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October 13, 1937 - Image 4

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The Michigan Daily, 1937-10-13

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WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937

_ _

both the workers and the companies are vir-
tually honor-bound, not only to make use of the
established facilities but to abide by the results.
In this last dispute the roads refused at first
to countenance any negotiations, claiming that
bankruptcy would be an inevitable and imme-
diate result of a rise in the operating costs. The
initial proposals by Dr. William Leiserson, mem-
ber of the mediation board, were flatly rejected
and a deadlock appeared unavoidable. With the
cooperation, however, of the railroad workers,
who had implicit faith in the open-mindedness
of their employers, renewed attempts at con-
ciliation were made and a happy result finally
The agreement, effecting conductors, engi-
neers, firemen, trainmen and switchmen, calls for
a wage boost of 44 cents a day-an even break
for trainmen, firemen and switchmen, who with
pay averages of $4.40 a day, were holding out for
a 20 per cent increase. Conductors and engi-
neers, whose pay ranges up to $10 a day, re-
ceived only a five per cent advance.
The victory, then, it is well to remember, was
one of voluntary conciliation under nofmal op-
erations rather than under the abnormal strain
of a shutdown. Plaudits for such a precedent.



Edited and managed by students of the University of
Michigan under the authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Published every morning except Monday during the
University year and Summer Session.
Member of the Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively entitled to the
use for republication of all news dispatches credited to
It or not otherwise credited in this newspaper. All
rights of republication of all other matter herein also
Entered at the Post Office at Ann Arbor, Michigan as
second class mail matter.
'Subscriptions during regular school year by carrier,
$4.00; by mail, $4.50.
Member, Associated Collegiate Press, 1937-38
National AdvertisingService, Inc.
College Publishers Representative
Board of Editors
William Spaller Robert Weeks Irvin Lisagor
Helen Douglas
NIGHT EDITORS:Harold Garn, Joseph Gies, Earl R.
Gilman, Horace Gilmore, S. R. Kleiman, Edward Mag-
dol, Albert May1o, Robert Mitchell, Robert Perlman
and Roy Sizemore.
SPORTS DEPARTMENT: Irvin Lisagor. chairman; Betsy
Anderson, Art Baldauf, Bud Benjamin, Stewart Fitch,
Roy Heath and Ben Moorsteii.
WOMEN'S DEPARTMENT: Helenh Douglas, chairman,
Betty Bonisteel, Ellen Cuthvert, Ruth Frank, Jane B.
Holden, Mary Alice MacKenzie, Phyllis Helen Miner,
Barbara Paterson, Jenny Petersen, Harriet Pomeroy,
Marian Smith, Dorothea Staebler and Virginia Voor-
Business Department
Departmental Managers
Ed Macal, Accounts Manager; Leonard P. Segelman,
Local Advertisig Manager; Philip Buchen, Contracts
Manager; William Newnan, Service Manager; Mar-
shall Sampson, Publications and Classified Advertis-
ing Manager; Richard H. Knowe, National Advertising
and Circulation Manager.
_ _ - 1




Another War
Of Seven Years?# .

