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October 16, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-16

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SATURDAY. OCT. 16, 1937






,,,-f r


Edited and managed by students of the Unversity of
ichn undrtheauthority of the Board in Control of
8tdent Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
Unversity year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republicationofs all news dispatches credited to
it or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
atiial AdvertisingService,I .
4 .Colege Pnhisers Nresentaiv Y
420 MA~flON Av. NEW YoaE/S. N. Y.
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, 'Albert Maylo, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
VPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor, chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorstein.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helen Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Siegelman,
LQgcal Advertisig Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
A Truly
'Honorable Pastime' . . .
HE MICHIGAN Department of
Conservation has issued a press
Ielease containing a guide to the quarter of a
million hunters who will soon be afield in this
state. We believe the vital importance of these
Matters requires comment.
According to the release, "hunting was once
the sport of kings and princes only, and regarded
by them as an honorable and chivalrous pastime
today it is the sport of the common man.
bo nothing to degrade it." We common mn ac-
bept the challenge; we .shall try in our humble
Way to raise hunting in Michigan to the level
bf Henry VIII.
Farther along, "Do not use intoxicating bev-
rrages while hunting." Hunters who fail to ob-
serve this rule often see two rabbits. They shoot,
but miss both.
"Keep a copy of the Michigan Game Law Di-
gest in your hunting jacket, your car or your suit
coat." Very excellent advice. You don't have
to be a lawyer, but you should be able to inform
the fleeing pheasant of your constitutional rights
to pick him off.
"Do not run when approached by a stranger."
If the squirrels would only agree to follow these
, als.
"The skunk will remain on the protected
list until Oct. 29 . ." After that time the law
should protect the hunter.
"Sunday, Oct. 31, is the last day of the five-
Month open season on frogs in Michigan." And,
we had planned to go frog-hunting on Nov. 1.
"All hunters shooting banded ducks any-
where in the state are asked to report the inci-
dent to Lansing ..." That's one way for state
*eg4slators to give duck dinners at Lansing.
P.S.: We suggest that the Department devote
o6e of its obvious ability and energy to the
conservation of human beings in Michigan's
over-crowded industrial centers.
That might be an "honorable and chivalrous
pastime," too.
Table . . 0

THE UNIVERSITY has many facil-
ities for student meetings and rec-
reation in the Union and League, but unfor-
tunately it has no ample quarters where faculty
members can gather informally to become better
acquainted and exchange ideas in small discus-
sion groups.
Many large universities have university clubs
where faculty members may live it they choose,
and where they can hold panels, and luncheon
and recreational groups. T wo rooms have been
provided in the new Union addition for the Fac-
ulty Club, but many faculty men will be unable
to take advantage of the Club because of insuf-
ficient time and the lack of space in the Club
Late last spring Prof. Max Handman, of the
economics department, suggested to a group of
faculty members that there ought to be'some

