'The Weather
Considerable cloudiness, pos-
sibly local snow flurries, con-
tinued cold.
A46b rpp
it Io You Rad? . .
anger, Brady, et al .. .
Machine Guns
Force British
Patrols Back
Japanese Increase Forces
In Shanghai To 200,000
Men In Short Period
China 'Human Wall'
Still Holding Out
SHANGHAI, Oct. 14.-(Thursday)
-(AP)-Bitter fighting in the Shang-
hai sector continued today, Japanese
artillery incessantly pounding sec
tors north of the International Settle-
ment but with small effect.
Fierce machine gunning adjacent
to the International areas caused the
British Royal Ulster Rifles Regiment
temporarily to abandon patrol posts
on the fringe of the fighting.
Japan, failing to smash China's
resistance on the boundaries of the
International Settlement, has in-
creased her forces here to 200,000
troops, a Chinese official spokesman
S 1aises Numerical Strength
He asserted that the increase raises
Japan's numerical strength to half of
China's on the Shanghai front, and
represents an increase of more than
60,000 fighters within 10 days.
After 60 days of night and day
fighting' into which the Japanese
have flung warships, fiield artillery,
tanks, cavalry and more than 130,000
infantry troops, they have been un-
able ,o break through a Chinese hu-
man wall here.
Foreign military observers for some
time have been convinced that the
Japanese must smash the Chinese line
stretching about 25 miles northwest
from Shanghai's North Station swift-
ly or effect new troop landings.
The Japanese estimated Chinese
casualties at nearly 60,000-1,000 a
day-with Chinese wounded three
times that figure. The Chinese of-
ficially admit 20,000 killed and ap-
proximately 55,000 wounded.
Have Lost 4,100
The Japanese admit they have lost
4,100 killed and many times that
number wounded.
The Chinese, haveannouned only
a few Japanese prisoners, including
15 aviators, captured in battle. The
Japanese assert they have taken only
600 Chinese.
In the opinion of observers, more
than a half dozen of the recent
Japanese Navy bombardments of in-
significant river ports on the Yang-
tze between here and Nanking cov-'
ered desperate, unsuccessful attempts
to land a few marines on boats and
German Faces
Deportation As
Visa Is Refused
DETROIT, Oct. 13. -(A)-A 24-
year-old German nobleman and his
wife lost another step today in their
maneuvers to avoid deportation to
the Reich, where the man faces pos-
sible death for fleeing to avoid mili-
tary conscription.
Marshall M. Vance, American Con-
sul at Windsor, Ont., informed Baron
and Baroness Egon Karl Von Mau-
chenheim that he has rejected their
plea for a visa which would allow
them to remain in the United States
and eventually become citizens.
Vance conducted a hearing on their
petition last Friday.
The Baron and his wife entered the
United States at New York in May,
1936 ,on a temporary visa. Twice it
was extended, allowing them to re-
main in the country until Aug. 1.
They are alleged to have re-entered
at Detroit illegally several months
ago, the German Consul at Cleveland
having confiscated their passports
and refusing to issue new ones except
to Germany.
Faculty Members
To Dine At Union
One of the newest and most in-
teresting informal discussion groups
to appear on campus in recent months
has been the Faculty Table, which
meets' every Thursday noon in the
main dining room of the Union.
The Table was started last May
after Prof. Max Handman, of the
economics department, had suggest-
ed that there ought to be some way in
which members of different depart-
ments and faculties of the University
could find more opportunities for
meeting one another and exchanging
Optional Township Government
Plan Seen As Reform Measure
Gundry's Idea May Solve
Obsolete County System
Prof. Bromage Says
Proposals by George T. Gundry,
state auditor-general, to give each
county option on continuing its own
township system of local government,
were yesterday termed important by
Prof. Arthur W. Bromage of the po-
litical science department, ashsteps
toward the solution of a conflict over
township reform that has been going
on in Michigan since 1933.
The conflict involves two major
theories: whether the township
should be abolished as an obsolete
burden on the taxpayer, or whether,
in view of historical development, it
should be treated as a necessarypart
of local self-government in rural
areas of the state.
The new proposal would put the
decision up to each county for it-
self. The effect would be to let
countries of varying economic and
Fireside Chat
A cts rTo Quiet
Public Opinion
Controversy Seen Ahead
For Special Session In}
Program Of President
WASHINGTON, Oct. 13.-(R)-
Judged by both its substance and the
tone of its delivery, President Roose-
velt's fireside chat amplifying his call
for a special session of Congress in
November was designed primarily to
have a tranquillizing effect both on
Congress and on public opinion.