RESS REPORTS relayed from
London during the last fortnight
indicate that the Ethiopian war, the end of which
Mussolini proclaimed when Addis Ababa fell, ac-
tually only has undergone a more or less super-
ficial transition from what might be termed the
active to the passive but no less deadly stage.
This change in the character of the war, or
more accurately in the tactics of the Ethiopians,
was the natural result of the loss of their capital,
the defense of which was the purpose of their
strategy during the earlier period of conflict.
Since its fall a year ago they have abandoned
their futile and sanguinary mass attacks in favor
of a guerilla campaign, the historic resort of a
weak and peaceful people against a powerful
A massacre of the entire garrison and Italian
civil population of Makale, one of the largest
and most important cities of the occupied coun-
try is reliably reported to have taken place. Al-
though the almost airtight censorship of Italian
military authorities helps breed lurid and imag-
inative journalism, it is impossible to entirely
discredit the repeated assertions of correspon-
dents that Italians in Ethiopia do not dare ven-
ture out of range of protecting soldiers and forts,
that even the newly constructed European roads
are not safe, and that more Italians have been
killed since the campaign "ended" than during
its progress.
It is an established fact that huge numbers of
"workmen" have been shipped to Africa in the
last year, for the avowed purpose of aiding in
the rebuilding and civilizing of the new Roman
Province. French and English news sources,
however, state that these laborers are actually
soldiers in 'disguise, and that upon arrival in
Ethiopia they are immediately given uniforms
and rifles in place of the dissembling shovels
and workman's blouses. Simultaneously they
are given the choice of shooting or being shot.
The efficient terrorization carried out by
Marshal Graziani, traditional method of con-
querors in occupation, can hardly succeed better
than the same weapon in the hands of past
tyrants, in spite of bombing planes, poison gas,
flame-throwers and other twentieth-century ter-
ror techniques. Given an "easy" conquest like
that of Ethiopia may prove too expensive for the
conqueror when all the costs are counted.
A Better-
W ITH A HERITAGE of intelligent
leadership, organization and will-
ingness to compromise the 250,000 members of
the operating railroad union-oldest in the coun-
try-again demonstrated commendable dispatch
in coming to an agreement with the 86 railroads
with which they were at issue.
The agreement was a notable victory for con-
ciliation and a splendid example from which
capital and labor might well take a few pointers

Letters published in this column should not be
construed as expressing the editorial opinion of The
Daily. Anonymous contributions will .be disregarded.
The names of communicants will, however,rbe regarded
as confidential upon request. Contributors are asked
to be brief, the editors reserving the right to condense
all letters of more than 300 words and to accept or
reject letters upon the criteria of general editorial
importance and interest to the camDus.
The Other Side Again
To the Editor:
Mr. J. Gibb, do I understand from your letter
to the editor that you do not want us students
(shall I write the word in quotes or will you
grant the point?) to take the town home with
Working on the premise that we are most will-
ing to leave what there is of it here and merely
take our "self-centered, overbearing, radical"
selves home, just how long do you think the
words "Ann Arbor" would remain on the map
of the United States? Or do you concede be-
fore I go any further that it wouldn't remain
on the map?
I wonder if you are aware of the percentage
of letters containing checks and money orders
that pour into this town in each and every mail
from every part of the United States and other
continents, as well. The flood of currency con-
stantly, unceasingly streaming into this precious
burg of yours is of unbelievable magnitude, com-
ing from poor and wealthy parents in village,
hamlet and metropolis, alike.
And are you aware that some several thou-
sand Ann Arbor "good citizens" lay awake nights
devising ways and means of parting the student
with his money faster than he is naturally in-
I can just picture Main Street should some
ten thousand students realize that they have
been "taken in" for all they ought to care for,
and decide to take the next train home, leaving
the town in situ, cockeyed streets and all.
I can picture the thriving business your cloth-
ing, drug, and food stores, busses, taxis, news-
stands, soda fountains, etc., ad infinitum, will
carry on should we desert this place.
But perhaps the natives of Ann Arbor would
really like us to leave. There wouldn't be any
crowds in the stores and streets to get in their
way. The theatres would be quiet and there
would be plenty of seats for all. The hundreds
of home-owners who had to crowd "wise-crack-
ing, rattlebrain, drinking" students into their
homes would once again have the use of their
rooms, with the walls built too close together
and a hole in the hallway for a closet, that they
were so adverse to renting out.
Yes, this town would just bloom, a second
New York, if we "spoiled brats" left and let
you build it up the way it should be done.
I can visualize the hordes of tourists, spending
yet more money, pouring into Ann Arbor, sum-
mer and winter, if the University and its stu-
dents were gone.
Just what do you think, Mr. J. Gibb, would
bring them-or anyone within a hundred miles
of here. The drinking water, perhaps?
-Morton Jampel, '41.
She Agrees
To the Editor:
As a reader of the Michigan Daily, I am keenly
interested in the campaign which is being carried
on to clean up Ann Arbor restaurants. Unfor-
tunately, you do not go far enough in the pub-
licity which you are giving to this. A vague
statement that one-fifth of the places under ob-
servation has violated the simplest rules of clean-
liness makes suspect the entire hundred. I have
seen sandwich boys lick their fingers clean of
some morsel and go on to 'the next order, with-
out being conscious of offending the customer.
But until your account in the Daily was published
I must confess I have always hoped that my
sandwich escaped the blighting touch!
Your statement, however that twenty per cent
of the restaurants tested indicated that waiters
and kitchen help do not observe "even elemen-
tary personal sanitation,"-a statement which
is borne out by the fact that a type of organism
ordinarily found only in the human intestinal
tract was found in this group-impels me to ask
you to give your readers the names of at least
these flagrantly offending places. As I have
said, all places are under suspicion until you
eliminate those establishments which make an
effort to be careful.

