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October 13, 1937 - Image 6

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-13

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,SDAY, OCT. 13, 1937

Green Refuses
do Proposals
For Conference
Declares Action By CIO
Head Insincere; Rejects
Reconciliation Entirely
(Continued from Pate 1
CIO has increased wages and im-
proved working conditions for mil-
lions of workers who were receiving
damnably low wages and working
damnably long hours. ,
"The high salaried officials in con-
trol of the AFL have shown no inter-
est in these workers who are unable
to pay the per capita tax (dues) they
demand to enjoy the benefits of col-
lective bargaining.

Backs Roosevelt

Assails AFL Head

DENVER, Oct. 12.-UP)-Charles P.
Howard, president of the Interna-
tional Typographical Union and CIO
secretary, assailed the American Fed-
eration of Labor's high command to-
day for delaying his seating as an
AFL convention delegate.
Expecting the convention to bar
him permanently, Howard said in a
statement the delay was "added evi-
dence of the 'democracy and majority
rule' about which the president of the
AFL has prated so much but prac-
ticed so little."
Theconvention approvedwithout
a dissenting vote today a resolution
calling upon Congress to enact an,
amendment to the Wagner labor dis-
putes act which would guarantee
workers permission to vote by crafts
in selecting collective bargaining
The amendment would require thel
board to hold elections by craft
in those plants where more than one
craft had members. The present law
leaves such elections to the decision
of the board.
In his criticism of AFL leaders for
the delay in seating him, Howard de-
clared, "to all who sincerely believe
in the practices of democracy, the at-
titude of Mr. Greeni and his clique
in control of the AFL is reprehensible
and cowardly."
"After arbitrarily excluding those
who oppose his policies he hypocrit-
ically extends his arms and shouts:
'Whosoever will may come,'" Howard
Former Dean H. C. Sadler
Declines Naval Position
Prof. Herbert C. Sadler, formerly
dean of the engineering college and
professor of naval architecture, has
declined the offer of a government
committee to analyze plans for pro-
posed Navy battleships, it was an-
nounced by engineering college of-
fice yesterday.
Doctors, under whose care Professor
Saddler has been recently, advised
him not to accept the position which
would require frequent trips to Wash-
ington. '
i ZOO"*

One hundred per cent behind the
President, Arkansas' Gov. Carl E.
Bailey seeks the Senate seat left
vacant by the death of Sen. Joseph
Robinson, former edministration
leader. Backed by the party ma-
chine he faces a revolt in the all-
democratic primary.
Dean Yoakum To Speak
At College Celebration
Alma College will celebrate its 50th
anniversary Thursday and Friday
with Prof. Arthur Holly Compton of
the University of Chicago, Nobel Prize
winner in 1927, as the principal
Other persons that will take part
in the program are Dean Clarence S.
Yoakum of the Graduate School,
President John L. Seaton of Albion
College and President Herbgrt M.
'Moore of Lake Forest College.
Among the alumni of Alma College
are Col. Frank H. Knox, Republican
vice-presidential candidate in 1936,
Dr. Charles Ernest Scott, missionary
to China, and Dr. Lester Sharp, pro-
fessor of botany at Cornell University.
University Council Elects
Kraus, Hopkins To Offices
Dean Edward H. Kraus was chosen
vice-president, and Prof. Louis A.
Hopkins, secretary, of the University
Council. at a meeting Monday in
Angell Hall.
The meeting was for purposes of
organization and no official business
was carried on. Committees are being
chosen this week and will be an-
nounced later.

Collects $4,7281
In Two Weeks
Directors of the Michigan Wolver-
ine, at a meeting yesterday, an-
nounced they had, received a total
revenue of $4,728.57 for the first two-
week period of operation. The cam-
pus cooperative feeds approximately
600 student members.
"From a study of these receipts, it
is apparent that the regular price of
$4.75 for a meal ticket will adequate-
ly meet expenses for the year," Don-
ald R. Murdock, '38, purchasing
agent, explained.
It was announced after the meet-
ing that an attempt to increase the
membership enrollment is under con-
sideration, but that technicalities pre-
vent an immediate announcement,
from the committee.
The board also gave assurance that
loans made by proctors would be met
with accrued interest by Jan. 1940
and that terms of the contract for
the building - would be completed as
John R. Scheibe, '37, chairman of
the board, urged all members who do
not eat regularly at the Wolverine to
return their membership tickets to
the treasurer for a full refund to en-
able students on the waiting list to
Glider Club Makes
Plans At Meeting
The first ieeting of the Michigan
Glider Club for the 1937-38 school
year took place last night in the En-
gineering Building. Over 80 attend-
ed the meeting which was addressed
by Hank Wightman, Grad., Pres., and
Don Alexander, '38, treasurer.
The aims or the club for the com-
ing year were discussed and Wight-
man discussed the records attained
by the club in the past. Movies
were shown of the Midwest Gliding
contest held in Empire, Mich., last
Wightman requests that any stu-
dents interested in joining the club
who were unable to attend the meet-
ing last night contact him or Don
Alexander at 8069.
The first meeting of the year of
ther Interfraternity Council will be
held at 7:30 p.m. today in Room
306 of the Union, according to Bud
Lundahl, '38, president of the Coun-



