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October 15, 1937 - Image 1

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-15

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The Weather
Cloudy today and continued
cold; tomorrow fair, cloudy and
slightly warmer.

C I 110. r

S i r46


Time On OurHands
Emotion Pictures .




AFLSendsOut Shawn's Men Dancers To Open

Last Moment
Olive Branch;
CIO Is Silent

Oratorical Association Course


L. Lewis Says He Has
Comment At Present
Federation's Wire

Federation Names
Green Head Again
14.-(P)-John L. Lewis, CIO
chairman, said tonight the strat-
egy conference of his leaders here
would reply tomorrow to a new
offer of the AFL to see a settle-
ment of their differences
Lewis spent several hours dis-
cussing with leaders the newest
proposal of the American Fed-
eration of Labor for a united
labor movement, but declined to
make a statement.
The AFL sent out a last minute
olive branch of peace to the rebel
CIO last night, just as the Federation
meeting in Denver, unanimously
elected William Green to his 13th
term as president, Associated Press
dispatches said.
CIO leaders, congregated 2,100
miles away in Atlantic City, received
the message in silence. The AFL sug-
gestedi in the telegram that repre-
sentatives of 'both groups meet "with-
out conditions or stipulations" to
work out a settlement of their differ-
ences. The Federation agreed to ex-
pand to a "reasonable" size its three-
man standing committee on peace.
DENVER, Oct. 14.-- (IP) - The
American Federation of Labor sent
a new peace proposal to the CI0
oday in response to the offer John
L. Lewis sent here Tuesday.
The proposal was new in that the
Federation agreed to enlarge to a
"reasonable" size the Executive Coun-
cil's three-man standing peace com-
Otherwise, it was no different from
the offer the Federation stood by
since it suspended 10 leading CIO
unions for "insurrection" more than
a year ago.
It called for committees from the
two camps to meet "without condi-
tions or stipulations" to work out a
Lewis' offer stipulated that the
AFL recognize the principle of the
industrial form of labor organization
for mass production business.
It also proposed that each side
send 100 men to the peace confer-
While a telegraph operator was
tapping out the peace plan to the CIO
meeting in Atlantic City, N. J., the
AFL convention unanimously elected
Green to his 13th term as president.
In accepting the post, Green adopt-
ed the most conciliatory tone he has
used for weeks in discussing the CIO
"I hope and trust and pray we may
become united,"' he said. "United we
are invincible."
Green interpreted the CIO peace
bid as an indication that "even these
to whom we have appealed in the past
12 months admit we are right-they
are willing to meet us in some kind
of a conference.
CIO In Atlantic City
ATLANTIC CITY, N.J., Nct. 14.-
(PA)-CIO leaders received in silence
tonight renewed A F L proposals
for a conference to discuss a unified
labor policy and settlement of labor's
internal strife.
High officials of the Committee for
Industrial organization.said they pre-
ferred not to comment until the con-
ference here of leaders of CIO unions
took some official action. The next
meeting will be tomorrow.
They recalled, however, the Com-
mittee considered it had made its last
(Continued on Page 2)
Wave Of Terrorism{
Paralyzes Palestine
JERUSALEM Oct. 14.-(P')--Seven
persons were killed in Palestine to-
day in a new wave of death and ter-

Three lost their lives when a land
mine blew up a Haifa-,Lydda train
near Kalkilieh, 20 miles northeast of
A policeman was reported to have
killed two Arabs when they failed to
halt near the scene of the wreck.
Earlier an Arab was killed and three
Jews wonded by a bomb explosion