It lived up to advance notices that
there, would be "no fireworks" in
what the President had to say, either
as to domestic or foreign affairs.
There is controversy in plenty
ahead for the special session, even
under the limited program the Presi-
dent outlined. Crop control, wage-
hour legislation, regional planning for
national resources, new anti-trust
measures, even the lesser 'question of
the method to be followed in reor-
ganization of government executive
machinery. all involve carrying out
the Roosevelt conception of necessity
for a strong central government tol
deal with modern problems. Yet they
project nothing strikingly new for
public debate. All have been on the
anvil of political controversy since
Mr. Roosevelt took office.
Show Confidence
To many Washington observers, in-
cluding some who stand close in
White House councils, the fireside
chat and the calm tone of its delivery
speak the President's complete confi-
dence that public opinion backs his
broad economic and social program
and that, when Congress does meet in
November, the effect of that public
support will be quickly evident. House
and Senate members, this group con-
tends, will have felt the popular pulse
at home during the recess and
reached the same conclusion.
As a result the White House may
-and does--expect prompt action.
To encourage it, the President can
hold out to the legislators hopes of a
brief. regular session after the first
of the year to permit them to get
back to political fence-mending at
home long before the congressional
Views Situation Confidently
Whether Mr. Roosevelt correctly
guages, in advance, the mood in which
geographic position choose them-
selves whether the township suited
their own needs, Professor Bromage
"The arguments against the town-
ship," he stated, "are mainly that it is
no longer an important form of gov-
ernment, since most of its functions,
such a highway development, have
been taken over by the counties of
the state.
The cities are opposed to the town-
ship because it forms the basis for
representation in Michigan on the
county boards of supervisors. The
cities claim they pay most of the
county taxes, but the township
scheme of representation gives the
rural districts most importance in
the legislative body."
Arguments against destroying the
township are based mainly on its his-
torical development in the state
since territorial legislation of 1827
and its importance in certain rural
areas of the state. The experience
of recent referendums on the subject
seems to be that the people of the
state as a whole want to keep the
The results of a county option on
the township might bring about a
county organization similar to that.of
Illinois, Professor Bromage stated,
where part of the counties have
townships and part do not. In Illi-
niois, however, the differentiation is
not due to modern reforms put to the
historical influences of the southern
(Continued on Page 8)
Sixty To Attend
Land Utilization
Meeting F r *day
Current Lumber Industry
Problems To Be Treated1
By Faculty And Owners
More than 60 people are expected
to attend the tenth annual session
of the Land Utilization Conference
tomorrow and Saturday in Ann Ar-
bor, according to Dean Samuel Dana
of the School of Forestry and Con-
The meeting will convene in the
Union and will be composed of tim-
berland owners of the state, members
of the forestry school faculty and
wives of delegates. They will gather
to discuss problems current in the
lumber industry.
The meeting will have three di-
visions, each under a separate chair-
man. They are Dean Dana, Prof.
W. F. Ramsdell of the forestry school
and George MacCallum. In Professor
Ramsdell's group, Prof. D. M. Mat-
thew of the 'forestry school and
George Banzhof will discuss jointly
the topic, "Cost Considerations in
Logging Operations."
Dean Dana's group will consist of
L. F. Watts and Herbert Ryan, speak-
ing on the subjects, "National Forest
Contributions to Social Communi-
ties" and "Other Aspects of Federal
Contributions to Local Communities,"
respectively. Mr. Watts is the re-
gional forester of the United States
Forestry Service. The third group,
under the chairmanship of Mr. Mac-i
Callum, will be made up of . T.
Swan, secretary of the Northern
Hemlock and Hardwood Association,
who will talk on "Relations Between
Capital and Labor in the Lumber In-
'dustry," and Wilson Compton, secre-
tary of the Northern Lumber Man-
ufacturers' Association, speaking on
"Social Security Legislation and
Other Proposed Measures in Lumber
At the luncheon to follow the dis-
cussions Wilfred Shaw, director of
alumni relations at the University
of Michigan, will talk on the "Rela-
tions Between the University and
Its Alumni."