Table since its inauguration, but it deserves the
attention of more faculty members.
It is impossible for all faculty members to
know each other in a large university such as
Michigan, but the Faculty Table is a definite at-
tempt to break down the barriers that exist
between men in the different departments and
colleges in the University, and to give them an
opportunity to discuss everyday problems in a
congenial atmosphere.
Today we thank God that George Quick,
Sam Krugliak, WRAG and Disraeli have at last
gotten the October Gargoyle on the stands and
into your hands. The suspense must have been
* * * *
THIS MORNING we found a little story on
the Parrot doorstep. It's about Lee (The Per-
renial) Shinar.
Lee made a date with a co-ed-which isn't
particularly unusual and often not very funny.
But characteristically, Lee al9so got himself an-
other dale with another co-ed for the same eve-
ning and for the same time last week-end. That
wasn't so bad until the two girls sat across from
each dther in the Parrot a day or two before
their big moments with Lee. Casually one of
them remarked that she was going out with Lee
Shinar. The other, less casually, remarked also
she was going out with the gentleman. That
evening two letters couched in identical diction,
written on identical stationary, enclosed in iden-
tical envelopes and probably bearing identical
postmarks, were on their way to the Shinar resi-
The wise little wenches accepted other dates
that night and Lee's big weekend received quite
some setback as anybody can see. They waited.
The next day, early, and, apparently before the
mail had been delivered in Detroit, Lee Shinar,
oblivious to the letters, whipped into Ann Arbor,
had broken both dates announcing he had de-
cided to spend the weekend in Chicago watching
the Northwestern game between drinks.
Lee, by the way, in case you don't know, is
one of those fellows you spend three ,or four
years of your campus life getting used to seeing
around again after expecting that he had grad-
uated the June before.. The trouble is, we finally
got used to the whole thing so that it didn't get
us down. Then he graduated in summer school.
So now we have to get used to not getting used
to seeing him around.
*k * * *
AT THE TIME this is written the team will
be in Plymouth and the biggest pre-game
rally in the history of Michigan will have been
held. We wish we could write a column about
tonight, because we have never as long as we
have been in school seen what 'college spirit' is.
Our time has been the time of the depression
in Michigan football fortunes and a depression
in the exuberant spirits that have characterized
school life since the jazz age was debunked. We,
for one are tired of cynical commentaries on the
life of the college student. We believe heartily in
an enthusiastic existence. We believe that in our
youth will we find time for enthusiasm and pos-
sibly only in our youth. The press of our later
existence is too often greater than our youth
can bear and we become old-or worse, middle-
aged. The University and the town itself has not
attempted to foster the lighter spirits, but rather
has suppressed them for fear of wantonness and
national reports among which are pictures in
'Life.' There is talk of the University as a place
of study and as a mill in which diplomas are
manufactured. But we don't believe that. We
believe in study and we expect to get a nicely
printed diploma, but we also recognize that in
Ann Arbor there are upwards of eight thousand
people who are tasting what is for us only to
taste once. We have a freedom that most of us

will never have again. We have the right that
is only ours, for we alone can shout and sing
and cheer without a thought to our decorum or
worry about the part in our hair. We don't
think that a pep rally is "joe college." We think
it is the only natural thing to do because unim-
portant as football itself may be to the indi-
vidual who does not play it, nevertheless, it is a
cause that at present almost everyone is getting
steamed up about, talking about and occasionally
thinking about. If people are not enthusiastic
about what they think, it seems to us that there
isn't much point in thinking then, for as Knute
Rockne once said and Ray Roberts has many
times written on the blackboard in the Field
House, "Enthusiasm creates momentum." And
we have to have something to keep us alive,
haven't we?
Which all brings us to wishing again the editor
of this rag did not demand that we be in by six
o'clock, because we would like to'write about the
waving arms, the roaring songs from strong
young voices, the smoke of many cigarettes, the
taut emotion of the team as they stand before
the crowd and short clipped sentences of Harry
Kipke, the guttural thrusts of the Old Man
from behind his cigar, and finally we wish we
could write about the great rof.r that will tell
the team and Kip and the 011 Man to "Beat
-Mr. Disraeli.
The superintendent of the Washington Zoo
has arrived with a tiger from Sumatra. An
organization in New York City is said also to be
looking for one to replace its mascot which got
chewed un in the recent primarv elections.

