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October 17, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-17

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The Weather
Occasional rain today and to-
morrow; slowly rising tempera-

cl 4r

Li4t igau


Here's A
New Idea...



Italy Is Willing
To Recall Part
Of Volunteers
From Spa in
Grandi Says Withdrawals
Must Be Made Equally
On Both Sides Of War
Offer Is Received
With Skepticism
LONDON, Oct. 16.-()-Italy to-
day offered to make a conditional
"token" withdrawal of part of the
Italian volunteers fighting with the
Spanish Insurgent armies, but dele-
gates of other powers heard the offer
with skepticism.
Count Dino Grandi, Italy's spokes-
man, made the gesture at the session
of the subcommittee of the 27-nations
Nonintervention Committee, sum-
moned to seek means of preventing
the Spanish war from becoming a
European conflagration.
Equal Withdrawals
But he insisted thct withdrawals be
in "equal numbers from both sides,"
which competent diplomatic quar-
ters declared would mean recall of
only a small proportion of the Black
Shirts now in Spain even if all foreign
volunteers were taken from the Span-
ish Government's ranks.
The meeting was marked by revival
of the bitter verbal warfare between
Italy and Soviet Russia, which has
marked the history of the entire
European nonintervention effort.
Ivan Maisky, Soviet Russian
spokesman in the nine-nation sub-
committee, made a slasling attack
on the role Italy has played in the
Spanish war.
Delegates Ask Instructions,
The only hopeful sign after today's
brief, bitter meeting, informed
sources said, wa the willingness of
all delegates to ask quick instructions
from home capitals on the Anglo-
French "last effort" to end foreign
intervention through committee ac-'
The subcommittee agreed to re-
convene Tuesday.,
Both France and Britain were scep-
tical, however, of Italy's conditional
"token withdrawalw offer. Optimism
was lacking for the Tuesday meet-
ing, at which observers said "the real
discussion begins."
Unions Charge
Force Caused
Ford's Lockoutl

Michigan Comes Up A Winner,
- - In Fraternities' Decorations




Italian Spokesman Alpha

Tan Omega Wins
Prize In Contest;


City Plant Closed
Beatings; Bennett
Police Inadequate

Count Dino Grandi, above, pre-
sented Italy's offer to withdraw part
of her troops from Spain if other
powers would do so in "equal num-
Agree To Meet
On Peace Plan
Conference Will Be Held
In Washington Oct. 251
Two Years After Split
Organized labor called an armistice
in its two year old civil war yester-
day and agreed on a preliminary
peace conference.in Washington, Oct.
25, intended to unify again the Ameri-
can labor movement, according to the
Associated Press.
The signal to "cease firing" was the
American Federation of Labor's an-
nouncement in Denver that it had ac-
cepted a proposal from the Committee
for Industrial Organization to send
negotiating committees to a Wash-
ington conference without advance
conditions, reservations or commit-
The conference agreement followed
several days of long distance maneuv-
ering, neither side willing to recede
from its views on the principles of!
draft unionism and industrial union-1
The CIO conference proposals were
turned down by the Federation before,
a third was accepted. Phillip Mur-;
ray, one of John L. Lewis' chief lieu-
tenants in the C1, termed the Fed-
eration's earlier jockeying on con-;
ference conditions "quibbling."
The agreement was reached prac-
tically two years from date the Lewis
and 10 "rebel" unions walked out of
the Federation convention and or-
ganized the CIO, to enroll unskilled
workers in mass production indus-
Coal Gas Blast
In Mine Shaf t
Kills 33 Menj
BIRMINGHAM Ala. Oct. 16.-IP)-
Thirty-three coal miners perished to-
day in a terrific explosion four miles
under ground.
Crushed, burned and suffocated,
the victims were moved from the
blasted shaft at Mulga, Ala., to a
morgue in nearby Bessemer.
Relatives and friends scattered to
their mine village homes tonight,
some weeping and others silent from
Ignition of coal gas was blamed by
Fire Marshal Sam Williams.
Governor Bibbs Graves ordered
State Mine Inspector W. B. Hillhouse
to "spare no expense" in "getting all
the facts."
Of the dead, 13 were white men
and 20 Negroes.
Had the blast occurred at the
mouth of the huge mine, nearly 400
miners would have been trapped.
The fact that only one "elbow" was
affected saved them.
NLRB Certifies Unions