AFL Will Ask
NLRB Power
Charges ClO Favoritism
As Convention Moves
To Boycott Japanese
Frey Links Board
And CIO To Soviet
DENVER, Oct. 13-(AP)-The Amer-
ican Federation of Labor decided to-
day to ask Congress to keep the Na-
tional Labor Relations Board out of
the federation's fight with John L.
Lewis' CIO.
After hearing repeated charges
that the board and its agents had fa-
vored the CIO, the Federation's an-
nual convention voted to ask Con-
gress for two amendments to the
Wagner Labor Disputes Act.
The first would prevent the Board
from stepping into any dispute be-
tween unions. The second would
compel the Board to hold its elec-
tions by craft in plants where more
than one craft was employed.
Boycott Japanese Goods
In a fast-moving session that saw
most of the convention's major bus-
iness concluded, the delegates also
voted to boycott Japanese manufac-
tured goods and to keep a wary eye
on any federal wage and hour legis-
lation proposals.
John P. Frey, veteran president of
the Federation's metal trades de-
partment, led off the attack on the
Labor Board by demanding imme-
diate removal of three of the Board's
regional directors - Mrs. Eleinore
Herrick of New York, Mrs. Alice Ros-
seter of San Francisco and A. How-
ard Myers of Boston.
Are Called 'Incompetent'
He called them "incompetent" and
said they had used their positions "in
every way they could to build up the
membership of the CIO and to make
it more and more difficult for the
American Federation of Labor unions
to secure even a hearing."
Chairman J. Warren Madden was
the only member of the board's en-
tire personnel for whom Frey had a
good word.
Turning to Edwin S. Smith, another
Board member, Frey linked the Board
and the CIO with the Soviet.
"On the ablest authority which I
know of in Washington, I am in-
formed that last June while many
cases were pending before the Na-
tional Labor 'Relations Board in
which, the CIO and our American
Federation of Labor were deeply in-
terested, a member of that board,
Mr. Edwin Smith, gave a private din-
ner in his home to seven or eight
persons, and among the guests at
that private dinner were Mr. John
L. Lewis and the counsellor of the
Russian Embassy in Washington,"
Frey said.
"The two could sit very comfortably
at the table together. They had met
in the Russian embassy on a number
of occasions. They had met in some
other places. They at least were not
uncomfortable because they had very
much in common."
Eubank Faces Trial
For Assault Today
Richard G. Eubank, '38L, of Detroit,
will be tried today in Judge George
Sample's circuit court on a charge
of felonious assault for allegedly kick-
ing Patrolman Rolland "Barney"
Gainsley during the pre-football
game riot Oct. 1 in front of the Mich-
igan Theatre.
Patrolman Gainsley returned to
work Tuesday after being off duty
since he was kicked in the groin dur-
ing the riot. He has not yet submit-
ted to the operation which doctors say
he must undergo. Gainsley was re- |
cently married.
Murphy In Town
For Physical Exam
Gov. Frank Murphy returned to
Ann Arbor yesterday forhis second
physical examination at the Univer-
sity Hospital in three weeks.
According to Dr. Cyril C. Sturgis
professor of medicine, Governor
Murphy is in "very good shape." The
examination was described as "rou-
tine" and the first in a regular series.
"Governor Murphy is just tired
out," Dr. Sturgis said. "He has no
recreations, and works continually.
However, we are not at all worried
over his condition."
The State Hopsital Commission's
program is the major item on the
Governor's desk at present, and there
was little doubt he would discuss his
plans on that score with his medical
Murphy announced tonight that he
desired a "broad mental hygiene pro-
gram" which would embrace preven-
tive work in the schools, as well as
curative treatment of the states in-
stitutional charges. The University of
Michigan has pioneered in studies
designed to prevent mental break-
Pots Required
For Freshmen
In Fraternities
Houses Unanimously Back
Interfraternity Council
Decree OnCap Night
Fraternity freshmen will be re-
quired to wear pots from now until
Cap Night, to be held before the Ohio
State football game, it was decided
last night at a meeting of the Inter-1
fraternity Council.,
Representatives of 39 houses, pres-
ent at the meeting, voted unanimous-
ly to have their freshmen wear pots.,
and will aid the Council in enforcing
the rule.
It has been several years since there
has been a Cap Night on the Michigan
Campus, and it is hoped that the re-
vival this year will be a success.
The annual banquet for new fra-
ternity pledges will be held at 6 p.m.
Wednesday in the Main Ballroom
of the Union. No speaker has been
announced, and all pledges of this
year are asked to attend.