By Heywood Broun
There should be a terminal facility for every
public problem. Even the most complicated
controversy eventually is talked out to the point
where there ought to be a recess or a show of
Specifically, I am thinking of the case of
Justice Hugo Black. The complaint has been
made that he was confirmed with too brief a
discussion period. I agree. But there has been
ample debate since. Those who think that the
appointment was tragic have a right to their
opinion and no amount of argument is likely to
change their opinion. In the same way, the
partisans who hold that this particular choice
was middling good or perfect are by now rutted
in their convictions.
And so I say, "Leave it lay." Obviously, Re
publicans and other opponents of the adminis-
tration have a perfect right to use the Black
issue in those fugitive spots where national
issues are pertinent in 1937. If it seems ex-
pedient, there is no reason why the case should
not be raised again in 1938 or in the Presidential
election of 1940.
* * * *
Over Estimate Interest In Black
But I doubt very much whether any great pro-
portion of the population of the United States is
as much exercised about Mr. Justice Black as a
perusal of the newspapers would seem to indi-
cate. I have seen no little knot of citizens as-
sembled on any street corner.
Quite frankly I will admit that, in addition to
rather more important persons, your columnist
felt that he had been put upon the spot. When
the name of the gentleman from Alabama was
sent to the Senate I was among the first couple
of hundred to say, "This is a swell appoint-
ment." Now I would like to take that back. A
blunder was made. In the main it was, from
my point of view, a political blunder rather than
an actual one.
My guess is that Mr. Black will be an extremely
useful member of the High Bench. The blemish
on his record may even prove to be helpful in
the long run, because it is likely that he will be
under a special kind of pressure in dealing with
issues affecting tolerance and civil rights. Upon
such points the barrister from Birmingham will
have to go the whole hog in espousing the liberal
I realize that there are sincere people who will
not like the appointment even if it turns out well
in the long run. They will say that high prin-
ciples must always outweigh the question of ex-
pediency. ** * *. 4
Concede Everything
There could be a long debate on that, and I am
interested only in short arguments. Accordingly,
I will concede everything which the opponents of
Black allege. I will concede their assertions in
order to expedite business. He has been seated.
His position is official. At reasonable times
the whole issue may be brought up again for
sound political purposes. But I do not think
that those of us who live with our noses buried
in newspapers should be compelled to have Black
for breakfast, Black for lunch and Black for
dinner time.
In particular, I am getting weary of the letter
to the editor. It is always the same letter. Will
anybody join me in a swear-off? This column is
going to be dedicated to a no-mention-of-Black
program until such time as new evidence comes
in or the Justice renders a decision which is
properly a subject of news comment. Even if I
am bereft of subjects to the point where there
is nothing to write about, except the autumn
landscape in Connecticut, I am not going back
to Black.
Naturally, I am in no position to establish clo-
ture, but after reading many editorials I think
I have a right to say, "This is where I came in,
and I don't want to see all eight reels over
again." And lest I break the heart of some pro
or anti-Black fan, I will make a. concession. The

merits of the new Justice, in my opinion, should
still be subject to debate upon agreement that
Mr. Justice Butler's name and fame and ante-
cedents should also be thrown into the agenda.
On ILThe :;Level
"Homecoming" is a day when Michigan plays
a football game to show the alumni how things
have changed since the day when they were
* * * *
Alumni are people who were always in school
when Michigan had a National Championship
football team and at least half of the student
body was out raising hell every night.
* * *4 *
And when an alumni starts reminiscing
it takes either a case of Scotch or a train
back home to stop him.
*** * *
But not all the alums who come back to the
game today will be drunk. Some of them will
have their wives along with them.
As far as fraternities are concerned, "Home-
coming" is a good time to see how well the new
pledges work while putting up the front lawn
It is also an excellent time for the house