Phi KappaPsi Is Next
Alpha Tau Omega, Phi Kappa Psi
and Pi Lambda Phi were chosen as
the best decorated fraternity houses
and Kappa Alpha Theta as the best
decorated sorority house in the an-
nual homecoming decorating contest
Alpha Tau Omega's prize winning
exhibit was that of a pair of dice re-
volving in a bucket with a large "M"
on each side-Michigan up all the
Kappa Alpha Theta erected a goal
post and a figure of a man with a
football for a head "trucking" with
his fingers in the air. On the door
of the house was a gold football and,
a sign with "I want to go back to
Michigan" written on it.j
A revolving "M"-one side for
Michigan, one for Minnesota-was<
the contribution of Pi Lambda Phi.i
When the Michigan "M" came up a
phonograph played "The Victors"]
and when the Minnesota "M" ap-;
peared the phonograph played
"Gloomy Sunday."
"Won't you come into my parlor,
said the Spider to the Fly" gave Phi
Kappa Psi its inspiration. The fra-
ternity had a huge spider web with1
Michigan the spider and Minneso.a,
the fly.
Thirty-six out of 41 fraternities
and 17 out of 18 sororities were dec-
orated for the occasion.
Fraternities receiving honorable
mention were Lambda Chi Alpha,
Phi Gamma Delta, Chi Psi, Alpha
Sigma Phi, Delta Upsilon and Theta
Xi. Chi Omega, Delta Delta Delta,
eta Tau Alpha and Alpha Gamma
Delta were given honorable men-!
tion among the sororities. Allen-
(Continued on Page 2)
Rev. Kantonen
To Give Talks
In City TOday
Unitarians Hear Sermon
On Boston Reformers
In Morning Service
Visiting ministers will occupy the
pulpitsnofseveral Ann Arbor churches
today and a number of student guild
groups will hear special speakers at
their services.
"Meeting Our Vital Needs" will be
the topic of a sermon by the Rev. Dr.
T. A. Kantonen at 10:30 a.m. in the'
Trinity Lutheran Church. Dr. Kan-
tonen is a member of the faculty of
the Hamma Divinity School in
Springfield, Ohio. Following the 8:30
p.m. meeting of the Lutheran Student
Club in Zion Parish Hal, he will lead
a forum hour on the subject of "Some
Practical Implications of a Student's
Pesonal Faith."
The question of evolution versus
revolution will be discussed by the
Rev. H. P. Marley, minister of the
Unitarian Church, in a sermon, "Two'
Boston Reformers-Theodore Park-
er and Edward Filene," at 11 a.m. to-
Dr. Edward W. Blakeman, counselor
in religious education, will speak on
" The Ostrich Christian at Michi-
gan" at 6 p.m. in the Roger Williams
Guild house of the Baptist church.
In Bethlehem Evangelical Church
worship service will be led at 10:30
a.m. by the Rev. H. S. Bon Rague of
Manchester who will speak on "The
Urgency of the Christian Message."
The sermon at 10:45 a.m. in the
Congregational Church will be on
"Three Things Every Man Should
If I Wege A New Student," a dis-
cussion by Prof. H. Y. McClusky of
the education school, will be a fea-
(Continued on Page z)

Lindy Accepts
Renewal Of Air
Officer's Status
WASHINGTON, Oct. 16.-(IP)-
Colonel Charles A. Lindbergh has ac-
cepted a five-year renewal of his
commission in the Army Air Corps
Reserve quieting rumors that he
planned to become a British subject.
Such permits have been current
since he unexpectedly left the coun-
try with his wife and son, Jon, and
took up his residence in England two
years ago.

Peace Plan Bid
On China War.
Delegation Of Five Named
By Hull; Norman Davis
To Head Committee
Treaty Scrapping
Denounced By Hull
The United States moved swiftly to-
day to insure its cooperation with
other Nine-Power Treaty signatories
in a conference designed to halt the
undeclared Sino-Japanese war.
Five minutes after the Belgian gov-
ernment's formal invitation to the
parley at Brussels on Oct. 30 had
been received, Secretary Hull an-
nounced this government's accept-
ance and named a delegation of five
to represent it.
Norman H. Davis, of New York,
President Roosevelt's "ambassador-
at-large," was designated to act as
America's chief spokesman in conf-
ference efforts to find a formula for
a peaceable adjustment of the Far
Eastern crisis.
In the midst of these plans, Secre-
tary Hull wrote Senator Walsh (Dem.,
Mass.) that he did not think "this
Sino-Japanese Situation
(By The Associated .Press)
SHANGHAI - Official spokes-
man said China would accept in-
vitation to attend Nine-Power
conference Oct. 30 at Brussels;
Japanese North China command
reported capture of Shuntehfu,
walled city 55 miles north of Ho-
nan Province border, giving Japan
control of nearly all of Hopeh
TOKYO-Kohei Goshi, finan-
cial expert on newspaper Yomiuri
Shimbun, said decline in Japanese
public bonds on foreign markets
showed foreign nations doubt
soundness of Japan's financial
structure; Associated Press survey
showed many American firms
have discontinued credit sales to
BRUSSELS-Section of Belgian
press hinted Italy and" Japan
might be persuaded to join Nine-
Power "conference.
WASHINGTON-United States
accepts invitation to Brussels con-
erence; names five delegates.
government need or should show tol-
erance towards actions inconsistent
with treaties to which this country
is a party."
Davis, a veteran of international
conferences, is expected to press for
an agreement to mediate the Sino-
Japanese conflict in accordance with
a policy already outlined by the Pres-
This move is expected to be di-
rected toward obtaining an agree-
ment between China and Japan to
cease theirhostilities and strive for
a negotiated peace.
With Davis will go the State De-
partment's top ranking expert on
Far Eastern and European problems
--Dr. Stanley K. Hornbeck, special
political advisor to Secretary Hull on
Far Eastern affairs and Jay Pierre-!
pont Moffat, chief of the depart-
ment's European division.
The delegation also will include
Robert T. Pell, an attache of the Eu-
ropean division, who will act as press
officer, and Charles E. Bohlen, secre-
'Martin Urges
Church To Aid
American Labor