Judging for the best decorated
house on the campus for homecoming
will take place at 10 a.m. Saturday.
The judges are Bud Lundahl, '38,
president of the Interfraternity
Council, Hugh Rader, '38, president
of the Men's Council and Frank
Oakes, night manager of the Union.
Pots may be purchased at Moe's
Sports Shop.
Germany Signs
Peace T r ea t y
BERLIN, Oct. 13.--1P)-Germany
pledged today to respect the inviol-
ability and integrity of Belgium and,
"like the British and French," to as-
sist her in case of attack or invasion.
It was understood Premier Benito
Mussolini of Italy was informed in
advance of the German move.
By this step, Germany neutralized
one important sector of her western
boundary. Danger of immediate in-
vasion of the Ruhr Valley in the event
of war with western powers was be-
lieved greatly reduced. Germany's.
heavy industries, including the
Krupp Munition works, are located
the area.
LONDON, Oct. 13.--IP)-The Brit-
ish Cabinet's membership decided to-
day in a conciliatory move toward
Italy to try again, through the 27,-
Nation Nonintervention Committee to
get Italian volunteers out of the
Spanish Civil War.
Prime Minister Neville Chamber-
lain, ambitious to restore friendly re-
lations with Premier Benito Mus-
solini as the first step toward Euro-
pean appeasement, at the same time
sought the backing of the govern-
ment's opposition in Parliament in
dealing with the delicate situations in
Europe and the far east.
Supreme Court Offices
Give Law Grads Jobs
Here is a boon for senior law school
A law passed by the last session of
the state legislature provides for the
Beauties Grace
Gargoyle Pages
Seven representative freshman
women will grace the pages of the
Gargoyle, campus humor magazine,.
making its first appearance of the
school year today.
"This is not a contest," said George
S. Quick, '38, editor, speaking of
the pictures, "These are not neces-
sarily the most beautiful women in
the freshman class, they are merely:
Sale of the magazine will begin
at 4 p.m. in the Gargoyle office, with
general campus sale starting tomor-
row morning.
An innovation in style reporting is
introduced in this issue. Goff Smith,
'38E, cadet colonel of the R.O.T.C.,
has written an article on what women
should wear to be attractive, while
Jane Nussbaum, '40, is to tell what
beautiful women like to see the men
Arthur Miller, '38, twice Hopwood
Award winner, and author of "They
Too Arise," has turned his talents, in
this issue, to an essay on Ann Arbor
rooming houses. The pictorial story
of the demise of a professor who was
bored to death is told in the new fea-
tui'e, "Picto-Murder."
Complete with pictures, an article
showing why Daily men haunt the
Gargoyle office and a questionnaire
which rates thestudent vacation as
to benefit in proportion to money
spent, are included beneath the foot-
ball cover.
"I guarantee that the first edition
of the Gargoyle will not be stolen
from our office," Quick said in con-
Class Games,
Revived Again,
To Be Oct. 23
Postponement Requested
To Avoid Conflict With
House Decoration Plan
Class games, originally scheduled
for Saturday morning, have been
postponed until the morning of Sat-
urday, Oct. 3, it was announced yes-
terday by Hugh Rader, president of
the Men's Council.
They were postponed for a week,
Rader said, because the Interfrater-
nity Council does not want them to
interfere with fraternity house decor-
ation programs.
Although class games were not held
last year, they will be held this year
because the Men's Council and other
campus organizations have heard
much comment in favor of them.
Present plans call for three games
on the program. The first is a cane
spree, which is composed of eight
one-man teams from each side. The
second is a pillow fight, made up of
five one-man teams from each side,
and the last event is a pole rush in
which all members of both sides will
Freshmen men will meet at 4 p.m.
today in Natural Science Auditorium
to make plans for the games and elect
a captain for them.
Former UAW Head
Will Address SWF
Victor Reuther, removed in the re-
cent UAW shake-up from his posi-
tions as Indiana and later Ann Arbor
organizer for the UAW, will discuss
labor problems at the Student Work-
ers Federation's first meeting of the
year, called to protest National Youth
Admiinstration appropriate cuts, at
8 p.m. today in Room 316 of the
Tom Downs, '39, president of the
SWF, and Jack Sessions, '40, chair-
man of the continuation committee,
will discuss the NYA reductions at
the meeting today.