Required To Place
Business Ad. Grad
It required an average of seven in-
terviews for each of 31 graduates
of the School of Business Administra-
tion to secure positions with indus-
trial firms throughout the world,
Prof. Charles L. Jamison, chief of the
placement bureau, announced yester-
day. Forty-five were graduated.
These figures do not include five
who were placed on the basis of let-
ters of recommendation, but not in-
terviewed. A total of 36 students
were placed.
The teaching profession claimed
two graduates, one in the South, the
other in Detroit. Most of the stu-
dents are now with companies in or
near Detroit. One is in China, and
another has remained in Ann Arbor.
Annual Swim Show
Planned For Nov. 6
Varsity Swim Mentor, Matt Mann
will officially raise the curtain on
the 1937-38 swim season on Saturday
evening, Nov. 6, when he will present
his annual water circus in the Intra-
mural building pool.
Michigan's varsity stars, ineligibles,
and freshmen will tangle in races of
every description, and numerous ex-
hibitions will also be on tap. Coach
Mann has invited many outstanding
swim celebrities and antipicates a
program studded with noted names.
Expected to repeat last year's per-
formance are the Three Dolphinettes,
famous Toronto stunt swimmers.
The meet will be held on the same
night as the football game with the
University o Chicago
Dean Samuel T. Dana of the for-
estry school will attend a meeting
of the National Association of Audu-
bon Society at .New York City, Oct.
First Editions, Fiction, Biogra-
phy, History, Current Problems
Many 10c, 25c, 50c
Fourth and Ann Streets
Chamber of Commerce Bldg.

Harvard Professor
To SpeakOn Spain
Dr. Walter B. Cannon, head of the
Department of Physiology at the
Harvard Medical School, will speak
on his experiences in Spain while
visiting there in 1930 outlining his
reasons for supporting Spanish de-
mocracy at 8:30 p.m. Friday at the
Detroit Institute of Arts.
Sponsored by the Detroit chapter
of the Medical Bureau to Aid Spanish
Democracy of which Dr. Cannon is
national chairman, the meeting will
also hear Dr. Norman Bethune, who
spoke in Ann Arbor recently. Dr.
Bethune is the Canadian surgeon
who established the use of "preserved
blood" for transfusion in Spain.
Critics have called his work the most
outstanding medical achievement in
modern warfare.j
Weekly Labor Classes
Open Tonight At Eight
Classes for workers and students
in the history, theory and practice
of labor unions will begin at 8 p.m.
today in the Unitarian Church, cor-
ner of State and Huron.
The present series of classes will
consist of four meetings lasting one
Anyone interested is eligible to at-
tend the course.
Prof.Arthur D. Moore, of theuEn-
gineering school, who is in Austin,
Texas, attending a Tau Beta Pi, hon-
orary engineering fraternity, will
journey to Fort Worth today to speak
to the University of Michigan Club

Amateur photographers of today
are really fortunate in having such a
wide variety of good cameras to
choose from, Prof. Edward Young of,

the surveying department who con- communicant, divorced for any rea-
ducts a course in fundamentals of son, could remarry within the church.
photography, said yesterday. Advocating adoption of the com-
This abundance of excellent equip- mission's recommendation, the Rev.
ment, he believes, is a result of the Henry Lewis of Ann Arbor, said "We
increased use of cameras in science. must remember that we are mostly
However, there are disadvantages interested in the rehabilitation of
arising because of the trouble that an family life"

I :

ordinary photographer has in select-
ing a camera that will fit his indi-
vidual needs, he continued.
"In spite of the fact that there is
no one camera that will serve .in
every case, the nearest all-around
instrument is a double extension bel-
lows type with a ground-glass focus-
ing back which can be used with both
a film pack and roll film. With a
3.5 lens and a rapid shutter, this cam-
era can be used to take action pic-
tures under adverse lighting condi-
tions," he explained.

Mentioning specifically a member
of his congregation who was divorced
and sought to remarry, Mr. Lewis
added 'all I could say to him was
that he would have to go around the
corner to some Methodist or Pres-
byterian minister and when he had
been remarried, I could receive him
back into the church.
"It seems to me that we are far
behind other Protestant denomina-
tions in not helping rehabilitate fam-
ily life."

A mateur Photo Fan Church Defeats
Benefited By Wide
Variety in CamerasMoT oAt

marriage Law
(Continued from Pa-e 1
be permitted to determine whether a




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