CINCINNATI, Oct. 16.-(A)-De-
IDclaring the church "must be involved"
in the American labor movement, Ho-
mer Martin, described the movement
today as "demomracy's answer, Chris-
tianity's answer to the unbalance oft
the industrial world."
The former Baptist minister from
Kansas City conceded before a church
league for industrial democracy
meeting that "the labor movement
is not without fault," but, he added:
"I know of many people who do not
go to church because they claim too
many hypocrites go."
During a brief question-and-an-
swer forum, Martin replied to a query
concerning political activity of the
Committee for Industrial Organiza-
tion, saying "we already have nom-
inated a mayor and five councilmen
in Detroit."
Henry Ford, he observed later, "is
a very considerate person and will
consider seriously the CIO."'

Mighty Gophers Smother
Fighting Wolverine Team
Wth Power Drve,39 -6

Scores Michigan's Only Touchdown

KANSAS CITY, Oct. 16.-(P)-
Violence on both sides was charged'
by rival union officers today in state-
ments seeking to place blame for
closing of the Ford Assembly plant
"The entire blame for the trouble
in Kansas City can be placed squarely
on the shoulders of the management
of the Kansas City plant and its ac-
tivities in the formation of a com-
pany union," said the United Auto-
mobile Workers of America state-
Kenneth H. Paris, Independent
union president, "was one of four men
who were beaten either at their homes
or at the doors of the plant within
plain view of police seated in patrol
cars," charged the Independent
"UAW men have been attacked
and one's wrist was shattered by an
iron bar in front of the plant a week
ago while someone's thugs held him
at the point of a shotgun," contended
the CIO group's statement.
Harry Bennett, Ford personnel di-
rector, announced earlier in the week
Ford "was through" here because
"we can't get police protection."
Elect Ann Arborite
Temperane Chief
BIRMINGHAM, Oct. 16.-(P)- Al-
lied Youth, a temperance organiza-
tion of young persons between 15 and
30 years old, closed its state conven-
tion today by electing Robert For-
sythe, of Ann Arbor, president.
Gerald Benson of Detroit was elect-
ed vice-president; Dorothy Farrell of

More- houses
For Poor Urged
More houses, slum clearance and
raising the standard of living of the,
poorer classes should be the threel
main objectives of a progressive hous-
ing program, Arthur Bohnen, housing
consultant of the PWA, told his au-!
dience yesterday in a University lec-I
ture in the Architectural building.
The architect must accept the in-
fluences and purpose of the sociolo-
gist, the economist and political sci-
entist as well as his own in planning
housing projects, Mr. Bohnen said.
Cost of housing and community
planning are the two principal con-
siderations in housing projects, he
The community aspects of housing,
Mr. Bohnen said, are exemplified in
two Detroit projects which will pro-
vide for more than 5,000 persons in
a smal larea.
Minnesota Convicts
Hear Football Game
STILLWATER, Minn., Oct. 16.-
( ')-Convicts in the Minnesota State
Penitentiary who never had heard
a radio broadcast until acting War-
den Leo Utecht permitted them to
"tune in" on the world's baseball
series and Minnesota-Michigan foot-
ball game, voiced their reactions to-
night in an interview and generally,
agreed it was "astonishing" and "sen-
A number of the institution's 1,-
41!; inmate hnd1 hen rnfind he-

Michigan's only touchdown in yesterday's defeat by Minnesota came
on the above play. Elmer Gedeon, right end, is shown receiving a
pass in the end zone from Freddie Trosko. Coming up fast but too
late to do anything is Will Moore, Minnesota back and in the back-
ground, No. 17, is Hercules Renda, Wolverine back acting as a decoy.
The pass for touchdown came with only a few minutes to go in the
first quarter after a blocked punt gave Michigan the ball on the near
five-yard marker.