Inhuman Atrocities

" . ", . ° .". . - . tdrslty. Copy received at the aM
To th Editr : ut= 3:N;:21:00 a m. an Sa.turda y.
In view of the unparalleled fiend-3;10 .. mBtra~
To the Editor:
ishness of the Japanese fliers who at- SATURDAY, OCT. 16, 1937 1
tack helpless civilians day after day, VOL. XLVIII. No. 18
I urge that the American Olympic t
Committee propose to the Interna- Student Organizations: Officers of
tional Olympic Committee to give up stiadent organizations are reminded.
the plan of holding the next Games in that only such organizations as are
Japan. approved by the Senate Committee
This suggestion is not motivated on Student Affairs may insert notices
by any hatred of the noble Japanese in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until
people who have given us a Kagawa Oct. 25 last year's list of approved
and wonderful artists; but I believe organizations will be used, but after
such action might possibly jolt the "hat date onlypsuchpgroups as have
Japanese nation into realizing that qualified for approval this year, by
they are accomplishing just the op- submitting lists of officers to the
posite of what their super-patriotic Dean of Students, 2 University Hall,
leaders claim to achieve: instead of and otherwise complying with thel
increasing Japan's prestige, they are Committee's rules, will be allowed to
wrecking it in the opinion of all civ- exercise this privilege.
ilized people.
I further propose that the Inter- German Table for Faculty Mem-
national Olympic Committee exclude bers: The regular luncheon meeting
German and Italian sportsmen from will be held Monday at 12:10 in the
participation in Olympic contestsun- Founders' Room of the Michigan
til these nations rectify their concep- Union. All faculty members interest-
tions with regard to sports: the Ger- ed in speaking German are cordially
man army flier, Herr Schulz who was invited.
captured in Madrid, had written in
his diary that he had flown low and Women Students Attending the
machinegunned two queus of women Iowa-Michigan football game: Wom-
and children while they were stand- en students wishing to attend the
ing in line for food supplies, adding Iowa-Michigan football game are re-
"It was good sport." quired to register in the office of the
Mussolini's son declared recently Dean of Women.
according to a Detroit paper that, A letter of permission from parents
" . . . we in Italy consider war the must be received in this office not
most beautiful of all sports." later than Thursday, Oct. 21. If a stu-
The 1,300,000 people killed in Spain dent wishes to go otherwise than by
-especially the 60,000 civilians must train, special permission for such
-esecaly he60000ciilanmstmode of travel must be inluded i
not be forgotten: the 4,200 women and mode oft'svl t be incl mi
children massacred from German the parent's letter.
Junker planes at Guernica, the 1,800 Giraduate women are invited to reg-
slaughtered captives at Addis Ababa. ister in the office.
Byrl Fox Bacher,
We must protest against these in- Assit. Dean of Women.
human atrocities by every means pos-
sible. If our nation is to retain self- Attention: Treasurers of Student
respect, we must immediately break Organizations. Please call at Mrs.
off diplomatic relations with Ge- Griffin's desk, Room 2, University
many, Italy and Japan to awaken Hall, for the financial statement of
these great peoples to the insanity of your organization.
the leaders they now tolerate.
The crimes committed by these gov- Social Chairmen of Fraternities
ernments in the last two years are a and Sororities are reminded that all
million times more horrifying than party requests, accompanied by let-
the Lindbergh kidnaping case. We ters of acceptance from two sets of
must answer this challenge \vith ec- chaperons and written approval from
onomic boycotts. the financial adviser, must be filed in

lta at 'tis AAS itaat to the Prrwld Ws
Mr. L. F. Dow (100 R.L., Saturdays at
10 and by appointment).
This announcement applies only to
candidates in the following depart-
ments: Ancient and Modern Lan-
guages and Literatures, History, Ec-
onomics, Sociology, Political Science,
Philosophy, Education, Speech, Jour-
nalism. Fine Arts.
The annual Ann Arbor Artists E~x-
hibition, held in the West and South
Galleries of Alumni Memorial Hall,
is open daily, including Sundays,
from 2 to 5 p.m. The exhibition con-
tinues through Oct. 27. Admission is
free to students.
Lecture, Architectural Building:
Mr. Arthur Bohnen, Consultant to
P.W.A., Consultant to the Chicago
Housing Authority, Secretary of the
Chicago Advisory Committee on
Housing, will speak on "Housing and
Property Management" on Saturday
morning, Oct. 16, at 10 a.m., ground
floor lecture room, Architectural
Building. The general public is in-