In spite of your campaign there is still further
need to expose laxness in sanitary regulations.

By Heywood Broun
The world is our house and it must be put in
order. Nor can there be any great delay, because
an age of renovation is upon us. I have been
reading the page proofs of a book about electrons.
The author, Raymond F. Yates, argues with a
high degree of conviction that the real revolu-
tionaries of our day are the research men in the
physical and chemical laboratories.
It is the electron which will make all of us
or most of us slaves. Apparently the electronic
experimenters are on the very threshold of dis-
coveries which will loose energies in quantities
hereto 'undreamed of save in some wellsian
vision of the new world. Norris and the other
great dams would be dwarfed, for I read, "the
atomic energy available in a single glass of
water would be sufficient to supply the needs of
a community of 25,000 for a whole year'."
Death Ray Becomes Reality
It may be argued that this still needs quite a
bit of doing, but the pace of discovery among
the physicists grows faster. Theories may be-
come accomplished facts almost overnight, and,
indeed, already many practical applications of
electronic control are being employed by indus-
try. And the Death Ray, which was once little
more than a good story for a Sunday magazine,
now exists in a miniature. The seal upon the
bottle where the genie dwells has already been
cracked. And once he has been released there
will be no putting him back again into captivity.
But if tonight some scientist finds the answer to
the practcal problems lying between fact and
theory he will do well to keep the secret.
Indeed, if he has a strong social conscience he
may be moved to shoot himself and let the dis-
covery also die. There is knowledge too heady
and far-reaching for the world to handle. The
social and political estate of the world is such
that truth would be corrupted into damnation
for the many and salvation for the few. Surely
it would not be a present boon if means were
found whereby a robot could do the work of ten
thousand men in industry and agriculture. And
such possibilities are no longer fantastic.
S** * *
Natural Forces Belong To All
As Mr. Yates points out, there is no longer any
cogency in the old argument that nen who are
replaced by the machine find 're-employment in
the making of the machine itself. In the new
day it will be a machine which makes the ma-
chine. There are robots to the right of us and
robots to the left of us. The forces of life
can just as easily become the forces of death.
Surely it would be the final tragedy if anybody
put into the hands of Hitler or any of his kind
that knowledge which would make him the mas-
ter of the world. Indeed, the power would be
too great to belong to any individual or private
corporation. Even if the ultimate potentialities
of electronic control are a long way off, it is a
good bet that the industrial aspect of the world
will change more radically in the next twenty-
five years than it has in the last two hundred.
Soon we will talk of the age of the locomotive
as we now talk of the horse and buggy. Natural
forces belong to all mankind. Before the latent
power of the world is loosed we must ourselves
be free.
On The Le-&velr
A roommate is a person who comes to college
with only shoes and underwear, and who looks
around for someone else to pay half his room
rent and lend him enough other clothes to round
out an outfit.
* * * *
And he always succeeds in finding someone
who is lacking shoes and underwear,
* r* * * t
But roommates are usually pretty. consid-

erate when they have your clothes on. If it is
raining out, he will borrow your only rain-
coat to keep the water off your only pressed
* * * *