Thomas Mann, Dr. Heiser, "Moreo
H. V. Kaltenborn Among Jan. 13,
Lecturers To Appear camerama
Eight programs of the widest va- ing pictur
riety, from Ted Shawn and his troupe past year.
of men dancers to Thomas Mann, ventures
greatest living German writer, are Former
listed in the Oratorical Association vador de
Lecture Course for 1937-38. "World P
has servec
Shawn and his ensemble, who have ihssre
toured Europe and the United States both thet
for many years and established a rep- League of
utation as perhaps the world's fore- The ou
most group of men dancers, will pre- of the se
sent "O, Libertad!" an interpretation Thomas i
of an American saga, in three acts, March 3.
Nov. 2, the opening number of the the novels
series. Magic Mo
H. V. Kaltenborn, news editor and him to be
commentator of the Columbia Broad- writers of
casting System and former managing the greate
editor of the Brooklyn Eagle, who present in
spoke last year on "Kaltenborn Edits native lan
the News," will return to Ann Arbor the Natio
Nov. 18. His topic will be "News of ernment.
the Day," and he is expected to dis- The las
cuss current politics in Europe, from t
where he has just returned. , m
Julien Bryan, roving reporter for U TA
"The March of Time," will give a lec-
ture illustrated by motion pictures,
entitled "Japan and Manchukuo," O n
Dec. 1. Bryan has spent a great deal
of time in the Far East, and is fa -
miliar with all aspects of the Sino- e
Japanese problem. l
Dr. Victor Heiser, author of "An R i
American Doctor's Odyssey," a non- Radica
fiction best seller last year, will speak Brin
Dec.. Dr. Heiser's topic will be Fr
..g.The re
City Seen Lax character
mer India
I n Restaurant dismissed
1 ~as "a pur
want a fir
Health Needs tions with
ganizing F
Men w
Sanitary Expert Publishes of theiru
Plans For The Immediate of party
Plans tendencie
Remedy Of Situation acting as
'_but not o
For three years Ann Arbor has had Since t
a system under which approved res- he pointe
taurants have displayed health cer- been disc
tificates, Franklin Fiske, recently ap- have been
pointed sanitary engineer, disclosed quartersH.
yesterday, but the method has fallen Wao tr
into discard because the health pro- Wall Str"
visions have not been enforced, he higher."
said. HomerT
Fiske, whose appointment two receiveda
months ago inaugurated Mayor Wal- Fisher B
ter C. Sadler's campaign to clean up g for t
the city's restaurants, was emphatic charged
in stating that both he and the letter con
mayor believe the plans now under ship met
consideration are superior to the organizer
present one and will be carried out, selves bel
At the same time it was announced stead- of
that the city health board would take boardth
action in a preliminary move to- months
wards investigating plans for a suit- trolled s
able method of grading the city's
eating places. The board will deal 'Wea
with the problem at its regular meet-
ing today.F
The present system provides, ac-
cording to Fiske, that the city grant
certificates of approval to such res-
taurants as pass certain minimum!
health requirements. Until now, how-
ever, eating places have only been Freshm
required to show the equipment first year
necessary to carry out the provisions, the camp
and check-ups have been too in-

f an American Doctor's
1938, Capt. Craig, famous
n-adventurer, will make
d visit to Ann Arbor, show-
es he has taken during the
His lecture is entitled "Ad-
of a Thrill Cameraman."
Spanish Ambassador Sal-
Madariaga will speak on
eace" Feb. 24. Madariaga
d as his country's envoy to
United States and France,
a Spanish delegate to the
tstanding individual figure
ries, the German author,
Mann, will appear here
His best-known works are
"Buddenbrooks" and "The
untain," which have caused
ranked among the greatest
his country, and often as
st living novelist. He is at
voluntary exile from his
id because of his dislike of
nal Socialist mode of gov-
t lecture of the course will
Continued on Page 2)
WA Purge
ither Asserts
l Beliefs Did Not
g Recent Dismissals,
aer Organizer Avers
cent UAW dismissals were
ized by Victor Reuther, for-
ana UAW was among those
in an interview last night
ge of militant leaders who
rm union policy in negotia-
General Motors and in or-
ere dismissed on the basis
union policies, not because
affiliations and "left-wing

France Hints
Direct Action
Against Italy
Foreign Office Threatens
Reprisals Unless Fascist
Troops Are Withdrawn
British, French Seek
Protection Of Trade
LONDON, Oct. 14.-(M)-French
Foreign Office officials said tonight
that France is considering joint direct
action with Great Britain if a non-
intervention sub-committee fails to
obtain withdrawal of Italian volun-
teers from Spanish Insurgent armies.,
France stood ready to protect her
Mediterranean trade routes after
agreeing to go along with Britain in
giving the nine-power subcommittee
a quick chance to obtain withdrawal
of the troops. The committee is to
meet here Saturday morning.
French sources were pessimistic on
the outcome of the meeting where the
Spanish question is to be discussed on
Il Duce's chosen ground. British
spokesmen were only moderately
Acting apart from the noninter-
vention group, British and French
defense experts considered the vital
issue of French and British Medi-
terranean seaways. The question was
more vital to France because Spanish
Insurgent possession-with alleged
Italian domination-of two Balearic
Islands and an Italian threat against
a third put the Fascist spectre square-
ly across the path from which French
colonial reinforcements must come in
time of national need.
Following a cabinet meeting,
France sent a note to London. It was
stressed that French and British
declarations to be read when the non-
intervention group meets will insist
that the meeting be brief and to the