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of tbe


Readers who agree with these sug-
gestions should write to their Sen-o
ators, to Secretary Hull, and to the
President,uurging that we join the
World Court and the League of Na-
tions,das, quickly as possible. Only a
united mankind can stop these mon-
-F. S. Onderdonk.i
Now that the World Series is overo
WWJ comes back to Ann Arbor and
airs Michigan football. Pre-game
dope at 1:45 . . . Army-Yale is given
a Mutual outlet from CKLW at 2-..
WJR brings the Notre Dame-Carne-I
gie Tech game also at 2 . . . Eddie 1
Dooley gives all scores from north,C
south, east and west at 6:30 via WJR r
... There is no groove like the right-
eous groove--Saturday Night Swing
Club at 7 thru the lanes of WABC i
B. A. Rolfe and an NBC studioc
band along with Robert "Believe It orF
Not" Ripley is a WWJ affair at 8 ...
Jack Haley, funny man' of the
movies, has joined the ranks of a1
million others in radio and has az
Varsity Show. Virginia Verrill sings,2
Warren Hull m.c.'s., and it's the music
of Fio Rito at 8:30 by WWJ . . . In-
stead of paying an army of studio
musicians who have enough workt
anyhow, Lucky Strike might put var-
ious name bands on the payroll toX
play the hit tunes of the week at 10
over CBS and WJR air . . . GeorgeN
Olson, who fooled the wise-men oft
Broadway by announcing that hist
present band IS the former Knapp
crew brings said-band to the net-
works at 10:30-MBS thru CKLW ...
Tonight is dance night in every spot
in the country and the networks pick1
the great and un-great bands out of
their spots and give them to the radio
audience that stays home fof a quietE
evening on Saturday. From 11 on to
the little hours the swing and sweetx
bands take the air-all you have to doj
is dial them . .
Bits: WWJ might do well to use aT
football announcer who can forget
baseball while doing a pigskin broad-
cast . . . Bristol and Myers signedK
Fred Allen for two years at a 6-figure
price. Then they turn around and
put O'Keefe on their summer show
with the Broadway Hill Billy using
most of Allen's stuff. All adding up
to-that sounds un-smart . . . Paul 1
Whiteman continues to stay on the
Not-wanted list for sponsors-he has
enough money to dictate his own
terms and the pay-boys won't take his
terms. Hence the decline in White-
man popularity . . Tommy Dorsey'
continues to be plugged by mags all
over the hill sides.
Santa's In Town
These cynical New York newspaper
men! Do they think Iowans are ut-
terly mercenary? Do they think Iowa

the office of the Dean of Students
on the Monday before the party.
Students, College of Literature, Sci-
ence and the Arts: No course may be a
elected for credit after today.
School of Education, Changes of
Elections: No course may be elected
for credit after today. Students en-
rolled in this school must report all
changes of elections at the Registrar's
Office, Room 4, University Hall.
Membership in a class does not
cease nor begin until all changes have
been thus officially registered. Ar-
rangements made with instructors-
only are not official changes.
-Academic Notices
Botany I make-up examination for
students absent from the final exam
last June will be given Thursday,
Oct. 21 from 2-5 p.m. in Room 2004
Economics 54: Make-up final exam-
ination will be given to those eligible
on Wednesday, Oct. 20, at 3 p.m. in
Room 206 Econ.
Make-up examinations for German
1, 2 and 31 will be held in Room 306
University Hall on Saturday, Oct. 23
at 9 a.m.
Make-up Examinations in History:
The make-up examinations in all his-
tory courses will be given at 9 a.m.
Oct. 23, in 25 Angell Hall. Students
presenting themselves for this ex-
amination must bring with them a
written statement from their instruc-
tor permitting them to take a make-
Make-up examination in Psychol-
ogy 31 will be held on Wednesday,
Oct. 20, at 7:30 p.m. in Room 3126
Natural Science Building.
Graduate Students in English who
expect to take the preliminary exam-
inations this fall must leave their
names, and a list of the examinations
which they expect to write, in the
English office, 321 Angell Hall. by
Monday, Oct. 18.
Make-up examination in Psychol-
ogy 34 will be held on Tuesday, Oct.
19, at 2 p.m. in Room 2116 Natural
Science Building.
Reading Examinations in French:
Candidates for the degree of Ph.D.
in the departments listed below who
wish to satisfy the requirement of a
reading knowledge during the current
academic year, 1937-38. are informed
that examinations will be offered in
Room 1.08, Romance Languages Bldg.
from 2 to 5, on Saturday afternoons,
Oct. 30, Jan. 22, May 21, and Aug. 13.
It will be necessary to register at the
office of the Department of Romance
Languages (112R.L.) at least one week
in advance. Lists of books recom-
mended by the various departments
are obtainable at this office.
It is desirable that candidates for
the doctorate prepare to satisfy this
renirement at the earliest nossible