Tryouts For Gargoyle
i'll- 17U, *Agy P
Conferees Approve Plan
Embracing Wages-Hours
And ReliefLegislation
Hillman, Murray
Lead 'Sanctity' Move
ATLANTIC CITY, N. J., Oct. 13.-
'()-The CIO leadership, sweeping
aside recalcitrant minorities, began
forming today a definite labor policy
built around the sanctity of worker-
employer contracts.
Whipped into line by the argu-
ments of Philip Murray and Sidney
Hillman, chairmen of the steel and
textile organiaztion campaigns re-
spectively, the conference of 150 lead-
ers of John L. Lewis' Committee for
Industrial Organization unanimous-
ly approved these three resolutions:
Resolutions Listed
1-The CIO commits itself to de-
termined adherence to its contract
obligations and to co-operation of
its unions with employes in admin-
istration of collective bargaining
2-Criticism of the National Labor
Relations Board for certain recent
decisions which Murray said per-
mitted development of craft unions,,
supported by the American Federa-
tion of Labor, when a majority of
a plant's employes prefer industrial
3-A four-point legislative program
embracing wages and hours, licensing
of business in interstate commerce,
continuation of the PWA and thbe
WPA, to assure "every worker a job
if he needs it," and revised social
security legislation to extend its op-
eration and increase its benefits..
Expects Split In AFL
The rank and file of the delegates
to this strategy conference expressed
belief today that rejection by the
AFL of the CIO peace offer would
lead to a split in the federation.
Privately they said they had
learned that a "considerable" part
of the federation membership was
ready to support principles of the
CIO, granting it jurisdiction in cer-
tain industries where industrial un-
ionism is more appropriate, while re-
taining craft unions in others.
One official of the CIO said the
conference this morning received "nu-
merous" requests from federation
unions for information about the
process of obtaining a CIO charter.
Other developments of the day:
1-Harry Bridges, West Coast CIO
director, said the International Long-
shoremen's and Warehousemen's
Union, would approve an "economic
boycott of Japanese goods."
2-The CIO research department
announced the organization had won
(Continued on Page 8)
Women To Help
Band's Varsity
In an effort to make the Michigan
campus Varsity Night conscious to
help the Varsity Band which is spon-
soring the event Oct. 26, the follow-
ing women have been chosen to lead
the ticket sales: Hope Hartwig, '38,
for the League; Harriet Shackleton,
'38, for the Panhellenic Association;
Marion Baxter, '38; Margaret Ferries,
'38; Mary Johnston, '38; and Helen
Douglas, '38.
Men assisting are Jack Thon, '38,
for the Union; Irving Silverman, '38,
for the independent men; and Tuiure
Tenander, '38.
Prof :William D. Revelli of the
School of Music, director of the band,
announced last night that the doors
will open at 7:15 p.m. Tuesday, Oct.
26 and that the Varsity Show will go
on at 8 p.m. Tickets for the affair
are to be 35 cents.
Decision Is Pending
On Budget Slashes
LANSING, Oct. 13.- (AP) -Gov.
Frank Murphy conferred today with
Budget Director Harold D. Smith
concerning tentative reductions in al-
locations for the University and the
Michigan State College.
No announcement of a final deci-
sion regardinresVPtora'tion ofd' rt. f
Contract Sanctity
Is Pledged ByCIO
NLRB Is Criticized
Thrillers, Westerns, Slap-Stick
Listed By Art Cinema League
William S. Hart will ride again in'
"The Last Card," Robert Benchley
will slip through the censors in "The
Sex Life of the Polyp" and Rudolph
Valentino will affect more feminine
hearts in "Monsieur Beaucaire,"
when these and 13 other films appear
during the year in the Art Cinema
League's series of "Some Memorable
American Films," collected and re-
leased by the Museum of Modern Art
in New York.
The series includes five showings,
the first of which will be at 8:13 p.m.
Sunday in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre. This program, on the Wes-
missions to showings, which are in-
tended only for members of cinema
organizations and similar groups. To
meet the expense of bringing the films
here and to make them available to
the greatest number, the Art Cinema
League sells 650 memberships enab-
ling the member to see the series.
"Comedies," to be presented Nov.
14, will include "Gertie the Dino-
saur," "His Bitter Pill," produced by
Mack Sennett, "The Freshman" star-
ring Harold Lloyd, Robert Benchley
in "The Sex Life of the Polyp" and
Walt Disney's "Skeleton Dance."
"Cavalcade" and "The March of
Time No. 2" will be on the Dec. 12