the store where he,
unlocked the door and turned off the
burglar alarm, complying with the,
orders of the gang.,
Murphy Brands
State Backward
In Insane Care
Governor Asks Money For
Improvements; Terms
LANSING, Oct. 18.-(A')-Governor
Murphy, branding Michigan a "back-
ward state" in its attitude toward
the mentally afflicted, said today a1
$12,000,000 to $15,000,000 program of
improvement to state hospitals was
needed urgently.
He returned to his desk from a
tour of inspection of the state hos-
pital for epileptics at Wahjamega,
praising the work of Dr. R. L. Dixon,
institutional head, but asserting a
larger staff and more housing space
were imperative.
The Governor said he would dis-
cuss with Budget Director Harold D.
Smith, welfare director James G. Bry-
ant, and Charles S. Weber, secretary
of the State administrative board,
plans for a buildng program at all
State institutions.
The '1937 legislature 'appropriated
$3,000,000 for improvements at the
state hospitals. Murphy said the
money would be helpful but inade-
The executive asserted a fire that
swept a wing of the Newberry State
Hospital for Insane, and another that
damaged an infirmary at Howell
should serve as warnings. He said it
was 4'almost a miracle that no lives
were lost" in those two blazes.
Depressed by an exhaustive study
of conditions at the Wahjamega in-
stitution, Murphy said he found the
staff doing the best it could under
unfavorable conditions. He pointed
to the lack of experimental labora-
tories on the premises as a black
mark against this state for having
made no better provision for pre-
ventive research. He found more
than 1,000 patients quartered in
space that had been provided for
Mother Begs U.S.
To Find Boy Lost
In China War Zone
DETROIT, Oct. 18.-()-A worried

mother, widow of a missionary be-
seeched the Secretary of State today
to help find her 13-year-old son
from whom she was separated in the
Shanghai war zone.
Although she said she had "heard
he is safe," Mrs. Robert E. Chambers,
a refuge with her family, said she is
appealing to Washington for aid in
locating her son, Howard.
A sister-in-law of the missing boy,
Mrs. Robert E. Chamber, Jr., ex-
plained that different refuge ships
carried the mother and son from the
danger area.
Deutscher Verein
Will Meet Tonight
"Deutscher Verein," the club
formed to bring together students in-
terested in the study of German, will
hold its first meeting of the year at 8
p.m. today at the Michigan League.
Mr. W. F. Striedieck, faculty adviser
will talk on "Reiseeindruke Von Deut-

Japan's Drive
Down 2 Major
Chinese Rail
Links Checked
Threat To Tsinan Reduced
By Removal Of Troops
From East China Front
Italy May Attend
Nine-Power Parley
LONDON, Oct. 18.-(/P)-Authori-
tative indications that Italy may at-
tend the conference of nine-power
treaty signatories at Brussels Oct. 30,
to consider means of restoring peace
between Japan and China, came to-
day from Rome.
Previously Italian officials had been
cool toward the idea of a meeting of
the powers adhering to the 1922 treaty
of Washington, which guaranteed the
territoriality of China. They disliked
the proposals because they emanated
from Geneva (and Italy is not co-
operating with the League of Na-
SHANGHAI, Oct. 19.- (IP) -The
advance of the Japanese army down
the two great railroads linking North
China with the South has been slowed
down, according to authoritative ad-
vices today from points along the
southern banks of the. Yellow River,
In the East, the Japanese threat to
Tsinan, capital of Shantung Province,
was lessened when the column op-
erating along the Tientsin-Pukow
railroad withdrew 15 miles northward
to Pingyuanhsien from Yuchengsung
where their line had been threatening
the Chinese-Tuhai River positions 30
miles from Tsinan.
A portion of the eastern forces vas
transferred to bolster the Japanese
drive that is meeting stiff resistance
150 miles to the west on the Peiping
to Hankow railroad.
Reports from North China yester-
day said that an armored train had
penetrated to Hantan, 35 miles in ad-
vance bf the main Japanese forcesat
Shuntehful and an equal distance
from the Chinese base at Changtefu
in Honan Province. This would place
the farthest Japanese advance 250
miles .southwest of Peiping and only
15 miles from the Hopeh-Honan
Province border.
At Shanghai, a major battle was
being fought 10 miles northwest of
the city in the sector between Tazang
and Liuhang, where the Japanese
were pounding the Chinese defenses.
In what was described as the sever-
est single encounter of the two-month
old conflict around Shanghai, Chinese
authorities said 1,400 Chinese and
3,000 Japanese died fighting for the
(Continued on Pae 2)
Singing Class
Opens 193 7-38
Air University
"The Michigan University of, the
Air," officially opened its 13th sea-
son of broadcastingyesterday, with
Dr. Joseph E. Maddy conducting a
class in Elementary Singing. Dr.
Maddy was aided in this broadcast by
the University High School choir,
under the direction of Miss Odena
Today, the Forestry and Land Util-
ization group, under the supervision

of Felix G. Gustafson, Associate Pro-
fessor of Botany, will open their
series of broadcasts with a discussion
of, "Why Leaves Change Their Color
in the Fall."
The University programs this year
may be divided into four groups; in-
struction in singing, by Dr. Maddy;
talks by members of the University
faculties; programs arranged with
the cooperation of the Michigan
Congress of Parents and Teachers and
programs written and presented by
students enrolled in the classes in
broadcasting, which are under the
direct supervision of. Waldo .Abbot,
director of the broadcasting service.
The University will be on the air
from Monday, Oct. 18, to Sunday,
April 10, with exception of the Christ-
mas recess and the examination
A complete list of this year's
University of Michigan broadcasts,
and also mimeographed copies of all
talks given during these programs,
will be mailed free of charge, upon re-
quest to Waldo Abbot, Director of
Broadcasting Service. Universitv nf

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