2 Americans
Hurt In Fight
At Shanghai_
Planes Battle Over City
Are Renewed As Chinese
Attack On 4-Mile Front
Casualties Are High
In Chapei District
SHANGHAI, Oct. 15.-(Friday)-
()-Chinese air forces made three!
early morning raids today on Japan-
ese positions near Shanghai while
Chinese land forces immediately
north of the city struck in a desparate
counter attack.
The fighting continued savage ex-
changes between Chinese aircraft and
Japanese warships and land forces
(By Associated Press)
SHANGHAI-Chinese air and land
forces attacked Japanese positions
near Shanghai. Shell fragments
from Chinese aircraft and Japanese
naval and land guns showered the In-
ternational Settlement. Two Amer-
icans ,a marine and a sailor, were
VATICAN CITY-A reliable Vati-
can source said the Holy See con-!
dones Japan's military activity in
China wherever Communism appears
to be the enemy. In such sections
Catholic representatives, it was said
have been told "to support, without
reserve, Japanese action."
HONGKONG-Dr. H. H. Kung,
China's Finance Minister, declared
that "China now has plenty of money;
and credit and can carry on for some
time" against Japan.
late Thursday which subjected the In-
ternational Settlement to one of the
most dangerous showers of shell frag-t
ment it has suffered in two months
of warfare.
Two Americans, a marine and a
sailor, were injured slightly in the
deadly hail, in which police estimat-
ed 37 persons-all Chinese - were
killed and 67 injured. Other esti-1
mates ran higher.
Artillery and tanks supported the;
Chinese drive, on a four-mile front;
beginning in Chapei, adjoining the
International Settlement.
Chinese asserted they thrust deeply
into the Japanese positions, inflicting
heavy casualties. Japanese admitted
there was a strong Chinese attack,
but said Japanese rifles, machine
guns and field pieces, firing point
blank took a heavy toll.
During Thursday's bombardment
United States Marine Lines were un-
der a continuous shower of fragments
and bullets. Hilton Hiatt of Crystal
River, Fla., was wounded in the left
SWF Protests
Reduced NYA
"Young leadership has helped to
build the CIO into a vigorous or-
ganization and youth has a lot of
good solutions to problems old men
can't handle," Victor Reuther, youth-
ful union organizer, told the Student
Workers Federation last night in the
A soap-boxer in his college days,
Reuther skipped his finals to go to
Europe and Asia, where he found
"students and workers restless, as

they are here, in their search for
an opportunity to earn a living."
Last night's meeting was called as
part of a nation-wide protest in uni-
versities against cuts in NYA appro-
priations. Jack Sessions, '40, told the
meeting "the NYA is moving in the
wrong direction." He urged passage
of more "permanent and adequate"
measures to assist youth.
A motion was adopted to send a

Assails 'Bolshevism'


Coaches And Team
To Take Part Today
In Second Pep Rally

s," declared Reuther, now The two nations are expected to
local organizer in Lansing,'warn Italy that if an agreement on
an the state UAW payroll, withdrawal of foreign volunteers is
he "economy" drive began, not reached quickly, they will consider
d out, "23 organizers have themselves no longer bound by non-
harged and 32 hired, salaries intervention rules.
nincreased and UAW head- _________
have been moved from De-
fman Building to the city's 1
eet where rents are much Eubank quiz
Martin, UAW president, has Postponed
ody Branch, Local 182, ask-
he return of organizers dis- Until Oct. 28
for "political reasons." The
Zdemned Martin's "dictator-
hods" in denying dimissed Examination of Richard G. Eubank,
s the right to defend them- '38L, of Detroit, who is charged with
fore the rank and file "in- felonious assault for allegedly kicking
an executive committee Patrolman Rolland Gainsley during
at only meets every three the pre-football game riot Oct. 1, was
and is "apparently con- postponed yesterday morning until