Gilbert Miller presents TOvARICH
by Jacques DeHal, English text by Ro-
bert E. Sherwood, with Marta Abba
and Rudolph Forster. Staged by Mr.
Miller. Production designed by Ray-
mond Sovey. At the Cass Theatre this
week, matinees today and Saturday.
'Tovarich' Reviewed
COMEDIES that can bear re-seeing
are rare. The reason that To-
tarich stands up so well the third time
through is that it's comedy comes
from its essential situations and
characterizations rather than from
gag lines. Plays like You Can't Take
It With You the second time are like
repeating an old joke. Even if you've
been told the lines or read them in a
review it detracts. But after seeing
this play well done in New York-
let's forget about last spring-and
now on its road tour, one realizes
again how grand it is.l
Everyone that would be at all like-1
ly to be interested must know by
now that the Deval-Sherwood play
is pronounced To-VAR-ich, that that
word means Comrade, that its plot is
Stars In Play

the one about the Russian Prince
and Grand Duchess who become ser-
vants in a French household.
But the plot isn't important. It's
that the treatment is intelligent and
civilized. With Miss Abba blending
so well its high comedy, sentiment,
and drama, and with the generally
excellent Gilbert Miller production,
it is surely one of the vei'y best come-
dies of the last few seasons.
The only change of cast for -the
road is Rudolph Forster for John
Halliday in the part of the Prince-
played here by Charles Romano and
Maury Tuckerman. Mr. Forster is
a bit stolid in the light scenes in the
first act but makes up for it by great-
ly strengthening the serious part of
the last act.
One performance in the production
here last spring was superior Evelyn
Varden's Mme. Dupont, you will re-
member, had graciousness, distinc-
tion, as well as reality. Margaret'
Dale exaggerates her comedy lines
and business in a way to remind us:
of the declining days of the Mid-wes-
tern stock companies of the '20's. And
she offends in this way more than;
she did in New York.
But not much can be said of the
faults of long runs that Shaw did
not say in his article Hamlet Revisit-
ed, reprinted in the Dramatic Opin-
ions and Essays. Everything is a bitt
more pat than it was, there is less!
thought back of the lines. That is,
with everyone except Miss Abba,E
whose performance seems as spon-
taneous as ever. She is a real de-
light and we hope Fascist Italy can I
spare her for a while longer.
Boake Carter, CBS ace commenta-
tor, tells of world affairs at 7:45 via
WJR . . . Calvacade of America pre-
sents the life of William Penn, fam-
ous Quaker founder of Pennsylvania,1
thru WJR and the CBS at 8 tonight
. . . Eddy Duchin takes his band on
the air also at 8 by WJZ's lines-the
vocals by Stanley Worth and Patricia'
Norman . . . Again it's the Cantor
show at 8:30 p.m. Deanna Durbin,
Pinky Tomlin, Jimmy Wallington,
and the Music of Renard make up
the supporting cast-a WJR show.
Andre Kostelanetz offers Dance on
a Dime from Johnny Green's "The
Night Club Suite" on the Chester-
field half hour at 9 via WABC. Deems
Taylor is the m.c., and Nino Martini
sings. . . Walter O'Keefe continues
to be mayor of Town Hall also at 9- 3
WW.T CBS'scrime dama. "ana -


WEDNESDAY, OCT. 13, 1937 the physical education requirements
VOL. XLVIII. No. 15 are asked to sign on the bulletin board
Student Organizations: Officers of! of the Women's Athletic Building and
student organizations are reminded report at Barbour Gymnasium at 4
that only such organizations as are p.m. on Friday, Oct. 15.
approved by the Senate Committee A medical examination for this
on Student Affairs may insert notices semester is essential.
in the Daily Official Bulletin. Until-
Oct. 25 last year's list of approved Physical Education for Women:
organizations will be used, but after Tests in archery, tennis, golf and
that date only such groups as have badminton will be given on Friday,
qualified for approval this year, by Oct. 15 from 2 to 4:30 p.m.
submitting lists of officers to the Students who wish to take tests
Dean of Students, 2 University Hall, should sign at the Women's Athletic
and otherwise complying with the Building by noon on Friday.
Committee's rules, will be allowed to
exercise this privilege. I
Aacademic Notices

Publication in the Bulletin is constructive notice to all members of
lriversaty. Copy received at the sles at the Asdataat to the ProIid..
matR 3:30; 11:00 a.m. an Saturday.