Saturday Classes: L.S. and A. stu-
dents who were granted provisional
exemption from Saturday classes and
who have not yet filed letters with the
Committee supporting their claims for
exemption should send these letters
to the undersigned by Oct. 18.
Hillel Foundation: Weekly informal
radio dance tonight.
Research Club: Room 2528 E. Medi-
cal Bldg. Wednesday, Oct. 20, 8 p.m.
Speaker: Prof, Bradley M. Patten
"Micromoving Pictures Applied to
the Study of Living Embryo." Annual
election of officers. Council meeting
at 7:30 p.m.
Art Cinema League Members: Pic-
ture promptly at 8:15 p.m. No re-
served seats. Come early.
Graduate Outing Club: Lane Hall,
Sunday, 3 p.m. Transportation pro-
vided to Camp Newkirk, Dexter.
Sports, refreshments and fireside
program. All graduate students in-
Phi Lambda Upsilon: Tuesday, Oct.
19, 7:30 p.m., Room 303 Chemistry
Bldg. Important business meeting.
All Freshman Men: Monday, Oct.
18, 4 p.m., Natural Science Auditor-
ium. To make plans for class games.
Full attendance requested.
Tryouts for 'Ensian Business Staff:
Monday, Oct. 18, 4 p.m., Student
Publications Bldg. All students in-
terested please report.
Church of Christ (Disciples)
10:45 a.m., Morning Worship. Rev.
Fred Cowin, minister.
12 noon, Students' Bible Class, H.
L. Pickerill, leader.
5:30 p.m., Social hour and tea.
6:30 p.m., Dr. Louis A. Hopkins,
Director of the Summer Session of the
University will addess' the Guild on
th'e subject, "The University of Mich-
igan Around the World."
The First Congregational Church,
William and State St.
1045 Service of worship. Sermon
by Dr. Leonard A. Parr. His subject
will be "Three Things Every Man
Should Know."
6:00 Student Fellowship. Student
panel discussion led by Mr. Howard
Holland. The subject for discussion
will be "When Is A Student Well Edu-
First Methodist Church: 10:40
a.m. Morning worship. Dr. C. W.
Brashares will preach on "Give Me
Four Years."
Stalker Hall: 9:45 a.m. Student
class. Prof. John S. Worley of the
Transportation Department will lead
a discussion based on Link's book
"The Return to Religion"
6:00 p.m. Wesleyan Guild meeting.
Prof. Bennett Weaver will speak on
"Sources of Power." Supper and Fel-
lowship Hour following the meeting.
All Methodist students and their
friends are cordially invited to attend
the class and Wesleyan Guild.
First Presbyterian Church.
Meeting at the Masonic Temple 327
S. Fourth Ave.
10:45 a.m., "If I Were You" is the
subject of Dr. W. P. Lemon's sermon
at the Morning Worship Service. Mu-
sic by the student choir is under the
direction of Dr, E. W. Doty. The mu-
sical numbers will be as follows: Or-
gan Prelude, "O Lamb Gottes" by
Bach; Anthem, "Salvation is Creat-
ed" by Tschesnokoff; solo, "Prayer"
by Guion.
5:30 p.m., Westminster Guild, stu-
dent group, supper and fellowship
hour. At the meeting which follows
Prof. Stuart A. Courtis will speak to
the group on the topic "Can We Have
Common Ideas about Religion?" A
cordial invitation is extended to all


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