Pope Condones
Japanese War
On Communists
Policy Called In Harmony
With Vatican's Attitude
On Civil War In Spain
VATICAN CITY, Oct. 14.-(A')-A
reliable Vatican source said tonight
that the Holy See condones Japanese
military activity in China wherever
Communism appears to be the enemy.
This policy was said in well-in-
formed Vatican quarters to represent
a normal expansion of Pope Pius' in-
creasingly militant campaign against
Bolshevism. It was described as be-
ing in harmony with the Vatican's
attitude toward the Spanish civil war
and with the outspoken attacks on
Communism which His Holiness made
in his encyclicals of .Marc'h 18 and
Sept. 29.
The Vatican source said this policy
had been set forth in a private mem-
orandum defining the church's posi-
tion in the Chinese-Japanese conflict.
Catholic representatives in the Far
East were said to have received in-
structions to adapt themselves to this
policy. Wherever in China, the Com-
munist peril seemed real they have
been told, this source said, "to sup-
port, without reserve, Japanese ac-
At the same time they were in-
structed to continue and intensify
their work of Christian charity to aid
the sufferers of both sides. Complete
impartiality is to be the rule in min-
istering to the wounded of either na-
The Vatican source asserted that
the private memorandum contained
eight specific instructions, of which'
the more important were summarized
as follows:
"Wherever Bolshevist danger ap-
pears active to support, without re-
serve, Japanese action."
"To give Japanese military authori-
ties the clear impression that on the
part of the Catholic Church there is
no obstacle to complete colabora-
Youth Receives Injuries
In Motorcycle Mishap
Richard Thompson, 18 years old,
of Ann Arbor received severe lacera-
tions of the scalp, possible skull frac-
ture and a chest injury of undeter-
mined character yesterday when he
lost control of the motorcycle on
which he was riding while attempting

Plans Completed For Rally
To Instill Confidence
In MichiganEleven
Meeting To Be Held
At Hill Auditorium
For the first time in four years the
complete football squad will partici-
pate in the second "pep session" of
the year at 7:30 p.m. today at Hill
Plans for the rally were finally
completed last night after they had
previously been abandoned. It wa
decided, however, according to Hugh
Rader, president of the Men's Coun-
cil, to hold the pep rally to deM-
onstrate the volume of student sup-
port behind the team in its encounter
with the Gophers tomorrow.
On the eve of "Homecoming" and
the game in which some favor Mich-
igan over Minnesota for the first
time in four years, it is expected
that tonight's rally will be the great-
est in enthusiasm and attendance
held at Michigan for many years.
In addition to Coach Harry Kipke,
Assistant Coach Heartly "Hunk" An-
derson, Coach Fielding H. Yost, Prof.
Earl V. Moore of the School of Music.
outside speakers will be obtained, it
was predicted. J. Fred Lawton, who
in collaboration with Professor Moore
wrote "Varsity," is expected to be
here. Several of the football players,
to appear on the stage at 7:45 p.m.
are also scheduled to address the
throng, among whom are Capt. Joe
Rinaldi, '38, Don Siegel, '39, Doug
Farmer, '38, and Fred Trosko, '40.
The band will again participate in
the pep rally.
The principal purpose of the rally,
it was pointed out by representatives
of the Men's Council and the Athletic
Administration, is to instill in the
team the confidence the student body
is believed to have in the eleven.
Rader will be in charge "of the
program, although he hinted that one
of the other principals may assume
the duties of master of ceremonies.
PWA Housing
Aide To Give
Lecture Here
Arthur Bohner of Chicago, housing
consultant for the PWA, will speak on
"Housing and Property Management"
in a University lecture at 10 a.m. to-
morrow in the auditorium of the ar-
chitectural building.
Mr. Bohner will discuss mainly
housing and the planning of com-
munities to fit social needs. He will
deal with the planning of buildings
within the community and sidelights
on how the communities should be
managed with respect to tenants, up-
keep, rent, and other problems. He
is expected to present practical con-
siderations on the subject of housing
as experienced by men in that work.
Mr. Bohner has been consultant for
the housing division of the PWA for
the past four years. He has devoted
much time to housing and has worked
out a general plan of management
that has been used by the government
in various housing schemes. He was
one of the first men in the middle
west to promote and build cooperative
apartment houses, having planned
three high-rental apartments of this
type on the Chicago lake shore. Lately
he has worked with low-cost housing
from the community and social point
of view.
Those Sophomores
Had Best Look Out!
Or So Freshmen Say