To Deans, Directors, Department
Heads and Others Responsible .for
Payrolls: Kindly call at the Business
Office to approve payrolls for October.
This should be done not later than
October 18. Edna G. Miller,
Payroll Clerk.
Notice: Anyone having Burroughs
adding machine No. 1-162596 please
report to the undersigned.
Herbert G. Watkins,
Assistant Secretary
Department of Mathematics There
will be a meeting of staff members
of the Department of Mathematics
on Wednesday, Oct. 13, at 4:15 p.m.,
in Room 3201 Angell Hall.
College of Literature, Scicnc and
the Arts, School of Music and School
of Education. Students who received
marks of I or X at the close of their
last term of attendance (viz., semes-
ter or summer session) will receive
a grade of E in the course unless this
work is made up by Oct. 27. Students
wishing an extension of time should
file a petition addressed to the ap-
propriate official in their school with
Room 4 U.H. where it will be trans-
Robert L. Williamns,
Asst. Registrar.
Students, College of Literature,
Science and the Arts: No course may
be elected for credit after the end
of the third week. Saturday, Oc-
tober 16, is therefore the last date
on which new elections may be ap-1
proved. The willingness of an indi-
vidual instructor to admit a student
later would not affect the operation
of this rule.
President of Fraternities and Sor-
orities are reminded that chaperon
lists and the membership list for the
first semester are due now , in the
Office of the Dean of Student.
English 35, Section I, will meet in
Room 25 Angell Hall hereafter.
F. W. Peterson.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following California Civil Service
Group supervisor, $110 a month, for
the Ventura School for Girls; appli-
cants must have resided in California
for at least one year prior to the ex-
amination date; age limits are 30 to
50 years.
Bureau of Appointments and
Occupational Information.
The Bureau has received notice of
the following Civil Service Examina-
tions: cottonseed technologist, $3,-
800 a year; Bureau of Agriculture E-
onomics, Department of Agriculture.
Associate geophysicist, $3,200 a
year, and assistant geophysicist, $2,-
600 a year.
Special agricultural economic writ-
er, $3,800 a year; Bureau of Agricul-
tural Economics, Department of Agri-
For further information, please call
at the office, 201 Mason Hall.
University Bureau of Appoint-
ments and Occupational In-
A.A.U.W. Membership: Women in-
terested in joining the American As-
sociation of University Women are
urged to call the memberhsip chair-
men, Mrs. William G. Do\v of the
Major Group (Dial 7187) or Miss
Hannah Lennon of the Junior Group
(Dial 7794).
Institute of the Aeronautical Sci-
ences. It is necessary that all mem-
bersof the Institute fill out member-
ship forms. These forms must be,
sent to the parent organization, thus
entitling the members to a year's
subscription to the Institute journal.
These forms will be placed on the bul-
-letin board in the Aeronautical Engi-
neering department or may be ob-
tained from the officers of the organi-

zation. Members are urged to fill out
the blanks as soon as possible in order
to obtain the forthcoming issues of
the journal.
Women's Athletic Managers Meet-
ing: League houses are asked to send
a representative to the Athletic Man-
agers meeting to be held at the Wom-a
en's Athletic Building on Wednesday,
Oct. 13 at 4:15 p.m.
Mechanical Engineering Seniors:
Any men who would be willing to
feyrl n ,fa.r ,.' mcac-ci c.in_ in nfr-


Examination for those absent in
Psychology 42 will be held in Room
1121, Wednesday, Oct. 13 at 4 p,m.
English 35, Section L will meet in
Room 225 Angell Hall hereafter.
F. W. Peterson.
Social Psychology make-up for
summer school and last semester So-
ciology 147 will be hel don Saturday,
Oct. 16, at 9 a.m., Room 114 Haven
Make-up final examination in So-
ciology 51 will be given Friday after-
noon, Oct. 22 at 2 p.m. Room C, Ha-
ven Hall.
R.O.T.C. Monday and Tuesday sec-
tions in MS 3 will not meet at regular
periods this week. These sections
will assemble in the auditorium of
Natural Science Building att 7:20
p.m., Thursday, Oct. 14.