Michigan's First Quarter
Sgore Deceives 60,000
Till Norsemen Hit Stride
Varsity Outrushed
260 Yards To 19
(Daily Sports Editor)
For 12 minutes yesterday Michigan
electrified 60,000 homecoming fans in
the Stadium, but was electrified the
remaining 48 minutes by a Minnesota
eleven which suddenly unloosed a
reservoir of power that submerged the
valiant Wolverines, 39-6.
The mighty Gophers seemed ready
to slink back to their holes, thorough-
ly chastised, when in the first quarter
Michigan capitalized a fumbled punt
to score its first touchdown against
Minnesota in six years. Old grads re-
lived, briefly, those salad days when
a six-point margin meant victory to
the unconquerable Wolverines.
Gopher Playing' 'Possum
But the Gopher was merely playing
'possum and in the second quarter
that latent power, which has been
pent-up in its last two battles, began
to flow in currents through Michi-
gan's line and never abated until the
multitude realized Bernie Bierman's
Norsemen were once again atop -the
gridiron crest.
Minnesota used no legerdermain;
they resorted to no tricks. Power
characterized most of the action,
power through Michigan's forwards
which netted 260 yards by rushirig.
The Wolverine line, formidably built
up by praise following its remarkable
exhibition against Northwestern last
.week, crumbled before the Gopher
onslaught. Marty Christianson, Lar-
ry Buhler and Phil Belfiori main-
tained the fullback traditions of
Joesting and Nagurski as they bat-
tered the Varsity wall with furious
Wolverines Get 3 First
The Wolverines were totally bereft
of weapons to cope with the aroused
Vikings. They registered only three
first downs, two as the result of pen-
alties. They gained only 19 yards by
rushing. Of 22 forward passes _at-
tempted, Minnesota intercepted six-
one more than Michigan completed.
These aerials added 35 yards to the
Varsity total. Fred Trosko and Her-
ules Renda were completely throttled
by the powerful Gopher linemen, who
time and again swept through with-
out objection.
Trosko's Pass To Gedeon Scores
Threedminutes of the firstquarter
remained when Dan Smick who
playeda vicious and determined game
throughout, broke through to block
Ray King's punt on Minnesota's 29-
yard stripe. The ball rolled back to
the four-yard line, where Don Siegel
pounced on it. After two futile
thrusts at the line, Trosko passed to
Elmer Gedeon for the touchdown.
(Continued on Pae 7)
Band Bursts Bubble
*To Pieces Just As
Meany Gophers Did
Michigan's 125-piece Varsity Band
showed Wolverine 'football fans yes-
terday the formations presented last
week at Northwestern and more be-
Before the game, the band sharing
the time with Minnesota's aggrega-
tion spelled out the words "Hello
Grads" to the tune of a medley of
old time favorites for the homecom-
ink alumni. The bandsmen, forming
their own glee club, sang "College
At halftime, a huge Meerschaum
pipe was formed to the tune of
"Smoke Gets in Your Eyes'. and "My
Meerschaum Pipe." Then the band
played "I'm Forever Blowing Bub-
bles" as a huge bubble poured forth
from the pipe and burst into a brown

' jug with a Minnesota "M" enclosed.
Next, the words "Yea Team" and
"Fight" were formed as the band
led the crowd in yells.
The band is sponsoring a Varsity
Night show on Oct. 26 at Hill Audi-
torium. Tickets, to be sold by band
members are priced at 35 cents.
L 16 - (P) - A sleepy-eyed, auburn-
haired youth of 18 faced quick re-
mrn'nt +n irn a f n +.niav. n

Labor Gives Up March
For Shag At CIO Dance
"Labor is on the march" has be-
come a commonplace in modern jour-
nalistic jargon. But there was no
marching last night at the CIO local
headquarters. There was swing.
Ann Arbor's first CIO swing ses-
sion, despite the fact that it was
buried away over in the less colle-
;iate quarters of this quiet metrop-
olis, where not even a crying sax can
arouse the local gendarmerie, made
history, even as John L. Lewis and
King Cole.
With a generous sprinkling of stu-
dent "talent" and a red hot three-
piece toe-tickling outfit, the prole-
tariat dropped the class struggle for
the milder shag. They were truck-
ing, too.
Not a sit-down was stirring, not a
marching picket, not even a scab.
There was swing.

167 Coeds Shiver
As Fire Hits


SLIPPERY ROCK, Pa., Oct. 16.-
(A')-Slippery Rock State Teachers
College was recessed today pending
arrangements to house 167 coeds
forced into the frosty air early today
by the school's third major fire. The
blaze destroyed North Hall.
Classes will be resumed Wednes-
day, the faculty announced after
arranging for men students to live
in town houses and the gymnasium.
The women students will replace the
men in South Hall.
Plot To Smuggle Guns
Into Prison Is Nipped


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