Announcement of the renewal of
class game hostilities between the
freshmen and sophomores was greet-
ed enthusiastically at a meeting of
representative members of the class
of '41 last night.
It was then decided by a unanimous
vote of those present that as a pre-
liminary challenge to the sophomores,
a giant snake dance will twist its way
around the gridiron between the
halves of Saturday's game showing
the full strength of the freshman
It was also decided to hold a meet-

olely by you.


iver Plans
rums Again
or Freshmen
an forums, designed to help
men to become oriented on
pus and answer any social or
questions, will be held from

Oct. 28.
Eubank will be examined in Justice
Jay H. Payne's Court, and if insuffi-
cient evidence is presented, the case
will end. If sufficient evidence is
presented to warrant a trial, the case
will come under the jurisdiction of
Circuit Court.
Eubank stood mute when arraigned
before Justice Payne Oct. 4 and was
released on $1,000 property bond. He
faces a prison term of from two to 10
years if convicted in Circuit Court,
according to Prosecutor Albert J.

frequent to insure them living up 4:30 t5:30 p.m. next Monday and Rapp.
to the regulations. Recent surveys Thursday, and Oct. 25 and Oct. 28 in Yesterday's examination was post-
indicate that in many places they the ballroom of the Union, it was an- poned because the court was informed
are not being observed, he said. nounced yesterday by Carvel Shaw, that Eubank's attorney, George W.
Declaring personal observation in- '39, of the Union Executive Council. Burke, was ill.
dicated a marked improvement since I General discussion of any problems
recent publicity, Fiske said students confronting freshmen will be held,
are taking the best method to aid the (and an attempt will be made to an-
health department by carefully scru- swer any questions.e
tinising silverware and glasses. Res- Prof. Bennett Weaver of the Eng-!
taurant owners cannot overlook such lish department will be the faculty Their Own L ttle
evidence of interest on the part of director, and various seniors will
their patrons.' lend assistance.f i i
- At the first forum, Jack Thom, '38, i'avts t me
TAPPING SHOWS MOVIES president of the Union, and Fred- {
I erick Geib, '38F&C, secretary-treas-,
T. Hawley Tapping, secretary of the urer of the Union, will be present. For a five day period, University of
Alumni Association, last night showed Attendance at forums last year av- Michigan students, faculty members
motion pictures of Michigan football eraged from 65 to 75 students, and and employes have been living on a
games to members of the University of problems such as "How to Get Along daylight savings time of their own
Michigan Club of Grand Rapids, With Professors," "How to Study," while school clocks robbed Father
holding their annual football smoker and "How to Get Acquainted with Time of four minutes, Prof. Dean B.
in Grand Rapids. { Girls on Campus" were discussed. McLaughlin of the astronomy de-
partment told the Daily yesterday.
TloA checkup with the Bell Telephone
Delegates To Plant Tree Honoring Co. here indicated that at the time the
paper went to press the clocks were
Formner President Marion Burton!still fast and that students probably
awoke four minutes early today.


formal protest from the group to to pass a bicycle in front of the East
President Roosevelt censuring him Medical Building.
for his action on the NYA. Attaches of the St. Joseph's Mercy
Mimeographed postcards to Roose- Hospital said that the exact extent of
velt protesting the reduction were Thompson's chest injury would be
signed by many at the meeting. determined by X-ray pictures today.
History Again Repeats Itself;
Where Was Gargoyle Yesterday?
It may sound like the Daily is re- terday Gargoyle came out yesterday,
peating itself, but Gargoyle is com- on page four Disraeli had it come out
ing out today. yesterday too, but WRAG decided it
Nobody in the Gargoyle office was was coming out today and tacked his
xuite sure why it didn't come out yes-
r, _ r_....1.1 - L _. . mxn n ir f in nnn.-. - __wo.r-,r + -

Interrupting the serious tenor of
two days' discussion of lumber in-
dustry problems, the delegates at the
10th Annual Land Utilization Con-
ference will take time out today to

tion of the services these men have
rendered the University during the
years of their respective administra-
tions. Each living president has had
his choice in selecting his favorite
specie of tree. President Ruthven
nicked a black walnut which is nlant-

An inaccurate timepiece led Pro-
fessor McLaughlin to notice the dis-
crepancy when, according to custom,
he set his watch by the University
observatory time Monday. He found
that he arrived at class two minutes
late. Yesterday, he said, the clocks
were four minutes too fast.

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