Carillon Recital: Wilmot F. Pratt,
University Carillonneur, will give a
recital on the Charles Baird Carillon
in the Burton Memorial Tower Thurs-
day evening, Oct. 14, at 7:30 p.m.
Organ Recital: Marcel Dupre, dis-
tinguished French organist, assisted
by his daughter, Marguerite Dupre,
pianist, will give a recital in the Twi-
light Organ Recital Series, Wednes-
day evening, Oct. 13, at 8:30 p.m.,
in Hill Auditorium. Admission is by
ticket. A very limited number are
still available, which will be given
out Wednesday morning free of
charge so long as they last at the
School of Musig business office on
Maynard St.
On account of the large audience
expected, since seatsare not reserved
the public is requested to come suf-
ficiently early as to be seated on
time. The concert will begin at 8:30
sharp, and doors will be closed dur-
ing. numbers. The concert is given
with the compliments of the Univer-
sity Musical Society.
Meetings Today:
Alpha Nu: Chapter Room, 4th floor,
Angell H., 7:30. Talk: Prof. Harold
Dorr "Mr. Black's Appointment to
the Suprem eCourt."
A.S.M.E.: Michigan Union, 7:30,
Talk: Dean Anderson. Refreshments.
Junior A.A.U.W.: Michigan League.
6:15. Dinner followed by talk by
Prof. C. B. Slawson at Minerology
Freshman Glee Club: Room'x 305
Union, 4:30. Full rehearsal and try-
Interfraternity Council: Council
Room, Union, 7:15. House presidents
urged to be present.
Inter Guild Morning Watch:
League Chapel, 7:30. Service in
charge of Lutheran Guild.
Pi Lambda Theta: University Ele-
mentary School, 7:30. Discussion of
future programs.
Dentistry Students: Dental School
Amphitheatre, 4:15. Talk: Col. H.
W. Miller, "Historic Backgrounds of
the Present Civil War in Spain."
Seminar in Physical Chemistry (Cr.
212): Room 12 Chemistry Building,
4:15. Talk: Mr. D. H. Stewart, "Some
Applications of Chemical Methods to
the Study of Natural and Artificially
Prodpced Radio-elements."
Rendezvous Camp, Freshmen: Lane
Hall, 8:30.
Sphinx: Union, 12:00 . Talk: Har-
old Davidson, "The Running Tech-
nique of a Caterpillar."
University Girls' Glee Club: League,
7:15. Regular meeting.
University Radio Club: Room 318
Union, 7:30. All interested in radio
communication invited.
Coming Events:
A.I.E.E.: Morris Hall, Thurs., Oct.
14, 7:15. Talk: Prof. A. H. Lovell,
"T.V.A." Refreshments.
A.I.C.E.: Room 1042 East Engineer-
ing, Thurs., Oct. 14, 7:30. Talk: W.
L. Badger. All Chemical Engineers
invited. Refreshments.
English Journal Club: League, Fri.,
Oct. 15, 4. Talk: Prof. Norman E.
Nelson, "Aristotle's Three Unities."
Dinner following meeting to discuss
future programs.
League Social Committee: League,
Thurs., Oct. 14, 4. Members' atten-
dance compulsory.
Mathematics Journal Club: Room
3201 Angell Hall, Thurs., Oct. 14, 3.
Polonia Literary Circle: League,


I ... -

Qne can always tell a girl's roommate by
clothes she wears, and the girl can always
where her roommate has gone by looking in
own closet to see what is missing.


And if your roomie is a little larger than you,
he can always hold his stomach in while he skins
into your best suit. After that, let the buttons
fly where they will.
After you've roomed with the same fellow
for a year you can begin to see what colors he
doesn't like to wear, and get more clothes in
that color.
But roommates aren't only good for bor-
rowing clothes. They can usually manage
to have an all-night thesis to type out while
you have to catch up on sleep to get up for an
eight o'clock.
Having a roommate is something like being
married. You swear (at each other') to love,
humor, and borrow-for better or for worse-in
sickness and in health-until graduation do you


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